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Name: Rawaa mohamed yasser

ID: 201900175

MOST 5 polluted cities


• Pollution is a problem that affects almost everyone on the planet. It's a problem that has gone unnoticed for
many years in the name of progress. After decades of environmentally benign regulations, many western
countries now take air quality for granted. The impact of filthy air on Westerners is a distant memory. Big
cities in developing countries, on the other hand, are suffering the most. The number of respiratory ailments
and deaths linked to air pollution is staggering. Residents in those cities are more likely to see their life
expectancy decrease as they get older. For some people, air pollution has become a major factor in their
decision to relocate, particularly if their family has a history of respiratory difficulties.
1.Lahore, Pakistan (106 µg/m3):

The reasons why air quality has been steadily declining in cities like Lahore are
• Over the past 15 years, Lahore has lost a significant proportion of its tree cover due to an aggressive plan to
build highways, underpasses, and overpasses. Car sales in the city are booming, and many of the cars plying the
roads spew toxic emissions due to a lack of vehicular inspections and widespread adulteration of fuel. Even the
unadulterated form of fuel available in Lahore is of low quality.
• The lack of vehicular fitness and emissions testing, alongside use of poor-quality fuel,
have compounded the city’s air pollution problem, Pakistan. Federal plans to switch to
Euro 5-compliant fuel have faltered due to lingering economic troubles, including rising
ways to reduces the pollution
• It urgently needs to move away from its dependence on fossil fuels.Doing so would help clean up
thetransportation and energy production sectors simultaneously. Last year, the National Electric Energy
Regulatory Authority indicated that due to the volatility of fossil fuel prices and the low cost of renewable
energy sources, viable options are needed to meet the country’s energy needs through more sustainable
sources.Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has also set an ambitious targetfor Pakistan to generate 30
percent of its energy needs from renewable sources by 2030.

• China has also exported its coal-fired technology to factories being set up in Punjab and elsewhere in the
country. About 19 percent of Pakistan's power generation in 2019-2020 was produced by just four coal-fired
power plants, including the Sahiwal coal-fired power plant,
which is located in the agricultural heartland of Punjab.
2.Ghaziabad, India (90 µg/m3):

• Cities like Delhi, Noida and Ghaziabad are most polluted because they are located in the Indo-Gangetic plain,
and as the winter season approaches, emissions from various activities such as biomass burning etc. get trapped
as the inversion layer comes down and the wind becomes very calm.

•"Moreover, the impact of fire counts further deteriorates the overall air quality of this particular region, as it
falls in the way of the winds that transport stubble emissions,
•"The additional contribution of pollution from local sources like transport, bio-fuel and industries further
worsens the already stagnant atmosphere

•"Not to forget that Ghaziabad is a big industrial town due to which there is high movement of truck traffic that
contributes to the pollutants in the air. So it is a combination of the industry, heavy-duty truck traffic and open
burning of waste, particularly industrial waste, along with the whole vehicular pollution and local burning."
3.Afghanistan: 46.5 µg/m3 in 2020

• In Afghanistan, people are more likely to die from air pollution than civil war. There
were 26,000 deaths caused by air pollution-related diseases in 2017 compared to
3,483 deaths caused by war, according to a report by the Afghanistan Research Center.
The landscape exacerbates the problem as the mountains that surround the capital,
Kabul, trap polluted air and dust over the city. The poor quality of fuel used by many
homes and businesses also worsens the problem, and sometimes citizens wore face
masks when outside even before the pandemic. Lockdown has improved air quality, as
the level of PM2.5's dropped from 58.8 µg/m3 in 2019 to 46.5 µg/m3 in 2020 according
to IQAir data, but the respite may only be temporary. And sadly the respiratory
problems people face are likely to make them more susceptible to coronavirus.
ways to reduces the pollution

• The government has launched an environmental awareness campaign. Ads on TV,

programs at schools and universities and sermons at mosques talk about pollution’s harm
to society and tell listeners about steps to reduce it.
• But there are steps the state needs to take, like encouraging the planting of trees and
creating green spaces, as well as implementing a city master plan to stop unplanned
development around the capital, often a source of pollution because of their lack of
4. Buenos Aires, Argentina (55.26 Moderate)

• But the air in Argentina’s capital doesn’t carry dangerous particulates – it carries

• 15.6 million people live in Buenos Aires, which is more than a third of the country’s
population largely crammed into high-rise flats on long, straight streets that carry
the sound for huge stretches.

• The heat has also led many of these people to run loud air conditioners all day long.

• When they venture outside, they’re met with the sound of trains, construction
work, horns blaring in traffic jams, and the screeching of outdated buses braking
before they speed along more cobbled streets.

• But Buenos Aires isn’t just the most polluted city in South America because of the noise;
it also suffers from the sixth-worst light pollution of any city on Earth, mostly due to a
multitude of advertising signs and brightly lit buildings.
5.Baghdad, Iraq (42 µg/m3):

• In accordance with the World Health Organization's guidelines, the air quality in Iraq is considered unsafe.
The most recent data indicates the country's annual mean concentration of PM2.5 is 62 µg/m3 which exceeds the
recommended maximum of 10 µg/m3.

•Contributors to poor air quality in Iraq include vehicle emissions, power generators, small fires especially from
oil and gas refineries, and war-induced pollution. Available data indicates that Baghdad has consistently high
levels of air pollution.


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