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Be the Alpha Male: Boost Your Testosterone, Confidence, and



Max Vance

© 2014
Ace the interview!

Make the sale!

Approach and seduce the beautiful woman!

This concise report based upon scientific reasearch is proven to...

--Increase testosterone levels

--Decrease cortisol (stress hormone) levels

--Improve performance

--Increase risk-taking behavior

All in just two minutes, without drugs, supplements, or exercise.

This a valuable life hack that will empower you to perform better under
stress, displaying increased levels of performance, dominance, and Alpha
Male body language.
Research on Testosterone and Success

This booklet is based on the research of Dr. Amy Cuddy, who outlines
several key concepts:

1. Alpha Males Succeed

Aplha males show dominance, confidence, and powerful body language.

These are the men who get the job, score the sale, and get the girl. On the
other hand, Beta males are submissive, timid, and socially awkward. They
display body language that is closed and contractive, assuming poses that
make them appear smaller and weaker.

I had always assumed, as many men do, that it is the good-looking guys
who succeed with women. I also believed that a nice guy who was open
with his feelings and unafraid of commitment was the type of guy women
look for. In both cases I was wrong. Success with women is not a matter of
good looks, kindness, being yourself, telling her how you feel, treating her
like a lady, or any of a dozen other clichés. It all boils down to being an
Alpha Male. Women do like sensitivity –in an Alpha Male. It's a good idea
to be yourself –if you're an Alpha Male. It is not what you do; it is who you
are that matters.

Like many guys, I wasted too much time trying to get women to like me,
thinking that if she liked me, I was in. The brutal truth is that it doesn't
matter if women like you or not, as long as you are Alpha. Monica
Lewinski had an affair with President Bill Clinton even though she didn't
like him. She called him “The Big Creep,” but that didn't stop her from
having sex with him. Don't work on being liked –work on being Alpha.
It's not just a matter of getting the girl: the Alpha Male is also more likely to
get the job, or to make the successful sales pitch. Research on winning
presentations shows that it is not what an entrepreneur says, but the way in
which he says it, with genuine enthusiasm and a lack of awkwardness. In
Dr. Cuddy's research, she found that speakers with high testosterone, an
Alpha trait, are successful not because of the content of their speech, but
because of their powerful presence. In her words, “These people are
engaging, enthusiastic, and charismatic. The content doesn't matter. What
you're saying doesn't matter.”

This is consistent with what pickup artists from the seduction community
universally teach, that successful seducers appeal to women not based on
clever lines, but by conveying Alpha traits. Some pickup artists will make a
point of this by successfully engaging women while spouting corny,
nonsensical, or random lines. The key is a confient, powerful demeanor.

People judge you in a very short period of time, as brief as a split second,
and make judgments of your worth based on your non-verbal behavior. The
problem of many men is that they try to say the right thing on the date or
the job interview, but the signals they send with their body language betray
them in the first second, and they lose the job or the girl long before it
becomes apparent to them. On the other hand, the Alpha Male conveys
charisma, dominance, and relaxed control from the first instant. He has won
the job, the sale, or the girl before he even opens his mouth, and the ensuing
conversation is just a formality.

2. Alpha Males Have a Specific Hormone Profile

Alpha Males have high testosterone levels and low cortisol levels. Betas
have the reverse, low testosterone and high cortisol. Most people are aware
of the effects of testosterone: increased lean body mass, confidence, and
aggression, but there are also lesser known effects such as increased risk-
taking, concentration, goal-setting, and goal-achieving behavior.

The unfamiliar hormone is cortisol, which is often called the “stress

hormone.” Psychology Today labels cortisol as “public enemy number 1.”
Why is cortisol so dangerous? Psychology Today explains that “elevated
cortisol levels interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function
and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart

Low levels of cortisol are a key component of the Alpha Male's hormonal
profile. While testosterone creates a man who is dominant, charismatic, and
adventurous, low cortisol levels mean that the Alpha Male is cool under
pressure. Betas are nervous wrecks during the job interview or while
approaching a beautiful woman, but Alphas are calm and self-assured. This
is why Alpha Males are leaders –when lesser men are panicking and
running for the exits, the Alpha has a reassuring sense of control.

Of course, every guy knows he needs to act confident and in charge in order
to get the girl, the job, or the sale. Interviewers will test job candidates by
throwing a loaded trick question into the interview. The aim is to create a
stressful situation to realistically measure the guy who is only acting as
though he is a confident Alpha Male. Women will create stress in order to
measure men, using what pickup artists refer to as a “shit test.” A woman
will ignore a man, make a disparaging remark, or even feign eagerness in
orer to see if a man maintains his composure. Some men will pass the initial
test by displaying (or faking) dominance, but fail when subjected to stress.
Pickup artists teach a concept called “congruence.” This means that a man
may try to talk like an Alpha Male, but is his body language congruent, or
consistent with, his talk? Will a man who poses as an Alpha Male crumble
under pressure? The aim of this booklet is to help you be congruent,
meaning that your body language, sense of well-being, and state of mind
match the words you are saying. In fact, if the preceeding are all aligned, so
that you feel upbeat, confident, and at ease, what you say really doesn't

Lastly, we return to the previous point about Alpha Males and success; it's
not a matter of being smart enough, or rich, good-looking, nice, sincere
enough, and so on. Success is a matter of being an Alpha Male, which is a
matter of the correct hormonal profile, being the man with higher
testosterone and lower cortisol than other men.

3. You Can Change Your Hormone Profile to Become an Alpha Male

I had always assumed that some men were just born winners, that they were
born handsome, tall, athletic, outgoing, and so they would always get the
girl, the awards, and the promotion. I also assumed that cetain guys like me
were just born without the looks, the height, the athletic build, the outgoing,
charismatic personality, and were just doomed to go through life struggling
to get women, while working hard but never getting ahead.

I saw the pattern repeat itself throughout my life: I was a schmuck teacher
getting a pittance while the “leaders” and the administrators got the money
and the recognition. I went to church and experienced the same dynamic: I
was the organ grinder's monkey passing the tin cup, washing dishes and
mowing the lawn, while the Alphas were up front, receiving the
recognition, calling the shots, and never stooping to menial labor. Keep in
mind that in these scenarios the girl will always go for the leader, the Alpha,
the minister, the administrator, but never the teacher, usher, menial, lackey,
and follower.
Well, you don't have to settle for that mediocre existence. You don't have to
subsist on the crumbs that fall from life's table. You can change your
hormonal profile to become an Alpha Male.

Evidence shows that this change not only can be made, but is regularly
made. In the animal kingdom, the Alpha Male has higher testosterone and
lower cortisol than Beta Males. But if that Alpha Male is defeated, his
testosterone levels with plummet, while the testosterone levels of the victor
will rise. The former Beta Male will assume the hormone profile of the
Alpha Male, and actually become an Alpha Male himself.
How to Change Your Hormone Profile

1. Assume a Power Pose

Dr. Cuddy had a key insight: If Alpha Males with a certain hormonal profile
exhibit strong, dominant body language, could mimicking that Alha body
language create physiological changes in Betas, making them become
Alpha? She describes it simply as “Fake it until you make it.” There is
reason to think that a Beta adopting the body language of an Alpha Male
will experience hormonal changes, because research shows that if subjects
are instructed to smile, they will actually begin to feel happier. Even if
subjects are instructed to hold a pencil between their teeth, they will feel
happier. Why? Because holding a pencil between your teeth activates facial
muscles involved in smiling, which in turn triggers feelings of happiness. If
being confident or happy creates certain body language, then perhaps we
can do the opposite, creating confidence or happiness by acting out the
correct body language.

Here is the exciting take-away: Dr. Cuddy showed that by having subjects
assume power poses for just two minutes prior to a stressful event, that their
testosterone level increased by 20%, their cortisone level decreased by
25%, and their willingness to take risks increased. Risk-taking ability
means that you are more likely to approach the attractive woman, more
likely to ask for a raise, more likely to go for the better job, and so on. Not
only were hormonal levels changed, but subjects who assumed the power
poses for two minutes were rated more highly by blind evaluators, who
didn't know who had assumed the power poses and who had assumed the
weaker postures.
To prepare yourself before a stressful event, such as a date, a job interview,
a big sales meeting, etc., stand in a power pose for 2 minutes prior. One
power pose is called the “Wonder Woman” pose. Assume the classic pose in
the Wonder Woman comics, standing tall with your feet shoulder-width
apart, your fists on your hips, your shoulders spread out, and your head held
high. Another power pose is the Laid Back Executive. Sitting at a desk, put
your feet up on the desk. Lean back with your hands clasped behind your
head. Or try the Champion pose. Imagine you have just won the big game,
sinking the winning 3-point shot at the last second. Raise your arms
triumphantly in a 'V,' with your chin raised.

The wrong way to prepare for a high-stress event, yet one that is commonly
recommended, is relaxation techniques. As Dr. Eliot teaches in
Overachievement, “Butterflies are a good thing.” Relaxation leaves you
emotionally flat, so that you come across as limp and lifeless. The best
athletes and clutch performers use their nervous energy to fuel their
performance. The power poses serve this function, amping up your
emotions and channeling them in a positive direction.

Dr. Cuddy advises you not to spend your time prior to a big event hunched
over your phone. This hunched posture lowers your testosterone and your

2. Practice Alpha Male Body Language

Most men are completely unaware of their body language, and the hidden
messages it communicates. Women, however, will pick up those body
language cues, even if only subconsciously. Once I had just finished a date
in the Philippines and was talking directly to the girl, letting her know how
unhappy I was with the way she had ignored me on our date. Once I
finished talking, she asked me, “Are you serious? The whole time you
talked to me, you never looked me in the eyes.” Wow. Thank you for that
gift. Women are not listening to what you are saying, they are listening to
your body language. Usually, you will fail with a girl and not know why.
For some reason, she decided to tell me where I had gone wrong. Most guys
will not get that kind of helpful feedback. I realized that I had not
maintained strong eye contact during my talk. We sat on the bed together,
and my posture was slumped and weak. How many other times had my
weak Beta body language sabotaged my efforts with women, only I was left
without a clue as to why I had failed?

If adopting Alpha body language two minutes before a key event can boost
your testosterone levels, decrease your cortisol levels, and improve your
performance, then there is reason to think that adopting Alpha Male body
language on a regular basis will constantly boost your testosterone levels
and improve your charisma, presence, and perceived dominance.

The first step correcting the non-verbal signals you send is to recognize
what is Alpha Male body language and what is Beta Male body language.
Alpha body language can be characterized as open and expansive, while
Beta body language is closed and contracted. Open body language means
that you do not cover or cross yourself. Expansive body language consists
of positioning that makes you seem larger. Any time you cross your legs or
arms, you are closed, which is bad. Holding your drink in front of your
body is a closed shielding gesture, which conveys insecurity. Instead, hold
your drink at your side. Don't cross your ankles when you sit or stand. Keep
your hands out of your pockets –put them on your hips. Don't touch your
face or neck, because these are closed, covering gestures.

When sitting, spread your knees. Don't cross your ankles or arms. Spread
out, draping your arm over a nearby chair or the back of the sofa.
The problem with body language is that it is unconscious –most of the time
we are unaware of how we are positioning our bodies and how we are
communicating non-verbally. A further problem is that low status causes us
to assume small, submissive poses, which in turn reinforce lower
testosterone levels, higher cortisol levels, and feelings of inadequacy. We
get caught in a negative feedback loop, wherein low status and low
achievement create lower testosterone levels, poorer performance, and
lower status.

You must begin to monitor your body language. Make an effort to pause
and examine your positioning throughout the day. You might set a random
notice on your phone to interrupt you so that you can stop to reflect on your
body language. Make a point of stopping once every hour, say at a quarter
past each hour, to stop and look at your body language. Also study the body
language of those around you. Who looks like an Alpha Male, and why?
Keep those reflections in a journal.

Practice the Gunslinger Walk, by Sebastian Drake. Here are the essentials
of the Gunslinger Walk:

Horizonview: Staring beyond the crowd and expecting it to part.

Thrown back shoulders: The essence of good body language.

Roll in the heels: An exaggerated roll of the heels at the end of each step.

Roll in the hips: An exaggerated push from the hips with each lift of the

Slow movement: Moving extremely slowly through crowds.

Knowing smile: The disarming, self-assured smile finishes the look.

Research by Tassinary and Johnson shows that there is an ideally attractive
male gait, typified by movement in the shoulders. It might well be
described as a swagger. Watch the new James Bond, Daniel Craig, and
study the way he walks and carries himself.
Notes for Alpha Body Language

“Be as Big as You Can Be Comfortably.”

Take up space.

Square up your shoulders.

Stand tall.

Stand with your feet apart.

Don't cross your arms, legs, or feet.

If there are armrests, put your arms on them. (Prevents crossing of arms,

If you have a prop like a whiteboard or a chair, put your hand on it.
Anything that makes you

stretch out.

When you walk, swagger, swaying your shoulders and swinging your

Think “gunslinger.”

When you sit, spread your knees/legs. Stretch out.

Slow down. Speak more slowly. Move more slowly. Quick movements
betray nervousness and a lack of confidence.
The Science of Seduction

Max Vance

Women are confusing. Frustrating.

Some men look for help with women by paying hundreds and even
thousands of dollars for multiple DVD sets, boot camps, seminars, and
individual tutoring from pickup artists with exotic names like Ten Magnet,
Herbal, and Sisonpyh.

Other men will go with common advice, such as "Be yourself," "Treat her
like a lady," and "Let her know how you feel." Even if this advice doesn't
work, at least it's free.

But how can a guy know what works? How can he really be sure what is
the best way to approach women?

Science. And by "science," I mean peer-reviewed scientific research.

When I earned my master's degree in psychology, I was determined to see if

the teachings of pickup artists were backed up by science. I did my master's
thesis on the Seduction Community to examine whether or not its methods
really worked or were just marketing hype.

In The Science of Seduction, I outline in plain English what scientific

research has to say about sexual attraction, and give simple, concrete steps
that any guy can take to boost his success with women.
[Note: In order not to clutter up the reading, I list all of my sources after this

1. You can improve your success with women.

For me, this was the most important question in my research. I wasn't very
successful with women and I wanted to know, "Can I do something to be
more attractive to women, or is it beyond my control?" For years I thought
that some guys, the good looking guys and the rich and famous guys, did
well with women, while guys like me were destined to strike out all our

I now know this isn't true. There are many actionable steps that a guy can
take to improve his success with women. This book is full of those steps.

The first scientific research done on the Seduction Community was written
by Elana Clift, who tells of her brother who went from being frustrated with
women and having no friends, to becoming successful with women and
making friends in the Seduction Community. So yes, it can be done. You
can change your "luck" with women.

In a German study of speed dating, scientists had the chance to research

multiple dating interactions to see which men were more likely to be chosen
by women. They also did year-long follow-ups to see who had formed
relationships and had sex as a result of speed dating.

Scientists unexpectedly found that sociosexuality, or the willingness to

pursue short-term, no-strings-attached sex, was a powerful force in men's
attractiveness to women. Here are excerpts from the study:

Instead, men’s sociosexuality was attractive to women and showed

incremental validity over and above men’s physical attractiveness...

For men, only facial and vocal attractiveness and sociosexuality increased
the frequency of matches...
However, only sociosexuality added incremental predictive power over and
above physical attributes in the current study. Unexpected was that
sociosexuality emerged as a relative powerful predictor of men’s popularity
to women, particularly because women largely expressed a long-term
mating interest. A possible explanation is that that male sociosexuality
indicates a history of successful mating experience or mating skills that are
attractive to women...

In this study, there are three factors that make men more attractive to
women. The first is facial attractiveness, which is just a way of saying how
good looking you are. Other than plastic surgery or a diet in which you lose
your "carb face," you really can't do much to change this. But the next two
factors, having an attractive voice (See rules 6 & 7) and pursuing short-term
sex, are things that you can change.

2. Women are less focused on looks than men are.

A landmark study by David Buss in 1989 looked at 37 different cultures all

over the world, and discovered in every one that while men are attracted to
young and beautiful women, women seek men who have resources (money)
or the ability to get resources.

In fact, women have difficulty agreeing on how good looking men are. In
one study, men tended to agree in their ratings of women's attractiveness,
whereas female raters varied widely. Some men were rated as attractive, but
other women looking at those same men judged them not to be attractive at

Women may have trouble rating men's attractiveness in photos because they
are looking for clues of traits like ambition, dominance, high status, and so
on, which are hard to tell from photographs. These other factors are all
factors that you can change.

3. Be ready to show your ambition.

A study by Townsend and Wasserman found that women judging the
attractiveness of men in photographs rated the men more highly when they
were described as ambitious. In the 1989 Buss study, women looked for
resources or the ability to get resources, as evidenced by being ambitious
and hard-working.

Suppose you meet a Playboy centerfold model who is living with her
parents. You simply don't care whether or not Miss April lives on her own,
but to a woman, a man living with his parents is a huge turn-off, because he
fails to meet the ambition test. If you are living with your parents, but
explain you are doing so in order to save up money to buy a home or to start
a business, then you can pass the ambition test.

Be a man with a plan. In any encounter with a woman be prepared to detail

your plans for the future and to portray yourself as an ambitious, driven

4. Who a woman finds attractive changes with her monthly cycle.

When a woman is in the fertile phase of her cycle, the time of the month
when having sex is likely to lead to pregnancy, she is attracted to masculine
men. When a woman is not ovulating, she prefers kinder, more feminine

This fact has two important implications. First, there is no surefire formula
that will get you any woman 100% of the time, simply because women are
attracted to two opposite types of men depending upon where the women
are in their monthly cycle.

Secondly, although women may marry the nice guy they are attracted to
when they aren't fertile, when women with nice guy husbands are fertile
they are more likely to cheat and to get pregnant by a "bad boy," the
masculine macho man.
Part of the reason women can't spell out what they really want in a man is
because of this Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde syndrome. During her non-fertile phase,
she is reserved and not going to sleep with just anybody. She is also
attracted to Dr. Jekyll, a man with a feminine, kind face, a man with status,
a gentleman with a kind and altruistic personality. She is looking for a long-
term relationship, and a man who is a suitable husband.

But during the fertile phase of her cycle, she becomes like Mr. Hyde --more
likely to have a one night stand, more likely to cheat on her husband, and
more attracted to the Mr. Hydes of the world, the animalistic men with no
impulse control.

5. Being muscular, arrogant, and confrontational works for one-night


Seduction expert David DeAngelo is well-known for recommending that

men use a "cocky and funny" strategy. Roissy refers to "asshole game." In
an interview, actor and screenwriter Billy Bob Thornton explained that just
a bit of arrogance is a key element in seduction.

Being confrontational is a sign of dominance, which is a key trait that

women find attractive.

6. Speak deeply.

Women are attracted to mid range and deep, masculine voices. Ovulating
women are even more attracted to deep voices.

7. Change up your speech. Switch from fast and excited to slow, deep,
and intimate.
One study found that successful seducers "modulate" their voices, meaning
that they changed or varied the pitch of their voices. In the opening stages
of meeting a woman a higher pitched voice was used, and seducers spoke
rapidly, which conveyed excitement. In the later stages of the encounter,
successful seducers used a deeper voice and spoke more slowly, which
created a feeling of closeness.

8. Wear red.

Research shows that men who wear red are more attractive to women.
Women were shown photos of the same man, but dressed in red or other
colors. The women judged the same man, but wearing red, to be more

9. Wear stubble.

When polled, 54% of women prefer a man with facial hair. Two thirds of
those women prefer a man with overall stubble. 19% of those preferred a
mustache, 12% preferred a beard, and only 6% preferred a goatee. Pickup
artist Paul Janka swears by stubble as a woman-attracting grooming style.
Recent research shows that 10 days' growth of stubble is rated by women as
most attractive.

One third of all women polled preferred a clean-shaved man. Several

commented that a man with no facial hair looked young. If you are younger,
keep in mind that a smooth face may make you look too young.

10. Don't remove your chest or back hair.

Only 27% of women polled preferred a man with no body hair. 51% like a
man with hair on his chest and back. 40% of women found a man with no
body hair to be "too feminine."
11. Wear your scar proudly.

Research shows that women are more attracted to men who have facial
scars, especially for short-term relationships. The point here is not to go out
and to get a scar, but to realize that women are attracted to rough, masculine
men. Stubble, scars, and chest hair are not flaws, but assets in attraction. I
used to try to get as "clean" as possible, shaving all over, dressing up, and
wearing my clothes with military precision. I now know that it is the
roughness of men, their "flaws," that women find appealing.

12. Buy a nice car.

Financially, this may not always be an option, but research shows that
women are more attracted to men who make flashy luxury purchases, such
as a red Porsche, especially for women seeking short-term sexual

In one study, the same man was shown in either a silver Bentley
Continental or a Ford Fiesta. The Bentley made him look significantly more
attractive to women.

I read an article by a guy who found that his aging economy car
immediately turned off his dates the moment he arrived. On the other hand,
when he road tested a sports car, he noticed women coming onto him. The
salesman smiled as women waved to the guy, because he knew he had just
made a sale.

A recent survey finds that women prefer a man in a black Ford truck, which
is a combination of wealth and masculinity.

13. Show your creativity.

Creative types, like musicians and artists, have more sexual partners.
Research shows that ovulating women are more attracted to creative men
than wealthy men.

14. Swagger.

Men who walk with either a mild or extreme swagger are judged to be more
attractive by women. Swagger can be defined as little movement in the hips
and greater movement in the shoulders. In order to get this down, study
Daniel Craig of James Bond fame and Mel Gibson, and imitate the way
they walk.

15. Don't smile.

This sounds counterintuitive, but it would fit in with the Bad Boy role. The
researcher pointed out that no studies had previously been done to
determine if a smile was in fact sexually attractive. While men in the study
were most attracted to smiling women, "The study found that women were
least attracted to smiling, happy men, preferring those who looked proud
and powerful or moody and ashamed."

OK Cupid reports that in pictures for online dating profiles, "Men’s photos
are most effective when they look away from the camera and don’t smile: "

16. Walk tall.

For women, the ideal height for a sexual partner is 6 feet. There is no added
advantage for men taller than 6 feet.
What do you do if you're not 6 feet tall? One theory is that women like
taller men because taller men tend to earn more money and are more
socially dominant. Psychologist John Townsend found in multiple
interviews that women wanted a man who made them feel protected, even
though they realized that didn't really make sense, they didn't know what
they wanted protection from, and they knew that the old fashioned idea of
men protecting women didn't square with feminism. If you learn to project
strength and confidence, you may be able to look taller.

17. Dress well. Look like a man with a future.

One study dressed a good looking man, an average looking man, and an
ugly man in three different costumes: one was a fast food worker's uniform,
the other a middle class white shirt, and the third was a high status uniform
featuring a blue jacket and a Rolex watch. An attractive, average looking,
and ugly woman were also dressed in three similar costumes. When the
men were asked if they were willing to date, marry, or have sex with the
women in the different costumes, the men always chose the most attractive
woman, regardless of how she was dressed.

But when the women were asked if they would date, marry or have sex with
the male models, they chose the man in the high status uniform, the blazer
and Rolex. In fact, women preferred the ugly man in the high status
clothing to the attractive man in a fast food uniform! Whether it was for a
date, sex, or marriage, the women always preferred the high status man.

This doesn't necessarily mean that you should wear a tuxedo to Wal-mart or
buy a Rolex watch, but your clothing should create the sense that you are
high class and going somewhere in life.

18. Invent a wife.

Women judged men in photographs to be more attractive when the men

were labeled "married."
Citizen Renegade cites the example of a man whose sexual strategy was to
wear a wedding ring, even though he wasn't married. Obviously, this is a
strategy for short-term, sexual relationships, not finding a wife. Despite
their talk, many women actually fear commitment and intimacy, so the
wedding ring technique may work especially well with these women.

19. Get social proof.

Social proof is a key concept in the Seduction Community, and one that is
supported by research. Women are more likely to think a man is attractive if
other women think he is attractive. This may be why women regard a
married man as more attractive --if he's single, maybe it's because no
woman wants him, but if he's married, somebody must find him attractive.
Perhaps this is why the fake wedding ring ploy works --the fact that a guy is
married shows that some other woman finds him desirable.

This is also why being viewed as a "player" is not the kiss of death. If many
women find you attractive, then you must have something going for you.
Pictures of attractive ex-girlfriends increase your perceived attractiveness in
women's eyes. Showing up with a pretty woman at a party or club will
cause other women to view you as more attractive. One Roissy move is to
mention that you have, or have had, female stalkers.

20. Go for the hookup.

A relationship that starts off with sex isn't necessarily doomed. Women who
say "things are going too fast" are merely saying that as a polite brushoff.
Women are willing to pursue men they find desirable, and sex early on does
not "ruin" a relationship's potential. In the German speed dating study,
women were more attracted to men pursuing short-term sex, despite all the
women's talk of seeking long-term, meaningful relationships.
21. Move fast.

Most people believe that as two people get to know each other, their liking
for each other increases, but research shows the opposite is true. While she
may view you at first as the ideal man, the more she gets to know you she
will inevitably find something she doesn't like. Seduction experts suggest
that you move quickly to sexual intimacy. If you wait and try to "get to
know each other," she may become disillusioned with you.

This is also where the concept of retreating from The Tao of Steve comes in.
By approaching, displaying excellence, and rapidly leaving, you don't blow
opportunities by revealing something about yourself that disqualifies you in
her eyes.

22. Keep your damn mouth shut. Be ambiguous.

This is related to the previous point. Men mistakenly believe that couples
need to get to know each other, and try to move the process along by telling
about themselves. Research shows that self-disclosure, or revealing things
about yourself, is unattractive to women, regardless of what you're
revealing about yourself. Admitting your weaknesses or flaws destroys the
halo effect, where in the early stages she idealizes you and is able to project
her ideal man onto you.

Research shows that men tend to reveal more about themselves when they
are with an attractive woman. Men think that they are leading the way and
getting a relationship rolling by telling a woman about themselves. This
may be why so many men do so poorly with women. Remember Dex
telling Dave not to say, "I love you" until he's been married forty years: the
point is, do not self-disclose or reveal your feelings.

One tactic for keeping your mouth shut and not blowing it is "one word
game." Try to answer as much as possible with one word.
Another example of terse, cryptic statements is, when asked if you have
other girlfriends, "It's complicated." When she announces, "I have
boyfriend," you reply, "Good job."

23. Keep her guessing.

The run-of-the-mill Disney version relationship books will mention the

principle of reciprocity, which means that we tend to like people who like
us. This leads men to think that they need to tell her how they feel about
her, and lay all of their cards onto the table. Research shows that women
were more attracted to men when they unsure how the men felt about them,
than they were attracted to the men who they knew were attracted to them.

24. See an 'R' movie together.

While a movie may not be a good choice for a first date, couples who saw
movies with sex and/or violence showed greater closeness than couples
who watched G rated movies.

25. Ride the roller coaster with her.

When persons who had just got off a roller coaster were shown pictures of
the opposite sex, they judged them to be more attractive. This is related to
the famous "shaky bridge" study, wherein men who met women on a
rickety bridge high above the ground were more attracted to her than the
men who met her in a parking lot. Whether you're riding a roller coaster
with her, watching a scary movie together, crossing a wobbly bridge high
above a canyon, or just happen to meet during an earthquake, she is more
likely to associate the excitement she felt with you. A first date that
includes a workout, a jog in the park, a trip to the top of the Empire State
Building, or a hike in the woods is more likely to result in greater attraction
than a meeting at a coffee shop.
Excitement early on causes her to see you as exciting. This may be why
motorcycle riders appeal to women. The thrill of riding a motorcycle is
transferred to the man driving it.

One guy had a safe in his apartment. The safe itself increased his allure,
because it was secret, mysterious. Once his date asked what was in it. He
reluctantly agreed to show her. She shrieked when he showed her a jar of
severed fingers! They had wild sex that night. What she didn't know was
that he had bought fake severed fingers and placed them in the jar.

26. Break the Rules

In one study men who broke rules, like putting their feet up on the desk,
interrupted others, spoke in a loud voice and helped themselves to
employee coffee were seen as more powerful. Powerful people also smile
less (Remember rule number 15, "Don't smile."). Power is just another
word for "dominance," an important trait in seduction.

This is related to the preceding and following rules. Robert Greene calls this
alluring quality of seducers "transgressive," which means breaking rules.
One example is Lord Byron, who seduced a married woman after she saw
him drinking wine from a human skull. Once he had an affair with his half-
sister and impregnated her, he became even more alluring to women.
Whether showing a woman an artistic painting that features food items
being eaten by maggots, or feeding fish to a piranha in an aquarium, or
running over the Christmas lawn ornaments following a quarrel, these
transgressive moves are successful in seduction.

27. Break the Law.

One study showed that teen gang members have as much sex in a month as
the average American male teen has in a year. Criminals have as many
children as men in the general population, despite the fact that criminals are
lower in status and spend time locked up. Among the Amazon river tribe
Yanomami, an unokai is a man who has killed another. Research shows that
unokai, or "killers," have more sexual partners and more children than
tribesmen who aren't killers.

As I write this, a half-Hispanic woman is about to marry a white

supremacist killer in prison, whose face is covered with tattoos, including
the word "Skinhead" and a swastika. She claims her fiancé is "kinder" and
"gentler" than his reputation. (And if you think this woman is an ugly,
desperate hag, you're mistaken.) Prison guards find that, of the death row
inmates, those who commit the most heinous crimes get the most fan mail
from female groupies.

You probably don't want to actually be in a gang or go to prison, but you

can hint at your criminal past. One guy's ace in the hole is to show his
jailhouse tattoo, which he finds is a successful seduction tactic.

28. Don't Be a Nice Guy

There are many studies in which women claim to prefer nice guys. The
problem with these studies is that they ask women to choose traits from a
list, and do not study the actual dating behavior of women. One researcher
found that the nice guy often couldn't deliver when a woman was looking
for a fun date.
In another study the nice guy was viewed by some women as having all of
the positive traits of the "nice guy," such as kind, sensitive, and honest,
while others saw the nice guy in negative terms as a “loser,” who is weak,
passive, and unattractive. The ambivalence of women toward the nice guy
was shown in the study, in that while 54% of women would choose the nice
guy as a dating partner, an equal number knew someone who had dated a
bad boy, and a similar percentage agreed that nice guys are less successful
sexually than bad boys. Note how the women interviewed didn't date bad
boys themselves, --cough, cough-- they knew other women who did, and
they did realize that nice guys weren't likely to get laid.

College women with little or no sexual experience, who viewed sex as

relatively unimportant, and were looking for a long-term mate were more
likely to choose a nice guy than were more sexually experienced women
seeking short-term relationships.

Being the Nice Guy simply means that you must invest more time and
money for a woman who will be tempted to run off with the Bad Boy every
time she is fertile. Don't go there.

29. Be the Bad Boy.

Many men resist being the Bad Boy because they think this means being
cruel to women, mistreating them, and using them. But just like the Nice
Guy can be both the man who is kind and the wimp who is a pushover, the
Bad Boy can have many different shades of meaning. One way of seeing
the Bad Boy is the "fun/sexy guy." When put in these terms women viewed
the fun/sexy guy as more likely to get a second date.

Research with college women found four different variations of the Bad

1) the rebel, who is mysterious, dangerous, risk-taking, and cocky;

2) the macho man, who is tough and self-assured;

3) the fun guy, who is adventurous, spontaneous, and outgoing;

4) the sexy guy, who is charming, physically attractive, and sexually


Being a Bad Boy doesn't necessarily mean shooting people, snorting

cocaine, and choking out your mother. Study the four types of Bad Boy
listed above and find one that fits your personality, or is closest to it. The
college women interviewed agreed that Bad Boys are more sexually
successful than Nice Guys.

30. It doesn't matter if she likes you or not.

Many men stick to the Nice Guy role because they think it is important for
the woman to like them. The desire to try to get a women to like them
causes men to engage in all sorts of counterproductive behaviors, such as
talking too much, smiling, being submissive, and buying them things. In the
German speed dating study, it was found that agreeableness, or being
likable, had no effect on women's choices.

Yet research shows that women are often attracted to men that they don't
like. Women find dominant men more sexually attractive, but not
necessarily likable. Monica Lewinski regarded Bill Clinton as "The Big
Creep", but she continued to date him and years later still regards him as the
love of her life.

31. Be Dominant.
One study found that women find dominant men more attractive. Another
study found dominant men more attractive, but only if they were agreeable,
too. This may explain the contradictions in research: women want a man
who is nice, but not a pushover. Women also want a man who is dominant,
but not a jerk. In other words, niceness is not enough unless accompanied
by dominance, or a series of traits psychologists file under "surgency," such
as dominance, self-confidence, competitiveness, assertiveness,
extroversion, and decisiveness.

32. Be Prepared to Pass Women's Tests.

Women will test your dominance. In the Seduction Community, this is

called a "shit test." What happens is that some men know when they
approach women they must look dominant, and so they will try to act tough
and try to bluster their way through. Women test men to see if the macho
man they see in front of them is just an act.

One study phrased it like this: Some research suggests that women’s testing
and evaluation of partners’ ability and willingness to invest continue long
after a stable relationship has been established (Buss 1989b; Townsend
1995, 1998; Townsend et al. 1995). Hence, for women such testing may be
a relatively automatic and continuous process.

Dr. Townsend found in his extensive interviews with women that they
continually tested men, trying to provoke a reaction and/or trying to see just
how far they could push the men in their relationships.

33. Be Competitive.

In a study women who were looking for a short-term sexual partner

preferred men who were directly competitive with their rivals and displayed
"social presence."
34. Acquire Status.

Women everywhere at all times have preferred men with high status. In The
Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne has an affair with the minister, not the guy
who mows the rectory lawn. Invariably, women prefer the CEO to the guy
in the mail room, the general to the private, the president of the club to the
average member, and so on.

Don't despair if you're not the president of the United States or the CEO of
a Fortune 500 company. Consider the following quote: "In industrial
societies, however, men who enjoy dominance in local hierarchies do tend
to have more sex partners than do less dominant men." It's scientific
language meaning that a man doesn't have to have national recognition or
status in order to be successful with women. If you live in Painted Creek,
Texas and become the mayor, or are president of the Competitive Frisbee
Association, that counts. Although you wouldn't think it's possible,
acquiring status (becoming a champion or a leader) in gaming can score
you women, even if it's Dungeons and Dragons.

Being socially respected (having people look up to you) is the only trait that
women always seek regardless of whether they are looking for short-term or
long-term relationships. One seduction tactic is to take a woman to a bar (or
other venue) where you have carefully cultivated relationships with the
staff, so that you are recognized and respected by the bouncer, the
bartender, and the waitresses. You don't have to appear on the cover of Time
magazine, just the recognition of the staff at a bar is enough to impress a
woman that you have status. Anything that marks you as a success, a leader,
or a winner can be used to get women.

35. Crash and Burn.

A common tactic in the Seduction Community is to have beginners go on a
"crash and burn" mission, the aim of which is to get guys to approach
women one right after the other in order to get over their fear of approach
and rejection. This is based on the very sound and basic tenet of psychology
called "desensitization." For a person with a fear of heights, the
psychologist will have that person think of climbing the stairs, while in a
calm, reassuring environment. The next step will be to climb a single stair,
then two. Bit by bit the person is gradually exposed to greater heights until
his fear is overcome.

Famed psychologist Albert Ellis was terrified of approaching women he

didn't know. He realized the only way to overcome his fear of approach and
rejection was to force himself to approach. Ellis swore to himself he would
sit next to every girl he saw sitting alone on a bench at the Bronx Botanical
Garden. Out of 130 approaches, 30 women immediately got up and left. Of
the remaining 100 women, he only arranged one date, and she never
showed up. Despite this failure, he persisted to another 100 approaches,
until he eventually became successful.

This is an extreme example, and the aim is that with the scientific rules in
this book you will have a higher success rate than Ellis did. But if you will
just begin approaching women, your fears will die.

36. Think 'V' for "Victory."

Men desire women with a low waist-to-hip ratio, meaning a narrow waist
and broad hips, --the standard Coke bottle or hourglass figure. Women are
looking for men with a desirable waist-to-chest ratio, in which a man's torso
has a 'V' shape, being broad at the shoulders and narrow at the waist. Even
small changes in this ratio (smaller waist, broader shoulders) increase a
man's attractiveness.

Anything you can do to enhance your 'V' is likely to pay off. Lose weight at
the waist. Do "lat pulls" at the gym, a weight resistance exercise where you
pull a horizontal bar down toward your collarbone. Sweaters and suits with
broad shoulders also help.
Women prefer a mesomorph, a male body type that is neither skinny nor fat,
but muscular without being muscle bound.

37. Keep Your Head Up (and Back).

Research finds that men with their heads tilted back are more attractive to
women. This backward/upward head tilt is a subtle display of dominance.

Roissy refers to a "reverse nod," in which a man throws his head back and
chin upward as a form of greeting, as opposed to nodding the head down
and forward.

The head back pose can also help boost your confidence. "A head-back,
chest out, posture has also been shown to make a person feel more powerful
and willing to take risks, according to past research published in September
in the journal Psychological Science."

38. Be Decisive.

Research shows that women who make the most decisions have the least
sex. This is especially true when women are making decisions in a
relationship. From the study: "Not only were these women [making more
decisions] having less sex, but 'the findings showed more dominant and
assertive women had approximately 100 times less sex.'"

To apply this in a dating scenario, don't ask her where she wants to go --you
decide. R. Don Steele, author of How to Date Young Women, explains that
no matter how fair and sensitive it may seem to you, you cannot ask her
where she wants to go on a date. Another trick is to request one menu for
the two of you and then order for her. If this strikes you as something only
an a-hole would do, it's a sign that it works. You can combine ordering for
her (showing decisiveness) with a demonstration of higher value, such as
reading a French or Italian menu, or ordering special dishes at a Thai
restaurant, for example.
39. Carry a Guitar.

In a French study, an attractive man approached 300 young women, either

carrying a guitar case, a sports bag, or nothing. 31% of the women he
approached when carrying the guitar case gave him their phone numbers,
double the percentage who accepted when he had nothing, and more than
three times the percentage who gave him their numbers when he was
carrying a sports bag.

In an Israeli study, online profiles of men playing guitars were nearly three
times as successful, with 28% of women consenting to friends requests
from guitar profiles versus a 10% acceptance rate for profiles without

40. Peacock. Wear Something That Makes You Stand Out.

Research shows that intentionally wearing something that makes you stand
out from the crowd makes others view you as having higher status, and
when it comes to women, higher status is good. In the Seduction
Community, this is called “peacocking.” Examples are wearing red sneakers
with a suit (Remember Rule 8, Wear Red) or wearing a Stetson and cowboy
boots at a yuppie or hipster bar.

41. Assume a power pose.

Before you go out, and especially before you go out to meet women,
assume a power pose for two minutes. One power pose is to sit at a chair,
leaning back with your hands behind your head and your feet on the desk,
or the Wonder Woman pose, standing tall with your head up and your fists
on your hips. Two minutes in these poses was found to decrease the stress
hormone cortisol, boost testosterone levels, increase risk-taking and self-
1. You can improve your success with women.

2. Women are less focused on looks than men are.

3. Be ready to show your ambition.

4. Who a woman finds attractive changes with her monthly cycle.

5. Being muscular, arrogant, and confrontational works for one-night


6. Speak deeply.

7. Change up your speech. Switch from fast and excited to slow, deep,
and intimate.

8. Wear red.

9. Wear stubble.

10. Don't remove your chest or back hair.

11. Wear your scar proudly.

12. Buy a nice car.

13. Show your creativity.

14. Swagger.

15. Don't smile.

16. Walk Tall.

17. Dress well. Look like a man with a future.

18. Invent a wife.

19. Get social proof.

20. Go for the hookup.

21. Move fast.

22. Keep your damn mouth shut. Be ambiguous.

23. Keep her guessing.

24. See an 'R' movie.

25. Ride the roller coaster with her.

26. Break the rules.

27. Break the law.

28. Don't be a Nice Guy

29. Be the Bad Boy.

30. It doesn't matter if she likes you or not.

31. Be dominant.

32. Be prepared to pass women's tests.

33. Be competitive.

34. Acquire status.

35. Crash and burn.

36. Think 'V' for "Victory."

37. Keep your head up (and back).

38. Be decisive.

39. Carry a Guitar.

40. Peacock. Wear something that makes you stand out.

41. Assume a power pose.

Documentation and Resources

1. You can improve your success with women.

Elana Clift's thesis, Picking Up and Acting Out: Politics of Masculinity in

the Seduction Community, is available here:

Asendorpf, J. B., Penke, L., & Back, M. D. (2010). From Dating to Mating
and Relating: Predictors of Initial and Long-Term Outcomes of Speed-
Dating in a Community Sample. European Journal of Personality, Eur. J.
Pers. 25: 16–30 (2011) Published online 4 April 2010
( DOI: 10.1002/per.768

2. Women are less focused on looks than men are.

Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences:

Evolutionary hypotheses

tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 12, 1-49. Retrieved on

December 25, 2007, from

Rating attractiveness: Study finds consensus among men, not women.

3. Be ready to show your ambition.

Sexual Attractiveness: Sex Differences in Assessment and Criteria.

Townsend and Wasserman, 1998.
4. Who a woman finds attractive changes with her monthly cycle.

Penton-Voak, I. S., Perrett, D. I., Castles, D. L., Kobayashi, T., Burt, D. M.,
Murray, L. K., & Minamisawa, R. (1999). Menstrual cycle alters face
preference. Nature. 399. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from

5. Being muscular, arrogant, and confrontational works for one-night


Gangestad, S. W., Garver-Apgar, C. E., & Simpson, J. A. (2007). Changes

in women's mate preferences across the ovulatory cycle. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 92(1), 151-163.

6. Speak deeply.

Puts, D. A. (2006). Cyclic variation in women's preferences for masculine

traits: Potential hormonal causes. Human Nature, 17(1), 114-127.

7. Change up your speech. Switch from fast and excited to slow, deep,
and intimate.

Anolli, L. & Ciceri, R. (2002). Analysis of the vocal profiles of male

seduction: From exhibition to self-disclosure. Journal of General
Psychology, 129(2), 149-169.

8. Wear red.
Women attracted to men in red, research shows.

9. Wear stubble.

Hirsutes you: Women are more attracted to men with stubble (and they
prefer hairy chests and backs too).

Heavy Stubble Makes Men Sexy, Report Says. Weiss, Johnathan. 25 April 2013.

10. Don't remove your chest or back hair.

Hirsutes you: Women are more attracted to men with stubble (and they
prefer hairy chests and backs too).

Dixson, A.F., Halliwell, G., East, R.,Wignarajah, P., & Anderson, M. J.

(2003). Masculine somatotype and hirsuteness as determinants of sexual
attractiveness to women. Archive of Sexual Behavior 32, 29–39.

11. Wear your scar proudly.

Scientists find facial scars increase attractiveness
12. Buy a nice car.

Does driving a Porsche make a man more attractive to a woman?

Effect of manipulated prestige-car ownership on both sex attractiveness

ratings. Dunn MJ, Searle R. Br J Psychol. 2009 Mar 19. [Epub ahead of

Women more attracted to men in expensive cars. The Telegraph. 24 March


Men...your love life needs a pickup truck. Purcell, Tom. Daily Sun News. 19
March 2014.

13. Show your creativity.

Creative types have more sex partners.


Haselton, M. G. & Miller, G. F. (2006). Women's fertility across the cycle

increases the short-term attractiveness of creative intelligence. Human
Nature, 17(1), 50-73.

14. Swagger.

Johnson, K. L. & Tassinary, L. G. (2007). Compatibility of basic social

perceptions determines perceived attractiveness. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Retrieved
on December 8, 2007 from
To see the ideal male walk, go here, and look at "shoulder swagger":

15. Don't smile.

Happy guys finish last, says new study on sexual attractiveness.

The 4 Big Myths of Profile Pictures.

16. Walk Tall.

Hensley, W. E. (1994). Height as a basis for interpersonal attraction.


29(114), 469-474.

Pierce, C. A. (1996). Body height and romantic attraction: A meta-analytic

test of the

male-taller norm. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal,



Townsend, John. Male Dominance & Romance: Chap. 7 of What Women

Want--What Men Want.
17. Dress well. Look like a man with a future.

Townsend, J. M. & Levy, G. D. (1990). Effects of potential partners'

costume and physical attractiveness on sexuality and partner selection.
Journal of Psychology, 124(4), 371-389.

18. Invent a wife.

Eva, K. W. & Wood, T. J. (2006). Are all the taken men good? An indirect
examination of mate-choice copying in humans. CMAJ: Canadian Medical
Association Journal, 175(12), 1573-1574.

19. Get social proof.

Waynforth, D. Mate choice copying in humans.

Graziano, W., Jensen-Campbell, L., Shebilske, L., & Lundgren, S. (1993).

Social influence, sex differences, and judgments of beauty: Putting the
Interpersonal back in interpersonal attraction. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 65, 522–531.

20. Go for the hookup.

"Hookups" can turn into meaningful relationships, study suggests.

21. Move fast.

Norton, M. I., Frost, J. H., & Ariely, D. (2007). Less is more: The lure of
ambiguity, or why familiarity breeds contempt. Journal of Personality &
Social Psychology, 92(1), 97-105.

22. Keep your damn mouth shut. Be ambiguous.

Kleinke, C. L. & Kahn, M. L. (1980). Perceptions of self-disclosers: Effects

of sex and physical attractiveness. Journal of Personality, 48(2), 190-205.

23. Keep her guessing.

"He loves me, he loves me not . . . ": uncertainty can increase romantic

24. See an 'R' movie.

Cohen, B., Waugh, G., & Place, K. (1989). At the movies: An unobtrusive
study of arousal-attraction. Journal of Social Psychology, 129(5), 691-693.

25. Ride the roller coaster with her.

Meston C. M., & Frohlich, P. F. (2003). Love at first fright: Partner salience
moderates roller coaster-induced excitation transfer. Archives of Sexual
Behavior, 32, 537-

26. Break the rules.

Breaking Rules Makes You Seem Powerful

27. Break the law.

Palmer, C. T. & Tilley, C. F. (1995). Sexual access to females as a

motivation for joining

gangs: An evolutionary approach. Journal of Sex Research, 32(3), 213-217.

Rebellon, C. J. & Manasse, M. (2004). Do “bad boys” really get the girls?

as a cause and consequence of dating behavior among adolescents. JQ:


Quarterly, 21(2), 355-389.

The average family size of jail inmates.

Yanomami "Violence": Inclusive Fitness or Ethnographer's


'He's really kind-hearted': Mixed-race woman to marry white supremacist

murder suspect whose face is covered in swastikas
28. Don't be a Nice Guy

Herold, E. S. & Milhausen, R. R. (1999). Dating preferences of university

women: An

analysis of the nice guy stereotype. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy,
25(4), 333-343.

McDaniel, A. K. (2005). Young Women's Dating Behavior: Why/Why Not

Date a Nice

Guy? Sex Roles, 53(5/6), 347-359.

29. Be the Bad Boy.

Same sources as #28.

30. It doesn't matter if she likes you or not.

Sadalla, E. K., Kenrick, D. T., & Vershure, B. (1987). Dominance and

heterosexual attraction. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 52(4),
'I'm still in love with Bill': Friends say why Monica Lewinsky has never got
married or had kids

31. Be dominant.

Jensen-Campbell, L.A., Graziano, W. G., & West, S. G. (1995). Dominance,

prosocial orientation, and female preferences: Do nice guys really finish
last? Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 68(3), 427-440.

32. Be prepared to pass women's tests.

John Marshall Townsend. What Women Want--What Men Want: Why the
Sexes Still See Love and Commitment So Differently. Available at

John Marshall Townsend and Timothy Wasserman. Sexual Attractiveness:

Sex Differences in Assessment and Criteria.

33. Be competitive.

Gangestad, S. W., Garver-Apgar, C. E., & Simpson, J. A. (2007). Changes

in women's mate preferences across the ovulatory cycle. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 92(1), 151-163.

34. Acquire status.

Mazur et al, 1994.

Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences:

Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral & Brain
Sciences, 12, 1-49. Retrieved on December 25, 2007, from

Gangestad, S. W., Garver-Apgar, C. E., & Simpson, J. A. (2007). Changes

in women's mate preferences across the ovulatory cycle. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 92(1), 151-163.

35. Crash and burn.

Rosenthal, H. (2002). The REBT story you haven't heard: A no holds barred
interview with Dr. Albert Ellis. Journal of Clinical Activities, Assignments
& Handouts in Psychotherapy Practice, 2(3), 49-61.

36. Think 'V' for "Victory."

Dixson, A.F., Halliwell, G., East, R.,Wignarajah, P., & Anderson, M. J.

(2003). Masculine somatotype and hirsuteness as determinants of sexual
attractiveness to women. Archive of Sexual Behavior 32, 29–39.

Maisey, D.S., Vale, E.L.E., Cornelissen, P.L., & Tovee, M.J. (1999).
Characteristics of male attractiveness for women. Lancet, 353(9163), 1500.

37. Keep your head up (and back).

Study: Tilted heads are hot.
38. Be decisive.

October 2011 issue of the Journal of Sex, a study from John Hopkins

Huffington September 25, 2011. Dominant Women Have Less

Sex, Study Says.

39. Carry a Guitar.

The Pacific Standard Magazine:


40. Peacock. Wear something that makes you stand out.

Success outside the dress code. Wang, Shirley S. The Wall Street Journal.
17 March 2014.

41. Assume a power pose.

Power posing: fake it until you make it. Hanna, Julia. Based on the research of Amy Cuddy.
7 Steps to Same-Day Lays

Men are interested in sex, not relationships. The following report is largely
based upon the “Gunwitch Method,” which is the most straightforward and
most effective means of getting sex. The genius of this method is its
simplicity: it is too easy to complicate seduction with all sorts of elaborate
techniques. If you lack self-confidence and are a thinker to start with, trying
to figure out what to do creates indecision and hesitation, which are deadly.
Not only does the Gunwitch method lead to quick sex, but it is possible to
escalate a steamy encounter into a longer relationship if you so desire.

You must approach. There is no way around this. Men will try all sorts of
gimmicks, short-cut magic seduction methods like hypnosis, or the “stealth”
approach—trying to move up from a friend to a lover. You must approach a
woman as a lover, a sexual man, and risk being rejected. The good news is
that you are now no longer clueless, and once you start having sex with the
women you desire, rejections become painless. If you can summon the will
to try, you will unlock the doors to sexual fulfillment.

1. Approach Women Who Are Alone: Your goal is to get immediate sex,
but a woman with a group of friends may feel too afraid to have sex with
you for fear of what her friends and the community might say. Furthermore,
women are catty, and will try to prevent their friends from having sex with
strangers, either out of concern or jealousy. By approaching the lone
woman, she is emboldened to act on her secret desires discretely. Approach
anywhere! Note that I did not say, “Wait until Friday night and approach a
lone woman at a nightclub.” Women are at their most guarded at clubs.
Grocery stores, gyms, book stores, coffee shop, bank, etc. are now your
hunting grounds. Approach women you are interested in, without regard to
who your friends might find attractive.

2. Focus: Be clear that your goal is not to get a date or phone numbers –it is
to have sex with women you desire. Avoid dating behaviors such as buying
her things. It is not your purpose to entertain her, to flatter her, or to impress
her with your achievements. (In Step 4 the proper sexual state will ensure
that you are focused.)
3. Confidence: You probably think that it is difficult to seduce women, and
you have a reason or several reasons why you believe you are doomed to
fail. You may be convinced that you are too fat, too thin, too young, too old,
too poor, etc. Keep in mind that there are men out there with a totally
different outlook on seduction, men for whom seduction is easy. You are
about to become one of them. Observe the 3 Second Rule: move within
three seconds of establishing eye contact. You can begin by “faking it until
you make it,” but you also can have the advantage of…

4. Sexual State: You must be sexually charged, and ooze sensuality from
every pore. You need to be very, very horny. Of course, masturbation dulls
this edge. You must not vocalize your horniness (ex. “I’d like to do you
seven ways from Sunday.”), but suggest it with your body language. Key
components of sexual body language are sensuous eye contact (“bedroom
eyes”), a low, relaxed voice, physical closeness (You want to get very close
to her.) and casual touching. Examples of casual touching are taking her
hand as she gets out of a car, or brushing the hair from her face, or resting
your hand on her arm as you talk. This is not sexual, but done offhandedly,
as though you are unaware of it. Such seemingly casual touch revs up a
woman’s libido, and also serves as an effective filter—any woman who is
too uptight to cope with a light nonsexual touch is not going to be receptive
to your attempts at seduction and may have underlying issues. The sooner
you find out you are dealing with a frigid woman, the better.

The beauty of being in the appropriate sexual state is that it wipes out all of
the undesirable behaviors such as hesitation, indecision, and “coldness,”
and automatically creates desirable behaviors such as a sensual voice,
prolonged eye contact, physical proximity, non-threatening touching,
boldness, etc. This sexual state rescues you from friendship hell, where you
come across as an androgynous person rather than a man, and any later
attempts at seduction are met with surprise (Ouch! This hurts. You find out
that you are last person on earth she would see in a sexual light.) and
rejection --out of respect for your friendship.
5. Assume Rapport: Don't walk up to a girl directly, but perform the
"hover." If she is at the magazine rack, move near her, and "hover," looking
through the magazines. Establish eye contact, then make some comment
relevant to the environment. Introduce yourself at some point, and at the
first sign of her interest in you or responding to you, assume rapport. What
"assuming rapport" means is that you act as though the two of you know
each other.

Strangers engage in lots of questions, especially get-to-know-you questions.

Strangers tell about themselves, things like, "I'm a freelance web designer
currently living with my roommate and my dog Rover. My parents are in
Billings, Montana, and they just..." The idea, though, in assuming rapport is
to avoid the get-acquainted talk and to have the sort of conversations that
friends engage in, discussing what's going on around you, current events,
celebrities, movies, and so on. Do not panic if there is a lull in the
conversation --when friends are together there is often pauses in the
conversation or quiet time when they just hang out together

6. Persistence: Be aware that a woman’s first instinct is to clam up around

strangers as a defensive mechanism to protect herself from unwanted
advances. Do not misinterpret this as rejection. Don’t worry about what to
say. Keep your conversation light, avoiding negative subjects and any direct
statement of your sexual intentions. Since you are not making an overt
sexual advance, there is little for her to reject.

You are watching for her to mirror your sexual state. Continue until you
score or she rejects you.

7. Isolate: This is related to seduction step #1, approaching women who are
alone. If you approach a woman in a group, you want to isolate her as soon
as possible. Isolation can work in stages, moving to where the two of you
can talk in seclusion, then to where the two of you can have sex. Regardless
of whether the woman was originally alone or in a group, you need to
isolate her, moving to where the two of you can have sex. Do not
complicate this: your line does not need to be clever. When you invite her to
your place for a drink or to see your CD collection, she may very well know
what your intentions are, but it makes no difference, as long as she has
entered into a sexual state.
When you are finally completely alone, start with a kiss and proceed very
slowly. Women take longer than men to become aroused, so you want to
make sure she is so worked up that she won’t back out. If she does begin to
change her mind, go back to the previous step, and repeat.
If you enjoyed Be the Alpha Male: Boost Your Testosterone, Confidence,
and Success, please go to and leave a reader review --I'd
really appreciate it.

Please check out these other Kindle titles by Max Vance:


Groundhog Day: Secrets of Success and Seduction from the Classic Movie

The classic movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray represents the life
of the common man all too well --stuck in a rut that he cannot escape. But
the movie also provides a blueprint for the frustrated man to escape his
repetitious prison life.

The book Groundhog Day: Secrets of Success and Seduction from the
Classic Movie explains those lessons at length.

Among those lessons you will learn the following concepts:

The Groundhog Day Syndrome, and its symptoms

The power of engagement

Winning through altruism

Don't drive angry

The Gunwitch method of instant rapport with women

The Juggler method of success by social proof

Effortless seduction: Be the Prize

Self-Help and Motivation

HCG Diet Recipes: More Taste, Less Hunger

The HCG Diet is a powerful diet that gets rapid results. The only catch is
that the permitted foods are extremely limited, and sticking to the diet can
be an ordeal.

Now the book HCG Diet Recipes: More Taste, Less Hunger updates the
fifty year old diet with delicious, filling recipes that still closely adhere to
Dr. Simeons low-fat, low-calories diet.

I lost 18 pounds in 21 days on this diet, and there's no reason you can't lose
as much or more, while enjoying tasty meals and feeling as full as possible
on fewer calories.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Jail

I was terrified of going to jail. I shouldn't have been. Much to my surprise,

my time in jail turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. I
learned a lot from the many inmates I met, like:

“The Miracle Man,” who came out of a coma so deep that his fingernails
and toenails had fallen out

A slow-motion ecstasy user who wants to go to clown college

The illiterate heroin user with a Mohawk, few teeth, and acid reflux

A construction worker who witnessed two murders

“Jailhouse Christians,” who are drug dealers out of jail, but devout
Christians once they're locked up
The mentally retarded inmate locked up for sexual assault

Elvis, who was sentenced to a year in jail for buying beer

The heroin-addicted drug counselor who woke up in his car soaking wet,
not knowing how he got there

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Jail is not only a fascinating read,
but you will learn valuable lessons, such as:

You Don't Need Underwear

Don't Stick a Pencil in Your Eye

Never Waste a Miracle

Refuse to Wear the Helmet

Don't Play with Guns

Know Why You're Locked Up

Philippine Adventure: Travel and Seduction

A world of adventure awaits the man who travels to the Philippines, if only
he knows where to go, what to do, and how to approach Filipinas.
"Philippine Adventure: Travel and Seduction" reveals to the reader one of
the most exciting discoveries of my life --how to meet and seduce beautiful
No other place on earth offers the life-changing combination of beautiful
places, gorgeous, approachable women, and the rock bottom prices of the

In this book you will learn:

--where to go, island paradises to explore
--where to stay and how to make the most of your money
--what to take with you
--how to meet and approach Filipinas
--how to find the girlfriend or wife of your dreams

As a special bonus, you will also receive "Triple X Seduction," a book on

seduction based on three master pickup artists and rooted in the specific
culture of the Philippines. Each master pickup artist represents one of the
three phases of a simple, direct approach to meeting and seducing women:
Open, Engage, and Close.
You'll also receive the Camiguin Travel Guide, an exclusive guide to one of
the Philippines' best destinations, the "Hawaii of the Philippines."

Live Like a Pimp: An Uncommon Guide to Uncommon Success

Easing himself out of his gold Cadillac in his silk suit and fur cape,
swaggering with a walking stick and platform shoes, and lording it over a
stable of prostitutes in short, tight skirts, the pimp is the stuff of legend.
Some would argue that the flamboyant pimp of the blaxploitation movies is
largely fiction, but even if the colorful ghetto pimp is no more than an urban
legend, he appeals to men at an instinctive level. In his heart of hearts,
every man wants to be a pimp.
Every man longs to walk proudly, to call attention to himself, to hold
fistfuls of cash, to command a harem and the respect of his peers. Men want
these things, and want them desperately, but as Thoreau observed, they
never talk about or act on their secret longings. Men will go from cradle to
grave working their asses off, paying for sex, and secretly envying the
audacious pimp.
Ignore the clown pimp, the cracker who dresses up for Halloween in a
“pimp” costume. I am asking you to take the idea of becoming a pimp, a
modern pimp, seriously.
What do I mean by a “modern pimp”?
The pimp has a lot to teach men about getting what they want out of life,
without excuses. The pimp is able to create the life of his fantasies out of
nothing. Poverty, lack of education, high unemployment, discrimination,
age, physical appearance, government opposition –none are obstacles to the
pimp. If a man at the very bottom of society with everything stacked against
him can live the life every man dreams of, then so can you; but first you
must want it, and you must know how.
This book tells you how. Keep in mind that the point is not for you to wear
a yellow jumpsuit and employ prostitutes in the ghetto –the objective is for
you to live large the life of your secret desires, whatever form that might
take. So the pimp serves as an inspiration and a metaphor, although you
probably never expected to see the word “metaphor” in a book titled "Live
Like a Pimp."
To those of you who are ready to consider something as outrageous as
living the life you want to live; I wish you all the best.
To those of you who are offended by this book’s “misogynistic attitude and
perpetuation of the rigid sex-role stereotypes of an oppressive patriarchal
white society,” I offer you a sincere bitchslap.
"Live Like a Pimp" is based on the real-life exploits of Malcolm X and the
hustlers he knew. The book also includes the allegorical short story, "The
Pimp Hand Strikes."

The Tao of Steve: 3 Simple Rules of Seduction

The award-winning movie "The Tao of Steve" is unique among romantic

comedies in that it is based on a real-life ladies' man, Duncan North.
Despite the fact that he is overweight, Duncan is wildly successful with
women because of three simple rules: Be Desireless, Be Excellent, Be

"The Tao of Steve: 3 Simple Rules of Seduction" provides an in-depth look

at Duncan's Zen philosophy of seduction and a simple, yet detailed plan of
action you can take to improve your success with women.

Do you want to be a Steve, the cool ladies' man, or a Stu, the lonely, hapless
schlub? Read "The Tao of Steve: 3 Simple Rules of Seduction," apply those
rules, and be like Steve.


With My Clothes On

What happens when a legend of the adult movie industry decides to become
a school teacher?

Sammy Atmeijian, better known as Rod Long, decides to leave the adult
movie industry for a job with dignity, something he can do with his clothes
on. He returns home to central California, and tries to forge a teaching
career and a relationship with his attractive co-worker Linda, all without the
benefit of a script. Teaching is harder than he thought it was. Soon his secret
past threatens to destroy his new career and relationship.
To the Third Generation

Jerry Lavery, the colorblind son of the most powerful family in the isolated
town of Amity, Idaho, tries to run away from the child he fathered, only to
kill the sheriff's daughter in a drunk driving accident. His suspicion of
behind-the-scenes maneuvering deepens when he discovers a fetus in a jar
bearing his name and birth date. Jerry begins to suspect that the growing
number of colorblind men in town are not just strangers, but his brothers.

Fighting to clear his name and to reclaim the love of his high school
sweetheart, in the end he must confront the matriarch of the Lavery family
to break the legacy of evil.


You've never seen an alien like her.

When she arrives on earth with a whisper, mute and nude, she becomes the
objective of a battle to possess the most sexually alluring woman any man
has ever seen. Every man who comes in contact with her must fight to keep
her, especially once the government launches a series of raids to seize every
alien they can find.
But Professor Dwight Lansing knows that the alien female is not alone, and
that someone terrifying is coming to earth to claim her.

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