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OR International Business
Globalization i$ the proce$$ o international inte2ration ari$in2 rom the interchan2e o #ie1$> idea$>
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product and other a$pect o culture. "d#ance$ in tran$portation and telecommunication$ inra$tructure>
Vivek Singh
includin2 the ri$e o the tele2raph and it$ po$terit the 6nternet> are major actor$ in 2lobalization>
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2eneratin2 urther interdependence o economic and cultural acti#itie$. 5

+hou2h $cholar$ place the ori2in$ o 2lobalization in modern time$> other$ trace it$ hi$tor lon2 beore
the uropean a2e o di$co#er and #oa2e$ to the Ne1 =orld. Some e#en trace the ori2in$ to the third
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millennium B/. 6n the late 0*th centur and earl 4Eth centur> the connectedne$$ o the 1orld$
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economie$ and culture$ 2re1 #er uickl.
+here are heated debate$ about 2lobalization and it$ po$iti#e and ne2ati#e eect$. =hile 2lobalization i$ Viernelyn Cataylo
thou2ht o b man a$ ha#in2 the potential to make $ocietie$ richer throu2h trade and to brin2 kno1led2e No ratings yet
and inormation to people around the 1orld> there are man other$ 1ho percei#e 2lobalization a$
contributin2 to the eAploitation o the poor b the rich> and a$ a threat to traditional culture$ a$ the
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proce$$ o modernization chan2e$ $ocietie$. +here are $ome 1ho link the ne2ati#e a$pect$ o Document 6 pages

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+he main $trand$ or the nature o 2lobalization are:- EN Upload

0' 5
6ncrea$in2 and deepenin2 interconnectedne$$ o $ocietie$ in dierent part$ o the 1orld
4' "lmo$t unimpeded lo1$ o inancial capital> ne1$ and cultural ima2e$ acro$$ the 1orld Document 10 pages
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)' (i$in2 acti#it and po1er o multinational companie$ &MN/$' Notes
5' (i$in2 economic 2ro1th accompanied b ri$in2 ineualitie$ in man countrie$
7' " 2lobal con$umer cultura in the makin2 More tra#el and mi2ration b more people rom more Hannah Pauleen G. Labasa
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countrie$ to more countrie$ a$ter method$ o tran$port and electronic communication $o that
time and $pace i$ increa$in2l bein2
9' Greater a1arene$$ b the public o 1hat i$ happenin2 in the 1orld and o the po$$ible
implication$ or their o1n countr.
;' +he rapid 2ro1th o 2o#ernment and non-2o#ernment $upranational or2anization$ that Document 10 pages
$upplement> $upplant and $upport the acti#itie$ o the nation-$tate. Chapter 2
+hi$ mind$et led to the creation o 1orld trade 2o#ernin2 bodie$> $uch a$ the =orld +rade r2ani$ation
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and the r2anization or conomic /o-operation and De#elopment and +he uropean Cnion. +he$e
or2anization$ $et out to liberalize trade throu2h the remo#al o importHeAport tari$ and protectioni$m b
2o#ernment$. +he rapid increa$e in the rate o 2lobalization ha$ been acilitated b the introduction o
technolo2 1hich ha$ allo1ed a$t communication and tran$port bet1een 2eo2raphicall di$tant place$. Document 4 pages
+he admi$$ion o /hina into the 1orld trade market ha$ increa$ed $uppl and demand or ini$hed Geopolitics Assignment 1
product$ 1hich i$ urther boo$tin2 indu$tr around the 1orld. shahnwaz
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TCW Reviewer
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FF/+S F G,B",6S"+6N Globalization: Group 1…
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GD Topics
Anurag A
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Globalization thistodocument
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be looked on a$ an unmiti2ated I2ood@ b economi$t$. with a free trial
Cnortunatel> economi$t$
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model$ the mi$$ real-1orld problem$. 6n anytime
particular> the mi$$
OR re$ource$> or unlimited abilit to handle eAce$$
the point that the 1orld i$ inite. =e don8t ha#e ininite Document 26 pages
pollution. So 1e are $ettin2 up a I$olution@ this
i$ page
at be$tafter an ad
temporar. Subiecte
Positive Effects of Globalization alexandru_ursu_2
5 a$ one o
Globalization ha$ become one o the mo$t debated $ubject$ o recent time$. 6t ha$ been hailed No ratings yet
the be$t thin2$ to happen to the 1orld b it$ proponent$> 1hile opponent$ ha#e labeled it a$ neo-
imperiali$m. De$pite it$ challen2e$> the po$iti#e role it ha$ plaed in chan2in2 the li#e$ o million$ o
people around the 1orld i$ commendable. 6n the ollo1in2 pa$$a2e$> 1e 1ill tr to 2ain an in$i2ht into
the po$iti#e eect$ o 2lobalization. Document 8 pages

Role of Globalization
Helena Sanabam
0' 6ncrea$ed /ompetition
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one o the mo$t #i$ible eect$ i$ the impro#ed ualit o product$ due to 2lobal competition. /u$tomer
$er#ice and the cu$tomer i$ the kin2 approach to production ha#e led to impro#ed ualit o product$
and $er#ice$.
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their $tandard$ and cu$tomer $ati$action le#el$ in order to $ur#i#e in the market. Be$ide$> 1hen a 2lobal
Document 38 pages
brand enter$ a ne1 countr> it come$ in ridin2 on $ome 2ood1ill> 1hich it ha$ to li#e up to. +hi$ create$
Concepts of Globalization
competition in the market and a $ur#i#al o the itte$t $ituation.
Junrie Mark Sumalpong
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4' mploment
=ith 2lobalization> companie$ ha#e oraed into the de#elopin2 countrie$ and hence 2enerated
emploment or them. But it can turn out to be either 2ood or bad> dependin2 on the point o #ie1 ou
1i$h to $ee it rom. 6t ha$ 2i#en an opportunit to in#e$t in the emer2in2 market$ and tap the talent 1hich Document 34 pages

i$ a#ailable there. 6n de#elopin2 countrie$> there i$ oten a lack o capital 1hich hinder$ the 2ro1th o The Contemporary World:
dome$tic companie$ and hence> emploment. 6n $uch ca$e$> due to 2lobal nature o the bu$ine$$e$> Lesson 1 Globalization
people o de#elopin2 countrie$ too can obtain 2ainul emploment opportunitie$. But the de#eloped Aaron Manuel Munar

countrie$ ha#e lo$t job$ on account o thi$ $hit o job$ to the de#elopin2 1orld and hence it i$ a pinch No ratings yet

elt b people in the Fir$t =orld.

Document 8 pages
)' 6n#e$tment and /apital Flo1$
" lot o companie$ ha#e directl in#e$ted in de#elopin2 countrie$ like Brazil and 6ndia b $tartin2
Chapter 1-The Study of
production unit$> but 1hat 1e al$o need to $ee i$ the amount o Forei2n Direct 6n#e$tment &FD6' that
Elia Na
lo1$ into the de#elopin2 countrie$. /ompanie$ 1hich perorm 1ell attract a lot o orei2n in#e$tment
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and thu$ pu$h up the re$er#e o orei2n eAchan2e.

7 Document 7 pages

Activity 1: " ON
mark Orpilla
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04 Task Performance 1
Hanna Ly
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2lobalization> Cancel
ho1 can 1e or2et about the impact oanytime
orei2n trade on an
econom. /omparati#e ad#anta2e ha$ al1a$ been OR
a actor> e#en in durin2 old time$. =hile trade
ori2inated in the time$ o earl kin2dom$> this
it ha$ page
been after an ad due to 2lobalization. Pre#iou$l>
EN to 2et 1hat
people had to re$ort to unair mean$ and de$truction o kin2dom$ and countrie$ Upload
the 1anted.
Document 4 pages
+oda> it i$ done in a more humane 1a> 1ith mutual under$tandin2. People 1ho operate in5unci#ilized
Addis Ababa Science and
1a$ ha#e to aceWhat is Scribd?
the =+ Documents
and other 1orld or2anization$ that ha#e been e$tabli$hed 1ith a #ie1 to
Technology University
control and re2ulate trade acti#itie$ o the countrie$.
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7' Spread o +echnical Kno1-o1
1hile it i$ 2enerall a$$umed that all the inno#ation$ happen in the =e$tern 1orld> the kno1-ho1 al$o
come$ into de#elopin2 countrie$ due to 2lobalization. =ithout it> the kno1led2e o ne1 in#ention$ and Document 6 pages

medicine$ 1ould remain cooped up in the countrie$ that came up 1ith them and no one el$e 1ould Ibm
beneit. +he $pread o kno1-ho1 can al$o be eApanded to include economic and political kno1led2e> Manisha Kumari
1hich too ha$ $pread ar and 1ide. +he mo$t ob#iou$ eAample o the $pread o kno1led2e i$ that the No ratings yet
=e$tern 1orld toda i$ 1akin2 up to the beneit$ o "ur#eda and Jo2a - traditional 6ndian practice$>
1hile the =e$tern antibiotic$ are loodin2 the 6ndian market$ and impro#in2 the ualit o lie &and the
lon2e#it too' o people in 6ndia.
Document 5 pages

9' Spread o /ulture Process of Globalisation -

Not all 2ood practice$ 1ere born in one ci#ilization. +he 1orld that 1e li#e in toda i$ a re$ult o $e#eral
Sweet tripathi
culture$ comin2 to2ether. People o one culture> i recepti#e> tend to $ee the la1$ in their culture and
No ratings yet
pick up #alue$ that are more correct or in tune 1ith the time$. Societie$ ha#e become lar2er a$ the ha#e
1elcomed people o other ci#ilization$ and back2round$ and created a 1hole ne1 culture o their o1n.
/ookin2 $tle$> lan2ua2e$> and cu$tom$ ha#e $pread all due to 2lobalization. +he $ame can be $aid about
Document 7 pages
mo#ie$> mu$ical $tle$> and other art orm$. +he too ha#e mo#ed rom one countr to another> lea#in2
GECC 107 - Chapter 1 - AY
an impre$$ion on a culture 1hich ha$ adopted them. 0
2022 2023 2nd Sem
Hector M Ballesil
;' Spread o ducation No ratings yet
ne o the mo$t po1erul eect$ o 2lobalization i$ the $pread o education. +oda> ou can mo#e in the
$earch o the be$t educational acilitie$ in the 1orld> 1ithout an hindrance. " per$on li#in2 in C.S. can
2o to another continent or a ne1 eAperience 1hich he ma not ind in hi$ home countr. 6 one i$ Document 47 pages

intere$ted> one can e#en 2et a $pecialization in $ubject$ not indi2enou$ to hi$ countr and then $pread The Contemporary World
that kno1led2e to the home countr. " 2ood eAample o that i$ ho1 the "merican mana2er$ 1ent to Prelim
Jonard Millare
1 http:HH111.buzzle.comHarticle$Hpo$iti#e-eect$-o-2lobalization.html
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Document 15 pages

Gen005 Sas 1 6
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practice$ in the ield o ma$$ production and incorporated withkno1led2e
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OR The Nucleus Impetus Role:

<' ,e2al and thical ect$ Unlock this page after an ad Inspirational and Persona…
Stamy Masakidi
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Gone are the da$ 1here the limited juri$diction became a hindrance in the pro$ecution o criminal$.
+he$e da$> due to international court$ o ju$tice> criminal$ can no lon2er $eek a$lum in a orei2n
countr and are thu$ brou2ht to ju$tice. Due to 2lobalization> there i$ al$o an under$tandin2 bet1een
From Everand
$ecurit a2encie$ and police o t1o or more dierent countrie$ 1ho come to2ether to curb 2lobal
terrori$m. ence> it i$ no1 po$$ible to catch the perpetrator$ o crime irre$pecti#e o 1hich countr the
Global Village and the
choo$e to hide in.4
Dr. Yash Paul Soni
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Negative Effects of globalization:-
Globalization i$ a #er contro#er$ial i$$ue toda. pinion$ #ar con$iderabl o#er it$ pro$ and con$. ere
1e take
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it$ ne2ati#e eect$.and targeted advertising purposes. To learn more, view the following link: Privacy Policy
Document 26 pages
0' child labor and $la#er :-
+here are #ariou$ $chool$ o thou2ht 1ho ar2ue that 2lobalization ha$ led to an increa$e in
Mats Law School Ll.M. One
Year Programme: Syllabus…
acti#itie$ $uch a$ child labor and $la#er. 6n countrie$ 1ith little or no accountabilit> corporation$
Saurabh Bara
emploin2 children can 1ork $moothl b bribin2 the oicial$> 1hich ma re$ult in an increa$e
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in ille2al acti#itie$. /ritic$ opine that 2lobalization ha$ re$ulted in a iercel-competiti#e 2lobal
market> and unethical practice$ in bu$ine$$ are a b-product o thi$.
4' 6ncrea$e in +errori$m :-
Globalization ma ha#e inad#ertentl helped terrori$t$ and criminal$. "t the heart o 2lobalization Document 15 pages

i$ an idea that human$> material$> ood etc. be allo1ed to tra#el reel acro$$ border$> but *H00 Japanese Emperor: A Study
1a$ a 2ha$tl reminder that people 1ith e#il intention$ can u$e it a$ an opportunit and cau$e of Its Power and Function
dama2e. Saurabh Bara
)' 6ncrea$e in pollution :- No ratings yet
6t i$ not onl the de#eloped nation$ that are complainin2 about it$ ne2ati#e eect$> people in
de#elopin2 nation$ - 1here mo$t o the indu$trie$ ha#e been $et up> ha#e their o1n $et o rea$on$
a2ain$t 2lobalization. +he oten complain that their citie$ ha#e been reduced to 2arba2e-dump$
Document 16 pages
1here all the indu$trial 1a$te i$ accumulated and pollution le#el$ are $k-hi2h.
M.C.Mehta V. Union of India:
5' (e$entment amon2 people :-
=hile the rich are 2ettin2 richer> the poor are $tru22lin2 or a $uare meal. 6 the current ccup (AIR 1987 SC 1086)
=all Street prote$t$ are a reminder o ho1 an2r people are 1ith the current $et-up> then tho$e Saurabh Bara
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Sub-Saharan "rica. Globalization bou2ht people rom #ariou$ countrie$ to2ether> and thi$ i$
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perhap$ the rea$on that a #iru$ rom a jun2le 1a$ tran$ported to almo$t e#er countr in the
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actor$ that ha$ a22ra#ated the $ituation. +he amount o ra1 material$ needed to run indu$trie$
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