Fact-Finding and Qualifying Questions

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Yellow = Important Notes/Internal Dialogue
TOPIC: Work/Career
1. What do you do for work now?
2. How long have you been doing that?
3. Do you work part time or full time?
4. Do you truly enjoy what you do?
a. If YES: Awesome, what do you like about your work?
i. After they answer what they like, ask: It sounds like you really do enjoy what you do, so
why are you looking into something new? (we want them to admit something here:
typically because they don’t make as much money as they would like)
b. If NO: Ok, so you don’t see yourself doing that for the rest of your life, right? OR Ok, so you
definitely don’t see yourself doing that for the next 10 - 20 years, right?
5. How long have you been looking for something new? OR How long have you been trying to transition
out of what you are currently doing?
a. Why have you not been able to find a way out in the past?

TOPIC: Tried other things in the past

1. Have you tried anything in the past? For example drop shopping or other ways to create more
a. If YES: Awesome, what did you try?
i. After they answer, ask: Ok, how did that go? Were you successful?
1. If NO: Ok, why do you believe you were not successful? Was it the training or
was there no real support or guidance?
2. Understand, thank you for answering, why do you believe this opportunity is
different? (We want them to admit they are open minded, optimistic and not
going to compare this to the previous experience. Just because they failed in
their previous endeavors does not mean they will fail here.)
b. If NO: Ok, what made you take the leap of faith with Mike’s training?
i. Why do you believe Mike is different compared to all the other people you see online?
ii. Are you open minded to learning a new skill set?
2. If you don’t do this, what is your plan to create more income? (We want them to admit they do not
have a plan)
a. If they do have a plan: Ok, so you have a gameplan already, why are you discovering other
paths outside that?
i. Do you feel 100% confident in your current plan?
ii. Where did you get that road map? (We want to see if they are operating off of data
from successful people, because we only use and apply information from people who
do 100 million dollars a year.)
TOPIC: I already am a sales pro OR I already know how to close high ticket deals

1. Awesome! How long have you been in sales?

2. How much are you making annually?
a. If under $100k annually: Ok, have you ever made more than six figures in one year before
from sales? OR What was your biggest year in sales to date?
i. That’s why we train individuals to surpass the six figure mark, are you open to learning
how to do that?
1. We are looking for a yes, but if they say no: Ok, I hear you, let me ask you this,
why did you reach out to Mike for sales training if you are not open minded to
receive Mentorship or help?
2. If they say, explain what we do and how
b. If they make over $100k a year already in sales: It sounds like you are doing well now, I am
curious, why did you reach out to Mike?
i. Are you at a standstill and haven't been able to grow?
ii. Are you looking to do similar results, but work from home?
iii. If they do not want training, then simply ask what they want. Be upfront. We provide
training to help people like yourself get to the next level. Are you open minded to see
how we can help you grow?

Topic: I have never done sales before

1. I understand sales is new for you, so why is this something you have an interest in?
2. Do you like talking to people?
3. Are you a good people person?
4. Do you enjoy helping people?
5. It’s better to come in as a blank canvas, and learn the most successful actions that have worked for
decades. Seasoned sales people, have very bad habits and are often not coachable. Are you a
6. Our fastest growing and most successful students, were all actually brand new to sales.

Topic: Income

1. What is your monthly income goal?

2. How far away are you from that now?
3. Do you manage your finance well?
4. If your income went to $0 now, how long would you be able to survive?

1. You work 40 hours (50 hours, 60 hours, 80 hours) a week, do you have the ability to set aside 1 - 2
hours a day to learn?
a. If YES: Awesome, that’s perfect
b. If NO: SInce you do not have time, how do you plan to actually be able to do something new
or learn a new skill set? OR If time is impossible for you, how do you plan on being able to
actually learn? Regardless of what it is: ecommerce, network marketing, sales. They all
require time and effort.
c. If they are looking for a complete DONE-FOR-YOU opportunity, be real with them: I
understand you want to do something that is just plug and play, not much effort required.
However there are only a couple options for that to actually be real. 1. You win the lottery. 2.
You buy an entire business that is ALREADY successful which requires A LOT of capital,
literally millions depending on how successful and profitable the business is. 3. You purchase
real estate to earn income passively, which also requires A LOT of capital. No matter what you
do outside of corporate America, you have to put in time, resources and effort. Now, the
reason we built this training was so that you can move at an accelerated pace to achieve

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