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Money give away scams (all hustle


Client : hi here’s my tag 🏷️

You : okay but before I send this money I want to know what you will use it for

Client : I will use it for ( whatever)

You : sounds good to me , from your response it is clear you won’t misuse the money I’ll send so
instead of $1500 I’ll send you $3000 .

Client : thank you so much

You : wait while I send you the money

Now open the fake cash app apk an input the client tag
This is a sample , now on the section where we have note put there “

Pending!!! Will only complete once recipient verifies payment with a clearance fee of $100
So you should have this
Now save the picture an send to your victim an tell him / her that in other for them to receive the
$3000 the will have to verify with a clearance fee which means the have to send a certain amount of
money to your own tag for the transfer to complete

Now send them your tag an tell them to send the money there that once the do the fees will be
cleared immediately an the will receive their money

If you need the fake cash apk contact @jasminechat8

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