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Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2019), 32(3): 595–610

Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics

& Beihang University
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

Vee-tail conceptual design criteria for commercial

transport aeroplanes

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Aircraft and Spacecraft, Technical University of Madrid (Universidad
Polte´cnica de Madrid), Madrid 28040, Spain

Received 8 January 2018; revised 3 February 2018; accepted 19 March 2018

Available online 5 July 2018

KEYWORDS Abstract Vee-tail configuration is an unconventional tail configuration for commercial transport
Commercial transport aero- aviation, the use of which could suppose reductions on CO2 emissions. The conceptual design cri-
plane; teria have been selected inspired on the certification requirements established by the aviation regu-
Conceptual aircraft design; lation in force. They are static stability in cruise, control after Critical Engine Failure (CEF),
Tail design requirements; control in crosswind landing, and trim in these three conditions. The study is carried out through
Unconventional tail design; a combination of semi-empirical techniques and Vortex-Lattice Methods (VLM) and thus this anal-
Vee-tail yses the consequences of applying these criteria to a reference aeroplane substituting its conven-
tional tail by a parametrised Vee-tail configuration. The Vee-tail is defined by four parameters:
span, root chord, taper ratio and dihedral angle. The results of the study establish a relation
between the parameters in order to accomplish the proposed conceptual design criteria. To sum
up, minimum and maximum limits are obtained for dihedral angle depending on the combination
of the rest of parameters. In addition, a design restriction to the yawing trailing-edge tail control is
reached when the results are analysed, demonstrating that its minimum size must be between 60%
and 80% of the half-span of the tail, depending on the Vee-tail geometry.
Ó 2018 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction also taking actions to combat climate change. In fact, the

International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) agreed in
The majority of governments around the world are concerned October 2016 on a resolution to address CO2 emissions from
about air pollution emissions.1–4 On concrete, the aviation is international aviation as of 2021.5 This resolution establishes
a scheme to offset around 80% of the emissions above 2020
levels during the period 2021–2035.6 This should allow for
* Corresponding author.
improvements including how this schema contributes to the
E-mail address: (A. SANCHEZ- objectives of the Paris Agreement.7 One possible way to reduce
CO2 emissions is to decrease the fuel consumption of commer-
Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of CJA.
cial aeroplanes by improving engines, reducing their weight or
changing the aircraft configuration.8,9 This last option can
improve aerodynamic efficiency and consequently reduce
Production and hosting by Elsevier transport emissions. Aeroplane configurations have hardly
1000-9361 Ó 2018 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

changed throughout history. The conventional configuration is plane geometry is not yet fixed, so a low computational time of
composed of high aspect ratio wings, a slender fuselage, two calculations to obtain results is necessary to allow the designer
stabilizing surfaces situated in the rear end of the fuselage to implement changes in a short period of time. The price to
and engines positioned under the wing or at the rear of the pay for the use of these rapid design tools is the loss of preci-
fuselage.10 Many unconventional configurations contemplated sion, where the error is bounded around 10%.11 Accuracy will
in the open literature suggest radical changes to the aircraft be a mandatory requirement in more advanced stages of the
appearance such as joined-wing, flying wing or box-wing.8,11–13 design process. In this framework, because the available
Alternatively, it may be more valuable to study unconven- knowledge of conventional tails is far more extensive than that
tional configurations which suggest small changes in aircraft of others, there are already several methods for designing con-
appearance as these would be easier to implement in commer- ventional tails with these requirements. Some of them are
cial aviation. For example, the designers can only act in the based on correlations and dimensionless parameters such as
empennage. The rear-end of the aircraft contributes around the volume coefficient.11,21–23 These procedures need informa-
20% to the aeroplane drag, so a new tail configuration which tion about/on several similar aircraft in order to obtain valid
reduces this drag would result in a more environmental- results. This is a drawback to using these kinds of methods
friendly aircraft. In response to that, a new conceptual design for unconventional tail configurations because there are no
tool for unconventional tail configurations needs to be devel- similar aircraft with the same tail configuration with the same
oped to aid designers in analysing the potential benefits and operations. The conceptual design tool valid for Vee-tail is
drawbacks of these configurations in the first stages of the multidisciplinary because it encompasses both aircraft perfor-
design process. mances and structural aspects, so Multidisciplinary Design
The simplest unconventional tail configuration which could Optimisation (MDO) techniques are applicable. This design
be installed in commercial transport aeroplanes is Vee-tail con- practise has already been used in some other studies in the avi-
figuration.12,14 This configuration is more often employed in ation field. In fact, it has been applied to optimise an aircraft
the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) field in aircraft design to reduce CO2 emissions24 and also to unconventional
such as the Northrop Grumman Global Hawk or the General tail configurations,25 among others.
Atomics MQ-9 Reaper. In spite of that, a mass produced Notwithstanding the previous studies about conceptual air-
manned Vee-tailed aeroplane exists today: the Beechcraft craft design for unconventional tail configurations, there is a
Bonanza Model 35, a six-seated general aviation aeroplane, crucial aspect that has not been taken into account, the regu-
was introduced in 1947. Vee-tail aircraft present potential ben- lation in force. It is possible to establish a design procedure
efits from the standpoint of empennage drag and weight, based on the roles and the certification requirements of the
because this tail configuration is composed of two surfaces rear end surfaces. Basically, there are four criteria applicable
instead of the three surfaces of conventional tails. However, to tails: guarantee longitudinal and lateral-directional control-
some studies deal with the consequences of the use of this con- lability in cruising conditions, have enough trim capacity to
figuration in the controllability of the RPAS. A comparative balance the aircraft, assure the control of the aircraft if the crit-
study between conventional tails and Vee-tails of directional ical engine fails and, finally, allow landing in crosswind condi-
stability derivatives has been performed through wind tunnel tions.11,26 These criteria require that estimations of some
tests at a low Reynolds number.15,16 This study is thought suit- stability derivatives are made to study each condition. The sta-
able for unmanned aircraft because of the Reynolds number. bility derivatives of conventional tails can be estimated
Analogous studies deal with a comparison of the whole stabil- through semi-empirical equations.27,28 Furthermore, some
ity derivatives of a RPAS using Computational Fluids Dynam- studies present corrections to these classical semi-empirical
ics (CFD) techniques, also for low Reynolds number.17,18 methods with the aid of CFD software.29 The drawback is that
Finally, this configuration has been studied also from the these semi-empirical equations are restricted to conventional
standpoint of dynamics models for RPAS taking into account tails. In addition, other techniques can be used in order to
different failure models with the objective to develop fault- analyse the static and dynamic behaviour of the aircraft such
tolerant autopilots for this kind of aircraft.19 as the bifurcation and continuation methods.30,31 These meth-
Furthermore, some works study the possibility of using ods allow the designer to analyse the behaviour of the aircraft
Vee-tails in commercial aviation. The results of the EU funded in trim and unbalanced conditions depending on the value of
NACRE project indicate that this configuration could present only one design parameter.
benefits in reductions of empennage drag but not in weight.12 Thus, it is possible to conclude that the knowledge of the
Also, the effects of varying the dihedral angle of Vee-tails have design of a Vee-tail is not mature yet, especially the viability
been studied for use in a blended wing-body aeroplane.20 In of the usage of this configuration in commercial transport avi-
this case, the results have been reached by modelling the aero- ation. Because of that, the goal of this paper is to include the
dynamic forces and moments with Vortex Lattice Method airworthiness regulations in force nowadays applicable to a
(VLM). As a result of the limitations of this kind of tool, Vee-tailed commercial transport aeroplane in a conceptual
this study has only been carried out for air speeds lower than design tool. The schema followed by this tool is slightly differ-
50 m/s. ent from that which has previously been used in conceptual
Despite the amount of research carried out regarding the design because of the lack of similar aeroplanes necessary to
Vee-tail, none of these studies establish a procedure for design- build statistical methods or refine semi-empirical correlations.
ing these tails in conceptual stages of the design process. Some First of all, a reference aircraft with a conventional tail config-
authors indicate design guidelines for these tails, but they sug- uration is selected in order to analyse its behaviour towards the
gest designing the Vee-tail just considering the horizontal and criteria proposed to be studied, static stability in cruise, con-
vertical projections of the surface as a conventional tail.21 In trolling after Critical Engine Failure (CEF), controlling in
these stages, a rapid design tool is desirable because the aero- crosswind landing, and trimming in these three conditions
Vee-tail conceptual design criteria for commercial transport aeroplanes 597

(cruise, climb and land). This aeroplane is taken from the Cen- the results.34 In addition, the crosswind speed considered is
tral Reference Aircraft Data System (CeRAS) database,32 25 kn, which is the boundary established by regulation.
which is thought to give support to the scientific community Regarding critical engine failure condition, the sideslip angle
because it is difficult to find reliable data about commercial air- b is one of the degrees of freedom. If the engine which fails
craft. So, the database will be composed of data for several is on the right-hand side of the pilot position, the aeroplane
aeroplanes from every flight segment, in order to allow the can remain in flight with negative values of sideslip angle by
community use of the same data, which means comparisons using a smaller tail plane as compared with zero sideslip
between different studies will be possible. Nowadays, the data- angle.26 Nevertheless, the sideslip angle is not totally free
base contains just one aircraft: CSR-01, with similar perfor- because it is constrained by the maximum bank angle admissi-
mances and geometry to an Airbus A320 or a Boeing 737. ble by certification requirements. In order to be conservative,
Then the next step is to substitute its conventional empennage the aircraft will be balanced at zero sideslip angle in this con-
with a Vee-tail. To do this, the Vee-tail geometry will be dition instead of selecting the sideslip angle that means the air-
defined through four design parameters: span b, root chord craft to fly with the maximum admissible bank angle. If the
cr, taper ratio k and dihedral angle C. Some previous studies resultant bank angle is below the limit, the sideslip angle which
indicate that these parameters are the most relevant to the per- means the aircraft to flight at maximum admissible bank angle
formances of this kind of tail.14 Some other parameters such as would be selected. Finally, the last criterion consists in having
the sweep angle, twist angle or the aerofoil will be fixed a pri- enough power control to balance the aircraft in every flight
ori. In conclusion, the results of the paper will establish the condition. In the case of pitching moment, it has been consid-
feasible design space of these parameters by applying certifica- ered that both trailing edge and leading edge high-lift devices
tion requirements for commercial aviation to Vee-tail are deflected.
configuration. The aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the aero-
plane will be estimated through a combination of semi-
empirical and VLM methods. The main reason for the usage
2. Materials and methods
of these methodologies is due to the fast-tool requirements
for conceptual design stages. In addition, because in future
2.1. Design criteria for unconventional tail works the aerodynamic forces distribution along the Vee-tail
will be necessary to estimate the structural weight of the sur-
As it has been stated previously, this study focuses on imple- face, it has been decided to estimate the aerodynamic forces
menting a new conceptual design procedure for unconven- in the tail using a VLM tool by the name of Tornado.35 This
tional tails. To establish a set of conditions for developing is a VLM for linear aerodynamic wing design applications in
the procedure, compliance with the essential airworthiness reg- conceptual design stages. By modelling all lifting surfaces as
ulations related to the flight requirements has been selected as thin plates, Tornado can solve most of aerodynamic deriva-
the starting point. The regulations applicable to commercial tives for a wide range of wing geometries and also estimate
transport aviation, in the case of large aeroplanes, are CS- aerodynamic forces distribution. With a very high computa-
25,26 in case of the European Union (EU) or FAR-2533 for tional speed, Tornado gives the user immediate feedback on
the United States of America (USA). In both regulations, design changes, making quantitative knowledge available ear-
the Subpart B Flight from articles 25.171 to 25.181 deal with lier in the design process. This software is valid for subsonic
aircraft stability. Trim conditions are included in the same sub- flow, but it is possible to extend its validity range to high sub-
part, article 25.161. The crosswind velocities are indicated in sonic flow through the Prandtl-Glauert correction.36 More-
articles 25.233 and 25.237. Finally, the articles which deal with over, Tornado gives more reliability in the estimation of
aeroplane performances and controllability conditions where forces than moments.35 In view of that, a combination proce-
the critical engine failure condition is involved are articles dure of semi-empirical and VLM methods has been proposed.
25.121 and 25.147. All these articles are applicable to aircraft The idea is to use Tornado for estimating only the force acting
tail design. From them, it is possible to extract four design cri- on the tail. This software has already been utilized to estimate
teria: being longitudinally and laterally stable in cruising con- aerodynamic force coefficients in Vee-tails and it has been
ditions, controlling the aircraft if the critical engine fails during established a validity range up to 45° of dihedral angle
climbing after taking-off, controlling the aircraft in crosswind approximately.14,37 The rest of the terms which contribute to
land and trimming capability in the three previous conditions. aerodynamic forces and moments are estimated through the
The first criterion will be implemented through comparison semi-empirical methods described by Torenbeek27 because
with the reference aircraft in terms of static stability deriva- they are well-known procedures applicable at these early
tives. It is established that the new unconventional tail aircraft design stages for commercial transport aeroplanes. Correction
must be at least as statically stable as the reference aircraft in a factors have been included to take into account the interfer-
certain cruising condition in order to accomplish the certifica- ences among the tail and the fuselage, the wing and the other
tion requirements. The second and the third criteria indicate tail surfaces, both in longitudinal and lateral derivatives. These
that the aircraft must be controllable after the critical engine interferences have relevant contributions to aerodynamic
failure and must be able to land with 90° crosswind of 20 kn forces and moments.27,38–41 In the case of Vee-tail, the interfer-
(1 kn = 1.852 km/h) or 20% of the stall speed, whichever is ence with the fuselage has been modelled as in horizontal tails
greater, but needs not exceed 25 kn. The controllability is for longitudinal forces and moments and as in vertical tail for
reached if the resultant bank angle of the aircraft is lower than lateral ones. The interference among a horizontal tail and a
5°. In the case of this study, these manoeuvres will be carried fuselage depends on the geometry of the part of the surface
out without taking into account the ailerons deflections, which which is inside of the fuselage.27 Thus, this same methodology
are known as flat manoeuvres, in order to be conservative in can be applied to Vee-tails. The interference among a vertical

tail and a fuselage depends on the vertical tail geometry.40 So,

Table 1 Vee-tail geometric parameters range.
it has been decided to consider an equivalent vertical tail
obtained by projecting the Vee-tail to the plane of symmetry Parameter Range
of the aircraft. This equivalent vertical tail is used as an input Span b (m) [12, 26]
to the semi-empirical estimation of the interference among Root chord cr (m) [3.3, 4.5]
these elements, the vertical tail and the fuselage. In the case Taper ratio k [0.28, 0.36]
of conventional tails, it is also possible to consider the interfer- Dihedral angle C (°) [0, 50]
ence among the horizontal and vertical tail surfaces, but this
factor has not been included for Vee-tail configuration. In
addition, Tornado does not retain non-linear effects for high
necessary to indicate some additional hypotheses. The longitu-
deflection angles of the controls. In order to improve the reli-
dinal and vertical position of the tail is the same as the hori-
ability of the results, a semi-empirical correction has been pro-
zontal tail of the CSR-01. The idea is to examine how much
posed which consists in considering an effective control
dihedral angle must be given to a horizontal tail in order for
deflection to be the actual deflection multiplied by an effective-
it to be able to do without the vertical tail. As an initial solu-
ness factor which depends on the deflection angle.39
tion to the problem, it has been decided not to change the lon-
Before starting with the physical-mathematical model, the
gitudinal position of the Vee-tail because a redesign of the
unconventional tail configuration needs to be characterised.
fuselage rear-end would be required. The aerofoil used in the
In the case of the Vee-tail, four geometric parameters have
tail is NACA 0012. Future research and optimisation processes
been selected: span, root chord, taper ratio and dihedral angle.
could result in changing the aerofoil, but for this study it has
The rest of the parameters necessary to fully define the config-
been fixed a priori. Another initially selected parameter is the
uration, such as sweep angle, twist angle or aerofoil geometry,
incidence angle. On one hand, it has been considered that
are fixed a priori because their effects are not as relevant as the
the tail has no variable incidence angle because further
previous ones.14 In addition, the tail needs to include both
research is necessary to assure that this system is viable for
yawing and pitching controls. The geometry of these controls
Vee-tails. On the other hand, in the present study, the inci-
will also be fixed a priori. After analysing how these controls
dence angle has been set to zero and, in future extensions of
are implemented in actual Vee-tailed RPAS, it has been
this research, a comprehensive analysis will be carried out in
decided to divide each half-wing control in two equal parts.
order to check the effect of this parameter.
A longitudinal trailing edge control has been installed in the
inboard half of the tail and in the outboard part there is a lat-
2.2. Physical-mathematical model
eral control. In Fig. 1 there is a schema of how these controls
are set up. In future works, the effect of interchanging the roles
between the controls and what will suppose for the Vee-tail To carry out this study, it is necessary to make use of the lon-
design will be accomplished. Finally, the maximum deflections gitudinal and lateral equilibrium moments equations. The
considered for these controls will be based on the reference air- expression of longitudinal one is indicated below:
craft data, assuming the yawing control deflection limits for 1 2 q 1
the Vee-tail to be the same as for the rudder of the reference qV Sw  MAC  CmA - T  T  qV2 Sw lTH CLT þ Te ze ¼ 0 ð1Þ
2 q 2
aircraft. Analogously, the maximum longitudinal control
deflection for the Vee-tailed aircraft is assumed to be the same where q is the air density, V is the aeroplane speed, Sw is the
as for the pitching control limits of the reference aircraft. wing area, MAC is the mean aerodynamic chord of the wing,
The study of Vee-tailed aircraft will be carried out by ana- qT/q is the dynamic pressure ratio between tail and wing, lTH is
lysing the effects of the four proposed parameters (span, root the tail moment arm, CLT is the tail lift coefficient, Te is the
chord, taper ratio and dihedral angle) according to the criteria thrust of the aircraft and ze is the vertical distance between
presented previously. These parameters will take values the thrust and the center of gravity. In Eq. (1) the coefficient
between the limits indicated in Table 1. These boundaries have CmA - T represents the pitching moment of the aircraft eliminat-
been established based on previous studies.14 Furthermore, it is ing the contribution of the tail. This coefficient is estimated
through semi-empirical methods.26
CL ðxcg  xac Þ
CmA - T ¼ CmTor þ Cmairfoil þ DCmHLD þ DCmfus þ
where CmTor and Cmairfoil are the aircraft pitching moment contri-
butions of the twist angle distribution of the wing and the
aerofoil pitching moment coefficient, respectively; DCmHLD
and DCmfus are aircraft pitching moment contributions of the
high-lift devices and the fuselage; xcg and xac are the longitudi-
nal positions of the centre of gravity and the mean aerody-
namic chord, respectively; CL is the lift coefficient of the
In Eq. (2), the first term corresponds to the contribution of
the twist angle distribution of the wing and the second term to
Fig. 1 Definition of tail controls selected for pitching and the aerofoil pitching moment coefficient. Furthermore, it is
yawing and geometric variables. necessary to take into account the contribution of the high-
Vee-tail conceptual design criteria for commercial transport aeroplanes 599

lift devices because during climbing after taking-off and land- the elevator is considered if it generates a nose-down pitching
ing flight conditions, these are extended. Also, a correction manoeuvre of the aircraft.
corresponding to the fuselage contribution has been added. Following this, the development of the yawing equilibrium
Finally, the last term is associated to the moment generated moment equation has been carried out. The final expression is
by the weight W, which is supposed to be balanced by the lift 1 2 1
of the aircraft. The lift coefficient is determined by the vertical qV Sw bw CnA - T  qV2 Sw lT CYT þ Te ye ¼ 0 ð6Þ
2 2
axis forces equation:
where bw is the wing span and ye is the lateral distance between
1 2
qV Sw CL ¼ W ð3Þ the critical engine and the aircraft plane of symmetry. The
2 terms in Eq. (6) dependent on the aircraft without tail effects
In order to reach the necessary lift coefficient CL extracted CnA - T have been estimated using semi-empirical approxima-
from Eq. (3), it is necessary to determine the angle of attack a tions and the contribution of the tail to lateral force CYT has
and the longitudinal control deflection dsym and also accom- been estimated using Tornado. The main contribution to the
plish the longitudinal moment equilibrium equation. The lateral moment of the aircraft CnA - T is generated by the fuse-
dependency of the lift coefficient with these parameters and lage and its value depends on the sideslip angle. The moment
with the high-lift devices deflection can be estimated as follows: caused by the failure of the critical engine is taken into account
q in the last term of the previous equation. The value of the lat-
CL ¼ CLA - T ðaÞ þ DCLHLD ðdf Þ þ T CLT ða; dsym Þ ð4Þ eral force acting at the tail needs to balance this equation. This
force can be varied by modifying the lateral control deflection
In Eq. (4), the dependencies of each term are indicated, dasym. The sign criterion of the asymmetric control deflection is
where the lift coefficient without tail contribution CLA - T only taken as positive if it generates positive yaw moment. To meet
depends on the angle of attack. The contribution of the the regulations in force, once the aircraft is balanced laterally,
high-lift devices DCLHLD depends only on the flap deflection it is necessary to assure that the aircraft does not reach a bank
df, in first approximation, and the lift coefficient of the tail angle higher than 5°, both in critical engine failure and cross-
CLT depends on the deflection of the control dsym and also wind landing conditions. Fig. 2 shows the forces acting in the
of the angle of attack a. It is remarkable that the angle of aircraft when flying with bank angle /.
attack of the tail does not have to be the same as the angle Thus, the lateral forces equilibrium equation is
of attack of main wing because of the downwash gradient
caused by the wing situated upstream of the tail. The down- W V2
YA - T þ W sin / ¼ YT þ  cos / ð7Þ
wash deflection depends on the angle of attack of the main g R
wing and has been modelled according to classical semi- and the vertical forces one is
empirical methods.27 The lift coefficient of the aircraft without
tail contribution and the increment of lift coefficient generated W V2
L ¼ W cos / þ  sin / ð8Þ
by flap deflections are both calculated through classical semi- g R
empirical methods.27 Thus, taking into account the angle of
Again, the lateral force generated by the aircraft without
attack of the tail and the control deflection, the tail lift coeffi-
taking into account tail contribution YA-T is calculated
cient can be estimated using the Tornado software. To sum up,
through semi-empirical methods. This term has two contribu-
the final system of equations to be solved is
tions: fuselage and dihedral angle of wing, which also depend
< 1
qV2 Sw CLA - T ðaÞ þ DCLHLD ðdf Þ þ qqT CLT ða; dsym Þ ¼ W on the sideslip angle b. The term YT is the lateral force gener-
: 1 qV2 S  MAC  C ated by the tail and R is the turning radius of the manoeuvre.
mA - T ðaÞ  q  2 qV Sw lTH CLT ða; dsym Þ þ Te ze ¼ 0
qT 1 2
2 Assuming that the bank angle is low, it is possible to simplify
ð5Þ the equation, and the final expression for the bank angle is as
?>The unknowns in Eq. (5) are the angle of attack and the
longitudinal control deflection. They cannot be solved analyt- YT  YA - T
/¼  ðYT  YA - T Þ2  4ð1  L=WÞ ð9Þ
ically because the terms dependent on the tail are calculated by W
means of Tornado. Hence, it has been decided to solve the sys- Finally, the static cruising stability properties of the aircraft
tem through a Newton method. So, it is necessary to compute will be characterised through two parameters: Cma and Cnb.
the Jacobian matrix of the system, which is estimated using a The first one represents the static longitudinal stability beha-
finite differences scheme. Note that a positive deflection of viour and the second one the static lateral stability one. These

Fig. 2 Forces in aircraft when flying with bank angle.


parameters are going to be studied in cruising condition and 3.2. Additional data
compared with the reference aircraft. The way to calculate
them is easy once the moment equations are known, pitching There are some necessary data about the CSR-01 that are not
and yawing respectively. The Cma is calculated by deriving this included in the database repository, for instance the maximum
equation from the angle of attack around the point which bal- deflections of the controls. These limits have been estimated
ances the aircraft. Because the tail contribution is estimated by using data from similar aircraft. In this case, a flight controls
Tornado, the derivative is calculated numerically. The same document about A320 has been used as a reference,43 which
procedure can be applied to the computation of Cnb, but using indicates that the elevator deflection de is in the range [17°,
the lateral moments equation and deriving from the sideslip 30°]. These boundaries must not be exceeded when longitudi-
angle. nal trimming of the aeroplane is reached by the methodology
presented in the previous section. In this case, the design is
3. Reference aircraft not feasible. On the other hand, the maximum rudder deflec-
tion depends on the flight speed, since the regulation indicates
3.1. Repository data that the maximum force applied by the pilot must be lower
than 667 N.26 The maximum rudder deflection dr extracted
First of all, it is necessary to characterise the reference aircraft from the same document is represented in Fig. 4. This limit
in order to carry out the goals of this paper. As it has been applies when the aircraft must be balanced laterally. In this
mentioned in the Introduction, the reference aircraft will be study, there are two conditions: after critical engine failure
the only aeroplane included in the CeRAS repository: the after taking-off and at crosswind landing. The first occurs at
CSR-01. There, it is possible to find a wide range of informa- the minimum control speed, which is 13% higher than the stall
tion about its geometry, weights and performances. This infor- speed at 1 g. Therefore, the minimum control speed is approx-
mation is necessary for applying the semi-empirical methods imately 94 m/s and, consequently, the maximum rudder deflec-
described in Section 2.42 Table 2 includes the main parameters tion is 18°. On the other hand, at landing the speed is supposed
obtained from the CeRAS repository used in this study, and to be equal to 1.23 times the stall speed at 1 g. In this condi-
Fig. 3 shows the planform geometry of the wing. Additionally, tion, the maximum control deflection is 25°.
the repository also includes information about polar curves According to the described methodology, there is a limita-
depending on the Mach number. These data are useful for esti- tion in the cruising condition introduced by Tornado. It is not
mating the necessary thrust for each flight condition in order possible to select a transonic condition for determining the sta-
to maintain a constant cruise speed. tic stability derivatives. Because of this, the flight manoeuvring
envelope has been analysed depending on the flight altitude.
The manoeuvring speed (VA) has been selected as the cruise
Table 2 Parameters of CSR-01 airplane.42 speed at the altitude where the Mach number Ma is 0.6. The
result of this analysis is that the chosen altitude is 22000 ft
Parameter Value
(1ft = 30.48 cm). Finally, it is also necessary to estimate the
Wing area Sw (m2) 122.40 aerofoil moment coefficient in order to apply the methodology
Wing span bw (m) 12.46
to the CSR-01. This contribution is estimated with the aid of
Mean aerodynamic chord MAC (m) 3.46
X-Foil tool.44 The weight for this condition is obtained as a
Vertical distance of thrust axis ze (m) 1.32
Lateral distance of critical engine ye (m) 5 representative one for a middle point of the route and takes
Horizontal tail moment arm lTH (m) 17.57 the value of 66600 kg. Of course, in this condition the flaps
Vertical tail moment arm lTV (m) 16.88 are retracted so the corresponding terms in the procedure are
One-engine-failure thrust Te (kN) 117 neglected. Additionally, the tail incidence angle has been con-
Aerodynamic centre position xac/MAC (%) 28.6 sidered as constant and has been fixed to 0.1° based on
Centre of gravity at take-off xcgTO/MAC (%) 30 repository information. Finally, the interference factors con-
Centre of gravity at land xcgL/MAC (%) 31.75 sidered for CSR-01 are the following: fuselage/tail surfaces,
wing/tail surfaces and horizontal/vertical tails.

Fig. 3 CSR-01 wing planform. Fig. 4 CSR-01 maximum rudder deflection estimation.
Vee-tail conceptual design criteria for commercial transport aeroplanes 601

3.3. Comparison of methodology decided not to estimate the aerodynamic forces and moment of
the complete aeroplane with Tornado. Finally, when the pro-
A comparison process has been carried out to analyse the reli- posed method is analysed, the results change substantially.
ability of the procedure combining semi-empirical and compu- They present more reliability for lift coefficient estimation. In
tational methods. The comparison has been made using fact, both curves, from Torenbeek’s and proposed methods,
Tornado, Torenbeek’s method and a combination of both as are almost overlapped. If cruising condition at VA is examined,
proposed in the present work. The reference aeroplane with for which the lift coefficient is approximately 0.5, the angle of
conventional geometry has been selected. It is supposed that attack necessary for reaching that lift coefficient presents a
Torenbeek’s method is adequate for the conceptual design deviation of 0.14% with respect to Torenbeek’s method.
stages because it has been used in many studies and principally The same comparison can be made for climbing flight and
for commercial aviation. Two flight conditions have been the deviation is 0.25%. By analysing the moment curves, it
selected: cruising flight at VA and climbing flight after is possible to see that in the case of low airspeed, the proposed
taking-off. Torenbeek’s method consists of the procedure method better follows the results obtained with Torenbeek’s
stated previously but also estimates the tail lift with semi- method than for the high subsonic condition. In fact, studying
empirical equations, like the main wing. As it has been indi- the lift coefficient necessary for flying in climbing condition,
cated, the performances of the aerofoils have been modelled the variation of the pitching coefficient with respect to Toren-
with the aid of X-Foil software. Tornado’s procedure has been beek’s method is 1.8%, but the deviation in cruising flight is
computed by introducing the main wing and tail geometries around 12%. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the com-
into the software as it is not possible to consider the effects bined method proposed in this paper is better than using only
introduced by the fuselage. The results for moment coefficient a VLM for the full aircraft and is very similar to Torenbeek’s
have been modified in order to take into account the aerody- method, especially in the case of low subsonic airspeeds.
namic moment of the aerofoils, a term that Tornado does Another comparison has been performed in order to anal-
not compute. Finally, the proposed combined methodology yse if non-linear effects for high angles of control deflection
consists of estimating the force acting on the tail with Tornado dc are retained with the hypothesis considered in the proposed
and the rest of the terms with Torenbeek’s method, as it has methodology in this paper. It has been carried on by estimat-
already been explained. Fig. 5 shows the results for the two ing the lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and varying the
flight conditions studied. On viewing the graphs, Tornado’s trailing-edge control deflection through four procedures: two
results do not follow the curves extracted by Torenbeek’s semi-empirical methods, which are Torenbeek’s method and
method, which is the reference. As a result of this, it has been Roskam’s method,39 Tornado and the combination of Ros-
kam’s method and Tornado (proposed method). The results
are shown in Fig. 6. It is possible to see that Tornado estimates
the lift coefficient linearly for the whole range of control deflec-
tion values. However, both Roskam’s and Torenbeek’s meth-
ods consider that the control effectiveness is lower for high
control deflection angles. So the hypothesis to use an effective
angle of control deflection as input for Tornado software
obtained to multiply the actual value by the effectiveness of
the control included in Roskam’s methodology is an improve-
ment to Tornado’s aerodynamic coefficients estimation. In
fact, the differences between the proposed method and Ros-
kam’s or Torenbeek’s methods are under 10% in the range
of angles studied.

Fig. 5 Comparison between Tornado, Torenbeek and proposed Fig. 6 Comparison of control derivatives between Torenbeek,
method in cruising flight at VA and climbing flight. Roskam, Tornado and proposed method for zero angle of attack.

3.4. Application of design criteria to reference aeroplane because of the asymmetric thrust or the crosswind condition
respectively. For both conditions, it is necessary to estimate
The three scenarios considered are tested using data from the the lateral force coefficient of the aircraft eliminating the tail
reference aircraft. The first scenario is the cruising flight. In contribution. The coefficient depends on the sideslip angle as
this case, only the equations for longitudinal moments and ver- follows: CYA - T ¼ 0:1893b. In the case of the failure of the
tical forces (Eq. (5)) are used. First of all, it is necessary to esti- critical engine, the aeroplane has remained in flight without
mate the lift coefficient and the moment coefficient of the sideslip angle, as it has been commented previously. On the
CSR-01 eliminating the contribution of the tail and depending other hand, the crosswind landing condition supposes a side-
on the angle of attack. As it has been indicated previously, slip angle of 11°, considering 25 kn of crosswind at 90°. The
these coefficients have been obtained using semi-empirical value of rudder deflection needs to be between the limits of
methods and the results are as follows: CLA - T ¼ 0:1812 þ the control system, which is accomplished according to
4:876a; CmA - T ¼ 0:073002 þ 0:0719a. The contribution of Fig. 3. The results obtained for both lateral conditions are
the horizontal stabiliser is very important especially with included in Table 3.
respect to the pitching moment coefficient. In fact, when the
tail is considered, the sign of the Cma changes, so the aircraft 4. Results
becomes stable. The thrust contribution to the pitching
moment equation is obtained with the aid of the polar curve 4.1. Pitching moment trimming
included in CeRAS documentation, for the flight conditions
of this case. Once all the necessary data are estimated, the First of all, the necessary deflection of symmetric control for
system of equations is solved. Table 3 shows the results for each flight condition is analysed. To do this, the equations in
the angle of attack and the elevator deflection. The values of Eq. (5) must be solved. Since the tail does not contribute
elevator deflections are between the limits established by the greatly to the lift of the aircraft, only around 10%, the angles
control system. Furthermore, the static stability derivative of attack obtained in all the combinations of geometric param-
estimated around this point is: Cma ¼ 2:493. eters for the different Vee-tails for each flight condition are
The yawing moment coefficient of the aircraft, without the almost the same. The resultant angles of attack are around
contribution of the tail, is estimated using Torenbeek’s 3.6° for cruising condition, 0.6° for landing and 1.9° for climb-
method: CnA - T ¼ 0:1396b. Now it is possible to estimate ing. In fact, the differences between the values for each combi-
the lateral-directional static stability: Cnb ¼ 0:1590. This has nation of geometric parameters are under 0.5%. On the other
been obtained through equation of equilibrium of yawing hand, the deflection of the symmetric control has more
moments, with no deflection of the rudder and no sideslip remarkable differences. According to the hypothesis explained
angle. By analysing the results for both static stability deriva- previously, the control needs to be deflected down in order to
tives, it is possible to conclude that the tail accomplishes its balance the aircraft longitudinally in the three flight condi-
role, as the aircraft becomes stable when the contribution of tions. This means that without any deflection there is too much
the tail is taken into account. These values are also relevant downward lift on the tail to balance the aircraft longitudinally
because it is supposed that the aircraft presents adequate sta- in the cruising condition. If the tail dihedral angle increases,
bility behaviour in cruising flight with this tail geometry. Thus, this excess of lift is lower because the tail lifts less for the same
the Vee-tail needs to reach at least these static stability values angle, concretely it is reduced to the cosine squared of the dihe-
in order to assure similar stability behaviour to the reference dral angle.37 Thus, the control deflection necessary to balance
aircraft. the aircraft decreases with higher dihedral angles. This is
The procedure for the other two flight conditions, climbing shown graphically in Fig. 7(a). Additionally, this same beha-
and landing, is analogous. The results for balancing the air- viour is extracted from the other two flight conditions: climb-
craft longitudinally are included in Table 3. In these cases, ing and landing. The results are shown in Figs. 7(b) and (c)
the flaps are extended with deflections of 10° for climbing respectively.
and 35° for landing, and the slats are extended with deflections The behaviour of the control deflection with changes in
of 15° and 25° respectively. In addition, the thrust considered root chord is more complex to explain. First of all, it is impor-
in the first case is the maximum at take-off, and in the second tant to highlight that in order to balance the aircraft, each tail
case it is zero, because it is a case included in the certification needs to generate the same lift while considering the same flight
requirements. Again, it is possible to see that the values of condition. From now on this tail lift will be referred to as goal
pitching control deflections fall into the feasible range of the tail lift. Obviously, the goal tail lift depends on the flight con-
control. After that, the aircraft needs to be balanced laterally dition. Considering the same flight condition, what changes
between different tail geometries is the necessary control
deflection. Therefore, the root chord of the tail affects the
moment arm and the tail area. This supposes that for the same
Table 3 Trimming angles of CSR-01. angle of attack, higher values of root chord suppose lower val-
Phase Cruise Climb Land ues of tail lift coefficient to reach the goal tail lift. In addition,
the root chord also affects the aspect ratio of the surface,
Angle of attack a (°) 3.6 2.2 0.6
reducing its lift curve slope for higher values of root chord.
Elevator deflection de (°) 3.2 0.17 0.7
However, there is also an increase in the value of the pitching
Rudder deflection dr (°) 7.6 12.1
Bank angle / (°) 2.5 2.8 control derivative. These two effects come into conflict but the
second one is more pronounced. Thus, finally the control
Vee-tail conceptual design criteria for commercial transport aeroplanes 603

Fig. 7 Analysis of effect of span (b), root chord (cr) and taper ratio (k) varying dihedral angle C of Vee-tail in symmetric control
deflection for longitudinal trimming in cruising, climbing and landing conditions.

deflection necessary to balance the aircraft becomes lower. It is possible to apply analogous reasoning to explain the
This behaviour can be seen in Fig. 7 for each flight condition effect of varying the tail taper ratio. Increasing the taper ratio
studied in this paper. supposes an increase in the area and the lift curve slope

because the aspect ratio augments too. However, in this case However, for lateral stability, the feasible design field sits
the power control derivative barely changes. Hence, if the area above the horizontal line called in the legend as Cnb ref. As
and the slope are slightly higher, the necessary deflection to expected, increasing the tail’s area supposes more stability.
reach the goal tail lift must be higher too. In spite of that, The effect of augmenting the tail dihedral angle is beneficial
the effect of the taper ratio is not very strong, as it possible for lateral stability, but it is detrimental for longitudinal stabil-
to see in Fig. 7. ity. For instance, in the case of 20 m of span in the first graph
However, the behaviour with span changes is different of Figs. 9(a) and (b), the static longitudinal stability restricts
between climb and cruise, on one side, and land, on the other. the dihedral angle from being higher than approximately 45°
In climbing and cruising conditions, the equilibrium lift coeffi- and the lateral stability from being higher than 40°. This means
cient of the tail is quite different than in the other two cases that the static longitudinal stability is an upper restriction to
due to the effect of the thrust. The thrust generates a pitching dihedral angle and the static lateral stability is a lower one.
moment that aids the aircraft to balance. This means that the
goal tail lift in these conditions is different than in the landing 4.3. Yawing moment trimming at critical engine failure condition
condition; in fact, the sign is not the same in both cases. On the
other hand, increasing the span supposes that the tail lift curve In this condition, the asymmetric control deflection required to
slope will also increase. Consequently, the tail lift coefficient is null the moment generated by the engine failure introduces a
higher, in absolute value, for the same angle of attack. So in new restriction to the design. The results are shown in
order to reduce the tail lift to obtain the goal tail lift, in the Fig. 10. The boundary fixed by the maximum control deflec-
case of negative lift, it is necessary to reduce the control deflec- tion is marked with the horizontal line called in the legend as
tion; and in the case of positive lift, it is necessary to increase it. ddasymMAX. The maximum deflection was determined by the
Thus, for climbing and cruising conditions, increasing tail span reference aircraft and takes the value of 18°. This restriction
implies that the symmetric control deflection increases too. On supposes a lower limit to the dihedral angle, because for lower
the other hand, increasing tail span in landing condition sup- dihedral angle the necessary deflection is higher than the max-
poses that the necessary control deflection becomes lower. This imum admissible. Again, if the area of the tail increases, this
is shown schematically in Fig. 8. restriction allows the design of tails with lower dihedral angles.
The last result to be analysed for this flight condition is the
4.2. Static stability at cruising condition bank angle, which has been calculated for all the cases where
the maximum control deflection was not achieved. This angle
In this section, the static stability derivatives are analysed at depends on the lateral force generated by the tail. As the force
cruising condition. The results are shown in Fig. 9, for longitu- to be balanced is always the same, the thrust of one engine, the
dinal and lateral derivatives respectively. In Fig. 9 the results necessary tail force is always the same too. Therefore, theoret-
of the derivatives for the reference aircraft in the same condi- ically, the resultant bank angle is equal to that obtained for the
tions are indicated by dashed lines. The Vee-tail aircraft must reference aircraft: 3.1°. However, the resultant bank angles
be at least as stable as the reference aircraft. Thus, in the case vary between 2.7° and 3.0°. This is caused by the imprecisions
of longitudinal stability, the possible design zone is situated made by the Tornado software and also by the mathematical
under the horizontal line called in the legend as Cma ref. method used to find the control deflection. In spite of that,
every configuration meets the regulations in force, which
allows a maximum bank angle of 5°.

4.4. Yawing moment trimming at crosswind landing condition

At crosswind landing condition, the necessary asymmetric control

deflection required to balance the aircraft laterally has been deter-
mined by solving Eq. (6) for each geometric parameters’ combi-
nation for the Vee-tail. The results are pictured in Fig. 11. The
maximum deflection of the control according to landing speed
of this condition is also represented in this figure. This boundary
is estimated using data from the CeRAS aircraft, as explained
previously, and takes the value of 25°. It is both upper and lower
limit because it corresponds both to maximum positive and neg-
ative deflections. Fig. 11 shows that the maximum negative con-
trol deflection is hardly reached by any parameter combination.
However, the maximum positive deflection bounds the dihedral
angle as a lower limit. The behaviour of the control deflection
with changes in dihedral angle is as follows: for low dihedral
angles the vertical projection of the tail is small enough to need
high positive deflections of the asymmetric control in order to bal-
Fig. 8 Schematic of qualitative behaviour of symmetric control ance the aircraft. On the other hand, for high dihedral angles, the
deflection to balance aircraft with changes in tail span in three vertical tail projection is too big in order to balance the aircraft
different flight conditions. with maximum negative deflection of the asymmetric control.
Vee-tail conceptual design criteria for commercial transport aeroplanes 605

Fig. 9 Analysis of effect of span, root chord and taper ratio varying dihedral angle of Vee-tail in longitudinal and lateral static stability
in cruising condition.

Fig. 10 Analysis of effect of span, root chord and taper ratio varying dihedral angle of Vee-tail in asymmetric control deflection for
lateral balancing with critical engine failure in climbing conditions.

Fig. 11 Analysis of effect of span, root chord and taper ratio varying dihedral angle of Vee-tail in asymmetric control deflection for
lateral balancing at crosswind landing conditions.

5. Discussion chosen as the dependent variable. By choosing the dihedral

angle, the dependency of this variable along the boundaries
On viewing the results obtained for each flight condition, it is with the other three parameters is presented. Fig. 12 includes
possible to compile them in order to analyse which restriction the resultant boundaries in the design space when static stabil-
is active depending on the combination of the design parame- ity in cruising conditions and critical engine failure are applied.
ters. First of all, it has been seen that longitudinal trimming The figure shows that the longitudinal static stability restric-
does not introduce any limitation to the Vee-tail design. Only tion is an upper boundary to the dihedral angle and the lateral
the case of trimming in the landing condition supposes a con- static stability one is a lower boundary, as stated previously.
trol deflection near to the maximum, and only for lowest tail Moreover, the critical engine failure during climbing restric-
areas. This means that the longitudinal control power is exces- tion represents a lower boundary too. However, this boundary
sive, so a redesign of longitudinal tail control is necessary. In is inactive because lateral static stability is more restrictive.
this case study, the longitudinal control spanned half of the tail This establishes the possible design space between the two
and 25% of the chord. Hence, one possibility is to reduce its curves defined by stability restrictions. This space becomes
span or the percentage of chord. Another variable to take into wider when higher root chords are considered. The fact that
account is the trim incidence angle. In this study, it has been critical engine failure restriction is not active indicates that
fixed at zero, but a refined design will select an angle that sup- the hypothesis about the size of the asymmetric control has
poses not to deflect the longitudinal control to trim the aircraft been too conservative. The size could be selected such as the
longitudinally for a cruising design condition. The drawback associated boundary will move to reduce the distance to the
of this is that the design flight condition is Ma > 0.6, which curve defined by the lateral static stability derivative. However,
would require the designer to use another aerodynamic model. it is necessary to study the crosswind landing condition before-
Also, a variable tail incidence angle system could be considered hand as it would be more restrictive than controlling the air-
for the Vee-tail. In spite of these improvements changing the craft after critical engine failure one for the asymmetric
results, it has been shown that longitudinal trimming is not a control redesign.
determining problem when designing a Vee-tail. Analogously, the crosswind landing condition can be anal-
However, it is now necessary to discuss the stability deriva- ysed in the same way. As it has been explained previously,
tives results for cruising condition and asymmetric control there are two boundaries introduced by this restriction. The
deflection for one engine failure during climbing and crosswind lower limit is generated by the positive maximum deflection
landing conditions. In these cases, the established boundaries of the asymmetric control. The restriction obtained through
are eventually reached, so all of them introduce some kind this condition is inactive, because lateral static stability in
of restriction to the design. Thus, it is possible to determine cruise is more critical. In fact, the crosswind landing condition
the relation between the design parameters at the boundary. is even less restrictive than controlling after critical engine fail-
The proposed problem has four degrees of freedom: span, root ure. The results are shown in Fig. 13. However, the upper limit
chord, taper ratio and dihedral angle, and each active restric- appears when the maximum negative control deflection is
tion reduces in one degree the freedom of the problem. There- reached. As it can be seen in Fig. 13, this restriction is active
fore, the equations of the boundaries have three degrees of only for the highest root chord considered and the higher val-
freedom. Because all the restrictions are represented by ues of span.
inequalities, each of these three-dimensional surfaces will The results obtained for crosswind landing condition indi-
divide the design space into two subspaces, in one of which cate that the procedure to redesign the asymmetric control
the solution will be possible, but in the others it will not. This needs to be applied to critical engine failure condition. This
means that one of the initial degrees of freedom could be could be concluded because the boundary associated with
Vee-tail conceptual design criteria for commercial transport aeroplanes 607

Fig. 12 Design space taking into account cruising static stability, both longitudinal (Cma label) and lateral (Cnb label), and balancing
aircraft after critical engine failure (CEF label).

Fig. 13 Design space taking into account cruising static stability, both longitudinal (Cma label) and lateral (Cnb label), and balancing
aircraft in crosswind landing conditions, for maximum negative deflection of control (CwL MAX label) and maximum positive deflection
(CwL MIN label).

the crosswind landing condition is below the curve associated device, as it is indicated in Fig. 14(b). The percentage of chord
to critical engine failure condition, resulting in a bigger control has been maintained equal to 25%. The corresponding control
for critical engine failure condition. Thus, Fig. 14(a) represents sizes represented in Fig. 14(a) are referred to the quarter span,
the minimum span basym of the asymmetric control in order to which was the previous span of the asymmetric control. Thus,
accomplish with controlling after critical engine failure with- the necessary control size is between 62% and 84%, depending
out converting this restriction to an active one. This means on the tail geometry, of the size considered in the initial
that with the size obtained through this procedure, the critical hypotheses.
engine failure curve is overlapping the lateral static stability The last step is to analyse what happens in crosswind
boundary. The redesign has been implemented by simply landing condition with this new yawing control definition.
changing the percentage of span which has a trailing edge Currently, the size of the asymmetric control for each

Fig. 14 Minimum asymmetric control size (basym) referred to previous control size (b/4) to assure that critical engine failure boundary is
on lateral static stability in cruise one and definition of parameter basym.

Fig. 15 Final design space imposing critical engine failure for maximum deflection on lateral static stability in cruise and static stability
in cruising and crosswind landing restrictions (The feasible design space is shaded for cr ¼ 3:3 m and k ¼ 0:28).

combination of geometrical parameters is the result obtained the other hand, if the control span is lower, the critical engine
in Fig. 14. The analysis is focused on the upper limit because failure condition becomes more restrictive than lateral static
the lower limit is less restrictive than the lower limit for critical stability in cruising condition, and crosswind landing curve
engine failure, as it has been seen previously. This upper goes down, so the design space is more reduced.
restriction is presented in Fig. 15 in conjunction with the other
active restrictions. It is possible to see that, with this control
size, the crosswind landing condition becomes active and 6. Conclusions
bounds the space design in maximum dihedral angles. In order
to clarify which is the feasible design space for each Vee-tail (1) In this paper, an analysis of the application of classical
geometry, Fig. 15 represents this space in the case of design criteria to an unconventional tail configuration
cr ¼ 3:3 m and k ¼ 0:28 by shading this region. Of course, if has been presented. These classical criteria are based
the asymmetric control is bigger than the considered, the crit- on certification aspects such as static stability, and air-
ical engine failure restriction becomes inactive and the cross- craft control after critical engine failure or in crosswind
wind landing one moves upwards so it is less restrictive. On landing conditions. The study is focused on the Vee-tail
Vee-tail conceptual design criteria for commercial transport aeroplanes 609

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