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DIDO AND ANEAS, A TRAGIC OPERA, IN THREE ACTS, WRITTEN BY NAHUM TATE: COMPOSED BY HENRY PURCELL. Dramatis Personac, ‘TREBLES. DIDO, or ELISSA, Queen of Carthage, Seconp Arrenpaxt. Finsr Wiren. Szconp Wiror. Semmsr. ALTO. ANNA, Sister of Divo. AGNEAS, a Trojan Pr Fins Arrenpanr. Sanon. BASS. Sonceness. CHORUS, Cantiacinian Counrtens and Pxorne, ‘Trosan Wanniors. Howrers. ‘Manuxers and their Nystpus. ‘Wino Sisrens. SCENE—Carthage and its vicinity, ACT I. SCENE. ‘The Roynl Palace in Carthage, Dido ascoveredreetining ; Anna by her side. Attendants and sume- rows Courtiors, male and female, surround then. SONG—Arsa—and CHORUS, Anna, Shake the cloud from off your brow, Fate your wishes doth allow s ‘Empire growing, Pleasures flowing, Fortune smiles and so should you. Chorus. Banish sorrow, banish care, Grief should ne'er approach the fair, SONG—Divo, Ah! my Anna, Tam press’ With torment not to be express'ds Peace and I are strangers grawn ; 1 languish tll my grief is known, Yet would not have it guess’d. RECITATIVE, Anna. Grief increases by concealing. Dido. Mine admits of no revealing, Anna. "Then let me speak—the Trojan gu Into your tender thoughts has pres ‘The greatest blessing Fate can Our Carthage to secure and ‘Troy revive, cones When monarchs unite, How happy thie sate! ‘they triumph at once O'er thee faen and thelr fe! nee AVE. Dido, Whence could s0 much virtue spring? ‘What storms, what battles did he sing! Anchises? valour mixed with Venns! charms— How soft in pews, and yet how force iv arms! Ants tale 60 strong, $0 full of woe, Might mele the rocks as ell ag yous What stubborn heart, unmoved, eould see uel distress, such piety! Mine, with storms of eare oppress’, ‘And taught to pity the distress’, ‘Mean serotches? grief ean toue So soft, so sensible my breast— But, ah! T fear I pity him too much, Dido, DUET, —Awwa and Fine? Armavoas—and CHORUS. dns ent Pear no danger ens, dattnd.} he hr loves nel you get ever lng, And the ease eb pit ew your ah vith overs Gale fom Bhan bowers Chora, Fea danger ene, ‘he her oes a el you api sty yon pa ith Hors Gather fm Hiyin bows Reerra Ama See your royal guest appears — row godlike is Uhe foem he boars 1 ter Enea with ‘Trojan Soldies, Adncas, When, royal fui, shall ¥ be bless? With emes of love nl state distress'd— Ditto. Pate forbids what you pursue, Aineas, ‘Bens hs. o Bale but yous Let Dido smite, and 1M dey ‘The feeble stroke of destiny. cHonws, Cupid onty throws the dart ‘That's dread to x wartiw’s heart, Anal he that wounds ean only eure the smart. RECITATIVE, Aineas. UW not for mine, for empire's sike, Some pity ow your lover takes ANI make noi in a hopeless fre, A hero fall, and Troy once more expire, AIA Parsue thy conquest, Lov Confess the flame her tongue denies. cHonus. ‘Vo the bills and the vales, "Pa the rocks and the mounteins, "To the musical groves -hnd the cool shady fountains, Let the triumphs of Love And of Beauty be shown! Go, revel, ye Cupids, ‘The day is your own. ACT SCENE I. ‘A wild and desolate place in the Tan of Plate, A Soreeees discovered performing er Spell ucrrarive, Sorceress, Weird sisters! you that fight ‘The lonely traveller by nights ‘Who, like dismal ravens crying, Beat the windows of the dying, Appear at my eal ‘And share in the fame (OF a mischief shall make All Carthage flame “Appear! appenr ! appear ! Thar. First Witeh, Say, heldame, say, What is thy will? Enter Witehes ond Weed Sister, cuonus. Harms our delight, And mischief all ur skill, RECITATIVE. Sorceress. The Queen of Carthage, whom we hate, As we do all in prosperous state, [Ere sunset shall most wrretchod prove, Deprived of fame aid life and love. cuonts. Ho, ho, ho! ho, ho, ho! RECIEATIVE, Fiv.dSee.| Ruin’ ore the set of sun ! Witches. J Yell us how shall this be done? Sorceress, The Trojan prince, you know, is bound By Fate to seek the Latin ground "Phe qucen and he nre now in chase. Hunting asi a distane. Fist 17, Wark! the ery comes on apace. Sorceress. But, when they’ve done, may trusty elf, In form of Mercury himself As sont from Jove, shall chide his stay, And charge him sail tonight with all h Honus, Ho, ho. ho! hay hoy ho # DUBY—Pinor and Steowo Waren, But, ore we this perform, We'll conjure for a storm ‘To mer their hustiug sport, And drive them back to cox, crows. 1 our deep vaulted call ‘The charm we "ll prepares ‘Poo dreadful a practice Bor thi open air. ‘Phanier. Beu SCENE 1). ‘he plein of Garzia, with Dine's Fount intr Ana etd Conries,hbited forthe cr SONG Amea—sul CHORUS. ‘Thanks to these lonesome vals, ‘Theso desert hills and daes, So fiir the game, so tigh the sport, Dinna’s sel might to these woods resort. SONO-—Secon AreewoAs Of he visits thia lov (Of: she bates her in Us fountain Hore Act:won met his ite, Parsued by his own hounds Anul after mortal wounds Discover'l too lete, ave Acton met his fle. Bator Avene, Dido an? Hostess, at from the vhase su familie o's he 5 Borne npn ape screarty Areas, Behold, upon any bending spear, ‘A monster's head stands bleeding, With tushes fir exeouding ‘Those that did Venus? huntaman tear! ‘The skies are clouded. hender-] Hark! how Huunder Rend the mountain eaks asunder! Dito, SONG—Assa—ani CHORUS, Haste to town! this open fiold No shelter from the storm ean yield Haste, haste, haste! Bae. SCENE MI. ‘Tre neighnaurhowl of Carthage, sith cietnt ve of the 30, Baler HBneaa pusing lawarde the city. A Spit appevrs, suddnly facerrapting he progres, REerEATIV Spirit. Stay, prince, and hear great Jore's eommand— Me summons thee this ‘Tonight thon mast forse this howd, ‘Phe angry Gate will book no lange stay— Tove connate thee waste 9 more In Love's delights those precious hours ‘Allow'd by the limighty powers Vo get the Latin shone, And raja’ Troy eestore. Areas. Fove's command wast be obey"d, ‘Yonight onr anchors shall be weigh? Brit ves, The Sprit dienpiract, SCENE IY, ont of Cethnge, wth dhe Act of nent at who Enter e Sailor with several Masinrn ad their Byam, O84 Come aveay, fellowesailes, oane aw ‘Your anchors be weighing, ‘Pie and te will ada uo delaying. ‘Wake a bowsey short leave of youu nymphs ov the shore, And silence dheir mouning With vows of rotnning, ‘Though wever intending to visit thom more. Come avay, fellows come assay ? jeand CHORUS, DANCE, of Mataoes and tee Nap act Tt “The Band of Patan, wx Were, tr the Severed, he two Wisi wa Wet Sits wECrrATIE. | Soreeress. Seo, Une logs and streamers euing, Anchors weighing, sly unfining) FirsLWiteh, Phosbus? pale deluding bears Gliding o'er doccitful ceond Fiteh. Ou plot hs took, “The Queen forsook: lissa’s ruin’! Ho, ho, ho! | FiratssSeeny Our plot has took, Witehes. [Whe Queen’s forsook 1 Disea's rain’! Ho, ho, ho! ! SONG —Funce Waren, ur nest motion ‘Must be to stor her lover on the aces rom the ruin of others . Our pleasures ee horror: Bisca Uleeds tonight, And Carthage fares toinoreow ? Enter Dilo divconsolate. Dido. Anna, Anes. Dido. Aineas. Dito. cuonus. Destruction’s our delight, Delight our greatest sorrow 5 Elissa bleeds tonight, ‘And Carthage flames tomorrow! Ho, ho, ho! Ho, ho, ho! ‘Thunder, Brrewnt, SCENE LU. ein the Royal Palace ; through the eolonnade the seen, and a funeral pile rend to be lighted, Anna follows her, offering consolation. Courtiors and Attendants, RECITATIVE. ‘Your counsel all is urged in vain, ‘Yo earth and heaven I will complains ‘Vo earth and heaven why do I call? Borth and heaven conspire my fall. ‘To Fate 1 sne, of other menns bereft, ‘The only refinge for the wretched left. See, sister, where the prince appears; Such ‘As should convince you still he’s true. rrow in his look he bears Finter Sbnens and Trojans. ‘What shall lost news do? How, royal fais, shall 1 impart "Phe Gods’ decree, and tell you we must ‘hus, on the fital bank of Nite, Weeps the deceitful eroevdile ; ‘Thus, hypocrites, that murder act, ‘Make Heaven and Gods the authors of the thet. By all that’s good— By all that ’s good, no more! All that ’s good you have forswore 5 ‘Yo your promised empire fly, And let forsuken Dido die. Dido. Aineas. Let Jove say what he please, T Dido. Finca Dido. Dido. Aeneas, In spite of Jove’s commands I'll stay, Offend the Gods, and love obey. No, faithless man! thy course pursue, I'm now resolved as well as you No repentance shall reclaim ‘The injured Dido's slighted flame; For ’tis enough, whate'er you now deere, ‘That you had once a thought of leaving me. I stay. No, no! away, away ! Till stay, and love obey, No, no! to death 1 ll fly if longer you delay ; Away, away! (repulsing hin.) Beant Aineas and ‘Trojans. But death, alas | I cannot shun, Death must come when he is gone. cHorus. Great minds against themselves conspire, And shun the cure they most desire. RECITATIVE, ‘Thy hand, my Anna! darkness shades me, On thy bosom let me rests ‘More I would, but death invades me, ‘Death is now a welcome guest, AIR—Divo. When T am laid in earth, may my wrongs ereate No trouble in thy breast! Remember me—but ah! forget my fate. She stabs herself on the fneral pile which is lighted. cHorus, With drooping wings, ye Cupids come, And scatter roses on her tomb, Soft and gentle as her hear Keep here your wateh, and never, never part. END ov THE OPRRA. CONTENTS. No ACTIL OVERTURE 2. we ee 1, SONG, Axwa—and CHORUS. Shake the cloud from off your brow 2, SONG on a Ground Bass, Droo. Ab! my Anna 3. RECITATIVE. Grief increases by concealing 4. CHORUS. When monarchs unite . 5. RECITATIVE. Whence could so much virtue spring? rn 6. DUET, Anwa and Finsr Avrexpanr—and CHORUS. Fear no danger to ensue 7. RECIDATIVB. See, your royal guest appears : 8, CHORUS. Cupid only throws thedat =. se 9. RECITATIVE, If not for mine, for empire's sake 10. SONG, Avwa. Porsue thy conquest, Love 11. CHORUS. To the hills and the vales ACT I. 12, RECITATIVE (accompanied). Weird sisters, you that fright 13. CHORUS. Harm’s ourdelight . 5. 14, RECIPATIVE (accompanied). ‘The Queen of Carthage 15, CHORUS. Ho, ho, ho! Soe 16. RECITATIVE (accompanied). Ruin’d ere the set of sun ? 17. CHORUS. Ho, ho, ho! : - 18. DUET, Finsr and Szconn Wrens. But ere we this perfor 19. CHORUS. In our deep-vaulted cell - 20. SONG, Axwa—and CHORUS, ‘Thanks to these lonesome vales . 21. SONG on a Ground Bass, Srconn ArreNDaNt. Oft she visits this lov'd mountain 22, RECITATIVE (accompanied). Behold, upon my bending spear Los, SONG, Anwa—and CHORUS. Haste to town. i RECITATIVE. Stay, princo, and hear great Jove's command U 25, SONG, Saon—and CHORUS. Come away, fellow-sailors 26. DANCE AcT UL 27. RECITATIVE. Seo, the flags and streamers curling 28. SONG, Finsr Wires, Our next motion 29. CHORUS. Destruction ’s our delight : (80. RECITATIVE, Your counsel all is urged in vain. 31. RECITATIVE. But death, alas! I cannot shun 32, CHORUS. Great minds against themselves conspire 33. RECITATIVE, ‘Thy hand, my Anna foe 84. SONG on a Ground Bass, Divo. When I am laid in earth 35. CHORUS. With drooping wings, ye Cupids, come woe 29) 31 33. 35 36 37 0 40 45 gee ‘nek "Phe Editor conjectures certain postions of the above to be so connected, by dramatic situation, Ly velar tionship or in some eases identity of key, and by general unity of character, as to form complete musical Scenes or lengthened picces of several movements: he thinks it desirable to point out this protuble connection, for the observation of it enhances the dramatic interest lated performance; he has therefore raved them with brackets. f the work, and wll fcltate the selection of pieces for iso- OVERTURE Apagio Viouiwo 1" 2p Viorixo 2° Viowa Basso Nil SONG & CHORUS ANNA . «the cloud from off your browFate your wishes doth al. exes RTTO GRAZIOS0 Shake. fia tt -lowEmpire grow-ing, Pleasures flow. -ing, Fortune smiles and so should eres = =e = dim the cloud from off your brow, shake Chorus Banish | sorrow, banish| care,Grief shouldineer approach the Chprug ! cloud from off your | brow. Banish | sorrow, banish | care, Grief shoulder approach the) Chora: _ Banish | sorrow, banish] care,Grief shouldneer approachthe| horas - ~ ———- Banish | sorrow, banish| care, Grief should|ncer approach the, D, oF it oe : banish| sorrow; banish banish, banish banish) sorrow, banish, |banish care, | banish sorrow, 1 ie g f. = proach the fair, = proach the fair, grief should =proach the fair, grief should grief should care,grief shouldncer banish ban-ish & ap - proach the | fair, should ne'er ap + caregrief should ne'er ap-proach the| fair, Shouldneerap-| rigfshouldngeer ap-prpachshouldnetrap. aS | griefshould ne'er ap- -|proach,should neer ne'er, should ne'er neer, should ne'er néer, should ne'er grief should ne‘ershouldneerap. ap--lproach the fair. ap- proach the fair ap--|proach the fair. ap--lproachthe fair. WP Ne 2. SONG. Dino Lanrewerto| - Ah! Ah!my Anna, I am pressd With. (Ground Basa) torment i t+ Ant An-na, I pressd With tor-ment not to be ‘ex- press’; are stran-gers grown, .Peace and strangers, stran-gers grown, L lan-~ L = guish “till my grief is known, I ~~~ guish,I - f languish ’till my grief is known, Yet would not, yet would not, would not have it’ Peace and I. are stran-gers grown, , I | axe] stran-gers] strat--gers| grown. | ores N38. RECITATIVE, AnNa Dipo Grief imcreases by con -ceal-ing.” Mine admits of ———EE € ° ANNA ne tems -veal-ing. "Then let me speak_ The Tro.jan guest Into your tender thoughts has press¥ithe * 1 a i tem: great-est bles-sing Fite can give, Our Carthage, to se-- cure and Troy, re- ‘he greatest blessing Bute can give,Our Carthage, to se-cure and ‘Troy, re-vive. e 6 poe te oe § F 8 . 1 ON Ak, CHORUS Moprnato Viow re Viow 2% VIOLA TREBLE ‘When|Monarchs u-|nitehow| happy their |state‘They , triumph,at |once, o'er their eee ALTO = + ‘When|Monarchs u -|nitehow! happy their| statedhey i triumphat | once, o'er their | TENoRE = SS ‘When |Monarchsu -|nitehow| happy their| stateThey | triumphat | once, o'er their | Basso “When|Monarchs « -|niteshow| happy their| stateThey! triumphat | once, o'er their Bassi \ 3 ke foes and their | fate; they | triumphythey | triumph at |once o'er their | foes and their| fate. * foes and their| fate; they | triumph,they | triumph at lonce o'er their | foes and their| fate. foes and their] fate; they | triumph,they | tgjumph at_Jonce oler their | foes and their fate. foes and their| fate; they | tricmph,they | tzinmph at jonce o'er their | foes and their| fate. wo5 RECITATIVE. 9 Dino — could so much vir-tue spring? What “Storms, . what battles did he sing? Anchises’ Venus? = a =e 2 = = = 2 pees = ro = + a eet ] charms, How soft, how soft impeace,and yet how Fierce........., how fierce in iF va eres. @ = = Fy = =— i.e TS ete = ANNA 4 arms! = = Fi Divo 4 > Mine,with storms, care opprest, Is taught to pi-ty thedis-trest; Mean wretches grief can touch, So g $ ¢ ;————— 6 soft, so sensible my breast, but ah! but hin too much! ah! I fear I pity 10 ° 6 DUET & CHORUS. ANWA aE Fear no | dan-ger | to en..| sue, The} He-ro | loves as | well as | you; Arreyvant = Fear no |dan-ger | to en--|sue,'the| He-ro | loves as | ‘well as | yous E.ver | gen-tle, | ever | smil-ing, | And the of | life bel. guil E.ver | gen-tle, | ¢--ver | smil-ing, | And the of | lif beJ. guil Fear no | dan.ger | to en-..1.sue, ‘he | as| well , as Fear no | dan-ger | to en.-.[..sue, ‘The | = strew your | path with | flowrs | Gather E-4ly.-.-sian strew your [path with |flowes | Gatherd Fear no | dan. ger Fear no | dan. ger - Hero | loves Chorus Fear no | danger Choyus ee Fear no | danger Chorus 8 Fear no |dan-ger = danger e-ver | smiling, |and the e-ver | smiling; jand the Hero Hero - en|. suesthe Bp loves as| well as | yous |] B-ver | gen-tle, loves as | well as | you; |} E-ver | gen-tle, loves as| well as loves as | well as cares of | life be-|guiling, Fear no | dan-ger| lcares of | life be-4guiling, |Fear no | dan-ger| Fear no | dan-ger| dan.ger sue, The en_lsue,The en-| sue,the T en-Lsue,The | Cupids |strewyour [phthwith | flows | Gatherd| from B_! Cupids |strewyour fpathwith | flowrs | Gatherd|from B-| well as bow'rs,|Fear no |dan.ger| to en. sue,The loves as -ly-sian|bow'rs,|Fear no |dan-ger| to en-.l sueThe loves as Fear no | danger en sne,The loves as dan.ger | to en. sue,the No7. RECITATIVE 1s see, your royal Guest appears; How Godlike is the frm he hears! When, when royal fai shall I be biest,With cares of love and state dis. = ——— ae Divo jEwzas -trest?™ Fate forbids what you pur-..sue. Bneas_ has no * of ble stroke desti_ny ‘upid on-ly|throws the dart. Cu-pid on-lylthrows the dart that’ /dreadfil dreadful.|dreadful Cu-pid ly frows the dart. on--ly throws the dart thats | —————, — —s ° * 65 6 Tt a’ 14 throws the dart_‘Thats|dreadfal to a |warrior’s heart thats/dreadful to a |warrior’s heartAnd ae as = throws the|dart on.---ly |throwsthe dart ‘That’ dreadful arrior’s heartAnd. rows the dart cscees ‘Thatildreadfial to a |warrior's heartAnd i on-ly throws the dart “‘That'droadfal iwarrior's heart,And she that wounds and she that wounds canon-ly on-ly cure the smartcanjon-ly only bure the smart she thatwounds and] she that wounds can] on. ly [cure the smartcanjon-ly only fure the smart she thatwoundsand she that woands can|on-ly only lcure the smartcarjon-ly only cure the smart she thatwoundsand| she that wounds canjon-ly on-ly cure the smartcanjon_ly only eure the smart} woo. RECITATIVE. ENEAS If not for mine,for Empire's sake Some pi-ty on your Lo-ver take; Ah! a Tempo Ahtmake not, in a hope---less fire, Hero fill... and Troy once more ex.pire. 6 ALLEGRO MopEnato ¢ ? $ ‘ 4% Par|sue thy conquestLove,pur-rve thy conquestLove, purysueypur-suc. purr 16 conquest Love pur{sue thy conquest ~ sue thy conquest sue thy ae her tongue de- -nies her eyes confess the | flame her eyes confess the | flame... oe . oo | 7 — -nies Pur. sue thy conquestLwve —pur- sue thy conquest [Love pur-sue pur. suc... —— 5 <= iG ——_ z= Lf; pur--sue thy conquest pur-sue thy conquest] Love pur-sue thy conquest] pursue thy conquest [Love pur-sué thy con-quest|Love. => N? ll R . 8 ALLEGRO ASSAI cHo us ‘To the| hills rocks and the |mountains, ‘To the| hills and rocks and the |mountains, ‘ ‘To the | hills and rocks and the |mountains, musical ‘To the | hills rocks and the |mountains, musical groves and the | cool sha-dy | fountains,Let the | tei ‘umphs_let the | groves and the | cool shasdy | fountains,Let the| triumphs — the groves and the | cool sha.dy | fountains,Let the | tt. umphs Jet the groves and the | cool shady | fountains,Let the | triumphs let the | triumphs the umphs the tri-umphs_the ee ‘umphs triumphs triumphs sumphs Tove and of | beauty be Tove and of | beauty be love and beauty be love and let the et the| tei-umphs let the ----cummphs let the triumphs the imphs of triumphs of _-triumphs of umphs of rocks and the rocks and the rocks and the love and mountains, To mountains, To mountains, To ‘mountains,'To beauty be |shewn. ‘Yo the|hills and the beauty be |shewn. ‘To the| hills and the beauty be | shewn. To the |hills and the beauty be | shewn. To the | hills and the mu.sical | groves and the| cool shady | groves and the|cool shady | groves anil the|coolsha-dy mu-si-cal | groves and the| cool sha-dy fountains,Let the fountains,Let the fountains,Let the fountains,Let the the) or cemphs of |iove and triumphs the inphs the | triumphs of --umphs let the] triumphs, the gl triumphs off Hove and triumphs the |triumphs the — | tri... .|..-.-umphs of | love Cupids shewn, Cupids shewn. shewn, Go| re-vel ye | Cupids go shewn. Go} revel ye | Cupids go | re-vel pF @ 78 of love and of honusty be |. beau. reavel ye Cupids go Cupids go 22, Cupids go | revel, the | day | is your Cupids go! re.vel ye | Cupids, the | day is your re-vel £0 re-vel ye |Cupids, the | day is your reel ye | Cupids go| re-vel go re-vel ye |Cupids, the | day is your revel ye | Cu-pids go| re_vel go! Cupids revel Cu-pids, day is your Cupids Cu-pids, day is your Cupids Cu-pids, day is your Toe 7 $55 AE End ofthe 1% stct. N? 12. RECITATIVE ACCOMPANIED. tte: © Marstoso Lan _[_ Sorceress you that|fright The|lone_ly traveller by Weird} Sisters, 24s night, Who, like) dis-mal ravens) crying, Beat the) win-dows of the | dy-ing, Ap. =pear! appear at my|call, and|share in the fame Of a |mischiefshalllmake all |Carthage SS at Wire flame, Appear! appear! appear! appear! “| Say Beldame}say what is thy will NP 13. cHORUS. 25 ALLEGRO :Harm’s our delight and| mis—chief skill [Harms our de-| light and Harm’s our de-[light and| mischief skill |Harm’s our de-Llight. .. ‘Harm’s our de-| light and| skill [Harm’s our de-| light_and Harm's our de_| light and skill [Hlarm’s our delight... . ° py mischief] all our . mischief] mis - chief vez. and] mis-chief | all our |skill and | mis chief a ur | —~miszshief| all our | skill ad] mis chier mis chief] all our mis--chief nis ¢ all 26 N? 14 RECITATIVE ACCOMPANIED. Sonceness ‘The Queen of|Carthage whomwelhate, As we do|all in prosprous| state, Ere _ <= 84 8 3a j a —_— sun-set, shall most| wretch-.ed |prove, Deprivd of | fame, of | life.-... ber: ° 7 AULEGRO VIVACE NP 15. CHORUS. Cronus. Hons Ho Ho |ho ho ho| ho ho ho |ho ho ho |ho ho ho | Crrohuel? he |e hy ho| ho ho hho ho| ho ho ho Ho ho |ho ho ho |ho ho ho | ho ho ho fo] ho ho ho | ho ho ho love. i Ho ho|ho Ko Kol ho ho ho] ho ho ho| ho hp ho ho ho ho | ho ho pho hog ho ho [ho ho Wo | ito be Ko [tio ho he fe = o == ho ho ho | ho ho hofho — ho |ho ho ho|ho ho ho |io ho ho ho ho bo }ho jho ho {ho tp ho|ho ho ko {ho Wo ho|i% ho ho [ho ho ho > — ho jo ho] ho bp ho | ho ho ho [ho ho hio|ho ho Wo |ho ho ho — @ Fs 3 fe % ; t : No 16. RECTTATIVE ACCOMPANIED. to Ruind ere the set of ) sun?Tell ds tellus, | how shall this be ! Tell us well ue, how shall this be | ——— done? Sorceress The Trojan|Prince, you know, is bound by| Rte ‘To seek the La---tian $ ay & eres ores eres Tewyreu ‘ground; the Queenand hel... are now in chase— Park! i 7 seal 7 ed ——— SS Sone: Harkjthe ery _comeson a.[pace. Butwhen they've| so or = — > po done, my trus-ty EIG|.. In form of Mercu-ry him|self As sent from Jove, shall a bse = chide his stay, And] charge him sail to night.., with all his fleet = br ie ALLEe@Ro Vivace CHopus Ho ho }ho ho ho|ho ho ho|ho ho ho|ho ho | i | Ho ho |ho ho ho|ho ho ho| ho ho ho| ho ho ho ho |ho ho ho ho H Cxokus, c Ho ho|ho ho ho| ho HORUS 1 Ho ho|ho ho hol ho ke ho]ho ho ho|ho ho ho|ko ho ho|ho ho ho f a 6 . 7 2 5 7 ho ho ho|ho ho ho ho ho ho| ho ho ho ho ho ho] ho ho ho ho ho} ho ho ho ho ho| ho ho ho 80 Ainzeno Nox Tuovro , Ni 18 DUET. 1 Wircu. i 2! Witcn. But,| ere we this per. form, Well | conjure fora But] ere we this per4.form, ‘Weil [conjure for a | storm. but jere we this per, form ere we this per ere we this perform well | conjure for a conjure for a | storm well con. welll | cons storm To |} mar their hunting |sport to [mar theirhunting| sport And|drive. To ‘mar theirhunting] spost their liunting| sportAnd drive. ’em back to |court and drive. 7. «Jem back to [court and drive. . Et Time. drive ‘em back to | court. * to ldrive ‘em back to | court. court. NP 19. cHORUS 3 In onr|deep vault-ed | cell the j charm well pre.|pare, ‘Boo |dreadful a Po ae Tn our(deep vaulted | cell the | charm welll pre_lpare, Too [dreadfint Jr cuwfdeep vaulted |eell | the, j charm wellpre-pare, = in ottr deep vaulted | cell charm welllpre-|pare, —, es 6 3 ges practice too [dreadful a |practice foe|this op-en| air; ae sates = practice too|dreadtul 4.|practice for|this op-en l= practice to0 dreadful a Ipractice for|this op-en if Practice a [practice for|this op-en Tn our| deep vault.ed| cell “The |charm well pre-|pare in owr| deep vaulted| cell The |charmwell pre-|pare In our|deep vaulted) cell ‘The |charmwelll pre-tpare ‘In our|deep vault-ed| cell, ‘The | charmwell pre-|pare fp dreadfal a |practice : this op-en oa —s dreadful a {practice for |this op-en SS z areadfil a [practice r [this op-en dreadful raction this op-en regula [practice ny is op = f= Jove’s commands must he 0---beyd. ‘Tonight, our anchors shall be weightd. te 6 abe Ni 25. SONG & CHORUS. jivecno Seintose ra Sf SaroR Come aleay, fellow| sailors,come.a-[way, Your | anchors be weighing:Timeand tide will ad--mit no de.---lay_ingjTake a bow.sey short leaye of your nymphs on the shore,And silence their mourning With vows of re-— 2 ° ie Tho’ ne.ver in--tending to vi-sit them more, ho’ ne-ver intending to ; 8 te aos sit them more, ‘Tho’ never, tho? never + Chorus| Chorus Come alway, f&l-low| sai_lors,comea_ | Come aj-way . fel---low! sailors, come a-J-way, come a-t-way, come a~ Charax i » more Come a-|-way fel--low| sai-lors,come a-} Chorus FCome al.way — foj--low | sailors, come a-Jway, come alway, come a_| + way, Your! anchors. be |weighing -way, Your anchors be weighing: Time‘and | tide will -way, Your! anchors be lweighing: Time and | tide will -wayy Your| anchors be jweighing: Time and tide bow-sey short ——— bow.sey short bow-seyshort bow. seyshort $7 . 4 leave of your|nymphs —_ leave of your|nymphs eave of your) nymphs leave of your| nymphs ‘Time and| tide the the j shore, And shore, And shore, And ie ad en no ad|mit no admit no ad_Jmit no shore, And 43 ying Tike Jay ~ing; Take de_| tay. de-| tay, ings Take sitence their |mourning With} I | silence their | mourning With | sidence th mourning With silence their | mourning With] tee OF rol turn ingyTho| ne-ver in| tending vi--sit them|more, tho’ | ne-ver in. of re|‘tho'| never in-| tending vi-.sit them|more, tho’ | never never in| tending sit them} more, tho? never intending i._..sit themtmore, tho? it them|more, tho’|never, tho] never in. it them}more, tho? .-sit them|more, tho? tending sit them|more, the’ te never, tho’) never to | vi-.-sit them|more. never, tho! intending to | vi..sit them |more. never; tho'| never intending to ALLEGRO wo26 DAN C ER. AS Sf 28 time Ff 2 time D FH tinke 2 = Ig 28 tinke fae tine 2? F22 tin 2 SRE ioe, “Uhd of the 2 Het weal RECITATIVE Sorceress as See, see,the |flags and streamers curling, Anchors w ig sails un.| oe It Wiren. eS faye = = T= J I Phosbe’s pale detudinglheams wer deceitful |streams. 04 wWineg. ' Ce =a furling— J Our plot has took, fe oo tS == E @ i wed: a tempo ho! ho, /ho! ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, | E..lissas| ruind, tempo | ‘The Queen’ for-sook, ho, ho! ho, ho! | ho, ho,ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, i tempo! ho! E..lissa’s ruin‘d, ho, ho! ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, | E..lissa’! ruind, ho, ho! ho! ho, ho, ho, ho, ho,| ho! our plot has took, our plot has|tookthe Queen’s forsook, ho, ho! ho, ho! —— = i ho! our plot has | took the Queen's for.sook,ho,ho! , ho,ho! ho, ho, ho, ro E.-lissay ruind, ho, ho! ho, |ho,ho, ho, ho, ho,ho, ho, ho,| ho! ae Ae ho! E....lissa’s ruin, ho, ho! hho, ho, ho, |ho,ho, ho, ho, ho,ho, ho; ho,| ho! < . i . ? , 23 Mopenaro eas 5 Te were ny we 28 SONG > mo..tion Must_be storm... her | Io.ver on the to Our next BU Pine. _\ [24 Tine. to|night, and |Carthage flames to | morrow. gee w29. CHORUS. “7 ALLEGRO Destruction’s our de/-light, Delight our greatest | sorrow! sa bleeds to | ‘2 - ‘o Destruction’ our de.| light, De.light our greatest | sorrow! E.[ bleeds to | sa bleeds to T eacuh . (ruction’s our de.\-light, | our greatest rrow! E. Destruct e-|-light, De.|light our greatest | so E. Destruction’s De-ltight our greatest | sorrow! bleeds to J night Carthage flames to | morrow. -night and |Carthage flames to |morrow. Ho, Carthage flames to morrow: Carthage morrow. Ho, to.|_-night Carthage flames to..|.morrow. E_{ bleeds ight Carthage flames to.-|- morrow. ho! Eu tis to.| -night Carthage flames to.J.morrow. lissa bleeds to.|.-night Carthage flames to:..,morrow. + De.- -struction’s de.|-light, [light our greatest | sorrow! -struction’s de.|..light, De.Ltight our greatest | sorrow! - -struction’s de.| ight, light our greatest | sorrow! Et. 's ig ig) gt sorrow -struction’s de.|tight, De.Llight our greatest | sorrow! E.|_lis-sa bleeds night and | Carthage flames to..[:morrow. Ho,) ho, 2. 2 night and | Carthage flames to. tmorrow. Ho, | ho, ho! ho! ho, night and | Carthage flames and night Carthage flames to. morrow. Ho, | ho, 2. =e ae 5 g ho! bleeds to..tnight and |Carthage flames t bleeds toluight and |Carthage to... morrow. = ——= ho, ~ ho! E..{ bleeds to.tnight and |Carthage flames to.-|.morrow. fo, ho! bleeds totnight and [Carthage flames — to|-morrow. No 30. RECITATIVE. Divo Your counsel, all is urgid in vain; To Earthand Heayn I will com. x ‘ Earthand Heava call? Earth and Heavn con.spire my -plaint— # ? ° $ ° 6 ¢ ~ Rue 1 sue, of othcrmeanshe-reft, The on-ly refuge for the wretched ANNA lef. See,sister, where the Prince appears;Such sorrov,in his lookshe bears.As should con. Expas ince you still he’s true. What shall lost do? How, . how, royal Fai, shall I_ impart he Gods de...-cree, and tell you we must part? we : § ‘ Divo ‘Thus, on the fatal bank of NileWeeps the deceitful crocodilesfhus, hypocrites, that murder y 4 3 t az Div EAS Make Heava and Gods the authors of the fact. By all thatsgood/ By all thats good, no morelAll thatgood youhave for-swore. To your promisd Empire, fly,.. And let for. 4 & 7 ow JENEAS ‘ == .-Saken Dido die. In spite of Jove’s commands,Til_ stay, Oftend the Gods, and Love o- --bey. 9 No, faithless man, thy course pur-sue; I'm now re--solvd,as well as. you. No re-. 3 & vy -pentance shailreclaim‘he injurd Dido’ slighted flame, Fortis enough, what-eer you now de. t Eras -cree, That you had once a thought of me. Let dove say what he a in Tempo 6 $ a = = 6 —= E way, away, a Lovayy aay No, . 3 ————— No, stay— No, no, TI tay— Lp , tay. ; Nosno, Til stay. = S- away, a..way, a..[..way... tee away. . |. Til stay, PN stay, | TU and Love 0--|-bey! Til_stay andLove o..| -way.... To Death Pil | fly....... vee. iffonger|you delays a-way, a-lway! --bey; Pll stay, PL stay.....|..andLeve 0...bey, am wwe 0...bey. 7 7 Te T é RECITATIVE. Bat|Death,alas! I cannot| shun; Deathmust|comewhen he is gone. ot oe Ne 32. CHORUS. * AnpawtEe MagsToso Great minds, a. gainst themselves con} spire; minds, great |minds against, a, Se : » 7Greatminds, a..gainst themselves con spires minds, great |minds a..gainst, a. 7 Great minds, a.-gainst themselves con} spire; minds, great_|minds a.-gainst, a. Great minds, a.{gainst themselves con} spires great minds, | great “minds a] gainst themselves con| spire; And shun the [cure they most, they fmost de 2 | = =e — = -gainst themselves con| spires And shun the |cure, the cure, and | -gainst themselves con: spire; And | shun the cure they {most de... { pores a : 5 T -gainst themselves con| spires And shun the b i |e and shun the | cure they most shun the cure thes |most de. the Joure they most cores and | shun the the [eure they most cure they most de.|.sire, and the | cure oa we 33. RECITATIVE. Dino Thy hand,my; | dark....ness| shades me: On thy | bo..som let me More I |would, but Death in.jvades me. Death is | now a welcome] guest! No 84. SONG. , Pind oI When Io am laid, am | laid. LP Ground Baps) TLAncHRtro 88 earth, may my| wrongs ore..L.ate no |trouble in thy | breasts ~member me, re|member me, Pe er} en wey ft F | = fate. Re.{member me, but} ah!.. for...f.get my | fe 58 Aypanre N35. CHORUS. sempre sempre sempre /y a -ing wings, ye | Cu..pids come,with | droop. sempre {Yo With droop. sempre 2. With droop...} wings, ye droop. ing wings, ye Cu.pids |come, with | droop. | sempre ‘With droop.. ing wings, ye | Cupids come, fempre ing wings, with droop. ing wings, ye Cu.pids come, with | droop... ing |wings, ye Cu... drooping wings, with | wings,with | wingswith | drooping wings, ye ping: wings, with | wing: p-ing wings ping y --ing wings, ye | Cu.pids Cupids come and| scatter, | scatter, seatter scatter, |scat.ter, scatter and |seat.ter, and scatter |, seat-ter —3e8 Sof, | soft....-. and] gentle, soft, and |gen-tle as her| heart, gentle’) as herheart, soft, |soft and gen.tle |as her heart, Sof, soft..|.. and gen-tle,| soft, soft, on her on her ro.-ses on her on her SPS has soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, tomb, —_ tomb, Sofi, tomb, soft and arep oft and gentle | soft and | soft. gentle as he heartKeep here, ur watch keep| here-here, keephereyour watch, and| gen..tle as her|hear{Keep here, jhere your watchkeeplhere, here,keephiere your watch, and gen..tle as her|heartKeep here, jhere your watch keeplhere, herekeep {here your watch, and| gen.-tle as her|heartKeep here, |here your watch,keeplhere, here,keep|here your watch, and| never, never, fer part,and| never, never, | ne.-ver, ne-ver |part With droop.. P pmencv never, never, | ne-.ver part, and] never, ne..ver, ne-ver [part. part never, never, |ne...ver part,and| never, never,| never, ne-ver|part. part. never, never, |'ne.-.ver part, and) never, ne.ver, ne-ver|part. part. lle e jet Tine. ‘e par Foye Fs Ff End of the Op-ra.

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