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History F-3


Chapter one: The age of European exploration and discovery
1. Identify two examples that europeans were not completely isolated before 1500?
 In 1100, christian crusaders battled the muslims for the control of the holly land plastine
 in 1275, Italian trader Marco polo reached china
2. Define Age of exploration?
 The When europeans began to explore around the world.
3. Which century the europeans began to explore the world?
 In 15 century.
4. Mention five factors that Europeans lead the exploration?
 They needed the rest of the world more than they were needed.
 They wanted to spread christianity.
 They sought greater wealth.
 They hoped to find sea ways to the east.
 They invented navigational instruments.
5. Explain why Portugal became leading country in the exploration?
 Its strategic location on the Atlantic ocean at south western Europe.
 Strong government support of exploration the greatest supporter was prince Henry.
 They had already established trading post along west African coasts.
6. Who was the greatest supporter of exploration in the Portugal government?
 Prince Henry
7. Dias couldn’t reach Asia, state a reason for that?
 Because when his crew were exhausted and food supplies became scarce they returned home
8. Describe, why Dagama received a hero’s welcome in Portugal?
 Because his 27000mile voyage had given his country a direct sea route to India and Asia
9. State where and how Magellan was killed?
 He killed in philippine by a poisoned arrow, where he joined in a war between two local groups in
10. Name the explorer who accidentally found the new continent (America)?
 Christopher Columbus

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History F-3
11. What is Enlightenment?
 Was an intellectual movement which dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 18th
12. State some major ideas of enlightenment?
Thinker Idea Impact
1. Locke  Right for life, liberty and  In the U.S declaration of
property independence
2. Monstequie  Separation of powers  Constitutions of USA,
France and etc
3. Voltaire  Freedom of thought and  U.S bill of rights and french
expression rights. Europeans monarchs
reduced censorship
4. Beccaria  Abolishment of torture  Torture was outlawed in
nations of Europe and the

13. List down five concepts formed during the age of Enlightenment?
 Reason
 Nature
 Happiness
 Progress
 Liberty
14. Explain scientific revolution?
 Scientific revolution: was a period of increased knowledge and information in Europe during the
era of renaissance (rebirth).
15. Before 1500, what had the European scholars referred?
 They referring ancient Greek or Roman authors and the Bible.
16. Distinguish between heliocentric and geocentric theories?
 Heliocentric theory: it was idea that the sun was the center of the universe
 Geocentric theory: it was idea that the earth was the center of the universe
17. Mention three factors that helped the scientific revolution?
 Inventions and discoveries
 Age of exploration
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History F-3
 Invention of printing press
18. State some of the earliest scientists?
 Nicolas Copernicus (astronomy) 1473-1543
 Galileo Galilee (telescope) 1553-1642
 Isaac Newton (law of gravity) 1653-1727
 Benjamin Franklin (Electricity)
 Michael Faraday (Generator)
 John waves Maxwell (electro-magnetic radiation)
 Fahrenheit (mercury thermometer)
 Harvey (reveals how human heart works) in 1628
19. Write down three positive and three negative impact of scientific revolution on agriculture?
Positive Negative

 Increase of agricultural  Consumption of chemically

production through fertilizers stored food stuff was linked
 Promotion of farming and to same human diseases
food preservation  Some agro-chemicals had
 Agricultural revolution from side effects on livestock
subsistence farming to large crops and humans
scale economic activity  Soil improvishments as result
of continuous use of fertilizer

20. Write down three positive and three negative impact of scientific revolution on industry?
Positive Negative
 Production of large scale  Production of dangerous war
goods weapons led to loss of lives
 Inventions in transportation and destruction
and communication  Industrial wastes led to
 Costs of goods have been environmental hazards
minimized  Mechanization and
automation led to jobless as
many became un

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History F-3

21. Define Industrial revolution?

 Industrial revolution: is a change in manufacturing method from working hand to machines and
from working in home to factory. (1750 – 1850)
22. State five characteristics of industrial revolution?
 It started during the age of rebirth in learning
 There are many inventions and discoveries
 Improved transportation and communication
 Use of coal as source of energy
 Mass production of goods
23. Where industrialization began and where it spread?
 It began in the united kingdom (UK) and then spread through out Europe, North America & Japan
24. Why did the industrial revolution first start in Britain (UK)?
 Because it had the followings:
 Trade without side world
 Large population of workers
 Extensive natural resources
 Outside colonies
 Economic strength
 Political stability
 Scientific inventions
25. State the factors that helped Germany to be an industrialized nation?
 Establishment of trade union that linked all Germany states
 Availability of energy for the use in industries
 Germany was rich natural resources as water and minerals
 Availability of labor
 Transportation and communication system
 Long period of political stability
26. State the factors that helped Japan to be an industrialized nations?
 Enterprising citizens
 Availability of skilled labor
 High quality of their goods
 Good transport and communication

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History F-3
 Political stability especially after world war 2
27. State the factors that helped USA to be an industrialized nations?
 Raw materials were quickly available
 Availability of labor
 Scientific inventions
 Foreign investment
 Availability of source of energy
28. Outline positive and negative effects of industrial revolution
Positive effects Negative effects
 Development and expansion of  Rural urban migration
agricultural production  Political corruption
 Mass production of goods  colonization
 Enormous expansion of trade
 Improved transportation and

29. What is Political revolution?

 Political revolution – was a basic change in the relations between government and people
30. Explain one major cause of political revolution to start in Western Europe?
 It was the growth of commerce and the rise of merchant class
31. In what country did the political revolution first begin?
 In England
32. What is Revolution?
 Revolution – is a transfer of power from one group to another
33. What kind of government did France have before the French revolution?
 Monarchy
34. Who was king during the revolution in France?
 King Louis
35. Describe three reasons for French revolution?
 Bankruptcy of the French government and the king who could not solve it
 Influence of French philosophers
 Influence of the British revolution and American war for independence

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History F-3
36. Identify how the French society divided before the revolution of 1789?
 First estate: Royal family and clergy
 Second estate: Rich nobles
 Third estate: urban lower class
37. Who paid the majority of the taxes in the French government?
 The commoners
38. What is Guillotine?
 Is a tall killing machine
39. In which year Napoleon became emperor of France?
 In 1799
40. State the results of French revolution?
 Revolution spread in Europe
 Napoleon took power
 Nobles lost their power
 France remained strong

Chapter two: The Unification of Italy and Germany

41. State six common bonds among nationalists in a country to create their own state?
 Religion
 Culture
 Language
 History
 Nationality
 Territory
42. What is nationalism?
 Was the most powerful ideal felling that fueled efforts to built nation states
43. List the 10 Italian pre – unification states
 Sardinia
 Venetia
 Lombardy
 Parma
 Tuscany
 Modena
 Papel Rome
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 Kingdom of two sicilies
 San-merino
 Monaco
44. Name the three Italian who worked for the unification of Italy?
 Mazzini
 Cavour
 Garibaldi
45. Who was the first nationalist began unite all the Italian states?
 Mazzini
46. What he believed?
 He believed that a revolution would unite all Italians
47. Who was the founder of Young Italy?
 Giuseppe Mazzini
48. What is Giuseppe Mazzini known for?
 Soul of Unification
49. How was Camilo Cavour different from Mazzini for the Unification of Italy?
 He was wealthy aristocrat and believed that Sardinia to be powerful and dominate all the other
Italian states
50. In which year Camilo Cavour became the prime minister of Sardinia?
 In 1852
51. In Italy unification, who ruled as its first king?
 Victor Emanuel II
52. What was the greatest roadblock of Cavour’s attempt of uniting the Italian states?
 Austria
53. State three countries that ruled parts of Italy before its unification?
 Spain
 Austria
 France
54. Sardinia and French troops drove Austria out of Italy and most of the northern regions united with
Sardinia in:
 1858
55. Which states does not include the Italian states before the unification of 1860?
 Venetia

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History F-3
56. What Camilo Cavour known for?
 Brain of Unification
57. What were Garibaldi’s 1000 army known as?
 The Red shirts
58. What and where is the Vatican City?
 Vatican City is the smallest independent state in the word, section of Rome
59. What Garibaldi known for?
 Sword of unification
60. In what year did Italy become a unified nation?
 In 1860
61. Which of the great Europeans powers was the last to achieve political unity?
 Germany
62. List any 5 of 20 post – unification German states?
 Prussia
 Bavaria
 Hanover
 Holstein
 Saxony
63. Which state was strongest German states? Who was ruled?
 Prussia, ruled by king named Fredrick Wilhelm IV
64. Name two German nationalists who worked for the unification of Germany.
 Wilhelm I
 Bismarck
65. What were the Junkers?
 The Prussian Nobles
66. What ‘Blood and Iron’ stands for?
 Blood means army or military, Iron means industry or economy
67. What Bismarck believed the unification of Germany?
 He believed that Prussia should dominate other German states through wars
68. How did Bismarck raise the funds that were necessary to build up the German army?
 Blood and Iron speech

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History F-3
69. Explain briefly the steps taken by Bismarck to unity Germany?
 The first steps towards the unity of Germany has been economic reason, Bismarck made great
efforts to build up Prussia militarily and economically
70. Name the two coastal region in which Prussia and Denmark disagreed over.
 Schleswing
 Holstein
71. Which countries the seven week war broke out?
 The seven week war broke out between Prussia and Austria
72. Explain briefly why Bismarck invaded each of the following countries:
 Denmark
 Austria
 France
 Denmark:
 He went to claimed the two coastal region
 Austria:
 Disagreed over how these regions should be ruled
 France:
 To achieve the support, Bismarck invaded France in 1870
73. What another word for Emperor in Germany would be?
 Kaiser
74. What title given to Wilhelm I and Bismarck after the successful unification of Germany?
 Wilhelm I – Kaiser (Emperor)
 Bismarck – Chancellor (Prime Minister)
75. Describe how Germany became a major world power after its unification?
 Because its industrial production and population grew hugely
76. Why had the southern German states refused to join Prussia’s confederation under Bismarck?
 Because they were Catholic and did not allow to be dominated by the northern Protestants
77. In what year did Germany become a unified nation?
 On Jan 18, 1871

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History F-3
Chapter three: The Europeans scramble and partition of Africa
78. Define the term Scramble for Africa?
 Scramble for Africa – meant the period when Europeans powers competed in a rush to have
colonial Possessions in Africa
79. Mention the three European visitors Africa and their aims?
 Travelers (explores) – to get information about the geography of Africa
 Traders – to make trade relations and get trade goods
 Missionaries – to spread Christianity
80. What is Partition of Africa?
 Partition of Africa – refers to the dividing of African territories to specific European powers
81. State the methods that Europeans acquire colonies in Africa?
 Diplomacy
 Signing treaties
 Military conquests
 Divide and rule
 Treachery / tricks
 Company rule
82. Discuss the Economic, political and social reasons for the scramble for Africa by the Europeans
 Economic factors
 They required markets for the manufactured goods
 They needed raw-materials for their industries
 They required areas to invest
 Political factors
 Colonies become sources of glory and prestige
 To be superior powers
 Social factor
 To spread the Christianity in Africa
 To stop slave trade and civilize the primitive Africans
 To settle their surplus
83. Describe the strategic importance of Egypt to the European powers.
 The importance of Egypt was the linkage between Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle East through
Suez canal

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History F-3
84. What was the Berlin Conference?
 A conference held to split up the country of Africa between European countries
85. List the seven European powers that shared out African continent at the Berlin Conference
 Germany
 France
 Britain
 Italy
 Portugal
 Spain
 Belgium
86. Mention the results of the Berlin conference
 Arbitrary boundaries were drown in Africa
 Slave trade was abolished
 Effective colonial occupation by the European
87. Discus the political, economic and Social impacts of the partition of Africa
 Political impact
 Loss of independence
 Drawing boundaries
 Loss of Authority by African rulers
 Economic impact
 African become a sources of raw-materials and market for European industries
 Development of infrastructures
 Europeans diverted their economic attention to Africa
 Social impact
 Spread of Christianity
 Racial separation
 Development of urban centers

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