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Mary’s university
Inclusion in education &
Development Group Assignment
Unit 3: identification & differentiated services
Reflection paper on identification
- Impact of disability and vulnerability in daily life of persons with disability and
- Depict needs of persons with disability and vulnerability
- Effect of environment on the life of persons with disability and vulnerability

Department of management

Section I
Group 2
Group members ID

1, Ribka Merach RMD/2802/2013

2, Kalkidan Ashenafi RMD/2790/2013
3, Melat Shibre RMD/2795/2013
4, Eldana Kumsa RMD/4108/2013
5, Gedion Tilahun RMD/2785/2013
6, Michael H/Selassie RMD/2796/2013

Submission date; Dec 27, 2021

Submitted to; Hamere Y.
Table of content
Introduction to identification………………………………………………………1
Impact of disability & vulnerability on daily life………………………………….1
Need of persons with disability and vulnerability………………………………....2
Social need…………………………………………………………………….2
Healthcare need………………………………………………………………..3
Barriers to healthcare………………………………………………………….3
Addressing the barriers for inclusive healthcare……………………………... 3
Disability, vulnerability & the environment……………………………………….4
Creating inclusive environment……………………………………………………4
First and foremost we would like to praise and thank God who granted
countless knowledge, so that we have been able to accomplish this work on the
given period of time.
Next we would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our lecturer
Hamere Y., who give as the golden opportunity to do this assignment on
identification of impact, needs & environmental effects that happen in daily
life of persons with disability & vulnerability.
Finally we are pleased to thank everyone who take their part in this
Identification and rehabilitation service

Disability is long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in
interaction with various barriers may hinder a person's full and effective participation in society
on an equal basis with others & vulnerability can be defined as the degree to which a system, or
part of it, may react adversely during the occurrence of a hazardous event. The onset of disability
is accompanied by complex series of shocks to the individual & everyone around him/her.
Disability can affect mental, physical or social wellbeing of the person. Same as healthy persons,
the disabled also have needs they want to be fulfilled.
Environmental factors are major factors that make up the physical, social and attitudinal
environment in which people live and conduct their lives, and influence the experience of
disability both at the body level (function and structure) and in terms of the activities they do and
the areas of life in which they participate. This paper focuses on the impact of disability &
vulnerability on daily life, the needs especially social & health care needs finally, effect of the
environment in enabling/disabling the disabled person.

 Impact of Disability and Vulnerability on daily life

It is known that disability impact the life of a person with disability in a negative way, there are
Common effects of a disability which may include but not limited to:
 Mental health issues including anxiety and depression Loss of freedom and independence
 Frustration and anger at having to rely on other people
 Practical problems including transport Choice of activities
 Unemployment Problems with learning and academic study
 Loss of self-esteem and confidence… NB! But all these negative effects are due to
restricted environments, not due to impairments.
The impact of disability has so many factors let us see some of them:-
Factors related to person
 The Nature of the Disability: - if a disability is acquired at some point of life, it has more
negative impact than congenital disability (at birth).because it is difficult to adjust.
 The individual personality: - If a person think positively then at least the emotional aspect
of impact of disability will be lessened.
 The Meaning of the Disability to the Individual: - if a person define himself by physical
outlook then the impact of disability will be worse.
 The Individual’s Current Life Circumstances & the Individual's Support System are some
other factors that determine the impact of disability related to person.
Factors related to economy
 First so many simple pathologies that if diagnosed correctly can be cured but because of
the lack economy this pathologies are developed in to impairment
 Second economic resources can limit the options and abilities of someone who requires
personal assistance services or certain physical accommodations
 If the economy of macro-system community is developed then many things (employment
transportation…) will be more accessible for a person with disability. If a person with
disability is wealthy but if its country is poor then there is no much difference on the
daily activity of the person
Political Factors and Disability
If there is significant place on the aspect of inclusiveness on the designing of public policy and
also if the government enforce this policy then it has a profound impact on disability.
Psychological Factors of Disability
Psychology of environment is described in different constructs 3 of them are social cognitive
process and the other is personality disposition & an individual's ability to adapt and react to it.
 Self-Efficacy Belief: - Self-efficacy beliefs are concerned with whether or not a person
believes that he or she can accomplish a desired outcome. A person with high self-
efficacy will use the maximum potential and resource to achieve something.
 Psychological Control: -It is to control your negative aspect of your psychological
thought or changing the unwanted psychological aspect that leads you to undermine your
 Copping pattern: -It is behavioral and cognitive efforts to manage specific internal or
external Demands that exceeds our ability and resource.
 Personality disposition: Optimism:-optimism is the general tendency to view the world,
others, and oneself favorably.
Family factors
The impact of family in positive way by providing such tangible services as housekeeping and
transportation and by providing personal assistance in activities of daily living. But some
families are disabling by promoting dependency and also, they don’t think positively about the

 Needs of Persons with Disabilities and Vulnerabilities

Maslow‘s model is also valid for persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities. Disabilities &
vulnerabilities seek to fulfill these needs and reach a state of wellbeing.
Survival (physiological): feeding, performing hygiene, sleeping, ADL
Safety: they will look for situations that keep them safe
Belongingness & love need: intimate relationship with family, friends.
Esteem: related to the capability of achieving things, contributing to a work activity and being
Self-actualization (fulfillment): achieving one’s own full potential including creative activities

Social needs of persons with disability

Includes Socio-emotional, psychological, physical & social environmental and economic needs
in general. E.g. Full access to the Environment (towns, countryside & buildings), Technical aids
and equipment, Equal opportunities for Employment etc.
The social protection measures may include poverty reduction schemes; cash transfer programs,
social and health insurance, public work programs, housing programs, disability pensions and
mobility grants.
 Gender and disability: - Women and girls with disabilities experience higher rates of
gender-based violence, sexual abuse, neglect, maltreatment and exploitation than women
and girls without disabilities.
 Belongingness and disability: - involving an attachment to place, relationships with
others, a sense of safety, common values and a shared and/or developing history.
 Identity and disability: - disability is experienced as challenging the nature of one‘s
internal pre-established identity and as a struggle to change the perceptions and attitudes
of others and the physical environment in which a person lives.
 Intersectionality and disability: - includes Social structures and norms, Age matters, the
wider contextual values, economic & social changes, and Poverty.
.The Health Care Needs of Persons with Disabilities and Vulnerabilities
 Secondary conditions: conditions occur in addition to (and are related to) a primary
health condition, and are both predictable and therefore preventable. Examples include
pressure ulcers, urinary tract infections, osteoporosis and pain.
 Co-morbid conditions: conditions occur in addition to (and are unrelated to) a primary
health condition associated with disability. For example heart disease, high blood
pressure (hypertension), psychiatric disorders.
 Age-related conditions: The ageing process for some groups of people with disabilities
begins earlier than usual. For example some people with developmental disabilities show
signs of premature ageing in their 40s and 50s.
 Engaging in health risk behaviors: people with disabilities have higher rates of risky
behaviors such as smoking, poor diet and physical inactivity.
Barriers to Health Care for Persons with Disabilities and Vulnerable Groups
 Less Affordability of health services and transportation, Limited availability of services,
Physical barriers (narrow doorways, internal steps, inadequate bathroom facilities),
inadequate skills and knowledge of health workers.
Addressing for Inclusive Barriers to Health Care
 Policy and legislation: Assess existing policies and services, identify priorities to reduce
health inequalities and plan improvements for access and inclusion.
 Financing: Ensure that people with disabilities benefit equally from public health care
programs using financial incentives to encourage health-care providers to make services
accessible and provide comprehensive assessments, treatment, and follow-ups.
 Service delivery: Provide a broad range of modifications and adjustments to facilitate
access to health care services.
 Human resources: Integrate disability inclusion education into undergraduate and
continuing education for all health-care professionals & for community workers.

 Disability, Vulnerability & the Environment

Environment can be physical, social & psychological environment
 Physical environment: includes natural & human made environment.
 Social environment: include cultural, political, and economic factors.
 Psychological environment: is the intrapersonal environment
Three types of attributes of the physical environment need to be in place to support human
1. Object availability: in a location that is useful, at a level where they can be retrieved,
and must be organized to support the performance of the activity.
2. Accessibility: related to the ability of people to get to a place or to use a device.
3. Availability of sensory stimulation regarding the environment.
Type of factor Types of physical environment
Natural environment Built (man-made) Envt.

Enabling factor dry season Building ramp

Disabling factor Rainy season Poor or uncomfortable infrastructure

e.g. steps

 Persons with disabilities, vulnerable and marginalized groups living in rural areas have
double disadvantaged due to their impairments and vulnerabilities and unfavorable
physical and social environment.

Creating Welcoming (Inclusive) Environment

External environmental modifications can take many forms these can include assistive devices,
alterations of a physical structure, object modification, and task modification.
Rehabilitation must place emphasis on addressing the environmental needs of people with
disabling conditions. Environmental strategies can be effective in helping people function
independently and not be limited in their social participation, in work, leisure or social
interactions as a spouse, parent, friend, or coworker.
Environmental modifications;
 Mobility aids: hand Orthosis, mouth stick, prosthetic limb, wheelchair (manual and/or
motorized), canes, crutches, braces,
 Communication aids: Telephone amplifier or TDD, Voice-activated computer, Closed
or real-time captioning, Computer-assisted note taker, Print enlarger, Reading machines,
Books on tape, Sign language or oral interpreters,
 Accessible structural elements: Ramps Elevators, Wide doors, Safety bars, Nonskid
floors, Sound-reflective building materials, Enhanced lighting,
 Accessible features: Built up handles, Voice-activated computer, Automobile hand
 Job accommodations: Simplification of task, Flexible work hours, Rest breaks, Splitting
job into parts, Relegate nonessential functions to others
 Differential use of personnel: Personal care assistants, Note takers, Secretaries Editors,
Sign language interpreters.
Social and Psychological Environments on the Enabling-Disabling Process
Types of factor Elements of social and psychological environment
culture Economic political psychological
enabling View the disabled as Free Provide access Having an active
a valuable & loved transportation & from voting to coping strategy
increased salary holding office
disabling Belief that disability Reducing their No right to elect Denial
is caused by bad past cost of labor in & to be elected
action of parents. working place

In general Persons with disability can pass through different path in their day to day life. There
are factors related to the person, politics, family, psychology & economy that influence the
person to respond positively or negatively.
Persons with disabilities and vulnerable groups have needs they want to be fulfilled like healthy
person such as; social, emotional, psychological, physical and economic needs.
Disability is the result of interaction between characteristics of person with environment. The
amount of disability is not determined by levels of pathologies, impairments, or functional
limitations, but instead is a function of the kind of services provided to people with disabling
conditions and the extent to which the physical, built environment is accommodating or not
accommodating to the particular disabling condition.

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