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1) Childhood brotherhood neighbourhood

2) N + N  Playground =

Exercise – Traduisez : earring / lifesaver / raincoat / sheepdog / toothpaste / sunrise / fireman

Qui définit quoi?

A race-horse / a horse-race  a teacup / a cup of tea


1) Préfixe : un- (in / im) (sens négatif)

Exercise: unhappy / unlucky / unreal / unfair

2) Suffixe : ful ≠ less

Exercise : Pain  painful / painless / Hope / Care / harm

3) Adjectifs composés de 2 mots : le 1er qualifie le 2ème. Ils sont invariables tous les 2.

a- Couleurs : le 1er terme précise la nuance

light – blue: navy-blue:
pale-green: grass-green:
dark-red: brick-red:

b- Avec un participe présent (V-ing)

Example : a student who works hard = a hard-working student

John works hard = he is a hard-working boy

Ex- Complete: I don't want a house that looks old.  I don't want an…
This film breaks my heart.  This film is…

c- Avec un participe passé

Example : a home-made cake = a cake made at home

d- Imitation de participe passé  Nom + ed

Example : Pamela has blue eyes = She is a blue-eyed girl

Complete : This lady has grey hair.  She is a ….

I'd like to meet a man with an open mind.  I'd like to meet an…
That man has a blond beard.  He is a…


Adj+ly  adv (-ment / de façon- , de manière à)

Ex- Transformez et traduisez : happy / real / equal / funny / legal

Décortiquez les mots soulignés puis traduisez-les:

1) A man has invented featherless chickens. (feather = plume)
2) He's a terribly untidy boy.
3) John successfully took his GCSEs.

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