74 Lifechanging Tops To Improve Your Health and Fitness

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74 Lifechanging Tips to Improve

Your Health and Fitness

From Andrew Huberman PhD, Dr. David Sinclair, Rhonda Patrick, Mind Pump
and Many More


I. Sleep

II. Strength and Fitness

III. Diet

IV. Human Biology

V. I Never Knew That!



1. Sleep is the greatest legal performance
enhancing drug that most people are
probably neglecting” – Dr. Matthew

2. “Men who sleep 5-6 hours a night will

have a level of testosterone 6-10 years
their senior” – Dr. Matthew Walker

3. Two of the best things you can do to

improve your sleep: Go to bed and wake
up at the same time every single day and
cut out alcohol; it destroys sleep
quality – Peter Attia

4. Managing Migraines: Get into a good sleep

cycle, supplement with magnesium, and try
removing gluten, sugar, dairy, and processed
foods from the diet – Dr. Todd LePine

5. Skip the All-Nighters: “Sleep deprivation isn’t

just deprivation of energy or deprivation of
immune function, it’s deprivation of self-induced
therapy every time we go to sleep.” – Dr. Andrew


6. Naps Can Be a Trap: Naps are a double-edged

sword: if you have trouble sleeping, do not nap; if
you sleep well at night napping before 2 pm is
ok – Dr. Matthew Walker


Strength & Fitness

Strength and Fitness

7. “The more you exercise, and the healthier

you are, the less benefit, and potentially
more detriment, you could experience from
metformin” – Peter Attia

8. “If you’re really committed to brain health,

you want to be exercising every
day” – Peter Attia

9. Bulking Up: Start your day with high protein to

front-load the day – eat extra eggs, use leftover
protein from the previous dinner in an omelet.
After 3-4 weeks of bulking, take a few days and
stay at a slight deficit – Mind Pump

10. BMI Is Lazy and Dumb: BMI of 27 at 8% body

fat is a healthier place to be than a BMI of 22 with
a 24% body fat – Peter Attia

11. Good vs. Bad Chiropractors: Bad chiropractor:

Adjusts you on the table week after week which
may give you good relief but isn’t identifying the
root cause. Good Chiropractor: A movement
specialist, will not adjust you but will have you

walk, squat, and get into various positions to
guide you to better movement patterns - Mind

12. Volume + Frequency: Ideal total volume for the

week per body part: is 10-20 sets, the ideal
frequency of training per body part: 2-3 times per
week – Mind Pump

13. The Most Effective Exercise Preparation;

Priming – Prepares the central nervous system to
fire the right muscles (as opposed to warming up
which is just to prevent injury). Priming reduces
injury risk, increases functional range of motion,
improves strength output, and improves overall
performance and efficacy. - Mind Pump

14. Better Shoulders: Focus on rear deltoids,

upright rows, high pull, suspension trainer Ws,
and dumbbell reverse fly – Mind Pump

15. Cold Plunge Guidelines: 54 degrees, 8-10

minutes – ideally post-workout. If you like your
soaks shorter or don’t have time, decrease

temperature down to mid-30s. – Keith
Rabois/Ben Greenfield




16. The immune system lies throughout the body, but

60% of the immune system volume, and 80% of
the work done by the immune system, is done in
the gut lining – Zach Bush, MD

17. Get Those Broccoli Sprouts: Clinical studies

have linked the benefits of sulforaphane to a
variety of chronic diseases such as autism,
aflatoxin toxicity, cancer, air pollution toxicity,
cardiovascular disease, diabetes – and much
more – Dr. Rhonda Patrick

18. What Exactly is Insulin Resistance and Why

Should I Care? The root cause of diabetes, fatty
liver disease, heart disease, and cancer. Almost
everyone who is overweight or obese has insulin
resistance. You can be perfectly asymptomatic
and have insulin resistance - Gerald Shulman,
M.D., Ph.D.

19. Ketosis Starts In The Brain: People enter

ketosis in the brain before the rest of the body.
Ketones improve cognitive performance and brain

function, even in a deprivation state - Lilianne

20. Food Isn’t The Cure, But It’s Where to

Start: But can universally reduce symptoms,
improve lifestyle and mood, and enhance daily
life. 90% of serotonin receptors are in the gut, 70%
of the immune system is in the gut - Dr. Uma
Naidoo, Harvard

21. Most powerful antioxidant foods: - Dr. Lisa

Mosconi, Ph.D. (@dr_mosconi)
(1) coffee – specifically double espresso
(2) berries – 2-3 servings per week (goji berries,
blackberries, mulberries, blueberries)
(3) lemon in hot water first thing in the morning
(4) omega-3’s – stick to SMASH fish – sardines,
mackerels, anchovies, salmon, herring
(5) dark leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables

22. When A Calorie NOT A Calorie: Emulsifiers in

highly processed foods shut down
Cholecystokinin (CCK) and turn off recognition of
satiety – Dr. Andrew Huberman

23. Highly processed foods increase weight gain,
disrupt lining of gut, and disrupt hormonal and
neural systems that increase desire to eat –
Andrew Huberman PhD

24. When Eating Clean Can Leave Your

Lacking: Some “clean” diets can interfere with
thyroid functions by disrupting iodine pathway –
plant-rich hard diets make it challenging to get
enough L-tyrosine; with a carnivore diet it is hard
to get enough iodine – Andrew Huberman, PhD

25. Microbiome Tip: 2-3 servings of fermented foods

per day dramatically reduces inflammatory
cytokines so body heals faster (e.g., kombucha,
kimchi, other fermented foods) - Andrew
Huberman, PhD - Stanford

26. Tips to Curb Sugar Cravings: Increase omega-

3s, amino acids, and in more serious cases – try
1-3 tsp glutamine per day - Dr Andrew
Huberman, Stamford

27. Fasting Effects on Fertility: Reducing food

intake or food calories too much can have negative

effects on the ovulation cycle in women and sperm
count in men because signals in the brain are
looking for good reproductive conditions without
stress - Andrew Huberman PhD

28. Trick Your Brain To Liking a New Healthy

Food: If you want to eat more of something that’s
good for you, pair it with something that will
increase blood sugar (not spike, but elevate
slightly) for 7-10 days to rewire the dopamine
reward system - Dr. Andrew Huberman, PhD

29. Three key nutrients for the brain and body:

(1) sulforaphane; (2) omega-3; (3) vitamin D – Dr.
Rhonda Patrick


Human Biology

Human Biology

30. What Increases Dopamine: Sex doubles

dopamine levels; nicotine increases dopamine
150%, cocaine and amphetamine increase
dopamine approximately 1000%, video games can
release dopamine somewhere between nicotine
and cocaine – Andrew Huberman

31. Good Luck: “You have social statisticians,

scientists, and researchers in lab coats, literally
the best minds of our generation figuring out how
to addict you to the news. And if you fall for it, if
you get addicted. your brain will get
destroyed.” - Naval

32. Why You Might Want to MicroDose: More

effective at work and in the gym, More creative,
Enjoy time with family more than usual, Increase
arousal (not indicated for people suffering
anxiety) – James Fadiman with Sam Harris

33. Mouth Breathing Is Worse Than You Think:

“Breathing is a foundation of health and if you’re
not doing it right, you’re never really going to be

healthy.” Ancient skulls have near-perfect teeth
without braces or corrections needed – James

34. Change Your Breath, Change Your

Heartbeat: To increase heart rate – inhale longer
and/or more vigorous than exhale. To slow heart
rate down – exhale longer and/or more vigorous
than inhale - Dr. Andrew Huberman, Ph.D.

35. Chronic use of anticholinergic drugs (i.e.,

antihistamines, Benadryl, and many sleep
aids) is associated with a dramatically
increased risk for dementia – Max

36. One of the best things you can do to limit

exposure to endocrine-disrupting
chemicals: stop storing/cooking food in
plastic - Max Lugavere

37. Grab ‘Em By The Vagus: In the future, people

will be able to wear headsets that stimulate the
vagus nerve to target particular ailments, with no
pills or medical expenses – Martine Rothblatt

38. You Are What You Smell: Human smell
receptors actually bind to smell molecules so, for a
second, what you’re smelling is actually a part of
you – Harold McGee

39. Drop the Prilosec/Nexium: Associated with

increased food allergies, deficiency in vitamin and
mineral absorption, problems with calcium
absorption, leaky gut, pneumonia, and irritable
bowel syndrome -Dr. Todd LePine

40. 5 Ways To Fight Seasonal Depression: Sunlight,

exercise, consistent sleep, supplement Vitamin D
and fix your diet

41. Steps to Improve Neuroplasticity: Approach

learning in 90-minute blocks, knowing the first 5-
10 minutes will be difficult but improve over time-
our bodies continue the rhythms of our 90-minute
sleep cycles throughout the day – Huberman Lab

42. Alzheimer Genetics: “If you have two copies of

ApoE4, your chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease
increases 12-fold. If you have one copy of ApoE4

your chance of getting Alzheimer’s increase 2-4
fold” – Dr. Hussein Yassine

43. Sorry Pot Lovers: Pot smokers have a higher

rate of development of gynecomastia (male
development of breasts), smoking marijuana
during pregnancy can promote more circulating
estrogen in the body of developing fetus - Dr.
Andrew Huberman, Ph.D.

44. Grow Your Growth Hormone: Lifestyle activities

to increase growth hormone: (1) increase slow
wave/deep sleep; (2) exercise 60-75 minutes – but
not working to failure which increases cortisol; (3)
sauna at 176-210F for 20-30 minutes – increase
growth hormone 16 fold; (4) supplement with
arginine, ornithine, or L-citrulline – Andrew
Huberman, PhD

45. How Dopamine Keeps You Hooked: A

dopamine spike is associated with a subsequent
dopamine deficit where levels fall below baseline
– this is the moment you chase more or ride out
the tough part - Dr. Anna Lembke

46. Manipulate Your Dopamine, Cleverly: Learn to
spike dopamine from effort itself: focusing only on
the reward at the end of effort can undermine the
process, making the process feel more painful and
time feel longer – Dr. Andrew Huberman

47. Stop Taking Melatonin, Use This Instead: Try

a cocktail of: Magnesium threonate or magnesium
bisglycinate at 200-400mg 2-3 hours before sleep;
theanine 200-400mg; apigenin 50mg – Dr.
Andrew Huberman

48. How to Control Your Heart Rate: Anytime your

inhales are longer than your exhales you are
speeding the heart; anytime your inhales are
shorter than your exhales you are slowing down
the heart -Dr. Andrew Huberman

49. Top 3 Ways to Support Nerve Health in the

Short and Long Term: EPA,
phosphatidylserine, choline – Dr. Andrew
Huberman, PhD


Strength & Fitness

I Never Knew That!

50. “Lead a family and your kids the same

way you’d lead an organization or a team.
If you bark orders at your team, they
won’t like you, they won’t respect you,
and they’re not going to carry out those
orders with any sort of commitment.” –

51. Optimize Your Mornings: Get sunlight exposure

first thing in the morning, delay caffeine intake for
two hours to give endogenous hormones a chance,
drink water upon waking, exercise within the first
three hours of waking - Dr. Andrew Huberman,

52. “A Healthy Man Wants Many Things, A Sick

Man Only Wants One”: “Healthcare is the
ultimate inelastic good. On your deathbed, you
will spend any amount of money to live an hour
longer” – Naval Ravikant

53. Boy Brains Are Due To

Estrogen: Masculinization of the brain is
accomplished by estrogen, not testosterone –

testosterone is converted to estrogen by an
enzyme called aromatase (made by body fat and
neurons in the brain). Estrogen sets up masculine
circuitry in the brain, testosterone controls the
display of behaviors later in life - Dr. Andrew
Huberman, Ph.D.

54. Male vs. Female Depression: Men need a

purpose, something they can control, to avoid
depression. Female depression comes from not
feeling loved or feeling useless to the people they
love – Adam Lane Smith @TheBrometheus

55. It’s Not Sympathy Weight Gain: Weight gain in

men with pregnant partners is not sympathy – it’s
due to reduced testosterone and cortisol plus
increased estradiol and prolactin – Dr. Andrew

56. 98.6 Degrees Is Fake News: 98.6 degrees is

supposedly normal but that was decided in the
1800s and is actually false - Radiolab

57. You Are Only as Old as Your Arteries: Blood

flow impacts everything. From cognitive function

to erectile function, and general health - Dr. Brett

58. Going Keto Won’t Help You Grow Muscle: It’s

not impossible – but – it may be tougher to build
muscle on a ketogenic diet because carbohydrates
blunt muscle breakdown – Layne Norton

59. Muscular Endurance Training Protocol: 3-5

sets of 12-100 repetitions (but 12-25 is reasonable
for most people) with a rest period between 30-
180 seconds – Andrew Huberman

60. To Offset Nearsightedness: Get as much

sunlight as you can during the day without
sunglasses; avoid light exposure between 10 pm
and 4 am, be sure to spend time throughout the
day looking off in the distance at farther objects –
Andrew Huberman, PhD

61. Lifestyle Methods to Slow Aging: Fasting (skip

1-2 meals per day), eat more vegetables and less
red meat, exercise, get good quality sleep (quality
more important than quantity) – David Sinclair

62. How To Train Your Dragon Snoz: You can
train yourself to have a better sense of smell by
sniffing deeply through your nose 10-15 times,
then smelling something with a strong scent (such
as an orange or mint) – Andrew Huberman

63. Why Are You Giving Caffeine (via Soda) To

Yours Kids? It is the only drug that we
recreationally give our children – Michael Pollan

64. Fungi is a Closer Ancestor to Humans Than

Plants: Penicillin is a natural antibiotic created
by fungi to defend itself from bacteria. A similar
human application indicates information about
connected ancestry. – Giuliana Furci

65. Well Rested, Well Laid: For every 1 hour of

extra sleep, a woman gets, her interest in sexual
intimacy increases by 14% – Dr. Matthew Walker

66. How to Break Addictive Patterns: Go 30 days

without interaction with a drug, person, alcohol,
social media, gambling, etc. - Dr. Anna Lembke

67. The Fun-Time Paradox: If you experience
something fun (and increases dopamine) it will
feel like it goes by very fast; in retrospect, that
experience will seem like a longer time – Andrew
Huberman, PhD

68. The Kardashians Are Manipulating Kids: The

Kardashians clan are the biggest offenders
because they go out of their way to prove they
never had surgery or implants done. For instance,
Kim Kardashian did a live x-ray to prove she had
no implants, hiding the fact that she had a fat
transfer, which doesn’t show up on x-ray
- @igfamousbydana

69. The World’s Most Lethal Virus: Rabies which

will kill you if you get it; fortunately, it’s slow to
develop and also the only virus that can be
treated after exposure (bite) - Vincent Racaniello,
virologist, immunologist, and microbiologist at
Columbia Un.

70. Anorexia is Very Deadly: Anorexia is the most

dangerous psychiatric disorder with the highest
prevalence of death – Andrew Huberman, PhD

71. Cold Beats Fat: As you age, your fat cells lose
the ability to undergo the process of
thermogenesis which can lead to obesity. -
Intentional cold exposure and mental regulation
can induce thermogenesis without shivering and,
as a result, the burning of more brown
fat – Morozko Forge

72. Wim Hof Breathing: A zero-cost tool shown to

enhance the immune system by releasing
adrenaline and reducing the effects of illness
symptoms. Wim Hof breathing steps: (1) 20-30
deep inhales and exhales through nose; (2) exhale
of all air to empty lungs; (3) hold breath for up to
60 seconds; (4) repeat 2-4 rounds – Andrew
Huberman PhD

73. Your Sense Are All The Same: Location of

sensory input (e.g., eyes, feet, fingertips, etc.)
doesn’t matter, it all becomes electrical signals
flowing in - Andrew Huberman PhD

74. Circadian System: An internal sense of the

earth’s rotation by processing light. Tt affects

everything from sleep and hormones to appetite
and mood - Andrew Huberman PhD


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