Interview Questions - Admin

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Salesforce Admin Basics

• What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a cloud-based platform that provides software and services to

create relevant customer experiences. Starting as Software-as-a-service (SaaS),
Salesforce is based on a multi-tenant architecture that has benefits such as API
Integration, configuration, scalability, free capacity, low-cost ownership,
platform support, and more. Salesforce is one of the best Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) service providers and also provides Artificial Intelligence
(AI) platform for marketing automation, financing, Human resource
management, etc. As a widely used CRM tool, Salesforce benefits both small and
large businesses. It breaks down the organization’s operations and allow the
employees to have a single customer view of various department. All these
services allow a business to use the latest technologies, find potential customers,
and provide a better experience.

• What do you like about Salesforce?

Easy to Use

Salesforce is just as easy to use as the websites you visit every day. You can log in
from anywhere, collaborate with your colleagues, and view and update customer
data whenever you want.

Easy to Customize

Whether you want to add modules, fields, create sales processes or change
workflows, it’s all just a click away with Salesforce Customization.


Salesforce takes flexibility to the next level. You can use it anywhere and at any
time. It has pioneered a secure and sophisticated cloud infrastructure and offers
cloud solutions for Sales, Marketing, Support, and Analytics.

Efficient Reporting

Salesforce offers a powerful suite of reporting tools. These will help save your
time, money and allow you to give your business the attention it deserves. The
reporting facility in Salesforce is customizable, enables contract management
and real-time reports and analytics.

Multitenant Platform
All Salesforce users share the same infrastructure and instance of the software.
This allows for automatic and simultaneous updates for all users on the platform
while keeping their data secure. This means that you’re getting the latest and
greatest features with automatic, seamless upgrades three times a year.

Integration Options

The Salesforce platform has a robust and well-documented open API which
makes virtually any Salesforce integration possible. This lets you map your
business processes onto Salesforce more effectively and boosts productivity.

AppExchange Ecosystem

AppExchange in Salesforce allows you to develop and market your own app or
get access to thousands of useful, secured and verified applications and
integrations built by other users. You can also leverage our Salesforce Glossary to
learn more about it.

Mobile CRM

Salesforce was one of the earliest companies to introduce the concept of mobile
CRM. Now, even if you are on vacation, you can realize the full potential of
Salesforce on your phone.

Customer Success Platform

Salesforce lets you efficiently unify different principal functions of your business
so you can achieve customer success. You can sell, provide service, market,
collaborate, know your customers, and build apps on a single platform.

Diverse Community

The community at Salesforce is always ready to help and support you. They also
provide customization services and help companies gain access to a pool of rich
developer talent.

Non-profit Organizations

Salesforce is not only for businesses but also the right fit for non-profit
organizations. With the Salesforce Philanthropy Cloud, Salesforce is giving back
to the society as non-profits can streamline their operations with it at a much
lower cost.

• What are the different Salesforce editions that are offered to customers?
- There are four primary Salesforce Editions available: Essentials, Professional,
Enterprise, and Unlimited.
• What are Governor Limits?
- Governor limits control how much data a shared database can store. They
help to make sure that no one monopolizes the shared resources like storage,
CPU, and memory. Whenever the Apex code exceeds the limit, it issues a
runtime exception that cannot be handled.

- The following list gives some of the governor limits in Salesforce:

Push notification limits

Per-Transaction Apex limits

Size-Specific Apex limits

Miscellaneous Apex limits

Static Apex limits

Email limits

- Examples of governor limits in Salesforce:

The total number of sendEmail methods permitted is 10.

The total number of records retrieved by a SOQL query is 50,000.

Maximum CPU time on the Salesforce servers is 10,000ms on synchronous Apex.

The total number of callouts (web services calls or HTTP requests) in a

transaction is 100

• What is an App in Salesforce?

- An app is a collection of items that work together to serve a particular
function. Salesforce apps come in two flavors: Classic and Lightning. Classic
apps are created and managed in Salesforce Classic.
• How to get security token in Salesforce?

When you create a Salesforce account, Salesforce sends an email message from with subject: security token confirmation to the
email address associated with the account. This email message contains the Security
Token for the account and is the only place where you can find the Security Token value.
When you change the account password, the security token is also regenerated (so the
previous one expires) and a similar email is sent.

To get the security token for your Salesforce account

1. In the mailbox for the email address associated with the Salesforce account to be
used by the Coveo connector, look for the latest email message received from with subject: security token

2. If you cannot find the latest email with security token, reset the security token:

1. Log in to Salesforce using the Salesforce account to be used by the Coveo


2. In the User Menu, select Setup.

3. In the menu on the left, under Personal Setup, expand My Personal

Information, and then click Reset My Security Token.

4. Follow onscreen instructions.

A new email message will be sent.

3. Open the message, and then copy the Security Token value.

• What is the Fiscal year in Salesforce? Can we set a Custom Fiscal year?

Salesforce can accommodate an organization's unique fiscal year start month.

Fiscal year is used to determine months included in quarterly and annual
forecasts and reports.


The System Administrator can set or change the existing fiscal year start month
by clicking on:

1) Classic UI

Setup | Administer | Company Profile | Fiscal Year, then set values.

1.1) Fiscal Year Start Month - Choose the calendar month which your
organization uses to begin each fiscal year

1.2) Fiscal Year is Based On - Use this field to determine the fiscal year
number choosing either [The Starting Month] or [The Ending Month].
Note: The number of each fiscal year can be determined by the calendar year of
either the beginning or end of your fiscal year.

2) Lightning UI

Setup | Company Settings | Calendar Settings | Fiscal Year

From here, you can control and define custom fiscal years to match your
company's financial planning requirements. There are two options:
2.1) Standard Fiscal Year - Follows the Gregorian calendar year, but starts on the
first day of any month you choose.

2.2) Custom Fiscal Year - Follows a custom structure you define. For example,
you could have 4 quarters with 13 weeks per quarter in a 4-4-5 pattern or 13
periods per year.

So, for example if your fiscal year is Sept-August the fiscal year beginning Sept,
2008 will end Aug, 2009 (calendar months).

Note: You can either have that be FY2008 (per calendar year of first month)
or FY2009 (based on calendar year of ending month).

WARNING: User Quotas will be deleted whenever fiscal year is changed. You may
want to run a Quota report prior to changing this since users or the admin will
have to manually renter the values.

• How to delete users in Salesforce?

- While you can't completely delete a user, you can deactivate a user's account
so they can't log in to Salesforce.
• Which fields are Indexed by default in Salesforce?
The platform maintains indexes on the following fields for most objects.

 RecordTypeId
 Division
 CreatedDate
 Systemmodstamp (LastModifiedDate)
 Name
 Email (for contacts and leads)
 Foreign key relationships (lookups and master-detail)
 The unique Salesforce record ID, which is the primary key for each object

Salesforce also supports custom indexes on custom fields, except for multi-select
picklists, text areas (long), text areas (rich), non-deterministic formula fields, and
encrypted text fields.

External IDs cause an index to be created on that field. The query optimizer then
considers those fields.

You can create External IDs only on the following fields.

 Auto Number
 Email
 Number
 Text
• Which fields are called Audit fields?
Audit Fields in Salesforce are special fields that track information about your
records that can be valuable for audit purposes. Typically, these fields include:
CreatedByID. CreatedDate
• Define Company Profile?
Salesforce profile is a set of settings and permissions provided to specific
Salesforce users that define the extent of their actions on the platform. A profile
in Salesforce determines the way in which users can access objects and data to
perform specific business processes.
• What is the name of the latest release received from Salesforce? Explain
any three new features which you liked from the last salesforce release.
- Winter 23 release oct 5 - 26

Data Modelling & Relationships

• What is an object and its types?

Objects are database tables that allow us to store data specific to the
organization in salesforce.

Two types of objects in Salesforce. They are.

1. Standard Objects: The objects provided by is called standard

objects. Examples of standard objects are accounts, contacts, opportunities,
Leads, products, campaigns, cases, users, contracts, Report, and dashboards, etc.

2. Custom Object: The objects created by us are called custom objects. Custom
objects store information that is unique and important to your
organization. Custom objects are the heart of any application. Custom objects
provide a structure for sharing data.

• Name any 5 standard objects? – Account, Contact, Case, Lead, Opportunity

• How many types of relationships do we have in Salesforce?
- Lookup, Master Detail, Many to Many, Self, External, Hierarchical
• How to create a Roll-up summary field on Lookup relationships?
- A roll-up summary field is one that aggregates data from a child object to a
parent object that share a Master-Detail relationship. Roll-up summary fields
can use the COUNT, SUM, MIN and MAX functions

There are 4 ways one can work around this:

- An AppExchange App
- A Flow
- Apex Triggers
- Reporting

• What is the difference between Master-detail and Lookup relationship?

Master-Detail Relationship:

 It is a tightly coupled record that has a direct dependency between the two
objects. It can also be described as a parent-child relationship.
 The record of detail cannot be created without a master.
 The sharing rules are inherited from the master to the detail record.
 We cannot update the relationship to the master in a master-detail relationship.
 The number of master-detail relationships that can be used is limited to 2.
 Master-detail relationships are automatically included in report record types.
 We also cannot set the profile object permissions for the record of detail.
 If a master record is deleted then the record of its detail also gets deleted along
with it, that is, it implements cascade delete.
Roll-Up Summary can be created on a master detail.

Lookup Relationship:

 This type of relationship can be used when we just need to have the relationship
between two objects but not a direct dependency on each other.
 This is a loosely coupled relationship.
 These are used to reference commonly shared data, such as reference data.
 The maximum number of lookup relationships in a field can be 40.
 They are used to link two objects together when we do not want to have the
behaviour of the master-detail like sharing rules, profile permissions, and
cascade delete.
 Lookups are used when we need to relate multiple ‘parents’ to the record of
 Deletion of the parent just deletes the related field in the child but not the whole
 This type of relationship is also like a one-to-many relationship.

• How to convert a lookup relationship to Master-Detail relationship?

To convert lookup to the master-detail relationship you need to give parent
records on all child records. Then only you can convert a lookup relationship to a
master-detail relationship if the lookup field in all the records contains a value.
• Can we create Master-Detail relationship on existing records?r
Yes, It, is possible to create Master-Detail Relationship on existing record. First
we have to create Look-Up relationship to a record then convert it to master-
Detail Relationship
• What is a Many-to-many relationship?
A many-to-many relationship allows each record of one object to be linked to
multiple records from another object and vice versa.
• What is External lookup?
An external lookup relationship links a child standard, custom, or external object
to a parent external object. The values of the standard External ID field on the
parent external object are matched against the values of the external lookup
relationship field. An external lookup relationship links a child standard, custom,
or external object to a parent external object. The values of the standard External
ID field on the parent external object are matched against the values of the
external lookup relationship field.
• What is the Global picklist set and Local picklist?
Picklists are fields and global picklists are value sets. While picklist fields are
created on individual objects, global picklists are created from the Picklist Value
Sets option in Setup (Setup > Search in Quick Find Box “Picklist” > Select “Picklist
Value Sets”).
• How can you define Field dependency? Which field can be a controlling
Controlling Field is an important part of Field Dependencies, a feature that lets
users filter picklist field values depending on another field's contents. You can
use any custom or standard picklist with less than 300 values, or any checkbox
field within a single record as a controlling field. A dependent picklist is a custom
or multi-select picklist for which the valid values depend on the value of another
field, called the controlling field . Controlling fields can be any picklist (with at
least one and fewer than 300 values) or checkbox field on the same record.
• How many fields can be tracked on an Object? 20
• How many ways are there to make a field mandatory?
1. Make the field “Required” at the time of field creation by checking the
“Required” check box.
2. Make the field Required through Page Layout by checking the “Required”
checkbook in Field Properties.
3. Validation Rules can also be used to make the field mandatory. In Error
Condition Formula, one can use ISBLANK(“FieldName”);.
4. Triggers can be used to make field mandatory. Ex. If a user tries to insert the
record without the field which is required, we can throw the page massage
specifying to fill up required fields. (Using Trigger.addError()).
5. One can make field mandatory through Visualforce. (If the field is getting
referenced) by setting the required attribute in <apex: inoutField> to True.

Sharing and Security

• How many ways are there to share records with users?
What are the different levels of data access defined in Salesforce?
Level of Data Access in Salesforce(Object Level, field Level and Record Level)
• What is OWD (Organization-wide defaults)?
Organization wide Defaults in salesforce. Organization wide Defaults define the
baseline level of access to data records for all users in an organization.
Organization wide Defaults are used to restrict access to data(Records).
Organization wide Defaults(ro) can be defined for Standard Objects and Custom
• How can you change the setting “Grant Access Using Hierarchies” for
Standard Object?
To control sharing access using hierarchies for any custom object, from Setup, in
the Quick Find box, enter Sharing Settings , then select Sharing Settings. Next,
click Edit in the Organization Wide Defaults section. The Grant Access Using
Hierarchies is enabled for most standard objects, but not all of them.
• What is Role Hierarchy?
A role hierarchy works together with sharing settings to determine the levels of
access users have to your Salesforce data. Users can access the data of all the
users directly below them in the hierarchy.
• What is the difference between role and profile?
Roles provide access to records visibility for the users. Profiles provide access
control of CRED(create, read, edit, delete) records of the users. It is basically a
record level access. It is basically an object and field level access
• What is Sharing rule?
Sharing rules can be based on who owns the record or on the values of fields in
the record. For example, use sharing rules to extend sharing access to users in
public groups or roles. As with role hierarchies, sharing rules can never be
stricter than your org-wide default settings.
• What is Manual Sharing?
Manual sharing gives other users access to certain types of records, including
accounts, contacts, and leads.
• What is Permission Set?
A permission set is a collection of settings and permissions that give users access
to various tools and functions. Permission sets extend users' functional access
without changing their profiles.
• What is Login IP ranges and Login Hours? Provide steps to add login hours
restrictions for users.

Login hours are set in an organization to restrict the users who tries to login
before or after login hours.
To set login hours in an organization go to Setup=>Administration=>Manage

IP ranges are used to restrict any login attempt is done from unknown IP
addresses. Usually, organizations maintain login IP ranges.
To set Login IP ranges in salesforce go to Setup=>Administration
Setup=>Manage Users=> Profiles.

• Is it possible to create a Sharing Rule on Detail Objects?

Yes you can create sharing rule on detail side of the object. Child objects don't
have a share-record of their own and will be shared along with the master
record. In case of Lookup: Child objects can have their own sharing access level
and ownership.
• Can we use sharing rule to restrict users to view set of records?
Sharing rules, like role hierarchies, are only used to give more users access to
records—they can't be stricter than your organization-wide default settings.
Sometimes it's impossible to define a consistent group of users who need access
to a particular set of records.
• What is Public Group?
Salesforce Knowledge uses public groups as a way to assign users to specific
tasks related to articles. When you assign article actions to a public group, you
can grant users in that group the ability to do things like publish articles with a
specified validation status.
• What is Queue?
Salesforce Queues allow users to prioritize, distribute, and assign records – ideal
for teams that share workloads. Queues bring together groups of users to help
manage shared workloads, while increasing visibility into what needs to be done
(even if team members are out sick or on vacation).

Process Automation
• What is workflow? What types of actions can one perform through
Workflow lets you automate standard internal procedures and processes to save
time across your org. A workflow rule is the main container for a set of workflow
instructions. These instructions can always be summed up in an if/then

Actions in workflow rules are of 2 types based on when they are executed:

1. Immediate Actions:

These actions are executed immediately when the criteria for a rule is met.

2. Time-Triggered Actions:

These actions execute at a specific time which is specified when creating this type of

In these types of actions when the date or time comes on which the action needs to be
executed, it again verifies that the record is still meeting the criteria or not. If yes then it
executes the respective action otherwise not.

There are 4 actions which can be specified in a workflow rule:

1. Email Alert:

It sends automated emails using an email template.

Salesforce provides functionality to create email templates that can be used to send

There are 4 types of E-mail templates:

a. Text:

All users can create or change text email templates.

b. HTML with letterhead:

Administrators and Users with “Edit HTML Templates” permission can create HTML
email templates based on a letterhead.

c. Custom HTML:

Administrators and users with “Edit HTML Templates” permission can create HTML
email templates without using a letterhead.
d. Visualforce:

Administrators & Developers can create templates using Visualforce. Visualforce email
templates allow for advanced merging with a recipient’s data where the content of a
template can contain information from multiple records.

Email templates are stored in folders. There are 2 folders already present in every
Salesforce org:

Unified public Email Templates

Email Templates in this folder are available to every user in the organization.

My Email Templates

This folder stores the email templates which are used personally by a particular user.


If another object’s field is added in an email template, then it will be left blank as
workflows only have access to the object for which it is applied.

2. Field Update:

Field updates allow automatic change of a field value on the record that initially
triggered the workflow rule. If “Re-evaluate Workflow Rules after Field Change” is
enabled for a field update action then Salesforce re-evaluates all workflow rules on the
object if the field update results in a change to the value of the field.

Only workflow rules that didn’t fire before will be retriggered. Cross Object field
updates are also available for changing the values of fields on a related master record.
But it is not available when re-evaluation is checked.

3. Tasks:

It simply assigns a task to a single user, owner, or a role. We can also make sure that a
notification email is sent to the assignee when a task is automatically assigned. Tasks
should be assigned to roles if they have only one user assigned to that role. If there are
more than one user assigned to that role then the task automatically gets assigned to the
owner of the workflow rule Users who triggered the workflow rule.

4. Outbound Message:

An outbound message sends particular information to a designated endpoint such as an

external service. These types of messages can be listened to using a SOAP API.

All the above actions can be used as an immediate action as well as time trigger actions.
Time-triggered actions which are already triggered are visible in Time Based Workflow
Administrators can also set default workflow users. Default Workflow users are the
users that will be visible when the user that triggered the rule is not active.

• What is going to happen with Workflow and Process Builder?

Salesforce announced in late 2021 that they intend to retire both Workflow
Rules and Process Builder and encourage customers to move to Salesforce Flow.
“We plan to begin blocking the ability to create new processes and workflows in
Winter '23, pending successful migrations and community input.

A flow is the part of Salesforce Flow that collects data and performs actions in
your Salesforce org or an external system. Salesforce Flow provides two types of
flows: screen flows and auto launched flows. To automate a business process
that collects data from people, use a screen flow.
• What is the limitation we have with time dependent workflow?
The limitations of Time-dependent workflow in Salesforce: Time triggers don't
support minutes or seconds. Time triggers can't reference the following: DATE or
DATETIME fields containing automatically derived functions, such as TODAY or
• How can you define the Approval Process in Salesforce?
An approval process is an automated process that approves records in
Salesforce. When you build an approval process, you specify the steps necessary
for approval. A given step can apply to all records or just records with certain
• Explain Assignment Rule?
Assignment rules automate your organization's lead generation and support
processes. Use lead assignment rules to specify how leads are assigned to users
or queues. Use case assignment rules to determine how cases are assigned to
users or put into queues.
• Explain Escalation Rule?
Escalation actions specify when the case escalates and what happens when the
case escalates. An escalation rule can reassign the case to another support agent
(user) or support queue (queue). An escalation rule also can send notification
emails to the new assignee, to the current case owner, and to other recipients.
• Explain Auto-Response Rule?
Auto-response rules let you automatically send email responses to lead or case
submissions based on the record's attributes. For example, you can send an
automatic reply to customers to let them know someone at your company
received their inquiry.
• What is Flow? Tell more about its types?
The flows in Salesforce are an automated application that captures all data and
performs the necessary actions in the system. Flows are the strongest weapon of
an admin in Salesforce. The Salesforce flow simplifies complex business
processes using click, not code.

There are 5 types of Salesforce Flows.

a. Screen flows
b. Schedule-triggered flows
c. Auto launched flows
d. Record-triggered flows
e. Platform Event-triggered flow

1. Screen Flow

It can be called using a button or an action or displayed in a Lightning Page or the Utility
Bar. It appears as a screen for the user to interact with. Screen flow cannot be
automatically triggered.

2. Record Triggered Flow

It begins when a record is created or updated. Its functionality is similar to Process


3. Auto launched Flow

These can be called Apex, Process Builder, or another Flow. They can perform actions
automatically behind the scenes.

4. Scheduled Triggered Flow

It runs automatically on a recurring schedule. It is helpful for jobs performed frequently

or on a schedule (once, daily, weekly).

5. Platform Event-triggered Flows

These are called when a platform event is received.

• What is Flow Builder?

The flow builder is used to perform tasks without knowing the programming
language. For example, flow builders can automate processes that need
creating/updating unrelated records, querying multiple objects, or running loops
on the data. Flow builders can also access external systems. Flows can be further
extended by adding Apex actions.
• What are the building blocks of flows?
Flows use three building blocks: elements, connectors, and resources.
• Are Flows supported in all editions of Salesforce?
Workflows are available in Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer
Editions. Workflows for Professional Edition are available as a paid add-on
though (needs to be requested with Support).
• What happens if a user navigates back to the previous screen while filling
out values on a multi-screen flow?
Create a Screen flow with some input fields on the Screen-1. Assign value to a
variable based on the inputs on the screen-1. It could be any data type. Now
navigate to the next Screen-2 and click "Previous" button to return first screen.
Observe that the variable loses its value assigned to it via input screen. Although
input screen might still retain those values.

In another scenario, save values from input screen-1 into a variable and perform
DB operation to insert/update a record and display screen-2 with record values.
Now navigate to previous flow screen by clicking "Previous" button. Although DB
operation is complete and record is inserted/updated. Observe that the variable
which was assigned values from screen-1 goes NULL. This may cause problem if
we use it in a decision element to check whether the record in the first step was
already created/updated or not while moving forward again.

This is working as designed. To avoid this situation, we may follow one of the
workarounds listed below:

1. Disable navigation to previous screen and create one way flow to loop back to
the first screen based on required conditions using another screen. This way
value of variable will be preserved.
2. Hold value of variables until last step of the flow to avoid any duplicate DB
3. Use "Get Records" element if possible and reassign existing record or value to the
same variable before decision element so as to avoid any duplicate DB operation
while moving forward second time.

• Can we add flows to change sets or add to manage/unmanaged packages?

Flows can be included in both managed and unmanaged packages. You can only
package active flows. The active version of the flow is determined when you click
to upload a package version. The upload fails if there aren't any active versions of
the flow.
• Can you explain what the Assign Element is used for in a Flow?
Assignment Element

It is used to interact with records and resources within the flow by changing,
adding, or subtracting the values of variables and fields. This is very useful for
setting or changing record values before creating or updating them, and for using
variables to perform logical functions.
• How can you implement decision making and branching within a Flow?
Can you explain what Decision elements are used for in a Flow?
Evaluate a set of conditions, and route users through the flow based on the
outcomes of those conditions. This element performs the equivalent of an if-then
• What types of loops can you define in a Flow?
What are Loops in the context of Salesforce flows? When should they be
A loop uses a loop variable to store the values for the current item in the
collection. When the loop finishes examining an item, it copies the field values for
the next item into the loop variable. To reference each collection item in
elements along the loop path, use the loop variable.
• What are the different options available to users to launch the flows?
What are the flow resources?
Any screen component that you add to a flow is available as a resource. The
resource value depends on the type of screen component. The value for a Text
component is what the user enters. The value for a Picklist component is the
stored value of the choice that the user selects.

Data Management

• Explain the use of a Data Loader?

Data Loader is a client application for the bulk import or export of data. Use it to
insert, update, delete, or export Salesforce records. When importing data, Data
Loader reads, extracts, and loads data from comma-separated values (CSV) files
or from a database connection. When exporting data, it outputs CSV files.
• What are the different actions that can be made using Data Loader?
Actions Description
Insert Used to create a record
Update Used to update or edit any record
Upsert Used to create or edit a record
Delete Used to delete a record
Hard Delete Used to permanently delete a record
Export Used to export records (excluding recycle bin’s data)
Export All Used to export records (including recycle bin’s data)

• What is UPSERT?
upsert() Creates new records and updates existing records; uses a custom field
to determine the presence of existing records.
• Can we delete records using Data Loader?
Use the Data Loader wizards to add, modify, or delete records. The upsert wizard
combines inserting and updating a record. If a record in your file matches an
existing record, the existing record is updated with the values in your file.
• What are the things to consider before importing/updating data in multi-
picklist pick?
Can I import data in a custom object using Import Wizard?
The Data Import Wizard makes it easy to import data for many standard
Salesforce objects, including accounts, contacts, leads, solutions, campaign
members, and person accounts. You can also import data for custom objects. You
can import up to 50,000 records at a time.

• What are Salesforce Reports?
• How many types of reports can we create in Salesforce?
• What are Tabular, Summery, and Matrix reports?
• What is a Joined Report?
• How many blocks can we add to the Joined report?
• What is a Bucket field? Which field types are allowed for bucketing?
• What is Conditional Highlighting in Salesforce?
• What is Dashboard?
• How many reports can be added to one dashboard?
• What is Custom Report type?
• What is Dynamic Dashboard?
• What is Bucket field?
• Can we schedule a Dynamic Dashboard?
• How to enable floating report header? Explain uses of floating report
• Analytical
• Snapshot

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