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MRI classification system (MRICS) for children with cerebral

palsy: development, reliability, and recommendations


1 Department of Pediatrics, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, G€oteborg, Sweden. 2 Department of Child Neurology,
University Children’s Hospital T€ubingen, T€ubingen, Germany. 3 Biomedical Research Institute Imas12-Ciberesp, 12 Octubre University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. 4 City
Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, Sunderland Royal Hospital, Sunderland, UK. 5 Department of Neuropediatrics, Children’s Hospital Zagreb, School of
Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. 6 Department of Paediatrics, University of Pecs, Pecs, Hungary. 7 Department of Paediatric Neurology, University
Children’s Hospital T€ubingen, T€ubingen, Germany.
Correspondence to Kate Himmelmann at Regional Rehabilitation Centre, Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital, Box 210 62, SE 418 04 G€oteborg, Sweden. E-mail:

*These authors contributed equally to this study.

SCPE members listed in Acknowledgements.
This article is commented on by Ditchfield on page 9 of this issue.

PUBLICATION DATA AIM To develop and evaluate a classification system for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Accepted for publication 25th April 2016. findings of children with cerebral palsy (CP) that can be used in CP registers.
Published online 21st June 2016. METHOD The classification system was based on pathogenic patterns occurring in different
periods of brain development. The MRI classification system (MRICS) consists of five main
ABBREVIATIONS groups: maldevelopments, predominant white matter injury, predominant grey matter injury,
MRICS MRI classification system miscellaneous, and normal findings. A detailed manual for the descriptions of these patterns was
PVL Periventricular leukomalacia developed, including test cases (
SCPE Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy cp-neuroimaging/). A literature review was performed and MRICS was compared with other
in Europe classification systems. An exercise was carried out to check applicability and interrater reliability.
Professionals working with children with CP or in CP registers were invited to participate in the
exercise and chose to classify either 18 MRIs or MRI reports of children with CP.
RESULTS Classification systems in the literature were compatible with MRICS and
harmonization possible. Interrater reliability was found to be good overall (k=0.69; 0.54–0.82)
among the 41 participants and very good (k=0.81; 0.74–0.92) using the classification based on
imaging reports.
INTERPRETATION Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) proposes the MRICS as a
reliable tool. Together with its manual it is simple to apply for CP registers.

Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) has, increased during the last 15 years, which would make com-
through agreement in definitions and classifications of cere- parison between countries and time periods difficult. Most
bral palsy (CP), developed a common language in the importantly, there is no commonly agreed neuroimaging
domain of CP.1,2 This has been a prerequisite for compara- classification for CP at this time.
tive studies,3,4 and for studies which necessitate a large popu- Although neuroimaging is not part of the CP definition,
lation basis.4,5 This common language has generated a lot of neuroimaging findings are abnormal in more than 80% of
interest even beyond Europe: the definitions and classifica- children with CP,7–9 disclosing the pathogenic pattern
tions are widely used, and SCPE papers extensively cited. responsible for the CP. Neuroimaging may also help to
CP is a clinical diagnosis, based upon neurological understand the structure–function relationship.10,11
symptoms and a motor disorder causing an activity limita- National guidelines recommend MRI as the first diag-
tion.6 SCPE does not consider neuroimaging a prerequisite nostic step after history taking, neurological examination,
for the diagnosis of CP.2 Up to now, normal magnetic res- and examination of additional impairments.12 Therefore, a
onance imaging (MRI) does not exclude the diagnosis of need was expressed for the development of a classification
CP. Moreover, neuroimaging, especially MRI, is not avail- system for neuroimaging findings in CP, which could be
able nor used in all countries to the same extent. In addi- introduced into the standard CP evaluation form to be
tion, the use of MRI, as well as knowledge of its role in prospectively used in registers. For this purpose, a simple
the understanding of CP pathogenesis, has dramatically system is needed, which can be applied easily not only by

© 2016 Mac Keith Press DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.13166 57

clinicians, but also by epidemiologists or other profession- What this paper adds
als who work in CP registers. In CP registers, in most • MRI Classification System (MRICS) is a mainly qualitative classification
cases only a written description of the imaging findings is system for children with cerebral palsy (CP).
available and not the image itself. The classification there- • MRICS describes pathogenic neuroimaging patterns related to timing of
fore has to be applicable also for the written descriptions. brain compromise.
With the aim to develop such a classification, SCPE had
• The classification system proved to be reliable and easy to use for CP regis-
as a first step identified MRI patterns known to be associ- • MRICS was compared with other classification systems and harmonization
ated with a high risk of CP. CP is defined as a disorder was feasible.
due to a non-progressive interference or lesion or abnor-
mality of the developing or immature brain.1 Thus, it They may also occur in the very-preterm child, then
seemed important to identify patterns according to their involving more the lenticulostriate arteries.19
time of occurrence during brain development, on the basis Thus pathological patterns, characterizing disturbance of
that the human brain undergoes complex organizational early brain development and likely to cause CP, can be
changes during intra- and extrauterine development; the summarized as maldevelopments, predominant white mat-
patterns of abnormalities or lesions found will depend on ter injury, and predominant grey matter injury; we called
the stage of brain development at the time of insult.13 these patterns ‘pathogenic patterns’ because they character-
Thus, the brain pathology of CP is dependent on the time ize specific timing periods of disturbance/insult to the
of occurrence of noxious events interfering with brain developing brain.
development or actually damaging it. MRI has good poten- In a second step, we had systematically searched in the
tial to visualize this pathology. During the first and second literature for these pathogenic patterns in children with
trimesters, predominantly cortical neurogenesis takes place, CP.7 In this earlier review, MRI was reported to be abnor-
characterized by proliferation, migration, and organisation mal in 86% of the CP cases and indicated the pathogenesis
of neuronal precursor cells, then neuronal cells. Distur- in 83%. Periventricular white matter injury was the most
bances in this process result in maldevelopments such as frequent finding (56%), followed by deep grey matter
lissencephaly, pachygyria, or polymicrogyria. When affect- injury (18%), and brain maldevelopment (9%). Thus, this
ing the motor cortex, CP may be the result. Some of these earlier review indicated that the classification based on
disorders may be of genetic origin, especially when pathogenic patterns covers the main brain pathology in
symmetrical in distribution.14 children with CP and seems a useful approach also for CP
During the third trimester, when the ‘gross architecture’ registers.
of the brain (neural cyto- and histogenesis) is largely estab- The aim of this study was to develop an MRI classifica-
lished, growth and differentiation events are predominant tion for CP research, registers, and clinicians, compare it
and persist into postnatal life (axon, dendrite and synapse with other classification systems used in the literature, and
formation, myelination). Disturbances of brain develop- test its reliability.
ment during this period mainly result in clastic lesions.
The causes are multiple and key factors are inflammation METHOD
with excessive cytokine production, oxidative stress, and The development of a classification system was based on
excess release of glutamate triggering the excitotoxic cas- the concept of the underlying pathogenic MRI patterns in
cade, factors that are induced by hypoxic–ischaemic and/or children with CP. Typical illustrations of these patterns
infectious mechanisms, whereby a potentiation of single including subgroups and descriptions in the context of
effects can be assumed.15 Early in the third trimester white clinical cases were searched for and agreed on by the
matter is especially affected. The major neuropathology authors. A manual was developed in the process and tested
potentially damaging the motor tracts and thus leading to with respect to comprehensibility and applicability during
CP includes periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) or compli- several SCPE workshops. Type of CP and gross motor
cations of intraventricular haemorrhage: predominant function according to Gross Motor Function Classification
white matter injury. This pathology has been called ‘en- System (GMFCS)20 were described together with MRI
cephalopathy of prematurity’ and is accompanied by ‘neu- findings.
ronal/axonal disease’. This may also involve the thalamus, A literature review was performed, searching for other
basal ganglia, cortex, brainstem, and cerebellum,16 classification systems of MRI findings in CP, with the
although the pathology that is related to CP and identifi- question of compatibility with the MRI classification sys-
able by visual inspection is mainly that of white matter tem (MRICS), and whether harmonization between classi-
injury. fications was possible. This review covered the time period
Lesional patterns that can occur in central motor January 2007 to March 2013. The following keywords
domains and thus cause CP in the late third trimester con- were used for the search: cerebral palsy, neuroimaging,
cern the cortical grey matter, basal ganglia, and thalamus:17 MRI, classification.
predominant cortical or deep grey matter injury. Infarcts A workshop with SCPE participants aimed at harmoniz-
of the middle cerebral artery are reported mainly in chil- ing the findings of the different classifications with the
dren born at or near term with unilateral spastic CP.18 MRICS.

58 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2017, 59: 57–64

A reliability study of the suggested classification system relation to the CP subtype were explained. The aspect of
was done using 18 MRIs and their written reports; these topography and functional consequence was highlighted
illustrated maldevelopments (3 cases), predominant white in a specific chapter. Figure 1 gives an overview on brain
matter injuries (7), predominant grey matter injuries (5), development and timing in relation to the pathogenic
miscellaneous (2), or normal findings (1). Age at examina- patterns described. Figures 2 to 4 exemplify MRI findings
tion and CP subtype were indicated. The test case exam- in the A, B, and C categories respectively; in the B cate-
ples were not part of the MRICS manual. These examples gory, also with respect to morphology–function. In a sec-
together with the manual were sent to all SCPE centres ond part of the manual, concrete case reports of children
asking for participation of members involved in collecting with CP integrated the MRI in the clinical context. Thus,
neuroimaging results for the register. The participants the classification system is primarily qualitative (patterns
were asked to do the study either with the images, or with of different timing). To some degree it is also quantita-
the written reports, using the MRICS manual as reference. tive, because parameters are introduced such as unilater-
They were asked to classify at least the main pathogenic ality or bilaterality, and for some patterns – such as PVL
group (A, B, C, D, E), and in the case of more than one or diencephalic lesions – also aspects of lesion extent.
pattern, to classify the predominant pattern or the pattern Specific pitfalls were highlighted, such as the importance
that most probably caused CP. MRICS interrater reliabil- of age of the child at MRI. Incomplete myelination may
ity was estimated with kappa statistics (and 95% confidence make it difficult or impossible to identify mild PVL or
intervals [95% CI]) and interpreted according to usual mild deep grey matter lesions.
ordinal categories. The cases in the manual can be studied primarily as
illustrations of specific patterns, or without revealing the
RESULTS MRI classification, so that the user can train themselves.
The classification system based on the pathogenic patterns This manual was included in the Reference and Training
including subgroups is described in Table I, and was called Manual of the SCPE (
MRICS. The literature review for other classification systems of
A manual exemplifying and illustrating these patterns, MRI findings in CP identified 49 publications, 10 of which
including clinical cases for training, was established (www. qualified for further analysis because they used specific classification systems: two were reviews,8,9 five population
maging/). Examples and definitions – such as unilateral or based studies,11,21–24 and three focused on a specific CP
bilateral involvement, or mild versus severe extent of a subtype.25–27 All these studies had in common a high pro-
lesion – were included. All examples indicated the age at portion of abnormal MRIs (83–87%). Most of the items
imaging, the CP subtype and severity according to used in the different classifications could be easily allocated
GMFCS, and the topography of the lesion and its to one of the groups suggested in the SCPE classification
system as they referred to comparable pathogenic patterns.
Minor differences concerned the wording of an item such
Table I: The harmonized classification of magnetic resonance imaging, as maldevelopment versus malformation; harmonization
based on pathogenic patterns (MRI classification system) proposed by thus seemed unproblematic. Major differences concerned
the SCPE network. For categories A.2. and D, the findings are to be given patterns without a corresponding term in the SCPE classi-
as free text. Severity categories of B.1. and C.1. are defined according to fication. An important category here refers to enlargement
previous publications10,30 of intra- and/or extracerebral spaces such as ventricu-
lomegaly, atrophy, cerebrospinal space abnormalities, cere-
A. Maldevelopments
A.1. Disorders of cortical formation (proliferation and/or bellar atrophy, diffuse cortical atrophy, thin corpus
migration and/or organization callosum, and enlargement of the lateral ventricles. Other
A.2. Other maldevelopments (examples: holoprosencephaly items without correspondence were infection and
Dandy–Walker malformation, corpus callosum agenesis,
cerebellar hypoplasia) hypomyelination (Table II).
B. Predominant white matter injury Multiple lesions (e.g. more than one abnormality where
B.1. PVL (mild/severe) it is difficult to decide which one is predominant or caus-
B.2. Sequelae of IVH or periventricular haemorrhagic infarction
B.3. Combination of PVL and IVH sequelae ing CP) were not dealt with unanimously and were gener-
C. Predominant grey matter injury ally considered to be problematic for classifying. The age
C.1. Basal ganglia/thalamus lesions (mild/moderate/severe) at MRI varied considerably and there was no consensus on
C.2. Cortico-subcortical lesions only (watershed lesions in
parasagittal distribution/multicystic encephalomalacia) not how to deal with the problem of incomplete myelination.
covered under C3 There was a tendency however, to include MRI performed
C.3. Arterial infarctions (middle cerebral artery/other) at a younger age and even neonatal MRI into the analysis.
D. Miscellaneous (examples: cerebellar atrophy, cerebral atrophy,
delayed myelination, ventriculomegaly not covered under B,
haemorrhage not covered under B, brainstem lesions, Harmonization of classifications
calcifications) Ten SCPE partners (clinicians dealing with CP, epidemiol-
E. Normal
ogists, and experts who work with CP registers) from eight
IVH, intraventricular haemorrhage. countries (Sweden, UK, Hungary, Croatia, Germany,

MRI Classification in CP Kate Himmelmann et al. 59

Cortical neurogenesis

Conception 6wks 20wks 30wks 40wks

Proliferation, migration, organization Synapse formation, dendritic growth,

of neuronal cells start of myelination

Pathogenic events cause

A. Maldevelopments B. Predominant C. Predominant

white matter injury grey matter injury

Figure 1: Systematic overview on brain development, pathogenic patterns, and timing.

Figure 2: Illustrations of category A: Maldevelopments. Left: lissencephaly with broad, agyric cortex especially in the parietooccipital domain (T2w axial; age
16y, bilateral spastic CP, GMFCS level V, LIS1 gene mutation). Right: unilateral schizencephaly on the left side, a polymicrogyric cortex band borders the cleft
(arrow, T2w axial; age 12y, unilateral spastic CP on the right side, GMFCS level I). CP, cerebral palsy; GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System.

Spain, Australia, France) participated in a workshop on miscellaneous. The term ‘infection’ could not be allocated
MRICS, which resulted in the following suggestions for because it is not a pathogenic pattern but an aetiological
harmonization, summarized in Table II. Classification term, and can cause various patterns (for example, cytome-
systems of four papers differed more substantially from galovirus can cause polymicrogyria or white matter injury
the classification proposed by the SCPE, and Table II dependent on timing). MRICS aims at classifying MRI pat-
indicates suggested allocation to categories used in terns related to timing and pathogenesis, not aetiology.
MRICS.7,23,24,27 It was suggested that patterns which could
not be allocated to one of the SCPE categories and which The interrater reliability exercise
referred to cerebrospinal space abnormalities – for example The interrater reliability exercise was performed on 18
ventriculomegaly, atrophy, cerebellar atrophy, diffuse corti- cases by 41 raters. The raters were from CP registers in 10
cal atrophy, enlargement of the lateral ventricles or thin European countries with a background in neuropaediatrics
corpus callosum – should be allocated to D (miscellaneous). (9/41), radiology (4/41), paediatrics/child development/re-
Only if there was evidence of intraventricular haemorrhage habilitation (22/41), or other background (6/41). Fifteen
grade III or IV in the neonatal period, then ventricu- raters chose to classify based on images, and 26 performed
lomegaly or enlargement of the lateral ventricles would cor- the exercise reading reports of the same images. The over-
respond to B.2. (sequelae of intraventricular haemorrhage all kappa statistic was 0.69 (95% CI 0.54; 0.82), which is
or periventricular haemorrhagic infarction). It was sug- considered substantial or good. The interrater reliability
gested that hypomyelination should be classified as statistic was 0.57 (95% CI 0.38; 0.72) for ratings of images,

60 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2017, 59: 57–64

Figure 3: Illustrations of category B: Predominant white matter injury. B.1. Periventricular leukomalacia is exemplified in three different forms of sever-
ity. Left: a mild, but very asymmetrical form, involving the motor tract only on the right side, indicated by the big arrow, while the small arrow indicates
frontal gliosis (age 6y, unilateral spastic CP on the left side, GMFCS level I); (middle) a mild symmetrical form, involving motor tracts on both sides, the
arrow indicates the periventricular gliosis (age 3y, bilateral spastic CP, GMFCS level I). Right: a severe form with not only bilateral gliosis, indicated by
the arrows, but also tissue loss (age 6y, bilateral spastic CP, GMFCS level V). The upper row shows T2w axial images. The lower row shows T2w coro-
nal images in the domain of the motor tracts, illustrating the lesions with respect to the motor tracts. CP, cerebral palsy; GMFCS, Gross Motor Function
Classification System.

and 0.81 (95% CI 0.66; 0.92) for rating of reports of system for MRI findings in children with CP seems to be of
images. Normal and miscellaneous findings proved to high importance. Especially for CP registers, there is a great
cause a major difficulty, especially when rating images. need for consensus on classification. In the literature, the
The highest reliability was achieved for predominant white need for a standardized classification system is expressed in
matter injury (k=0.83: k=0.78 for images, 0.87 for descrip- every study dealing with MRI in children with CP. In most
tions); maldevelopments and predominant grey matter of the studies, some kind of classification is indeed used.
injury achieved a kappa of 0.71 and 0.68 respectively (see Brain abnormalities in CP arise at different times during
also Table SI, online supporting information, for details). brain development. The same cause, for example, an infec-
tious agent or a hypoxic–ischaemic event, may give rise to
DISCUSSION different patterns depending on the timing of interference
There is a consensus on an international basis that neu- with brain development. Therefore, it seemed logical to
roimaging is of great importance in the diagnosis of CP.7– describe pathogenic patterns related to timing rather than
Neuroimaging is abnormal in more than 80% of chil- use a classification based on aetiology, especially because
dren with CP. Neuroimaging helps understanding of patho- aetiology is often not clear.
genesis and, to a minor extent, also aetiology of the After having agreed on definitions concerning CP and its
underlying brain disorder. It may also help to understand subtypes as well as additional impairments, pre-, peri-, and
the structure–function relationship.10,11 Thus a classification neonatal data and denominators,28 SCPE now suggests a

MRI Classification in CP Kate Himmelmann et al. 61

Figure 4: Illustrations of category C: Predominant grey matter injury. Upper: C.1. Basal ganglia and thalamus lesions: T2w axial images illustrate involve-
ment of deep grey nuclei on the left (medio-lateral thalamus, posterior part of nucleus lentiformis, arrows) associated with additional cortico-subcortical
lesions in the central region (arrows, right) (age 7y, born at term, hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy, dyskinetic CP with spastic features, GMFCS level
IV). Middle: C.2. Parasagittal lesion, T2w images in axial (left) and coronal orientation (right) showing cortico-subcortical injury in parasagittal distribu-
tion, the temporal lobe is relatively spared (age 10y, born at term, severe hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy, bilateral spastic CP, GMFCS level V).
Lower: C.3. Infarction of the middle cerebral artery with cortico-subcortical and basal ganglia/thalamus defects, indicating endstage after tissue
destruction, axial T2w image (left), coronal T2w image (right) (age 18mo, unilateral spastic CP, GMFCS level I). CP, cerebral palsy; GMFCS, Gross Motor
Function Classification System.

62 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2017, 59: 57–64

Table II: Allocation of the categories of four other classification
the more extensive the lesion); information on topography
systems7,23,24,27 into categories used in the MRI classification system
is given when subscores are considered, but lesion type
itself is not addressed. Thus, the systems appear comple-
mentary. When comparing MRICS to other classification
Other magnetic resonance imaging MRICS (main categories) systems used in the literature, harmonization seemed feasi-
classifications in the
literature A B C D E ble because, usually, similar patterns were addressed,
although with a somewhat different wording, and some
Korzeniewski et al.
aspects had to be allocated to the miscellaneous group
Congenital malformations x
White matter injury x (e.g. hypomyelination, cerebellar atrophy, or unspecified
Grey matter injury x atrophy). So, in a next step, we would like to test MRICS
Ventriculomegaly, atrophy, or x
also at an international level to see whether consensus on
cerebrospinal space abnormalities
Miscellaneous abnormalities not x the classification can be achieved.
included above MRI findings are increasingly introduced into CP regis-
Normal x
ters; usually the imaging report is used, but some registers
Benini et al.23
Cerebral malformation x have direct access to images. For both, rating images
Periventricular white matter injury x directly and ratings of imaging reports, we could show a
Cerebral vascular accident x
very good interrater reliability.
Deep brain grey matter injury x
Superficial grey matter injury x Several questions turned up repeatedly in this context
Diffuse grey matter injury x which led to the following recommendations noted in the
Intracranial haemorrhage x
SCPE guideline for data submission and in the Reference
Non-specific x and Training Manual (
Normal x rtm/neuroimaging/cp-neuroimaging/recommendation-for-
Reid et al.24
Brain malformations x
White matter injury x
Focal vascular insult
Grey matter injury
• If there are several patterns, the predominant pattern
that is believed most likely to have led to the CP
Miscellaneous x
Normal x should be classified first; if there is another pathogenic
Numata et al.27 pattern (A, B, or C), this should be classified separately.
Periventricular leukomalacia
x • Patterns should be classified as a minimum at headline
Hypomyelination x level (A, B, C, D, E); if feasible, patterns should be fur-
Cerebellar atrophy x ther classified at the subgroup level.
Diffuse cortical atrophy
Enlargement of the lateral ventricles
x • Ideally, an MRI performed after the age of 2 years
Border-zone-infarction x should be used for classification purposes, because of
Porencephaly/periventricular x developing myelination during the first years. If MRI
venous infarction
performed before 2 years of age is normal, patterns such
Thin corpus callosum x
Unclassifiable x as mild periventricular or basal ganglia/thalamus lesions
Normal x may have been be missed; and MRI should be repeated.
If a clear pathogenic pattern (A, B, C) is found before the
age of 2 years, this MRI is appropriate for classification.
classification system for the reporting of brain abnormali-
ties identified by means of MRI in children with CP: the In a longer process involving clinicians and non-clini-
MRI classification system, MRICS. A manual developed cians, SCPE has developed a classification system for MRI
under continual feedback of the SCPE group illustrates in CP, which proved easy to use and reliable. In compar-
these brain abnormalities in three major groups and their ison with other classification systems described in the liter-
subgroups, including morphology–function aspects, and can ature, harmonization appeared feasible. MRICS is a mainly
be used as a training tool. MRICS is primarily a qualitative qualitative classification system for cerebral palsy describ-
system based on pathogenic patterns related to timing, but ing pathogenic neuroimaging patterns related to timing of
it does take into account different pathologies within one brain compromise. A web-based manual is available for
timing period, which are partly also related to the extent of training purposes.
a lesion. Thus, MRICS has some simple quantitative
aspects (e.g. uni- vs bilaterality, severity of a pattern such as A CK N O W L E D G E M E N T S
basal ganglia/thalamus lesions). More sophisticated quanti- This study was performed on behalf of the SCPE collaboration
tative systems, such as the scoring system for MRI in CP,29 and was funded by the European Union Health Programme –
could be used in addition to describe the extent of lesions grant numbers DG SANCO EAHC 2008–1307/2013–3211 –
within the pathogenic groups. This system analyses the ‘Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe: best practice in
brain injury in children with CP semi-quantitatively, in monitoring, understanding of inequality and dissemination of
scoring the extent of a lesion (the higher the score, knowledge’.

MRI Classification in CP Kate Himmelmann et al. 63

We wish to thank the members of the SCPE who in many (Lisbon, Portugal); A Greitane (Riga, Latvia); K Hollody (Pecs,
ways have contributed to the development of the MRICS. List of Hungary); S Sigurdardottir, I Einarsson (Reykjavik, Iceland); M
SCPE participants: C Cans, M Van Bakel (RHEOP, Grenoble, Honold, K Rostasy (Innsbruck, Austria); V Mejaski-Bosnjak
France); C Arnaud, M Delobel (RHE31, Toulouse, France); J (Zagreb, Croatia). We also wish to thank the participants in the
Chalmers (ISDSHS, Edinburgh, UK); V McManus, A Lyons reliability exercise and Wolfgang Grodd MD, Prof. of Neuroradi-
(Lavanagh Centre, Cork, Ireland); J Parkes, H Dolk (Belfast, ology, as well as Peter-Michael Weber, DTP laboratory, Univer-
UK); K Himmelmann, M Pahlman (G€ oteborg University, G€
ote- sity Hospital T€ ubingen, Germany, for their support in the initial
borg, Sweden); V Dowding (Dublin, Ireland); A Colver, L Pen- development of the neuroimaging chapter of the SCPE Reference
nington (University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK); K Horridge and Training Manual.
(NECCPS, UK); J Kurinczuk, G Surman (NPEU, Oxford, UK); The authors have stated that they had no interests which might
MJ Platt (University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK); P Udall, G be perceived as posing a conflict or bias.
Rackauskaite (NIPH, Copenhagen, Denmark); MG Torrioli, M
Marcelli (Lazio Cerebral Palsy Register, Rome, Italy); G Ander- SUPPORTING INFORMATION
sen, S Julsen-Hollung (CPRN, Tonsberg, Norway); M Bottos The following additional material may be found online:
(Bologna, Italy); G Gaffney (Galway, Ireland); J De La Cruz, C Table SI: Interrater reliability for the main categories of the
Pallas (DIMAS-SAMID, Madrid, Spain); D Neubauer, M Jeko- harmonized classification of magnetic resonance imaging, based
vec-Vrhovsek (Ljubljana, Slovenia); D Virella, M Andrada on pathogenic patterns

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