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Worksheet No.



I. Cách thành lập từ (Word Formations)
1. Thành lập danh từ (Noun formations)
a. Một số danh từ được thành lập bằng cách thêm các hậu tố (suffixes) vào sau động từ (verb), danh từ
(noun) hoặc tính từ (adjective).
- VERB + ment/ al
invest → investment (sự đầu tư) amuse → amusement (trò vui)
approve → approval (sự tán thành) propose → proposal (lời đề nghị)
- VERB + tion/ ation
introduce → introduction (sự giới thiệu) invent → invention (sự phát minh)
explain → explanation (lời giải thích)
- VERB + ance / ence
attend → attendance (sự tham dự) depend → dependence (sự phụ thuộc)
- VERB + or / er / ar / ant / ee (chỉ người)
learn → learner (học viên) educate → educator (nhà giáo dục)
beg → beggar (người ăn xin) employ → employee (nhân viên)
- VERB + ing / y
paint painting (bức tranh) discover → discovery (điều khám phá)
- VERB + ure / age
expose → exposure (sự tiếp xúc) drain → drainage (sự tháo nước)
- NOUN + ship / hood
friend → friendship (tình bạn) brother → brotherhood (tình anh em)
- NOUN + ism (nói về chủ nghĩa hoặc học thuyết)
capital → capitalism (chủ nghĩa tư bản)
- ADJECTIVE + ce / ity
important → importance (tầm quan trọng) mature → maturity (sự trưởng thành)
- ADJECTIVE + ness / dom
sick → sickness (căn bệnh) free → freedom (sự tự do)
social → socialism (chủ nghĩa xã hội) formal → formalism (chủ nghĩa hình thức)
b. Một số danh từ đuợc thành lập bàng cách thêm tiên tố (prefixes) vào trước một danh từ.
- super / under + NOUN
market → supermarket (siêu thị) current → undercurrent (dòng nước ngầm)
- sur / sub + NOUN
face → surface (bề mặt) standard → substandard (dưới tiêu chuẩn)
2. Thành lập động từ (Verb formations)
a. Động từ thường được thành lập bằng cách thêm hậu tố (suffixes) hoặc tiền tố (prefixes) vào danh từ,
tính từ hoặc động từ khác.
- NOUN + fy
beauty → beautify (làm đẹp) identity → identify (nhận dạng)
- NOUN/ ADJECTIVE + ize / ise
social → socialize (xã hội hóa) symbol → symbolize (tượng trưng cho)
tight → tighten (thắt chặt) weak → weaken (làm suy yếu)
danger → endanger (gây nguy hại) rich → enrich (làm giàu)
- over/ under/ super + VERB
act → overact (diễn cường điệu) estimate → underestimate (đánh giá thấp)

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b. Một số ngoại động từ (transitive verbs) được thành lập bằng cách thêm tiên tố out- vào nội động từ
(intransitive verbs).
go → outgo (trội hơn) weigh → outweigh (nặng hơn)
*Ngoại động từ (transitive verbs) là động từ luôn có tân ngữ trực tiếp (direct object) theo sau.
*Nội động từ (intransitive verbs) là động từ không cần có tân ngữ (object).
3. Thành lập tính từ (Adjective formations)
a. Một số tính từ được thành lập bằng cách thêm hậu tố (suffixes) vào sau danh từ hoặc động từ.
- NOUN + ful / less
harm → harmful / harmless (có hại / vô hại) use → useful / useless (có ích / vô ích)
- NOUN+ y / ly
rain → rainy (có mưa) year → yearly (hằng năm)
- NOUN + al
culture → cultural (thuộc văn hóa) music musical (thuộc âm nhạc)
- NOUN + ous / able
adventure → adventurous (mạo hiềm) comfort → comfortable (thoải mái)
- NOUN+ ish/ like
self → selfish (ích kỳ) child → childlike (như trẻ con)
- VERB + ive
act → active (tích cực) attract → attractive (hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn)
- VERB + able/ible
accept → acceptable (có thể chấp nhận) reduce → reducible (có thể suy giảm)
- VERB + ing / ed
interest → interesting / interested (thú vị)
b. Một số tính từ mang nghĩa phủ định đuợc thành lập bằng cách thêm tiền tố phủ định (un-, in-, im-, ir-,
il-, dis-) vào truớc tính từ.
happy → unhappy (không hạnh phúc) formal → informal (thân mật)
patient → impatient (thiếu kiên nhẫn) regular → irregular (bất thường)
legal → illegal (bất hợp pháp) honest → dishonest (không thành thật)
4. Thành lập trạng từ (Adverb formations)
Trạng từ thuờng được thành lập bằng cách thêm hậu tố -ly vào sau tính từ.
quiet → quietly (một cách yên tĩnh) lucky → luckily (một cách may mắn)
* Ngoại lệ: good → well (tốt, giỏi) hard → hard (khó khăn, chăm chỉ)
fast → fast (nhanh) late → late/ lately (trễ/ mới đây)
II. Trật tự từ (Word Order)
1. Danh từ (Nouns): Danh từ thường đứng ở các vị trí
- Chủ ngữ (subject) hoặc tân ngữ (object) của câu.
Ex: Pollution is harmful to our health. I bought the painting yesterday.
- Sau các tính từ hoặc tính từ sở hữu (his, my, her,...).
Ex: His mother is a good teacher.
- Sau enough và các từ chi số lượng (much, many, some, any, most, few,...).
Ex: We don’t have enough money to buy that house. Didn’t you borrow some books of mine?
- Sau các mạo từ (a, an, the), từ hạn định (this, that, each, every, both,...) và các giới từ (in, on, of,
with,...). Lưu ý cấu trúc a/ an/ the/...+Adj + N.
Ex: The dolphin is an intelligent animal. She was lying in bed.
2. Tính từ (Adjectives): Tính từ thường đứng ở các vị trí
- Trước danh từ.
Ex: She has very modern ideas about educating her children.
• Trật tự của tính từ đứng trước danh từ
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Khi có nhiều tính từ trước danh từ, các tính từ được viết theo trật tự sau:
opinionsizeageshapecolororiginmaterialtypepurpose + Ný kiếnkích thướctuổihình dángmàu
sắcxuất xứchất liệuloạimục đích

Ex: a fat old white horse. a beautiful small round black leather handbag
an enormous brown German glass beer mug
- Sau các hệ từ (linking verbs) be, get, seem, appear, feel, taste, look, smell, become và sau keep/ make +
Ex: You look happy now. The news made her happy.
- Sau too, trước enough và trong cấu trúc so... that.
Ex: He’s too short to play basketball. He isn’t tall enough to play basketball.
She was so angry that she couldn’t speak.
- Trong câu so sánh và câu cảm thán với How và What.
Ex: He is as deaf as a post. How beautiful the girl is!
3. Trạng từ (Adverbs): Trạng từ thuờng đứng ở các vị trí
- Sau trợ động từ, động từ to be và truớc động từ thường.
Ex: I have recently meet him at the supermarket. He often goes to bed late.
- Trước tính từ.
Ex: An extremely pretty woman entered the room.
- Sau too, trước enough và trong cấu trúc so... that.
Ex: She came too late to see him yesterday.
- Cuối câu hoặc đôi khi đứng một mình ở đầu câu và cách câu bằng dấu phẩy.
Ex: We’ll let you know our decision next week.
Fortunately, there were enough seats left for the concert.
• Vị trí của các loại trạng từ
a. Trạng từ chỉ thời gian (Adverbs of Time) thường được đặt ở đầu câu hoặc cuối câu.
Ex: Can you do it now?
b. Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn (Adverbs of Place) đứng sau động từ, tân ngữ và trước trạng từ chỉ thời gian nếu
trạng từ chỉ thời gian đặt ở cuối câu.
Ex: John is standing there. I will take you home this evening.
c. Trạng từ chỉ thể cách (Adverbs of Manner) thường được đặt sau trạng từ chỉ mức độ, động từ, tân ngữ,
cuối câu hoặc trước tính từ.
Ex: Jack drives very carefully.
d. Trạng từ năng diễn (Adverbs of Frequency) thường đứng sau động từ to be, trợ động từ và trước động
từ thường.
Ex: I am usually busy on Monday.
*Trạng từ năng diễn có thể đặt ở đầu câu trong truờng hợp nhấn mạnh (Xem phần Inversion.)
e. Trạng từ chỉ mức độ (Adverbs of Degree) thuờng được đặt ở sau động từ hoặc ở cuối câu.
Ex: They like playing golf a lot.
f.Trạng từ chỉ ý kiến (Adverbs of Comment) thường được đặt ở đầu câu.
Ex: Luckily, I was able to come to the presentation.
4. Động từ (Verbs): Động từ thường đứng sau chủ ngữ.
Ex: I believe her because she always tells the truth.

I. Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence.
1. The fire-prevention system is ________ by any small increase in temperature.
A. active B. activated C. acted D. acting
2. She was completely ________ because she was wearing a mask and sunglasses.

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A. recognize B. recognition C. recognizable D. unrecognizable

3. A laser beam consists of a ________ of pure light.
A. concentrate B. concentration C. concentrative D. concentrating
4. Laser beams have been used for cancer ________.
A. treat B. treatable C. untreatable D. treatment
5. To ________ in a job interview, you should arrive on time, be well-dressed, and keep ________ when
answering the questions.
A. successfully / calm B. successful / calmness C. success / calmly D. succeed / calm
6. Air pollution happens when wastes are poured into the atmosphere and the air becomes ________ and
unpleasant to breathe.
A. contaminate B. contamination C. contaminated D. contaminative
7. The practice of ________ is also known as farming.
A. agriculture B. agricultural C. agriculturally D. agriculturalist
8. A (an) ________ home environment can affect a child’ ________.
A. happiness / behavioral B. happy / behave C. unhappiness / behave D. unhappy / behavior
9. Isaac Newton laid the ________ for many other discoveries in mathematics and physics.
A. found B. founded C. founder D. foundation
10. The geneticists have discovered the laws of ________.
A. inherit B. inheritance C. inheritor D. inheritable
11. The most serious cause of pollution is the ________ of industry.
A. develop B. development C. developmental D. developed
12. We earn our ________ by raising cattle and chicken.
A. live B. life C. living D. lives
13. Marilyn Monroe was very ________ in 1960s.
A. famous B. famously C. fame D. famousness
14. That car is ________.
A. surprisingly expensive B. surprised expensively
C. surprise expense D. surprising expensiveness
15. Smoking has ________ effects on our health.
A. harm B. harmful C. harmfully D. harmlessly
16. Something went ________ with my computer so I could not complete my work.
A. wrong B. wrongly C. wrongness D. wrongfulness
17. He looked at the picture ________ without saying a word.
A. attentive B. attention C. attentively D. attentiveness
18. Vitamin D helps us not only build ________ teeth and bones but also absorb calcium.
A. strong B. strength C. strongly D. strengthen
19. Every day, people dispose ________ waste from both domestic and ________ sources without paying
any attention to the bad results.
A. wanting / commerce B. unwanted / commercialize
C. wanted / commercially D. unwanted / commercial
20. My mother has just bought an ________ washing machine.
A. automation B. automate C. automatic D. automatically
21. Many teenagers are not well - ________ for ________.
A. prepare / employer B. prepared / employment
C. preparation / unemployed D. preparative / employee
22. They have little ________ about ________ Technology.
A. knowledgeable / Inform B. knowledge / Information
C. knowable / Informing D. know / Informative
23. Railroads, airplanes, cars and highways make it ________ to travel.
A. easy B. ease C. easily D. easiness
24. English provides you with ready access to higher ________.
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A. promote B. promoter C. promotion D. promotional

25. It is very important for children to do something ________, such as to play some musical instrument,
paint, and play football.
A. create and athlete B. creatively and athletics
C. creative and athletic D. creation and athletically
26. The ________ of automobile has created a demand for petrol ________.
A. invent / consume B. inventive / consumer
C. inventor / consuming D. invention / consumption
27. We find it ________ to do housework.
A. bore B. bored C. boring D. boringly
28. ________ does not interest me as much as literature.
A. Economics B. Economy C. Economic D. Economical
29. Almost every language in the world has dialects and American English is no ________.
A. except B. exceptive C. exception D. exceptional
30. Laura failed to give ________ reasons for her ________ from the meeting yesterday.
A. satisfactory / absence B. satisfy / absent C. satisfaction / absently D. satisfied / absence
31. John is a student of ________. He will graduate from the ________ college next month.
A. medication / medically B. medical / medical C. medical / medicine D. medicine / medical
32. They found it ________ to solve their problems.
A. impossible B. impossibly C. impossibility D. possibility
33. Efforts to begin the ________ on the bridge began as early as 1928.
A. construct B. constructor C. construction D. constructive
34. The population of Greater London is about 7.2 million (2001 census), making it the most ________ city
in the United Kingdom.
A. population B. populous C. populously D. populousness
35. There are different ________ in school systems today.
A. acts B. actions C. activities D. actors
36. The city lifestyle seems not to get on well with her. She did not get much ________ in everything.
A. success B. succeed C. successful D. successfully
37. We are in ________ of the campaign to end illiteracy among teenagers.
A. support B. supportive C. supporter D. supportively
38. I do not know which picture books are suitable for my little son. Have you got any ________?
A. recommend B. recommender C. recommendation D. recommendable
39. ________ and cultural places in our country should be given appropriate care.
A. History B. Historian C. Historical D. Historically
40. It is important to protect landscapes from the harmful effects of ________ pollution.
A. environment B. environmentalist C. environmentalism D. environmental
41. China is a huge country, containing a ________ of culture and ________ of landscape.
A. rich / diverse B. richly / diversely C. richness / diversity D. riches / diversity
42. Do not use time and money ________.
A. care B. careful C. careless D. carelessly
43. To be ________, I think you have made a wrong ________.
A. honest / decision B. honesty / decide C. honestly / decisive D. dishonestly / decider
44. ________ of wildlife is happening frequently all over the world.
A. Destroy B. Destruction C. Destructive D. Destructively
45. Thanks to ________ environmentalists and conservationists, many kinds of plants and animals are protected.
A. enthusiast B. enthusiasm C. enthusiastic D. enthusiastically
46. Humans have caused a lot of _______ to the environment, and now they have to suffer from ________ pollution.
A. damageable / seriousness B. damaging / serious
C. damage / serious D. damage / seriously
47. People are more aware of the ________ of music in treating mental ________.
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A. important / illness B. importantly / illness C. important / ill D. importance / illness

48. Conservation is a more and more of a ________.
A. necessity B. necessary C. necessarily D. necessitate
49. Most of the wastes from factories are ________. They are ________ our environment.
A. poisonous / poisoning B. poison / poisoned
C. poisonously / poisoned D. poisons / poisoner
50. Rap music is becoming more and more ________ among teenagers.
A. popularize B. popular C. popularity D. popularly
51. Mary is ________.
A. a young beautiful girl B. a beautiful young girl
C. beautiful a young girl D. beautiful young a girl
52. Look at the man who is wearing ________.
A. a tie dirty old cotton B. a cotton dirty old tie
C. an old cotton dirty tie D. a dirty old cotton tie
53. Peter has just come back from Japan. He gave me ________.
A. a small Japanese serving bowl B. a Japanese small serving bowl
C. a serving small Japanese bowl D. a Japanese serving small bowl
54. Mary has just bought ________.
A. a big red hat B. a red big hat C. big red a hat D. a hat big red
55. The concert was performed by ________.
A. an exciting new band French B. a new French exciting band
C. an exciting new French band D. a French exciting new band
56. There was ________ in the middle of the room.
A. a square wooden old table B. an old table square wooden
C. an old square wooden table D. a wooden old square table
57. The sculptor needs ________.
A. a carving steel new knife B. a carving new steel knife
C. a steel carving new knife D. a new steel carving knife
58. On the way to Toronto, I met ________, who became one of my best friends later.
A. a thin small Canadian lady B. a Canadian small thin lady
C. a small thin Canadian lady D. a small Canadian thin lady
59. ________ our neighbors bought a new car.
A. Late last year B. Last year late C. Last late year D. Year last late
60. Portia White was ________.
A. a famous opera singer B. a famous singer opera
C. an opera famous singer D. a singer famous opera
61. David Garrick was ________.
A. a very eighteenth-century prominent actor B. a very prominent eighteenth-century actor
C. an eighteenth-century very prominent actor D. an actor very prominent eighteenth-century
62. Sarah Siddons was ________ in the 1780s.
A. of her career as an actress at the height B. of her career at the height as an actress
C. at the height of her career as an actress D. as an actress at the height of her career
63. He tripped over ________.
A. in the hallway a box left carelessly B. a box in the hallway left carelessly
C. carelessly a box left in the hallway D. a box left carelessly in the hallway
64. The road crew was startled by ________.
A. the sight of three large deer crossing the road
B. crossing the road the sight of three large deer
C. three large deer of the sight crossing the road
D. three large deer crossing the road of the sight
65. They received ________ because they had studied hard.
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A. on their exam high marks B. high marks on their exam

C. their marks on high exam D. their exam on high marks
66. He ________ changes and new ideas.
A. is often unwilling to accept B. is unwilling to accept often
C. often is unwilling to accept D. is often accept to unwilling
67. I often play football ________.
A. on the garden in Sundays B. in Sundays on the garden
C. in the garden on Sundays D. on Sundays in the garden
68. We will not spend ________.
A. at home next year our holiday B. at home our holiday next year
C. our holiday at home next year D. our holiday next year at home
69. ________ for us?
A. How has she been waiting long B. Has she been waiting how long
C. How long has she been waiting D. How long she has been waiting
70. I do not understand why some local people insist on having ________.
A. six different kinds of cupboards in their mustard
B. six different kinds of mustard in their cupboards
C. mustard of their cupboards in six different kinds
D. in their mustard cupboards of six different kinds
71. The vacation my grandparents won includes ________.
A. trips to twelve European cities B. European cities to twelve trips
C. to twelve European cities trips D. European trips to twelve cities
72. According to the sign, the nearest town is ________
A. 60 away miles B. away 60 miles C. 60 miles away D. 60-miles away
73. ________ were invaded by beetles this summer.
A. The neighborhood in all the gardens B. In the gardens all the neighborhood
C. All the gardens in the neighborhood D. The gardens in all the neighborhood
74. We painted ________.
A. table the red and chairs the blue B. blue the chairs and red the table
C. red the table and blue the chairs D. the table red and the chairs blue
75. ________, Martha Ballad can communicate in English fluently.
A. Over the course of two years B. Over of two years the course
C. Of two years over the course D. Of over two years the course
76. She moved ________.
A. quite slowly down the aisle B. down the aisle slowly quite
C. slowly quite down the aisle D. the aisle quite slowly down
77. She has lived ________.
A. her life on all the island B. the island on all her life
C. on the island all her life D. on her life all the island
78. She goes to work ________.
A. on the mainland every day by boat B. by boat on the mainland every day
C. on the mainland by boat every day D. every day by boat on the mainland
79. I ________ to my brother without a good reason.
A. have written rarely B. written have rarely C. have rarely written D. rarely have written
80. Beth swims ________.
A. enthusiastically every morning to keep in shape in the pool
B. enthusiastically in the pool every morning to keep in shape
C. every morning to keep in shape enthusiastically in the pool
D. to keep in shape every morning enthusiastically in the pool
81. Mr. Pike walks ________ to get a newspaper.

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A. before supper into town every afternoon patiently

B. patiently into town every afternoon before supper
C. into town every afternoon patiently before supper
D. before supper every afternoon into town patiently
82. My father takes a leisure walk ________.
A. before breakfast every day of his life B. every day before breakfast of his life
C. breakfast before every day of his life D. of his life every day before breakfast
83. I was born ________.
A. in a small house on the plains of northern Nebraska
B. on the plains in a small house of northern Nebraska
C. on the plains of northern Nebraska in a small house
D. in northern Nebraska of a small house on the plains
84. ________ Jesse filled the coffee cup up to the brim, even above the brim.
A. Ever so slowly, carefully, B. Carefully, slowly, ever so,
C. Slowly, so ever carefully, D. Slowly, ever so carefully,
85. She promised to meet him ________.
A. for next lunch Tuesday B. for lunch next Tuesday
C. next lunch for Tuesday D. Tuesday next for lunch
86. These shoes are ________.
A. enough not big B. big not enough C. not enough big D. not big enough
87. I have ________.
A. special something to tell you B. to tell you special something
C. something special to tell you D. to tell something special you
88. She does not earn ________.
A. money enough to support her family B. enough money to support her family
C. to support her family enough money D. to support her family money enough
89. She didn’t ________.
A. run enough fast to win B. run fast enough to win
C. run to win fast enough D. run to win enough fast
90. Dry the car ________.
A. with a towel soft fluffy carefully B. with a soft fluffy carefully towel
C. with a carefully soft fluffy towel D. carefully with a soft fluffy towel
91. They walked ________.
A. at home slowly night B. home at slowly night
C. slowly home at night D. home slowly at night
92. We ________.
A. have never visited London before B. have visited London never before
C. have never before visited London D. never have visited London before
93. My book is ________.
A. nor in my bag neither on the shelf B. neither in my bag nor on the shelf
C. neither in the shelf nor on my bag D. in my bag nor on the shelf neither
94. The people ________.
A. in the line moved incredibly quickly B. in the line moved quickly incredibly
C. incredibly in the line moved quickly D. moved quickly in the line incredibly
95. Juan made an appointment to see his doctor ________.
A. on the first at two o’clock of Thursday, July next summer
B. at two o’clock on the first Thursday of next July summer
C. at two o’clock on the first Thursday of July next summer
D. on the first Thursday of July at two o’clock next summer
96. ________ this kind of talent on a small-town high school baseball team.

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A. Do rarely we see B. Do we see rarely C. Rarely do we see D. Rarely we do see

97. She wrote ________.
A. unusually neatly the report B. the report neatly unusually
C. unusually the report neatly D. the report unusually neatly
98. ________, he could not manage to avoid the accident.
A. Carefully as drove he B. Carefully as he drove
C. He drove as carefully D. As he drove carefully
99. Beach erosion is ________ that is destroying or removing sand from a beach.
A. the act either or a human of weather factor
B. either a human or weather factor of the act
C. the act of either a human or weather factor
D. the act of or a human either weather factor
100. He usually meets his friends ________.
A. at the pub after dinner B. after dinner at the pub
C. after the pub at dinner D. the pub after at dinner
II. Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1. Won't you be a lot happier if Dad came home this weekend?
2. Should Jade gets to interview a famous politician, she will ask lots of difficult questions.
3. If her condition should improve, we inform you immediately.
4. I don't want a brother or sister, unless it will happens, of course.
5. If you meet John, will tell him I want to see him.
6. None of your friends really enjoyed themselves at the party, didn't they?
7. If you borrow my coat, don't get it dirty, can you?
8. You never work more than you have to, do you?
9. You made no effort to make friends with Darren, didn't you?
10. You sent that letter I gave you, haven't you?
III. Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. Among bees ____________ a highly elaborate form of communication.
A. occur B. occurs C. it occurs D. they occur
2. __________ heated by solar energy have special collectors on the roofs to trap sunlight.
A. A home is B. Homes are C. A home D. Homes
3. __________ several unsuccessful attempts, Robert Peary reached the North Pole on April 6, 1909.
A. After B. He made C. When D. His
4. The musical instrument ____________ is six feet long.
A. is called the bass B. it is called the bass C. called the bass D. calls the bass
5. One problem with all languages _________ they are full of irregularities.
A. when B. so C. is that D. in case
6. __________ of economic cycles been helpful in predicting turning points in cycles, they would have been
used more consistently.
A. Psychological theories B. Psychological theories have
C. Had psychological theories D. Psychologists have theories
7. Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood is neither journalistically accurate ___________.
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A. a piece of fiction B. nor a fictitious work

C. or written in a fictitious way D. nor completely fictitious
8. Vitamin C is necessary for the prevention and __________ of scurvy.
A. it cures B. cures C. cure D. for curing
9. A baby’s development is influenced by both heredity and _______________.
A. by environmental factors B. environmentally
C. the influence of the environment D. environment
10. Because bone loss occurs earlier in women than ___________, the effects of osteoporosis are more
apparent in women.
A. men do B. in men C. as men D. similar to men
11. The growth of hair ___________ cyclical process, with phases of activity and inactivity.
A. it is B. is a C. which is D. a regular
12. The fire ____________ to have started in the furnace under the house.
A. is believed B. that is believed C. they believe D. that they believe
13. In Roman numerals, ______________ symbols for numeric values.
A. are letters of the alphabet B. letters of the alphabet are
C. which use letters of the alphabet D. in which letters of the alphabet are
14. The legal systems of most countries can be classified _____________ common law or civil law.
A. as either B. either as C. either to D. to either
15. One difference between mathematics and language is that mathematics is precise ____________.
A. language is not B. while language is not
C. but language not D. while is language
16. Your criticism of the three short stories should not be less than 2,000 words, nor _____ more than 3,000.
A. should it be B. it should be C. it is D. should be it
IV. Choose the correct answer.
1. Call an ambulance. There has been ___________.
A. accident B. an accident C. some accident D. a accident
2. ‘Where are you going?’ ‘I’m going to buy __________.’
A. a bread B. loaf of bread C. some breads D. some bread
3. Laura is __________. She works at a big hospital.
A. a nurse B. the nurse C. nurse D. an nurse
4. There are millions of stars in __________.
A. space B. a space C. the space D. spaces
5. Every day __________ begins at 9 and finishes at 3.30.
A. school B. the school C. a school D. schools
6. _________ a problem in most big cities.
A. Crime is B. The crime is C. The crimes are D. A crime is
7. When __________ invented?
A. was telephone B. were telephones C. was the telephone D. were the telephones
8. We visited __________.
A. Canada and United States B. the Canada and the United States
C. Canada and the United States D. the Canada and United States
9. Michael is a student at ___________.
A. the Boston University B. Boston University
C. A Boston University D. An Boston University
10. What time _________ on television?
A. is the news B. are the news C. is news D. are news
11. Where is _________?
A. the manager office B. the manager’s office
C. the office of the manager D. the office of the manager’s
12. I don’t get ________.

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A. many mail B. much mail C. many mails D. much mails

13. The science classes at this _________ difficult.
A. schools are B. school is C. school are D. school’s is
14. _________ to support the case against Lisa?
A. Is there any proof B. Is there any proofs C. Are there any proof D. Are there any proofs
15. You have to pay extra if you take too _________ with you.
A. much luggages B. many luggages C. much luggage D. many luggage
16. ________ in your class have tickets for the lecture series?
A. Do any of the student B. Do any of the students
C. Does any of the student D. Does any of the students
17. There _________ available in his area of specialization.
A. isn’t a lot of job B. isn’t a lot of jobs C. aren’t a lot of jobs D. aren’t a lot of job
18. Many of the _________ not expect to win.
A. participants in the race do B. participants in the race does
C. participant in the races does D. participant in the races do
19. The English ________ strong traditions.
A. has many B. have much C. have many D. has much
20. Each of the reference __________ available in the school library.
A. books on that list is B. book on that list is C. books on that list are D. book on that list are
21. Several ________ sleeping under the tree.
A. of lions were B. lion was C. of the lions was D. lions were
22. Many of the __________ not used today. They are remnants of the past.
A. railroad tracks around here are B. railroad’s tracks around here is
C. railroad tracks around here is D. railroads’ tracks around here are
23. As we walked through the jungle, the _________ unusually quiet.
A. monkeys were B. monkeys was C. monkies were D. monkies was
24. Mrs. Baker has a __________ son.
A. seven years old B. seven-years–old C. seven–year–old D. seven years olds
25. There ________ in the world today.
A. is many new computer company B. are many new computers companies
C. is many new computer companies D. are many new computer companies
26. What _________ you used in picking a winner in the art contest?
A. is the criteria B. are the criteria C. are the criterion D. are the criterions
27. Snow and rain _________ of nature.
A. are phenomenon B. are phenomena C. is phenomena D. is phenomenon
28. I accidentally broke the _________ by stepping on it. I apologized to them for my carelessness.
A. child’s toy B. child’s toys C. children’s toy D. childrens’ toys
29. Our weather is cloudy in the winter. We don’t have __________.
A. many sunshines B. many sunshine C. much sunshines D. much sunshine
30. Several of my friends are _________ reporters.
A. newspaper B. newspapers C. newspaper’s D. newspapers’
31. Construction workers need _________ to build a highway.
A. an heavy equipment B. a heavy equipment C. heavy equipments D. heavy equipment
32. Knowing several _________ helpful if you work for an international corporation.
A. languages are B. language is C. languages is D. language are
33. Two – thirds of my _______ from Asia.
A. classmates is B. classmate are C. classmate is D. classmates are
34. There ________ in every country.
A. are a lot of problem B. is a lot of problems C. are a lot of problems D. is a lot of problem
35. Winning a lottery is rare occurrence. ________ very small.

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A. A number of winners is B. The number of winners is

C. A number of winners are D. The number of winners are
36. I really need _______. Can we talk?
A. some advice B. an advice C. some advices D. advices
37. Every _______ a license plate.
A. cars have B. cars has C. car has D. car have
38. The swimming team has done well this year. All of _______ have trained very hard.
A. their members B. its members C. its member D. their member
39. Next week, we are going to take a ________.
A. six day trips B. six – day trip C. six days trip D. six days’ trip
40. No sooner _______ home than the phone rang.
A. I arrived B. did I arrive C. I had arrived D. had I arrived
41. In an armchair _______.
A. sat his brother B. his brother sat C. did he brother sit D. his brother is sitting
42. So _______ that it was hardly worth hiring such a large hall.
A. poorly was the meeting attended B. poorly the meeting was attended
C. was the meeting poorly attended D. was attended the meeting poorly
43. ________ the fire alarm, leave the building at once.
A. Should you hear B. Should you have heard C. If you heard D. Shall you hear
44. Hardly _______ the station, when ________ an explosion.
A. the train left- there was B. did the train leave- there had been
C. the train had left- was there D. had the train left- there was
45. This sentence is _______ last sentence in this exercise. This is _______ end of the exercise.
A. the / the B. a / an C. a / the D. the / an

V. Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence.

1. Never in her life ________ this exhilarating emotion.
A. she experienced B. she did experience C. she had experienced D. had she experienced
2. ________seen such awful behavior.
A. Have I never before B. Before have I never C. Never before I haved D. Never before have I
3. They were wealthy. Money was plentiful, and ________to be very bothered about levels of expenditure.
A. rarely anyone seemed B. rarely did anyone seem
C. did anyone rarely seem D. rarely anyone did seem
4. Not only do I enjoy classical music, ________ a season ticket to the symphony.
A. but I also have B. but also have C. but also I have D. I but also have
5. ________ so upset!
A. Has the boss seldom been B. Seldom the boss has been
C. Seldom has the boss been D. Has the boss been seldom
6. ________ the situation.
A. Little he understands B. Little he understood
C. Little did he understand D. Did he understand little
7. There ________.
A. comes my bus B. does my bus come C. my bus come D. did my bus come
8. ________ his terrible secret.
A. Did they learn only later B. Only later they did learn
C. Only later they learnt D. Only later did they learn
9. - I’m from Turkey. - ________
A. Am I, too B. I am, so C. So am I D. Either am I
10. I cannot swim very well ________.
A. and neither my sister can B. and neither can my sister

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C. and so my sister can D. and so can my sister

11. So difficult ________ that ________ three months to prepare.
A. is the test / do the students need B. the test is / do the students need
C. is the test / the students need D. the test is / the students need
12. ________ the problem, he wouldn’t have committed those mistakes.
A. Had he understood B. He had understood
C. If had he understood D. Unless had he understood
13. ________ a more beautiful sight.
A. Nowhere hadn’t Susan seen B. Had Susan seen nowhere
C. Nowhere Susan had seen D. Nowhere had Susan seen
14. By the gate ________
A. a little girl stood B. stood a little girl
C. did a little girl stand D. a little girl did stand
15. Not until the next morning ________ how serious ________.
A. she realized / was it B. she realized / it was
C. did she realize / was it D. did she realize / it was
16. Not till ________ that he had lost the key.
A. he got home did he find B. he got home he found
C. did he get home did he find D. did he get home he found
17. Only when ________ into smart clothes after the match ________ to talk to the TV reporters
A. the players had changed / they were allowed
B. the players had changed / were they allowed
C. had the players changed / were they allowed
D. had the players changed / they were allowed
18. No sooner ________ the door than ________ it was locked.
A. had I reached / did I realize B. I had reached / did I realize
C. had I reached / I realized D. I had reached / I realized
19. ________, he can never follow me.
A. Fast as he runs B. Fast as does he run C. As he runs fast D. As does he run fast
20. ________ John that she talked about him all the time.
A. Did so much she adore B. Did she adored so much
C. So much she adored D. So much did she adore
21. ________ kinder to his employees, his business would not have collapsed.
A. Mr. Chan had been B. Had if Mr. Chan been
C. Had Mr. Chan been D. If had Mr. Chan been
22. Scarcely ________ out of bed when ________.
A. had I got / did the doorbell ring B. had I got / the doorbell rang
C. I had got / did the doorbell ring D. I had got / the doorbell rang
23. Little ________ how much trouble ________ in.
A. you know / are you B. you know / you are
C. do you know / are you D. do you know / you are
24. On the table ________.
A. lay a yellow cat B. a yellow cat lay
C. did a yellow cat lie D. a yellow cat lies
25. Such ________ that ________ whenever it was on.
A. the popularity of the film was / the streets were deserted
B. was the popularity of the film / the streets were deserted
C. the popularity of the film was / were the streets deserted
D. was the popularity of the film / were the streets deserted
26. They can neither read nor write, ________ such concepts.

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A. they can nor comprehend B. nor can they comprehend

C. nor they can comprehend D. can they nor comprehend
27. Hardly ________ before ________.
A. had I left / did the trouble start B. had I left / the trouble started
C. I had left / the trouble started D. I had left / did the trouble start
28. Only after ________.
A. the teacher understood the situation and did he make a comment
B. understanding the situation the teacher made a comment
C. the teacher understood the situation and made a comment
D. understanding the situation did the teacher make a comment
29. ________ to win the election, what ________ first?
A. You were / you would do B. You were / would you do
C. Were you / you would do D. Were you / would you do
30. Down ________.
A. fell half a dozen apples B. half a dozen apples fell
C. did half a dozen apples fall D. half a dozen apples fall
31. Only then ________ the danger ________.
A. did I see / which we were B. I saw / which we were
C. did I see / which were we D. I saw / which were we
32. Not a single word ________.
A. said she B. she says C. did she say D. she said
33. Carefully though ________, he could not manage to escape the accident.
A. he drove B. did he drive C. does he drive D. he is driving
34. Not until 1911 ________.
A. identified the first of the vitamins B. the first of the vitamins identified
C. was the first of the vitamins identified D. the first of the vitamins was identified
35. Only after the film started ________ that ________ it before.
A. I realized / I had seen B. did I realize / I had seen
C. I realized / had I seen D. did I realize / had I seen
36. ________ will we let you live independently.
A. Not until do you grow up B. Until you grow up
C. Until do you grow up D. Not until you grow up
37. No sooner ________ married than ________ to argue.
A. they had got / did they begin B. they had got / they began
C. had they got / did they begin D. had they got / they began
38. I had to show him my identity card and ________.
A. only then he let me in B. only then did he let me in
C. did he let me in only then D. did only then he let me in
39. No matter how ________, he cannot make ends meet.
A. he works hard B. does he work hard
C. hard he works D. hard does he work
40. ________ the clothes since her husband bought a washing machine.
A. Any longer she has washed B. Any longer has she washed
C. No longer she has washed D. No longer has she washed
41. ________ us to have private talks in class.
A. At no time does our teacher allow B. At no time our teacher allows
C. At any time does our teacher allow D. At any time our teacher allows
42. She is beautiful, ________.
A. as her daughter is B. as is her daughter
C. neither is her daughter D. neither her daughter is
43. ________ what surprises we have in store for her.
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A. Little she knows B. Does she little know

C. Little does she know D. Does she know little
44. ________ this match.
A. No way will you win B. No way you will win
C. Any way will you win D. Any way you will win
45. Whatever reasons ________, ________ them.
A. do you state / I never believe B. do you state / never do I believe
C. you state / I never believe D. you state / never do I believe
46. ________ not for his deafness, ________ on the phone.
A. Were it / could he communicate B. Were it / he could communicate
C. It were / could he communicate D. It were / he could communicate
47. ________ me a shelter ________ dinner for us.
A. Not only they gave / but did they also prepare
B. Not only they gave / but they also prepared
C. Not only did they give / but also prepared
D. Not only did they give / but they also prepared
48. ________ such a more comfortable hotel.
A. Nowhere in the area can you find B. Nowhere in the area you can find
C. Anywhere in the area can you find D. Anywhere in the area you can find
49. Down ________ and up ________.
A. the rain came / went the umbrellas B. came the rain / the umbrellas went
C. the rain came / the umbrellas went D. came the rain / went the umbrellas
50. ________ us an apology.
A. Not once the manager offered B. Not once did the manager offer
C. Did the manager not once offer D. Didn’t once the manager offer
VI. Choose the sentence that has the closest meaning to the given one.
1. I shall never forget her in my life.
A. Never shall I forget her in my life. B. Never in my life shall I forget her.
C. Never forget her in my life shall I. D. Never in my life I shall forget her.
2. She was so nice that many people wanted to make friend with her.
A. So nice was she that many people wanted to make friend with her.
B. So nice she was that many people wanted to make friend with her.
C. Such a nice girl she was that many people wanted to make friend with her.
D. Such nice a girl was she that many people wanted to make friend with her.
3. She is not only beautiful but also can study very well.
A. Not only she is beautiful but can she also study very well.
B. Not only is she beautiful but she can also study very well.
C. Not only beautiful she is but also can she study very well.
D. Not only beautiful is she but she also can study very well.
4. It was only when I heard the full story that I realized I had been taken in.
A. Only when did I hear the full story that I realized I had been taken in.
B. Only when did I hear the full story did I realize that I had been taken in.
C. Only when I heard the full story that I realized had I been taken in.
D. Only when I heard the full story did I realize that I had been taken in.
5. Just after the play started there was a power failure.
A. Hardly did the play start then there was a power failure.
B. Hardly had the play started when there was a power failure.
C. No earlier had the play started than there was a power failure.
D. No sooner did the play start before there was a power failure.
6. The money is not to be paid under any circumstances.
A. Under no circumstances is the money not to be paid.
B. Under any circumstances isn’t the money to be paid.

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C. In any circumstances is the money not to be paid.

D. In no circumstances is the money to be paid.
7. You will not find a more dedicated worker any where than Mrs. Jones
A. Nowhere will you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs. Jones.
B. Nowhere you will find a more dedicated worker than Mrs. Jones.
C. Nowhere you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs. Jones.
D. Nowhere do you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs. Jones.
8. Mary does not realize how serious her operation is.
A. Little Mary realizes how serious her operation is.
B. Little does Mary realize how serious her operation is.
C. Little did Mary realize how serious her operation is.
D. Little Mary will realize how serious her operation is.
9. Someone rang the alarm as soon as the burglar had left the building.
A. No sooner did the burglar leave the building than someone rang the alarm.
B. No sooner did the burglar leave the building than someone had rung the building
C. No sooner had the burglar left the building than someone rang the alarm.
D. No sooner had the burglar left the building than someone had rung the alarm.
10. She has not answered my letters on any account.
A. On no account has she answered my letters. B. On no account she has answered my letters.
C. On no account will she answer my letters. D. On no account did she answer my letters.
VII. Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. You will get there on time if you leave now.  Only if you _______ get there on time.

A. left now you would B. leave now you will C. leave now will you D. leave now would you
2. As soon as I got into bed. I feel asleep.  No _______ into bed than I feel asleep.

A. sooner had I got B. sooner did I get C. sooner I had got D. sooner would I get
3. We didn’t notice the time until it was too late.  Not until it was _______ the time.

A. too late we noticed B. too late we had noticed C. too late do we notice D. too late did we notice
4. It was only after I drank the milk that I realized it was sour.
 Only after I had drunk the milk _______ it was sour.

A. had I realized B. I realized C. did I realize D. would I realize

5. If I were you, I would buy a computer.  Were _______ buy a computer.

A. I you, I will B. I you, I would C. I you, I had D. I you, I would have

6. I only noticed the scratch on my car when I looked closely.
 Only when I looked closely _______ the scratch on my car.

A. do I notice B. I noticed C. I had noticed D. did I notice

7. They had no idea it was the wrong train.  Little _______ it was the wrong train.

A. did they know B. they knew C. they had known D. had they known
8. There’s no way I can meet him at the airport.  In no way _______ at the airport.

A. I can meet him B. I will meet him C. can I meet him D. will I meet him
9. We could only get there on time by talking a short cut.
 Only by taking a short cut _______ there on time.

A. we can get B. can we get C. we could get D. could we get

10. She’s a brilliant actress and a talented writer as well.
 Not _______ actress, but she is also a talented writer.

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A. only she is a brilliant B. only is she a brilliant

C. only can she a brilliant D. only she can a brilliant

11. Don’t open the door on any account while I’m out.
 On no account _______ the door while I’m out.

A. should you open B. you should open C. must you open D. can you open
12. If I had realized how late it was, I wouldn’t have stayed so long.
 Had _______ was, I wouldn’t have stayed so long.

A. I realized how late it B. I realize how late it

C. I would realize D. I been realizing how late it

13. I haven’t eaten such delicious food anywhere.  Nowhere _______ such delicious food.

A. else I eat B. else have I eaten C. else I have eaten D. else I’m eating
14. You must not open this box under any circumstances.  Under _______ this box.

A. no circumstances must you open B. any circumstances can you open

C. no circumstances you must open D. no circumstances should you open

15. I had never seen such a fierce dog before.  Never _______ such a fierce dog.

A. before I had seen B. before I saw C. before did I see D. before had I seen
VIII. Read the passage, then choose the correct answer – A, B, C, or D.
San Francisco is where I grew up between the ages of two and ten and where I lived for a period when I
was about 13 and again as a married man from the ages of 37 to 51. So quite a big slice of my life has been
spent there. My mother, who is now 90, still lives in Los Gatos, about 60 miles south of San Francisco. Even
though I have since lived in Switzerland and settled in London over 25 years ago, I have kept property in
California for sentimental reasons.
I was born in New York and I love the United States. It is still a land of enormous drive, strength,
imagination and opportunity. I know it well, having played in every town and, during the war, in every army
camp, I have grown new roots in London as I did in Switzerland and if I am asked now where I want to live
permanently, I would say London. But I will always remain an American citizen.
Climatically, San Francisco and London are similar and so are the people who settle in both cities. San
Francisco is sophisticated, and like London, has many parks and squares. Every day my sisters and I were
taken to play in the parks as children. We had an English upbringing in terms of plenty of fresh air and
outdoors games. I didn’t go to school. My whole formal education consisted of some three hours when I was
five. I was sent to school but came home at noon on the first day and said I didn’t enjoy it, hadn’t learned
anything and couldn’t see the point of a lot of children sitting restlessly while a teacher taught from a big
book. My parents decided, wisely I think, that school was not for me and I never went back.
My mother then took over my education and brought up my two sisters and me rather in the way of an
educated English lady. The emphasis was on languages and reading rather than sciences and mathematics.
Sometimes she taught us herself, but we also had other teachers and we were kept to a strict routine. About
once a week we walked to Golden Gate Park which led down to the sea and on our walks my mother taught
me to read music. One day I noticed a little windmill in the window of a shop we passed on our way to the
park and I remember now how my heart yearned for it. I couldn’t roll my r’s when I was small and my
mother who was a perfectionist regarding pronunciation, said if I could pronounce an ‘r’ well I’d have the
windmill. I practiced and practiced and one morning woke everybody up with my r’s. I got the windmill. I
usually get the things I want in life – but I work for them and dream of them.
1. When the writer was twelve he was living in ___________________.
A. San Francisco B. Los Gatos C. London D. a place unknown to the reader

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2. During the war, the writer ________________________.

A. became an American soldier B. went camping all over the country
C. gave concerts for soldiers D. left the United States
3. The writer didn’t attend school in America because _________________________.
A. his mother wanted him to go to school in England
B. his mother preferred him to play outdoors in the parks
C. his parents didn’t think he was suited to formal education
D. he couldn’t get on with other children
4. He was educated at home by ___________________.
A. his mother and other teachers B. an educated English lady
C. his mother and sisters D. teachers of languages and science
5. The writer managed to obtain the little windmill be wanted by _______________________.
A. borrowing the money for it B. learning to read music
C. succeeding in speaking properly D. working hard at his lessons
IX. Put the adjectives in parentheses in the correct position.
1. a / round / wooden / beautiful / table ________________________________________________
2. a / gold / unusual / ring ______________________________________________________
3. a / green / new / nice / sweater ______________________________________________________
4. a / old / beautiful / house ______________________________________________________
5. black / leather / gloves ______________________________________________________
6. a / old / American / interesting / film ________________________________________________
7. a / long / thin / face ______________________________________________________
8. big / blue / clouds ______________________________________________________
9. a sunny / lovely / morning / Sunday ________________________________________________
10. a wide / long / avenue ______________________________________________________
11. a beautiful / yellow / green / dress ________________________________________________
12. a / red / old / little / German / car ______________________________________________________
13. a metal / small / black / box ______________________________________________________
14. a / little / old / charming / country / inn ________________________________________________
15. a / stone / Victorian / building / lovely / old __________________________________________
X. Put the following words in the correct order
1. box/ old/ a / small/ Turkish/ black ________________________________________________
2. old / painting / interesting / Japanese / expensive___________________________________________
3. Canadian/ small/ a/ thin/ lady ________________________________________________
4. enormous / red / white / umbrella ________________________________________________
5. blue/ sailing/ a / beautiful/ boat ________________________________________________
6. table/ old/ wooden/ square/ a ________________________________________________
7. red/ big/ a/ hat/ plastic ________________________________________________
8. long / hair / black / beautiful ________________________________________________
9. tie/ cotton/ dirty/ a / old ________________________________________________
10. yellow/ old/ an/ car/ German ________________________________________________
11. wooden/ ship/ huge/ sailing / a ________________________________________________
12. physics/ boring/ old/ teacher/ a ________________________________________________
13. sugar/ blue/ round / bowl/ a ________________________________________________
14. round/ small/ reading/ lamp/ a ________________________________________________
15. historic / Chinese / beautiful / large / temple / a __________________________________________
16. homework / assignment / English / difficult __________________________________________
XIV. Underline the opinion adjectives, circle the fact one, then put them in order.
1. a(n) adventure / exciting / action-packed / book ___________________________________________
2. a(n) Italian / sweet / fresh fruit / dessert _________________________________________________
3. a delicious / cheese / fresh / sandwich ________________________________________________
4. a(n) Australian / thin/ rugby / tall / player _______________________________________________

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Worksheet No. 10: CONSOLIDATION

5. a(n) fanatical / old / Liverpool / supporter _______________________________________________

6. a(n) old-fashioned / lovely / marble / French / fireplace _____________________________________
7. a(n) pair of / grey / old / woolen / football / socks _________________________________________
8. a talented / jazz / black / musician ___________________________________________________
9. a colorful / cinema / huge / poster ___________________________________________________
10. a(n) old / well-designed / flower / English / garden ________________________________________

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