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Short answer
SET 1 :
1. Hearing impairment (n) a reduced ability to hear sounds, whether partially or completely khiếm thính
o She used a hearing aid to overcome her hearing impairment and actively participate in conversations with her friends.
2. Auditory (a) lquan đến việcthenghe
sense of hearing or the perception of sound
o The auditory experience of attending a live concert is quite different from listening to music through headphones.
3. Deficit (n) a lack of a quality, skill, or ability that you should have
o Auditory function deficit in young children can have a major impact on their development of speech and communication.
4. A major concern a significant issue or topic that causes worry, attention, or consideration
o One major concern in urban planning is ensuring sustainable infrastructure development to respond to the growing
population while minimizing environmental impact.
SET 1 :
5. Embark on (v) bắt đầu start or begin a new project or a journey
o They decided to embark on a world tour, visiting different countries to experience diverse cultures and landscapes.
6. Wide-ranging (a) đa dạng something that includes a broad variety of topics, subjects, or areas
o The professor's lecture on history provided a wide-ranging overview, from prehistoric eras to modern times.
7. Barrier (n) vật cản, rào cảnan obstacle, obstruction, or something that prevents free movement or progress
o The language barrier made it difficult for the tourists to communicate with the locals, leading to misunderstandings.
8. Quality of life the overall well-being and satisfaction of an individual or a community
o The city's efforts to improve public transportation, healthcare, and facilities have significantly enhanced the quality of life
for its residents.
SET 1 :
rối loạn tự kỉ
9. Autistic spectrum disorders a group of conditions that affect how people communicate and interact with others
o People with autistic spectrum disorders may have trouble understanding social cues and often prefer routines and
10. Distressing (a) making you feel extremely upset
o These symptoms are very distressing to the patient.
11. Quantify (v) đo lường measure, express, or determine the quantity or amount of something
lquan đến hô hấp
o The research study aimed to quantify the impact of air pollution by analyzing the frequency of respiratory illnesses.
12. Sensory stimuli lquan đến the various inputs or signals that our senses receive from the environment
cảm giác
o The garden provides various kinds of plants and birds, creating a rich array of sensory stimuli for visitors to enjoy.
SET 1 :
13. Exacerbate (v) make a problem, situation, or condition worse
o Stress can exacerbate health issues, so it's important to find healthy ways to manage and reduce stress levels.
14. Reverberation (n) when sound bounces around and echoes in a space after it's made âm vang
o In the empty hallway, even a small noise can create a noticeable reverberation.
15. Optimum (a) tối ưu the best or most favorable level, condition, or degree for achieving a desired outcome
o The exercise routine was carefully designed to ensure that individuals could reach their optimum fitness levels.
16. Thorough (a) kĩ lưỡng
complete, detailed, or comprehensive, leaving no part unexamined
o She conducted a thorough investigation to uncover all the facts and details surrounding the mysterious incident.
SET 1 :

17. Diagnose (n) say exactly what an illness or the cause of a problem is
o The test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases.
18. Term (n) a word or phrase used for referring to something
o What is the meaning of the term ‘globalization’?
SET 2 :
1. Dugong (n) = Manatee often referred to as a "sea cow"
o During our diving trip, we were lucky enough to see a dugong peacefully grazing on seagrass in the shallow waters.
2. Reverted to (passive) returning or going back to a previous state or condition
o After the software update caused several issues, the company decided to revert to the previous version to ensure smooth
3. Remote ancestors the distant or far-off predecessors in one's family lineage or evolutionary history
o Through genetic research, scientists have traced our species' remote ancestors back to a common origin in Africa.
4. Come ashore từ biển vềdisembark from the sea and step onto the land
đất liền
o As the sun set, the travelers were relieved to finally come ashore after a long journey across the sea.
SET 2 :
5. Breed = Reproduce (v) process of producing babies, young animals or plants
o They are studying reproduction in shellfish.
6. Equivalent (a) equal in value, amount, meaning, importance
o Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles.
7. Gill (n) mang (cá) the respiratory organ in fish that allows them to extract oxygen from water.
o Fish use their gills to extract oxygen from the water, enabling them to breathe and survive underwater.
8. Marine incarnation a form or version of something that exists in a marine or aquatic environment
o The coral reefs are considered a marine incarnation of biodiversity, supporting a wide range of species and ecosystems
beneath the sea.
SET 2 :
9. Vertebrate (a) an animal that possesses a backbone or spinal column có cột sống, xương sống
o Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish are all examples of vertebrates.
indicate a specific aspect or way in which something is being considered or compared
10. In one respect khía cạnh
o In one respect, the movie was exciting with lots of action, but in another respect, the story felt a bit confusing.
11. Ancestry (n) a member’s lineage or family heritage, tracing back to previous generations
o She traced her ancestry back several generations, knowing that her family had roots in many countries around the world.
12. Fragment (n) mảnh nhỏa small, incomplete piece or part of something larger
o The ancient manuscript was so damaged that only a fragment of the original text remained readable.
SET 2 :
13. Contemporary (n) someone living during the same period as someone else
o She and I were contemporaries at college.
14. Thoroughgoing (a) a complete, comprehensive or thorough approach toàn diện, hoàn toàn
o His thoroughgoing cleaning of the garage included sweeping, organizing, and getting rid of all the garbage.
15. Abandon (v) leave behind or give up something or someone completely
o The old house was in such poor condition that the owners had to abandon it and find a new place to live.
tái tạo
16. Terrestrial re-tooling making adjustments to something to adapt it for use on land or in a terrestrial environment
o The car's design needs terrestrial re-tooling to make it suitable for various road conditions.
SET 2 :
17. Cellular fluid the liquid substances found within cells
dịch tế bào
o Cellular fluid helps transport nutrients and waste materials within the cell.
18. Reptile (n) bò sát a cold-blooded vertebrate animal that typically has dry, scaly skin and lays eggs on land
o Snakes, turtles, and lizards are all examples of reptiles that belong to this diverse group of animals.
19. Crustacean (n) giáp sát a type of arthropod, usually aquatic, characterized by a hard exoskeleton and segmented body
o The seafood restaurant offers various dishes featuring crustaceans, such as buttery lobster tail and succulent crab legs.
20. Invasion (n) a large number of people or things come to a place at the same time
o The shops prepared for an invasion of last-minute Christmas shoppers. xâm nhập, sự ồ ạt
o The actress described the photographs of her as an invasion of privacy.
SET 2 :
21. Prior (a) happening or existing before something else
o She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement.
22. Transfer (v) move to somewhere else
o How can I transfer money from my bank account to his?
23. Migrate (v) di cư move from one part of the world to another
o Thousands were forced to migrate from rural to urban areas in search of work.
24. Resemble (v) giống look like or be similar to another person or thing
o She closely resembles her sister.
o So many hotels resemble each other.
SET 2 :
25. Possess (v) sở hữu have or own something
o I'm afraid this is the only suitcase I possess.
o The gallery possesses a number of the artist's early works
SET 3 :
1. Evolve (v) phát triển something develops or changes gradually over time
o Birds are believed to have evolved from ancient reptiles, adapting to different environments and developing specialized
features for flight.
2. Foster (v) thúc đẩy promote or support the growth, development, or well-being of something or someone
o The mentor worked tirelessly to foster a positive learning environment for supporting weak students after school.
3. Detection (n) dò tìm the process of identifying, discovering, or finding something
o The early detection of the virus allowed health staff to take measures to prevent its spread and protect the community.
4. Signal (n) action, movement, or sound that gives information, a message, a warning
o The fireworks were a signal that the festival had started.
SET 3 :
5. Sufficient (a) đủ having enough of something to meet a particular requirement or need
o She had gathered a sufficient amount of evidence to support her argument during the debate.
6. Push out (v) công bố/bỏ đi send or make something go away or be released
o The company decided to push out a new software update to all its devices, improving performance and adding new features.
7. Horizon of knowledge tầm hiểu biếtthe extent or range of understanding, information, and awareness in a certain field
hội thảo
o The seminar expanded my horizon of knowledge in astronomy, introducing me to new theories about the universe.
8. Civilisation (n) nền văn minh human society with its well developed social organizations
o We spent a week visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek civilization.
o I hated living in such an isolated place and longed to get back to civilization.
SET 3 :
9. Threat (n) a potential danger, risk, or something that poses harm or damage
o The storm posed a threat to the safety of the people living in the coastal area.
10. Tenuous (a) yếu weak, fragile, or not very strong or substantial
o The tenuous connection between the two ideas made it difficult for the audience to understand the speaker's main point.
11. Last (v) continue or endure for a particular period of time
o The battery in my flashlight lasted for several hours during our camping trip.
12. Wipe out (v) destroy something completely
o Whole villages were wiped out by the earthquake.
SET 3 :
13. Life expectancy = Lifetime (n) the number of years that a person is likely to live
o Life expectancy for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years.
14. Severely attenuated something that has been significantly reduced or weakenedlàm yếu đi, bị ảnh hưởng
o His enthusiasm for the project was severely attenuated after encountering multiple challenges along the way.
15. Frequency (n) the rate or number of occurrences of a particular phenomenon, or signal in a specific period
o The battery in my flashlight lasted for several hours during our camping trip.
16. Scale (n) phạm vi, mức độ
the relative size or extent of something
o The artist meticulously painted each tiny detail of the butterfly's wings, capturing its vibrant colors on a small scale.
cẩn thận
SET 3 :
17. Conduct (v) manage, direct, or lead a particular activity, event, or process
o She will conduct the orchestra and guide the musicians throughout the performance next week.
18. Extra-terrestrial life the possibility of civilizations existing outside of Earth sự sống ngoài TĐ
o Scientists are actively researching the possibility of extra-terrestrial life by studying the conditions on Mars.
19. Sensitivity (n) the ability to respond to changes or emotions, often indicating a heightened awareness
o Her sensitivity to others' feelings allowed her to offer support when her friends were going through difficult times.
20. Monitor (v) giám sát observe or track something closely to gather information or ensure its proper functioning
o The security team was monitoring the surveillance cameras to ensure the safety of the building.
SET 4 :
1. The majority (n) more than half of a group or a larger portion of something
o In the vote, the majority of the members supported the proposal, leading to its approval.
2. Fall into disuse (idiom) stop being used
o The word fell into disuse many years ago.
3. Derelict (a) bị bỏ hoang, bỏ quên something is abandoned, neglected, or in a state of disrepair
o The playground had become derelict over the years, with dirty swings and broken slides scattered around the area.
4. Be diverted for (passive) be redirected for a different purpose or route bi điều hướng
o The flight was diverted for an emergency landing at a nearby airport due to bad weather conditions.
SET 4 :
5. Crater (n) a round hole in the ground or on a surface, usually made by something hitting it
o The kids dug a small crater in the sand while playing at the beach.
6. Pave (v) làm đường create a road, pathway
o The city decided to pave the gravel road to improve access for vehicles and pedestrians.
7. In tiers xếp chồng, tầng being arranged in layers or levels, often with one level above another
o The wedding cake was made with multiple tiers decorated with intricate designs and delicate flowers.
8. Elaborate (a) tinh xảo, chi tiết something that is intricate, detailed, and carefully planned
o The party decorations were elaborate, featuring elegant table settings, numerous ribbons, and intricate floral arrangements.
SET 4 :
9. Storey = level (n) tầng a level or floor of a building
o The apartment building has five storeys, each with its own set of units and access.
10. Pavilion (n) chỗ ngồi có a building or structure is used for various purposes such as shelter, entertainment, or exhibitions
mái che
o The park had a beautiful pavilion where people could gather for picnics and enjoy outdoor concerts.
11. Shelter (v) che chắn give sb/sth a place where they are protected from the weather or from danger; to protect
o Spectators sheltered under umbrellas as the rain got heavier.
12. Shade (n) slight darkness caused by something blocking the direct light from the sun
o The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer.
SET 4 :
13. Relentless (a) liên tục, gắtsomething
gao that is persistent and doesn't stop or give up easily
o The relentless pursuit of her dream led her to practice her skills every day, making her become successful in her field.
14. Embellish (v) decorate or enhance something by adding decorative details or exaggerations
trang trí, thêm thắt
o The author tended to embellish her stories with vivid descriptions and imaginative elements to attract her readers' attention.
15. Neglect (n) fail to care for or pay proper attention to something or someone
o The abandoned house showed signs of neglect, with overgrown weeds in the yard and broken windows..
16. Preserve (v) protect, maintain, or keep something in its original or proper condition
o The national park was established to preserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of the area for future generations.
SET 4 :
17. Flock to (v) ào ạt move or come together in large numbers
o Hundreds of people flocked to the football match.
18. Far-flung (a) something that is located at a considerable distance, often remote or widely spread out
o The explorer's journey took him to far-flung corners of the world, where he encountered breathtaking landscapes.
19. Gaze in wonder looking at something with amazement, admiration, or astonishment
o As the fireworks lit up the night sky, the children gazed in wonder, their eyes sparkling with excitement.
20. Architectural marvel kiến trúc
an impressive
ấn tượng building or structure is characterized by innovative design or artistic features
o The ancient pyramids of Egypt are considered architectural marvels, presenting the remarkable engineering skills and cultural
significance of the civilization.
SET 4 :
21. A reminder of something that brings back memories or serves as a representation of a particular person, event,
or time
o The old photograph was a reminder of their childhood adventures, making them recall for the carefree days they had spent
22. Ingenuity (n) the ability to think creatively and come up with clever solutions to problems
o Her ingenuity in recycling everyday items into useful tools demonstrated her innovative thinking.

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