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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú

eBook Collection


HỌC 2023-2024 - CÓ FILE NGHE (BẢN HS-
GV) (BÀI 7-10)

Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo

Phát triển kênh bởi
Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú
Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật :
Nguyen Thanh Tu Group

Hỗ trợ trực tuyến

Mobi/Zalo 0905779594
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31. renewable (n) /rɪˈnuː.ə.bəl/ có thể tái tạo, phục hồi
32. renewable source (n) /rɪˈnuː.ə.bəl sɔːrs/ nguồn tái tạo
33. neighbourhood (n) /ˈneɪ.bɚ.hʊd/ láng giềng, vùng lân cận
● New words (Từ mới) 34. marine (adj) /məˈriːn/ (thuộc) biển
Word Type Pronunciation Meaning 35. marine life (n) /məˈriːn laɪf/ hệ sinh thái nước
1. environment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪ.rən.mənt/ môi trường 36. ecosystem (n) /ˈe.koʊˌsɪs.təm/ hệ sinh thái
2. environmental (adj) /ɪnˌvaɪ.rənˈmen.t̬ əl/ (thuộc) môi trường 37. absorb (v) /əbˈzɔːrb/ thẩm thấu
3. protection (v) /prəˈtek.ʃən/ sự bảo vệ 38. concern (n) /kənˈsɝːn/ vấn đề, sự liên quan, mối quan tâm
4. serious (adj) /ˈsɪr.i.əs/ nghiêm trọng 39. substance (n) /ˈsʌbstəns/ chất
5. pollution (n) /pəˈluː.ʃən/ sự ô nhiễm 40. harm (v) /hɑːrm/ gây hại
6. water pollution (n) /ˈwɑː.t̬ ɚ pəˈluː.ʃən/ sự ô nhiễm nước 41. harmful substance (n) /ˈhɑːmfl ˈsʌbstəns/ tác nhân gây hại
7. habitat (n) /ˈhæb.ə.tæt/ môi trường sống 42. forest guard unit (n) /ˈfɔːr.ɪst ɡɑːrd ˈjuː.nɪt/ đơn vị bảo vệ rừng
8. quality (n) /ˈkwɑː.lə.t̬ i/ chất lượng 43. campsite (n) /ˈkæmp.saɪt/ địa điểm cắm trại
9. global warming (n) /ˌɡloʊ.bəl ˈwɔːr.mɪŋ/ sự nóng lên toàn cầu 44. campfire (n) /ˈkæmp.faɪr/ lửa trại
10. species (n) /ˈspiː.siːz/ loài 45. conical (adj) /ˈkɑː.nɪ.kəl/ hình nón
11. dangerous (adj) /ˈdeɪn.dʒɚ.əs/ nguy hiểm 46. tornado (n) /tɔːrˈneɪ.doʊ/ bão táp, cơn lốc xoáy
12. endangered (adj) /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒɚd/ bị đe dọa, có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng 47. extinction (n) /ɪkˈstɪŋk.ʃən/ sự tuyệt chủng, tuyệt diệt
13. endangered species (n) /ɪnˈdeɪn·dʒərd ˈspi·ʃiz/ động vật sách đỏ 48. movement (n) /ˈmuːv.mənt/ cuộc vận động
14. reduce (v) /rɪˈduːs/ giảm bớt 49. wildlife (n) /ˈwaɪld.laɪf/ cuộc sống hoang dã
15. carbon footprint (n) /ˌkɑːr.bən ˈfʊt.prɪnt/ dấu chân cac-bon 50. diverse (adj) /dɪˈvɝːs/ đa dạng
16. oxygen (n) /ˈɑːk.sɪ.dʒən/ khí oxy 51. coral (n) /ˈkɔːr.əl/ san hô
17. carbon dioxide (n) /ˌkɑːr.bən daɪˈɑːk.saɪd/ khí các bon đi ô xít 52. dugong (n) /ˈduːɡɑːŋ/ cá cúi, bò biển
18. device (n) /dɪˈvaɪs/ thiết bị 53. medicinal (adj) /məˈdɪs.ɪ.nəl/ (thuộc) thuốc, dùng làm thuốc
19. single -use (adj) /ˌsɪŋ.ɡəlˈjuːs/ để sử dụng một lần 54. heritage (n) /ˈher.ɪ.t̬ ɪdʒ/ di sản, sự thừa kế
20. product (n) /ˈprɑː.dʌkt/ sản phẩm 55. resource (n) /ˈriː.zɔːrs/ nguồn
21. plastic (adj) /ˈplæs.tɪk/ làm bằng chất dẻo 56. natural (adj) /ˈnætʃ.ɚ.əl/ (thuộc) tự nhiên, thiên nhiên
22. plastic bag (n) /ˈplæs.tɪk bæɡ/ túi nhựa 57. national (adj) /ˈnæʃ.nəl/ (thuộc) quốc gia
23. plastic rubbish (n) /ˈplæs.tɪk ˈrʌb.ɪʃ/ rác thải nhựa 58. resident (n) /ˈrez.ə.dənt/ người dân, dân cư
24. litter (v) /ˈlɪt̬ .ɚ/ vứt rác, xả rác 60. toxic (n) /ˈtɑːk.sɪk/ chất độc
25. volunteer (v) /ˌvɑː.lənˈtɪr/ tình nguyện, xung phong làm 61. effect (n) /əˈfekt/ sự ảnh hưởng
26. plant (v) /plænt/ trồng 62. effective (adj) /əˈfek.tɪv/ có hiệu quả, tác dụng
27. dump (v) /dʌmp/ đổ, vứt 63. consumption (n) /kənˈsʌmp.ʃən/ sự tiêu thụ
28. waste (n) /weɪst/ chất thải 64. independent (adj) /ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dənt/ độc lập, không phụ thuộc
29. reuse (v) /ˌriːˈjuːz/ tái sử dụng • Note: 3Rs stands for Reduce -Reuse -Recycle
30. recycle (v) /ˌriːˈsaɪ.kəl/ tái chế ● Structures (Cấu trúc)

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No structures/ collocations/ idioms/ phrasal verb Meaning
1. Release into Thải ra, làm thoát ra Words Meaning Related words
Ex: Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide into Vd: Các nhà máy điện than thải ra khí lưu huỳnh đi 1. pollution (n) sự ô nhiễm polluted(adj) pollutant (n)
the atmosphere. ô xít. 2. movement (n) sự vận động move(v)
2. Turn off Tắt cái gì đó( tắt ti vi,tắt điện) environmentalist(n) nhà môi trường học environment (n) environmental (adj)
Ex: Please turn the television off before you go to bed. Vd: Hãy tắt ti vi trước khi bạn đi ngủ.) 4. produce (n) sản phẩm product (n) production (n)
3. Throw away Vứt cái gì không cần đi nữa 5. industry (n) công nghiệp, kĩ nghệ industrial (adj)
Ex: I threw the alarm clock away because it had Vd: Tôi vứt cái đồng hồ báo thức đi bởi vì nó đã 6. endanger (v) gây nguy hiểm endangered (adj)
stopped working. ngừng hoạt động khá lâu rồi. 7. diversity (n) tính đa dạng diverse (adj)
4. Form of transport hình thức giao thông 8. danger (n) sự nguy hiểm dangerous (adj) dangerously (adv)
Ex: Bicylce is the greenest form of transport. Vd: Xe đạp là hình thức giao thông xanh nhất.
5. Cut down chặt cây, giảm bớt số lượng B. GRAMMAR:
Ex: The farmer cut down the old banana tree in the Vd: Người nông dân cắt đi cây chuối già trong I. Complex sentences with adverb clauses of time. (Câu phức với mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian.)
garden. vườn. 1. Complex sentence (câu phức)
6. Pick up Nhặt cái gì, đón (ai) a. Định nghĩa: là câu có một mệnh đề độc lập và ít nhất một mệnh đề phụ thuộc. Mệnh đề độc lập trong
Ex: We are going to pick up rubbish in the central Vd: Chúng tôi sẽ đi nhặt rác trong trong công viên câu là mệnh đề chính. Câu phức được sử dụng khi ta cần bổ sung thông tin để giải thích hoặc sửa đổi ý của
park this weekend. vào cuối tuần này. mệnh đề chính trong câu.
7. provide sth for sb Cung cấp cái gì cho ai b. Ví dụ:
Ex: The government must provide decent housing for Vd: Chính phủ phải cung cấp nhà tử tế cho người Ex1: I took my dog to the vet because he was feeling sick.
the poor. nghèo. (Tôi đưa con chó của tôi đến bác sĩ thú y vì nó đang ốm.)
8. Right after Ngay khi ⇨ Mệnh đề chính: “I took my dog to the vet, mệnh đề phụ:” he was feeling sick” bổ nghĩa lý do tại sao”
Ex: Right after you clean your bedroom, you need to Vd: Ngay khi con dọn phòng ngủ xong,con cần rửa tôi” phải đưa chó của mình đi khám.”
wash the dishes. chén. Ex2: After Mary ate snacks, she got a stomachache.
9. To raise awareness of Nâng cao nhận thức ( Sau khi Mary ăn vặt, cô ấy đã bị đau bụng.)
Ex: Con Dao national park helps raise the awareness Vd: Công viên quốc gia Côn Đảo giúp nâng cao ⇨ Mệnh đề chính:” She got a stomachache”, mệnh đề phụ:” Mary ate snack” đã bổ nghĩa lý do tại sao” cô
of local residents about the importance of nature. nhận thức của cư dân địa phương về tầm quan trọng ấy đau bụng.”
của tự nhiên. 2. An adverb clause ( mệnh đề trạng ngữ)
10. Effect on Tác động, ảnh hưởng lên cái gì a. Định nghĩa: Là mệnh đề có chức năng ngữ pháp của một trạng ngữ (bổ nghĩa cho một mệnh đề khác).
Ex: Water pollution has a harmful effect on our life. Vd: Ô nhiễm nước tác động có hại lên cuộc sống của Các mệnh đề trạng ngữ được gọi là mệnh đề phụ (là những mệnh đề không diễn tả được một ý trọn vẹn và
chúng ta. không thể đứng độc lập.)
11. Be harmful to Có hại cho b. Ví dụ:
Ex: Eating too much fast food is harmful to your Vd: Ăn quá nhiều thức ăn nhanh có hại cho sức Ex: When I finish studying, I will go abroad. ( Khi tôi học xong, tôi sẽ ra nước ngoài.)
health. khỏe của bạn. ⇨ Nếu chỉ để mệnh đề trạng ngữ” When I finish studying”, thì câu sẽ không rõ nghĩa.
12. Be rich in Dồi dào, phong phú 3. An adverb clause of time (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian)

▪ Word form:
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a. Định nghĩa: là những mệnh đề bắt đầu bởi các liên từ chỉ thời gian như: while (trong khi, trong lúc),
when (vào lúc, khi), one, as soon as (ngay khi mà), till, until (cho đến khi), by the time, before (trước khi), after ● Thì quá khứ đơn
(sau khi), since (kể từ khi), as long as, so long as ( chừng nào mà),…
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
b. Ví dụ:
Ex1: When Mark was 13 years old, he went to Korea. when

(Khi Mark 13 tuổi, anh ấy đã đến Hàn Quốc.) until

Ex2: I will phone you as soon as I finish my work. S + V (simple past) as soon as S + V (simple past)

(Tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn ngay khi tôi hoàn tất công việc của mình.) before

Ex3: My father was talking on the phone while my mother was helping my sister with her homework. after

(Bố tôi đang nói chuyện điện thoại trong khi mẹ tôi đang giúp em gái làm bài tập về nhà.) Examples:
c. Vị trí của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian. - He said goodbye before he left.
- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian có thể được đặt ở đầu câu hoặc cuối câu. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời - My father went home as soon as he finished work at the office.
gian đặt đầu câu sẽ được ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phẩy. - She cried after she received that award.
Ex1: When Jennie was in Paris, she attended Paris Fashion Week.
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
(Khi Jennie đến Paris, cô ấy đã tham dự Tuần Lễ Thời Trang Paris.)
Ex2: He’ll wait here until she comes back. ( Anh ấy sẽ đợi ở đây cho đến khi cô ấy quay lại.) S + V (past continuous) when S + V (simple past)
d. Cách phối hợp động từ ở mệnh đề chính với trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian Examples:
● Thì hiện tại đơn - Lily was talking on the phone when Linda came.
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time - They were having dinner when he arrived.

when Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time

after S + V (present perfect) since S + V (simple past)
S + V (s.future)/be going to before S + V (simple present)
as soon as
- I have played badminton since 7 years ago.
- They haven’t met Bob since we left school.
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
- Andy will come soon. When he comes, we’ll see him.
- We’ll be able to leave for the station as soon as the bus arrives. S + V (past perfect) by the time S + V(simple past)
- Lisa will go to bed after she finishes her homework. before
● Thì hiện tại hoàn thành Examples:
Main clause conjunctions Adverb clause of time - He had explained everything clearly by the time we started our project.
- I had left before he came.
S + V (s.future)/be going to after S + V (present perfect)
● Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
- John will go home after he has finished his work.
- Lan will work for her uncle’s company after she has graduated from college. S + V (past continuous) while S + V(past continuous)

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- I was reading a book while my mother was cooking dinner.
- Peter and I were doing our homework while Alex and my brother were playing chess.
C. PHONICS: Sound /bl/ and /kl/
I. Cách phát âm A PHONICS
Exercise 1. Read the
● Âm/bl/ được tạo ra bởi 2 âm/b/ và /l/ following words and put them in the correct column.
- /b/: mím nhẹ hai môi lại và nâng phần ngạc
mềm để chặn luồng hơi trong khoang miệng, rồi blue clock blossom blur block
mở miệng bật hơi từ phía trong ra. Khi phát âm, circle blink bleed classic bicycle
dây thanh sẽ rung lên. blank class club black table
- /l/: để đầu lưỡi chạm vào lợi của hàm răng trê. blonde clown close clerk click
Khi phát âm, luồng hơi sẽ đi qua khoảng trống
giữa lưỡi vá khoang miệng ra ngoài.
- Kết hợp từ âm/b/ sang âm/l/ chúng ta được
/bl/ /kl/
cụm phụ âm/bl/
• Âm /kl/ được kết hợp bởi 2 âm /k/ và /l/
- /k/: mở miệng, cuống lưỡi co lại, chạm vào
phần gạc mềm hay là phần trong cùng của vòm
miệng để chặn luồng khí trong miệng. Sau đó, bật
mạnh luồng khí ra khỏi miệng mà không làm Exercise 2. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
rung dây thanh trong cổ họng. 1. A. rubbish B. product C. rubric D. cutting
- /l/ để đầu lưỡi chạm vào lợi của hàm răng trên.
2. A. pool B. footprint C. school D. tool
Khi phát âm, luồng hơi sẽ đi qua khoảng trống
3. A. cooked B. accomplished C. hissed D. gained
giữa lưỡi vá khoang miệng ra ngoài.
- Kết hợp từ âm/k/ sang âm/l/ chúng ta được cụm 4. A. warming B. protecting C. littering D. carbon
phụ âm/kl/ 5. A. pause B. laugh C. clause D. cause
6. A. quality B. improve C. condition D. serious
7. A. species B. recycle C. ecosystem D. renewable
II. sự khác nhau giữa /bl/ và/kl/ 8. A. polluted B. reduced C. washed D. danced
● Về mặt âm thanh: Sự khác biệt của cụm phụ âm /bl/ xuất phát từ sự khác biệt của vị trí môi và lưỡi 9. A. pictures B. watches C. buses D. brushes
khi bật hơi phát âm âm /b/ và /k/ 10. A. litters B. dreams C. belongs D. plants
- Khi phát âm âm /b/ chúng ta mím môi nhẹ, còn âm /k/ chúng ta cần mở miệng. 11. A. reuses B. causes C. recycles D. changes
- Với âm /b/ chúng ta để lưỡi thả lỏng như bình thường, trong khi với âm /k/ chúng ta co cuống lưỡi 12. A. hour B. harmful C. honest D. exhibition
lại, chạm vào phần ngạc mềm để chặn luồng khí trong miệng. 13. A. campsite B. plastic C. tornado D. land
- Phát âm âm /b/ làm rung dây thanh trong cổ họng nhưng âm /k/ thì không. 14. A. entertain B. rain C. air D. train
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15. A. produce B. pollute C. nature D. reduce 13. The apple tree is covered in blossom.
16. A. mention B. question C. action D. education 14. He became completely blind after the car accident.
17. A. speech B. chatting C. cheer D. chemistry 15. She works as a clerk in an office.
18. A. unknown B. united C. universe D. university 16. She has long blonde hair.
19. A. end B. effect C. extinction D. upset 17. It’s difficult to buy this black blender here.
20. A. forest B. toxic C. resource D. coral 18. Spring is the best time to see bluebells in blossom
Exercise 3. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. conversation B. entertainment C. invironment D. information
2. A. serious B. habitat C. quality D. protection B VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR
3. A. reduce B. species C. device D. reuse
4. A. product B. absorb C. concern D. marine Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and write the name of the activities.
5. A. recycle B. tornado C. ecosystem D. renewable
6. A. coral B. dugong C. resource D. effect ecosystem harmful substance 3Rs plastic rubbish
7. A. diverse B. wildlife C. toxic D. campfire carbon footprint single-use tree planting endangered species
8. A. movement B. conical C. extinction D. heritage marine life extinction industrial waste dumping site
9. A. mission B. protect C. substance D. plastic
10. A. oxygen B. dangerous C. neighbourhood D. endangered
11. A. environment B. participate C. interaction D. conditional
12. A. medicinal B. volunteer C. dioxide D. surrounding
13. A. litter B. global C. carbon D. release
14. A. enjoy B. suffer C. study D. differ
15. A. apology B. geography C. experience D. preparation
Exercise 4.Underline the duster /bl/ and double underline the duster /kl/ in the following sentence then read
aloud the sentences.
1. I went for a walk around the block.
2. Cats are very clean animals. 1. ___________________ 2.___________________ 3. _____________________ 4. __________________
3. The teacher blamed me for the accident.
4. My father usually has a cup of black coffee for breakfast.
5. He was climbing up the wall.
6. Today she is wearing a white silk blouse.
7. Is our hotel close to the beach?
8. If you can't answer the question, leave a blank.
9. His eyes were bright blue.
5.___________________ 6. ___________________ 7. _____________________ 8. __________________
10. I went to the table tennis club yesterday.
11. Mai and Phong are in the same class.
12. Do you like classical music?
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few of that type alive
4. extinction D. the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives
5. pollution E. used to cure illnesses
6. global warming F. including many different types of people or things.
7. resident G. related to the sea or sea transport
8. renewable H. a situation in which something no longer exists.
9. diverse I. damage caused to water, air, ect by harmful substances or waste.
9. ___________________ 10. __________________ 11._____________________ 12. _________________
10. recycle J. a person who lives or has their home in a place.
11. endangered species K. a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature generally due to the
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1 greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and
1. They are trying to protect __________________ such as saolas, dugongs, lynxes, wolfs and several species other pollutants.
of the vulture. 12. marine L. are natural ones such as wind, water, and sunlight which are always
2. ______________ is one of the causes of air pollution. avaiable.

3. _________________improves wildlife habitat connectivity, supports biodiversity and and removes

harmful pollutants from the air. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
4. An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from ________________.
5. Science tells us that healthy _______________ provide humans with things like food, clean water, clean Exercise 4. Complete the correct answer A ,B ,C or D.
air, and protection from natural disasters. 1. To save our earth, I use cloth bags for shopping, not ________ ones.
6. We should all go green by practising the ________: reduce, reuse, and recycle, which is A. green B. paper C. cheap D. plastic
always encouraged by environmentalists. 2. In my family, we put food waste and objects for ________ in different bins.
7. A _______________ is anything that is contaminated and threatens the safe of man. It can be in the form A. using B. recycling C. toys D. reducing
of food, water, drugs, fruits, ect… 3. An example of _________ is the forest in which all the plants and animals work toform a suitable habitat
8. Volunteers gather garbage and ________________for recycling. for all.
9. Although _____________ plastic products are convenient, they are detrimental to the environment. A. habitat B. area C. ecosystem D. condition
10. A ________________is a ground for the disposal of waste materials. 4. ________ should be far from residential areas.
11. ______________ means any type or species of saltwater fish, shellfish, mollusks, coral, or other marine A. Plastic rubbish C. Industrial waste
animals. B. Dumping sites D. Forests
12. __________________ is a term that represents the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) 5. Our project aims to promote the ________ to make our planet Earth healthy.
released into the atmosphere. A. 3Rs B. pollution C. industry D. reduction
Exercise 3. Match the words in column A to the correct meanings in column B. 6. To help save the environment, look for ________ products when you go shopping.
A B A. eco-friendly B. cheap C. single-use D. plastic
1. habitat A. a strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down spinning 7. ________ unwanted paper will reduce the raw material demand for paper production.
cone and is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground. A. Throwing away B. Recycling C. Burning D. Collecting
2. medicinal B. to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce useful materials 8. Please put rubbish into dust bins instead of ________ the streets.
that an be used again. A. cleaning B. dirty C. dropping D. littering
3. tornado C. a type of animal or plant that might stop existing because there are only a 9. You can learn to appreciate the ________ around you by participating in outdooractivities.
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A. natural resources C. trees 24. Awareness of environmental damage from ______________ bags is growing.
B. habitat D. endangered species A. simple-use B. single-uses C. single-use D. single-used
10. We organise a Clean and Grow Day each month to make our neighbourhood a ______ place to live. 25. They announced an analys is of the carbon ______________ of leading companies.
A. spacious B. friendly C. convenient D. urban
A. spaces B. contents C. emissions D. footprints
11. Water ________ can kill a lot of water life like fish and plants.
26. The CCTV cameras are intended to reduce ______________ in the area.
A. pollution B. use C. source D. supply
A. untidiness B. emptiness C. littering D. dropping
12. The factory dumps a lot of ________ into the river and pollutes it.
A. materials B. products C. rubbish D. water 27. She studies mountain gorillas in their natural______________.
13. Saving energy reduces air pollution and greenhouse gases. The less we pollute our environment, the A. habitual B. habitat C. living D. place
more we ______ global warming. 28. This region is the ______________ of many species of wild flowers.
A. develop B. endanger C. prevent D. damage A. home B. house C. household D. homework
14. When the earthquake happened, the children ________ a picnic at the campsite. 29. The restaurant has a ______________ menu that includes dishes from all over the world.
A. had B. were having C. are having D. would have A. different B. various C. diverse D. diversity
15. Scientists are developing better systems to make ________ about natural disasters. 30. ______________ in the area includes deer, bears, and eagles.
A. warnings B. predictions C. advices D. notices A. Wildfire B. Wild life C. Wildly D. Wildlife
16. The teacher was correcting our papers ________ we were drawing our illustrations. 31. Their main goal is to promote environmental______________.
A. though B. as soon as C. before D. while A. loss B. problem C. issue D. protection
17. The environment becomes helpless in protecting us if we disturb its natural ________ and force it to 32. Unfortunately, fertilizers from surrounding farmland has reduced the _________ life.
harm us. A. marine B. sea C. water D. lake
A. cycle B. event C. arrangement D. agreement 33. They were fined for illegally ______________ waste into the river.
18. _________is the gradual increase of temperature on the earth’s surface because of greenhouse effect. A. treating B. dumping C. dealing with D. creating
A. Global warming B. Climate change C. Natural habitats D. Extreme weather 34. The air becomes polluted ________ we release too much carbon dioxide into it.
19. We can raises awareness ______protecting environment by using social media. A. before B. while C. until D. when
35. How long did the villagers have to wait ________ the rescue team arrived?
A. from B. on C. for D. of
A. while B. before C. after D. as soon as
20. Do you think we are doing enough to _______wild animals?
36. ________ my family applied the Save Our Energy rules, our monthly use of electricitywent down.
A. prevent B. protect C. promote D. predict
A. Until B. After C. While D. Till
21. Many ______ species have been saved thanks to community efforts. 37. You can’t camp here ________ you get a permit from the local authorities.
A. dangerous B. endangered C. generous D. natural A. until B. when C. after D. as soon as
22. Air pollution is a ________ problem in many major cities. 38. ________ we put dustbins in public places, we saw the difference. There was muchless littering.
A. practical B. global C. endangered D. serious A. While B. As soon as C. Till D. Before
23. Environmental pollution is becoming an ________serious problem that needs to be taken care of as soon 39. Toxic waste from nuclear plants is hazardous to the environment. What is the closest word of the
underlined word?
as possible.
A. troublesome B. poisonous C. grievous D. panic
A. increasingly B. increasing C. increase D. increased
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40. Many wildlife animals are highly endangered these days. What is the opposite word of the underlined 2. It is found that endangered species are often concentrated in areas that are poor and densely populted,
word? such as much of Asia and Africa.
A. at risk B. recommended C. safe D. expensive A. disappeared B. threatened C. increased D. reduced
41. I will call you before I _______ over. 3. Many schools provide environment education to raise student’s awareness of conservation needs.
A. come B. will come C. will be coming D. came A. effort B. benefit C. exploitation D. knowledge
42. After she graduates, she ________ a job. 4. With its various activities, the Camp has set up a stronger regional identity by raising youth’s
A. got B. will get C. had got D. get awareness of Southeast Asia’s history and heritage.
43. When I ________ him tomorrow, I will ask him. A. heredity B. tradition C. culture D. bequest
A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. see 5. Elephants will become extinct if man continues killing them.
44. As soon as it _______ raining, we will leave. A. die out B. die down C. die of D. die away
A. stops B. stop C. had stop D. stopped 6. She is eighteen, so by law her father cannot prevent her marriage.
45. By the time he comes, we will have already _________. A. fail B. defeat C. avoid D. forestall
A. leave B. leaving C. left D. leaves 7. When the laser strikes the chemicals, it releases a form of oxygen that kills cancer cells.
46. The next time I go to New York, I am going _________ a ballet. A. contains B. vaporizes C. gives out D. omits
A. seeing B. see C. saw D. to see 8. Don't be concerned about your mother's illness; she’ll recover soon.
47. - There was no death in the flood yesterday. - ____________ A. surprised at B. worried about C. embarrassed at D. angry with
A. That’s shocking! B. Oh, man! C. How crazy! D. That’s a relief! 9. The air is naturally polluted by foreign matter such as plant pollens and dust.
48. - What do you mean by ‘single-use’? - ________ A. contaminated B. occupied C. filled D. concentrated
A. Be used once only and then thrown away. 10. It was great to see monkeys in their natural habitat.
B. I will recycle single-use things. A. sky B. home C. forest D. land
C. I rarely use this word. 11. The ecosystem in Con Dao National Park is very varied with thousans of species, including marine
D. It’s an adjective. animals
49. - __________________________ A. portable B. diverse C. familiar D. durable

- It’s a place where a type of plant or animal lives. Exercise 6. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
A. Could you show me the zoo? C. What does ‘habitat’ mean?
B. What makes up a habitat? D. Have you ever visited a habitat? 1. There is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the environment.
50. What can you do to help protect the environment? - _________________ A. attraction B. speculation C. ease D. consideration
A. I support environmental protection. 2. Pure water is often a fairly rare commodity that requires significant energy to produce.
B. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. A. Contaminated B. Clean C. Unadulterated D. Flawless
C. I’ve tried to learn about environmental protection. 3. Walking or cycling is a counterpro-ductive way to reduce your carbon footprint.
D. It’s important we do. A. desolate B. unproductive C. barren D. effective
4. The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
Exercise 5. Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
A. pollute B. destroy C. eliminate D. protect
5. Toxic waste from nuclear plants is hazardous to the environment.
1. Air pollution is a major cause of diseases or even lung cancer.
A. safe B. poisonous C. grievous D. panic
A. reason B. right C. action D. damage
6. He didn't seem in the least concerned for her safety.
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A. passionate B. ready C. indifferent D. stolen 6. The company says it is responsible for the _____________in the river.
7. What would happen to man's health if the water rsources were polluted? 7. Flying is the biggest contribution to our carbon _____________.
A. refined B. contaminated C. destroyed D. poisoned 8. About 60-70 per cent of _____________ growing close to the shore were broken and carried ashore.
8. His policies were beneficial to the economy as a whole. 9. He got a ticket and was fined for ______________.
A. good B. crude C. harmful D. harmless 10. The project has tried to maintain the biological _____________ of this rainforest.
9. We should reduce the comsumption of single-use products like plastic bottles and bags. Exercise 9.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
A. unrecyclable B. multipurpose C. non-returnable D. disposable
reduce raise practise play turn off
10. Cutting trees and burning forests destroy a lot of wildlife habitats.
A. Reducing B. Decreasing C. Carving D. Planting release avoid volunteer save pick up
11. Many wildlife animals are highly endangered these days. 1. We all need to do our part to _________ the planet.
B. at risk B. recommended C. safe D. expensive 2. Try to _________ foods which contain a lot of fat.
Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 3. Please __________ the television before you go to bed.
4. The factory had _________a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.
ecosystem global loss renewable
5. By ____________ the 3 Rs, we can save resources for the future, and reduce the amountof waste.
habitat environment harmful substances wildlife
6. They will require car makers to ____________ emissions of carbon dioxide by 30%.
1. People were concerned that pets or ____________ could be affected by the pesticides. 7. I _____________ to help clean up the beach last week.
2. Our planet earth has a natural environment, known as ______________, which includes all humans, 8. The volunteers tried to ______________ litter on the rivers.
plant life, mountains, atmosphere, rocks, galaxy, massive oceans, and seas. 9. The campaign has succeeded in _____________ public awareness of the issue.
3. Water pollution occurs when ____________- often chemicals or microorganisms -pollute a body of 10. Schools ____________an important role in society.
water. Exercise 10. Complete the sentences using the Simple Future tense form of the verbs.
4. The panda’s natural ___________is the bamboo forest. 1. While I (study) _______________for my exam, my roommate was playing music loudly in the next room.
5. The probable result of ___________warming will be a rise in sea levels. 2. After I (complete) ______________ my work, I will go for a relaxing walk in the park.
6. The two most common ______________ energy sources used today are wind and solar, but others will 3. As soon as the taxi (arrive) _____________, they will be able to leave for the airport.
become more common in the near future. 4. Lan and Mai will go to bed after they (finish) ___________their work.
5. Ken is going to wait right here until Jessica (come) ____________.
7. The government told that they would do more to protect the ________________.
6. The last time that I went to Korea, I (visit) ____________ Namsan Tower.
8. Many endangered species are at risk of disappearing due to habitat ___________ and illegal hunting.
7. Bill will get home at 5:30. After he gets home, I (have) ____________ dinner.
Exercise 8.Complete the sentences with the words given.
8. As soon as he finished the article, he (punish) _______________ it.
protection littering corals species ecosystem
9. While I was going to school, I (meet)___________ my friend.
pollution habitat diversity footprint loss 10. I (work) _____________ here since I graduated
Exercise 11 .Complete each sentence with a word or a phrase from the box.
1. Pollution can have serious effects on the balanced _____________.
2. Businesses have a major role in environmental _____________. extinction environmental issue
3. With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural ____________. bargain
4. The sea turtle is an endangered ___________. natural disaster shopping list
1. You should make a ________________ before you do your shopping.
5. Habitat ____________ is occurring all around the world, and it’s damaging or destroying ecosystems. 2. Since the Industrial Revolution, waste has been a major _________________ everywhere.
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3. People _____________ a lot at a village market. 7. I felt surprised G. until you are ready - 1 can’t go without you.
4. An endangered species is a plant, animal or other organism that is threatened by _______________.
8. We have to wait here H. before she goes out.
5. – What _______________ involves rocks and mud coming down hills or mountains?
9. Take a message I. it is too late.
- It’s a landslide.
Exercise 12.Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 10. I will wait J. when you have had something to eat.
1. (Before / When / While) she is ready, we will leave.
● Your answer:
2. I’ll send you a text message (until / as soon as / before) I hear from Nam.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
3. (Before / After / While) she goes, she will turn off all the computers.
4. I’ll go online (while / as soon as / until) I get home.
Exercise 14. Fill in each blank with a correct preposition.
5. (After /Before/ While) we receive your confirmation email, we will send you a link to download the
1. We need to raise awareness _______ environment problems so that we can find ways to protect nature.
2. Pollution can have serious effects ________the balance of ecosystem.
6. I have to wait (while / before / until) my mum comes home.
3. People are becoming more aware ________environmental issues.
7. (Before / Until / When) Mr. Tan phones, please let me know.
4. The new road will cause a loss _________the beauty of landscape.
8. Let’s play with the children (after / until / while) it is time to go.
5. Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide ______the atmosphere.
9. He will send them an email (before/ until / as soon as) he arrives in London.
6. Technology is already playing a key role ______environmental protection.
10. I will give you my reply (before / by / this time) I leave this afternoon
7. There is a nice play area _______ the children.
11. I’ll stay here (while / before/ until) Jack gets back and we’ll go together.
8. The regions are home _______ bears and mountain lions.
12. (When / Before / Until) you read his stories, you know that he’s a good writer.
9. I’d like to emphasise the importance ________ protecting endangered species.
13. You are too young to understand. I will explain it to you (when / before / while) you are older.
10. Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped ______ the river.
14. The children will want to go swimming (before / as soon as / until) they see the river.
11. Orange juice is rich ______ vitamin C.
15. The plane won’t take off (after / until / while) the clouds go off.
12. The pools provide a rich habitat _______ water plants.
16. He will give you a job (when / before / until) you have enough qualifications.
13. Americans throw______ twenty-eight and a half million tons of plastic in landfills every year.
17. I will finish my homework (before / until / as soon as) my father arrives home late this evening.
14. Sometimes toxic substances flow ______ river from factories.
18. I will do the next task (as soon as / before / by the time) I have finished the first one.
15. The volunteers have provided free food and fresh water ________ homeless people since yesterday.
19. Mother to her son: I won’t let you watch TV (before / when / until) you finish your homework.
Exercise 15. Write the correct form of the word in brackets.
20. He usually surfs the Internet on his smartphone (before / after / while) he is waiting for the bus.
1. The river is heavily __________ (POLLUTE)
Exercise 13.Match the clauses in the two columns to form complex sentences.
2. Everybody can do something to make our _____________ green. (NEIGHBOUR)
1. I'll phone you when A. when you see him - he looks so different.
3. Could your group do a presentation on what we students can do to protect our _____________?
2. I want to see Mai B. when she got the job.
3. I'll tell you about our holiday C. when someone phones me. 4. Last night I watched a documentary about some ____________ species in Asia. (ENDANGER)
4. You won’t recognise him D. when I come back. 5. The factory dumps its ____________ waste right into the river without treating. (INDUSTRY)

5. We must do something before E. until the weather is nice. 6. The music club made so much noise that the ____________ complained to its owner. (RESIDE)
7. Are all types of pollution ____________ to the health of humans and animals? ( HARM)
6. You’ll feel better F. I get home from school.
8. The _____________ are concerned about the oil spills in the East Sea. (ENVIRONMENT)

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9. If we use water _____________ , more people will have fresh water. (CARE) A B C D
10. You should never buy___________ made from endangered animals. ( PRODUCE) 13. I am going to speak with the boss when the meeting end
11. A new series of educational programmes shows the ____________ of wildlife to humans. (IMPORTANT) A B C D
12. Animals should be kept in their ____________ habitats. (NATURE) 14. Peter realized he had forgotten to knock on the door before he had left school.
13. Earth Hour has grown to become an international ____________ for the environment. (MOVE) A B C D
14. We think it’s very ____________ that you’re climbing the mountain alone. (DANGER) 15. Before leaving, you should turn on the light to save energy.
15. The ecosystem in Con Dao National Park is very ____________ with thousands of species. ( DIVERSITY) A B C D
16. This law provides _____________ for threatened animals and plants. (PROTECT)

Exercise 16. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. C LISTENING
1. I cycle or walk to school every day instead of let my father drive me there.
A B C D Exercise 1: Listen to the recording and choose the best answer.
2. An ecosystem in Con Dao National Park is diverse with thousands of species. ● Dialog 1:
A B C D 1. What does Tom’s dad want to throw away?
3. Many factories and hospitals are dumping toxic substances into rivers and lake. A. a bottle B. a can C. a bin
2. What will Tom do with his can?
A. give it to his dad B. take it home C. throw it in the bin
4. Before we reduce the use of single-use products, we help protect the environment.
● Dialog 2:
3. Tom’s dad says some animals become extint because of……
5. Wildlife habitats cannot be saved until we stop cutting down trees while burning forests. A. other animals B. changing climate C. museums
A B C D 4. Tom’s dad says ……… can cause climate change.
6. If you saw litter on the street, pick it up and throw it in a rubbish bin. A. the sun B. too many animals C. air pollution
A B C D ● Dialog 3:
7. Natural disasters cause usually serious damage to our property and the environment. 5. What does Tom want to be when he grows up?
A. an environmentalist B. a bird watcher C. an actor
6. Tom says he wants to ………
8. Earth Day is a day when many people gather to plant trees and cleaning up parks.
A. Find frogs and birds B. protect animals C. make money
Exercise 2: Listen to the recording and choose the best answer.
9. Habitats of dangerous animals are damaged by human activities.
A B C D 1. What do many politicians and scientists consider to be the biggest danger we face?
10. Con Dao National Park is rich animal species and is important for their preservation. A. Global warming. B. Deforestation. C.Pollution. D. Overpopulation.
2. How is climate change affecting different species?
A. They are becoming more numerous. C. They are dying.
11. Saving natural resources is of great important to every country.
B. They are moving to new habitats. D. They are growing larger.
3. What is happening to the ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctica due to climate change?
12. I’ll go to supermarket after my mother will come home.
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A. They are growing thicker. C. They are shifting to new locations 4. How often does he play it? ______
B. They are melting. D. They are causing sea levels to drop. 5. What means of transport does Magda always use? ______
4. How is climate change affecting our weather?
Exercise 6.Part I.Listen to the passage and decide which statements are True (T) or False (F).
A. It is making it rain less. C. It is making places warmer or colder.
Statements True False
B. It is causing less wind. D. It is making earthquakes more common.
5. What can individuals do to help combat climate change? 1. Air pollution doesn’t endanger people’s health in some cities.

A. Drive more cars. C. Cut down on things that produce greenhouse gases. 2. Air pollution is the only problem of the environment mentioned in this passage.
B. Use more plastic bags. D. Leave lights and appliances on when not in use.
3. Air pollution is the only problem of the environment mentioned in this passage.
Exercise 3. Listen and complete each gap in the table with ONE or TWO word from the recording.
4. Garbage disposal is a problem in many large cities.
Clean-up Team Clean the central (1) _________ 5. Everyone must cooperate to reduce pollution.
● Pick up rubbish, bottles, and (2) _______ bags
● Water small trees and flowers
Part II. Listen again and fill in the missing words.
Donation Team Collect used items
Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities. Motor vehicles, factories and other sources create so
(3) ________ the items and put them into correct bags.
much (1) __________ that it may hang in the air like dirty fog. Air pollution (2)__________ the health of the
Media Team (4) _________ photos of the event on the club’s website
people who live in cities. City wastes cause water pollution when they are poured into the waterways.
Make (5) __________ for the club’s future activities.
These wastes kill fish and make some areas unfit for swimming. In addition, many large cities have
difficulties in disposing of their (3) __________. The amount of garbage grows each year, but places to put it
Exercise 4. Listening to the passage and fill in the missing words. are quickly filling up. Citizens, governments, industries scientists, and business people must work together
People damage the (1)____________by polluting it. For example, (2) _________and factories release in different ways to gradually(4) __________pollution. For example, most cities have introduced (5)
greenhouse (3) __________ like carbon dioxide into the environment, causing global (4)__________. This ___________ programs.
means the temperature of the planet is (5) _________. If the Earth’s temerature keeps (6)_________, people Exercise 7. Listening to the passage and fill in the missing words/ phrases.
and other animals won’t be able to (7) ____________ anymore. I hate pollution. It makes me really angry. I think (1) _________ is greed. People don’t care about the (2)
Exercise 5. Listen to Harry, Olivia, Magda and Carlos talking about environment issues. Decide if the _________ so they pollute the air just to make lots of money. Big companies are the worst. They pretend
following statements are true (T) or false(F) they’re not polluting. They have the money to say they are (3) “________”. Pollution affects us all. We are
all less healthy because of companies that pollute the air or our rivers. (4) ___________ needs to think about
1. Tony did Magda’s job while Magda was sick. ______
how we can reduce the amount of pollution we create. Not using the car when we can walk is one way.
2. Harry rode his bicycle to the café. ______ Turning off lights we don’t need is another. Barack Obama says he’s going to do his best to help the Earth. I
3. Harry usually drives to the football pitch. ______ really hope he does because if pollution gets any worse, we’ll be in (5) __________ big trouble.
4. The traffic in London is good, and cheap. ______
Exercise 8. Part I.Listen to the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true or
5. Johnny doesn’t like travelling by bicycle ______
Listen again. Answer the questions below.
1. Environmental pollution is one of the world s problems. ______
1. What does Henry think about Carlos as a waiter? ______
2. Vehicles and factories account for air pollution. ______
2. Did Harry park his car near or far from the cafe? ______ 3. Waste is usually dumped in the city where many people are living. ______
3. What kind of sport does Henry play? ______ 4. The sea water is heavily contaminated by oil spills and industrial sewage. ______
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5. A lot of fish are dying because of marine pollution. ______ 2. Do you have anything to declare before B. How do you know? Have you ever eaten there?
Part II. Listen again and fill in the missing words. leaving?
Every day on radio, on TV, and in the newspapers, we hear, see, or read about many problems in the
3. It’s a long time I have not seen my son. C. I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you mean.
world, for example, pollution.
Air pollution is the first kind. It comes mostly from fumes (1) __________from motorbikes, cars, 4. I advise you not to use plastic bags. They D. Oh dear. Do you mean that he doesn’t visit you
airplanes, trains, and poisonous gases emitted from factories. Also, waste (2) __________ anywhere, even in are harmful for the environment. on holidays?
the city where many people are living. The second pollution problem is (3) __________. Many people earn ● Your answer:
their living from fishing in the sea, and the fish they catch feed many people. But the sea has become so
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
polluted from oil spills and factory (4)__________ that the fish are dying. This pollution is not only killing
the fish, but is also affecting those people who eat fish.
Seldom do you find a place nowadays that is not polluted. This problem is growing more difficult Exercise 3. Read the conversation part. Choose the best question that could be used for clarification.
every day. We must find a (5)__________ that makes the world a better place to live. 1. Did you know there will be a party next week at school? Everyone at school will be there. Parents and
other family members are invited too. Do you think you could bring some cake or pie to share?
A. Will you please repeat the question?
B. Can you share another example?
2. I went to the park today. There were a lot of other kids there. I was not able to find anything to do. I
think maybe they should add more things to do like swings or slides. I became bored and left.
A. Will you please repeat the word or sentence?
Exercise 1. Choose the suitable response for each question below.
B. Will you please repeat your opinion?
Column A Column B
3. Here is what you need to do. Go into the kitchen and clear the dinner table. Be sure to place all the trash
1. I live right around 13th street. A. It is the presence of toxic chemicals in soil.
in the can. Next, take the bag of trash outsite. Place it all on the curb for pick-up.
2. You should update both accounts by next B. It is long-term changes in temperature A. Will you please explain that again?
Monday. B. I do not inderstand that word or remark.

3. What do you mean by” soil pollution”? C. Sorry, was that thirtieth or thirteenth? 4. I went to grandma’s house, and she was working in the garden. Grandpa was in the garden working.
When I got home, we had my favorite dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. I have always loved meatballs.
4. Could you explain what you mean by” carbon D. It is the total amount of greenhouses gases
A. I have a question I would like to ask you about that.
footprint”? that are generated by our actions.
B. Can you explain your idea differently or in another way?
5. What does” climate change” mean? E. Sorry, do you mean Monday the 14th, or 5. Mom told us we cannot watch television tonight. We must sit and read. We cannot use phones or
Monday the 21st? computers either. We may go outsite to play. We can visit a friend too. Have you decided what you would
be doing tonight yet?
● Your answer:
A. Can you add more details about that?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. I do not understand the question, please repeat it.
Exercise 4. Complete the dialogue with the appropriate sentences (A- H).
Exercise 2. Match each of the sentences in box A with the corresponding response in box B.
1. Fish in that restaurant is not good. A. I don’t get your idea. Can you be more specific?

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A. Because I’m doing a class project on pollution in the city. B. Do you like it?
B. Too many billboards along the road, open storage of trash; networks of electric wires crisscrossing C. Thank you. Everybody has worked to make it beautiful.
each other above the street, etc. D. How interesting!
C. Visual pollution is what you would call anything unattractive or visualizing or damaging to the 2. - Nick: Can you make a list of what we should do to reduce littering at our school?
landscape. - Phong: ________
D. It generates distraction, eye tatigues and other psychological problems. A. Certainly. C. Yes, I’d love to
E. Yeah, I know. Not only water pollution, but also for air, soil noise, light and visual pollution. B. Thank you. D. I don’t know.
F. Yes, I took it yesterday. 3. - Nick: What should we do to reduce the use of clean water?
G. Exactly! Garbage on riverside. - Mi: ________
H. I think so too. A. Turn off the tap tight.
B. No, you shouldn’t.
C. Educate children how to use clean water.
Bailey: Did you take that photo, Xuan? D. I think it’s easy.
Xuan: (1) . 4. - Tom: ________
Bailey: Let me see. A photo of a river... but it looks like you want to capture the garbage. - Nam: I think it’s a great idea.
Xuan: (2) .
A. We did a great job.
Bailey: Why garbage?
B. The wildlife series is on VTV3.
Xuan: (3) .
C. What do you think about our 3Rs project?
Bailey: This picture is for water pollution, isn’t it? I think you need more.
D. What do you think about the environment?
Xuan: (4) .
5. - Minh: ________
Bailey: Visual pollution? I’ve never heard about it before.
- Tom: The state of being dirty or unsafe for use.
Xuan: (5) .
Bailey: Can you give me some examples? A. Is pollution a problem?
Xuan: (6) . B. What do you think about pollution in our city?
Bailey: So what are the effects of visual pollution? C. What causes pollution?
Xuan: (7) . D. What does ‘polluted’ mean?
Bailey: Oh, I see. There is too much visual pollution in the City, so I think it’s not difficult to take photos of Exercise 6.Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
different visual pollutants. 1. A: Look at the river! The fish are dead. B: a/ I think it’s because of water pollution.
Xuan: (8) . b/ The water is polluting. Right?
2. A: Why are we worried about the air B: a/ Because we can’t find the cause.
Exercise 5. Choose the best option A, B, or C to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the pollution? b/Because more people will have breathing problems.
following exchanges.
3. A: Some factories dump waste into B: a/ The government must fine them heavily.
1. - Alice: What a beautiful neighbourhood you have here! rivers. b/ We don’t use the water from the rivers.
- Phong: ________ 4. A: Street lights are not very bright! B: a/ No problem. Bright street lights can cause light
A. My neighbourhood is beautiful. pollution.

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b/I think we need much brighter street lights. It’s good
for the environment.
5. A: Do you know the effects of the B: a/ The water becomes warmer, and aquatic animals will Exercise 1. Read the ad and choose the correct words.
increase in water temperatures? grow so fast. Protect Our Environment
b/ Some aquatic animals are unable to reproduce, I Join the National Environment Conservation Organisation in its efforts to (clean/wash) up and (raise/rise)
think so. money to protect the environment. Our campaign will take (place/part) in Rockwood Forest on April 20th.
6. A: We can use water as much as we B: a/ Swimming pools need a lot of water. Activities will begin at 8 am and will (continue/keep) until 8 pm. Just bring yourself and a friend.
want. It’s very cheap! b/ We save water for other people, too. Activities you can participate in:
7. A: Why do you keep the air conditioner B: a/ Well, it can save electricity.  (Planting/Putting) trees and flowers
at that temperature? b/ It’s good for the plants in the room.  Picking up garbage
8. A: How can we stop littering? B: a/ We should do something to make it greener.  Recycling
b/ We can place dustbins in various places.  Learning how to tight pollution and (protect/power) natural habitats
9. A: Do you think graffiti is a good art? B: a/ We don’t know when and where it started.
b/ Too much graffiti can cause visual pollution. Exercise 2.Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct missing words.
10. A: Is acid rain harmful to us? B: a/ Certainly. It makes the water polluted. The Ozone Layer
b/ Those factories produce a lot of acid. What is the ozone layer?
The ozone layer is like a blanket that surrounds the Earth. Ozone (O3) is the main gas in this layer.(1)______
Exercise 7. Put the sentences into the correct order to make a conversation. filters out the harmful rays of the sun allowing only the good rays, which give us light and heat, to reach
the Earth.
_____Recycling is important too. It reduces waste and saves resources.
The problem
_____Right, using less plastic is good. It helps keep our oceans clean. (2) _____ the 1980s, scientists discovered a large hole (3) _____the ozone layer over Antarctica. They found
_____That’s an easy thing to do. It saves electrictity and reduces pollution. that some chemicals people used (4) _____make aerosol sprays destroyed the ozone layer very quickly.
The effects
_____Hey, have you noticed how importan it is to take care of the environment?
As the hole in the ozone layer continues to grow, our planet (5) ______ be in danger. The temperature will
_____And we should also save energy by turning off lights when leave a room. rise and the sun’s rays will become very harmful to our skin and eyes. Animals (6) _____ plants will die and
_____True, when we recycle, we can make new things from old ones. some species may even become extinct.
The solution
_____Yeah, trees are like nature’s air purifiers. They absorb carbon dioxide.
Although a (7)______ of countries stopped using some of these harmful chemicals in 1987, the ozone layer
_____Definitely. One way we can help is by reducing our use of plastic.
continues to be in danger. Scientists are trying to find ways to help the ozone layer fix itself, (8) ______
_____Another thing is planting trees.Trees help clean the air. there is still a lot of work to do.
_____Yeah, it’s super important. We need to protect the Earth. Exercise 3.Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Light pollution is not (1)_____________ serious as water or air pollution. (2)_____________, it is the type of
pollution that (3)_____________ more in cities than in rural areas. In the past, we could sit out at night and
(4)_____________ at glittering stars in the sky and light from objects in the outer space. Nowadays, cities are
D READING covered with lights from buildings, streets, advertising displays, many of which direct the lights up into the

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sky and into many unwanted places. The real problem is that it is very (5)_____________ to apply light to There are several ways in which you can (1) ________ the environmental communitygroups, from running
almost everything at night. Millions of tons of oil and coal (6)_____________ to produce the power to light online awareness campaigns to offering practical help like beach clean-ups and fundraising events.
the sky. Eye strain, (7)_____________ of vision and stress are what people may get from light 2. Reduce and recycle paper
pollution.(8)_____________ light at night can harm our eyes and also harm the hormones that help US to (2) ________ do you do with your old textbooks and storybooks that you do notuse any more? Please
see things properly. donate them to juniors, or kids in your neighbourhood, or send them across to other areas where children
1. A. more B. as C. much D. only have (3) ________ or no access toeducational resources.
2. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Nevertheless Similarly, recycling unwanted paper will reduce the raw material demand for paper (4) ________ , thus
3. A. happen B. occur C. occurs D. is occurred conserving trees and forest ecosystems.
4. A. watch B. see C. spend D. gaze 3. Save resources
5. A. waste B. wastes C. wasting D. wasteful Do you know that only 0.03% of the 70% of water available to us is fresh water? That’s why saving water is
6. A. used B. using C. is used D. are used so (5) ________ for freshwater ecosystems. By doing simplethings like taking shorter showers, avoiding
7. A. lose B. lost C. loss D. losing small clothes wash, and turning your taps off while brushing, you can save gallons of water!
8. A. Very much B. Too much C. Too many D. So many 1. A. join B. assist C. provide D. introduce
Exercise 4. Read the text and choose the correct answer. 2. A. How B. Why C. Which D. What
3. A. little B. much C. many D. few
What is your water footprint? 4. A. need B. transport C. use D. production

A water footprint is the amount of water a person consumes each day. Your water footprint is the amount 5. A. difficult B. expensive C. important D. easy

of water you consume by your way of life. It (1) _______ the water that isused to make your clothes, the Exercise 6.Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
food you eat, and any other products you consume. passage.
So what can you do to reduce your water footprint? First, try changing some bad (2) _______ you have. Tropical forests have (1)___________ us with very many sorts of plants for food, (2)___________ and
Take a shower instead of a bath and turn off the tap while brushingyour teeth. Another important way to industry. They could probably supply man more. They also reduce (3)___________ and droughts, keep
(3) _______ water waste is not to waste food. Byeating all the food you buy, you help make the most of the water clean, and slow down the Greenhouse Effect, (4)___________ the tropical forests are(5)___________
water used to produce it. The less food you waste, the less water you waste. Finally, you should be aware destroyed to make(6)___________ for things like farms, ranches, mines and hydroelectric(7)___________.
of what foods and other products require a lot of water, to produce and make (4) _______ consumer About 20 million hectares are lost each year - an area more than twice the size of Austria. The World
choices.Knowing your water footprint and (5) _______ an effort to reduce it can really make adifference. Wildlife Fund is working to(8)___________ and save the forests that are(9)___________ danger; to plant
(Adapted from Smart Time) new trees for fuel wood and to slow down the Greenhouse Effect; and to (10)___________ governments to
1. A. includes B. does C. takes D. has think about the forests and their importance when giving international aid.
2. A. products B. habits C. goods D. feelings 1. A. given B. brought C. supplied D. donated
3. A. reuse B. recycle C. reduce D. remember 2. A. medicine B. hospitals C. doctors D. surgeons
4. A. wrong B. quick C. accurate D. smart 3. A. deserts B. floods C. heat D. hazards
5. A. doing B. having C. making D. running 4. A. so B. for C. because D. but
Exercise 5 .Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D. 5. A. have B. been C. being D. be
Our planet is our home, the very home that shelters us. Here are some ways that you can do to protect our 6. A. room B. rooms C. place D. places
planet Earth. 7. A. sources B. energy C. dams D. cables
1. Volunteer with environmental organisations 8. A. keep B. protect C. maintain D. hold
9. A. at B. within C. on D. in
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10. A. make B. let C. encourage D. influence Besides that, in several places, trees have been cut down to have room for buildings, hotels, or
Exercise 7.Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. supermarkets. This makes the atmosphere in our city mug and stuffy.
Pollution comes in different forms. Some of them are water pollution, air pollution, land pollution, and New words:
noise pollution. It’s a universal problem. This problem can only be solved when everybody makes an effort muggy (adi) nồm ẩm, oi bức
to do it. There are various things we can do to make our environment better. The simplest thing is to put stuffy (adi) ngột ngạt
rubbish into dustbins instead of littering the streets. We can reduce our daily waste too, and reduce the 1. What is not the reasons of environmental pollution?
amount of water and electricity we use. We should think of ways to reuse objects like bottles, cans, and A. high population density C. domestic waste
paper. A plastic bottle will take more than 500 years to decompose. So instead of throwing it away after you B. smoke and dust from vehicles D. the new drainage system
finish your drink, you can keep it in the kitchen for containing water, or in the garden for growing flowers. 2. What is the first reason of environmental pollution?
With some colourful paper and oil paint, you can also make beautiful toys from them. A. domestic waste C. population density
We can also collect recyclable objects and donate them for recycling. Each one of us should act B. smoke and dust from vehicles D. rubbish on streets
environmentally friendly so that others will follow us. Public places like parks, schools, train stations, ... 3. What is the synonym of the word "consciousness"?
will get cleaner if we start acting now. A. awareness B. unculture C. unconsciousness D. awakenes
1. Pollution comes in ________ forms. 4. Why vehicles cause air pollution?
A. just one B. various C. only four D. similar A. Vehicles make the atmosphere in our city muggy and stuffy.
2. To help make our planet Earth a better place, we need ________ effort. B. Because they expel a lot of smoke and dust.
A. individual’s B. enormous C. the government’s D. collective C. Because they consume too much gasoline.
3. Plastic bottles and cans take ________ to go. D. Because many people use motorbikes and cars nowadays.
A. tens of years B. a few years C. hundreds of years D. a century 5. How is the drain system in our city?
4. When people act environmentally friendly, others will ________ them. A. It’s very modern. C. it is new
A. protect B. follow C. praise D. look at B. It's downgrade. D. It is very old and downgrade
5. This passage is concerned with ________. Exercise 9. Read the text, and mark the sentences true (T), or false (F).
A. recycling C. the environment Switch to Green
B. water pollution D. environment protection In Australia it is now illegal to use traditional light bulbs. The whole country is changing to low energy
Exercise 8.Read the text then choose the best answer. bulbs for their lights. This will reduce the amount of energy that each home uses and will obviously be
better for the environment. And Australia is not the only country doing this. Will your country be next?
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using the new low energy bulbs? Of course, the main
In recent years the problem of environmental pollution has become a serious problem in big cities in our advantage is for the environment. If all houses in Viet Nam used these bulbs, the effects on the
country. So, what are reasons and possible measures for this problem? environment would be the same as taking three quarters of a million cars off the road. Cost is another
Nowadays, we are living in a city with high population density, so domestic waste is the first reason. advantage. If we changed all the bulbs in our houses, we could cut our energy bills by fifty percent.
Then many people's social consciousness is not high. In several areas, they throw rubbish on streets, canals There are a few disadvantages, however. The light that these bulbs give is not exactly the same as light
and rivers. It is easy for us to see rubbish of all kinds floating on the water. Moreover, uncultured people from traditional bulbs. It’s colder and whiter. Some people don’t like it very much. Also, the light doesn’t
even pee in the public place. come on immediately. After switching on the light you have to wait a short time. Another disadvantage for
Now, let's come to other reasons. Our city is overloaded with vehicles that expel a lot of smoke and some people is that at the moment you can’t make these bulbs give a stronger or weaker light by using a
dust. This contributes to the heat of the air, and causes pollution. special switch. But scientists say this will soon be possible.
But if we can help the environment by using these bulbs, are the disadvantages really such a problem?
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1. In Australia you can choose which bulbs to use. ______ to school. This will help you save money, get more exercise and, more importantly, you won’t pollute the
2. It’s expensive to use low energy bulbs. ______ air. Reuse and recycle and you will help the planet in a positive way.
3. It takes longer for the light to come on. ______ 1. Our planet is at risk. ____
4. The light from these bulbs is quite weak. ______ 2. People waste a lot of energy. ____
5. The light from traditional bulbs is different. ______ 3. We use too many aluminium cans. ____
Exercise 10.Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). 4. Pollution from a fan is 10 times greater than pollution from air conditioning. ____
There are many causes that lead to water pollution. One main cause of this issue is waste water coming 5. People use air conditioners more than fans. ____
from many factories and then being directly pulled out into water bodies, especially into rivers or seas 6. Rubbish ends up on mountain tops. ____
without any treatment because this is the most convenient way of disposing waste water. Industrial waste 7. It’s too late to change the situation. ____
consists of some kind of chemical substance such as sulphur, which is harmful to marine life. Lead is 8. Laptops waste electricity. ____
known as the main reason for cancer disease. Cancer has become a popular disease in several communes Exercise 12. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.
which are called “cancer villages”. Another cause is the awareness of citizens, people always use water for You can help protect the environment through wise shopping.
many purposes and then they dump waste water or garbage directly into rivers, canals, and ponds and so Firstly, buy sustainable products. Plastic is one of the most significant contributors to soil and water
on. In 2004, because of bird flu outbreak in Viet Nam, people threw poultry to water body that made water pollution, endangering both the land and water life. Fish and animals often eat plastic because they mistake
highly polluted. it as food. So, when you’re buying school supplies like folders and pens, or buying toys and home
1. Waste water from many factories which is dumped into water bodies directly causes water pollution. accessories, try to look for more eco-friendly alternatives. For example, buy a reusable bottle for water
2. Dumping waste directly into water is the most convenient way of disposing waste water. instead of bottled water. It’s not only cheaper but also much better for the environment.
3. Sulphur is believed the main reason for cancer. Secondly, only buy what you need. Think about your purchasing habits. Do you buy too many
4. Cancer villages occurred in 2004. products? Can you do without some of the things that you often buy? Are you a responsible consumer?
5. Due to lack of awareness, people poisoned water with dead poultry when there was bird flu outbreak in Simply buying more because of tempting offers or discounts will actually cost us and the environment
2004. more. By buying only what you need, you reduce the amount of waste, and thus pollution. As natural
▪ Your answer: resources are limited, our big consumption can contribute to exhausting them.
1. Why is plastic not environment-friendly?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2. What products should we look for when we buy school or home supplies?
Exercise 11.Read the text, and mark the sentences true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). 
Let’s Save Planet Earth Now 3. What may make people buy more than they need?
Our planet is in danger, and we are responsible for this situation. But it’s not too late. We will have to work 
together to help save our home. 4. What does big consumption lead to?
Did you know that man destroys 50 acres of rainforest every minute? If you throw away two 
aluminiumcans, you waste more energy than one billion of the world’s poorest people use in one day. Air 5. What does ‘eco-friendly’ mean?
conditioning uses 10 times more energy than a fan and so the pollution it creates is 10 times greater. There 
are mountains of rubbish everywhere, the Arctic ice cap is melting, animals are becoming extinct. Exercise 13.Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
So, what can we do to help? Surprisingly, it’s very easy, but we have to do a little every day, otherwise The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
things will never change. Save electricity: turn off lights, computers, laptops, and TVs when you don’t need Question: Where’s the biggest garbage dump in the world?
them. Don’t use air conditioning, use a fan instead. One of the best ways to help the planet is to ride a bike Answer: It’s in the North Pacific Ocean.
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Incredibly, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is bigger than the US. It was discovered in 1997 by Captain 
Charles Moore, who was sailing to California after a boat race. Moore told scientists that he’d seen millions 5. How can student readers help?
of plastic bottles, bags, and other trash in the water. He later published articles about his experience, and 
even presented YouTube videos.
Scientists discovered that the plastic in the ‘Patch’ was kept together by collecting plastic in its centre and Exercise 14.Read the text again then answer the questions below.
stopping it from escaping. The plastic breaks into tiny parts, until it looks like ‘plastic soup’. Non-
biodegradable materials, like metal and most kinds of plastic, aren’t very environmentally friendly because Pollution and its Negative Effects
they can last for hundreds of years. Pollution is the degradation of natural environment by external substances introduced directly or
Question: How was the Great Pacific Garbage Patch created? indirectly. Human health, ecosystem quality and aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity may be affected and
Answer: It was made by people like you and me. altered permanently by pollution.
Look around. How many plastic objects can you see right now? The average American uses around 190 Pollution occurs when ecosystems can not get rid of substances introduced into the environment.
pounds (86 kilograms) of plastic every year. Only around half of all plastic trash is buried in garbage The critical threshold of its ability to naturally eliminate substances is compromised and the balance of the
dumps. Plastic trash which isn’t buried often ends up in rivers and streams, and eventually reaches the ecosystem is broken.
ocean. The sources of pollution are numerous. The identification of these different pollutants and their
This plastic water pollution can hurt or kill sea animals, including endangered species. For example, rare effects on ecosystems is complex. They can come from natural disasters or the result of human activity,
loggerhead sea turtles sometimes eat plastic bags because they look like their favourite food jellyfish. such as oil spills, chemical spills nuclear accidents... These can have terrible consequences on people and
Plastic is dangerous for US, too. It’s eaten by fish, which we may then eat ourselves. Even more worryingly, the planet where they live: destruction of the biodiversity, increased mortality of human and animal
plastic stops sunlight from reaching algae, which then dies. Algae are very useful because they absorb species, destruction of natural habitat, damage caused to the quality of soil, water and air ..
harmful carbon dioxide gases (a major cause of global warming), and they also make up about 70 percent Preventing pollution and protecting the environment necessitate application of the principles of
of all the oxygen we breathe. sustainable development. We have to consider satisfy the needs of today without compromising the ability
Question: How can we solve the problem? of future generations to meet their needs. This means that we should remedy existing pollution, but also
Answer: We can’t! anticipate and prevent future pollution sources in order to protect the environment and public health. Any
Unfortunately, experts have said that it would be impossible to ‘clean’ the whole ocean. It’s too big. environmental damage must be punishable by law, and polluters should pay compensation for the damage
What we can do is teach people about the dangers of ocean trash. In 2010, David de Rothschild sailed from caused to the environment.
California to Australia in a boat which he called the Plastiki. It was made from 12,5000 plastic bottles. The 1. What is the pollution?
voyage was reported around the world and helped to publicize the problem. 
You can help too, by making sure you always put your trash in a bin. Use less plastic if you can. For 2. When does pollution occur?
example, use paper bags instead of plastic bags, and don't buy chewing gum. Not many people know this,

but it’s also made from plastic.
3. How is the sources of pollution?
1. Why was Captain Charles Moore sailing in the Pacific Ocean? 
 4. What can the pollutants of pollution be?
2. How does our plastic trash reach the ocean? 
 5. List three effects of pollution.
3. What living things sometimes eat plastic trash? 
 6. Should polluters pay compensation for the damage caused to the environment?
4. How did the voyage on the Plastiki help? 
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Exercise 15.Read the texts, and do the tasks that follow. B. It’s a time when people listen to Ian Kiernan’s talk about the environment.
Clean Up Australia Day C. It’s a period of time when people work together to achieve something good.
Grace Rees has recently taken part in Clean Up Australia Day. She spent the day collecting drinks Exercise 16.Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.
containers, sweet wrappers and small pieces of paper from a beach near her home.
Grace has been involved in this event for about five years now. ‘I’ve always done it with my school, but this California has 8 national parks and 20 national forests,
year my friends and I decided to register as our own group. We think it’s good not only to pick up the more than any other state. Yosemite National Park is one of
rubbish, but to bring people’s attention to the fact that there is a lot of rubbish out there. If you do it with the most visited parks. It is famous for its waterfalls and
friends and family, then it means you can have fun and do something useful at the same time. It’s an granite cliffs. Many rock climbers go to Yosemite to climb a
important thing to do. We have such a beautiful environment, and rubbish spoils it.’ rock wall named El Capitan. Point Reyes National Seashore
The first Clean Up Day event took place in Sydney in 1989, when Australian Ian Kiernan, who had just is on a peninsula north of San Francisco. It is a good place
sailed around the world, decided to take action for something he felt strongly about: the amount of plastic to see harbour seals, sea lions, and many kinds of birds.
pollution in ocean (1)____________. He was worried that the polluted seas were affecting sea Disneyland in Anaheim is another Californiatourist attraction. This large amusement park was created by
(2)____________and that this was leading to some of them becoming (3)____________. cartoonist Walt Disney. It features a fairyland castle, a haunted mansion, a jungle safari, and many other
The following year, the day became known as Clean Up Australia Day, and people all over the continent attractions and rides.
joined in to collect rubbish. Every year, more and more of the (4) ____________take part, and today it is one
of the most successful community events which improve the (5)____________. San Diego has a world-famous zoo. As you wander
In 2000, the event became Clean Up The World and over 40 million volunteers from over 120 countries took through its Rain Forest Aviary, brightly coloured tropical
pan IO change the look of the (6)____________, getting rid of huge amounts of rubbish. birds fly by. You will think you are on safari in its
Task 1. Read the last three paragraphs of the text, and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap. outdoor Wild Animal Park, north of San Diego. Sea
1. A. places B. habitats C. locations D. societies World in San Diego is a great place to watch whales and
2. A. creatures B. bodies C. pets D. things dolphins perform. California’s sunny climate, long
3. A. gone B. disappeared C. endangered D. warned coastline, andnatural beauty have made it the most
4. A. human B. person C. man D. population popular tourist state in the United States.
5. A. environment B. climate C. situation D. location 1. Yosemite National Park____________.
6. A. view B. scenery C. landscape D. picture A. is famous for its kinds of birds
Task 2. Read the text and choose the correct answers. B. is one of the 20 national parks in California
1. What is Grace’s attitude towards Clean Up Australia Day? C. interests rock climbers with its El Capitan, a rock wall
A. She doesn’t particularly enjoy the tasks she has to do. D. is created by a cartoonist
B. She thinks schools should allow students time off to take part in it. 2. San Francisco____________.
C. She sees it as an opportunity to tell other people about rubbish problems. A. is famous for its Point Reyes National Seashore
2. Ian Kiernan began the event because____________. B. has its special waterfalls and granite cliffs
A. he realised that some sea creatures had disappeared. C. has more wildlife than anywhere else in California
B. he thought people were using too much plastic D. attracts lots of young children
C. he noticed that other countries were much cleaner 3. Anaheim attracts many tourists with its____________.
3. Which comment best describes the Clean Up Australia Day event? A. El Capitan B. Wild Animal Park C. Sea World D. Disneyland
A. It’s a great day for the families to meet up to discuss their problems. 4. San Diego is worth visiting if you are____________.
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A. a newly-married couple C. an enthusiastic rock climber B. a person can do it in his home D. an average man produces compost for plants
B. an animal lover D. a movie fan 5. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.
5. Which of the following statements is true about California? A. recycling B. the number C. cutting down D. effort
A. It has the most national parks and forests of the US states.
B. Its Disneyland with the fairyland castle is the most famous national park.
C. It attracts lots of tourists with its modem life.
D. It is a peninsula north of the United States of America.
Exercise 17.Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Saving the Environment: One Home at a Time Exercise 1.Use the connector provided at the end of each group of sentences to combine them into one.
Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes. It comes from household 1. Everybody in the Green Team was present. We started cleaning the beach. (when)
chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste people produce and throw away. What can be 
done to stop this pollution? Surprisingly, a person can help save the environment by doing simple things. 2. You are brushing your teeth. Don’t let the water run. (while)
First, we need to recycle, which allows products to be used over and over again. Recycling can also reduce 
the number of trees cut down to produce paper products. It takes very little effort. It is not hard to place 3. The fire brigade got the news of the forest fire. They came. (as soon as)
plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans and paper in a bin. Anyone can do it. 
Second, we need to watch the amount of water used in the home. It can be conserved by taking short 4. We picked up all the litter in the stadium. The stadium was clean. (until)
showers instead of baths, repairing leaky faucets, using the dishwasher or washing machine only when 
fully loaded, or simply turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth. 5. He turned off all the lights and electric devices. He left the house. (before)
Third, we need to reduce waste. We need to recycle whenever possible, but should also try to use this 
waste effectively. For example, grass clippings and food scraps can be made into compost for plants. The 6. Phong was in New York. He stayed with his cousin. (when)
average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste every day, but we can reduce that amount by recycling and 
reusing. 7. We must join hands to save our environment. It’s too late! (before)
If we do our part in our own homes, we can help keep the planet from becoming more polluted. 
1. Pollution can be caused from the following sources except____________. 8. Hoa heard the news about the disaster. She phoned to tell me. (As soon as)
A. house chemicals C. wastes 
B. water from households D. water in rivers. 9. He realised he didn’t have enough cash with him. He didn’t buy the suit. (When)
2. Recycling can help us____________. 
A. never cut down trees C. place garbage bins easily 10. At 4 p.m. yesterday, my mother was cleaning the house. I was looking after myyounger brother. (while)
B. use products again and again D. produce more paper products following things except. 
3. In order to save water, we can do all of the____________. 11. You are in Ha Noi again. You must come and see us then. (when)
A. take short showers instead of baths 
B. repair leaky faucets 12. He finds somewhere to live. Then he’ll give his parents the address. (when)
C. fully use the washing machine 
D. turn the faucet off' while brushing your teeth 13. I do the shopping. Then I will come back home. (after)
4. Recycling helps to reduce waste because ____________. 
A. plants need to develop C. waste can be recycled and reused 14. It starts raining. Let’s go home before that. (before)
41 42
. .
 
15. She must apologise to him first. He won’t speak to her until then. (until) 33. He likes to watch TV. He gets home from work. (after)
 
16. You leave. I will make you a cup of tea. (before) 34. My cat hides under the sofa. It rains. (while)
 
17. She will stay at her aunt’s house. She is London. (while) 35. We finish our training. We will get a job. (after)
 
18. He has read the newspaper. I will borrow it from him. (as soon as) 36. The working conditions are good. Workers work better. (when)
 
19. I have decided the issue. I will let you know. (when) 37. The village will have no electricity. A new generator has been installed. (until)
 
20. They have built a new road. The traffic will be better. (when) 38. I saw an accident. I was waiting for my bus. (while)
 
21. The other passengers will get on the bus. We will leave. (as soon as) 39. The lake is calm. You can catch a lot of fish. (when)
 
22. I left the room. I turned off the lights. (before) 40. You learn to relax more. You won’t get good results. (until)
 
23. I won’t return my book to the library. I’ll finish my project. (until) Exercise 2.Write sentences with the cues given.
 1. The forests / disappear / if / cut down / too many trees.
24. He was making dinner. The frying pan caught on fire. (while) 
 2. Supermarkets / other shops / have to pay / huge fine / if / dump / rubbish / streets.
25. I finish my study. I will take a walk in the park. (as soon as)

 3. Environmental pollution / term / refer / ways / man / pollute / surroundings.
26. She was leaving the shop. She dropped a cartoon of eggs. (when) 
 4. most / people / not know / where / their / plastic / waste / go /.
27. He had never heard about Halloween. He took part in a Halloween party last year. (before) 

5. By the time/ leave/ cleaned/ everything/ campsite
28. Shakespeare died in 1616. He had written more than 37 plays. (before)

 6. My father/ taught/ how/ bike/ before/ bought/ one
29. Ms. Hoa won’t answer your email. She has some free time. (until) 
 7. You/ not/ cinema/ friends/ until/ finish/ homework
30. Susan chews her nails. She feels nervous. (whenever) 
 8. We/ many beautiful birds/ while/ fish/ lake
31. We will feel much older. We reach our 14th birthday. (when) 
 9. Remember/ turn/ light/ before/ go
32. He left for work. He had a cup of tea. (before) 
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10. We/ plant/ trees/ while our friends/ clean/ rubbish/ beach. E. After visting the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation park, we checked-in and rested a little.
 3. My mom doesn’t use plastic bags instead of reusable cloth bags to help protect the environment.
Exercise 3. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. A. My mom doesn’t use reusable cloth bags instead of plastic bags to help protect the environment.
1. destroy/ and/ habitats/ a lot of/ burning/ Cutting/ forests/ trees/ wildlife B. To help protect the environment, my mom avoids using reusable cloth bags.
 C. My mom doesn’t like plastic bags instead of reuable cloth bags to help protect the environment.
2. save/ of the year/to/ We/ things/ the earth/ continue/ should/ doing/ every day D. To help protect the environment, my mom doesn’t use plastic bags instead of reusable cloth bags.
 4. Jan’s father will be returning soon.
3. A volunteer/is/ protection/ organization/ my sister/ as/ for/ animal/ working/ an A. Jane’s father will soon returning to her.
 B. It is Jane’s father that is returning soon.
4. Reduce/ dumping/ we/ pollution/ waste/ should/ lakes and rivers/ avoid/ to/ C. It won’t be long before Jane’s father returns.
 D. It won’t be long before Jane’s father returns soon.
5. problems/ that/ global/ will/ think/ in the future/ people/ lots of/ warming/ cause 5. My sister was planting trees and my brother was picking up rubbish.
 A. My sister was planting trees but my brother was picking up rubbish.
6. arrives/ we’ll/ as soon as/ leave/ be able to/ taxi/ for/ the/ airport/ the B. My sister was planting trees while my brother was picking up rubbish.
 C. My sister was planting trees until my brother was picking up rubbish.
7. good ways/ recycled materials/ and/ are/ made from/ products/recycling/ protect/ buying/ D. My sister was planting trees and my brother was, too.
 Exercise 5. Write a short paragraph about the ways to protect the environment.
8. Life/ has/ air/ a/ on/ pollution/ harmful/ our/ effect

9. plastic bottles/ consumption/ should/ bags/ the/ of/ and/ single-use/ we/ products/ reduce/ like
 ------ THE END -----
10. visited/ I/ wildlife/ a lot/ last week/ learned/ Cuc Phuong National park/ about/ before/ I

Exercise 4. Circle A, B, C or D indicate the sentence that is closest meaning to the sentence given.
1. If we want to save wild animals, we need to stop all illegal hunting of them.
A. Hunting wild animals because we want to save them.
B. We won't save wild animals unless we stop all illegal hunting of them.
C. We want to save wild animals if we need to stop all illegal hunting of them.
D. We need to stop all illegal hunting wild animals when we can save them.
2. We checked-in and rested a little, and then we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation
B. We didn’t check-in and rested a little until we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation
C. We checked-in and rested a little as soon as we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation
D. After checking-in and resting a little, we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation park.
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32. renewable source (n) /rɪˈnuː.ə.bəl sɔːrs/ nguồn tái tạo
33. neighbourhood (n) /ˈneɪ.bɚ.hʊd/ láng giềng, vùng lân cận
34. marine (adj) /məˈriːn/ (thuộc) biển
● New words (Từ mới)
35. marine life (n) /məˈriːn laɪf/ hệ sinh thái nước
Word Type Pronunciation Meaning
36. ecosystem (n) /ˈe.koʊˌsɪs.təm/ hệ sinh thái
1. environment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪ.rən.mənt/ môi trường
37. absorb (v) /əbˈzɔːrb/ thẩm thấu
2. environmental (adj) /ɪnˌvaɪ.rənˈmen.t̬əl/ (thuộc) môi trường
38. concern (n) /kənˈsɝːn/ vấn đề, sự liên quan, mối quan tâm
3. protection (v) /prəˈtek.ʃən/ sự bảo vệ
39. substance (n) /ˈsʌbstəns/ chất
4. serious (adj) /ˈsɪr.i.əs/ nghiêm trọng
40. harm (v) /hɑːrm/ gây hại
5. pollution (n) /pəˈluː.ʃən/ sự ô nhiễm
41. harmful substance (n) /ˈhɑːmfl ˈsʌbstəns/ tác nhân gây hại
6. water pollution (n) /ˈwɑː.t̬ɚ pəˈluː.ʃən/ sự ô nhiễm nước
42. forest guard unit (n) /ˈfɔːr.ɪst ɡɑːrd ˈjuː.nɪt/ đơn vị bảo vệ rừng
7. habitat (n) /ˈhæb.ə.tæt/ môi trường sống
43. campsite (n) /ˈkæmp.saɪt/ địa điểm cắm trại
8. quality (n) /ˈkwɑː.lə.t̬i/ chất lượng
44. campfire (n) /ˈkæmp.faɪr/ lửa trại
9. global warming (n) /ˌɡloʊ.bəl ˈwɔːr.mɪŋ/ sự nóng lên toàn cầu
45. conical (adj) /ˈkɑː.nɪ.kəl/ hình nón
10. species (n) /ˈspiː.siːz/ loài
46. tornado (n) /tɔːrˈneɪ.doʊ/ bão táp, cơn lốc xoáy
11. dangerous (adj) /ˈdeɪn.dʒɚ.əs/ nguy hiểm
47. extinction (n) /ɪkˈstɪŋk.ʃən/ sự tuyệt chủng, tuyệt diệt
12. endangered (adj) /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒɚd/ bị đe dọa, có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
48. movement (n) /ˈmuːv.mənt/ cuộc vận động
13. endangered species (n) /ɪnˈdeɪn·dʒərd ˈspi·ʃiz/ động vật sách đỏ
49. wildlife (n) /ˈwaɪld.laɪf/ cuộc sống hoang dã
14. reduce (v) /rɪˈduːs/ giảm bớt
50. diverse (adj) /dɪˈvɝːs/ đa dạng
15. carbon footprint (n) /ˌkɑːr.bən ˈfʊt.prɪnt/ dấu chân cac-bon
51. coral (n) /ˈkɔːr.əl/ san hô
16. oxygen (n) /ˈɑːk.sɪ.dʒən/ khí oxy
52. dugong (n) /ˈduːɡɑːŋ/ cá cúi, bò biển
17. carbon dioxide (n) /ˌkɑːr.bən daɪˈɑːk.saɪd/ khí các bon đi ô xít
53. medicinal (adj) /məˈdɪs.ɪ.nəl/ (thuộc) thuốc, dùng làm thuốc
18. device (n) /dɪˈvaɪs/ thiết bị
54. heritage (n) /ˈher.ɪ.t̬ɪdʒ/ di sản, sự thừa kế
19. single -use (adj) /ˌsɪŋ.ɡəlˈjuːs/ để sử dụng một lần
55. resource (n) /ˈriː.zɔːrs/ nguồn
20. product (n) /ˈprɑː.dʌkt/ sản phẩm
56. natural (adj) /ˈnætʃ.ɚ.əl/ (thuộc) tự nhiên, thiên nhiên
21. plastic (adj) /ˈplæs.tɪk/ làm bằng chất dẻo
57. national (adj) /ˈnæʃ.nəl/ (thuộc) quốc gia
22. plastic bag (n) /ˈplæs.tɪk bæɡ/ túi nhựa
58. resident (n) /ˈrez.ə.dənt/ người dân, dân cư
23. plastic rubbish (n) /ˈplæs.tɪk ˈrʌb.ɪʃ/ rác thải nhựa
60. toxic (n) /ˈtɑːk.sɪk/ chất độc
24. litter (v) /ˈlɪt̬.ɚ/ vứt rác, xả rác
61. effect (n) /əˈfekt/ sự ảnh hưởng
25. volunteer (v) /ˌvɑː.lənˈtɪr/ tình nguyện, xung phong làm
62. effective (adj) /əˈfek.tɪv/ có hiệu quả, tác dụng
26. plant (v) /plænt/ trồng
63. consumption (n) /kənˈsʌmp.ʃən/ sự tiêu thụ
27. dump (v) /dʌmp/ đổ, vứt
64. independent (adj) /ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dənt/ độc lập, không phụ thuộc
28. waste (n) /weɪst/ chất thải
29. reuse (v) /ˌriːˈjuːz/ tái sử dụng • Note: 3Rs stands for Reduce -Reuse -Recycle

30. recycle (v) /ˌriːˈsaɪ.kəl/ tái chế ● Structures (Cấu trúc)

31. renewable (n) /rɪˈnuː.ə.bəl/ có thể tái tạo, phục hồi No structures/ collocations/ idioms/ phrasal verb Meaning
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1. Release into Thải ra, làm thoát ra
Ex: Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide into Vd: Các nhà máy điện than thải ra khí lưu huỳnh đi Words Meaning Related words
the atmosphere. ô xít. 1. pollution (n) sự ô nhiễm polluted(adj) pollutant (n)
2. Turn off Tắt cái gì đó( tắt ti vi,tắt điện) 2. movement (n) sự vận động move(v)
Ex: Please turn the television off before you go to bed. Vd: Hãy tắt ti vi trước khi bạn đi ngủ.) environmentalist(n) nhà môi trường học environment (n) environmental (adj)
3. Throw away Vứt cái gì không cần đi nữa 4. produce (n) sản phẩm product (n) production (n)
Ex: I threw the alarm clock away because it had Vd: Tôi vứt cái đồng hồ báo thức đi bởi vì nó đã 5. industry (n) công nghiệp, kĩ nghệ industrial (adj)
stopped working. ngừng hoạt động khá lâu rồi. 6. endanger (v) gây nguy hiểm endangered (adj)
4. Form of transport hình thức giao thông 7. diversity (n) tính đa dạng diverse (adj)
Ex: Bicylce is the greenest form of transport. Vd: Xe đạp là hình thức giao thông xanh nhất. 8. danger (n) sự nguy hiểm dangerous (adj) dangerously (adv)
5. Cut down chặt cây, giảm bớt số lượng
Ex: The farmer cut down the old banana tree in the Vd: Người nông dân cắt đi cây chuối già trong B. GRAMMAR:
garden. vườn. I. Complex sentences with adverb clauses of time. (Câu phức với mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian.)
6. Pick up Nhặt cái gì, đón (ai) 1. Complex sentence (câu phức)
Ex: We are going to pick up rubbish in the central Vd: Chúng tôi sẽ đi nhặt rác trong trong công viên a. Định nghĩa: là câu có một mệnh đề độc lập và ít nhất một mệnh đề phụ thuộc. Mệnh đề độc lập trong
park this weekend. vào cuối tuần này. câu là mệnh đề chính. Câu phức được sử dụng khi ta cần bổ sung thông tin để giải thích hoặc sửa đổi ý của
7. provide sth for sb Cung cấp cái gì cho ai mệnh đề chính trong câu.
Ex: The government must provide decent housing for Vd: Chính phủ phải cung cấp nhà tử tế cho người b. Ví dụ:
the poor. nghèo. Ex1: I took my dog to the vet because he was feeling sick.
8. Right after Ngay khi (Tôi đưa con chó của tôi đến bác sĩ thú y vì nó đang ốm.)
Ex: Right after you clean your bedroom, you need to Vd: Ngay khi con dọn phòng ngủ xong,con cần rửa ⇨ Mệnh đề chính: “I took my dog to the vet, mệnh đề phụ:” he was feeling sick” bổ nghĩa lý do tại sao”
wash the dishes. chén. tôi” phải đưa chó của mình đi khám.”
9. To raise awareness of Nâng cao nhận thức Ex2: After Mary ate snacks, she got a stomachache.
Ex: Con Dao national park helps raise the awareness Vd: Công viên quốc gia Côn Đảo giúp nâng cao ( Sau khi Mary ăn vặt, cô ấy đã bị đau bụng.)
of local residents about the importance of nature. nhận thức của cư dân địa phương về tầm quan trọng ⇨ Mệnh đề chính:” She got a stomachache”, mệnh đề phụ:” Mary ate snack” đã bổ nghĩa lý do tại sao” cô
của tự nhiên. ấy đau bụng.”
10. Effect on Tác động, ảnh hưởng lên cái gì 2. An adverb clause ( mệnh đề trạng ngữ)
Ex: Water pollution has a harmful effect on our life. Vd: Ô nhiễm nước tác động có hại lên cuộc sống của a. Định nghĩa: Là mệnh đề có chức năng ngữ pháp của một trạng ngữ (bổ nghĩa cho một mệnh đề khác).
chúng ta. Các mệnh đề trạng ngữ được gọi là mệnh đề phụ (là những mệnh đề không diễn tả được một ý trọn vẹn và
11. Be harmful to Có hại cho không thể đứng độc lập.)
Ex: Eating too much fast food is harmful to your Vd: Ăn quá nhiều thức ăn nhanh có hại cho sức b. Ví dụ:
health. khỏe của bạn. Ex: When I finish studying, I will go abroad. ( Khi tôi học xong, tôi sẽ ra nước ngoài.)
12. Be rich in Dồi dào, phong phú ⇨ Nếu chỉ để mệnh đề trạng ngữ” When I finish studying”, thì câu sẽ không rõ nghĩa.
3. An adverb clause of time (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian)
▪ Word form:

3 4
. .
a. Định nghĩa: là những mệnh đề bắt đầu bởi các liên từ chỉ thời gian như: while (trong khi, trong lúc),
when (vào lúc, khi), one, as soon as (ngay khi mà), till, until (cho đến khi), by the time, before (trước khi), after ● Thì quá khứ đơn
(sau khi), since (kể từ khi), as long as, so long as ( chừng nào mà),…
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
b. Ví dụ:
Ex1: When Mark was 13 years old, he went to Korea. when

(Khi Mark 13 tuổi, anh ấy đã đến Hàn Quốc.) until

Ex2: I will phone you as soon as I finish my work. S + V (simple past) as soon as S + V (simple past)

(Tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn ngay khi tôi hoàn tất công việc của mình.) before

Ex3: My father was talking on the phone while my mother was helping my sister with her homework. after

(Bố tôi đang nói chuyện điện thoại trong khi mẹ tôi đang giúp em gái làm bài tập về nhà.) Examples:
c. Vị trí của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian. - He said goodbye before he left.
- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian có thể được đặt ở đầu câu hoặc cuối câu. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời - My father went home as soon as he finished work at the office.
gian đặt đầu câu sẽ được ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phẩy. - She cried after she received that award.
Ex1: When Jennie was in Paris, she attended Paris Fashion Week.
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
(Khi Jennie đến Paris, cô ấy đã tham dự Tuần Lễ Thời Trang Paris.)
Ex2: He’ll wait here until she comes back. ( Anh ấy sẽ đợi ở đây cho đến khi cô ấy quay lại.) S + V (past continuous) when S + V (simple past)
d. Cách phối hợp động từ ở mệnh đề chính với trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian Examples:
● Thì hiện tại đơn - Lily was talking on the phone when Linda came.
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time - They were having dinner when he arrived.

when Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time

after S + V (present perfect) since S + V (simple past)
S + V (s.future)/be going to before S + V (simple present)
as soon as
- I have played badminton since 7 years ago.
- They haven’t met Bob since we left school.
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
- Andy will come soon. When he comes, we’ll see him.
- We’ll be able to leave for the station as soon as the bus arrives. S + V (past perfect) by the time S + V(simple past)
- Lisa will go to bed after she finishes her homework. before
● Thì hiện tại hoàn thành Examples:
Main clause conjunctions Adverb clause of time - He had explained everything clearly by the time we started our project.
- I had left before he came.
S + V (s.future)/be going to after S + V (present perfect)
● Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
- John will go home after he has finished his work.
- Lan will work for her uncle’s company after she has graduated from college. S + V (past continuous) while S + V(past continuous)

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- Với âm /b/ chúng ta để lưỡi thả lỏng như bình thường, trong khi với âm /k/ chúng ta co cuống lưỡi
lại, chạm vào phần ngạc mềm để chặn luồng khí trong miệng.
- Phát âm âm /b/ làm rung dây thanh trong cổ họng nhưng âm /k/ thì không.
- I was reading a book while my mother was cooking dinner.
- Peter and I were doing our homework while Alex and my brother were playing chess. D. PRACTICE

C. PHONICS: Sound /bl/ and /kl/

I. Cách phát âm
● Âm/bl/ được tạo ra bởi 2 âm/b/ và /l/
- /b/: mím nhẹ hai môi lại và nâng phần ngạc
Exercise 1. Read the following words and put them in the correct column.
mềm để chặn luồng hơi trong khoang miệng, rồi
blue clock blossom blur block
mở miệng bật hơi từ phía trong ra. Khi phát âm,
circle blink bleed classic bicycle
dây thanh sẽ rung lên.
blank class club black table
- /l/: để đầu lưỡi chạm vào lợi của hàm răng trê.
blonde clown close clerk click
Khi phát âm, luồng hơi sẽ đi qua khoảng trống
giữa lưỡi vá khoang miệng ra ngoài.
/bl/ /kl/
- Kết hợp từ âm/b/ sang âm/l/ chúng ta được
cụm phụ âm/bl/ -blue blossom black -circle clock classic

• Âm /kl/ được kết hợp bởi 2 âm /k/ và /l/ - table blink block - bicycle click clerk
-blank bleed blur blonde -class clown club close
• - /k/: mở miệng, cuống lưỡi co lại, chạm vào
phần gạc mềm hay là phần trong cùng của vòm Exercise 2. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
miệng để chặn luồng khí trong miệng. Sau đó, bật
1. A. rubbish B. product C. rubric D. cutting
mạnh luồng khí ra khỏi miệng mà không làm
2. A. pool B. footprint C. school D. tool
rung dây thanh trong cổ họng.
3. A. cooked B. accomplished C. hissed D. gained
• - /l/ để đầu lưỡi chạm vào lợi của hàm răng 4. A. warming B. protecting C. littering D. carbon
trên. Khi phát âm, luồng hơi sẽ đi qua khoảng 5. A. pause B. laugh C. clause D. cause
trống giữa lưỡi vá khoang miệng ra ngoài. 6. A. quality B. improve C. condition D. serious
7. A. species B. recycle C. ecosystem D. renewable
• - Kết hợp từ âm/k/ sang âm/l/ chúng ta được
cụm phụ âm/kl/ 8. A. polluted B. reduced C. washed D. danced
9. A. pictures B. watches C. buses D. brushes
10. A. litters B. dreams C. belongs D. plants
II. sự khác nhau giữa /bl/ và/kl/ 11. A. reuses B. causes C. recycles D. changes
● Về mặt âm thanh: Sự khác biệt của cụm phụ âm /bl/ xuất phát từ sự khác biệt của vị trí môi và lưỡi 12. A. hour B. harmful C. honest D. exhibition
khi bật hơi phát âm âm /b/ và /k/ 13. A. campsite B. plastic C. tornado D. land
- Khi phát âm âm /b/ chúng ta mím môi nhẹ, còn âm /k/ chúng ta cần mở miệng. 14. A. entertain B. rain C. air D. train

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15. A. produce B. pollute C. nature D. reduce 13. The apple tree is covered in blossom.
16. A. mention B. question C. action D. education 14. He became completely blind after the car accident.
17. A. speech B. chatting C. cheer D. chemistry 15. She works as a clerk in an office.
18. A. unknown B. united C. universe D. university 16. She has long blonde hair.
19. A. end B. effect C. extinction D. upset 17. It’s difficult to buy this black blender here.
20. A. forest B. toxic C. resource D. coral 18. Spring is the best time to see bluebells in blossom
Exercise 3. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. conversation B. entertainment C. invironment D. information
2. A. serious B. habitat C. quality D. protection B VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR
3. A. reduce B. species C. device D. reuse
4. A. product B. absorb C. concern D. marine Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and write the name of the activities.
5. A. recycle B. tornado C. ecosystem D. renewable
6. A. coral B. dugong C. resource D. effect ecosystem harmful substance 3Rs plastic rubbish
7. A. diverse B. wildlife C. toxic D. campfire carbon footprint single-use tree planting endangered species
8. A. movement B. conical C. extinction D. heritage marine life extinction industrial waste dumping site
9. A. mission B. protect C. substance D. plastic
10. A. oxygen B. dangerous C. neighbourhood D. endangered
11. A. environment B. participate C. interaction D. conditional
12. A. medicinal B. volunteer C. dioxide D. surrounding
13. A. litter B. global C. carbon D. release
14. A. enjoy B. suffer C. study D. differ
15. A. apology B. geography C. experience D. preparation
Exercise 4.Underline the duster /bl/ and double underline the duster /kl/ in the following sentence then read
aloud the sentences.
1. I went for a walk around the block.
2. Cats are very clean animals. 1. endangered species 2.carbon footprint 3. single-use 4. ecosystem
3. The teacher blamed me for the accident.
4. My father usually has a cup of black coffee for breakfast.
5. He was climbing up the wall.
6. Today she is wearing a white silk blouse.
7. Is our hotel close to the beach?
8. If you can't answer the question, leave a blank.
9. His eyes were bright blue.
5.harmful substance 6. marine life 7. extinction 8. 3Rs
10. I went to the table tennis club yesterday.
11. Mai and Phong are in the same class.
12. Do you like classical music?
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few of that type alive
4. extinction D. the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives
5. pollution E. used to cure illnesses
6. global warming F. including many different types of people or things.
7. resident G. related to the sea or sea transport
8. renewable H. a situation in which something no longer exists.
9. diverse I. damage caused to water, air, ect by harmful substances or waste.
9. tree planting 10. industrial waste 11.dumping site 12. plastic rubbish
10. recycle J. a person who lives or has their home in a place.
11. endangered species K. a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature generally due to the
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1 greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and
1. They are trying to protect endangered species such as saolas, dugongs, lynxes, wolfs and several species other pollutants.
of the vulture. 12. marine L. are natural ones such as wind, water, and sunlight which are always
2. Industrial waste is one of the causes of air pollution. avaiable.

3. Tree planting improves wildlife habitat connectivity, supports biodiversity and and removes harmful
pollutants from the air.
1.D 2.E 3.A 4.H 5.I 6.K 7.J 8.L 9. F 10.B 11.C 12.G
4. An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from extinction.
5. Science tells us that healthy ecosystems provide humans with things like food, clean water, clean air,
and protection from natural disasters. Exercise 4. Complete the correct answer A ,B ,C or D.
6. We should all go green by practising the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle, which is always encouraged by 1. To save our earth, I use cloth bags for shopping, not ________ ones.
environmentalists. A. green B. paper C. cheap D. plastic
7. A harmful substance is anything that is contaminated and threatens the safe of man. It can be in the 2. In my family, we put food waste and objects for ________ in different bins.
form of food, water, drugs, fruits, ect… A. using B. recycling C. toys D. reducing
8. Volunteers gather garbage and plastic rubbish for recycling. 3. An example of _________ is the forest in which all the plants and animals work toform a suitable habitat
9. Although single-use plastic products are convenient, they are detrimental to the environment. for all.
10. A dumping site is a ground for the disposal of waste materials. A. habitat B. area C. ecosystem D. condition
11. Marine life means any type or species of saltwater fish, shellfish, mollusks, coral, or other marine 4. ________ should be far from residential areas.
animals. A. Plastic rubbish C. Industrial waste
12. Carbon footprint is a term that represents the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) B. Dumping sites D. Forests
released into the atmosphere. 5. Our project aims to promote the ________ to make our planet Earth healthy.
Exercise 3. Match the words in column A to the correct meanings in column B. A. 3Rs B. pollution C. industry D. reduction
A B 6. To help save the environment, look for ________ products when you go shopping.
1. habitat A. a strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down spinning A. eco-friendly B. cheap C. single-use D. plastic
cone and is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground. 7. ________ unwanted paper will reduce the raw material demand for paper production.
2. medicinal B. to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce useful materials A. Throwing away B. Recycling C. Burning D. Collecting
that an be used again. 8. Please put rubbish into dust bins instead of ________ the streets.
3. tornado C. a type of animal or plant that might stop existing because there are only a A. cleaning B. dirty C. dropping D. littering
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9. You can learn to appreciate the ________ around you by participating in outdooractivities. A. increasingly B. increasing C. increase D. increased
A. natural resources C. trees 24. Awareness of environmental damage from ______________ bags is growing.
B. habitat D. endangered species A. simple-use B. single-uses C. single-use D. single-used
10. We organise a Clean and Grow Day each month to make our neighbourhood a ______ place to live.
25. They announced an analys is of the carbon ______________ of leading companies.
A. spacious B. friendly C. convenient D. urban
A. spaces B. contents C. emissions D. footprints
11. Water ________ can kill a lot of water life like fish and plants.
26. The CCTV cameras are intended to reduce ______________ in the area.
A. pollution B. use C. source D. supply
12. The factory dumps a lot of ________ into the river and pollutes it. A. untidiness B. emptiness C. littering D. dropping
A. materials B. products C. rubbish D. water 27. She studies mountain gorillas in their natural______________.
13. Saving energy reduces air pollution and greenhouse gases. The less we pollute our environment, the A. habitual B. habitat C. living D. place
more we ______ global warming. 28. This region is the ______________ of many species of wild flowers.
A. develop B. endanger C. prevent D. damage A. home B. house C. household D. homework
14. When the earthquake happened, the children ________ a picnic at the campsite. 29. The restaurant has a ______________ menu that includes dishes from all over the world.
A. had B. were having C. are having D. would have A. different B. various C. diverse D. diversity
15. Scientists are developing better systems to make ________ about natural disasters. 30. ______________ in the area includes deer, bears, and eagles.
A. warnings B. predictions C. advices D. notices A. Wildfire B. Wild life C. Wildly D. Wildlife
16. The teacher was correcting our papers ________ we were drawing our illustrations. 31. Their main goal is to promote environmental______________.
A. though B. as soon as C. before D. while A. loss B. problem C. issue D. protection
17. The environment becomes helpless in protecting us if we disturb its natural ________ and force it to 32. Unfortunately, fertilizers from surrounding farmland has reduced the _________ life.
harm us. A. marine B. sea C. water D. lake
A. cycle B. event C. arrangement D. agreement 33. They were fined for illegally ______________ waste into the river.
18. _________is the gradual increase of temperature on the earth’s surface because of greenhouse effect. A. treating B. dumping C. dealing with D. creating
A. Global warming B. Climate change C. Natural habitats D. Extreme weather 34. The air becomes polluted ________ we release too much carbon dioxide into it.
19. We can raises awareness ______protecting environment by using social media. A. before B. while C. until D. when
A. from B. on C. for D. of 35. How long did the villagers have to wait ________ the rescue team arrived?
A. while B. before C. after D. as soon as
20. Do you think we are doing enough to _______wild animals?
36. ________ my family applied the Save Our Energy rules, our monthly use of electricitywent down.
A. prevent B. protect C. promote D. predict
A. Until B. After C. While D. Till
21. Many ______ species have been saved thanks to community efforts.
37. You can’t camp here ________ you get a permit from the local authorities.
A. dangerous B. endangered C. generous D. natural A. until B. when C. after D. as soon as
22. Air pollution is a ________ problem in many major cities. 38. ________ we put dustbins in public places, we saw the difference. There was muchless littering.
A. practical B. global C. endangered D. serious A. While B. As soon as C. Till D. Before
23. Environmental pollution is becoming an ________serious problem that needs to be taken care of as soon 39. Toxic waste from nuclear plants is hazardous to the environment. What is the closest word of the
as possible. underlined word?

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A. troublesome B. poisonous C. grievous D. panic A. reason B. right C. action D. damage
40. Many wildlife animals are highly endangered these days. What is the opposite word of the underlined 2. It is found that endangered species are often concentrated in areas that are poor and densely populted,
word? such as much of Asia and Africa.
A. at risk B. recommended C. safe D. expensive A. disappeared B. threatened C. increased D. reduced
41. I will call you before I _______ over. 3. Many schools provide environment education to raise student’s awareness of conservation needs.
A. come B. will come C. will be coming D. came A. effort B. benefit C. exploitation D. knowledge
42. After she graduates, she ________ a job. 4. With its various activities, the Camp has set up a stronger regional identity by raising youth’s
A. got B. will get C. had got D. get awareness of Southeast Asia’s history and heritage.
43. When I ________ him tomorrow, I will ask him. A. heredity B. tradition C. culture D. bequest
A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. see 5. Elephants will become extinct if man continues killing them.
44. As soon as it _______ raining, we will leave. A. die out B. die down C. die of D. die away
A. stops B. stop C. had stop D. stopped 6. She is eighteen, so by law her father cannot prevent her marriage.
45. By the time he comes, we will have already _________. A. fail B. defeat C. avoid D. forestall
A. leave B. leaving C. left D. leaves 7. When the laser strikes the chemicals, it releases a form of oxygen that kills cancer cells.
46. The next time I go to New York, I am going _________ a ballet. A. contains B. vaporizes C. gives out D. omits
A. seeing B. see C. saw D. to see 8. Don't be concerned about your mother's illness; she’ll recover soon.
47. - There was no death in the flood yesterday. - ____________ A. surprised at B. worried about C. embarrassed at D. angry with
A. That’s shocking! B. Oh, man! C. How crazy! D. That’s a relief! 9. The air is naturally polluted by foreign matter such as plant pollens and dust.
48. - What do you mean by ‘single-use’? - ________ A. contaminated B. occupied C. filled D. concentrated
A. Be used once only and then thrown away. 10. It was great to see monkeys in their natural habitat.
B. I will recycle single-use things. A. sky B. home C. forest D. land
C. I rarely use this word. 11. The ecosystem in Con Dao National Park is very varied with thousans of species, including marine
D. It’s an adjective. animals
49. - __________________________ A. portable B. diverse C. familiar D. durable

- It’s a place where a type of plant or animal lives. Exercise 6. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
A. Could you show me the zoo? C. What does ‘habitat’ mean?
B. What makes up a habitat? D. Have you ever visited a habitat? 1. There is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the environment.
50. What can you do to help protect the environment? - _________________ A. attraction B. speculation C. ease D. consideration
A. I support environmental protection. 2. Pure water is often a fairly rare commodity that requires significant energy to produce.
B. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. A. Contaminated B. Clean C. Unadulterated D. Flawless
C. I’ve tried to learn about environmental protection. 3. Walking or cycling is a counterpro-ductive way to reduce your carbon footprint.
D. It’s important we do. A. desolate B. unproductive C. barren D. effective
4. The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
Exercise 5. Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
A. pollute B. destroy C. eliminate D. protect
5. Toxic waste from nuclear plants is hazardous to the environment.
1. Air pollution is a major cause of diseases or even lung cancer.
A. safe B. poisonous C. grievous D. panic
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6. He didn't seem in the least concerned for her safety. 5. Habitat loss is occurring all around the world, and it’s damaging or destroying ecosystems.
A. passionate B. ready C. indifferent D. stolen 6. The company says it is responsible for the pollution in the river.
7. What would happen to man's health if the water rsources were polluted? 7. Flying is the biggest contribution to our carbon footprint.
A. refined B. contaminated C. destroyed D. poisoned 8. About 60-70 per cent of corals growing close to the shore were broken and carried ashore.
8. His policies were beneficial to the economy as a whole. 9. He got a ticket and was fined for littering.
A. good B. crude C. harmful D. harmless 10. The project has tried to maintain the biological diversity of this rainforest.
9. We should reduce the comsumption of single-use products like plastic bottles and bags. Exercise 9.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
A. unrecyclable B. multipurpose C. non-returnable D. disposable
reduce raise practise play turn off
10. Cutting trees and burning forests destroy a lot of wildlife habitats.
A. Reducing B. Decreasing C. Carving D. Planting release avoid volunteer save pick up
11. Many wildlife animals are highly endangered these days. 1. We all need to do our part to save the planet.
B. at risk B. recommended C. safe D. expensive 2. Try to avoid foods which contain a lot of fat.
Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 3. Please turn off the television before you go to bed.
4. The factory had released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.
ecosystem global loss renewable
5. By practising the 3 Rs, we can save resources for the future, and reduce the amountof waste.
habitat environment harmful substances wildlife
6. They will require car makers to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 30%.
1. People were concerned that pets or wildlife could be affected by the pesticides. 7. I volunteered to help clean up the beach last week.
2. Our planet earth has a natural environment, known as ecosystem, which includes all humans, plant 8. The volunteers tried to pick up litter on the rivers.
life, mountains, atmosphere, rocks, galaxy, massive oceans, and seas. 9. The campaign has succeeded in raising public awareness of the issue.
3. Water pollution occurs when harmful substances- often chemicals or microorganisms -pollute a body 10. Schools play an important role in society.
of water. Exercise 10. Complete the sentences using the Simple Future tense form of the verbs.
4. The panda’s natural habitat is the bamboo forest. 1. While I (study) was studying for my exam, my roommate was playing music loudly in the next room.
5. The probable result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels. 2. After I (complete) have completed my work, I will go for a relaxing walk in the park.
6. The two most common renewable energy sources used today are wind and solar, but others will 3. As soon as the taxi (arrive) arrives, they will be able to leave for the airport.
become more common in the near future. 4. Lan and Mai will go to bed after they (finish) finish their work.
5. Ken is going to wait right here until Jessica (come) comes.
7. The government told that they would do more to protect the environment.
6. The last time that I went to Korea, I (visit) visited Namsan Tower.
8. Many endangered species are at risk of disappearing due to habitat loss and illegal hunting.
7. Bill will get home at 5:30. After he gets home, I (have) will have dinner.
Exercise 8.Complete the sentences with the words given.
8. As soon as he finished the article, he (punish) published it.
protection littering corals species ecosystem
9. While I was going to school, I (meet) met my friend.
pollution habitat diversity footprint loss 10. I (work) have worked here since I graduated
Exercise 11 .Complete each sentence with a word or a phrase from the box.
1. Pollution can have serious effects on the balanced ecosystem.
2. Businesses have a major role in environmental protection. extinction environmental issue bargain
3. With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat. natural disaster shopping list
4. The sea turtle is an endangered species. 1. You should make a shopping list before you do your shopping.
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2. Since the Industrial Revolution, waste has been a major environmental issue everywhere. 7. I felt surprised G. until you are ready - 1 can’t go without you.
3. People bargain a lot at a village market.
8. We have to wait here H. before she goes out.
4. An endangered species is a plant, animal or other organism that is threatened by extinction.
5. – What natural disaster involves rocks and mud coming down hills or mountains? 9. Take a message I. it is too late.

- It’s a landslide. 10. I will wait J. when you have had something to eat.
Exercise 12.Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
● Your answer:
1. (Before / When / While) she is ready, we will leave.
1. F 2.H 3.D 4.A 5.I 6.J 7.B 8.E 9.C 10.G
2. I’ll send you a text message (until / as soon as / before) I hear from Nam.
3. (Before / After / While) she goes, she will turn off all the computers.
Exercise 14. Fill in each blank with a correct preposition.
4. I’ll go online (while / as soon as / until) I get home.
1. We need to raise awareness of environment problems so that we can find ways to protect nature.
5. (After /Before/ While) we receive your confirmation email, we will send you a link to download the
2. Pollution can have serious effects ___on_____the balance of ecosystem.
3. People are becoming more aware ___of_____environmental issues.
6. I have to wait (while / before / until) my mum comes home.
4. The new road will cause a loss ____in_____the beauty of landscape.
7. (Before / Until / When) Mr. Tan phones, please let me know.
5. Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide __into____the atmosphere.
8. Let’s play with the children (after / until / while) it is time to go.
6. Technology is already playing a key role in environmental protection.
9. He will send them an email (before/ until / as soon as) he arrives in London.
7. There is a nice play area _for_ the children.
10. I will give you my reply (before / by / this time) I leave this afternoon
8. The regions are home __to_____ bears and mountain lions.
11. I’ll stay here (while / before/ until) Jack gets back and we’ll go together.
9. I’d like to emphasise the importance ____of____ protecting endangered species.
12. (When / Before / Until) you read his stories, you know that he’s a good writer.
10. Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped into the river.
13. You are too young to understand. I will explain it to you (when / before / while) you are older.
11. Orange juice is rich __in____ vitamin C.
14. The children will want to go swimming (before / as soon as / until) they see the river.
12. The pools provide a rich habitat ___for____ water plants.
15. The plane won’t take off (after / until / while) the clouds go off.
13. Americans throw__away____ twenty-eight and a half million tons of plastic in landfills every year.
16. He will give you a job (when / before / until) you have enough qualifications.
14. Sometimes toxic substances flow ___into___ river from factories.
17. I will finish my homework (before / until / as soon as) my father arrives home late this evening.
15. The volunteers have provided free food and fresh water ___for_____ homeless people since yesterday.
18. I will do the next task (as soon as / before / by the time) I have finished the first one.
Exercise 15. Write the correct form of the word in brackets.
19. Mother to her son: I won’t let you watch TV (before / when / until) you finish your homework.
1. The river is heavily polluted (POLLUTE)
20. He usually surfs the Internet on his smartphone (before / after / while) he is waiting for the bus.
Exercise 13.Match the clauses in the two columns to form complex sentences. 2. Everybody can do something to make our neighbourhood green. (NEIGHBOUR)
3. Could your group do a presentation on what we students can do to protect our environment?
1. I'll phone you when A. when you see him - he looks so different.
2. I want to see Mai B. when she got the job.
4. Last night I watched a documentary about some endangered species in Asia. (ENDANGER)
3. I'll tell you about our holiday C. when someone phones me. 5. The factory dumps its industrial waste right into the river without treating. (INDUSTRY)
4. You won’t recognise him D. when I come back. 6. The music club made so much noise that the residents complained to its owner. (RESIDE)
5. We must do something before E. until the weather is nice. 7. Are all types of pollution harmful to the health of humans and animals? ( HARM)
8. The Environmentalists are concerned about the oil spills in the East Sea. (ENVIRONMENT)
6. You’ll feel better F. I get home from school.
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9. If we use water carefully, more people will have fresh water. (CARE) A B C D
10. You should never buy products made from endangered animals. ( PRODUCE) 13. I am going to speak with the boss when the meeting end ( ends)
11. A new series of educational programmes shows the importance of wildlife to humans. (IMPORTANT) A B C D
12. Animals should be kept in their natural habitats. (NATURE) 14. Peter realized he had forgotten to knock on the door before he had left school. ( after)
13. Earth Hour has grown to become an international movement for the environment. (MOVE) A B C D
14. We think it’s very dangerous that you’re climbing the mountain alone. (DANGER) 15. Before leaving, you should turn on the light to save energy. ( turn off)
15. The ecosystem in Con Dao National Park is very diverse with thousands of species. ( DIVERSITY) A B C D
16. This law provides protection for threatened animals and plants. (PROTECT)

Exercise 16. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. C LISTENING
1. I cycle or walk to school every day instead of let my father drive me there. ( letting)
A B C D Exercise 1: Listen to the recording and choose the best answer.
2. An ecosystem in Con Dao National Park is diverse with thousands of species. ( the) ● Dialog 1:
A B C D 1. What does Tom’s dad want to throw away?
3. Many factories and hospitals are dumping toxic substances into rivers and lake. ( lakes) A. a bottle B. a can C. a bin
2. What will Tom do with his can?
A. give it to his dad B. take it home C. throw it in the bin
4. Before we reduce the use of single-use products, we help protect the environment. ( when)
● Dialog 2:
3. Tom’s dad says some animals become extint because of……
5. Wildlife habitats cannot be saved until we stop cutting down trees while burning forests. ( and) A. other animals B. changing climate C. museums
A B C D 4. Tom’s dad says ……… can cause climate change.
6. If you saw litter on the street, pick it up and throw it in a rubbish bin. ( see) A. the sun B. too many animals C. air pollution
A B C D ● Dialog 3:
7. Natural disasters cause usually serious damage to our property and the environment. ( usually cause) 5. What does Tom want to be when he grows up?
A. an environmentalist B. a bird watcher C. an actor
6. Tom says he wants to ………
8. Earth Day is a day when many people gather to plant trees and cleaning up parks. ( clean up)
A. Find frogs and birds B. protect animals C. make money
9. Habitats of dangerous animals are damaged by human activities. ( endangered) - Dialog 1:
A B C D Dad: Tom, where can I throw away this bottle?
10. Con Dao National Park is rich animal species and is important for their preservation. ( rich in) Tom: You can put it in the recycle bin.
A B C D Dad: Oh, right! I forgot!
11. Saving natural resources is of great important to every country. ( importance) Tom: And I'll use the other bin for my can.
- Dialog 2:
Tom: Dad, why do animals become extinct?
12. I’ll go to supermarket after my mother will come home. ( comes)
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Dad: Well, often it's because of climate change. ● Pick up rubbish, bottles, and (2) plastic bags
Tom: What causes that? ● Water small trees and flowers
Dad: Sometimes air pollution causes it . Donation Team Collect used items
- Dialog 3: (3) Sort the items and put them into correct bags.
Tom: Do you know what I want to be when I grow up? Media Team (4) Post photos of the event on the club’s website
Dad: Let me guess.... an actor? Make (5) suggestions for the club’s future activities.
Tom: No, an environmentalist!
Dad: Wow! That's great! Why Tapscripts:
Tom: Because I want to protect wildlife. Welcome to our club meeting. As you know, we are organising a Go Green Weekend event next Sunday.
Exercise 2: Listen to the recording and choose the best answer. Before presenting the event schedule, let me briefly tell you about the teams and activities. There will be
three teams. Each team will take care of one specific task.
1. What do many politicians and scientists consider to be the biggest danger we face?
The Clean-up Team will be responsible for cleaning the central park in our town. They will pick up
A. Global warming. B. Deforestation. C.Pollution. D. Overpopulation.
rubbish, bottles, plastic bags, anything that's lying around. They will also water small trees and flowers
2. How is climate change affecting different species?
in the park.
A. They are becoming more numerous. C. They are dying.
The Donation Team will collect used items from local people. Then they will have to sort and put them
B. They are moving to new habitats. D. They are growing larger.
into the correct bags. This will make delivery much easier and will also help reach the people who need
3. What is happening to the ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctica due to climate change?
these items quickly.
A. They are growing thicker. C. They are shifting to new locations
The Media Team will be responsible for reporting on the event. They will take photos of the activities
B. They are melting. D. They are causing sea levels to drop.
during the event and post them on the club's website. They will also write a report which will
4. How is climate change affecting our weather?
summarise the results of the event and make suggestions for other club activities in the future.
A. It is making it rain less. C. It is making places warmer or colder.
B. It is causing less wind. D. It is making earthquakes more common.
5. What can individuals do to help combat climate change? Exercise 4. Listening to the passage and fill in the missing words.
A. Drive more cars. C. Cut down on things that produce greenhouse gases. People damage the (1) environment by polluting it. For example, (2) cars and factories release
B. Use more plastic bags. D. Leave lights and appliances on when not in use. greenhouse (3) gases like carbon dioxide into the environment, causing global (4) warming. This means the
Tapscripts: temperature of the planet is (5) raising. If the Earth’s temerature keeps (6) going up, people and other
Climate change is one of the most worrying things for our planet. Many politicians and scientists say it is animals won’t be able to (7) survive anymore.
the biggest danger we face. I read almost every day that climate change is changing the Earth forever. Exercise 5. Listen to Harry, Olivia, Magda and Carlos talking about environment issues. Decide if the
Many species of animal, fish, insect, frog, etc. are dying. The ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctica are following statements are true (T) or false(F)
melting. Our weather is changing so places are getting warmer, or colder, or are having more and stronger
1. Tony did Magda’s job while Magda was sick. False
hurricanes. We all need to do our bit so that climate change does not destroy us. It's important to cut down
2. Harry rode his bicycle to the café. False
on things that produce greenhouse gases. These warm the planet and change the climate. Doing simple
things like turning off lights and recycling paper all help. 3. Harry usually drives to the football pitch. True
Exercise 3. Listen and complete each gap in the table with ONE or TWO word from the recording. 4. The traffic in London is good, and cheap. False
5. Johnny doesn’t like travelling by bicycle True
Clean-up Team Clean the central (1) park
Listen again. Answer the questions below.
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1. What does Henry think about Carlos as a waiter? terrible All: Yes, it is.
2. Did Harry park his car near or far from the cafe? far Johnny: What's he doing there?
3. What kind of sport does Henry play? football Olivia: Long story!
4. How often does he play it? every week Johnny: Blimey... Have you seen the traffic out there?
5. What means of transport does Magda always use? public transport Olivia: Not you as well?!
Tapscripts: Johnny: Me what?
Harry: Hey there! Olivia: Driving!
Olivia: Hi, Harry, come and have a seat! Johnny: Of course I drive. How else would I get around?
Harry: OK - I'll just get a coffee. Hang on... Where's Tony? Magda: I always use public transport. It's very good here in London, even if it's quite expensive.
Magda: He's off sick. Olivia: Not as expensive as a car.
Olivia: And you'll notice that there's a new chef in here! Harry: That's true.
Harry: Carlos! What's he doing working here? Olivia: You should all cycle more!
Magda: He's taken over while Tony's away. Johnny: I'm not cycling. It's tiring, and dangerous!
Harry: Well, good on him - he's always wanted his own restaurant! I guess this cafe will have to do for Harry: And the weather here is terrible-cycling in the rain isn't any fun!
now. Magda: That's true. That's why I get the tube or the bus.
Olivia: Yeah. It's good experience for him! Olivia: Well, I think you should all think about your health and the future of the planet!
Harry: Carlos! Hey, Carlos! Could I have a coffee, mate? Harry: Yeah, yeah, yeah... whatever...
Harry: Carlos? Hello!?... Well, I hope he's a good chef, because he's a terrible waiter! Olivia: It's important! Cars make so much pollution!
Olivia: Oh, go on. Give him a break! Magda: Yeah - Olivia's right!
Magda: Yeah - it's really busy in here right now. Be patient! Johnny: Scientists are finding ways to stop pollution - that's their job.
Harry: Busy? Yeah - tell me about it! Everywhere is today - I couldn't find anywhere to park my car. I had Olivia: Maybe, but we should all help to help the planet!
to leave it miles away.
Harry: I don't know about the planet. I just think right now we should try to help Carlos!
Olivia: Park your car? I thought you took your bike everywhere!
Exercise 6.Part I.Listen to the passage and decide which statements are True (T) or False (F).
Harry: Well, I used to, but sometimes it's just easier to drive, isn't it? Statements True False
Magda: Lazy! 1. Air pollution doesn’t endanger people’s health in some cities. 
Harry: I'm not lazy! I do lots of sport - play football every week.
2. Air pollution is the only problem of the environment mentioned in this passage. 
Olivia: Do you drive to the football pitch?
3. Air pollution is the only problem of the environment mentioned in this passage. 
Harry: Erm, yeah... Usually ...
4. Garbage disposal is a problem in many large cities. 
Olivia: You should use your bike more often. It's better for you, and for the environment!
5. Everyone must cooperate to reduce pollution. 
Johnny: Hello, all! Hey, is that Carlos behind the counter?

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Part II. Listen again and fill in the missing words.
Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities. Motor vehicles, factories and other sources create so
much (1) air pollution that it may hang in the air like dirty fog. Air pollution (2) threatens the health of the D SPEAKING
people who live in cities. City wastes cause water pollution when they are poured into the waterways.
These wastes kill fish and make some areas unfit for swimming. In addition, many large cities have
difficulties in disposing of their (3) garbage. The amount of garbage grows each year, but places to put it Exercise 1. Choose the suitable response for each question below.
are quickly filling up. Citizens, governments, industries scientists, and business people must work together Column A Column B
in different ways to gradually(4) reduce pollution. For example, most cities have introduced (5) recycling
1. I live right around 13 street.
th A. It is the presence of toxic chemicals in soil.
Exercise 7. Listening to the passage and fill in the missing words/ phrases. 2. You should update both accounts by next B. It is long-term changes in temperature
I hate pollution. It makes me really angry. I think (1) pollution is greed. People don’t care about the (2) Monday.
environment so they pollute the air just to make lots of money. Big companies are the worst. They pretend 3. What do you mean by” soil pollution”? C. Sorry, was that thirtieth or thirteenth?
they’re not polluting. They have the money to say they are (3) “green”. Pollution affects us all. We are all
4. Could you explain what you mean by” carbon D. It is the total amount of greenhouses gases
less healthy because of companies that pollute the air or our rivers. (4) Everybody needs to think about
footprint”? that are generated by our actions.
how we can reduce the amount of pollution we create. Not using the car when we can walk is one way.
Turning off lights we don’t need is another. Barack Obama says he’s going to do his best to help the Earth. I 5. What does” climate change” mean? E. Sorry, do you mean Monday the 14th, or
really hope he does because if pollution gets any worse, we’ll be in (5) seriously big trouble. Monday the 21st?

● Your answer:
Exercise 8. Part I.Listen to the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true or
1.C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.B
1. Environmental pollution is one of the world s problems. True
Exercise 2. Match each of the sentences in box A with the corresponding response in box B.
2. Vehicles and factories account for air pollution. True
3. Waste is usually dumped in the city where many people are living. False
4. The sea water is heavily contaminated by oil spills and industrial sewage. True 1. Fish in that restaurant is not good. A. I don’t get your idea. Can you be more specific?
5. A lot of fish are dying because of marine pollution. True 2. Do you have anything to declare before B. How do you know? Have you ever eaten there?
Part II. Listen again and fill in the missing words. leaving?
Every day on radio, on TV, and in the newspapers, we hear, see, or read about many problems in the 3. It’s a long time I have not seen my son. C. I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you mean.
world, for example, pollution.
4. I advise you not to use plastic bags. They D. Oh dear. Do you mean that he doesn’t visit you
Air pollution is the first kind. It comes mostly from fumes (1) released from motorbikes, cars, airplanes,
are harmful for the environment. on holidays?
trains, and poisonous gases emitted from factories. Also, waste (2) is dumped anywhere, even in the city
where many people are living. The second pollution problem is (3) sea pollution. Many people earn their ● Your answer:
living from fishing in the sea, and the fish they catch feed many people. But the sea has become so polluted 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A
from oil spills and factory (4) wastes that the fish are dying. This pollution is not only killing the fish, but is
also affecting those people who eat fish.
Exercise 3. Read the conversation part. Choose the best question that could be used for clarification.
Seldom do you find a place nowadays that is not polluted. This problem is growing more difficult
every day. We must find a (5) good solution that makes the world a better place to live.
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1. Did you know there will be a party next week at school? Everyone at school will be there. Parents and Xuan: (1) F. Yes, I took it yesterday.
other family members are invited too. Do you think you could bring some cake or pie to share? Bailey: Let me see. A photo of a river... but it looks like you want to capture the garbage.
A. Will you please repeat the question? Xuan: (2) G. Exactly! Garbage on riverside.
B. Can you share another example? Bailey: Why garbage?
2. I went to the park today. There were a lot of other kids there. I was not able to find anything to do. I Xuan: (3) A. Because I’m doing a class project on pollution in the city.
think maybe they should add more things to do like swings or slides. I became bored and left. Bailey: This picture is for water pollution, isn’t it? I think you need more.
A. Will you please repeat the word or sentence? Xuan: (4) E. Yeah, I know. Not only water pollution, but also for air, soil noise, light and visual pollution.
B. Will you please repeat your opinion? Bailey: Visual pollution? I’ve never heard about it before.
3. Here is what you need to do. Go into the kitchen and clear the dinner table. Be sure to place all the trash Xuan: (5) C. Visual pollution is what you would call anything unattractive or visualizing or damaging to
in the can. Next, take the bag of trash outsite. Place it all on the curb for pick-up. the landscape.
A. Will you please explain that again? Bailey: Can you give me some examples?
B. I do not inderstand that word or remark. Xuan: (6) B. Too many billboards along the road, open storage of trash; networks of electric wires
4. I went to grandma’s house, and she was working in the garden. Grandpa was in the garden working. crisscrossing each other above the street, etc.
When I got home, we had my favorite dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. I have always loved meatballs. Bailey: So what are the effects of visual pollution?
A. I have a question I would like to ask you about that. Xuan: (7) D. It generates distraction, eye tatigues and other psychological problems.
B. Can you explain your idea differently or in another way? Bailey: Oh, I see. There is too much visual pollution in the City, so I think it’s not difficult to take photos of
5. Mom told us we cannot watch television tonight. We must sit and read. We cannot use phones or different visual pollutants.
computers either. We may go outsite to play. We can visit a friend too. Have you decided what you would Xuan: (8) H. I think so too.
be doing tonight yet? Exercise 5. Choose the best option A, B, or C to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
A. Can you add more details about that? following exchanges.
B. I do not understand the question, please repeat it.
1. - Alice: What a beautiful neighbourhood you have here!
Exercise 4. Complete the dialogue with the appropriate sentences (A- H).
- Phong: ________
A. Because I’m doing a class project on pollution in the city.
A. My neighbourhood is beautiful.
B. Too many billboards along the road, open storage of trash; networks of electric wires crisscrossing
B. Do you like it?
each other above the street, etc.
C. Thank you. Everybody has worked to make it beautiful.
C. Visual pollution is what you would call anything unattractive or visualizing or damaging to the D. How interesting!
landscape. 2. - Nick: Can you make a list of what we should do to reduce littering at our school?
D. It generates distraction, eye tatigues and other psychological problems.
- Phong: ________
E. Yeah, I know. Not only water pollution, but also for air, soil noise, light and visual pollution.
A. Certainly. C. Yes, I’d love to
F. Yes, I took it yesterday.
B. Thank you. D. I don’t know.
G. Exactly! Garbage on riverside.
3. - Nick: What should we do to reduce the use of clean water?
H. I think so too.
- Mi: ________
A. Turn off the tap tight.
B. No, you shouldn’t.
Bailey: Did you take that photo, Xuan?
C. Educate children how to use clean water.
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D. I think it’s easy. b/ Too much graffiti can cause visual pollution.
4. - Tom: ________ 10. A: Is acid rain harmful to us? B: a/ Certainly. It makes the water polluted.
- Nam: I think it’s a great idea. b/ Those factories produce a lot of acid.
A. We did a great job.
B. The wildlife series is on VTV3. Exercise 7. Put the sentences into the correct order to make a conversation.
C. What do you think about our 3Rs project? __9___Recycling is important too. It reduces waste and saves resources.
D. What do you think about the environment?
__3___Right, using less plastic is good. It helps keep our oceans clean.
5. - Minh: ________
__6___That’s an easy thing to do. It saves electrictity and reduces pollution.
- Tom: The state of being dirty or unsafe for use.
__1___Hey, have you noticed how importan it is to take care of the environment?
A. Is pollution a problem?
B. What do you think about pollution in our city? __5___And we should also save energy by turning off lights when leave a room.
C. What causes pollution? __10__True, when we recycle, we can make new things from old ones.
D. What does ‘polluted’ mean?
__8___Yeah, trees are like nature’s air purifiers. They absorb carbon dioxide.
Exercise 6.Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
__4___Definitely. One way we can help is by reducing our use of plastic.
1. A: Look at the river! The fish are dead. B: a/ I think it’s because of water pollution.
__7___Another thing is planting trees.Trees help clean the air.
b/ The water is polluting. Right?
2. A: Why are we worried about the air B: a/ Because we can’t find the cause. __2___Yeah, it’s super important. We need to protect the Earth.
pollution? b/Because more people will have breathing problems.
3. A: Some factories dump waste into B: a/ The government must fine them heavily.
rivers. b/ We don’t use the water from the rivers.
4. A: Street lights are not very bright! B: a/ No problem. Bright street lights can cause light
b/I think we need much brighter street lights. It’s good
for the environment.
Exercise 1. Read the ad and choose the correct words.
5. A: Do you know the effects of the B: a/ The water becomes warmer, and aquatic animals will
Protect Our Environment
increase in water temperatures? grow so fast.
Join the National Environment Conservation Organisation in its efforts to (clean/wash) up and (raise/rise)
b/ Some aquatic animals are unable to reproduce, I
money to protect the environment. Our campaign will take (place/part) in Rockwood Forest on April 20th.
think so.
Activities will begin at 8 am and will (continue/keep) until 8 pm. Just bring yourself and a friend.
6. A: We can use water as much as we B: a/ Swimming pools need a lot of water.
Activities you can participate in:
want. It’s very cheap! b/ We save water for other people, too.
 (Planting/Putting) trees and flowers
7. A: Why do you keep the air conditioner B: a/ Well, it can save electricity.
 Picking up garbage
at that temperature? b/ It’s good for the plants in the room.
 Recycling
8. A: How can we stop littering? B: a/ We should do something to make it greener.
 Learning how to tight pollution and (protect/power) natural habitats
b/ We can place dustbins in various places.
9. A: Do you think graffiti is a good art? B: a/ We don’t know when and where it started.
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Exercise 2.Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct missing words. 8. A. Very much B. Too much C. Too many D. So many
The Ozone Layer Exercise 4. Read the text and choose the correct answer.
What is the ozone layer?
The ozone layer is like a blanket that surrounds the Earth. Ozone (O3) is the main gas in this What is your water footprint?
layer.(1)___It___ filters out the harmful rays of the sun allowing only the good rays, which give us light and
A water footprint is the amount of water a person consumes each day. Your water footprint is the amount
heat, to reach the Earth.
of water you consume by your way of life. It (1) _______ the water that isused to make your clothes, the
The problem
food you eat, and any other products you consume.
(2) __In___ the 1980s, scientists discovered a large hole (3) __in___the ozone layer over Antarctica. They So what can you do to reduce your water footprint? First, try changing some bad (2) _______ you have.
found that some chemicals people used (4) __to___make aerosol sprays destroyed the ozone layer very Take a shower instead of a bath and turn off the tap while brushingyour teeth. Another important way to
quickly. (3) _______ water waste is not to waste food. Byeating all the food you buy, you help make the most of the
The effects
water used to produce it. The less food you waste, the less water you waste. Finally, you should be aware
As the hole in the ozone layer continues to grow, our planet (5) __will/may____ be in danger. The
of what foods and other products require a lot of water, to produce and make (4) _______ consumer
temperature will rise and the sun’s rays will become very harmful to our skin and eyes. Animals (6)
choices.Knowing your water footprint and (5) _______ an effort to reduce it can really make adifference.
__and___ plants will die and some species may even become extinct. (Adapted from Smart Time)
The solution 1. A. includes B. does C. takes D. has
Although a (7)__number____ of countries stopped using some of these harmful chemicals in 1987, the 2. A. products B. habits C. goods D. feelings
ozone layer continues to be in danger. Scientists are trying to find ways to help the ozone layer fix itself, (8)
3. A. reuse B. recycle C. reduce D. remember
__but____ there is still a lot of work to do. 4. A. wrong B. quick C. accurate D. smart
Exercise 3.Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
5. A. doing B. having C. making D. running
Exercise 5 .Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
Light pollution is not (1)_____________ serious as water or air pollution. (2)_____________, it is the type of
Our planet is our home, the very home that shelters us. Here are some ways that you can do to protect our
pollution that (3)_____________ more in cities than in rural areas. In the past, we could sit out at night and
planet Earth.
(4)_____________ at glittering stars in the sky and light from objects in the outer space. Nowadays, cities are
1. Volunteer with environmental organisations
covered with lights from buildings, streets, advertising displays, many of which direct the lights up into the
There are several ways in which you can (1) ________ the environmental communitygroups, from running
sky and into many unwanted places. The real problem is that it is very (5)_____________ to apply light to
online awareness campaigns to offering practical help like beach clean-ups and fundraising events.
almost everything at night. Millions of tons of oil and coal (6)_____________ to produce the power to light
2. Reduce and recycle paper
the sky. Eye strain, (7)_____________ of vision and stress are what people may get from light
(2) ________ do you do with your old textbooks and storybooks that you do notuse any more? Please
pollution.(8)_____________ light at night can harm our eyes and also harm the hormones that help US to
donate them to juniors, or kids in your neighbourhood, or send them across to other areas where children
see things properly.
have (3) ________ or no access toeducational resources.
1. A. more B. as C. much D. only Similarly, recycling unwanted paper will reduce the raw material demand for paper (4) ________ , thus
2. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Nevertheless conserving trees and forest ecosystems.
3. A. happen B. occur C. occurs D. is occurred 3. Save resources
4. A. watch B. see C. spend D. gaze
Do you know that only 0.03% of the 70% of water available to us is fresh water? That’s why saving water is
5. A. waste B. wastes C. wasting D. wasteful
so (5) ________ for freshwater ecosystems. By doing simplethings like taking shorter showers, avoiding
6. A. used B. using C. is used D. are used small clothes wash, and turning your taps off while brushing, you can save gallons of water!
7. A. lose B. lost C. loss D. losing
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1. A. join B. assist C. provide D. introduce We can also collect recyclable objects and donate them for recycling. Each one of us should act
2. A. How B. Why C. Which D. What environmentally friendly so that others will follow us. Public places like parks, schools, train stations, ...
3. A. little B. much C. many D. few will get cleaner if we start acting now.
4. A. need B. transport C. use D. production 1. Pollution comes in ________ forms.
5. A. difficult B. expensive C. important D. easy A. just one B. various C. only four D. similar
Exercise 6.Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following 2. To help make our planet Earth a better place, we need ________ effort.
passage. A. individual’s B. enormous C. the government’s D. collective
Tropical forests have (1)___________ us with very many sorts of plants for food, (2)___________ and 3. Plastic bottles and cans take ________ to go.
industry. They could probably supply man more. They also reduce (3)___________ and droughts, keep A. tens of years B. a few years C. hundreds of years D. a century
water clean, and slow down the Greenhouse Effect, (4)___________ the tropical forests are(5)___________ 4. When people act environmentally friendly, others will ________ them.
destroyed to make(6)___________ for things like farms, ranches, mines and hydroelectric(7)___________. A. protect B. follow C. praise D. look at
About 20 million hectares are lost each year - an area more than twice the size of Austria. The World 5. This passage is concerned with ________.
Wildlife Fund is working to(8)___________ and save the forests that are(9)___________ danger; to plant A. recycling C. the environment
new trees for fuel wood and to slow down the Greenhouse Effect; and to (10)___________ governments to B. water pollution D. environment protection
think about the forests and their importance when giving international aid. Exercise 8.Read the text then choose the best answer.
1. A. given B. brought C. supplied D. donated
2. A. medicine B. hospitals C. doctors D. surgeons ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
3. A. deserts B. floods C. heat D. hazards In recent years the problem of environmental pollution has become a serious problem in big cities in our
4. A. so B. for C. because D. but country. So, what are reasons and possible measures for this problem?
5. A. have B. been C. being D. be Nowadays, we are living in a city with high population density, so domestic waste is the first reason.
6. A. room B. rooms C. place D. places Then many people's social consciousness is not high. In several areas, they throw rubbish on streets, canals
7. A. sources B. energy C. dams D. cables and rivers. It is easy for us to see rubbish of all kinds floating on the water. Moreover, uncultured people
8. A. keep B. protect C. maintain D. hold even pee in the public place.
9. A. at B. within C. on D. in Now, let's come to other reasons. Our city is overloaded with vehicles that expel a lot of smoke and
10. A. make B. let C. encourage D. influence dust. This contributes to the heat of the air, and causes pollution.
Exercise 7.Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. Besides that, in several places, trees have been cut down to have room for buildings, hotels, or
Pollution comes in different forms. Some of them are water pollution, air pollution, land pollution, and supermarkets. This makes the atmosphere in our city mug and stuffy.
noise pollution. It’s a universal problem. This problem can only be solved when everybody makes an effort New words:
to do it. There are various things we can do to make our environment better. The simplest thing is to put muggy (adi) nồm ẩm, oi bức
rubbish into dustbins instead of littering the streets. We can reduce our daily waste too, and reduce the stuffy (adi) ngột ngạt
amount of water and electricity we use. We should think of ways to reuse objects like bottles, cans, and
1. What is not the reasons of environmental pollution?
paper. A plastic bottle will take more than 500 years to decompose. So instead of throwing it away after you
A. high population density C. domestic waste
finish your drink, you can keep it in the kitchen for containing water, or in the garden for growing flowers.
B. smoke and dust from vehicles D. the new drainage system
With some colourful paper and oil paint, you can also make beautiful toys from them.
2. What is the first reason of environmental pollution?
A. domestic waste C. population density

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B. smoke and dust from vehicles D. rubbish on streets known as the main reason for cancer disease. Cancer has become a popular disease in several communes
3. What is the synonym of the word "consciousness"? which are called “cancer villages”. Another cause is the awareness of citizens, people always use water for
A. awareness B. unculture C. unconsciousness D. awakenes many purposes and then they dump waste water or garbage directly into rivers, canals, and ponds and so
4. Why vehicles cause air pollution? on. In 2004, because of bird flu outbreak in Viet Nam, people threw poultry to water body that made water
A. Vehicles make the atmosphere in our city muggy and stuffy. highly polluted.
B. Because they expel a lot of smoke and dust. 1. Waste water from many factories which is dumped into water bodies directly causes water pollution. T
C. Because they consume too much gasoline. 2. Dumping waste directly into water is the most convenient way of disposing waste water. T
D. Because many people use motorbikes and cars nowadays. 3. Sulphur is believed the main reason for cancer. F
5. How is the drain system in our city? 4. Cancer villages occurred in 2004. F
A. It’s very modern. C. it is new 5. Due to lack of awareness, people poisoned water with dead poultry when there was bird flu outbreak in
B. It's downgrade. D. It is very old and downgrade 2004. T
Exercise 9. Read the text, and mark the sentences true (T), or false (F).
Switch to Green Exercise 11.Read the text, and mark the sentences true (T), false (F), or not given (NG).
In Australia it is now illegal to use traditional light bulbs. The whole country is changing to low energy Let’s Save Planet Earth Now
bulbs for their lights. This will reduce the amount of energy that each home uses and will obviously be Our planet is in danger, and we are responsible for this situation. But it’s not too late. We will have to work
better for the environment. And Australia is not the only country doing this. Will your country be next?
together to help save our home.
So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using the new low energy bulbs? Of course, the main Did you know that man destroys 50 acres of rainforest every minute? If you throw away two
advantage is for the environment. If all houses in Viet Nam used these bulbs, the effects on the aluminiumcans, you waste more energy than one billion of the world’s poorest people use in one day. Air
environment would be the same as taking three quarters of a million cars off the road. Cost is another conditioning uses 10 times more energy than a fan and so the pollution it creates is 10 times greater. There
advantage. If we changed all the bulbs in our houses, we could cut our energy bills by fifty percent. are mountains of rubbish everywhere, the Arctic ice cap is melting, animals are becoming extinct.
There are a few disadvantages, however. The light that these bulbs give is not exactly the same as light So, what can we do to help? Surprisingly, it’s very easy, but we have to do a little every day, otherwise
from traditional bulbs. It’s colder and whiter. Some people don’t like it very much. Also, the light doesn’t
things will never change. Save electricity: turn off lights, computers, laptops, and TVs when you don’t need
come on immediately. After switching on the light you have to wait a short time. Another disadvantage for them. Don’t use air conditioning, use a fan instead. One of the best ways to help the planet is to ride a bike
some people is that at the moment you can’t make these bulbs give a stronger or weaker light by using a to school. This will help you save money, get more exercise and, more importantly, you won’t pollute the
special switch. But scientists say this will soon be possible. air. Reuse and recycle and you will help the planet in a positive way.
But if we can help the environment by using these bulbs, are the disadvantages really such a problem? 1. Our planet is at risk. __T__
1. In Australia you can choose which bulbs to use. ___False___
2. People waste a lot of energy. __T__
2. It’s expensive to use low energy bulbs. ___False___
3. We use too many aluminium cans. __NG__
3. It takes longer for the light to come on. ___True___ 4. Pollution from a fan is 10 times greater than pollution from air conditioning. __F__
4. The light from these bulbs is quite weak. ___False___ 5. People use air conditioners more than fans. __NG__
5. The light from traditional bulbs is different. __True____ 6. Rubbish ends up on mountain tops. __F__
Exercise 10.Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). 7. It’s too late to change the situation. __F__
There are many causes that lead to water pollution. One main cause of this issue is waste water coming
8. Laptops waste electricity. __NG__
from many factories and then being directly pulled out into water bodies, especially into rivers or seas
Exercise 12. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.
without any treatment because this is the most convenient way of disposing waste water. Industrial waste You can help protect the environment through wise shopping.
consists of some kind of chemical substance such as sulphur, which is harmful to marine life. Lead is
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Firstly, buy sustainable products. Plastic is one of the most significant contributors to soil and water Look around. How many plastic objects can you see right now? The average American uses around 190
pollution, endangering both the land and water life. Fish and animals often eat plastic because they mistake pounds (86 kilograms) of plastic every year. Only around half of all plastic trash is buried in garbage
it as food. So, when you’re buying school supplies like folders and pens, or buying toys and home dumps. Plastic trash which isn’t buried often ends up in rivers and streams, and eventually reaches the
accessories, try to look for more eco-friendly alternatives. For example, buy a reusable bottle for water ocean.
instead of bottled water. It’s not only cheaper but also much better for the environment. This plastic water pollution can hurt or kill sea animals, including endangered species. For example, rare
Secondly, only buy what you need. Think about your purchasing habits. Do you buy too many loggerhead sea turtles sometimes eat plastic bags because they look like their favourite food jellyfish.
products? Can you do without some of the things that you often buy? Are you a responsible consumer? Plastic is dangerous for US, too. It’s eaten by fish, which we may then eat ourselves. Even more worryingly,
Simply buying more because of tempting offers or discounts will actually cost us and the environment plastic stops sunlight from reaching algae, which then dies. Algae are very useful because they absorb
more. By buying only what you need, you reduce the amount of waste, and thus pollution. As natural harmful carbon dioxide gases (a major cause of global warming), and they also make up about 70 percent
resources are limited, our big consumption can contribute to exhausting them. of all the oxygen we breathe.
1. Why is plastic not environment-friendly? Question: How can we solve the problem?
Answer: We can’t!
 (Plastic is not environment-friendly) because it pollutes soil and water.
Unfortunately, experts have said that it would be impossible to ‘clean’ the whole ocean. It’s too big.
2. What products should we look for when we buy school or home supplies?
What we can do is teach people about the dangers of ocean trash. In 2010, David de Rothschild sailed from
 We should look for more eco-friendly products.
California to Australia in a boat which he called the Plastiki. It was made from 12,5000 plastic bottles. The
3. What may make people buy more than they need? voyage was reported around the world and helped to publicize the problem.
 Offers and discounts. You can help too, by making sure you always put your trash in a bin. Use less plastic if you can. For
4. What does big consumption lead to? example, use paper bags instead of plastic bags, and don't buy chewing gum. Not many people know this,
 Big consumption can lead to reducing/exhausting our limited natural resources. but it’s also made from plastic.

5. What does ‘eco-friendly’ mean? 1. Why was Captain Charles Moore sailing in the Pacific Ocean?

 It means not harmful to the ecosystem/environment.  Because was sailing to California after a boat race.

Exercise 13.Read the text, and do the tasks that follow. 2. How does our plastic trash reach the ocean?
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch  Plastic trash which isn't buried often ends up in rivers and streams, and eventually reaches the
Question: Where’s the biggest garbage dump in the world? ocean.
Answer: It’s in the North Pacific Ocean. 3. What living things sometimes eat plastic trash?
Incredibly, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is bigger than the US. It was discovered in 1997 by Captain  They are loggerhead sea turtles.
Charles Moore, who was sailing to California after a boat race. Moore told scientists that he’d seen millions
4. How did the voyage on the Plastiki help?
of plastic bottles, bags, and other trash in the water. He later published articles about his experience, and
 It helped to publicize the problem of plastic trash.
even presented YouTube videos.
Scientists discovered that the plastic in the ‘Patch’ was kept together by collecting plastic in its centre and 5. How can student readers help?

stopping it from escaping. The plastic breaks into tiny parts, until it looks like ‘plastic soup’. Non-  We can put our trash in a bin, and use less plastic if we can.
biodegradable materials, like metal and most kinds of plastic, aren’t very environmentally friendly because
they can last for hundreds of years. Exercise 14.Read the text again then answer the questions below.
Question: How was the Great Pacific Garbage Patch created?
Answer: It was made by people like you and me. Pollution and its Negative Effects

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Pollution is the degradation of natural environment by external substances introduced directly or Grace Rees has recently taken part in Clean Up Australia Day. She spent the day collecting drinks
indirectly. Human health, ecosystem quality and aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity may be affected and containers, sweet wrappers and small pieces of paper from a beach near her home.
altered permanently by pollution. Grace has been involved in this event for about five years now. ‘I’ve always done it with my school, but this
Pollution occurs when ecosystems can not get rid of substances introduced into the environment. year my friends and I decided to register as our own group. We think it’s good not only to pick up the
The critical threshold of its ability to naturally eliminate substances is compromised and the balance of the rubbish, but to bring people’s attention to the fact that there is a lot of rubbish out there. If you do it with
ecosystem is broken. friends and family, then it means you can have fun and do something useful at the same time. It’s an
The sources of pollution are numerous. The identification of these different pollutants and their important thing to do. We have such a beautiful environment, and rubbish spoils it.’
effects on ecosystems is complex. They can come from natural disasters or the result of human activity, The first Clean Up Day event took place in Sydney in 1989, when Australian Ian Kiernan, who had just
such as oil spills, chemical spills nuclear accidents... These can have terrible consequences on people and sailed around the world, decided to take action for something he felt strongly about: the amount of plastic
the planet where they live: destruction of the biodiversity, increased mortality of human and animal pollution in ocean (1)____________. He was worried that the polluted seas were affecting sea
species, destruction of natural habitat, damage caused to the quality of soil, water and air .. (2)____________and that this was leading to some of them becoming (3)____________.
Preventing pollution and protecting the environment necessitate application of the principles of The following year, the day became known as Clean Up Australia Day, and people all over the continent
sustainable development. We have to consider satisfy the needs of today without compromising the ability joined in to collect rubbish. Every year, more and more of the (4) ____________take part, and today it is one
of future generations to meet their needs. This means that we should remedy existing pollution, but also of the most successful community events which improve the (5)____________.
anticipate and prevent future pollution sources in order to protect the environment and public health. Any In 2000, the event became Clean Up The World and over 40 million volunteers from over 120 countries took
environmental damage must be punishable by law, and polluters should pay compensation for the damage pan IO change the look of the (6)____________, getting rid of huge amounts of rubbish.
caused to the environment. Task 1. Read the last three paragraphs of the text, and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap.
1. What is the pollution? 1. A. places B. habitats C. locations D. societies
 Pollution is the degradation of natural environment by external substances introduced directly or 2. A. creatures B. bodies C. pets D. things
indirectly. 3. A. gone B. disappeared C. endangered D. warned

2. When does pollution occur? 4. A. human B. person C. man D. population

5. A. environment B. climate C. situation D. location
 Pollution occurs when ecosystems can not get rid of substances introduced into the environment.
6. A. view B. scenery C. landscape D. picture
3. How is the sources of pollution?
 The sources of pollution are numerous. Task 2. Read the text and choose the correct answers.
1. What is Grace’s attitude towards Clean Up Australia Day?
4. What can the pollutants of pollution be?
A. She doesn’t particularly enjoy the tasks she has to do.
 The pollutants can be natural disasters or the result of human activity, such as oil pills, chemical
B. She thinks schools should allow students time off to take part in it.
spills nuclear accidents.
C. She sees it as an opportunity to tell other people about rubbish problems.
5. List three effects of pollution.
2. Ian Kiernan began the event because____________.
 Three effects pollution: destruction of the biodiversity, increased mortality of the human and animal A. he realised that some sea creatures had disappeared.
species, destruction of natural habitat. B. he thought people were using too much plastic
6. Should polluters pay compensation for the damage caused to the environment? C. he noticed that other countries were much cleaner
 Yes, they should. 3. Which comment best describes the Clean Up Australia Day event?
Exercise 15.Read the texts, and do the tasks that follow. A. It’s a great day for the families to meet up to discuss their problems.
Clean Up Australia Day B. It’s a time when people listen to Ian Kiernan’s talk about the environment.
C. It’s a period of time when people work together to achieve something good.
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Exercise 16.Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage. 5. Which of the following statements is true about California?
A. It has the most national parks and forests of the US states.
California has 8 national parks and 20 national forests, B. Its Disneyland with the fairyland castle is the most famous national park.
more than any other state. Yosemite National Park is one of C. It attracts lots of tourists with its modem life.
the most visited parks. It is famous for its waterfalls and D. It is a peninsula north of the United States of America.
granite cliffs. Many rock climbers go to Yosemite to climb a Exercise 17.Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
rock wall named El Capitan. Point Reyes National Seashore Saving the Environment: One Home at a Time
is on a peninsula north of San Francisco. It is a good place Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes. It comes from household
to see harbour seals, sea lions, and many kinds of birds. chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste people produce and throw away. What can be
Disneyland in Anaheim is another Californiatourist attraction. This large amusement park was created by done to stop this pollution? Surprisingly, a person can help save the environment by doing simple things.
cartoonist Walt Disney. It features a fairyland castle, a haunted mansion, a jungle safari, and many other First, we need to recycle, which allows products to be used over and over again. Recycling can also reduce
attractions and rides. the number of trees cut down to produce paper products. It takes very little effort. It is not hard to place
plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans and paper in a bin. Anyone can do it.
San Diego has a world-famous zoo. As you wander Second, we need to watch the amount of water used in the home. It can be conserved by taking short
through its Rain Forest Aviary, brightly coloured tropical showers instead of baths, repairing leaky faucets, using the dishwasher or washing machine only when
birds fly by. You will think you are on safari in its fully loaded, or simply turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth.
outdoor Wild Animal Park, north of San Diego. Sea Third, we need to reduce waste. We need to recycle whenever possible, but should also try to use this
World in San Diego is a great place to watch whales and waste effectively. For example, grass clippings and food scraps can be made into compost for plants. The
dolphins perform. California’s sunny climate, long average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste every day, but we can reduce that amount by recycling and
coastline, andnatural beauty have made it the most reusing.
popular tourist state in the United States. If we do our part in our own homes, we can help keep the planet from becoming more polluted.
1. Yosemite National Park____________. 1. Pollution can be caused from the following sources except____________.
A. is famous for its kinds of birds A. house chemicals C. wastes
B. is one of the 20 national parks in California B. water from households D. water in rivers.
C. interests rock climbers with its El Capitan, a rock wall 2. Recycling can help us____________.
D. is created by a cartoonist A. never cut down trees C. place garbage bins easily
2. San Francisco____________. B. use products again and again D. produce more paper products following things except.
A. is famous for its Point Reyes National Seashore 3. In order to save water, we can do all of the____________.
B. has its special waterfalls and granite cliffs A. take short showers instead of baths
C. has more wildlife than anywhere else in California B. repair leaky faucets
D. attracts lots of young children C. fully use the washing machine
3. Anaheim attracts many tourists with its____________. D. turn the faucet off' while brushing your teeth
A. El Capitan B. Wild Animal Park C. Sea World D. Disneyland 4. Recycling helps to reduce waste because ____________.
4. San Diego is worth visiting if you are____________. A. plants need to develop C. waste can be recycled and reused
A. a newly-married couple C. an enthusiastic rock climber B. a person can do it in his home D. an average man produces compost for plants
B. an animal lover D. a movie fan 5. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.
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A. recycling B. the number C. cutting down D. effort 15. She must apologise to him first. He won’t speak to her until then. (until)
 He won't speak to her until she must apologise to him first.
16. You leave. I will make you a cup of tea. (before)
 I will make you a cup of tea before you leave.
D WRITING 17. She will stay at her aunt’s house. She is London. (while)
 She will stay at her aunt's house while she is London.
Exercise 1.Use the connector provided at the end of each group of sentences to combine them into one. 18. He has read the newspaper. I will borrow it from him. (as soon as)

1. Everybody in the Green Team was present. We started cleaning the beach. (when)  I will borrow the newspaper from him as soon as he has read it.

 When everybody in the Green Team was present, we started cleaning the beach. 19. I have decided the issue. I will let you know. (when)

2. You are brushing your teeth. Don’t let the water run. (while)  I will let you know when I have decided the issue.
20. They have built a new road. The traffic will be better. (when)
 Don't let the water run while you are brushing your teeth.
 The traffic will be better when they have built a new road.
3. The fire brigade got the news of the forest fire. They came. (as soon as)
21. The other passengers will get on the bus. We will leave. (as soon as)
 As soon as the fire brigade got the news of the forest fire, they came.
4. We picked up all the litter in the stadium. The stadium was clean. (until)  We will leave as soon as the other passengers get on the bus.
 We picked up all the litter in the stadium until it was clean. 22. I left the room. I turned off the lights. (before)
5. He turned off all the lights and electric devices. He left the house. (before)  I turned off the lights before I left the room.
 He turned off all the lights and electric devices before he left the house. 23. I won’t return my book to the library. I’ll finish my project. (until)
6. Phong was in New York. He stayed with his cousin. (when)  I won't return my book to the library until I finish my project.

 When Phong was in New York, he stayed with his cousin. 24. He was making dinner. The frying pan caught on fire. (while)
 The frying pan caught on fire while he was making dinner.
7. We must join hands to save our environment. It’s too late! (before)
25. I finish my study. I will take a walk in the park. (as soon as)
 We must join hands to save our environment before it's too late!
 I will take a walk in the park as soon as I finish my study.
8. Hoa heard the news about the disaster. She phoned to tell me. (As soon as)
26. She was leaving the shop. She dropped a cartoon of eggs. (when)
 As soon as Hoa heard the news about the disaster, she phoned to tell me.
 She dropped a cartoon of eggs when she was leaving the shop.
9. He realised he didn’t have enough cash with him. He didn’t buy the suit. (When)
27. He had never heard about Halloween. He took part in a Halloween party last year. (before)
 When he realised he didn't have enough cash with him, he didn't buy the suit.
 He had never heard about Halloween before he took part in a Halloween party last year.
10. At 4 p.m. yesterday, my mother was cleaning the house. I was looking after myyounger brother. (while)
28. Shakespeare died in 1616. He had written more than 37 plays. (before)
 At 4 p. m. yesterday, my mother was cleaning the house while I was looking after my younger brother.
 Shakespeare had written more than 37 plays before he died in 1616.
11. You are in Ha Noi again. You must come and see us then. (when)
29. Ms. Hoa won’t answer your email. She has some free time. (until)
 You must come and see us when you are in Ha Noi again.
 Ms.Hoa won't answer your email until she has some free time.
12. He finds somewhere to live. Then he’ll give his parents the address. (when)
30. Susan chews her nails. She feels nervous. (whenever)
 He'll give his parents the address when he finds somewhere to live.
13. I do the shopping. Then I will come back home. (after)  Susan chews her nails whenever she feels nervous.
31. We will feel much older. We reach our 14th birthday. (when)
 I will come back home after I do shopping.
14. It starts raining. Let’s go home before that. (before)  We will feel much older when we reach our 14th birthday.

 Let's go home before it starts raining. 32. He left for work. He had a cup of tea. (before)
 He had a cup of tea before he left for work.
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. .
33. He likes to watch TV. He gets home from work. (after) 10. We/ plant/ trees/ while our friends/ clean/ rubbish/ beach.
 He likes to watch TV after he gets home from work.  We were planting trees while our friends were collecting rubbish at the beach.
34. My cat hides under the sofa. It rains. (while) Exercise 3. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.
 My cat hides under the sofa while it rains. 1. destroy/ and/ habitats/ a lot of/ burning/ Cutting/ forests/ trees/ wildlife
35. We finish our training. We will get a job. (after)  Cutting down trees and burning forests destroy a lot of wildlife habitats.
 We will get a job after we finish our training. 2. save/ of the year/to/ We/ things/ the earth/ continue/ should/ doing/ every day
36. The working conditions are good. Workers work better. (when)  We should continue doing things to save the earth every day of the year.
 Workers work better when the working conditions are good. 3. A volunteer/is/ protection/ organization/ my sister/ as/ for/ animal/ working/ an
37. The village will have no electricity. A new generator has been installed. (until)  My brother is working as a volunteer for an animal protection organization.
 The village will have no electricity until a new generator has been installed. 4. Reduce/ dumping/ we/ pollution/ waste/ should/ lakes and rivers/ avoid/ to/
38. I saw an accident. I was waiting for my bus. (while)  We should avoid dumping waste into lakes and rivers to reduce water pollution.
 I saw an accident while I was waiting for my bus. 5. problems/ that/ global/ will/ think/ in the future/ people/ lots of/ warming/ cause
39. The lake is calm. You can catch a lot of fish. (when)  People think that global warming will cause lots of problems in the future.
 You can catch a lot of fish when the lake is calm. 6. arrives/ we’ll/ as soon as/ leave/ be able to/ taxi/ for/ the/ airport/ the
40. You learn to relax more. You won’t get good results. (until)  We'll be able to leave for the airport as soon as the taxi arrives.
 You won't get good results until you learn to relax more. 7. good ways/ recycled materials/ and/ are/ made from/ products/recycling/ protect/ buying/
 Recycling and buying products made from recycled materials are good ways to protect environment.
Exercise 2.Write sentences with the cues given. 8. Life/ has/ air/ a/ on/ pollution/ harmful/ our/ effect
1. The forests / disappear / if / cut down / too many trees.  Air pollution has a harmful effect on our life.
 The forests will disappear if we cut down too many trees. 9. plastic bottles/ consumption/ should/ bags/ the/ of/ and/ single-use/ we/ products/ reduce/ like
2. Supermarkets / other shops / have to pay / huge fine / if / dump / rubbish / streets.  We should reduce the consumption of single-use products like plastic bottles and bags.
 Supermarkets and other shops will have to pay a huge fine if they dump their rubbish in the streets. 10. visited/ I/ wildlife/ a lot/ last week/ learned/ Cuc Phuong National park/ about/ before/ I
3. Environmental pollution / term / refer / ways / man / pollute / surroundings.  I learned a lot about wildlife before I visited Cuc Phuong National Park last week
 Environmental pollution is a term that refers to the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings. Exercise 4. Circle A, B, C or D indicate the sentence that is closest meaning to the sentence given.
4. most / people / not know / where / their / plastic / waste / go /. 1. If we want to save wild animals, we need to stop all illegal hunting of them.
 Most people don't know where their plastic waste goes. A. Hunting wild animals because we want to save them.
5. By the time/ leave/ cleaned/ everything/ campsite B. We won't save wild animals unless we stop all illegal hunting of them.
 By the time we left, we cleaned up everything at the campsite. C. We want to save wild animals if we need to stop all illegal hunting of them.
6. My father/ taught/ how/ bike/ before/ bought/ one D. We need to stop all illegal hunting wild animals when we can save them.
 My father taught me how to ride a bike before he bought one for me. 2. We checked-in and rested a little, and then we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation
7. You/ not/ cinema/ friends/ until/ finish/ homework park.
 You can't go to the cinema with your friends until you finish your homework. B. We didn’t check-in and rested a little until we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation
8. We/ many beautiful birds/ while/ fish/ lake park.
 We saw many beautiful birds while we were fishing in the lake. C. We checked-in and rested a little as soon as we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation
9. Remember/ turn/ light/ before/ go park.
 Remember to turn off the light before you go out. D. After checking-in and resting a little, we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation park.
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E. After visting the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation park, we checked-in and rested a little.
3. My mom doesn’t use plastic bags instead of reusable cloth bags to help protect the environment.
A. My mom doesn’t use reusable cloth bags instead of plastic bags to help protect the environment.
B. To help protect the environment, my mom avoids using reusable cloth bags.
C. My mom doesn’t like plastic bags instead of reuable cloth bags to help protect the environment.
D. To help protect the environment, my mom doesn’t use plastic bags instead of reusable cloth bags.
4. Jan’s father will be returning soon.
A. Jane’s father will soon returning to her.
B. It is Jane’s father that is returning soon.
C. It won’t be long before Jane’s father returns.
D. It won’t be long before Jane’s father returns soon.
5. My sister was planting trees and my brother was picking up rubbish.
A. My sister was planting trees but my brother was picking up rubbish.
B. My sister was planting trees while my brother was picking up rubbish.
C. My sister was planting trees until my brother was picking up rubbish.
D. My sister was planting trees and my brother was, too.
Exercise 5. Write a short paragraph about the ways to protect the environment.
Nowadays, the development of human world causes causes many bad effects to the environment. We
throw garbage everywhere, exploit too much natural resources or contaminate the air. Therefore, our
environment is being seriously polluted and we need to protect it from now. First of all, we should reduce,
reuse and recycle. Instead of using plastic bags, we can use leaves to wrap food. We can recycle plastic
bottles, cans, paper to reduce garbage. Using public transports and decreasing the number of motorbikes
and cars are also good ways to reduce carbonic in the air. Besides, we should purify contaminated lakes or
rivers in order to lessen the pollution in the water. Last but not least, the gorvernment should propagandize
about protecting the environment to everybody so that they can aware of it. Especially, we need to punish
people who contaminate the environment with great severity. In conclusion, the Earth is our home so
protecting it is everyone's responsibility.

------ THE END -----

. UNIT 8: .
SHOPPING 30. assistant (n) /əˈsɪs.tənt/ người bán hàng
31. return (v) /rɪˈtɝːn/ trả lại, trở lại
32. schedule (n) /ˈskedʒ.uːl/ lịch trình, thời gian biểu
A. VOCABULARY 33. announcement (n) /əˈnaʊns.mənt/ sự thông báo
 New words (Từ mới) 34. bake (v) /beɪk/ nướng (bánh)
Word Type Pronunciation Meaning 35. advertisement (n) /ˌæd.vɚˈtaɪz.mənt/ sự quảng cáo
1. open-air (adj) /ˌoʊ.pənˈer/ ngoài trời 36. advertise (v) /ˈæd.vɚ.taɪz/ quảng cáo
2. open-air market /ˌoʊ.pənˈer mɑːr.kɪt/ chợ họp ngoài trời 37. fair (n) /fer/ hội chợ
3. farmer’s market /ˈfɑːr.mɚz ˌmɑːr.kɪt/ chợ nông sản 38. expire (v) /ɪkˈspaɪr/ hết hạn
4. home-made (adj) /ˌhoʊmˈmeɪd/ tự làm 39. yellowish (adj) /ˈjel.oʊ.ɪʃ/ hơi vàng
5. home-grown (adj) /ˌhoʊmˈɡroʊn/ tự trồng 40. entertainment (n) /en.t̬ɚˈteɪn.mənt/ sự giải trí
6. bargain (v,n) /ˈbɑːr.ɡɪn/ mặc cả, sự mặc cả 41. customer (n) /ˈkʌs.tə.mɚ/ khách hàng
7. fix (v) /fɪks/ cố định, sửa chữa 42. year-round (adv) /ˌjɪrˈraʊnd/ cả năm
8. price (n) /praɪs/ giá ( tiền) 43. decoration (n) /ˌdek.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ đồ trang trí
9. fixed price /fɪkst praɪs/ giá cố định 44. live music (n) /lɪv ˈmjuː.zɪk/ nhạc sống
10. price tag /ˈpraɪs ˌtæɡ/ nhãn ghi giá một mặt hàng, thẻ giá 45. excitement (n) /ɪkˈsaɪt.mənt/ sự nhộn nhịp, náo động
11. convenience store /kənˈviː.ni.əns ˌstɔːr/ cửa hàng tiện ích 46. wander (v) /’wɑːndər/ đi lang thang, thả bộ
12. dollar store /ˈdɑː.lɚ ˌstɔːr/ cửa hàng đồng giá ( một đô la) 47. well-lit (adj) /’wel lɪt/ đủ ánh sáng
13. shopping (n) /ˈʃɑː.pɪŋ/ việc mua sắm 48. complaint (n) /kəm’pleɪnt/ lời phàn nàn
14. shop (v) /ʃɑːp/ mua sắm 49. shipping (n) /ˈʃɪpɪŋ/ sự chuyển hàng, giao hàng
15. shopping centre /ˈʃɑː.pɪŋ ˌsen.t̬ɚ/ trung tâm mua sắm 50. popularity (n) /pɑː.pjə’ler.ə.t̬i/ sự phổ biến
16. shopping mall /ˈʃɑː.pɪŋ ˌmɑːl/ khu mua sắm 51. advantage (n) /ədvæn.t̬ɪdʒ/ thuận lợi
17. shopper (n) /ˈʃɑː.pɚ/ người mua sắm 52. disadvantage (n) /dɪs.ədˈvæn.t̬ɪdʒ/ bất lợi
18. shopaholic (n) /ˌʃɑː.pəˈhɑː.lɪk/ người nghiện mua sắm 53. episode (n) /ˈep.ə.soʊd/ đoạn, hồi, tập phim
19. shop owner /ʃɑːp ˈoʊ.nɚ/ chủ cửa hàng 54. brand (n) /brænd/ nhãn ( hàng hóa)
20. shopping list /ˈʃɑː.pɪŋ ˌlɪst/ danh sách những thứ cần mua 55. shuttle bus /ˈʃʌt̬.əl bʌs/ xe buýt chạy tuyến ngắn
21. speciality shop /ˌspeʃ.iˈæl.ə.t̬I ʃɑːp/ cửa hàng đặc sản, bán đồ chuyên dụng 56. parking lot /ˈpɑːr.kɪŋ ˌlɑːt/ bãi đỗ xe
22. discount shop /ˈdɪs.kaʊnt ʃɑːp/ cửa hàng hạ giá 57. voucher (n) /ˈvaʊ.tʃɚ/ phiếu đã trả tiền
23. goods (n) /ɡʊdz/ hàng hóa 58. home economics /ˌhoʊm iː.kəˈnɑː.mɪks/ môn học công nghệ
24. display (n,v) /dɪˈspleɪ/ sự trưng bày, bày biện, trưng bày 59. addicted (adj) /əˈdɪk.tɪd/ nghiện, say mê
25. browse (v) /braʊz/ xem qua, duyệt qua 60. sale (n) /seɪl/ sự bán hạ giá
26. access (n) /ˈæ nguồn để tiếp cận, truy cập vào 61. during sales /ˈdʊr.ɪŋ seɪl/ đang mùa giảm giá
27. access internet (n) /ˈæk.sesˈɪn.t̬ɚ.net/ sự truy cập internet 62. buyer (n) /ˈbaɪ.ɚ/ người mua
28. item (n) /ˈɑː.fɚ/ món hàng 63. seller (n) /ˈsel.ɚ/ người bán
29. offer (v) /ˈɑː.fɚ/ cung cấp, đưa ra bán (hàng) 64. range (n) /reɪndʒ/ dãy, hàng

1 2
. .
frequently thường xuyên
 Structures (Cấu trúc) sometimes thỉnh thoảng
No structures/ collocations/ idioms/ phrasal verb Meaning occasionally thỉnh thoảng
1. Be made of Được làm từ seldom ít khi
Ex: This table was made of wood. Vd: Cái bàn này đã được làm từ gỗ. rarely hiếm khi
2. On sale Đang giảm giá never không bao giờ
Ex: Tickets are on sale from the booking office. Vd: Những tấm vé đang được giảm giá tại phòng vé hardly ever hầu như không bao giờ
3. To prefer to V thích hơn regularly đều đặn, thường xuyên

Ex: Nicole prefers to drink chamomile tea. Vd: Nicole thích uống trà hoa cúc. normally thông thường

4. To complain about + noun/ n.phr/ V-ing phàn nàn, khiếu nại về Ex: +) I always have breakfast at 6 o'clock. (Tôi luôn ăn sáng lúc 6 giờ.)
Ex: Parents want to complain about the noise from Vd: Bố mẹ muốn khiếu nại về ồn ào từ hàng xóm. +) We sometimes go to the cinema. (Thỉnh thoảng chúng tôi đi xem phim.)
the neighbor’s house 2. Cách dùng trạng từ chỉ tần suất
5. To try on Mặc thử - Dùng để diễn tả mức độ mức độ thường xuyên của hành động.
Ex: She likes to try on the new dress. Vd: Cô ấy thích mặc thử chiếc đầm mới. Ex: +) Alice often goes to school on foot. (Alice thường đi bộ đến trường.)
6. Be addicted to + Noun/ V-ing nghiện, say mê... +) My brother rarely stays at home on the weekends. (Anh trai tôi hiếm khi ở nhà vào những ngày cuối
Ex: A lot of people nowadays are addicted to the Vd: Ngày nay nhiều người nghiện internet. tuần.)
internet. - Dùng để trả lời cho câu hỏi với “How often”
7. A(wide) range of + plural noun Nhiều (rất nhiều)..... Ex: +) How often do you go to the beach? (Bạn có thường xuyên đi biển không?)
Ex: This store has a wide range of products from Vd: Cửa hàng này có nhiều loại sản phẩm từ đồ điện
+) Sometimes, about twice a month. (Thỉnh thoảng thôi, khoảng hai lần một tháng)
electronics to books. tử đến sách.
3. Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ tần suất trong câu
 Word form:
- Đứng sau động từ be:
wander (v) đi lang thang - wanderer (n) người đi lang thang
Ex: +) He is patient when talking to his son. (Ông ấy luôn kiên nhẫn khi đối thoại với con trai của mình.)
convenient (adj) tiện lợi - convenience (n) sự tiện lợi
- Đứng trước động từ thường:
addicted (adj) nghiện, say mê - addiction (n) sự nghiện, sự say mê
attract (v) thu hút - attraction (n) attractive (adj) Ex: +) He rarely goes to work on time. (Anh ấy hiếm khi đi làm đúng giờ.)
- Đứng sau trợ động từ và trước động từ chính.
Ex: +) My mother doesn't often buy things online. (Mẹ tôi không thường mua đồ trên mạng.)
B. GRAMMAR: - Đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu (ngoại trừ hardly, ever, never).
I. Adverbs of frequency ( các trạng từ chỉ tần suất) Ex: +) Normally, my father will come home at 5 p.m. (Thông thường, ba tôi sẽ về nhà vào lúc 5 giờ chiều.)
1. Định nghĩa: II. Present simple for future( Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả tương lai)
- Trạng từ chỉ tần suất (Adverbs of frequency) là trạng từ dùng để diễn tả một sự việc hay hành động nào đó
xảy ra ở mức độ thường xuyên như thế nào. 1. Ôn tập thì hiện tại đơn
- Sau đây là một số trạng từ chỉ tần suất phổ biến trong tiếng Anh:
Cấu trúc Ví dụ
always luônluôn
(+) S + am/is/are + ... Ex. Nick is from Canada.( Nick đến từ Canada.)
usually thường, hay
(-) S + am/is/are not + ... Ex: He isn’t Vietnamese.
often thường
3 4
. .
( Ông ấy không phải người Việt Nam.) Diễn tả sự thất hiển nhiên Ex. The Sun rises in the East.
 Đối (?) Am/is/are + S + ...? Ex. Is she in grade 8? – Yes, she is. ( Mặt trời mọc ở hướng đông.)
với - Yes, it is ( Cô ấy học lớp 8 phải không?) – Vâng, đúng vậy.) - Diễn tả sự việc xảy ra trong tương lai theo Ex. The train to Manchester leaves at 9:00 a.m.
động - No, it isn’t  Cách lịch trình. (Chuyến tàu điện đến Manchester rời bến lúc 9 giờ
từ dùng sáng.)
(+) I/you/we/they/ N(số nhiều) + V( nguyên thể) Ex1. They speak French. ( Họ nói tiếng Pháp.) Diễn tả một suy nghĩ, cảm giác hay cảm xúc. Ex. I think you are proficient in English.

He/she/it/ N( số ít) + Vs/es Ex2.Daisy lives in France. ( Daisy sống ở nước (Tôi nghĩ bạn thành thạo tiếng Anh.)

- Dùng trong các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời Ex. I will call you as soon as I finish my

Note. - Nếu động từ thường tận cùng bởi chữ cái : O,S,CH,X,SH ( ông Sáu chạy xe SH) thì khi dùng ở gian. homework.

ngôi thứ 3 số ít ta thêm đuôi ES sau động từ (Tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn sau khi tôi làm xong bài tập.)

Ex. watch-> watches; brush-> brushes; do-> does; fix-> fixes, miss-> misses
Mệnh đề if của câu điều kiện loại 1. Ex. If I don't study hard, I may fail the exam.
- Với các từ có tận cùng là “y” thì khi dùng với ngôi số ít, bỏ “y” và thêm đuôi “ies”
(Nếu tôi không học hành chăm chỉ, tôi có thể rớt
 Đối với Ex. copy – copies; study – studies
kì thi.)
động từ
- Với các từ còn lại, thêm đuôi “s”.
Ex. see – sees; play – plays,... 2. Cách dùng thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả tương lai
(-) I/you/we/they/N( số nhiều) + do + not + V Ex1. She doesn’t come from Singapore.
- Chúng ta dùng thì hiện tại đơn với nghĩa tương lai để nói về thời gian biểu hay lịch trình( của các phương
(nguyên thể) ( Cô ấy không đến từ Singapore.)
tiện giao thông công cộng, rạp chiếu phim, trường học.)
He/she/it/N(số ít) + does + not + V( nguyên Ex2. I do not (don’t) often go to school on foot.
thể) ( Tôi thường không đi bộ đi học.) Ex1. My music class starts at 9 a.m. ( lớp học nhạc của tôi bắt đầu học vào lúc 9 giờ sáng.)
Ex3. The Sun does not (doesn’t) set in the Ex2. The train to Hanoi leaves at 2:15 from platform two.
Note: Do not = don’t; does not = doesn’t South. ( Xe lửa Hà Nội khởi hành vào lúc 2 giờ 15 ở ga số 2.)
(Mặt trời không lặn ở hướng Nam.) - Note: Cần phân biệt thì hiện tại với các cách diễn tả tương lai khác.
+) Dùng Be going to để nói về tương lai gần.
(?) Do/does(not) + S + V (nguyên thể)+ ...? Ex1. Does she go to work by taxi ? – Yes, she
Ex. It’s 9 o’clock now. The plane is about to take off at 9:10.
- Yes, S+ do/does. does.
( Cô ấy đi làm bằng taxi phải không?)- Vâng, đúng ( Bây giờ là 9 giờ. Máy bay sẽ cất cánh vào lúc 9 giờ 10.)
- No, S + don’t/doesn’t.
vây.) +) Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn được dùng cho những sắp xếp mang tính chất cá nhân.
Ex2. Do they play sports? – No, they don’t. Ex. Are you meeting George tomorrow? ( Bạn sẽ gặp George vào ngày mai phải không?)
( Họ chơi các môn thể thao phải không? – Không,
3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết.
không phải.)
Trong câu xuất hiện các trạng từ chỉ tần suất: Always, constantly, usually, frequently, often, occasionally,
soemtimes, seldom, rarely, every day/week/month...
Diễn tả thói quen hằng ngày. Ex. I usually go to school on time.
( Tôi thường đi học đúng giờ.)

5 6
. .
Ex: still, costume, longest,...
C. PHONICS: Sound /st/ and /sp/ - Cụm phụ âm /sp/ được phát âm trong các từ có cụm chữ cái sp
I. Cách phát âm Ex: spill, spa, sport,...

 Âm/st/ được tạo ra bởi 2 âm/s/ và /t/ D. PRACTICE

- /s/: mặt lưỡi chạm nhẹ vào lợi hàm răng trên, PHONICS
phần gạc mềm được nâng lên. Sau đó, hơi được Exercise 1. Read the following words and put them in the correct column.
đẩy thoát ra giữa mặt lưỡi và lợi hàm trên nhưng
không tạo ra độ rung ở cổ họng. /st/ /sp/
- /k/: đầu lưỡi chạm vào lợi hàm trên và nâng
phần ngạc mềm lên để chặn luồng khí trong
miệng. Sau đó, bật mạnh hơi để tạo ra âm/t/
mà không lảm rung dây thanh.
- Kết hợp từ âm/s/ sang âm/t/ chúng ta được
cụm phụ âm/st/ Exercise 2. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
• Âm /sp/ được kết hợp bởi 2 âm /s/ và /p/ 1. A. stadium B. often C. castle D. whistle
- /s/: mặt lưỡi chạm nhẹ vào lợi hàm răng trên, 2. A. brand B. advantage C. wander D. access
phần gạc mềm được nâng lên. Sau đó, hơi được 3. A. complainted B. addicted C. divided D. expired
đẩy thoát ra giữa mặt lưỡi và lợi hàm trên nhưng 4. A. return B. further C. schedule D. purchase
không tạo ra độ rung ở cổ họng. 5. A. credit B. customer C. announcement D. seller
- /p/ mím nhẹ hai môi và nâng ngạc mềm lên để 6. A. display B. benefit C. internet D. episode
chặn luồng khí trong miệng. Sau đó, bật hơi để 7. A. excitement B. assitant C. expire D. item
tạo ra mà không làm rung dây thanh trong cổ 8. A. addicted B. offered C. used D. learned
họng. 9. A. flood B. blood C. goods D. love
- Kết hợp từ âm/s/ sang âm/p/ chúng ta được 10. A. wanders B. belongs C. works D. words
cụm phụ âm/sp/ 11. A. brand B. range C. sale D. bake
12. A. painting B. entertain C. remain D. bargain
II. sự khác nhau giữa /bl/ và/kl/ 13. A. shop B. gone C. clothes D. boring
 Về mặt âm thanh: Sự khác biệt của cụm phụ âm /st/ và /sp/ xuất phát từ sự khác biệt của vị trí môi 14. A. partner B. dollar C. dark D. artist
và lưỡi khi bật hơi phát âm âm /t/ và /p/ 15. A. island B. outstand C. economics D. thirsty
- Với âm /t/ đầu lưỡi lại chạm vào lợi hàm trên và hai môi hé mở. 16. A. spicy B. style C. typewriter D. try
- Với âm /p/ lưỡi thả lỏng nhưng hai môi lại mím nhẹ. 17. A. audio B. clause C. restaurant D. autumn
/st/: still style 18. A. populated B. loaded C. harvested D. lived
/st/: spill spy 19. A. supermarket B. parking C. access D. father
 Về mặt chính tả: 20. A. discount B. mouth C. shoulder D. south
- Cụm phụ âm /st/ được phát âm trong các từ có cụm chữ cái 21. A. access B. centre C. market D. well-lit
7 8
. .
22. A. sale B. tag C. speciality D. attract 9. Could you speak more slowly?
23. A. produce B. product C. lucky D. much 10. My brother is a stamp collector.
24. A. fixed B. fix C. example D. excellent 11. The house was built of grey stone.
25. A. store B. costume C. florist D. speciality 12. Potato crisps are my favourite snack.
26. A. wrong B. store C. order D. clothes 13. Indonesian food is rather spicy.
Exercise 3. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others. 14. The castle stands on a hill.
1. A. access B. sometimes C. often D. display 15. She always reads the children a bedtime story.
2. A. shopping B. return C. owner D. item 16. The kitchen was in its original state, with a 1920s sink and stove.
3. A. expire B. wander C. complaint D. prefer
4. A. episode B. addicted C. excitement D. assistant
5. A. advertise B. yellowish C. announcement D. wonderful
6. A. shuttle B. seller C. credit D. support Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and write the name of the activities.

7. A. customer B. advantage C. decorate D. homemaker

bargain shopaholic open-air market addicted price tag browse
8. A. speciality B. economics C. shopaholic D. convenience
complaint home-grown convenience store on sale wander home-made
9. A. popularity B. advertisement C. supermarket D. decoration
10. A. surround B. discount C. shopper D. schedule
11. A. different B. attraction C. frequently D. rarely
12. A. center B. enter C. extreme D. surrounding
13. A. demand B. never C. arrive D. another
14. A. travelling B. smartphone C. product D. refusal
15. A. holiday B. exercise C. consider D. interview
16. A. volunteer B. coffee C. engineer D. record
17. A. receive B. repeat C. private D. provide 1. _________________ 2. _____________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________
18. A. builder B. teacher C. writer D. career
19. A. complaint B. problem C. customer D. hotline
20. A. seller B. discount C. attract D. enter
Exercise 4.Underline the duster /st/ and double underline the duster /sp/ in the following sentence then read
aloud the sentences.
1. He made a speech in the opening ceremony of the department store.
2. Don’t expect everything to be in stock in that small shop. 5. ________________ 6. _____________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________
3. The customer service department only deals with specific complaints.
4. I suspect they can provide the fast food that you like.
5. The shop assistant spoke as softly as if he was whispering something.
6. How do you spell your name?
7. How much does your family spend on food each week?
8. John did a lot of sport when he was at school. 9. _________________ 10. ____________ 11. _______________ 12. _______________
9 10
. .
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1 Exercise 4.Match the words and phrases with their meanings.
1. My mom ________________about the neighbors being too noisy yesterday.
2. How much is it? There's no _______________on it. 1. shopper A. using the Internet to order food or goods

3. He bought a sports jacket ____________at the store. 2. shopaholic B. a market is outdoor and offers a wide range of goods
4. She is a ____________and is very concerned with her clothes and physical appearance. 3. online shopping C. a shop offers one or two specific kinds of goods
5. Some people go to shopping centres just to hang out with friends or ______________. 4. during sales D. a person who buys goods from shops
6. These ________________apples taste better than the ones from abroad. 5. speciality shop E. a person who is addicted to shopping
7. I’ll ______________around the shopping mall for half an hour. 6. open-air market F. a time when many things in a shop are at lower prices than usual
8. He spent hours ___________for the valuable watch.
9. We stopped at a gas station and bought some snacks at the __________________. Exercise 5. Complete the correct answer A ,B ,C or D.
10. Hoa is a shopaholic. She is _______________to going shopping. 1. The responsibility of a ________ is to provide customers with help and sell goods.
11. I'm always eating in restaurants, but I prefer _______________foods. A. shop assistant B. dealer C. customer service D. cashier
12. I’d like to try shopping at an ________________and learn how to bargain. 2. I don’t know how to ________ for lower prices so I shop in supermarkets as theyhave fixed prices.
Exercise 3. Match the words in column A to the correct meanings in column B. A. negotiate B. bargain C. discuss D. beg

A B 3. The sale season ________ in December, so let’s wait until then. It’s just a monthfrom now.
A. will begins B. is beginning C. begins D. is going to begin
1. browse A. to try to make someone agree to give you something that is better for you, such
4. Take your student card with you, you will get a ________ of 30%.
as a better price or better working conditions
A. sale B. bargain C. decrease D. discount
2. home-made B. a person who is buying things from a shop or a number of shops.
5. The handbag is a real ________. You can’t always get things at that reasonableprices.
3. internet access C. from your own garden A. price B. discount C. bargain D. sale
4. bargain D. to look through a book a magazine without reading everything, or to walk 6. We went ________ in an antique shop and got this vase. It is good value for mymoney.
around a shop looking at several things without intending to buy any of them A. window shopping C. brand shopping
5. speciality shop E. a shop where everything costs one dollar B. bargain hunting D. brand hunting
7. We have new shoes ________ from today. The prices are a bit high but they areworth your money.
6. shopaholic F. made at home and not bought from shop
A. on sale B. for sale C. for buy D. under offer
7. display G. a market where local farmers sell the fruit, vegetables, meat, ect… that they
8. Electronic goods are ________ at 30% this week, so I will get a new dishwasher.
produce on their farm
A. for sale B. on discount C. on sale D. for rent
8. shopper H. to be no longer legally acceptable because the period of time for which it could
9. The Community Fair ________ this Spring, and we have all decided to attend it.
be used has ended
A. is held B. will be held C. will take place D. is taking place
9. home-grown I. to arrange something or a collection of things so that it can be seen by the public 10. I like shopping in that small convenience store because they are always ________.
10. expire J. the ability to connect to the internet A. clean and clear C. chalk and cheese
11. dollar store K. a person who enjoys shopping very much and does it a lot. B. spick and span D. bread and butter

12. farmer’s market L. a shop that focuses on selling a particular brand or a particular type of product 11. -Mai: ________
- Nick: Yes, certainly.
 Your answer:
A.Will this summer sale start in June?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. B. Is this summer sale starting in June?

11 12
. .
C. Does this summer sale start in June? A. shop B. to shop C. shops D. to shopping
D. Is this summer sale going to start in June? 29. The bowl is ______ glass and paper is _________tree.
12. I am not a shopaholic. In fact, I go shopping ________. A. made from/made by B. made by/ made in
A. out of the blue C. once on a blue moon B. made of/ made by D. made of/ made from
B. once in a blue moon D. Monday blues 30. I was late for work only one time last year. I’m__________late.
13. The factory outlets ________ a special offer for all items next week as planned. A. sometime B. always C. never D. rarely
A. will give B. give C. are giving D. are going to give 31. I got this handbag half price when it was ________ last month.
14. I have no bank account so I will pay in ________. A. in stores B. on service C. in offer D. on sale
A. cheque B. cash C. credit card D. transfer 32. I went through about four years of being addicted __________video games.
15. We sell cups of coffee from our stall at the farmers’ _____________. A. play B. to play C. to playing D. playing
A. market B. town C. trader D. economy 33. I________eat junk food because I know it’s not healthy.
16. They aim to respond to all customer _____________within 24 hours. A. sometimes B. seldom C. always D. often
A. illness B. dissatisfaction C. complains D. complaints 34. _______a small local store where you can buy food, newspapers, etc, and that is open until late at night
17. We bought some snacks at the _____________store at midnight. It serves us all the time. or all the time.
A. retail B. department C. convenience D. online A. grocery store B. department store C. speciality store D. convenience store
18. As a_____________, Jane loved looking for new clothes with her two daughters. 35. A: Do you ever drink coffee? B: Yes, but only _______, not often. Just a few times a week.
A. shopaholic B. shopkeeper C. shop assistant D. retailer A. usually B. sometimes C. rarely D. never
19. It has a _____________of more than $2,000. 36. She’s going to look for a job as soon as she _________in London.
A. price control B. price tag C. price war D. priceless A. arrived B. will arrive C. arrives D. has arrived
20. We often go to an _____________swimming pool to enjoy sunlight. 37. There was nothing they could buy but two pairs of shoes. What does” but” mean?
A. open day B. open-ended C. open air D. open-air A. except B. instead of C. than D. unless
21. She picked up some real bargains_____________. 38. How frequently do you return items from internet stores? What is the opposite of the word“ return”?
A. for sale B. on sale C. in sale D. on a sale or return A. move back B. repair C. buy D. keep
22. The market is full of farm_____________. 39. - Store assistant:” What’s wrong with your computer?”
A. produce B. product C. production D. productivity - Customer:” _______________”
23. Students are from a wide _____________of backgrounds. A. My computer costs a lot of money.
A. limit B. distance C. range `` D. group B. I bought it yesterday.
24. They offer a ten percent _____________on travel for students. C. The screen is blank.
A. discount B. cut C. decrease D. drop D. I want to buy a new computer.
25. Can you wave aover a sales _________? I have a question about this warmcoat. 40. - Anna: I’m afraid I have a complaint to make. I’ve been waiting for the soup for 20 minutes.
A. assistant B. assistance C. assist D. assisting - Waiter: ________
26. ________ they took their laptops to the shop, they asked for their receipts. A. I’m sorry. But the soup is not ready yet.
A. If B. When C. Since D. Because B. Really? Can you change to another dish, please?
27. There ________ another bus to Canberra in half an hour. C. I'm sorry. We’ve had some problems with the kitchen.
A. is B. will be C. are D. was D. Have you? Do you want something different?
28. My mother prefers___________at the supermarket to the market.

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Exercise 6.Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the words / phrases below. There are some words you may not need
sentences. to use.
1. All the items have fixed prices on their price tag.
A. clothes B. drinks C. food D. goods shopaholic browse price tag outlets
2. I will go to the convenience store near the company to buy some food. discount offer customer service
A. shop B. hotel C. villa D. restaurant
3. Farmers' markets are a traditional way of selling home-made products. 1. I don’t know how much the sweater costs because the ____________is missing.
A. common B. convenient C. awesome D. interesting 2. She admitted that she is a ________________. She can’t resist shopping every weekend.
4. The market near my house is small but offers a wide range of products. 3. We can’t come to various shops to check the goods and prices, so we _____________the online stores
A. some B. a few C. less D. lots of first to save time.
5. She paid a higher amount than usual for the new shoes. She doesn't know how to bargain. 4. As we were not satisfied with the service of the shops in the mall, we came to ______________for a
A. sell B. drive C. haggle D. dance complaint.
6. Most mothers love shopping at the discount shops because they offer lower prices on all products. 5. They give 10% _____________for cash payment.
A. increase B. reduction C. agreement D. extension Exercise 9.Complete the sentences with the words given.
7. The printerhas just stopped working. Can you repair it for me? market supermarket range price speciality
A. fix B. return C. restart D. refund shopaholic produce seller convenience costumes
8. It is very convenient for me to get to the station. 1. How much is it? I can’t find the ____________.
A. useful B. ideal C. proper D. practical 2. The shop sells only fresh local ______________.
Exercise 7. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word. 3. The _____________chain announced that it was cutting the cost of all its fresh and frozen meat.
1. Never buy things you don’t need just because they are on sale. 4. The children were dressed in Halloween _____________.
A. reduce in price B. increase in price C. double in price D. halve in price 5. The __________of the painting was kept secret.
2. How frequently do you go shopping? 6. All our fruit comes from the farmers’ __________.
A. sometimes B. unusually C. often D. much 7. Most ____________ stores are located on busy street corners or at gas stations.
3. That customer came back to complain again about bad service. 8. She used to be an absolute ____________ until she had a baby.
A. explain B. repeat C. praise D. command 9. A ____________ shop is a shop that sells unusual or special products.
4. The only means of access to the station is through a dark subway. 10. They sell a wide __________ of skin-care products.
A. arrival B. admission C. output D. outlet Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with the adjectives given.
5. The coat you bought from the supermarket is very costly.
home-grown home-made well-lit free convenient
A. careless B. cheap C. unfit D. expensive
year-round open-air unhappy fixed online
6. Kristen was well known for being a shopaholic and Tom didn't want to be anywhere near her when she
was let loose in a mall. 1. Click on this link to visit our _____________ bookstore.
2. We had lunch at a(n) _____________ café in the city square.
A. frequent shopper B. consumerist C. saver D. mallrat
3. The family sells their _____________ vegetables at the local market.
7. My season ticket will expire this week.
4. A bike is a very _______________way of getting around.
A. end B. persist C. perish D. pass
5. Farmers’ markets are a traditional way of selling home-grown fruits and _______________products
8. I tried on six pairs of trousers before I found a pair that fitted.
A. put to the test B. tried out C. give up D. test
6. These ___________prices give farmers a good life.
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. .
7. Drivers should park in a(n) ____________ area to prevent theft at night. 4. Linda cooks dinner for her family. (sometimes)
8. All the parks in our city are open ____________.  _____________________________________________
9. The store has changed its image in an effort to win back ___________ customers. 5. He jogs in the morning. (often)
10. They are offering a(n) _________ gift with each product we buy.  _____________________________________________
6. She is sad. (seldom)
Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
 _____________________________________________
make wander try on browse display 7. My sister misses an episode of the Kid's Talents programme. (never)
missed grow hang out bargain return  _____________________________________________
8. My father doesn't go fishing. (frequently)
1. I __________ the start of the class because my bus was late.  _____________________________________________
2. The company is ___________ with growers over the price of coffee. 9. I am excited to see her. (always)
3. __________ a shopping list to prevent buying unnecessary things.  _____________________________________________
10. He smiles. (hardlyever)
4. The trip allows you plenty of time for _____________ around the shops.
 _____________________________________________
5. Some people _____________ their goods on stalls, while others had just put them out on the pavement.
Exercise 14. Circle the correct options in brackets.
6. _____________ the shoes to see if they fit.
1. She lives next door but we (rarely see / see rarely) her.
7. Haven't you got anything better to do than _____________ with friends at the shopping centre?
2. Her husband (sometimes goes / goes sometimes) to the bar in the evening.
8. We spent the morning _______________around the old part of the city.
3. We (always are / are always) at home on holidays.
9. The new TV broke so they ____________ it to the shop.
4. Lan (frequently doesn’t play / doesn't frequently play) basketball.
10. The villagers ___________ coffee and maize to sell in the market.
5. They (hardly ever go / go hardly ever) swimming.
Exercise 12.Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. 6. My personal doctor checks my health (hardly / regularly).
7. My friend and I take vacations together quite (never / frequently).
customers on sale dollar store 8. What does Mai (often do / do often) at break time?
shopaholic home-grown shopping centres
9. (Do often you shop / Do you often shop) online?
10. (Does occasionally Tom visits / Does Tom occasionally visits) his grandmother?
1. Some people go to the ________________ for entertainment. Exercise 15.Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets in the present simple for future.
2. The shop owner treats his _____________ with a lot of respects. 1. Tomorrow______ (be) Monday.
3. She spends too much time and money shopping. She is a ______________. 2. The film Spiderman _________ (start) tonight.
4. These sports clothes are ____________. They are 50% off. 3. The first bus __________ (depart) at 5:00 a.m.
5. He thinks that there's nothing worth buying at a _____________. 4. The train to NhaTrang __________ (leave) at 8:30 a.m.
6. There are a lot of ______________fruit and vegetables at a farmer's market. 5. When ______ (be) his flight for Ha Noi?
Exercise 13.Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct place of the following sentences. 6. Final exams _________ (start) next week.
1. My mother goes to the supermarket on Saturdays. (usually) 7. Our semester _________(end) on June 15th this year.
 _____________________________________________
8. The ferry ___________ (not, leave) port at 6:00, but 6:15.
2. Most children get up early on the weekends. (rarely)
9. My favorite television program ______ (be) on in half an hour.
 _____________________________________________
10. What are you going to do when you __________ (finish) college?
3. She is patient when teaching her students. (always) Exercise 16.Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets in the present simple for future or simple future.
 _____________________________________________ 1. Our flight __________(arrive) at 9:30.
17 18
. .
2. The fashion show ___________ (begin) at 7:30 p.m, so we will have (have) time for dinner first. Exercise 18.Complete the text with the adverbs of frequency given below.
3. George says he _____________ (help) us with the decoration.
4. The train __________ (arrive) at 6:30 in the morning. always(X2) hardly never often sometimes usually (x2)
5. If you are busy today, I _______________ (see) you tomorrow.
6. The bus __________ (leave) at 8.15 tomorrow morning. When I get up, I (1) __________ have a shower (every day). I (2) __________ have toast for breakfast (nine
7. What time ____________________ (the movie, start) tonight? times out of ten). I (3) __________ coffee (I hate it). I (4) __________ (drink milk (four or five times a week),
8. I think Vietnam __________ (win) the AFF Cup again. but I (5) __________ drink tea (two or three times a week). After school, I (6)_________ go home (almost
9. I’ve seen the notice. The game _____________ (start) at one o’clock tomorrow afternoon. every day). I (7) __________ go out on school days (about once a year) because our teachers (8) __________
10. The exam _____________ (begin) at 9.00 tomorrow morning and __________(end) at 11.00. give us lots of homework (every day)
11. The exhibition ____________(open) at 8:00, so I _____________ (meet) you outside at about 7:45. Exercise 19. Fill in each blank with a correct preposition.
12. It _____ (be) my birthday tomorrow. 1. When we bought this house, there were many homes _____ sale.
13. “There _____ (be) a flight to Ha Noi at 5.30 am, sir,” the receptionist said. 2. Everything goes _______ sale as soon as the doors open. Today is Black Friday.
14. I'm sure you ___________ (enjoy) the film very much. 3. He spent a lot of time listening to DVDs and just hanging _______ with friends.
15. My uncle’s plane _________ (arrive) at 10.10 tomorrow morning. 4. Would you prefer to pay ______ cash, cheque or credit card?
16. Tomorrow the museum ________ (open) at 10.00 am and _________ (close) at 5.00 pm. Let’s go around 5. He chose a shirt ________ the many in the shop.
2.30 pm, okay? 6. I tried ______ six pairs of trousers before I found a pair that fitted.
17. You are on the train to London and you ask another passenger: 7. Everything went according _______ the schedule.
“Excuse me. What time ____________________ (this train / get) to London?” 8. ________ reasons of security, the door is always kept locked.
18. You say:“I’m bored with this programme. When __________________ (it / finish?)” 9. The restaurant charges high prices _______ its food.

19. __________________ (the film I begin) at 7.30 pm or 8.30 pm? 10. We wandered __________the beautifully decorated rooms of the Palace.

20. My family ______________(travel) in HCM city next week. Exercise 20. Write the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. I will never return to that store again. The sales ___________ was rule and they kept talking to each other
Exercise 17.Rewrite the sentences. Change the underlined words to adverbs of frequency, and put them in when I asked for help. ( ASSIST)
the correct order in the sentences. 2. Every day, millions of __________ hit the stores in full force - both online and on foot. (SHOP)
1. Dad cooks two or three times a week. 3. My friend Abby is a real ___________; she almost always comes home with bags full of new purchases.
 _____________________________________________ (SHOP)
2. The cat is outside nearly all the time. 4. On the weekends, several shops ____________ customers by offering a variety of things at discounts.
 _________________________________________ (ATTRACTION)
3. We play football four or five times a week. 5. Kathy's always been a _____________ - she never stays anywhere for long. (WANDER)
 _________________________________________ 6. A lot of people visit shopping center over the holidays to admire the _____________ . (DECORATE)
4. I only see Ann twice a year. 7. For some people, shopping online has become an ___________. Even goods they don't truly need, they
 _____________________________________________ can't help but buy them. (ADDICTED)
5. Music lessons are interesting all the time. 8. You can shop online by simply browsing a __________'s website, choose the item you want, and place
 _____________________________________________
your purchase to shop online. (SELL)
6. I don’t read French books at any time.
9. It's easy and ____________ to shop in a mall. Nearly everything you need is there. (CONVENIENCE)
 _____________________________________________
10. A bakery and a florist are two examples of ____________ stores. (SPECIAL)
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11. There are department stores with a wide range of ___________ in almost every major city. (PRODUCT)
12. I'm phoning to ____________ about the jacket I bought yesterday. (COMPLAINT)
Exercise 1. You will hear two shopping experts talking about some famous shops from around the world.
13. The light from a gas lamp was soft and _____________. (YELLOW)
Choose the correct letter, A, B, Cor D for each of the following sentences.
14. I don't need to bargain at the grocery because everything has a __________ price on the price tag. (FIX)
15. You may get a lot of locally grown produce when you go to a __________'s market. (FARM)
Exercise 21. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. Question 1 ________ is the person who is going to talk about Macy’s Shop.
1. I sometimes just go shopping a few times a year since I don't enjoy it. ( just sometimes) A. Masters B. Marta James C. John D. Madison
A B C D Question 2: There are over ________ Macy’s stores all over the United States
2. You are still responsible for pay the shipping costs if you return an item. (  paying) A. 580 B. 850 C. 750 D. 185
Question 3: Rowland Macy opened his first shops in the town of Haverhill in Massachusetts between 1843
and ________ .
3. My uncle often shops at dollar stores. He claims that nothing there is worthwhile purchasing. ( never)
A. 1585 B. 1850 C. 1855 D. 1858
A B C D Question 4: Rowland Macy opened his first New York store on ________ of October 1858.
4. . She put on a number of dresses before deciding on one for the celebration. ( tried on) A. 18th B. 8th C. 19th D. 16th
A B C D Question 5: Macy’s is especially famous for its ________ parade, which marks the beginning of the
5. The farmer's market, where local farmers sell its products, is one of my mother's favorite places to shop. Christmas season.
A B C D ( their) A. Christmas Day B. Easter Day C. Thanksgiving Day D. May Day
6. My friend Alex has a problem with addiction on online shopping. Her purchasing power is limitless. Exercise 2: Listen and choose the top three responses from what you hear.
A B C D ( to) A. They like to shop in large department stores.
7. Before deciding purchase something, customers can touch the products and tries on clothes and shoes. B. They go to the supermarket after midnight.
A B C D ( try on) C. They always make a shopping listen.
8. Some people visit shopping centers to browse while others go there for entertain. ( entertainment) D. They tend to buy inexpensive shoes.
A B C D E. They save money by buying special offers.
9. The summer term will begin on April 10th, so you should carefully prepare for it. ( begins) F. They like expensive boutiques.
A B C D G. They go shopping in specialist shops.
10. I only go shopping a few times a year because I am not interested it. ( am not interested in)
 What did the survey find out about women?
1. _____
11. What time will the bus arrive in Seattle? ( does)
2. _____
3. _____
12. When you will visit a famer's market, you will find a lot of fruit and vegetable. ( visit)
A B C D Exercise 3: Listen to the conversation between a customer and a shop assistant and complete each gap in
13. You should spend your money in sale products. They will last a long time. ( on sale) the table with ONE word from the recording.
A B C D 1. What size T-shirt does the customer want? ________
14. I'd like to buy that nice dress , but I haven't got many money. ( much) 2. Does the shop have a medium size purple T-shirt? ________
A B C D 3. What colour T-shirt does the customer try on? ________

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4. Does the customer buy the red T-shirt? ________ 2. “I’m having some big problems on this tour. – “ _____________________”
5. How much does it cost? ________ H. What’s the matter? We are here to help you.
6. Does the customer pay by credit card or with cash? ________ I. This company seems very disorganized.
Exercise 4. Listening to the passage and fill in the missing words. J. Please, make yourself at home.
Shopping must be one of the world’s most (1) _________ hobbies. I hate it. There’s nothing more boring K. What don’t you like about your food?
than (2) __________around shopping malls. What a waste of time. I know a lot of people who like window 3. I’m sorry you are having an unpleasant time. What may I help you with? – “_____________”
shopping – just walking around shops without wanting to buy anything. Crazy! My plan for shopping is A. Did you enjoy your dinner?
‘quickly in, quickly out’. If I have to go shopping, I go in the morning on a weekday. This is when the stores B. I’d like to discuss some problems that I’m having here.
are (3) ________ and you can get what you want quickly, without thousands of other (4) _________ getting C. Couldn’t be better. Thank you.
in your way. The worst time to go shopping is on a Saturday afternoon (5) _____________ season. It seems D. That is very rude.
as though all of the world’s (6) ________________ are in the same store as you. I was happy when online 4. “Good morning, can I help you?” – “ _______________”
shopping came along. This is very relaxing. A. I’d like to make a complaint about my T-shirt that I bought yesterday.
Exercise 5.Complete the notes below. Write only ONE WORD for each answer B. Don’t forget to do what I have told you.
C. Not a problem, sir.
Survey topic: Men’s and women’s shopping (1) _________ D. It is my pleasure.
Women: Men:
5. “You shouldn’t put my bag on the ground like that. – “ _____________”
- Don’t allocate much money to expensive - Try to put money aside by buying (2) _________
A. That’s what I think.
shoes. offers.
- Be interested in shopping in (3) ________ - Don’t buy cheap food at the (4) __________. B. Don’t mention it.
or exclusive boutiques. C. I’m sorry, but it too heavy.
- Always make a (5) _________when - Don’t like to buy things in big department stores. D. I’m grateful for your kind heart.
shopping. Exercise 2.Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
- Enjoy shopping in big department stores. B: a/ Because they have to park their cars.
1. A: Why do people often go shopping at
Exercise 6.Listen and decide whether it's True or False. street markets? b/ Because it’s convenient.
1. All the stores are under one roof. ______ B: a/ Yes, it’s a place to meet and exchange information.
2. A: Is it right that people not only go to a
2. Everyone in the neighborhood is pleased with the new mall. ______
traditional market to get food? b/ Yes, we can get a wide range of food.
3. It will be more comfortable to shop in the mall than in the present shopping area. ______
4. All of the goods in the small shops is cheaper than ones in the new stores. ______ 3. A: I think retailers in Viet Nam are good B: a/ Oh, yes. They have much experience.
5. Some of the stores on Tran Phu Street may have to close. ______ b/ Oh, yes. They have no math skills.
at calculation.

4. A: Where can I get shopping experience? B: a/ From online shopping.

SPEAKING b/ From a traditional market.
5. A: Why is he a shopaholic? B: a/ Because he often bargains.
Exercise 1. Choose the most suitable response A, B, C or D to complete each of the following exchanges.
b/ Because he buys a lot of junk.
1. “Hello, I’d like to make a complaint about my internet service. – “ _________________”
6. A: Can we bargain in a supermarket? B: a/ Certainly not. They offer fixed prices.
A. Thank you for your service.
b/ Certainly. You can see the price tags.
B. I’m sorry to hear that, what is the problem?
7. A: Why do visitors go to convenience B: a/ Because they are open all the time.
C. Help youself.
shops? b/ Because they offer fresher goods.
D. Your internet speed is very slow.
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. .
8. A: Why do the whole family go shopping B: a/ Because they don’t want to leave anyone at home Assistant: OK, I can (5) ____________ a discount.
at a supermarket? alone. Jane: No, thank you. I’d like a refund.
b/ Because there are goods and entertainment for all ages Assistant: That’s fine. Do you have (6) _____________?
Jane: Here you are.
9. A: Why don’t you bring your credit card? B: a/ Credit cards are not convenient now.
Laura: I’m afraid I’d like to return these cakes.
b/ I can’t use it at an open-air market.
Assistant: Is there (7) _______________with them?
10. A: Is it necessary to make a shopping B: a/ Yes, it helps us to save time.
Laura: Well, they all have holes in them.
list? b/ No, we buy many unnecessary things.
Assistant: Um, I think they’re supposed to have holes. They’re a kind of doughnut.
Laura: Well, I’ve (8) _______________. I’d like a refund, please.
Exercise 3.Complete the dialogue with the words below, and then practise it with your partner. Assistant: OK. (9) _______________ your receipt?
Laura: Yes, here (10) _____________.
device instructions replace receipt middle
Exercise 5. Complete the dialogue with the shop assistant’s responses.
possible soon connect repair properly
A. OK. Have you got the receipt?
B. Oh - what’s the problem?
Assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?
C. OK. There you go.
Nick: Yes. I bought this Sony MP4 player from here last week, but it doesn’t work(1) _________.
D. Good morning. How can I help you?
Assistant: What’s the problem?
E. That’s fine. Would you like to exchange it?
Nick: Well, it sometimes stops in the (2) __________ of a song.
Assistant: (1) ________________________________________
Assistant: Are the songs just from your computer?
Ms. Brown: I bought this camera here last week, and I’m afraid there’s something wrong with it.
Nick: Yes. And when I (3) _________it to my PC I always follow (4) __________.
Assistant: (2) _______________________________________ ?
Assistant: I see. Have you got the (5) __________?
Ms. Brown: This switch doesn’t work. I think it’s broken.
Nick: Yes, here you are. Can you (6) __________it?
Assistant: (3) _______________________________________ ?
Assistant: I’ll send the (7) __________to the company today.
Ms. Brown: Here you are.
Nick: And if they can’t repair it?
Assistant: (4) _______________________________________ ?
Assistant: If it’s not (8) ___________to repair it, we’ll (9) ___________it. Now, can I have your name and
Ms. Brown: No, thank you. I’d like a refund, please.
telephone number, please?
Assistant: (5) ________________________________________
Nick: Yes. It’s Nick Walton and the telephone number is 0901 638 145.
Ms. Brown: Thank you very much.
Assistant: Thank you, Nick. We’ll phone you as (10) __________as they return it.
Exercise 6.Choose the best option A, B, or C to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
Exercise 4.Complete the dialogues with the words given below.
following exchanges.
give you Do you have the receipt anything wrong It doesn't
1. - Customer: I’m sorry to say that there’s something wrong with the charger I bought last month.
bought cakes Could I you are can I help You see
- Shop assistant: ________
Waiter: How(1) _________________?
A. Can I have a look at your bill?
Mai: (2) _____________ return this coffee?
B. Are you sure it’s our fault?
Waiter: Is there anything wrong with it?
C. I’m sorry. I’ll exchange a new one for you.
Mai: (3) ____________ look right.
2. - Customer: I’m not satisfied with the service that the shop assistant provided.
Jane: Excuse me. I’d like to return this shirt. (4) __________, there’s a mark on it.
- Shopkeeper: ________

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. .
A. Oh, I’ll sack her. supermarkets custom products produce
B. I’m so sorry. Can I know what happened? vendors habit range businessmen
C. I’m sorry. There is nothing we can do about it. Despite the changes in society, most of Vietnamese mothers and grandmothers still go to the traditional
3. - Shop assistant: What can I help you, Sir? markets for daily fresh (1)__________. They are always fond of freshness, and have the (2) _________of
- Customer: ________ going shopping every day to prepare meals for the whole family. Some young ladies love shopping at (3)
A. I’d like to exchange this calculator. This one doesn’t work. _____________, but they often complain about the freshness of seafood there.
B. I want to meet your boss. People often stop their motorbikes at a street-side market as it is much quicker than parking their
C. Are you the boss of this shop? motorbike in the supermarket basement. They can sit on their motorbike and get food from the street (4)
4. - Customer: Hi, can I exchange this watch? I dropped it and now it doesn’t work. ___________. Sellers in these markets often have really quick calculation without using any calculator in
- Shop assistant: ________ hand.
A. That’s not my mistake. Big markets are like the trading hub of the region or wholesale markets, so everything can be found there
B. I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do about it. with a wide (5) __________ of goods. Wandering around a market, a tourist can experience the lives of local
C. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. people.
5. - Customer: Sorry to bother you but I hope I can get a refund for this coat. Exercise 3.Read the text and write the word which best fits each gap.
- Shop assistant: ________ Central Mall
A. Are you kidding, sir? We don’t have such a policy. There (1) ______ more than 100 shops in Central Mall and it’s (2) _____ great place to go shopping. You (3)
B. What’s wrong with it, Sir? Can I exchange another one for you? _______ find all the famous brands (4) _______ and also stop to have a coffee or a meal in the cafes or fast
C. We don’t have a policy. Customers should think carefully before picking something. food restaurants. There’s a multiplex cinema (5)______ the top floor. It opened ten years (6)______and I
think it’s still (7) _______ best in the city. I usually meet (8)_______ friends there on Saturday evenings.
READING Exercise 4.Read the text, and mark the sentences true (T), or false (F).
Exercise 1 . Complete the gaps in the text with the words given. MALL OF AMERICA
The USA is famous for its skyscrapers that appear in most big cities and its huge shopping malls.
life point values goods sellers Americans love shopping there.
costumes atmosphere exchange visitors villages The Mall of America, or MOA, in Minnesota with over 520 stores is the biggest mall in the USA. About 40
million people from many countries visit it every year. You can find everything there from accessories and
The Bac Ha Market Fair in the northwestern mountainous province of Lao Cai takes place at weekends and
books to electronics, toys, and travel. When you get tired of shopping, you can eat in two big food courts.
serves as a goods (1) __________ and a sales point of 14 ethnic groups living in Bac Ha District and
20 fast food restaurants serve a variety of dishes and snacks. After that you can watch a movie in a 14-
surrounding regions.(2) __________ bring to the fair many kinds of (3) __________ such as tea, fruits, honey,
screen movie theatre, visit a dinosaur museum, have fun at the indoor amusement park with roller
silver jewellery, horses, oxen, pigs...
coasters, or play golf. There is even an aquarium with over 4,500 sea creatures including sharks. MOA has
The busy, colourful (4) ______________at the fair reflects the community(5) ________of the northwestern
something for everyone.
mountainous ethnic groups with their unique traditional cultural (6) ________. Men and women go the
1. Americans love shopping in skyscrapers in cities. _____
market fair in their traditional brocade (7) __________, forming an attraction to many domestic and
2. The Mall of America is the biggest mall in the world. _____
foreign(8) __________. The market fair also serves as a meeting (9) __________ for residents of remote(10)
3. MOA offers shoppers a wide range of goods and services. _____
___________, and even for matchmaking among young people in the region.
4. There are 20 fast food restaurants in two big food courts. _____
Exercise 2.Complete the gaps in the text with the words given. There are three extra words that you do not
5. There aren’t any types of entertainment for children in MOA. _____
need to use.
6. People can see marine creatures there. _____

27 28
. .
Exercise 5. Read the text and do the tasks that follow. They are a collection of shops under one roof, but under the control of one firm. They sell a wide range of
Task 1. Complete the text with the words given below. goods. They usually occupy large buildings in expensive city centres. Each store has a number of
departments and each department specialises in a particular type of product or service such as electrical
exotic tired products cafés open fresh
goods, carpets, clothing, furniture, ... The most famous one in the UK is probably Harrods. They also offer
One of the most popular markets in England is in Walthamstow, East London. The market is about a mile customer loyalty cards, or store credit cards.
long, making it the longest market in Europe. You can find many (1) _________ here in hundreds of stalls, (Adapted from:
including (2) ________ fruits and vegetables, cheap clothes, and furniture. For those who are interested in B. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
something a little more (3) _________ , Walthamstow Market offers Asian food and Caribbean music. If you 5. The word specialise in passage 1 means ________.
get (4) ________, enjoy a cup of coffee at one of the (5) ________. Walthamstow Market is (6)______.Tuesday A. study much B. train hard
through Saturday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. C. spend more time on D. become expert
Task 2. Read the text again and answer the questions. 6. If you want goods at a variety of choices and low prices, you should go to ________.
1. Where is Walthamstow Market located? A. a department store B. a corner shop
 _________________________________________________________ C. a supermarket D. an open-air market
2. How long is it? Exercise 7.Read the following passage and decide if the statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG).
 ____________________________________________________ Lung Phin Market is probably one of the must-visit fair in Ha Giang because it is special in many ways.
3. What can you find there? The market only opens in the Tiger and Monkey days in a month, and is reopened after every six days. This
 _________________________________________________________ means if the market takes place on Tiger day this week, Monkey day is the launching day in the next week.
The fair is an occasion for 16 ethnic minorities from around this area to gather up and have fun.
4. When is Walthamstow Market open? On this day, youngsters of all ages and genders dress up, travel to the fair hoping to find themselves a good
 ____________________________________________________________________________________
ending for their love affairs. Hmong girls dress nicely instunning floral pattern costumes while Dao girls
Exercise 6.Read the passages and answer the questions below.
pick shiny pieces of jewellery so as to impress those they’re in love with. Small kids wear new clothes and
A. Match the shops with their descriptions (A - C) below. There are shops you may not need to use.
ask to go along with their parents to the fair to enjoy the animated atmosphere.

A. Department stores B. Supermarkets E.Open-air markets Lung Phin fair offers a variety of local products. Mostly there are essential ones for ordinary life such as
C. Corner shops D. Fair trades rice, meat, and handmade garments. These are made by peoples in the most meticulous way. Some sellers
E. only bring to the fair a pair of chicken, a dozen of eggs or simply several bundles of sugar cane, some mint
(1) _____
honey, snow tea, or brocade.
Britain was once known as a nation of shopkeepers, however the small shop in the UK is almost a thing of
(Adapted from:
the past. They are often run by families operating as sole traders. They usually specialise in a small range
Statements T F NG
of goods, e.g. butchers, tailors, greengrocers, newsagents etc. Prices are often higher in these shops, as they
1. Lung Phin market is a special fair that visitors should come to.
cannot afford to buy in large quantities, and the range of goods on offer is often small.
2. The market opens only two days a month.
(2) _____
3. The fair is an occasion for people to come to buy goods and enjoy the
They must have a minimum selling area of 186m and at least 3 check outs. They are often situated on the

animated atmosphere.
edge of a town by a main road or motorway. They are mostly self-service and sell a range of goods
4. Many Hmong and Dao girls find their lovers in this fair.
including groceries, clothing, electrical goods, etc.; however, their main selling items are food and drink.
Prices are generally low. Tescos, Sainsburys and Asda are three of the largest ones in the UK. 5. The products here are made in an extremely careful way.

(3) _____
Exercise 8.Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

29 30
. .
Viet Nam has a reputation for its low living costs. Thus, people, especially travellers can shop for Thanh, 16: “I like to shop at thrift stores. It's more fun and, of course, less expensive than buying clothes in
quality goods. People can shop in various kinds of shops, from big shopping malls to street stores. There is the shopping mall. And your clothes will be unique. Also, we already have so much trash on our planet, so
a variety of different items such as clothes, silk, jewellery, handicrafts to offer. I don't think we need to buy new clothes. My top tip is to pay attention to the brands. Some brands use
The top places for shopping in Viet Nam include street night markets, supermarkets and shopping quality materials, and if you see them at a thrift store, get them quickly before someone else does.”
centres. Ha Noi Night Market, for example, can give shoppers unique experiences of a night market. They Vân, 15: “I buy most of my clothes from a local store near my house. I can walk there in just a few minutes.
can also enjoy various kinds of delicious street food such as bun thang, La Vong grilled fish, pho, banh mi, It's much easier and less crowded than at shopping malls, and the customer service is better. The sales
and bun cha. Other items up for sale are T-shirts, handicrafts, accessories, shoes, sunglasses and souvenirs, assistants are friendlier and always give me good advice on what to buy.”
which shoppers can buy at prices as low as 25 per cent of the originally quoted prices. Takashimaya - a Ngọc, 15: “I prefer to do my shopping at shopping malls. It's easier because my parents don't have to take
famous shopping centre in Ho Chi Minh City - offers the best products from Japan, Europe and North me to different stores. My advice is to be careful with money. Decide how much you can spend,and don't
America right in the heart of the city. Aeon Mall in Ha Noi, which hosts four storeys of stores ranging from spend more than that. Never buy things you don't need just because they're on sale. My least favorite
jewellery and cosmetics to shoes and clothing from top brands of the world, is another example of an ideal clothes are always things I bought just because they were cheap.”
shopping centre for people coming here. 1. Where does Thanh buy her clothes?
Remember that bargaining is a must-learn skill here, especially in some local markets. You will be  ___________________________________________________
surprised by how much you can put the prices down after bargaining successfully. 2. What is Thanh’s advice for shoppers?
(Adapted from:  ___________________________________________________
3. Why does Van prefer a local store to shopping malls?
1. The costs of living in Viet Nam are ________.
 ___________________________________________________
A. high B. low C. exceptionally high D. of average level
4. Why does Ngoc like shopping malls?
2. ________ is an example of street night markets in Viet Nam.
 ___________________________________________________
A. Shopping mall C. Takashimaya inHo Chi Minh City Exercise 10.Read the article and do the tasks that follow.
B. Ha Noi NightMarket D. Ha Noi AeonMall Shopping Online
3. Takashimaya in Ho Chi Minh City ________. Lots of people enjoy the benefits of online shopping. You don’t have to sit in traffic jams or wait at bus
A. was a famous shopping centre stops or at train stations. Because online stores are open 24 hours, seven days a week, you can sit at your
B. offers best traditional products computer and shop at your leisure. And you don’t have to collect your product because they deliver it right
C. is on the outskirt of the city to your door.
D. has Japanese and European items to offer But shopping online isn’t all great - you need to be very careful when deciding what to buy and where to
4. What is closest in meaning to quoted prices? buy it. Here are some tips for shopping safely online.
A. Prices that customer pay. Use a secure connection
B. Prices that shops tell customers. The easiest way of making sure the connection is secure is to look for the lock sign in the address bar.
C. Prices that are copied. Another is to look at the start of the website address. If this starts with “https”, there is a secure connection
D. Prices that customers want to pay. because the letter “s” means “secure”. If you see ‘http’ with no “s”, don’t enter the website or give your
5. What should you remember when you shop in Viet Nam? personal or bank details. It could be a false website that is trying to steal your money or personal
A. Go to different shopping centres C. Learn to bargain information.
B. Ask for a discount of 25% D. Pay 25% of the real prices Use a secure payment method
Exercise 9. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. Only shop on sites that offer secure payment methods, like credit cards and other payment systems. This
Teen Shopping Habits in Vietnam gives you protection in a situation where you and the shop disagree - the shop can’t say you did anything
We interviewed three teens about their shopping habits. Read on to find the best tips.

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illegal, like using another person’s credit card to pay. Banks usually contact you if they think something is Exercise 11. Answer the following questions, using the cues below.
wrong. Vincom Centre Landmark 81 Shopping Mall
Create a strong password Vincom Centre Landmark 81 Shopping Mall is one of the biggest and most luxurious places to go
A strong password is very important. It’s usually a good idea to change your passwords every few months, shopping, entertain, eat and drink in Ho Chi Minh City.
just in case someone finds out what they are. Also, try to use a different password for different online Location: Vincom Centre Landmark 81 Skyscraper, in Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
shopping sites: once someone guesses one password, they can get access to everything you do online. Opening hours: 9.30 - 22.00
Check other customers' comments Grand opening: 26th July, 2018
Always check the seller’s history when using online sites. You can get an idea by looking at other buyers’ Total area: 59,000 m2
comments. If you are not sure about a product, you can always send the seller a question and the good Number of floors: 5 floors overground and 1 basement
sellers will reply fairly quickly. 5. What is the location of Vincom Centre Landmark 81 Shopping Mall?
Task 1. Choose the correct answers.  _______________________________________________________________
1. What is the purpose of the article? 6. What are its opening hours?
A. to stop people shopping online  _______________________________________________________________
7. When was it opened?
B. to help people save money when shopping online
 _______________________________________________________________
C. to make people think twice before shopping online
8. What is its total area?
D. to help people stay safe when shopping online
 _______________________________________________________________
2. According to the author, what are the benefits of shopping online? 9. How many floors are there in Vincom Centre Landmark 81 Shopping Mall?
A. It’s much cheaper.  _______________________________________________________________
B. There is less travelling involved.
C. Payment time is much quicker.
D. There are more choices.
Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences using the given words.
3. What does the author say you can do to make sure the connection is safe?
1. Her income is quite low. She can’t resist buying new things. (although)
A. go to a website where you can check the address.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
B. contact the website by sending them a message.
2. Our customer service staff have to take good care of our customers. They would turn to other brands.
C. look for a special icon on the screen.
D. look for the word ‘secure’ in the website address.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. According to the author, why is it important to create a strong password? 3. The price tag can tell you about prices. You can still bargain and pay 20% lower than the prices on the
A. so only you and the shop know your password. tags. (but)
B. so no one can guess your password and see everything you do.  _______________________________________________________________________________________
C. so you can shop happily online with no worries. 4. Many shops are offering 50% discounts before Tet. Customers seem to be very careful about spendings
D. so only you and the bank know your password. as the economy is facing a downturn. (however)
5. Why does the author suggest you check other customers’ comments?  _______________________________________________________________________________________
A. so we can see if the seller is honest. 5. I told the shop assistant that I was not satisfied with the product. She refused to give me a refund. (yet)
B. because they explain everything about the product.  _______________________________________________________________________________________
C. because the seller might not tell the truth about the product. Exercise 2.Write sentences with the cues given.
D. so we can talk to them about the product or seller. 1. I / more interested / online browsing / in-store shopping.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
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2. Sellers / often try / make / the process of / shopping online / easier / more convenient. 3. Due to the supermarket's set prices, I am unable to bargain there.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________ A. Because the fixed prices at supermarkets, I can never haggle there.
3. Window shopping / one / my favourite activities / travelling / another city. B. Since grocery pricing are set, I can never haggle there.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________ C. I can never bargain at a supermarket because the prices is fixed.
4. Ha Noi Night Market / must-see place / visitors.
D. Since grocery pricing are fixed, I never can haggle there.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. I like spending time with friends over the weekend to browse instead of buy.
5. Most / the clothes they sell / that second-hand shop / dirt cheap.
A. I enjoy getting out with friends on the weekends to browse and buy.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 3. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. B. I prefer getting out with friends on the weekends to buy something.
C. I’m interested in spending time with friends to browse
1. shopping malls/ I/ with/ browsing/ am interested/ wandering/ friends/ in/ hanging out/ chatting/ while/
D. On the weekends, I like to spend time with friends to browse instead of make purchases.
and/ through.
5. Let's get ready for the festival. It begins on March first.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
B. Let's get ready for the festival. It will begin on March first.
2. entertainment/often/ all ages/ these/ free/ customers/ of/ for/These/ year-round/ centres/ offer
C. Let's get ready for the festival. It began on March first.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
D. Let's get ready for the festival. It begins on the first of March.
3. because/ a/ never/ prices/ you/ supermarket/ In/ can/ fixed/ bargain/ the/ are
E. Let's get ready for the festival. It begins at March 1st.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 5. Write a short paragraph to talk about advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.
4. because/ need/ dollar store/ purchase/ them/ from/ dont’/ I/ items/ don’t/ often/ the/ I
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. shopping centres/ to/ a lot of/ During/ decoration/ to/ see/ holidays/ people/ go/
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
6. for/ I/ browsing/ am/of/ clothes/ the/ in/ online/ habit
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
7. bus/ to/ 9:00/ The/ that/ a/ ward Thu Duc/ says/ schedule/ is/ bus/ at/ there
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
8. comfortable/ try/ for/ four/ are/ but/ on/ dresses/ none/I
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 4. Choose the best answer.
1. I don't often buy clothes online because they don't look as they do in person.
A. I don’t like purchase clothing online since it doesn't appear like what I see in person. ------ THE END -----
B. Because they don't appear like in real life, I usually purchase clothing online.
C. Because they don't look like they do in real life, I seldom ever purchase clothing online.
D. I buy rarely clothing online since it doesn't appear like what I see in person.
2. Do you usually go shopping at a speciality shop?
A. Do usually you go shopping at a speciality shop.
B. Do you frequently visit specialty stores to shop?
C. Do you go shopping at a speciality shop frequently?
D. Do you typically shopping at specialty stores?
35 36
. UNIT 8: .
SHOPPING 30. assistant (n) /əˈsɪs.tənt/ người bán hàng
31. return (v) /rɪˈtɝːn/ trả lại, trở lại
32. schedule (n) /ˈskedʒ.uːl/ lịch trình, thời gian biểu
A. VOCABULARY 33. announcement (n) /əˈnaʊns.mənt/ sự thông báo
 New words (Từ mới) 34. bake (v) /beɪk/ nướng (bánh)
Word Type Pronunciation Meaning 35. advertisement (n) /ˌæd.vɚˈtaɪz.mənt/ sự quảng cáo
1. open-air (adj) /ˌoʊ.pənˈer/ ngoài trời 36. advertise (v) /ˈæd.vɚ.taɪz/ quảng cáo
2. open-air market /ˌoʊ.pənˈer mɑːr.kɪt/ chợ họp ngoài trời 37. fair (n) /fer/ hội chợ
3. farmer’s market /ˈfɑːr.mɚz ˌmɑːr.kɪt/ chợ nông sản 38. expire (v) /ɪkˈspaɪr/ hết hạn
4. home-made (adj) /ˌhoʊmˈmeɪd/ tự làm 39. yellowish (adj) /ˈjel.oʊ.ɪʃ/ hơi vàng
5. home-grown (adj) /ˌhoʊmˈɡroʊn/ tự trồng 40. entertainment (n) /en.t̬ɚˈteɪn.mənt/ sự giải trí
6. bargain (v,n) /ˈbɑːr.ɡɪn/ mặc cả, sự mặc cả 41. customer (n) /ˈkʌs.tə.mɚ/ khách hàng
7. fix (v) /fɪks/ cố định, sửa chữa 42. year-round (adv) /ˌjɪrˈraʊnd/ cả năm
8. price (n) /praɪs/ giá ( tiền) 43. decoration (n) /ˌdek.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ đồ trang trí
9. fixed price /fɪkst praɪs/ giá cố định 44. live music (n) /lɪv ˈmjuː.zɪk/ nhạc sống
10. price tag /ˈpraɪs ˌtæɡ/ nhãn ghi giá một mặt hàng, thẻ giá 45. excitement (n) /ɪkˈsaɪt.mənt/ sự nhộn nhịp, náo động
11. convenience store /kənˈviː.ni.əns ˌstɔːr/ cửa hàng tiện ích 46. wander (v) /’wɑːndər/ đi lang thang, thả bộ
12. dollar store /ˈdɑː.lɚ ˌstɔːr/ cửa hàng đồng giá ( một đô la) 47. well-lit (adj) /’wel lɪt/ đủ ánh sáng
13. shopping (n) /ˈʃɑː.pɪŋ/ việc mua sắm 48. complaint (n) /kəm’pleɪnt/ lời phàn nàn
14. shop (v) /ʃɑːp/ mua sắm 49. shipping (n) /ˈʃɪpɪŋ/ sự chuyển hàng, giao hàng
15. shopping centre /ˈʃɑː.pɪŋ ˌsen.t̬ɚ/ trung tâm mua sắm 50. popularity (n) /pɑː.pjə’ler.ə.t̬i/ sự phổ biến
16. shopping mall /ˈʃɑː.pɪŋ ˌmɑːl/ khu mua sắm 51. advantage (n) /ədvæn.t̬ɪdʒ/ thuận lợi
17. shopper (n) /ˈʃɑː.pɚ/ người mua sắm 52. disadvantage (n) /dɪs.ədˈvæn.t̬ɪdʒ/ bất lợi
18. shopaholic (n) /ˌʃɑː.pəˈhɑː.lɪk/ người nghiện mua sắm 53. episode (n) /ˈep.ə.soʊd/ đoạn, hồi, tập phim
19. shop owner /ʃɑːp ˈoʊ.nɚ/ chủ cửa hàng 54. brand (n) /brænd/ nhãn ( hàng hóa)
20. shopping list /ˈʃɑː.pɪŋ ˌlɪst/ danh sách những thứ cần mua 55. shuttle bus /ˈʃʌt̬.əl bʌs/ xe buýt chạy tuyến ngắn
21. speciality shop /ˌspeʃ.iˈæl.ə.t̬I ʃɑːp/ cửa hàng đặc sản, bán đồ chuyên dụng 56. parking lot /ˈpɑːr.kɪŋ ˌlɑːt/ bãi đỗ xe
22. discount shop /ˈdɪs.kaʊnt ʃɑːp/ cửa hàng hạ giá 57. voucher (n) /ˈvaʊ.tʃɚ/ phiếu đã trả tiền
23. goods (n) /ɡʊdz/ hàng hóa 58. home economics /ˌhoʊm iː.kəˈnɑː.mɪks/ môn học công nghệ
24. display (n,v) /dɪˈspleɪ/ sự trưng bày, bày biện, trưng bày 59. addicted (adj) /əˈdɪk.tɪd/ nghiện, say mê
25. browse (v) /braʊz/ xem qua, duyệt qua 60. sale (n) /seɪl/ sự bán hạ giá
26. access (n) /ˈæ nguồn để tiếp cận, truy cập vào 61. during sales /ˈdʊr.ɪŋ seɪl/ đang mùa giảm giá
27. access internet (n) /ˈæk.sesˈɪn.t̬ɚ.net/ sự truy cập internet 62. buyer (n) /ˈbaɪ.ɚ/ người mua
28. item (n) /ˈɑː.fɚ/ món hàng 63. seller (n) /ˈsel.ɚ/ người bán
29. offer (v) /ˈɑː.fɚ/ cung cấp, đưa ra bán (hàng) 64. range (n) /reɪndʒ/ dãy, hàng

1 2
. .
frequently thường xuyên
 Structures (Cấu trúc) sometimes thỉnh thoảng
No structures/ collocations/ idioms/ phrasal verb Meaning occasionally thỉnh thoảng
1. Be made of Được làm từ seldom ít khi
Ex: This table was made of wood. Vd: Cái bàn này đã được làm từ gỗ. rarely hiếm khi
2. On sale Đang giảm giá never không bao giờ
Ex: Tickets are on sale from the booking office. Vd: Những tấm vé đang được giảm giá tại phòng vé hardly ever hầu như không bao giờ
3. To prefer to V thích hơn regularly đều đặn, thường xuyên

Ex: Nicole prefers to drink chamomile tea. Vd: Nicole thích uống trà hoa cúc. normally thông thường

4. To complain about + noun/ n.phr/ V-ing phàn nàn, khiếu nại về Ex: +) I always have breakfast at 6 o'clock. (Tôi luôn ăn sáng lúc 6 giờ.)
Ex: Parents want to complain about the noise from Vd: Bố mẹ muốn khiếu nại về ồn ào từ hàng xóm. +) We sometimes go to the cinema. (Thỉnh thoảng chúng tôi đi xem phim.)
the neighbor’s house 2. Cách dùng trạng từ chỉ tần suất
5. To try on Mặc thử - Dùng để diễn tả mức độ mức độ thường xuyên của hành động.
Ex: She likes to try on the new dress. Vd: Cô ấy thích mặc thử chiếc đầm mới. Ex: +) Alice often goes to school on foot. (Alice thường đi bộ đến trường.)
6. Be addicted to + Noun/ V-ing nghiện, say mê... +) My brother rarely stays at home on the weekends. (Anh trai tôi hiếm khi ở nhà vào những ngày cuối
Ex: A lot of people nowadays are addicted to the Vd: Ngày nay nhiều người nghiện internet. tuần.)
internet. - Dùng để trả lời cho câu hỏi với “How often”
7. A(wide) range of + plural noun Nhiều (rất nhiều)..... Ex: +) How often do you go to the beach? (Bạn có thường xuyên đi biển không?)
Ex: This store has a wide range of products from Vd: Cửa hàng này có nhiều loại sản phẩm từ đồ điện
+) Sometimes, about twice a month. (Thỉnh thoảng thôi, khoảng hai lần một tháng)
electronics to books. tử đến sách.
3. Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ tần suất trong câu
 Word form:
- Đứng sau động từ be:
wander (v) đi lang thang - wanderer (n) người đi lang thang
Ex: +) He is patient when talking to his son. (Ông ấy luôn kiên nhẫn khi đối thoại với con trai của mình.)
convenient (adj) tiện lợi - convenience (n) sự tiện lợi
- Đứng trước động từ thường:
addicted (adj) nghiện, say mê - addiction (n) sự nghiện, sự say mê
attract (v) thu hút - attraction (n) attractive (adj) Ex: +) He rarely goes to work on time. (Anh ấy hiếm khi đi làm đúng giờ.)
- Đứng sau trợ động từ và trước động từ chính.
Ex: +) My mother doesn't often buy things online. (Mẹ tôi không thường mua đồ trên mạng.)
B. GRAMMAR: - Đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu (ngoại trừ hardly, ever, never).
I. Adverbs of frequency ( các trạng từ chỉ tần suất) Ex: +) Normally, my father will come home at 5 p.m. (Thông thường, ba tôi sẽ về nhà vào lúc 5 giờ chiều.)
1. Định nghĩa: II. Present simple for future( Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả tương lai)
- Trạng từ chỉ tần suất (Adverbs of frequency) là trạng từ dùng để diễn tả một sự việc hay hành động nào đó
xảy ra ở mức độ thường xuyên như thế nào. 1. Ôn tập thì hiện tại đơn
- Sau đây là một số trạng từ chỉ tần suất phổ biến trong tiếng Anh:
Cấu trúc Ví dụ
always luônluôn
(+) S + am/is/are + ... Ex. Nick is from Canada.( Nick đến từ Canada.)
usually thường, hay
(-) S + am/is/are not + ... Ex: He isn’t Vietnamese.
often thường
3 4
. .
( Ông ấy không phải người Việt Nam.) Diễn tả sự thất hiển nhiên Ex. The Sun rises in the East.
 Đối (?) Am/is/are + S + ...? Ex. Is she in grade 8? – Yes, she is. ( Mặt trời mọc ở hướng đông.)
với - Yes, it is ( Cô ấy học lớp 8 phải không?) – Vâng, đúng vậy.) - Diễn tả sự việc xảy ra trong tương lai theo Ex. The train to Manchester leaves at 9:00 a.m.
động - No, it isn’t  Cách lịch trình. (Chuyến tàu điện đến Manchester rời bến lúc 9 giờ
từ dùng sáng.)
(+) I/you/we/they/ N(số nhiều) + V( nguyên thể) Ex1. They speak French. ( Họ nói tiếng Pháp.) Diễn tả một suy nghĩ, cảm giác hay cảm xúc. Ex. I think you are proficient in English.

He/she/it/ N( số ít) + Vs/es Ex2.Daisy lives in France. ( Daisy sống ở nước (Tôi nghĩ bạn thành thạo tiếng Anh.)

- Dùng trong các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời Ex. I will call you as soon as I finish my

Note. - Nếu động từ thường tận cùng bởi chữ cái : O,S,CH,X,SH ( ông Sáu chạy xe SH) thì khi dùng ở gian. homework.

ngôi thứ 3 số ít ta thêm đuôi ES sau động từ (Tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn sau khi tôi làm xong bài tập.)

Ex. watch-> watches; brush-> brushes; do-> does; fix-> fixes, miss-> misses
Mệnh đề if của câu điều kiện loại 1. Ex. If I don't study hard, I may fail the exam.
- Với các từ có tận cùng là “y” thì khi dùng với ngôi số ít, bỏ “y” và thêm đuôi “ies”
(Nếu tôi không học hành chăm chỉ, tôi có thể rớt
 Đối với Ex. copy – copies; study – studies
kì thi.)
động từ
- Với các từ còn lại, thêm đuôi “s”.
Ex. see – sees; play – plays,... 2. Cách dùng thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả tương lai
(-) I/you/we/they/N( số nhiều) + do + not + V Ex1. She doesn’t come from Singapore.
- Chúng ta dùng thì hiện tại đơn với nghĩa tương lai để nói về thời gian biểu hay lịch trình( của các phương
(nguyên thể) ( Cô ấy không đến từ Singapore.)
tiện giao thông công cộng, rạp chiếu phim, trường học.)
He/she/it/N(số ít) + does + not + V( nguyên Ex2. I do not (don’t) often go to school on foot.
thể) ( Tôi thường không đi bộ đi học.) Ex1. My music class starts at 9 a.m. ( lớp học nhạc của tôi bắt đầu học vào lúc 9 giờ sáng.)
Ex3. The Sun does not (doesn’t) set in the Ex2. The train to Hanoi leaves at 2:15 from platform two.
Note: Do not = don’t; does not = doesn’t South. ( Xe lửa Hà Nội khởi hành vào lúc 2 giờ 15 ở ga số 2.)
(Mặt trời không lặn ở hướng Nam.) - Note: Cần phân biệt thì hiện tại với các cách diễn tả tương lai khác.
+) Dùng Be going to để nói về tương lai gần.
(?) Do/does(not) + S + V (nguyên thể)+ ...? Ex1. Does she go to work by taxi ? – Yes, she
Ex. It’s 9 o’clock now. The plane is about to take off at 9:10.
- Yes, S+ do/does. does.
( Cô ấy đi làm bằng taxi phải không?)- Vâng, đúng ( Bây giờ là 9 giờ. Máy bay sẽ cất cánh vào lúc 9 giờ 10.)
- No, S + don’t/doesn’t.
vây.) +) Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn được dùng cho những sắp xếp mang tính chất cá nhân.
Ex2. Do they play sports? – No, they don’t. Ex. Are you meeting George tomorrow? ( Bạn sẽ gặp George vào ngày mai phải không?)
( Họ chơi các môn thể thao phải không? – Không,
3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết.
không phải.)
Trong câu xuất hiện các trạng từ chỉ tần suất: Always, constantly, usually, frequently, often, occasionally,
soemtimes, seldom, rarely, every day/week/month...
Diễn tả thói quen hằng ngày. Ex. I usually go to school on time.
( Tôi thường đi học đúng giờ.)

5 6
. .
Ex: still, costume, longest,...
C. PHONICS: Sound /st/ and /sp/ - Cụm phụ âm /sp/ được phát âm trong các từ có cụm chữ cái sp
I. Cách phát âm Ex: spill, spa, sport,...

 Âm/st/ được tạo ra bởi 2 âm/s/ và /t/ D. PRACTICE

- /s/: mặt lưỡi chạm nhẹ vào lợi hàm răng trên, PHONICS
phần gạc mềm được nâng lên. Sau đó, hơi được Exercise 1. Read the following words and put them in the correct column.
đẩy thoát ra giữa mặt lưỡi và lợi hàm trên nhưng
không tạo ra độ rung ở cổ họng. /st/ /sp/
- /k/: đầu lưỡi chạm vào lợi hàm trên và nâng - still student stay - speciality display speak
phần ngạc mềm lên để chặn luồng khí trong - tourist state step - spicy spoon aspect
miệng. Sau đó, bật mạnh hơi để tạo ra âm/t/
- style stilt costume - speech space spend
mà không lảm rung dây thanh.
- store - sport
- Kết hợp từ âm/s/ sang âm/t/ chúng ta được
cụm phụ âm/st/ Exercise 2. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
• Âm /sp/ được kết hợp bởi 2 âm /s/ và /p/ 1. A. stadium B. often C. castle D. whistle
- /s/: mặt lưỡi chạm nhẹ vào lợi hàm răng trên, 2. A. brand B. advantage C. wander D. access
phần gạc mềm được nâng lên. Sau đó, hơi được 3. A. complainted B. addicted C. divided D. expired
đẩy thoát ra giữa mặt lưỡi và lợi hàm trên nhưng 4. A. return B. further C. schedule D. purchase
không tạo ra độ rung ở cổ họng. 5. A. credit B. customer C. announcement D. seller
- /p/ mím nhẹ hai môi và nâng ngạc mềm lên để 6. A. display B. benefit C. internet D. episode
chặn luồng khí trong miệng. Sau đó, bật hơi để 7. A. excitement B. assitant C. expire D. item
tạo ra mà không làm rung dây thanh trong cổ 8. A. addicted B. offered C. used D. learned
họng. 9. A. flood B. blood C. goods D. love
- Kết hợp từ âm/s/ sang âm/p/ chúng ta được 10. A. wanders B. belongs C. works D. words
cụm phụ âm/sp/ 11. A. brand B. range C. sale D. bake
12. A. painting B. entertain C. remain D. bargain
II. sự khác nhau giữa /bl/ và/kl/ 13. A. shop B. gone C. clothes D. boring
 Về mặt âm thanh: Sự khác biệt của cụm phụ âm /st/ và /sp/ xuất phát từ sự khác biệt của vị trí môi 14. A. partner B. dollar C. dark D. artist
và lưỡi khi bật hơi phát âm âm /t/ và /p/ 15. A. island B. outstand C. economics D. thirsty
- Với âm /t/ đầu lưỡi lại chạm vào lợi hàm trên và hai môi hé mở. 16. A. spicy B. style C. typewriter D. try
- Với âm /p/ lưỡi thả lỏng nhưng hai môi lại mím nhẹ. 17. A. audio B. clause C. restaurant D. autumn
/st/: still style 18. A. populated B. loaded C. harvested D. lived
/st/: spill spy 19. A. supermarket B. parking C. access D. father
 Về mặt chính tả: 20. A. discount B. mouth C. shoulder D. south
- Cụm phụ âm /st/ được phát âm trong các từ có cụm chữ cái 21. A. access B. centre C. market D. well-lit
7 8
. .
22. A. sale B. tag C. speciality D. attract 9. Could you speak more slowly?
23. A. produce B. product C. lucky D. much 10. My brother is a stamp collector.
24. A. fixed B. fix C. example D. excellent 11. The house was built of grey stone.
25. A. store B. costume C. florist D. speciality 12. Potato crisps are my favourite snack.
26. A. wrong B. store C. order D. clothes 13. Indonesian food is rather spicy.
Exercise 3. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others. 14. The castle stands on a hill.
1. A. access B. sometimes C. often D. display 15. She always reads the children a bedtime story.
2. A. shopping B. return C. owner D. item 16. The kitchen was in its original state, with a 1920s sink and stove.
3. A. expire B. wander C. complaint D. prefer GRAMMAR
4. A. episode B. addicted C. excitement D. assistant
Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and write the name of the activities.
5. A. advertise B. yellowish C. announcement D. wonderful
6. A. shuttle B. seller C. credit D. support bargain shopaholic open-air market addicted price tag browse
7. A. customer B. advantage C. decorate D. homemaker complaint home-grown convenience store on sale wander home-made
8. A. speciality B. economics C. shopaholic D. convenience
9. A. popularity B. advertisement C. supermarket D. decoration
10. A. surround B. discount C. shopper D. schedule
11. A. different B. attraction C. frequently D. rarely
12. A. center B. enter C. extreme D. surrounding
13. A. demand B. never C. arrive D. another
14. A. travelling B. smartphone C. product D. refusal
1. open-air market 2. home-grown 3. shopaholic 4. convenience store
15. A. holiday B. exercise C. consider D. interview
16. A. volunteer B. coffee C. engineer D. record
17. A. receive B. repeat C. private D. provide
18. A. builder B. teacher C. writer D. career
19. A. complaint B. problem C. customer D. hotline
20. A. seller B. discount C. attract D. enter
Exercise 4.Underline the duster /st/ and double underline the duster /sp/ in the following sentence then read
aloud the sentences. 5. addicted 6. browse 7. bargain 8. home-made

1. He made a speech in the opening ceremony of the department store.

2. Don’t expect everything to be in stock in that small shop.
3. The customer service department only deals with specific complaints.
4. I suspect they can provide the fast food that you like.
5. The shop assistant spoke as softly as if he was whispering something.
9. complaint 10. price tag 11. wander 12. on sale
6. How do you spell your name?
7. How much does your family spend on food each week? Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1
8. John did a lot of sport when he was at school.
9 10
. .
1. My mom complained about the neighbors being too noisy yesterday.
2. How much is it? There's no price tag on it. 1. shopper A. using the Internet to order food or goods
3. He bought a sports jacket on sale at the store. 2. shopaholic B. a market is outdoor and offers a wide range of goods
4. She is a shopaholic and is very concerned with her clothes and physical appearance. 3. online shopping C. a shop offers one or two specific kinds of goods
5. Some people go to shopping centres just to hang out with friends or browse. 4. during sales D. a person who buys goods from shops
6. These home-grown apples taste better than the ones from abroad. 5. speciality shop E. a person who is addicted to shopping
7. I’ll wander around the shopping mall for half an hour. 6. open-air market F. a time when many things in a shop are at lower prices than usual
8. He spent hours bargaining for the valuable watch.
9. We stopped at a gas station and bought some snacks at the convenience store. Exercise 5. Complete the correct answer A ,B ,C or D.
10. Hoa is a shopaholic. She is addicted to going shopping. 1. The responsibility of a ________ is to provide customers with help and sell goods.
11. I'm always eating in restaurants, but I prefer home-made foods. A. shop assistant B. dealer C. customer service D. cashier
12. I’d like to try shopping at an open-air market and learn how to bargain. 2. I don’t know how to ________ for lower prices so I shop in supermarkets as theyhave fixed prices.
Exercise 3. Match the words in column A to the correct meanings in column B. A. negotiate B. bargain C. discuss D. beg
A B 3. The sale season ________ in December, so let’s wait until then. It’s just a monthfrom now.

1. browse A. to try to make someone agree to give you something that is better for you, such A. will begins B. is beginning C. begins D. is going to begin

as a better price or better working conditions 4. Take your student card with you, you will get a ________ of 30%.
A. sale B. bargain C. decrease D. discount
2. home-made B. a person who is buying things from a shop or a number of shops.
5. The handbag is a real ________. You can’t always get things at that reasonableprices.
3. internet access C. from your own garden
A. price B. discount C. bargain D. sale
4. bargain D. to look through a book a magazine without reading everything, or to walk 6. We went ________ in an antique shop and got this vase. It is good value for mymoney.
around a shop looking at several things without intending to buy any of them A. window shopping C. brand shopping
5. speciality shop E. a shop where everything costs one dollar B. bargain hunting D. brand hunting
6. shopaholic F. made at home and not bought from shop 7. We have new shoes ________ from today. The prices are a bit high but they areworth your money.

7. display G. a market where local farmers sell the fruit, vegetables, meat, ect… that they A. on sale B. for sale C. for buy D. under offer

produce on their farm 8. Electronic goods are ________ at 30% this week, so I will get a new dishwasher.
A. for sale B. on discount C. on sale D. for rent
8. shopper H. to be no longer legally acceptable because the period of time for which it could
9. The Community Fair ________ this Spring, and we have all decided to attend it.
be used has ended
A. is held B. will be held C. will take place D. is taking place
9. home-grown I. to arrange something or a collection of things so that it can be seen by the public
10. I like shopping in that small convenience store because they are always ________.
10. expire J. the ability to connect to the internet A. clean and clear C. chalk and cheese
11. dollar store K. a person who enjoys shopping very much and does it a lot. B. spick and span D. bread and butter
12. farmer’s market L. a shop that focuses on selling a particular brand or a particular type of product 11. -Mai: ________
- Nick: Yes, certainly.
 Your answer:
A.Will this summer sale start in June?
1.D 2.F 3. J 4.A 5.L 6.K 7.I 8.B 9.C 10.E 11. E 12.G B. Is this summer sale starting in June?
Exercise 4.Match the words and phrases with their meanings. C. Does this summer sale start in June?

11 12
. .
D. Is this summer sale going to start in June? 29. The bowl is ______ glass and paper is _________tree.
12. I am not a shopaholic. In fact, I go shopping ________. A. made from/made by B. made by/ made in
A. out of the blue C. once on a blue moon B. made of/ made by D. made of/ made from
B. once in a blue moon D. Monday blues 30. I was late for work only one time last year. I’m__________late.
13. The factory outlets ________ a special offer for all items next week as planned. A. sometime B. always C. never D. rarely
A. will give B. give C. are giving D. are going to give 31. I got this handbag half price when it was ________ last month.
14. I have no bank account so I will pay in ________. A. in stores B. on service C. in offer D. on sale
A. cheque B. cash C. credit card D. transfer 32. I went through about four years of being addicted __________video games.
15. We sell cups of coffee from our stall at the farmers’ _____________. A. play B. to play C. to playing D. playing
A. market B. town C. trader D. economy 33. I________eat junk food because I know it’s not healthy.
16. They aim to respond to all customer _____________within 24 hours. A. sometimes B. seldom C. always D. often
A. illness B. dissatisfaction C. complains D. complaints 34. _______a small local store where you can buy food, newspapers, etc, and that is open until late at night
17. We bought some snacks at the _____________store at midnight. It serves us all the time. or all the time.
A. retail B. department C. convenience D. online A. grocery store B. department store C. speciality store D. convenience store
18. As a_____________, Jane loved looking for new clothes with her two daughters. 35. A: Do you ever drink coffee? B: Yes, but only _______, not often. Just a few times a week.
A. shopaholic B. shopkeeper C. shop assistant D. retailer A. usually B. sometimes C. rarely D. never
19. It has a _____________of more than $2,000. 36. She’s going to look for a job as soon as she _________in London.
A. price control B. price tag C. price war D. priceless A. arrived B. will arrive C. arrives D. has arrived
20. We often go to an _____________swimming pool to enjoy sunlight. 37. There was nothing they could buy but two pairs of shoes. What does” but” mean?
A. open day B. open-ended C. open air D. open-air A. except B. instead of C. than D. unless
21. She picked up some real bargains_____________. 38. How frequently do you return items from internet stores? What is the opposite of the word“ return”?
A. for sale B. on sale C. in sale D. on a sale or return A. move back B. repair C. buy D. keep
22. The market is full of farm_____________. 39. - Store assistant:” What’s wrong with your computer?”
A. produce B. product C. production D. productivity - Customer:” _______________”
23. Students are from a wide _____________of backgrounds. A. My computer costs a lot of money.
A. limit B. distance C. range `` D. group B. I bought it yesterday.
24. They offer a ten percent _____________on travel for students. C. The screen is blank.
A. discount B. cut C. decrease D. drop D. I want to buy a new computer.
25. Can you wave aover a sales _________? I have a question about this warmcoat. 40. - Anna: I’m afraid I have a complaint to make. I’ve been waiting for the soup for 20 minutes.
A. assistant B. assistance C. assist D. assisting - Waiter: ________
26. ________ they took their laptops to the shop, they asked for their receipts. A. I’m sorry. But the soup is not ready yet.
A. If B. When C. Since D. Because B. Really? Can you change to another dish, please?
27. There ________ another bus to Canberra in half an hour. C. I'm sorry. We’ve had some problems with the kitchen.
A. is B. will be C. are D. was D. Have you? Do you want something different?
28. My mother prefers___________at the supermarket to the market.
A. shop B. to shop C. shops D. to shopping Exercise 6.Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
13 14
. .
1. All the items have fixed prices on their price tag. shopaholic browse price tag outlets
A. clothes B. drinks C. food D. goods discount offer customer service
2. I will go to the convenience store near the company to buy some food.
A. shop B. hotel C. villa D. restaurant 1. I don’t know how much the sweater costs because the price tag is missing.
3. Farmers' markets are a traditional way of selling home-made products. 2. She admitted that she is a shopaholic. She can’t resist shopping every weekend.
A. common B. convenient C. awesome D. interesting 3. We can’t come to various shops to check the goods and prices, so we browse the online stores first to
4. The market near my house is small but offers a wide range of products. save time.
A. some B. a few C. less D. lots of 4. As we were not satisfied with the service of the shops in the mall, we came to customer service for a
5. She paid a higher amount than usual for the new shoes. She doesn't know how to bargain. complaint.
A. sell B. drive C. haggle D. dance 5. They give 10% discount for cash payment.
6. Most mothers love shopping at the discount shops because they offer lower prices on all products. Exercise 9.Complete the sentences with the words given.
A. increase B. reduction C. agreement D. extension
market supermarket range price speciality
7. The printerhas just stopped working. Can you repair it for me?
shopaholic produce seller convenience costumes
A. fix B. return C. restart D. refund
1. How much is it? I can’t find the price tag.
8. It is very convenient for me to get to the station.
2. The shop sells only fresh local produce.
A. useful B. ideal C. proper D. practical
3. The supermarket chain announced that it was cutting the cost of all its fresh and frozen meat.
Exercise 7. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word.
4. The children were dressed in Halloween costumes.
1. Never buy things you don’t need just because they are on sale.
5. The seller of the painting was kept secret.
A. reduce in price B. increase in price C. double in price D. halve in price
6. All our fruit comes from the farmers’ market .
2. How frequently do you go shopping?
7. Most convenience stores are located on busy street corners or at gas stations.
A. sometimes B. unusually C. often D. much
8. She used to be an absolute shopaholic until she had a baby.
3. That customer came back to complain again about bad service.
9. A speciality shop is a shop that sells unusual or special products.
A. explain B. repeat C. praise D. command
10. They sell a wide range of skin-care products.
4. The only means of access to the station is through a dark subway.
Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with the adjectives given.
A. arrival B. admission C. output D. outlet
5. The coat you bought from the supermarket is very costly. home-grown home-made well-lit free convenient
A. careless B. cheap C. unfit D. expensive year-round open-air unhappy fixed online
6. Kristen was well known for being a shopaholic and Tom didn't want to be anywhere near her when she 1. Click on this link to visit our online bookstore.
was let loose in a mall. 2. We had lunch at a(n) open-air café in the city square.
A. frequent shopper B. consumerist C. saver D. mallrat 3. The family sells their home-grown vegetables at the local market.
7. My season ticket will expire this week. 4. A bike is a very convenient way of getting around.
A. end B. persist C. perish D. pass 5. Farmers’ markets are a traditional way of selling home-grown fruits and home-made products
8. I tried on six pairs of trousers before I found a pair that fitted. effectively.
A. put to the test B. tried out C. give up D. test 6. These fixed prices give farmers a good life.
Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the words / phrases below. There are some words you may not need 7. Drivers should park in a(n) well-lit area to prevent theft at night.
to use. 8. All the parks in our city are open year-round.
15 16
. .
9. The store has changed its image in an effort to win back unhappy customers. He often jogs in the evening.
10. They are offering a(n) free gift with each product we buy. 6. She is sad. (seldom)
Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given. She is seldom sad.
7. My sister misses an episode of the Kid's Talents programme. (never)
make wander try on browse display My sister never misses an episode of the Kid's Talents programme.
missed grow hang out bargain return
8. My father doesn't go fishing. (frequently)

1. I missed the start of the class because my bus was late. My father doesn't frequently go fishing.
9. I am excited to see her. (always)
2. The company is bargaining with growers over the price of coffee.
3. Make a shopping list to prevent buying unnecessary things. I am always excited to see her.

4. The trip allows you plenty of time for browsing around the shops. 10. He smiles. (hardlyever)

5. Some people displayed their goods on stalls, while others had just put them out on the pavement. He hardly ever smiles.
Exercise 14. Circle the correct options in brackets.
6. Try on the shoes to see if they fit.
7. Haven't you got anything better to do than hang out with friends at the shopping centre? 1. She lives next door but we (rarely see / see rarely) her.
2. Her husband (sometimes goes / goes sometimes) to the bar in the evening.
8. We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.
9. The new TV broke so they returned it to the shop. 3. We (always are / are always) at home on holidays.

10. The villagers grow coffee and maize to sell in the market. 4. Lan (frequently doesn’t play / doesn't frequently play) basketball.
5. They (hardly ever go / go hardly ever) swimming.
Exercise 12.Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.
6. My personal doctor checks my health (hardly / regularly).
customers on sale dollar store 7. My friend and I take vacations together quite (never / frequently).
shopaholic home-grown shopping centres 8. What does Mai (often do / do often) at break time?
9. (Do often you shop / Do you often shop) online?
1. Some people go to the shopping centres for entertainment.
10. (Does occasionally Tom visits / Does Tom occasionally visits) his grandmother?
2. The shop owner treats his customers with a lot of respects.
Exercise 15.Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets in the present simple for future.
3. She spends too much time and money shopping. She is a shopaholic.
1. Tomorrow is (be) Monday.
4. These sports clothes are on sale. They are 50% off.
2. The film Spiderman starts (start) tonight.
5. He thinks that there's nothing worth buying at a dollar store.
3. The first bus departs (depart) at 5:00 a.m.
6. There are a lot of home-grown fruit and vegetables at a farmer's market.
4. The train to NhaTrang leaves (leave) at 8:30 a.m.
Exercise 13.Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct place of the following sentences.
5. When is (be) his flight for Ha Noi?
1. My mother goes to the supermarket on Saturdays. (usually)
6. Final exams start (start) next week.
My mother usually goes to the supermarket.
7. Our semester ends (end) on June 15th this year.
2. Most children get up early on the weekends. (rarely)
8. The ferry doesn’t leave (not, leave) port at 6:00, but 6:15.
Most children rarely get up early on the weekends.
9. My favorite television program is (be) on in half an hour.
3. She is patient when teaching her students. (always) 10. What are you going to do when you finish (finish) college?
She is always patient when teaching her students. Exercise 16.Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets in the present simple for future or simple future.
4. Linda cooks dinner for her family. (sometimes) 1. Our flight arrives (arrive) at 9:30.
Linda sometimes cooks dinner for her family. 2. The fashion show begins (begin) at 7:30 p.m, so we will have (have) time for dinner first.
5. He jogs in the morning. (often)
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3. George says he will help (help) us with the decoration. When I get up, I (1) always have a shower (every day). I (2) often have toast for breakfast (nine times
4. The train arrives (arrive) at 6:30 in the morning. out of ten). I (3) never coffee (I hate it). I (4) usually (drink milk (four or five times a week), but I (5)
5. If you are busy today, I will see (see) you tomorrow. sometimes drink tea (two or three times a week). After school, I (6) usually go home (almost every day). I
6. The bus leaves (leave) at 8.15 tomorrow morning. (7) hardly go out on school days (about once a year) because our teachers (8) always give us lots of
7. What time does the movie start (the movie, start) tonight? homework (every day)
8. I think Vietnam will win (win) the AFF Cup again. Exercise 19. Fill in each blank with a correct preposition.
9. I’ve seen the notice. The game starts (start) at one o’clock tomorrow afternoon. 1. When we bought this house, there were many homes __for___ sale.
10. The exam begins (begin) at 9.00 tomorrow morning and ends (end) at 11.00. 2. Everything goes ___on____ sale as soon as the doors open. Today is Black Friday.
11. The exhibition opens (open) at 8:00, so I will meet (meet) you outside at about 7:45. 3. He spent a lot of time listening to DVDs and just hanging ____out___ with friends.
12. It is (be) my birthday tomorrow. 4. Would you prefer to pay ___by___ cash, cheque or credit card?
13. “There is (be) a flight to Ha Noi at 5.30 am, sir,” the receptionist said. 5. He chose a shirt ___from_____ the many in the shop.
14. I'm sure you will enjoy (enjoy) the film very much. 6. I tried ___on___ six pairs of trousers before I found a pair that fitted.
15. My uncle’s plane arrives (arrive) at 10.10 tomorrow morning. 7. Everything went according ___to____ the schedule.
16. Tomorrow the museum opens (open) at 10.00 am and closes (close) at 5.00 pm. Let’s go around 2.30 pm, 8. ___For_____ reasons of security, the door is always kept locked.
okay? 9. The restaurant charges high prices ____for___ its food.
17. You are on the train to London and you ask another passenger: 10. We wandered _____through_____the beautifully decorated rooms of the Palace.
“Excuse me. What time does this train get (this train / get) to London?” Exercise 20. Write the correct form of the word in brackets.
18. You say:“I’m bored with this programme. When does it finish (it / finish?)” 1. I will never return to that store again. The sales assistant was rule and they kept talking to each other
19. Does the film begin (the film I begin) at 7.30 pm or 8.30 pm? when I asked for help. ( ASSIST)
20. My family will travel (travel) in HCM city next week. 2. Every day, millions of shoppers hit the stores in full force - both online and on foot. (SHOP)
Exercise 17.Rewrite the sentences. Change the underlined words to adverbs of frequency, and put them in 3. My friend Abby is a real shopaholic; she almost always comes home with bags full of new purchases.
the correct order in the sentences. (SHOP)
1. Dad cooks two or three times a week. 4. On the weekends, several shops attract customers by offering a variety of things at discounts.
Dad sometimes cooks. (ATTRACTION)

2. The cat is outside nearly all the time. 5. Kathy's always been a wanderer - she never stays anywhere for long. (WANDER)

The cat is often outside. 6. A lot of people visit shopping center over the holidays to admire the decorations. (DECORATE)
3. We play football four or five times a week. 7. For some people, shopping online has become an addiction. Even goods they don't truly need, they can't
We usually play football. help but buy them. (ADDICTED)
4. I only see Ann twice a year. 8. You can shop online by simply browsing a sale's website, choose the item you want, and place your
I rarely see Ann. purchase to shop online. (SELL)
5. Music lessons are interesting all the time. 9. It's easy and convenient to shop in a mall. Nearly everything you need is there. (CONVENIENCE)
Music lessons are always interesting. 10. A bakery and a florist are two examples of speciality stores. (SPECIAL)
6. I don’t read French books at any time. 11. There are department stores with a wide range of products in almost every major city. (PRODUCT)
I never read French books 12. I'm phoning to complain about the jacket I bought yesterday. (COMPLAINT)
Exercise 18.Complete the text with the adverbs of frequency given below. 13. The light from a gas lamp was soft and yellowish. (YELLOW)
14. I don't need to bargain at the grocery because everything has a fixed price on the price tag. (FIX)
always(X2) hardly never 19 often sometimes usually (x2) 20
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15. You may get a lot of locally grown produce when you go to a farmer's market. (FARM) Question 1 ________ is the person who is going to talk about Macy’s Shop.
Exercise 21. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. A. Masters B. Marta James C. John D. Madison
Question 2: There are over ________ Macy’s stores all over the United States
1. I sometimes just go shopping a few times a year since I don't enjoy it. ( just sometimes)
A. 580 B. 850 C. 750 D. 185
Question 3: Rowland Macy opened his first shops in the town of Haverhill in Massachusetts between 1843
2. You are still responsible for pay the shipping costs if you return an item. (  paying)
and ________ .
A B C D A. 1585 B. 1850 C. 1855 D. 1858
3. My uncle often shops at dollar stores. He claims that nothing there is worthwhile purchasing. ( never) Question 4: Rowland Macy opened his first New York store on ________ of October 1858.
A B C D A. 18th B. 8th C. 19th D. 16th
4. . She put on a number of dresses before deciding on one for the celebration. ( tried on) Question 5: Macy’s is especially famous for its ________ parade, which marks the beginning of the
A B C D Christmas season.
5. The farmer's market, where local farmers sell its products, is one of my mother's favorite places to shop. A. Christmas Day B. Easter Day C. Thanksgiving Day D. May Day
A B C D ( their)
Good morning. I'm John Masters, and this is Shopper, the weekly show on retail and shopping. Later in
6. My friend Alex has a problem with addiction on online shopping. Her purchasing power is limitless.
today's show, we'll be talking to online shopping expert, Marta James. But before that, we're talking about
A B C D ( to)
some famous shops from around the world. And live from New York City, we've got Madison, who's going
7. Before deciding purchase something, customers can touch the products and tries on clothes and shoes.
to tell us all about Macy's.
A B C D ( try on)
Hi John, well, one of the most famous department stores in New York City is Macy's. There are over
8. Some people visit shopping centers to browse while others go there for entertain. ( entertainment)
850 Macy's stores all over the United States. But the flagship store is in Herald Square Manhattan, just
A B C D around the corner from the Empire State Building. Interestingly, Rowland Macy, the company founder,
9. The summer term will begin on April 10th, so you should carefully prepare for it. ( begins) opened his first shops in the town of Haverhill in Massachusetts between 1843 and 1855, but they weren't
A B C D successful. However, Macy learned from his mistakes and in 1858 he moved to New York. He opened his
10. I only go shopping a few times a year because I am not interested it. ( am not interested in) first New York store on 18th of October 1858 and was immediately successful. The Herald Square store was
A B C D opened in 1902. Macy's is especially famous for its Thanksgiving Day parade, which marks the beginning
11. What time will the bus arrive in Seattle? ( does) of the Christmas season
A B C D Exercise 2: Listen and choose the top three responses from what you hear.
12. When you will visit a famer's market, you will find a lot of fruit and vegetable. ( visit) Task 1. Choose the top three responses from what you hear
A. They like to shop in large department stores.
13. You should spend your money in sale products. They will last a long time. ( on sale)
B. They go to the supermarket after midnight.
C. They always make a shopping listen.
14. I'd like to buy that nice dress , but I haven't got many money. ( much)
D. They tend to buy inexpensive shoes.
E. They save money by buying special offers.
LISTENING F. They like expensive boutiques.
Exercise 1. You will hear two shopping experts talking about some famous shops from around the world. G. They go shopping in specialist shops.
Choose the correct letter, A, B, Cor D for each of the following sentences.
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 What did the survey find out about women? Tapscripts
1. They tend to buy inexpensive shoes. Shop assistant: Can I help you?
2. They like expensive boutiques. Customer: Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colour?
3. They like to shop in large department stores. Shop assistant: We've got it in white, black, red and purple. What size do you want?
Customer: Medium.
Task 2. Complete the notes below. Write only ONE WORD for each answer Shop assistant: Ok, in medium we've got black and red.
Survey topic: Men’s and women’s shopping (1) habits. Customer: And in purple?
Women: Men: Shop assistant: No, just black and red.
- Don’t allocate much money to expensive - Try to put money aside by buying (2) special Customer: Ok, red. Can I try it on?
shoes. offers.
Shop assistant: Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.
- Be interested in shopping in (3) costly or - Don’t buy cheap food at the (4) supermarket.
exclusive boutiques. - Don’t like to buy things in big department stores. (pause)
- Always make a (5) list when shopping. Shop assistant: Is it OK?
- Enjoy shopping in big department stores. Customer: Yes, I'll take it.
Shop assistant: That's £10.95. Would you like to pay by credit card or with cash?
Customer: Cash please. Here's twenty.
Tapscripts: Shop assistant: OK, thanks, that's nine pounds, 5 p change and here's your receipt.
Hello, Good to see you all here. This afternoon I'm going to talk about a recent survey into men's and Customer: Thanks. Bye.
women's shopping habits. Before I start, I'd like you to look at the list of statements about men and Exercise 4. Listening to the passage and fill in the missing words.
women and see which ones you would expect to be true... Right? Firstly, let's look at the idea that Shopping must be one of the world’s most (1) popular hobbies. I hate it. There’s nothing more boring than
women spend a lot of money on expensive shoes. Actually, this isn't true. In fact, women buy a lot of (2) wandering around shopping malls. What a waste of time. I know a lot of people who like window
cheap shoes. shopping – just walking around shops without wanting to buy anything. Crazy! My plan for shopping is
Men, on the other hand, try to save money by buying special offers. What is surprising about women, ‘quickly in, quickly out’. If I have to go shopping, I go in the morning on a weekday. This is when the stores
though, is that they like shopping in expensive or exclusive boutiques. are (3) empty and you can get what you want quickly, without thousands of other (4) shoppers getting in
And, it isn't true that they always make a shopping list when they go to the supermarket. We're also your way. The worst time to go shopping is on a Saturday afternoon (5) during sale season. It seems as
expected to find that men would go to the supermarket after midnight to get their food cheaper, but this though all of the world’s (6) bargain hunters are in the same store as you. I was happy when online
wasn't the case, either. Then the third thing we learnt about women is that they like to shop in big shopping came along. This is very relaxing.
department stores, which men don't like.
They like to go shopping in specialist shops. OK? How many did you get right? Exercise 5.Listen and decide whether it's True or False.
Exercise 3: Listen to the conversation between a customer and a shop assistant and complete each gap in 1. All the stores are under one roof. True
the table with ONE word from the recording. 2. Everyone in the neighborhood is pleased with the new mall. False
3. It will be more comfortable to shop in the mall than in the present shopping area. True
1. What size T-shirt does the customer want? Medium
4. All of the goods in the small shops is cheaper than ones in the new stores. False
2. Does the shop have a medium size purple T-shirt? No
5. Some of the stores on Tran Phu Street may have to close. True
3. What colour T-shirt does the customer try on? Red
4. Does the customer buy the red T-shirt? Yes Tapscripts:
5. How much does it cost? £10.95 A new shopping mall is opening in Nam’s neighborhood today. It is very different from the present
6. Does the customer pay by credit card or with cash? Cash shopping area. All the shops are under one roof. That will be very convenient, especially during the hot
and humid summer months. Customers will shop in comfort and won’t notice the weather. Some people in

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the neighborhood, however, are not happy about the changes. The owners of the small stores on Tran Phu 2. A: Is it right that people not only go to a B: a/ Yes, it’s a place to meet and exchange information.
Street think the mall will take their business. Some of the goods in the new stores will be the same as the b/ Yes, we can get a wide range of food.
traditional market to get food?
ones in the small shops, but the stores in the mall will offer a wider selection of products, some at cheaper
prices. The residents and store owners have been concerned about the new mall for a few months. They 3. A: I think retailers in Viet Nam are good B: a/ Oh, yes. They have much experience.
have organized a community meeting in order to discuss the situation. at calculation. b/ Oh, yes. They have no math skills.

4. A: Where can I get shopping experience? B: a/ From online shopping.

b/ From a traditional market.
5. A: Why is he a shopaholic? B: a/ Because he often bargains.
Exercise 1. Choose the most suitable response A, B, C or D to complete each of the following exchanges.
b/ Because he buys a lot of junk.
1. “Hello, I’d like to make a complaint about my internet service. – “ _________________”
6. A: Can we bargain in a supermarket? B: a/ Certainly not. They offer fixed prices.
A. Thank you for your service.
b/ Certainly. You can see the price tags.
B. I’m sorry to hear that, what is the problem?
7. A: Why do visitors go to convenience B: a/ Because they are open all the time.
C. Help youself.
shops? b/ Because they offer fresher goods.
D. Your internet speed is very slow.
2. “I’m having some big problems on this tour. – “ _____________________” 8. A: Why do the whole family go shopping B: a/ Because they don’t want to leave anyone at home
A. What’s the matter? We are here to help you. at a supermarket? alone.
B. This company seems very disorganized. b/ Because there are goods and entertainment for all ages
C. Please, make yourself at home. B: a/ Credit cards are not convenient now.
9. A: Why don’t you bring your credit card?
D. What don’t you like about your food? b/ I can’t use it at an open-air market.
3. I’m sorry you are having an unpleasant time. What may I help you with? – “_____________” B: a/ Yes, it helps us to save time.
10. A: Is it necessary to make a shopping
A. Did you enjoy your dinner? b/ No, we buy many unnecessary things.
B. I’d like to discuss some problems that I’m having here.
C. Couldn’t be better. Thank you.
Exercise 3.Complete the dialogue with the words below, and then practise it with your partner.
D. That is very rude.
4. “Good morning, can I help you?” – “ _______________”
device instructions replace receipt middle
A. I’d like to make a complaint about my T-shirt that I bought yesterday. possible soon connect repair properly
B. Don’t forget to do what I have told you.
Assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?
C. Not a problem, sir.
Nick: Yes. I bought this Sony MP4 player from here last week, but it doesn’t work(1) properly.
D. It is my pleasure.
Assistant: What’s the problem?
5. “You shouldn’t put my bag on the ground like that. – “ _____________”
Nick: Well, it sometimes stops in the (2) middle of a song.
A. That’s what I think.
Assistant: Are the songs just from your computer?
B. Don’t mention it.
Nick: Yes. And when I (3) connect it to my PC I always follow (4) instructions .
C. I’m sorry, but it too heavy.
Assistant: I see. Have you got the (5) receipt?
D. I’m grateful for your kind heart.
Nick: Yes, here you are. Can you (6) repair it?
Exercise 2.Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
Assistant: I’ll send the (7) device to the company today.
1. A: Why do people often go shopping at B: a/ Because they have to park their cars.
Nick: And if they can’t repair it?
street markets? b/ Because it’s convenient.

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Assistant: If it’s not (8) possible to repair it, we’ll (9) replace it. Now, can I have your name and telephone Ms. Brown: No, thank you. I’d like a refund, please.
number, please? Assistant: (5) Ok. There you go.
Nick: Yes. It’s Nick Walton and the telephone number is 0901 638 145. Ms. Brown: Thank you very much.
Assistant: Thank you, Nick. We’ll phone you as (10) soon as they return it. Exercise 6.Choose the best option A, B, or C to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
Exercise 4.Complete the dialogues with the words given below. following exchanges.
give you Do you have the receipt anything wrong It doesn't 1. - Customer: I’m sorry to say that there’s something wrong with the charger I bought last month.
bought cakes Could I you are can I help You see - Shop assistant: ________
Waiter: How(1) can I help ? A. Can I have a look at your bill?
Mai: (2) Could I return this coffee? B. Are you sure it’s our fault?
Waiter: Is there anything wrong with it? C. I’m sorry. I’ll exchange a new one for you.
Mai: (3) It doesn’t look right. 2. - Customer: I’m not satisfied with the service that the shop assistant provided.
Jane: Excuse me. I’d like to return this shirt. (4) You see , there’s a mark on it. - Shopkeeper: ________
Assistant: OK, I can (5) give you a discount. A. Oh, I’ll sack her.
Jane: No, thank you. I’d like a refund. B. I’m so sorry. Can I know what happened?
Assistant: That’s fine. Do you have (6) the receipt ? C. I’m sorry. There is nothing we can do about it.
Jane: Here you are. 3. - Shop assistant: What can I help you, Sir?
Laura: I’m afraid I’d like to return these cakes. - Customer: ________
Assistant: Is there (7) anything wrong with them? A. I’d like to exchange this calculator. This one doesn’t work.
Laura: Well, they all have holes in them. B. I want to meet your boss.
Assistant: Um, I think they’re supposed to have holes. They’re a kind of doughnut. C. Are you the boss of this shop?
Laura: Well, I’ve (8) bought cakes. I’d like a refund, please. 4. - Customer: Hi, can I exchange this watch? I dropped it and now it doesn’t work.
Assistant: OK. (9) Do you have your receipt? - Shop assistant: ________
Laura: Yes, here (10) you are . A. That’s not my mistake.
Exercise 5. Complete the dialogue with the shop assistant’s responses. B. I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do about it.
C. I can’t tell you how sorry I am.
A. OK. Have you got the receipt?
5. - Customer: Sorry to bother you but I hope I can get a refund for this coat.
B. Oh - what’s the problem?
- Shop assistant: ________
C. OK. There you go.
A. Are you kidding, sir? We don’t have such a policy.
D. Good morning. How can I help you?
B. What’s wrong with it, Sir? Can I exchange another one for you?
E. That’s fine. Would you like to exchange it?
C. We don’t have a policy. Customers should think carefully before picking something.
Assistant: (1) Good morning. How can I help you? .
Ms. Brown: I bought this camera here last week, and I’m afraid there’s something wrong with it.
Assistant: (2) Oh-what’s the problem? READING
Ms. Brown: This switch doesn’t work. I think it’s broken. Exercise 1 . Complete the gaps in the text with the words given.
Assistant: (3) Ok. Have you got the receipt? life point values goods sellers
Ms. Brown: Here you are. costumes atmosphere exchange visitors villages
Assistant: (4) That’s fine. Would you like to exchange it?
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The Bac Ha Market Fair in the northwestern mountainous province of Lao Cai takes place at weekends and 20 fast food restaurants serve a variety of dishes and snacks. After that you can watch a movie in a 14-
serves as a goods (1) exchange and a sales point of 14 ethnic groups living in Bac Ha District and screen movie theatre, visit a dinosaur museum, have fun at the indoor amusement park with roller
surrounding regions.(2) Sellers bring to the fair many kinds of (3) goods such as tea, fruits, honey, silver coasters, or play golf. There is even an aquarium with over 4,500 sea creatures including sharks. MOA has
jewellery, horses, oxen, pigs... something for everyone.
The busy, colourful (4) atmosphere at the fair reflects the community(5) life of the northwestern 1. Americans love shopping in skyscrapers in cities. __F___
mountainous ethnic groups with their unique traditional cultural (6) values. Men and women go the market 2. The Mall of America is the biggest mall in the world. __F___
fair in their traditional brocade (7) costumes, forming an attraction to many domestic and foreign(8) visitors . 3. MOA offers shoppers a wide range of goods and services. __T___
The market fair also serves as a meeting (9) point for residents of remote(10) remote, and even for 4. There are 20 fast food restaurants in two big food courts. __NG_
matchmaking among young people in the region. 5. There aren’t any types of entertainment for children in MOA. __F___
Exercise 2.Complete the gaps in the text with the words given. There are three extra words that you do not 6. People can see marine creatures there. __T___
need to use. Exercise 5. Read the text and do the tasks that follow.
supermarkets custom products produce Task 1. Complete the text with the words given below.
vendors habit range businessmen exotic tired products cafés open fresh
Despite the changes in society, most of Vietnamese mothers and grandmothers still go to the traditional
markets for daily fresh (1)produce. They are always fond of freshness, and have the (2) habit of going One of the most popular markets in England is in Walthamstow, East London. The market is about a mile
shopping every day to prepare meals for the whole family. Some young ladies love shopping at (3) long, making it the longest market in Europe. You can find many (1) products here in hundreds of stalls,
supermarket, but they often complain about the freshness of seafood there. including (2) fresh fruits and vegetables, cheap clothes, and furniture. For those who are interested in
People often stop their motorbikes at a street-side market as it is much quicker than parking their something a little more (3) etoxic , Walthamstow Market offers Asian food and Caribbean music. If you get
motorbike in the supermarket basement. They can sit on their motorbike and get food from the street (4) (4) tired , enjoy a cup of coffee at one of the (5) cafés . Walthamstow Market is (6)open .Tuesday through
vendors . Sellers in these markets often have really quick calculation without using any calculator in hand. Saturday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Big markets are like the trading hub of the region or wholesale markets, so everything can be found there Task 2. Read the text again and answer the questions.
with a wide (5) range of goods. Wandering around a market, a tourist can experience the lives of local 1. Where is Walthamstow Market located?
people. It is in Walthamstow, East London.
Exercise 3.Read the text and write the word which best fits each gap. 2. How long is it?
Central Mall  It is about a mile long.
There (1) are more than 100 shops in Central Mall and it’s (2) a great place to go shopping. You (3) can find 3. What can you find there?
all the famous brands (4) there and also stop to have a coffee or a meal in the cafes or fast food restaurants. You can find many products here in hundreds of stalls, including fresh fruits and vegetables, cheap
There’s a multiplex cinema (5) on the top floor. It opened ten years (6) ago and I think it’s still (7) the best in clothes, and furniture.
the city. I usually meet (8) my friends there on Saturday evenings. 4. When is Walthamstow Market open?
Exercise 4.Read the text, and mark the sentences true (T), or false (F). It is open Tuesday through Saturday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
MALL OF AMERICA Exercise 6.Read the passages and answer the questions below.
The USA is famous for its skyscrapers that appear in most big cities and its huge shopping malls. A. Match the shops with their descriptions (A - C) below. There are shops you may not need to use.
Americans love shopping there.
The Mall of America, or MOA, in Minnesota with over 520 stores is the biggest mall in the USA. About 40 A. Department stores B. Supermarkets E.Open-air markets
million people from many countries visit it every year. You can find everything there from accessories and C. Corner shops D. Fair trades
books to electronics, toys, and travel. When you get tired of shopping, you can eat in two big food courts. (1) __C___

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Britain was once known as a nation of shopkeepers, however the small shop in the UK is almost a thing of (Adapted from:
the past. They are often run by families operating as sole traders. They usually specialise in a small range Statements T F NG
of goods, e.g. butchers, tailors, greengrocers, newsagents etc. Prices are often higher in these shops, as they 1. Lung Phin market is a special fair that visitors should come to. 
cannot afford to buy in large quantities, and the range of goods on offer is often small. 2. The market opens only two days a month. 
(2) __B___ 3. The fair is an occasion for people to come to buy goods and enjoy the

They must have a minimum selling area of 186m2 and at least 3 check outs. They are often situated on the animated atmosphere.
edge of a town by a main road or motorway. They are mostly self-service and sell a range of goods 4. Many Hmong and Dao girls find their lovers in this fair. 
including groceries, clothing, electrical goods, etc.; however, their main selling items are food and drink. 5. The products here are made in an extremely careful way. 
Prices are generally low. Tescos, Sainsburys and Asda are three of the largest ones in the UK.
(3) __A___ Exercise 8.Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
They are a collection of shops under one roof, but under the control of one firm. They sell a wide range of Viet Nam has a reputation for its low living costs. Thus, people, especially travellers can shop for
goods. They usually occupy large buildings in expensive city centres. Each store has a number of quality goods. People can shop in various kinds of shops, from big shopping malls to street stores. There is
departments and each department specialises in a particular type of product or service such as electrical a variety of different items such as clothes, silk, jewellery, handicrafts to offer.
goods, carpets, clothing, furniture, ... The most famous one in the UK is probably Harrods. They also offer The top places for shopping in Viet Nam include street night markets, supermarkets and shopping
customer loyalty cards, or store credit cards. centres. Ha Noi Night Market, for example, can give shoppers unique experiences of a night market. They
(Adapted from: can also enjoy various kinds of delicious street food such as bun thang, La Vong grilled fish, pho, banh mi,
B. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. and bun cha. Other items up for sale are T-shirts, handicrafts, accessories, shoes, sunglasses and souvenirs,
5. The word specialise in passage 1 means ________. which shoppers can buy at prices as low as 25 per cent of the originally quoted prices. Takashimaya - a
A. study much B. train hard famous shopping centre in Ho Chi Minh City - offers the best products from Japan, Europe and North
C. spend more time on D. become expert America right in the heart of the city. Aeon Mall in Ha Noi, which hosts four storeys of stores ranging from
6. If you want goods at a variety of choices and low prices, you should go to ________. jewellery and cosmetics to shoes and clothing from top brands of the world, is another example of an ideal
A. a department store B. a corner shop shopping centre for people coming here.
C. a supermarket D. an open-air market Remember that bargaining is a must-learn skill here, especially in some local markets. You will be
Exercise 7.Read the following passage and decide if the statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). surprised by how much you can put the prices down after bargaining successfully.
Lung Phin Market is probably one of the must-visit fair in Ha Giang because it is special in many ways. (Adapted from:
The market only opens in the Tiger and Monkey days in a month, and is reopened after every six days. This 1. The costs of living in Viet Nam are ________.
means if the market takes place on Tiger day this week, Monkey day is the launching day in the next week. A. high B. low C. exceptionally high D. of average level
The fair is an occasion for 16 ethnic minorities from around this area to gather up and have fun. 2. ________ is an example of street night markets in Viet Nam.
On this day, youngsters of all ages and genders dress up, travel to the fair hoping to find themselves a good A. Shopping mall C. Takashimaya inHo Chi Minh City
ending for their love affairs. Hmong girls dress nicely instunning floral pattern costumes while Dao girls B. Ha Noi NightMarket D. Ha Noi AeonMall
pick shiny pieces of jewellery so as to impress those they’re in love with. Small kids wear new clothes and 3. Takashimaya in Ho Chi Minh City ________.
ask to go along with their parents to the fair to enjoy the animated atmosphere. A. was a famous shopping centre
Lung Phin fair offers a variety of local products. Mostly there are essential ones for ordinary life such as B. offers best traditional products
rice, meat, and handmade garments. These are made by peoples in the most meticulous way. Some sellers C. is on the outskirt of the city
only bring to the fair a pair of chicken, a dozen of eggs or simply several bundles of sugar cane, some mint D. has Japanese and European items to offer
honey, snow tea, or brocade. 4. What is closest in meaning to quoted prices?

31 32
. .
A. Prices that customer pay. But shopping online isn’t all great - you need to be very careful when deciding what to buy and where to
B. Prices that shops tell customers. buy it. Here are some tips for shopping safely online.
C. Prices that are copied. Use a secure connection
D. Prices that customers want to pay. The easiest way of making sure the connection is secure is to look for the lock sign in the address bar.
5. What should you remember when you shop in Viet Nam? Another is to look at the start of the website address. If this starts with “https”, there is a secure connection
A. Go to different shopping centres C. Learn to bargain because the letter “s” means “secure”. If you see ‘http’ with no “s”, don’t enter the website or give your
B. Ask for a discount of 25% D. Pay 25% of the real prices personal or bank details. It could be a false website that is trying to steal your money or personal
Exercise 9. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. information.
Teen Shopping Habits in Vietnam Use a secure payment method
We interviewed three teens about their shopping habits. Read on to find the best tips. Only shop on sites that offer secure payment methods, like credit cards and other payment systems. This
gives you protection in a situation where you and the shop disagree - the shop can’t say you did anything
Thanh, 16: “I like to shop at thrift stores. It's more fun and, of course, less expensive than buying clothes in
illegal, like using another person’s credit card to pay. Banks usually contact you if they think something is
the shopping mall. And your clothes will be unique. Also, we already have so much trash on our planet, so
I don't think we need to buy new clothes. My top tip is to pay attention to the brands. Some brands use wrong.
Create a strong password
quality materials, and if you see them at a thrift store, get them quickly before someone else does.”
A strong password is very important. It’s usually a good idea to change your passwords every few months,
Vân, 15: “I buy most of my clothes from a local store near my house. I can walk there in just a few minutes.
just in case someone finds out what they are. Also, try to use a different password for different online
It's much easier and less crowded than at shopping malls, and the customer service is better. The sales
shopping sites: once someone guesses one password, they can get access to everything you do online.
assistants are friendlier and always give me good advice on what to buy.”
Check other customers' comments
Ngọc, 15: “I prefer to do my shopping at shopping malls. It's easier because my parents don't have to take
me to different stores. My advice is to be careful with money. Decide how much you can spend,and don't Always check the seller’s history when using online sites. You can get an idea by looking at other buyers’
comments. If you are not sure about a product, you can always send the seller a question and the good
spend more than that. Never buy things you don't need just because they're on sale. My least favorite
sellers will reply fairly quickly.
clothes are always things I bought just because they were cheap.”
Task 1. Choose the correct answers.
1. Where does Thanh buy her clothes?
1. What is the purpose of the article?
She buys her clothers at thrift stores.
A. to stop people shopping online
2. What is Thanh’s advice for shoppers?
B. to help people save money when shopping online
Her advice for shoppers is to pay attention to the brands.
C. to make people think twice before shopping online
3. Why does Van prefer a local store to shopping malls?
D. to help people stay safe when shopping online
Because it’s much easier and less crowed than at shopping malls, and the customer service is better.
2. According to the author, what are the benefits of shopping online?
4. Why does Ngoc like shopping malls?
A. It’s much cheaper.
Because her parents don’t have to take her to different stores.
B. There is less travelling involved.
Exercise 10.Read the article and do the tasks that follow.
C. Payment time is much quicker.
Shopping Online
D. There are more choices.
Lots of people enjoy the benefits of online shopping. You don’t have to sit in traffic jams or wait at bus
stops or at train stations. Because online stores are open 24 hours, seven days a week, you can sit at your 3. What does the author say you can do to make sure the connection is safe?
A. go to a website where you can check the address.
computer and shop at your leisure. And you don’t have to collect your product because they deliver it right
B. contact the website by sending them a message.
to your door.
C. look for a special icon on the screen.

33 34
. .
D. look for the word ‘secure’ in the website address. 2. Our customer service staff have to take good care of our customers. They would turn to other brands.
4. According to the author, why is it important to create a strong password? (otherwise)
A. so only you and the shop know your password. Our customer service staff have to take good care of our customers; otherwise, they would turn to other
B. so no one can guess your password and see everything you do. brands.
C. so you can shop happily online with no worries. 3. The price tag can tell you about prices. You can still bargain and pay 20% lower than the prices on the
D. so only you and the bank know your password. tags. (but)
5. Why does the author suggest you check other customers’ comments? The price tag can tell you about prices, but you can still bargain and pay 20% lower than the prices on
A. so we can see if the seller is honest. the tags.
B. because they explain everything about the product. 4. Many shops are offering 50% discounts before Tet. Customers seem to be very careful about spendings
C. because the seller might not tell the truth about the product. as the economy is facing a downturn. (however)
D. so we can talk to them about the product or seller. Many shops are offering 50% discounts before Tet; however, customers seem to be very careful about
Exercise 11. Answer the following questions, using the cues below. spendings as the economy is facing a downturn. ______________________________________________
Vincom Centre Landmark 81 Shopping Mall 5. I told the shop assistant that I was not satisfied with the product. She refused to give me a refund. (yet)
Vincom Centre Landmark 81 Shopping Mall is one of the biggest and most luxurious places to go I told the shop assistant that I was not satisfied with the product, yet she refused to give me a refund.
shopping, entertain, eat and drink in Ho Chi Minh City. Exercise 2.Write sentences with the cues given.
Location: Vincom Centre Landmark 81 Skyscraper, in Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City 1. I / more interested / online browsing / in-store shopping.
Opening hours: 9.30 - 22.00 I am more interested in online browsing than in-store shopping.
Grand opening: 26th July, 2018
2. Sellers / often try / make / the process of / shopping online / easier / more convenient.
Total area: 59,000 m2 Sellers often try to make the process of shopping online easier and more convenient.
Number of floors: 5 floors overground and 1 basement
3. Window shopping / one / my favourite activities / travelling / another city.
5. What is the location of Vincom Centre Landmark 81 Shopping Mall? Window shopping is one of my favourite activities when travelling to another city.
It is Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. 4. Ha Noi Night Market / must-see place / visitors.
6. What are its opening hours? Ha Noi Night Market is a must-see place for visitors.
Its opening hours are from 9.30 to 22.00
5. Most / the clothes they sell / that second-hand shop / dirt cheap.
7. When was it opened? Most of the clothes they sell in that second-hand shop are dirt cheap.
It was opened on 26th July, 2018.
Exercise 3. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.
8. What is its total area?
1. shopping malls/ I/ with/ browsing/ am interested/ wandering/ friends/ in/ hanging out/ chatting/ while/
Its total area is 59,000 m2
and/ through.
9. How many floors are there in Vincom Centre Landmark 81 Shopping Mall?
I am interested in hanging out with friends, browsing and chatting while wandering through the
There are 5 floors overground and 1 basement.
shopping malls.
2. entertainment/often/ all ages/ these/ free/ customers/ of/ for/These/ year-round/ centres/ offer
WRITTING These centres often offer year-round free entertainment for customers of all ages.
Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences using the given words.
3. because/ a/ never/ prices/ you/ supermarket/ In/ can/ fixed/ bargain/ the/ are
1. Her income is quite low. She can’t resist buying new things. (although)
In a supermarket, you can never bargain because the prices are fixed.
Although her income is quite low, she can’t resist buying new things.
4. because/ need/ dollar store/ purchase/ them/ from/ dont’/ I/ items/ don’t/ often/ the/ I

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I don't often purchase items from the dollar store because I don't need them. Exercise 5. Write a short paragraph to talk about advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.
5. shopping centres/ to/ a lot of/ During/ decoration/ to/ see/ holidays/ people/ go/ _______________________________________________________________________________________
During holidays, a lot of people go to shopping centres to see decoaration. _______________________________________________________________________________________

6. for/ I/ browsing/ am/of/ clothes/ the/ in/ online/ habit _______________________________________________________________________________________

I’m in the habit of browsing online for clothes.
7. bus/ to/ 9:00/ The/ that/ a/ ward Thu Duc/ says/ schedule/ is/ bus/ at/ there
The bus schedule says that there is a bus to ward Thu Duc at 9:00.
8. comfortable/ try/ for/ four/ are/ but/ on/ dresses/ none/I _______________________________________________________________________________________
I try on four dresses, but none are comfortable for me.
Exercise 4. Choose the best answer.
1. I don't often buy clothes online because they don't look as they do in person.
Nowadays, more and more people buy something on the internet more than shopping in markets or
A. I don’t like purchase clothing online since it doesn't appear like what I see in person.
supermarkets. This essay will show the benefits and some disadvantages of shopping online that customers can
B. Because they don't appear like in real life, I usually purchase clothing online. encouter.
C. Because they don't look like they do in real life, I seldom ever purchase clothing online.
The greatest advantage is convenience. With an internet-enabled phone, people can stay at home and order
D. I buy rarely clothing online since it doesn't appear like what I see in person.
things from shops around the world. Secondly, it is very fast and you can find what you are looking for quickly and
2. Do you usually go shopping at a speciality shop? easily. One additional benefit is the cheap price. The price of products bought online is usually lower than that of one
A. Do usually you go shopping at a speciality shop. bought in shops.
B. Do you frequently visit specialty stores to shop?
However, shopping online also brings some disadvantages. Firstly, you cannot touch or try on the product
C. Do you go shopping at a speciality shop frequently?
before you buy it which means that you may end up with something that is not what you wanted. Secondly, there is
D. Do you typically shopping at specialty stores? always the risk of getting scammed or being overcharged. Thirdly, the quality of some products may not be as good as
3. Due to the supermarket's set prices, I am unable to bargain there. you expect. Fourthly, it can be addictive and you may find yourself buying things that you do not need.
A. Because the fixed prices at supermarkets, I can never haggle there.
Shopping online has both advantage and disadvantages. People should consider many aspects to buy the goods
B. Since grocery pricing are set, I can never haggle there. they like. We believe that e-commerce companies will take strong measures to protect customer interests soon.
C. I can never bargain at a supermarket because the prices is fixed.
D. Since grocery pricing are fixed, I never can haggle there. ------ THE END -----
4. I like spending time with friends over the weekend to browse instead of buy.
A. I enjoy getting out with friends on the weekends to browse and buy.
B. I prefer getting out with friends on the weekends to buy something.
C. I’m interested in spending time with friends to browse
D. On the weekends, I like to spend time with friends to browse instead of make purchases.
5. Let's get ready for the festival. It begins on March first.
A. Let's get ready for the festival. It will begin on March first.
B. Let's get ready for the festival. It began on March first.
C. Let's get ready for the festival. It begins on the first of March.
D. Let's get ready for the festival. It begins at March 1st.

37 38
. UNIT 9: .
NATURAL DISASTERS 29. prediction (n) /prɪˈdɪkʃən/ sự dự đoán
30. emergency (n) /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/ sự khẩn cấp
31. emergency kit /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi kɪt/ bộ dụng cụ cấp cứu
A. VOCABULARY 32. victim (n) /ˈvɪktɪm/ nạn nhân
 New words (Từ mới) 33. rescue (v,n) /ˈreskjuː/ cứu hộ, sự cứu hộ
34. rescue worker (n) /ˈreskjuːˈwɜːkər/ nhân viên cứu hộ
Word Type Pronunciation Meaning 35. whistle (n) /ˈwɪsəl/ tiếng còi, cái còi
1. disaster (n) /dɪˈzɑːstər/ thảm họa 36. property (n) /ˈprɑː.pɚ.t̬i/ của cải, nhà cửa
2. natural disasters /ˈnætʃərəl dɪˈzɑːstərz/ những thảm họa thiên nhiên 37. authority (n) /ɔːˈθɒrəti/ chính quyền
3. storm (n) /stɔːm/ bão 38. towards (pre) /təˈwɔːdz/ theo hướng, về phía
4. thunderstorm (n) /ˈθʌn.dɚ.stɔːrm/ bão có sấm sét, cơn giông 39. suddenly (adv) /ˈsʌdənli/ đột ngột, bỗng nhiên
5. flood (n) /flʌd/ lũ lụt 40. awful (adj) /ˈɔːfəl/ khủng khiếp, đáng sợ
6. tsunami (n) /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ sóng thần 41. fahrenheit (n) /ˈfærənhaɪt/ độ F (đo nhiệt độ)
7. tornado (n) /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ lốc xoáy 42. richter scale (n) /ˈrɪktə skeɪl/ độ Richter (đo cường độ động đất)
8. earthquake (n) /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ động đất 43. layer (n) /ˈleɪər/ lớp, tầng
9. landslide (n) /ˈlændslaɪd/ sạt nở 44. ash (n) /æʃ/ tro
10. volcano (n) /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/ núi lửa 45. a thick layer of ash (n) /ə θɪk ˈleɪər əv æʃ/ một lớp tro đầy
11. volcanic (adj) /vɒlˈkænɪk/ thuộc/ gây ra bởi núi lửa 46. frightened (adj) /ˈfraɪtənd/ hoảng sợ, khiếp đảm
12. erupt (v) /ɪˈrʌpt/ phun trào 47. violent (adj) /ˈvaɪələnt/ mạnh, hung bạo
13. eruption (n) /ɪˈrʌpʃən/ sự phun trào 48. violently (adv) /ˈvaɪələntli/ một cách hung bạo
14. volcanic eruption / vɒlˈkænɪk ɪˈrʌpʃən/ sự phun trào núi lửa 49. missing (adj) /ˈmɪsɪŋ/ mất tích
15. affect (v) /əˈfekt/ làm ảnh hưởng đến 50. slight (adj) /slaɪt/ nhẹ
16. pretty (adv) /ˈprɪt̬.i/ khá là 51. fear (n) /fɪər/ sự sợ hãi
17. funnel (n) /ˈfʌnəl/ cái phễu 52. broadcast (n) /ˈbrɑːd.kæst/ buổi phát thanh
18. damage (n,v) /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ thiệt hại, gây tổn hại 53. flowerpot (n) /ˈflaʊ.ɚ.pɑːt/ chậu hoa
19. fortunately (adv) /ˈfɔːtʃənətli/ thật may mắn, may thay 54. shelter (n) /ˈʃeltər/ nơi trú ẩn
20. suddenly (adv) /ˈsʌd.ə một cách đột ngột 55. hide (v) /haɪd/ trốn, ẩn nấp
21. hurt (v,n) /hɜːt/ làm bị thương, vết thương  Structures (Cấu trúc)
22. liquid (n) /ˈlɪk.wɪd/ chất lỏng No structures/ collocations/ idioms/ phrasal verb Meaning
23. rock (n) /rɒk/ đá, tảng đá 1. Pull up Kéo lên ,nhổ lên
24. mud (n) /mʌd/ bùn 2. Pour out from Đổ ra từ
25. shake (v) /ʃeɪk/ rung, lắc 3. Ran out of Hết, không còn
26. tremble (v) /ˈtrembəl/ rung lắc 4. Look like Trông giống như
27. warn (v) /wɔːn/ cảnh báo 5. Look for Tìm kiếm
28. predict (v) /prɪˈdɪkt/ tiên đoán, dự đoán 6. Look out of Nhìn ra từ

1 2
. .
7. Keep away from Tránh xa thứ gì (Trong khi tôi đang làm bài tập thì em trai tôi đang đọc truyện tranh.)
8. In fear Trong tình trạng sợ hãi - Dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn để diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ và làm phiền đến người
9. Be an example of Là một ví dụ của khác.
10. Be used for Được sử dụng cho VÍ DỤ:
11. Come down Rơi, vỡ xuống nền đất My elder sister was always complaining about my room when she entered it.
12. In a circle Trong một vòng tròn (Chị tôi luôn than phiền về phòng tôi khi chị ấy vào phòng.)
13. What’s the matter? Có chuyện gì vây? 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
Trong câu dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn thường có các từ và cụm từ sau:
B. GRAMMAR: at + giờ + thời gian trong quá khứ (at 10:00 p.m last night)
I. The past continuous ( thì quá khứ tiếp diễn) at this time + thời gian trong quá khứ (at this time yesterday)
1. Cấu trúc của thì quá khứ tiếp diễn at that time (vào thời điểm đó)
Cấu trúc Ví dụ while (trong khi)
Thể khẳng định (+) S + was/were + V-ing Ex. Hoa was listening to music at 3:00 p.m when (khi)
yesterday. VÍ DỤ:
(Hoa đang nghe nhạc lúc 3 giờ chiều qua.) I was playing chess with Tom at this time yesterday.

Thể phủ định (-) S + was/were + not + V-ing Ex. She wasn’t watching T.V at that time. (Vào giờ này hôm qua tôi đang chơi cờ với Tom.)
(Cô ấy không đang xem ti vi lúc đó.) C. PHONICS:
- Stress in words ending in -al and -ous (trọng âm của các từ chứa đuôi –al và -ous)
Thể nghi vấn (?) (Wh-question) + Was/Were + S + V-ing? Ex. Were they having dinner at home at that Khi thêm các hậu tố: -al, -ous thì trọng âm chính của từ không thay đổi.
Trả lời: time? Ex: music  musical
- Yes, S + was/ were (Có phải lúc đó họ đang ăn tối ở nhà?) humour  humorous
- No, S + wasn’t/ weren’t - Yes, they were. (Vâng, phải.) D. PRACTICE

2. Cách dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn PHONICS

- Dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá
khứ. Exercise 1.Write the words ending in -al below in the correct group of stress.
VÍ DỤ: medical approval special economical survival
At 7 o’clock yesterday, I was sitting in the class.
magical electrical historical social classical
(Vào lúc 7 giờ ngày hôm qua, tôi đang ngồi trong lớp.) agricultural official local central political
- Dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra thì một hành động khác xen vào. international comical industrial general natural
She was chatting with a classmate when the teacher stepped in. Oo ___________________________________________________________
(Cô ấy đang tán gẫu với bạn cùng lớp thì giáo viên bước vào.) Ooo ____________________________________________________________
- Dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn để diễn tả hai hành động đồng thời xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ. oOo ___________________________________________________________
VÍ DỤ: oOoo ___________________________________________________________
While I was doing my homework, my younger brother was reading comics. ooOoo ___________________________________________________________
3 4
. .
Exericse 2.Write the words ending in -ous below in the correct group of stress. 1. A. develop B. marvellous C. funnel D. damage
dangerous infectious adventurous continuous famous 2. A. government B. landside C. lighting D. effect
poisonous suspicious ridiculous mountainous various 3. A. fortunate B. donate C. pacific D. tornado
joyous numerous cautious mysterious furious 4. A. destroy B. emergency C. government D. disaster
5. A. rescue B. strengthen C. system D. towards
Oo ___________________________________________________________ 6. A. practical B. numerous C. property D. tsunami
Ooo ___________________________________________________________ 7. A. whistle B. victim C. authority D. violent
oOo ___________________________________________________________ 8. A. litter B. moutainous C. worker D. volcanic
oOoo ___________________________________________________________ 9. A. example B. circle C. matter D. humour
Exercise 3. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 10. A. nation B. person C. resident D. scientific

1. A. typhoon B. goose C. food D. flood 11. A. national B. physical C. arrival D. natural

2. A. bought B. drought C. brought D. ought 12. A. medical B. national C.chemical D. informal

3. A. ache B. charity C. archaeology D. chaos 13. A. aquatic B. problematic C. influential D. degradable

4. A. geology B. psychology C. classify D. photography 14. A. conical B. practical C. musical D. mechanic

5. A. vocano B. forest C. tornado D. ghost 15. A. electric B. historic C. classical D. botanic

6. A. phyical B. mythology C. rhythmic D. psychology 16. A. thunderstorm B. tsunami C. typhoon D. tornado

7. A. earthquake B. breath C. thanks D. breathe 17. A. damage B. collapse C. erupt D. affect

8. A. hands B. occasions C. associates D. others 18. A. permanent B. eruption C. pollution D. disaster

9. A. frightened B. stamped C. walked D. laughed 19. A. station B. temperature C. illustrate D. vocalno

10. A. flouride B. lid C. arid D. hidden 20. A. accommodation B. evacuation C. contribution D. contamination

11. A. mud B. numerous C. thunderstorm D. suddenly 21. A. natural B. practical C. humorous D. tornado

12. A. tsunami B. tropical C. victim D. violent 22. A. suddenly B. remember C. important D. commission
23. A. volcano B. eruption C. collection D. mountainous
13. A. south B. strengthen C. breathe D. theology
24. A. victim B. children C. asleep D. Friday
14. A. rescue B. effect C. marvellous D. tremble 25. A. funnel B. uncle C. second D. towards
15. A. tornado B. property C. volcanic D. crop 26. A. violent B. blackberry C. completely D. marvelous
16. A. authority B. fortunately C. try D. property 27. A. fortunately B. violently C. ambitious D. happiness
17. A. towards B. disaster C. destroys D. circles 28. A.collect B. damage C. landslide D. earthquake
18. A. violent B. whistle C. practical D. lightning 29. A. destroy B. rescue C. animal D. danger
30. A. tsunami B. mountainous C. eruption D. volcanic
19. A. wave B. landside C. damage D. natural
31. A. tornado B. natural C. dangerous D. property
20. A. emergency B. litter C. suddenly D. system
32. A. emergency B. community C. botanical D. disapproval
21. A. flood B. food C. roof D. noon 33. A. volcano B. poisonous C. practical D. thunderstorm
22. A. predict B. prepare C. prevent D. preposition
23. A. tornado B. volcanic C. natural D. damage VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR
24. A. disaster B. desert C. reserve D. research
Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and write the name of the activities.
25. A. affected B. damaged C. destroyed D. pulled
Exercise 4. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
drought earthquake eruption victim
5 tsunami flood 6ash tornado
lightning violent victim landslide
. .
4. My little sister is afraid of ___________, so when there is a bad storm she always hides.
5. The flood in Quang Ngai cause ____________, which buried some houses in the moutainous areas.
6. The volcanic eruption poured out _____________into the air, blanketing the nearby towns and disrupting
air travel.
7. I don’t like shopping in places with a history of _____________.
8. The flood _____________ are being sent food by the government.
9. The _____________ has made farmers anxious about the harvest.
10. _____________ is a Japanese term for an unusually large ocean wave caused by undersea earthquake,
landside, or volcanic eruption.
11. _____________ is a strong wind that blows in a circle.
12. The heavy rain was the cause of the ____________.
1. _________________ 2. ________________ 3. ____________________ 4. _________________

Exercise 3. Match the words in column A to the correct meanings in column B.

1. lightning A. a sudden strong shaking of the ground
2. drought B. a mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and hot
liquid rock are forced out into the air
3. earthquake C. a long time when there is not enough rains
4. flood D. an extrembly large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under
the sea
5. ________________ 6. __________________ 7. ___________________ 8. _________________ 5. landside E. a sudden bright light in the sky when there is a storm
6. tornado F. a mass of earth, rock, ect. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cliff
7. typhoon G. a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry
8. volcanic eruption H. a violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle
9. wildfire I. a very big fire that spreads quickly and burns natural areas like woods, forests
and grassland
10. tsunami J. a violent tropical storm with very strong winds.
Your answer:
9. __________________ 10. _________________ 11. ___________________ 12. ________________
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1

Exercise 4. Match the words or phrases on the left with their meaning on the right.
1. Thunderstorms can be _____________, while tornadoes, and lighting can be life threatening.
2. In our country people have very strong buildings because we often have ____________.
1. damage A. cultivated plant or agricultural produce
3. I saw on TV that yesterday there was an ____________on an island in the Pacific and hot lava came down
2. donate B. give or contribute without expecting anything in return
the volcano.

7 8
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3. crop C. catastrophic event caused ny natural forces 3. The __________was like something out of a film - the wind was lifting everything up.
4. natural disaster D. give notice or advice about protential danger 4. Oh, look! That girl’s hat is going to __________away.
5. property E. extended period of water scarcity due to lack of rainfall 5. My grandfather loves watching the __________in the sky during a storm.
6. Look at this line. It shows how high the river can __________when it rains a lot.
6. victim F. harm or destruction caused to something or someone
Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
7. warn G. person or entity harmed or affected
8. strengthen H. make stronger or more powerful cause damage erupt shake destroy
9. drought I. substance that flows freely and takes the shape of its container move warn strike affect predict
10. liquid J. possessions or belongings owned by someone
1. Many important historical documents were __________in the fire.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2. My mother always __________ me not to talk to strangers.
3. The flood really _________the lives of thousands of people in Central Viet Nam last week.
Exercise 5. Write the words / phrase in the box next to their definition.
4. Smoking is likely to __________your health permanently.
tornado storm earthquake
5. Strong winds had _________serious damage to the roof of the house.
landslide volcanic eruption flood
6. We can _________changes in climate with a surprising degree of accuracy.
7. Temperatures will drop as the cold front __________down across Northern Viet Nam next week.
1. Very bad weather with strong winds and rain, and often thunder and _____________
8. Since the volcano last __________many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes.
9. The floor began to __________from a distant explosion.
2. A mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a _____________
10. They predict that a large earthquake will __________the east coast before the end of the decade.
Exercise 9.Complete the sentences with the adjectives given.
3. It is when hot gases and liquid rock (lava) pour out from a volcano _____________
4. A very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry _____________ natural dangerous safe practical
5. A violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle; there is _____________
serious missing violent volcanic
often also a long cloud which is narrower at the bottomthan the top
1. Scientists understand many of the factors that cause __________eruptions.
6. A sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface _____________
2. The storm caused __________damage to farm buildings.
Exercise 6.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.
3. Floods and earthquakes are __________disasters.
blow fall pour rise shake 4. The winds in the __________storm reach the speed of over 400 km per hour.
5. After three days lost in the mountains, all the climbers arrived home __________and sound.
1. I think there was an earthquake yesterday because the ground _________for a few seconds. 6. He disappeared on his way to school and has been __________for over a month.
2. The rain __________for hours yesterday. I thought there might be a flood. 7. Thick fog has made driving conditions __________.
3. The big tree in our garden __________down in the storms. 8. They offer __________help for people in the flooded areas.
4. The level of the water in the river always __________when it rains a lot. Exercise 10.Complete the sentences with the words given.
5. The wind _________so hard. I think the roof might come off our house! property landslide residents emergency tornado
Exercise 7.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below.
funnels warning rescue damage ashes
blow rise lightning pour tornado flood
1. Have you got an umbrella? It’s going to __________with rain later today. 1. The social workers need to know what to do in a(n) __________.
2. I hate it when there’s a __________— there’s water everywhere. 2. He had ignored their __________to stay in the house during the earthquake.

9 10
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3. Investigators examined the __________to find the cause of the fire. A. walk B. walked C. have walked D. was walking
4. Storms delayed the __________of the crash victims. 14. The heavy rain caused a __________, blocking the road to the shopping centre.
5. The local __________were angry at the lack of water supply for a few days. A. landside B. lightning C. drought D. shortage
6. The earthquake caused severe __________ to a number of buildings. 15. The rescue workers arrived quicky __________ the people trapped in the collapsed.
7. The fire resulted in damage to their __________. A. help B. helping C. to help D. to helping
8. The building was badly damaged in a(n) __________. 16. The _______ destroyed several shops in the area.
9. We saw big __________of wind moving down these narrow streets. A. property B. blood C. residence D. tornado
10. The house was buried under a(n) __________. 17. “What’s the ________? Why are you upset?” asked the concerned friend.
Exercise 11. Complete the correct answer A, B, C or D. A. natural B. matter C. person D. funnel
1. The forest fire ________ quickly and destroy many trees. 18. The coastal town was devastated by a tsunami, causing extensive ______ to shops and homes.
A. raged B. burst C. spread D. occurred A. damage B. benefit C. development D. humour
19. During the hurricane, the emergency supplies were used ________ providing relief to the affected areas.
2. When a vocalno __________, hot gases snd lava run down.
A. for B. from C. to D. with
A. blows B. erupts C. throws D. escapes
3. The tornado caused a massive _______ to the town. 20. As the floodwaters continued to rise, the residents ran ________ of the food and clean water.

A. destruction B. extention C. danger D. mishap A. of B. for C. out D. on

4. After the earthquake struck the city, rescuers searched for _____________. 21. I_______ experiencing any earthquakes when I travelled to that region last year.
A. wasn’t B. weren’t C. was D. were
A. survivors B. survivals C. surviving D. survived
5. Typhoon Haiyan made the damage, and ________of life became freat in the Philipphines. 22. She_______ to evacuate her home when she saw the wildfire approaching.

A. lose B. loses C. losing D. loss

A. practised B. wanted C. finished D. continued

6. A number of other provinces will declare drought __________ in the coming weeks. 23. Was the volcano ________ when you visited the island?

A. accident B. emergency C. event D. situation A. erupt B. to erupt C. to erupting D. erupting

24. It is important to keep away ________ damaged buildings after an earthquake to ensure personal safety.
7. In some areas, human _________ can be a contributing factor in causing landside.
A. for B. from C. of D. with
A. acts B. actions C. acting D. activities
8. The Pacific Ring of Fire is an area of frequent earthquakes and volcanic _________, encircling the basin 25. The __________ eruption caused widespread damage to nearby villages and disrupted air travel.

of the Pacific Ocean. A. volcantion B. volcanism C. volcanic D. volcano

A. flowing B. flood C. eruption D. eruptions 26. The local authorities are providing support and assistance to the victims of the _______disaster.

9. A soft, loose soil may ________ more intensely than hard rock at the same distance from the same earth. A. nature B. natural C. naturation D. naturalization
27. It is important to have an emergency _________ prepared with essential supplies in case of natural
A. erupt B. rage C. shake D. collapse
disasters like earthquakes or hurricanes.
10. What we have done to our environment today will _______our life later.
A. break B. dissolve C. spoil D. waste A. kit B. file C. pair D. group

11. After the ________, the river overflowed in several places and huge areas of farming lands are now 28. The forest fire __________ for twelve hours and thousands of wild animals died.

several feet under water. A. raged B. struck C. took D. put out

A. famine B. flood C. drought D. earthquake 29. How can we know when an active vocalno will ________ again?

12. ________ are the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth. A. erupt B. destroy C. damage D. affect
A. Earthquakes B. Volcanoes C. Snowstorms D. Tidal Waves 30. Measured 9.5 on the Richer scale, the world’s largest _________ occered on May 22, 1960 in southern
13. Yesterday morning, while I ______ to school with my friends, it began to rain heavily. Chile.
11 12
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A. mudslide B. avalanche C. flood D. earthquake A. landslide B. tsunami C. tornado D. rain
31. Despite modern technologies available to us, we’re still ______________ against natural disasters. 47. The largest ________ eruption known in history occurred in Indonesia in 1815.
A. homeless B. harmless C. helpless D. hopeless A. flooding B. volcanic C. stormy D. mountainous
32. The reporter said that ten people died and thirty were ______________ injured in the flood. 48. They blew the emergency ________, hoping that the rescue workers could hear it and search for them.
A. completely B. greatly C. powerfully D. seriously A. call B. signal C. kit D. whistle
33. A ______________ that is just a few centimetres high from the sea can rear up to heights of 30 to 50 49. The violent earthquake ________ the road system and many vehicles.
meters as it hits the shore. A. pulled off B. damaged C. flooded D. trembled
A. typhoon B. tsunami C. tornado D. thunderstorm 50. The local ________ issued a flood warning but many villagers refused to leavetheir houses.
34. Survivors of the flood were ______________ by helicopter. A. authority B. culture C. weather D. community
A. collapsed B. buried C. shaken D. rescued 51. Many victims of the tsunami were still ________. The rescue team was searchingfor them.
35. Many people are working to save species from extinction, animals from cruelty, natural ______________ A. finding B. losing C. missing D. escaping
from destruction. 52. A storm swept ________ the town at midnight. Luckily, no one was injured.
A. disasters B. phenomena C. environment D. hazards A. away B. through C. along D. from
36. Most people had moved to the safe areas before the typhoon struck, so there were only a few 53. The flood cut the village ________ from the outside world for several days.
minor______________. A. off B. down C. across D. back
A. loss B. injuries C. impacts D. destruction 54. After the flood, the village was declared a ________ area and received specialhelp from the government.
37. Aid agencies provided drinking water and food ______________ to the isolated residents. A. work B. countryside C. disaster D. distance
A. guidelines B. aid C. supplies D. emergency 55. The organisation is distributing food to the earthquake _________.
38. A(n) ____ is a tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed of 118 to 184 kph. A. movers B. helpers C. rescuers D. victims
A. earthquake B. typhoon C. landside D. tsunami 56. It's difficult to make accurate _________ about the effects of the tornado.
39. Your ______________ should include items for your essential needs in the event of an emergency or A. predict B. predictive C. predictions D. predictable
natural disaster. 57. The earthquake caused damage to _________ that was estimated at $6 million.
A. emergency kit B. shopping cart C. recycle bin D. practical tips A. money B. property C. possession D. belonging
40. Hundreds of buildings were destroyed when the earthquake ______________ the city. 58. The 1923 earthquake in Japan killed about 200,000 people and left countless injured and homeless. What
A. buried B. shook C. scattered D. collapsed is the closest word of the underlined word?
41. The rescue workers spent the whole day searching for flood ________. A. killed B. wounded C. imprisoned D. enriched
A. people B. victims C. men D. losers 59. To prevent the spread of wildfires, it is necessary to cut down dry vegetation around homes. What is the
42. Violent earthquakes may lead to loss of life and ________. opposite of the underlined phrasal verb?
A. death B. lava C. property D. rain A. increase B. look out of C. please with D. turn up
43. A tsunami causes ________ to boats, bridges, and anything as waves come in andgo out. 60. I ________ an essay when the table started trembling.
A. destruction B. fatality C. injuries D. extinction A. write B. am writing C. wrote D. was writing
44. It’s almost impossible to ________ exactly when an earthquake will happen. 61. When the rescue workers ________, everyone was trembling with fear.
A. predict B. overlook C. experience D. forget A. arrive B. are arriving C. arrived D. were arriving
45. The strong tornado ________ some trees and dropped them miles away. 62. It suddenly rained heavily while they ________ home last night.
A. picked out B. took off C. cut out D. pulled up A. were walking B. was walking C. walked D. walk
46. A ________ occurred in a mountainous village last month. It buried a house underrocks and mud. 63. As soon as he ________ the fire, he ________ to a safe shelter.

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A. escaped - was moving C. was escaping - moved A. That's terrible. You shouldn't go out.
B. escaped – moved D. was escaping - was moving B. I'm sorry to hear about your situation.
64. She ________ in Tonga when a violent storm ________ the island. C. That's awful. I hope everybody there is safe.
A. was being - was hitting C. was being - hits D. I'm happy to hear about his success.
B. was - was hitting D. was – hit 76. “A tornado blew several cars in front of me off the road and into the trees.”
65. My grandma ________ the Daily news at 7 p.m. yesterday. A. How cute! C. That’s great!
A. watch B. is watching C. watched D. was watching B. That’s shocking! D. Maybe.
66. He _______________ on an airplane when he _______________ a fire from the window. Exercise 12.Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
A. was sitting - saw C. was sitting - was seeing sentences.
B. was sitting - was seeing D. sat – saw 1. The storm was awful and caused a lot of damage.
67. While the other passengers _______________ to the exits, Brian _______________ out of the window. A. beautiful B. excellent C. terrible D. interesting
A. ran - climbed C. ran - was climbed 2. My little brother Timmy never screams although he is frightened.
B. run - was climbing D. were running – climbed A. confused B. excited C. painful D. scared
68. When it _______________ raining, we _______________ a nice hotel down the road to the town. 3. I have an important presentation tomorrow. I’m feeling a little bit worried.
A. started - were finding C. started - found A. happy B. calm C. anxious D. relaxed
B. was starting – found D. was starting - were finding 4. The man died while trying to rescue the villagers from the flooded area.
69. They ___________ close to the bottom of the mountain when Simpson suddenly______________. A. kill B. save C. destroy D. harm
A. got - was slipping C. were getting - was slipping 5. The rescue services sent helicopters to the area to try to find the missing boy.
B. were getting – slipped D. got – slipped A. lost B. found C. dirty D. seen
70. While Steven and Rachel _______________ around the Canary Islands, their boat_______________. 6. El Nino has happened for at least the last 300 years.
A. were sailing - sank C. sailed - sank A. reduced B. occurred C. caused D. protected
B. sailed - was sinking D. were sailing - was sinking 7. The heavy rain had a negative effect on the crops, causing them to tot and fail to grow.
71. While some rescue teams ________ in Pakistan, others ________ to a natural disaster in Central America. A. influence B. respect C. advantage D. disadvantage
A. were helping - responded C. helped - were responding 8. The hurricane swept through the coastal area, destroying houses and leaving many people homeless.
B. helped – responded D. were helping - were responding A. building B. devastating C. constructing D. protecting
72. When we __________ out in the morning, we _________ surprised by what we____________. 9. Fortunately, the firefighters arrived quickly and were able to extinguish the forest fire before it spread
A. finally came - are - see C. finally came - were - saw further.
B. were finally coming - were – saw D. finally come - were - were seeing A. Sadly B. Ultimately C. Finally D. Luckily
73. It _______________ and windy when the ship, carrying about 200 passengers,_______________ a rock. 10. The flood damaged many properties along the river, including houses and business.
A. was snowing - was hitting C. snowed - was hitting A. personal B. owns C. belongings D. looking
B. was snowing – hit D. snowed – hit 11. The earthquake caused the ground to tremble, making people feel scared and insecure.
74. The sirens of the emergency services _______ while people __________ up the mess in their gardens. A. shake B. standstill C. quiet D. calm
A. were wailing - were clearing C. were wailing - cleared Exercise 13. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
B. wailed – cleared D. wailed - were clearing sentences.
75. "A big earthquake hit Istanbul yesterday and destroyed many buildings." 1. I need to strengthen my knowledge about natural disasters by reading more books on the subject.
" _________ " A. weaken B. improved C. shortage D. purchased

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2. There have been numerous reports of floods and landsides in the region due to heavy rainfall. 7. I'm writing to tell you about what happened to me last week while I (visit) _____________my uncle's
A. plentiful B. limited C. various D. abundant family.
3. The storm damaged several houses and uprooted trees in the neighbourhood. 8. The flood came suddenly while the villagers (sleep) _____________soundly.
A. spoiled B. hurt C. broke D. repaired Exercise 16. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous.
4. It is important to have a personal emergency kit prepared in case of natural disaster. 1. ________________(you, swim) when someone __________(steal) your wallet?
A. private B. individual C. public D. unique 2. The dragon ___________ (fly) over the castle when he __________ (hear) a girl crying.
5. This chemical is toxic to many forms of life. 3. Cinderella __________ (hear) the chimes of midnight while she ___________ (dance) with the prince.
A. poisonous B. harmful C. harmless D. expensive 4. Snow White (sing) ________softly beside the well when suddenly she ________ (see) a dwarf.
6. Natural disasters can cause serious damage to human life. 5. While the hunter ___________ (pass) nearby the hut, he _____________(notice) the wolf.
A. slight B. heavy C. strong D. intense 6. As the Queen ___________ (bathe), a frog _________(jump) out of the water and __________ (talk) to her.
7. We cannot prevent natural disasters, but we can prepare for them. 7. The princess __________ (try) to tell the prince the truth but he _____________ (not, listen).
A. allow B. avoid C. stop D. predict 8. While Mendel (revise) _____________ his lesson, his sister _____________ (read) fables.
8. The forest fire raged for eight hours, killing all of the animals. 9. ___________________ (Jane, practise) the piano when you _____________(walk) into her room?
A. arrived B. fought C. collapsed D. spread 10. When I __________ (knock) on the door, there __________ (be) no answer.
Exercise 14 . Fill in each blank with suitable collocations. 11. Alan (look) _____________ out of the window when he (see) _________a big funnel ofwind moving
towards his house.
ran out of keep away from try in fear looks like
12. When they (drive) _______________ on the road near the mountain, a mass of earth androck (fall)
look out of an example of try to want used for ________ down the slope.
13. When the building (start) ___________ to tremble, many people living there (run) ________out of their
flats in fear.
1. I _______________the window and see the bustling street.
14. While my mother (cook) ______________ dinner, my father (fix) _____________ the washingmachine.
2. I always _______________that sotre because their product quality is not good.
15. Tom (fall) ________ when he (run) ______________ up the stairs.
3. I will _______________wearing this shirt to see of it fits me or not.
16. Alan (look) _______________ out of the window when he (see) ____________ a big funnel of wind
4. I _______________buy a new phone.
moving towards his house.
5. I _______________money for shopping and can’t buy anything else.
17. When the building (start) __________ to tremble, many people living there (run)__________ out of their
6. I will _______________go to the store before they close.
flats in fear.
7. I live _______________that I might lose money when shopping online.
Exercise 17. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.
8. This bag ______________the one I saw on the website.
I _________ (1. be) born in Da Nang, but my family __________ (2. move) to Ho Chi Minh City when
9. This product is _______________a simple and fastionable design.
I __________ (3. be) five. I __________ (4. go) to primary school and secondary school there. My father
10. This lamp is ___________ lighting up the room.
suddenly __________ (5. die) while I _____________ (6. study) at high school. My mother and I _________
Exercise 15.Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the past continuous.
1. While she (sleep) _______________, the thieves broke in and stole her handbag. (7. be) very sad. My mother _________ (8. work) hard while I __________ (9. take) a marketing course at
2. What ________you (do) ________at this time yesterday? the University of Economics. I __________ (10. complete) the course in 2020 and now I’m working in a
3. Mary burned her hand yesterday when she (prepare)_____________dinner. foreign company.
4. While my parents and I (have) _____________dinner, we heard a very loud noise. Exercise 18. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.
5. What _______you (do) _______when the volcano erupted last night? 1. At that time we (sat/ were sitting) in the park.
6. While he (walk) _____________in the woods last week, it started to rain very hard. 2. Who (were giving/ gave) you that comic book?

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3. As I (waited/ was waiting) for bus, I (saw/ was seeing) Joe crossing the road. 17. ______________, the typhoon didn’t cause any damage on the village. (LUCK)
4. When I was a child, I (was making/ made) my own lanterns. 18. _____________ used a special device for finding people trapped in collapsed building. (RESCUE)
5. (Did she type/ Was she typing) a message when you interrupted her? Exercise 20. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
6. It happened while I (was studying/ studied) in London. 1. Natural disasters cause usually serious damage to our property and the environment.
7. We (were living/ lived) in Hue for three years while I was in high school. A B C D
8. When the teacher (was walking/ walked) into the class, the students stopped talking. 2. I weren’t informed anything about the wildfire last week.
9. Yesterday, I (went/ was going) to the movie with my best friend Jim. A B C D
10. What (were you doing/ did you do) at 11:00 p.m. last night? 3. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and floods are all natural disaster.
11. It was / were raining heavily when the earthquake happened. A B C D
12. The floodwater wasn't rising / risen as the storm was passing. 4. What can be done to protect people from environment disasters?
13. Were/Was the wind still blowing strongly during the tornado warning?
14. The volcano was /were erupting, spewing ash and lava into the sky.
5. Thousands of people affected by natural disasters every year.
15. The hurricane wasn't approaching / approach the coast when the evacuation order was given.
16. Was/Were the fire spreading rapidly while the firefighters were trying to control it?
6. The government decided to cut up the trees to prevent them from becoming hazards during natural
17. It was snowing/snowwing heavily when the avalanche occurred.
disasters. A B C D
18. The tsunami wasn't/ weren't approaching the shore with great force, contrary to expectations.
7. He wasn’t play outside when the earthquake happened.
19. Were the thunderstorms still happening/happening still when the power outage occurred?
20. The drought was /were persisting, causing a scarcity of water in the region. A B C D
Exercise 19. Write the correct form of the word in brackets. 8. Water poured out of the burst pipes, causing extensive flooding in the area.
1. They made an accurate _____________about the path of the storm. (PREDICT) A B C D
2. We were having dinner when our building started ____________ . (TREMBLE) 9. Were you runing towards the emergency shelter when the tornado struck?
3. An earthquake _____________ the area of Sumatra in Indonesia in 2005. (DESTROY)
4. The rescue _____________ set up a camp to provide shelter for the flood victims. (WORK)
10. The storm was raging outside while we was enjoying a cosy evening indoors.
5. Some __________ disasters, such as landslides, usually happen in mountainous areas.( NATURE)
6. A __________ eruption happens when there is an earthquake beneath the earth’s crust. ( VOLCANO) A B C D
7. Fog and rain are common in the ___________ regions near the border. (MOUNTAIN) 11. They was not paying attention to the evacuation orders as the hurricane approached.
8. There were 82 volcanic _____________ occurring last year. (ERUPT) A B C D
9. The local authority has an effective _____________ system for natural disasters. (WARN) 12. She tried to contacting her family during the earthquake to ensure their safety.
10. She opened the letter with _____________ hands. (TREMBLE)
11. Last year, a tornado hit the southern United States _____________ . (VIOLENT)
13. We tryed building a makeshift shelter using available materials after the hurricane hit.
12. As many as 111 people are dead or _____________ due to the hurricane. (MISS)
13. A website in India is helping coordinate the _____________ of aid in the flood disaster. ( PROVIDE) A B B C
14. Thanks to the extensive _____________ measures taken, the loss of life in Typhoon Dacheng in Quang 14. The survivors tried rebuilding their lives by forming a community and support each other.
Nam and other provinces seemed to be relatively low. ( PREVENT) A B C D
15. The tornado _____________ lots of roofs in our village. (DAMAGE) 15. The Amazon rainforest is rich on biodiversity and natural resources.
16. The most ______________earthquake in Japanese history damaged Tokyo and Yokohama. (DISASTER)
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16. The storm sudden hit and destroyed the whole village. 3. Only a few people were seriously injured in the storm.
A B C D A. False B. True

17. Were the children studying at school in this time yesterday? 4. The severe winds caused extensive damage to ________
A. life B. property C. homes D. businesses
5. The government has already sent ________ to Nghe An.
18. During an earthquake, you should be away from heavy furnitures or appliances.
A. rescue equipment C. rescue workers
B. food and medical supplies D. both A&B
19. They watched TV last night when the earthquake began.
Task 2: Listen again and complete the data chart.
A B C D Type of natural disaster Typhoon
20. As the flight was taking off, passengers were seeing a fire from the window. What is this disaster? A powerful storm with severe (6) _________ and heavy rain.
A B C D When and where did the disaster - At about 11 p.m
occur? - In Nghe An Province
21. The plane's captain realized that one of the two engines weren't working.
What are the effects of this disaster? - Dozens of people were seriously injured.
A B C D - Hundreds of others became (7) ___________
22. While passengers were running towards the front exits. Maria chose the exit next the wing. - Extensive (8) __________ was caused to property, including homes
and businesses.
- Heavy rain is expected to continue and
23. Because the weather was getting worse, so the two climbers didn't stay long in the mountain. (9) __________ warnings have been issued
A B C D What has been done to help the - Rescue workers have freed people trapped in collapsed or
victims of the disaster? damaged homes.
24. John fell and break his knee while he was climbing down the mountain with his friend.
- Rescue workers are clearing up the (10) ___________
A B C D - Rescue equipment, as well as food and medical supplies have
25. When Eric realized John wasn’t coming, he decided to take a risk and searching for him. already been sent there.
- People left homeless have been taken to safe areas.
26. William was climbing a mountain alone while the storm began to strike.
Exercise 2.Listen to the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each question.
1. Floods can be one of natures most ________ forces.
27. Mrs. Parker writes many articles on the environment while she was still a student.
A. harmless B. harmful C. useless D. destructive
A B C D 2. Heavy rains in St - Vianney, Quebec, happened in ________.
28. Parents shouldn’t keep children and pets away until they complete the clean-up. A. May 1917 B. May 1791 C. May 1971 D. March 1971
3. In addition to their destructive physical force, floods bring with them ________.
A. a more menaced chemical threat C. a more menacing physical threat
LISTENING B. a more menacing chemical threat D. a more useful chemical threat
Exercise 1.Task 1. Listen to the news report and choose the correct answer for each question below. 4. Flood victims must be extremely cautious about ________.
1. A typhoon hit Nghe An Province early this morning. A. the food they eat C. the water they drink
A. True B. False B. how they bathe themselves D. A, B and C
2. The storm began at around ________ 5. This passage is about ________.
A. 7 a.m. B. 7 p.m. C. 11 a.m. D. 11 p.m. A. destruction of environment C. destruction of floods
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B. harmlessness of floods D. causes of floods Hurricane Irma damaged (1)________________ per cent of buildings in Barbuda. People in St. Martin
Exercise 3.Listen to the passage and fill in the missing words. have difficulty getting access to food and (2) drinking water. Hurricane Irma is the (3) __________ storm
In November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan struck Vietnam, days after leaving (1) ________________ and ever recorded in the eastern Caribbean. It is likely that hurricane Irma will hit (4) __________ next.
widespread devastation in the Philippines. Al-Jazeera reported: “The national weather forecaster said Hurricane Irma will cause abnormal (5) __________in seawater level.
Haiyan made (2) __________ in northern Quang Ninh at 5 a.m local time as a tropical storm. It was moving Exercise 7.Listen to a talk about natural disaster and fill in the gaps.
towards southern China and is expected to weaken later on Monday”. Downpours hit the capital, Hanoi, I don’t know about you, but I think there are more (1) _______________ now thanbefore. Every time I
and houses in some northern provinces were damaged by (3) _____________. Several hundred houses had (2)_______________ the news there’s some kind of disaster.There are bushfires in Australia and California,
their roofs ripped off. Thousands of trees in the province were uprooted,” said (4) ____________official in earthquakes in China, hurricanes in Mexico and (3) ______________ Africa. I’m sure global warming is
Quang Ninh province. “Three people were reported missing,” he added. National disaster officials said no creating morenatural disasters. I’m lucky. Where I live, we (4) ________________natural disasters. I’venever
deaths had been reported so far on Monday, although state media said five people had died during experienced anything like the things on TV. Japan has many natural disasters. They have earthquakes,
preparation for the (5) _____________. typhoons, flooding, volcanoes, all kinds of things. They are lucky they have the money (5) _______________
Exercise 4.Listen again and fill in the missing words. them. There are countries in Africa thataren’t rich. When a natural disaster hits them, everyone suffers
Hoa: Hi, Nam. terribly.
Nam: Hi, Hoa. Exercise 8. You will listen to a television show in which a man shares his story of surviving a natural
Hoa: Did you hear the news on the TV early this morning? disaster. Listen and answer the questions with no more than THREE words. You will listen TWICE.
Nam: No, I didn’t. What happened? 1. What was Michael doing when the tornado came?
Hoa: Last night, (1) _____________from a high mountain moved down a small village in Ha Giang _________________________________________
Province. 2. Was he warned about the tornado before?
Nam: Where is Ha Giang?
Hoa: It’s in the north of Vietnam.
3. Did his family run outside to escape?
Nam: Was anyone (2) __________?
Hoa: The authorities confirmed six dead, eighteen injured and as many as (3) ______________ . Only a few
minor injuries were reported. 4. What was his feeling at that time?
Nam: Oh, no. That’s terrible. Did it cause any (4) _____________ to property? _________________________________________
Hoa: Yes, all houses in the village were destroyed. 5. What was the bed made of?
Nam: That’s awful. How is the government helping the people there?
Hoa: They’ve sent rescue workers and army men to find people who were buried in their houses. Medical
Exercise 9.Listen to the instructions on what to do in an earthquake. Decide if the statements are true (T)
supplies, food and rescue equipment have also been sent.
or false (F). Circle T or F.
Nam: Thank God. I hope they’ll soon find the (5) _____________ people soon.

Exercise 5. Listen and complete each sentence with no more than THREE words. True False
1. Children will be __________ when disasters interrupt their daily routines. 6. If you are indoors, stay away from windows.
2. In an emergency, children will look to ____________ for help.
7. If you are indoors, try to run away as far as possible.
3. Your reaction will give them clues on _____________.
4. You should take your children’s fears _____________. 8. If you are driving, get out of the car immediately.
5. You can reassure them by your _______________.
9. If you are trapped, keep shouting loudly until helpers come.
Exercise 6. Listen to a piece of news and complete each missing information with a word from the news.
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10. If you are trapped, you should make sound on a pipe or wall so helpers can SPEAKING
find you. Exercise 1. Choose the most suitable response A, B, C or D to complete each of the following exchanges.
1. There was no death in the flood yesterday. - ____________
Exercise 10.Listen to the passage about natural disasters and tick true or false. A. That’s shocking! C. How crazy!
T F B. Oh, man! D. That’s a relief!
1. Weather is the main cause of natural disasters. 2. "An earthquake destroyed my house last week." " _________ "
A. Sorry to hear that. C. Great news!
2. All of the natural disasters are predictable. B. Wow, that sounds interesting. D. Lucky you!
3. "I'm terribly sorry to tell you that your sister has been injured in the car accident."
3. The costliest disaster is flooding.
4. Wildfires cause the most deaths. A. I'm really sad to say this. C. incredible!
5. People should find information about a place before deciding where to live to B. Some bad news for you. D. Oh, my goodness!
avoid natural disasters. 4. "I've got a visa for Japan." " _________ "
A. Oh, what great news. C. Poor you!
Exercise 11. Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). B. Oh, I feel sorry for that. D. Oh, dear!
5. “Rescue workers saved a girl trapped in a collapsed school building.” – “ ________”
A. Oh dear! B. Good luck. C. How convenient! D. That’s great!
1. Before hitting Vietnam, Typhoon Haiyan had struck the Philippines. 6. “Have you heard the news? A powerful earthquake and following tsunami hit the island of Sulawesi,
Indonesia.” - “________”
2. According to the national weather forecaster, Haiyan hit southern Quang Ninh. A. How terrible! B. Awesome! C. How beautiful! D. No problem.
7. “Have you heard the news? A powerful earthquake and following tsunami hit the island of Sulawesi,
3. Haiyan caused damage to property in Hanoi and some northern provinces.
Indonesia.” - “________”
4. The typhoon didn’t affect any trees. A. How terrible! B. Awesome! C. How beautiful! D. No problem.
8. “The weather forecast says it’s going to rain tomorrow.” - “________ What a pity.”
5. Five people died while preparing for Haiyan. A. Looks great! B. Not at all. C. Sounds good! D. Oh no!
Exercise 2.Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
1. A: An earthquake struck the north-east of B: a/ The ground starts moving and shaking in an
Japan yesterday evening. earthquake.
Exercise 12. Listen to the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). (TRACK 20) b/ Really? Was there any early warning for that?
T F 2. A: Many people were injured in the storm. B: a/ That’s shocking.
1. Earthquakes are one of the deadliest natural disasters. b/ Well done!
3. A: Mary’s house was destroyed in the B: a/ I hope she’s okay.
2. In modern times, the number of deaths caused by an earthquake is limited.
hurricane. b/ I wasn’t sure!
3. China is the country with the deadliest earthquake in history. 4. A: How can we foresee a landslide? B: a/ The ground became unstable, and it moved.
4. Earthquakes cause several death tolls, homelessness and injuries. b/ It happens after a few days of heavy rain.
5. A: I think there are more natural disasters B: a/ Certainly, because of human activities.
5. Earthquakes do not cause tsunamis at all.
than there used to be. b/ That’s awful. It does nothing to me.

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6. A: I don’t think we can prepare for natural B: a/ I agree with you. People should be informed C. Did you hear the news about a forest fire last night in our district?
disasters at all. about them in advance. D. It's still lucky. How did it start?
b/ I don’t think so. We have the advance warning E. Somebody lit a fire in the forest.
systems. F. Well, it was, actually. They were going to cook dinner.
7. A: The storm had not weakened when it hit B: a/ Right. The area will be rain-free over the next few G. No, I didn't. Was anyone injured or killed?
the region yesterday. days. H. So it wasn't an accident?
b/ And there wasn’t any damage to property. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
8. A: Strong winds will come to our region B: a/ I think we should fix water pipes first.
soon. b/ I think we should fix the roofs first. Exercise 6.Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of
9. A: The local government provided shelter for B: a/ Permanent accommodation is good. the following exchanges.
the victims. b/ Good news. They need a helping hand. 1. Mr Lam: Over 1,000 people were killed in an earthquake in Afghanistan last year.
10. A: Why is the death toll in the earthquake is B: a/ Debris were cleared by rescue teams at once. - Nam: ________
high? b/ Rescue workers did not arrive in time. A. It was an earthquake. B. That’s awful.
C. Are you from Afghanistan? D. How do you do?
Exercise 3.Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. 2. Lan: Have you heard about the landslide in Phu Tho?
- Peter: ________
lanslide awful luckily why sorry destroyed A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I’d love to.
Mary: Nga, (1) _________ are you so sad? C. Sorry, I don’t know her. D. It was terrible, wasn’t it?
Nga: My mother called this morning. A (2) _________ collapsed mygrandparents’ house in the suburbs. 3. Nick: What causes a tornado?
Mary: How dreadful! I’m really (3) _________ to hear that. -Mi: ________
Nga: It also (4) _________ their garden. A. It comes from a rotating thunderstorm.
Mary: That’s (5) __________ ! How about your grandparents? Are theyok? B. I think it’s frightening.
Nga: (6) __________ , at the time of the landslide, they were visiting us in the city. C. I’ve never been in a thunderstorm.
Mary: How fantastic! D. It’s not my favourite.
Exercise 4.Rearrange the questions and answers below to make a conversation. 4. Tom: ________
a. I’m sorry to hear that. - Kien: I’m sorry to hear that.
b. That’s awful. I hope her family is safe. A. The wind has become less strong than yesterday.
c. Lan, why are you so sad? B. The disaster warning system is working very well.
d. My pen-friend called this morning. She lives in Japan. An earthquake destroyed her family’s house C. The flood cuts Minh’s village off from the nearby town.
yesterday. D. Is your town affected by the flood?
e. It also damaged all of her crops and killed all animals. 5. Minh: ________
Your answer: - Elana: Avoid windows and glass doors.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. Where do thunderstorms often occur?

B. Which is more violent, a hurricane or a tornado?
Exercise 5. Rearrange the following sentences to make a complete conversation.
A. Fortunately, no one was. But it destroyed a lot of houses. The fire moved so fast! C. What should I do during a storm?
B. How careless they were! D. How can we prevent a tornado?
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Exercise 7.Rearrange the sentences to make a conversation. Quang Binh was badly affected when a typhoon (1) _____________the area last Tuesday.The storm (2)
_____It lasted for about an hour, and we had to stay in our storm shelter until it’s gone. _____________ at around 10 p.m. last Tuesday and lasted for two days. Manypeople were seriously injured,
_____Yes, I have. A tornado struck my town when I was eleven. and hundreds of others were left homeless. The violent wind caused (3) _________to property, including
homes and businesses, particularly in Dong Hoi, a coastal city in Quang Binh Province. Just when the
_____I was staying with my parents, so I didn’t know how and where others were. I think they had already
storm weakened,(4)_______________workers started freeing the people who were trapped in
been in safe places because there was no human loss.
collapsedbuildings and taking them to safe areas and (5) ____________ up the debris left behind bythe
__1__Tracy! Have you ever been in a storm? storm. The government also sent rescue equipment to Quang Binh, as (6) _______as food and medical
_____Yes, it was. supplies.
_____Oh, really? Were you frightened then? Exercise 3.Fill in each gap with one suitable word to complete the passage.
_____That’s awful! How was everybody?
_____That’s a relief. How long did the storm last? JAPAN EARTHQUAKE & TSUNAMI IN 2011

_____Yes, of course. It was very frightening when hearing the sound of the winds. Houses and trees
On March 11, 2011, there Japan was a magnitude-9 (1) ____________in north-eastern Japan . This natural
collapsed. Leaves, objects and debris were blown up in the sky.
disaster was so terrible and lead to a lot of changes in Japanese's life.
_____It was a hard time in your life, wasn’t it?
According to some newspapers, than 120,000 buildings were (2) __________, 278,000 were half-destroyed
Exercise 8. Match the questions and answers.
and 726,000 were partially destroyed.
1. What kind of natural disaster was it? b. Local government provided victims with
The Japanese government estimated that the direct financial damage from the disaster was about $199
foods and drinks.
billion dollars (about 16.9 trillion yen). The World Bank also estimated the total economic cost could be up
2. When and where did it happen? c. It happened in Central of Viet Nam last
to $235 billion. Therefore, it was considered to be one of the costliest natural disaster in world (3) _________
.In Japan, residents have been still (4) __________ from the disaster. Their effort to lead a new life is so
3. When does it often happen? d. People must find safe shelters and
amazing, although some people lost their property or even family (5) _________.They have continued to
prepare enough food.
rebuild their (6) ________the road systems or factories. All the world looks up to those Japanese because of
4. Whar were its effects e. It usually occurs in the rainy season. their considerable effort.
5. How did people help the victims f. It was a serious hurricane. Exercise 4. Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
6. What should we do to prevent the g. It causes a lot of damage to people and
damage? property. Humans cannot stop a natural disaster while it is occurring. However, (1) ______are trying to reduce
their disastrous effects in many ways.
First, there are constructions that protect humans. Countries which suffer from earthquakes have
READING buildings that can withstand the most powerful ones. Those lying by (2) ________ have dykes to prevent
Exercise 1. Read the text and fill In each blank with the correct form of the verbs in the box. rising water from flooding nearby areas. Thosewith frequent hurricanes and tornadoes build storm shelters
for people to stay.
arrange hit clean be start run
Besides, systems for early warning are being used. The systems pick up (3) ________ that a natural
It was a beautiful day. My parents were at work, and my sister and I (1) ____________ up our home with
disaster may occur and send warning messages to thepeople it might affect. They also send instructions on
my aunt. At around 9 a.m. in the morning, we (2) ___________ the plants on our balcony when my sister (3)
storing food and water supplies as (4) ________ as evacuation plans to people when a disaster strikes.
_______ to notice strange waves inthe ocean. Suddenly, a huge wave appeared south of our home. It (4)
Humans also learn that some natural disasters may be (5) ________ by treatingthe environment well.
_______ coming straight in our direction. We (5) _______out of our house and looked for high land.The
They are protecting the forests and planting trees. The trees keep soil and water in place, so they help
large wave (6) _______ the beach and then our house, and it immediatelydestroyed our house. Luckily, we
prevent disasters like landslides and floods.
managed to climb up to our neighbour's roof and we were safe.
1. A. it B. you C. he D. they
Exercise 2.Fill in each blank with a suitable word.
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2. A. rivers B. mountains C. hills D. lands 5. A. signs B. eruptions C. movement D. warnings
3. A. images B. clues C. sounds D. predictions Exercise 7.Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
4. A. soon B. long C. many D. well each of the questions.
5. A. preventing B. preventative C. preventable D. prevent Major natural disasters in Viet Nam in 2017
Typhoon Damrey, or Storm No. 12 in 2017, with wind speed (1) _________ 135 km/hour, hit Nha Trang
Exercise 5. Read the passage and choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer for each blank.
city, Khanh Hoa province. Heavy rainfall and floods(2)_________ to economic losses and damage of
14,318.62 million VND. More than100 people were killed, 315 people injured, and 16 went missing.
Natural disasters wreak havoc all over the world. They devastate people’s lives and destroy their property.
The floods and landslides in northern and central Viet Nam in 2017, combined(3) _________ tropical
Since natural disasters are caused by nature, we (1) ________ do anything to preventthem from happening. depressions, such as Doksuri in September and Khanun inOctober, caused heavy (4) _________ of up to 300
For example, we cannot prevent storms or earthquakes. However, if we are (2) ________ of the causes of - 600 mm as well as floods andlandslides in 13 provinces of the country. This was the first time in over a
natural disasters we will be betterequipped to deal with their consequences. decade forthe northern and central regions (5) _________ from large volumes of rain in a shortperiod of
Flooding is a common natural disaster. It occurs when a river overflows its (3) ________ and the water time.
spills out onto areas where people live. Floods are morelikely to occur when there is a great deal of heavy Typhoon Doksuri, with maximum (6) _________ speed of more than 135 kph,made landfall in the
afternoon of Friday, 15 September 2017 in Viet Nam. The worst hit areas were Ha Tinh and Quang Binh. At
rain. (4) ________, during verywet periods, flood warnings are issued. While these warnings will not
least 4 deaths were recorded.
prevent the floods from occurring, they (5) ________ people to be better prepared to deal with the situation. (Adapted from
They can, for example, move to higher grounds. 1. A. reaching B. getting C. increasing D. achieving
(Adapted from:') 2. A. caused B. led C. made D. resulted
1. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. wouldn’t 3. A. by B. in C. with D. of
2. A. aware B. knowing C. meaningful D. fond 4. A. rainfall B. landslide C. rainstorm D. landfall
3. A. shores B. sides C. rows D. banks 5. A. suffers B. suffered C. to suffer D. suffer
4. A. Although B. Moreover C. Therefore D. However 6. A. rains B. winds C. floods D. storms
5. A. allow B. make C. produce D. order Exercise 8.Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C, orD.
Exercise 6. Read the paragraph below and choose the best answer to fill in each blank. What To Do During the Flood
Volcanoes can be fun to learn about. But if you live near a volcano, you know that they are (1)________! An If you evacuate
eruption can like an explosion. Rock and lava can throw up into the air. Streams of red hot lava quickly run Avoid (1) __________ through flood water.
down from the peak of the volcano. The air is filled with deadly (2) _______. These things can put many Flood water can hide debris, sewage, electrical hazards and other (2) __________ .If your vehicle is trapped
lives in danger. (3) ________have learned that there are many things that they can study to help them tell in (3) __________ moving water, stay inside. Ifthe vehicle fills with water, seek (4) __________ on the roof.
when an eruption might happen. They can study the movements of the ground. When a volcano is about to Avoid evacuating over (5) __________ spanning fast-moving water. Thesecan fail without warning, taking
(4) _________ the ground will often move just like it does during an earthquake. Scientists can also measure you and your loved ones with them.
the gases that come out of a volcano. Most volcanoes emit gases all of the time. More gases are let out as the If you shelter in place
volcano gets closer to erupting. They can also study the way the land and water around the volcano.
Scientists can read these (5)_________ and warn people of danger. They may not realize it, but their work Move to the (6) ________ floors. Flood water against the lower floorscan infiltrate the home, break windows
helps to keep people safe! (7) ______ cause generallydangerous conditions. Also consider (8) _______to a neighbor’s home onhigher
1. A. dangerous B. exciting C. harmful D. unhealthy ground if you can safely do so.
2. A. rocks B. lavas C. gases D. steams Stay aware of changing conditions and alerts by listening to the radio or periodically checking
3. A. people B. scientists C. biologists D. Economists (9)__________ apps.
4. A. happen B. move C. fload D. erupt

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If the (10) __________ continues to rise and make the home unsafe, carefully move to the roof and call 9-1-1 Exercise 10. Read the short story and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
for help. It was the rainy season and there was a severe downpour for a whole week. At first, we thought that it
1. A. move B. moved C. moving D. to move was normal. However, the rain got heavier and heavier and, soon, our neighbourhood was flooded.
2. A. dangers B. notices C. warnings D. benefits We were totally unprepared. The water level in the river rose very fast and submerged the whole
3. A. frequent B. frequently C. rapid D. rapidly village in one metre. The flood swept away livestock and furniture. Everyone was frightened. Some people
4. A. refuge B. food C. clothes D. money climbed to the rooftops and waited for rescue boats. While it was still raining heavily, rescue workers were
5. A. flats B. paths C.bridges D. buildings searching all places to evacuate the villagers to a flood relief centre. The men in the village, after being
6. A. lower B. upper C. under D. behind rescued, helped with the work. At the centre, we were given hot drinks, porridge and milk for the babies as
7. A. and B. or C. but D. so well as dry clothes and blankets.
8. A. cycling B. moving C. driving D. walking When there was less rain and flood water declined, we left the centre for home and started to clean up
9. A. game B. shopping C. travel D. weather our village. It was such a relief to see the sun again. We decided to follow the authority’s warning system
10. A. water B. speed C. noise D. temperature and prepare ourselves for floods during the rainy season ever since.
Exercise 9.Read the above passage again and choose the best answer to the following questions. 1. The word downpour in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
1. What can flood water hide? A. water B. flood C. rain D. wave
A. Debris, money, electrical hazards and other dangers. 2. It can be inferred that there was a ________ near the writer’s village.
A. mountain B. river C. hill D. beach
B. Debris, sewage, electrical hazards and other dangers.
3. Who evacuated the flood victims to the relief centre?
C. Food, clean water, electrical hazards and other dangers.
A. The rescue team. C. The villagers
D. Debris, sewage, electrical hazards and other good things. B. The men in the village. D. The rescue workers and the male villagers
2. What should you do if your vehicle is trapped in rapidly moving water? 4. What did the relief centre provide the flood victims with?
A. Climb the tree. A. Food B. Wifi C. Dried nuts D. Beds
B. Stay inside the vehicle. 5. After the flood, the villagers understood the importance of ________.
C. Move through flood water. A. being well-prepared for the flood season
B. evacuating before a flood came
D. Seek your raincoat in the vehicle.
C. building a flood relief centre
3. Why shouldn’t we evacuate over bridges spanning fast-moving water? D. cleaning their village
A. Because we can move rapidly. Exercise 11.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
B. Because we can become stronger. each of the questions.
C. Because we can be in danger. I often hear or read about ‘natural disasters’ - the eruption of Mount St. Helen, a volcano in the state of
D. Because we will be safe. Washington, Hurricane Andrew in Florida, the floods in the American Midwest, terrible earthquakes all
over the world, huge fires, and so on. But I’ll never forget my first personal experience with the strangeness
4. Can flood water break windows?
of nature - “the London Killer Fog” of 1952. It began on Thursday, December 4, when a high- pressure
A. Yes, it can. C. yes, they are
system of warm air covered southern England. With the freezing-cold air below, heavy fog formed.
B. No, it can’t. D. No, they aren’t Pollution from factories, cars and coal stoves mixed with the fog. The humidity was terribly high, there was
5. What should we do if the water continues to rise? no breeze at all. Traffic such as cars, trains, boats stopped. People couldn’t see, and some walked onto the
A. Listen to the radio. C. Call 9-1-1 for help. railroadtracks or into the river. It was hard to breathe, and many people got sick. Finally, on Tuesday,
B. Carefully move to the roof. D. Both B and C. December 9, the wind came and the fog went away. But after that, even more people got sick. Many of
6. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “unsafe”? them died.
1. Which “natural disaster’ isn’t mentioned in the passage?
A. Safe B.cold C. careful D. dangerous
A. A volcano B. A tornado C. A flood D. A hurricane
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2. What is the writer’s unforgettable personal experience? A. the damage caused by earthquakes
A. The London killer C. A high-pressure system B. how strong earthquakes are
B. The heavy fog in London in 1952 D. The strangeness of nature C. strange animal behaviors
3. How long did the ‘London Killer Fog’ last?
D. how to predict earthquakes
A. For four days B. For five days C. For six days D. For a week
Exercise 13.Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage below.
4. What didn’t happen during the time of the ‘London Killer Fog’?
A. Pollution B. Heavy rain C. Humidity D. Heavy fog
5. Why did the traffic stop? A tsunami is a chain of fas-moving waves in the ocean caused by powerful earthquakes or volcanic
A. Because of the rain C. Because of the humid weather eruptions. Tsunami has a very long wave. It can be hundreds of kilometers (1) ________ .Usually, a tsunami
B. Because of the windy weather D. Because of the heavy fog. starts suddenly. The waves travel (2) ________ a great speed across an ocean with little energy loss. They
Exercise 12.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to canremove sand from beaches, destroy trees, toss and drag vehicles, damage houses and even destroy
whole towns.
each of the questions.
The water will draw back from the coast half of the wave period prior to the wave getting to the coast.
How can scientists predict earthquakes? Earthquakes are not scattered anywhere but happen in certain
If the slope of the coast is not deep, the water may (3) ________ for hundreds of metres. People who do not
areas. They happen in places where pieces of the Earth’s surface meet. For example, earthquakes often know of the dangerwill often remain at the shore.
occur on the west-coast of North and South America, around the Mediterranean Sea, and along the Pacific Tsunamis cannot (4) ________ However, there are ways to help stop peoplefrom dying from a tsunami.
coast of Asia. Some (5) ________ with lots of tsunamis may use warning systems to warn the population before the big
Another way to predict earthquakes is to look for changes in the Earth’s surface, like a sudden drop of waves reach the land. Because an earthquake that caused the tsunami can be felt before the wave gets to the
water level in the ground. Some people say animals can predict earthquakes. Before earthquakes people shore, people can be warned to go somewhere safe.
1. A. long B. high C. deep D. thick
have seen chickens sitting in trees, fish jumping out of the water, snakes leaving their holes and other
2. A. in B. on C. at D. of
animals acting strangely.
3. A. rise B. raise C. arise D. raising
After an earthquake happens, people can die from lack of food, water, and medical supplies. The 4. A. prevent B. preventing C. to prevent D. be prevented
amount of destruction caused by an earthquake depends onwhere it happens, what time it happens, and 5. A. areas B. traps C. slopes D. waves
how strong it is. It also depends ontypes of building, soil conditions and population. Of the 6000 Exercise 14. Read the passage and tick () if each statement is true (T) or false (F).
earthquakes on theEarth each year, only about fifteen cause great damage and many deaths. Natural disasters are violent events that are outside the control of humans. Scientists have been studying
1. Earthquakes happen in certain areas where ________ natural disasters that already happened in order to make predictions of when and where a certain disaster
A. the population is large C. the soil conditions are stable may occur.
B. pieces of the Earth’s surface meet D. many buildings are built Until now, scientists can tell the signs of storms, tornadoes, and floods quite accurately. Predicting
2. Earthquakes often happen along ________ volcanic eruptions and earthquakes is much more difficult. Before an eruption, there might be leaking
A. the east-coast of North America C. the Pacific coast of Asia gases or lava, but many volcanoes erupt with no warning at all. Although scientists still cannot predict the
B. the east-coast of South America D. the coast of Australia exact location and time of earthquakes, they know the regions where they are most likely to occur and give
3. Looking for ________ can help predict earthquakes. warnings about them.
A. changes in the Earth’s surface C. drops of water Most natural disasters are impossible to stop but their effects can be reduced by being prepared for them.
B. water beneath the Earth’s surface D. water currents If you live in an area that is prone to disasters, follow the authority’s warnings and instructions and get
4. After an earthquake, as a result of ________, people may die. ready to evacuate. These actions will help you to minimise possible damage to property, injuries and even
A. lack of food C. lack of information loss of life.
B. lack of friendship D. lack of knowledge (Adapted from:
5. The passage mainly discusses ________ Statements T F
1. Studying past natural disasters does not help predict future disasters.
35 36
. .
2. Predicting a flood seems to be easier than predicting a volcanic eruption. Many countries in Europe, including the UK, France, Sweden and Norway, closed their airports for many
3. Scientists are unable to make an early prediction of where and when an earthquake days in April. Thousands of travellers around the world couldn’t get home. They slept in airports or tried
occurs. to get to their destinations by car, train, bus or even taxi.
4. It is possible to stop natural disasters if we know when they will happen. Icelandic volcanoes are very active. When the volcano Laki erupted for eight months in 1783, almost two
5. People in disaster-prone areas should listen attentively to the instructions of the
million people died around the world. It was the worst volcanic eruptions in history. The students from
Loughborough were lucky!
1. The students learned about volcanoes before they went to Iceland. _______
Exercise 15.Read the passage and tick T (True) or F (False).
A tornado is a violent, rotating column of air that is in contact with the surface of the earth and a cloud. 2. They stayed near the Eyjafjallajokull volcano. _______
Tornadoes can come in different shapes and sizes, but the most common ones are in the form of a 3. The volcano woke up the students. _______
condensation funnel. The speed of tornadoes can cause tremendous destruction. Most of them have wind 4. The students enjoyed their trip to Iceland. _______
speeds of about 177 km/h and are approximately 80 metres wide. The most violent tornadoes can reach 5. The eruption of Eyjafjallajokull didn’t affect local people. _______
more than 480 km/h and stretch more than 3 km across. 6. In April 2010 many airports closed in Europe. _______
Tornadoes are formed during the first stages of a thunderstorm. Usually, there is a change in wind 7. Volcanoes in Iceland do not erupt very often. _______
direction and wind speed increases. This creates an invisible, horizontal effect. The rising air the 8. The eruption of Laki in 1783 wasn’t very big. _______
thunderstorm brings makes the air rotate from horizontal to vertical, forming the funnel. Then an area of Exercise 17. Read Mary Ann’s story, and answer the questions.
rotation extends through the storm. This area can be from 3 to 10 km wide. In 1969, Hurricane Camille hit my three-storey blocks of flats near the Gulf of Mexico. First, the sea hit the
T F building and all the windows broke. Then the rooms flooded. Five minutes later, my bed was floating near
1. A tornado is a column of air that is always a distance from the surface of the the ceiling. Then it floated out of the window. It was dark and the wind was howling. I was terrified. The
earth. building was falling down all around me. The wind was awful. It reached a speed of 234 miles per hour. I
2. A tornado often has the shape of a funnel. was cut and bleeding from head to toe. Finally, someone found me 8 km from my house and they took me
3. The most violent tornadoes can stretch approximately 80 metres across. to hospital.
4. A tornado can accompany a thunderstorm. 1. When did Hurricane Camille hit the Gulf of Mexico?
5. The rising air that a thunderstorm brings causes the air to rotate vertically. __________________________________________________________________________
2. What happened after the rooms flooded?
Exercise 16.Read the text again, and identify whether the statements are true (T), false (F), or not __________________________________________________________________________
mentioned (NM). 3. What happened to the building?
In April 2010, a group of 14- and 15-year-old students from Loughborough, in the UK, went to Iceland on a __________________________________________________________________________
school trip. They wanted to see things they studied in their Geography lessons at school so they visited an 4. How fast was the wind?
area which has a lot of active volcanoes. However, in the middle of the night on Tuesday 13th April the __________________________________________________________________________
Eyjafjallajokull volcano began to erupt. 5. How far did the water carry Mary Ann?
Emergency services woke up the students and their teachers in their hotel at 4 am. They didn’t have time to __________________________________________________________________________

get dressed and left in their pyjamas. A bus took them to Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, where they were Exercise 18. Read the passage and answer the questions.
safe. A tropical cyclone is a circular air movement over the warm ocean waters in the warm part of Earth
When Eyjafjallajokull erupted, it affected people all over the world. In the local area 800 people left their near the equator. Most tropical cyclones are storms with strong winds and heavy rains. While some tropical
homes immediately because of floods from local rivers and dangerous smoke and gases. The volcano also cyclones stay out in the sea, others pass over land. This can be dangerous because the winds and floods can
sent a big cloud of ash 8 kilometres up into the air. This was dangerous for planes because the pilots break things and drown people.
couldn’t see in the ash cloud.
37 38
. .
Tropical cyclones form when warm, moist ocean air rises. They begin as a group of storm winds when 7. People were talking about the earthquake. He was reading a book. (while)
the water gets as hot as 27°c or hotter. The Coriolis effect made by the Earth’s rotation causes the winds to ________________________________________________________________________________
rotate. These storms usually move westward in the tropics, and later move north or south into the 8. We were running in the park. Mary fell over. (while)
temperate zone. ________________________________________________________________________________
9. She was painting a picture. Her mother was making a cake. (while)
The term “tropical cyclone” is a general term and includes regionally specific terms such as “hurricane”
and “typhoon”. A tropical cyclone that forms in the Atlantic is called a hurricane. The same is true of those
10. They were working. She came yesterday. (when)
that form in the eastern, central and northern Pacific. In the western Pacific a tropical cyclone is called a
typhoon. In the Indian Ocean they are called “cyclones”. The name for a tropical cyclone depends on its 11. We were having dinner. They were listening to the radio. (while)
location. ________________________________________________________________________________
1. Is there any tropical cyclone that begins and ends in the sea? 12. She was sleeping. The fire started. (when)
______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
2. Is it possible for a tropical cyclone to begin at the temperature of 26°C? 13. The farmer started whistling. He was ploughing the field. (when)
______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
3. What makes the winds rotate? 14. She came. What was happening? (when)
______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
4. Can we say both hurricane and typhoon are tropical cyclones? 15. The ship was leaving the harbor. The lava hit the town. (when)
______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
5. Where is a tropical cyclone called “hurricane”? Exercise 2.Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. In the middle of my lunch, there was a knock at the door.
6. Where is a tropical cyclone called “typhoon”?  When __________________________________________________________________________.
______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Tom was swimming and his sister was reading a book at the same time.
 While Tom ______________________________________________________________________.
3. On our way to the island, a tornado occurred.
WRITING  When we _______________________________________________________________________.
4. At the time of the landslide, they were exploring the cave.
 While they ______________________________________________________________________.
Exercise 1. Combine each group of sentences into one. Use the words in brackets without changing them.
5. He phoned Mary at the time that she was doing her homework.
1. Jack was able to run out of the house. It collapsed. (before)
 While Mary _____________________________________________________________________.
________________________________________________________________________________ 6. At the age of twenty, my mother was very beautiful.
2. The rescue workers heard a whistle. They quickly came to rescue the victims. (On)  My mother ______________________________________________________________________.
________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Everyone ran right after the tsunami siren went off.
3. The soldiers searched the area. They found all the missing people in the landslide. (until)  As soon as ______________________________________________________________________.
8. They predict the hurricane won’t hit the city, but the residents still get prepared for the worst.
4. She gave us some tips. The tips were about identifying poisonous mushrooms. (about)
________________________________________________________________________________ 
Although ______________________________________________________________________.
5. The flood receded. The villagers came back to their home. (After)
9. It was such a strong tsunami that thousands of people were killed.
6. I saw an accident. I was waiting for the taxi. (when) 
The tsunami was so ______________________________________________________________.
10. The firemen spent three days putting out the forest fire.
39 40
. .
It took _________________________________________________________________________. 5. pulled / The / up / some / park / in / the / storm / trees /.
Exercise 3. Write sentences with the cues given.
6. fire / Did / destroy / the / completely / building / their / ?
1. In her dream, / the Beast/ die/ and/ call/ for/ her. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Some / were / forest fire / badly / animals / injured / or killed / in / the /.
2. Hanna/ not/ watch/ the cartoon/ TV/ 7:00 p.m. yesterday. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 8. The / personal property / are / collecting / their / flood victims /.
3. My mother/ buy/ vegetables/ supermarket. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 9. usually / in / Some / happen / natural disasters / mountainous areas /.
4. A 12-year daughter/ narrate/ a fairy tale/ her mum. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 10. many / volcanic eruptions / Geologists / understand / factors / that / of /the / cause /.
5. We/ have/ dinner/ 7:00 p.m./ yesterday evening/ ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Many houses / collapse / in / landslide / last week /.
6. What/ you/ do/ 9:00 p.m./ last night? ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 12. they / watch TV / when / their living room / start / tremble / last night?
7. We/ not play/ all day/ last Saturday. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Fog and rain / be / common / in / mountainous regions / near / border/.
8. Yesterday/ 6 o’clock/ my mother/ prepare/ breakfast. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 14. He / died / while / try / rescue his wife and children / flooded area/.
9. He / drive / it / sudden / rain / heavy. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 15. It is difficult / accurately predict / when / earthquake / happen /.
10. We / camp / by / river / we / hear / emergency warning / of / flood. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 16. You / should / have / emergency kit / home / use / event of emergency /.
11. I / sleep / while / sister / do gardening / yesterday afternoon. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 17. Raining/ It was/ heavily/ the/ was flooding/ river/ while./
12. They / sit / rooftop / their house / when / rescue workers / appear. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 18. The/ was erupting/ volcano/, sending/ into the sly/ lava and ash/.
13. residents / tall buildings / be frightened / when / they / fell / slight shaking /. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 19. The/ was shaking/ earthquake/ causing/ the ground,/ to collapse/ buildings/.
14. When / natural disaster / happen, / we / must / listen / instruction from local authorities /. ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 20. The/ were/ spreading/ battling/ firefighters/ the rapidly/ wildfire/.
Exercise 4.Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.
1. safe places / trapped in / freed / to / Rescue workers / flooded houses / and / people /took/them /. Exercise 5. Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is written correctly based on the given cues.
________________________________________________________________________________ 1. powerful/ property/,/ a / lots/ caused/ of/ Yesterday/ damage/ earthquake/ to/.
2. A / last week / South Pacific / the / erupted / violently / in / volcano /. A. Yesterday, a powerful earthquake caused lots of damage to property.
________________________________________________________________________________ B. A powerful earthquake caused lots damage to of property yesterday.
3. Four days / of / caused / heavy / serious flood / a / in / Ha Tinh / a village / rain / in /. C. Lots of damage to property caused by a earthquake so powerful.
D. A powerful earthquake that yesterday caused lots of damage to property.
4. As / the / everything / ran down / volcano's /, / it / destroyed / the lava / in / sides / its path /.
2. most / common type / natural disasters / the world / are / floods and storms.
41 42
A. The most common types of natural disasters in the world are floods and storms.
B. The most common type of natural disasters in the world are floods and storms.
C. The most common types of natural disasters on the world are floods and storms.
D. The most common type of natural disasters of the world are floods and storms.
3. Sometimes / more / one disaster / occur / same time.
A. Sometimes, more than one disaster occurs the same time.
B. Sometimes, more than one disaster occur at same time.
C. Sometimes, more than one disaster occur same time.
D. Sometimes, more than one disaster occurs at the same time.
4. Landslide / may / occur / during / severe flooding / and thunderstorm.
A. Landslide may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms.
B. Landslides may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms.
C. Landslide may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorm.
D. Landslides may occurs during severe flooding and thunderstorms.
5. Scientist / can predict / many I the disasters / ahead / time.
A. Scientist can predict many of the disasters ahead of time.
B. Scientists can predict many the disasters ahead of time.
C. Scientists can predict many of the disasters ahead time.
D. Scientists can predict many of the disasters ahead of time.

Exercise 6. Write a paragraph (80 -100 words) about a natural disaster happening in Viet Nam that you
witnessed or heard about.


------ THE END ------

. UNIT 9: .
NATURAL DISASTERS 29. prediction (n) /prɪˈdɪkʃən/ sự dự đoán
30. emergency (n) /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/ sự khẩn cấp
31. emergency kit /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi kɪt/ bộ dụng cụ cấp cứu
A. VOCABULARY 32. victim (n) /ˈvɪktɪm/ nạn nhân
 New words (Từ mới) 33. rescue (v,n) /ˈreskjuː/ cứu hộ, sự cứu hộ
34. rescue worker (n) /ˈreskjuːˈwɜːkər/ nhân viên cứu hộ
Word Type Pronunciation Meaning 35. whistle (n) /ˈwɪsəl/ tiếng còi, cái còi
1. disaster (n) /dɪˈzɑːstər/ thảm họa 36. property (n) /ˈprɑː.pɚ.t̬i/ của cải, nhà cửa
2. natural disasters /ˈnætʃərəl dɪˈzɑːstərz/ những thảm họa thiên nhiên 37. authority (n) /ɔːˈθɒrəti/ chính quyền
3. storm (n) /stɔːm/ bão 38. towards (pre) /təˈwɔːdz/ theo hướng, về phía
4. thunderstorm (n) /ˈθʌn.dɚ.stɔːrm/ bão có sấm sét, cơn giông 39. suddenly (adv) /ˈsʌdənli/ đột ngột, bỗng nhiên
5. flood (n) /flʌd/ lũ lụt 40. awful (adj) /ˈɔːfəl/ khủng khiếp, đáng sợ
6. tsunami (n) /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ sóng thần 41. fahrenheit (n) /ˈfærənhaɪt/ độ F (đo nhiệt độ)
7. tornado (n) /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ lốc xoáy 42. richter scale (n) /ˈrɪktə skeɪl/ độ Richter (đo cường độ động đất)
8. earthquake (n) /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ động đất 43. layer (n) /ˈleɪər/ lớp, tầng
9. landslide (n) /ˈlændslaɪd/ sạt nở 44. ash (n) /æʃ/ tro
10. volcano (n) /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/ núi lửa 45. a thick layer of ash (n) /ə θɪk ˈleɪər əv æʃ/ một lớp tro đầy
11. volcanic (adj) /vɒlˈkænɪk/ thuộc/ gây ra bởi núi lửa 46. frightened (adj) /ˈfraɪtənd/ hoảng sợ, khiếp đảm
12. erupt (v) /ɪˈrʌpt/ phun trào 47. violent (adj) /ˈvaɪələnt/ mạnh, hung bạo
13. eruption (n) /ɪˈrʌpʃən/ sự phun trào 48. violently (adv) /ˈvaɪələntli/ một cách hung bạo
14. volcanic eruption / vɒlˈkænɪk ɪˈrʌpʃən/ sự phun trào núi lửa 49. missing (adj) /ˈmɪsɪŋ/ mất tích
15. affect (v) /əˈfekt/ làm ảnh hưởng đến 50. slight (adj) /slaɪt/ nhẹ
16. pretty (adv) /ˈprɪt̬.i/ khá là 51. fear (n) /fɪər/ sự sợ hãi
17. funnel (n) /ˈfʌnəl/ cái phễu 52. broadcast (n) /ˈbrɑːd.kæst/ buổi phát thanh
18. damage (n,v) /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ thiệt hại, gây tổn hại 53. flowerpot (n) /ˈflaʊ.ɚ.pɑːt/ chậu hoa
19. fortunately (adv) /ˈfɔːtʃənətli/ thật may mắn, may thay 54. shelter (n) /ˈʃeltər/ nơi trú ẩn
20. suddenly (adv) /ˈsʌd.ə một cách đột ngột 55. hide (v) /haɪd/ trốn, ẩn nấp
21. hurt (v,n) /hɜːt/ làm bị thương, vết thương  Structures (Cấu trúc)
22. liquid (n) /ˈlɪk.wɪd/ chất lỏng No structures/ collocations/ idioms/ phrasal verb Meaning
23. rock (n) /rɒk/ đá, tảng đá 1. Pull up Kéo lên ,nhổ lên
24. mud (n) /mʌd/ bùn 2. Pour out from Đổ ra từ
25. shake (v) /ʃeɪk/ rung, lắc 3. Ran out of Hết, không còn
26. tremble (v) /ˈtrembəl/ rung lắc 4. Look like Trông giống như
27. warn (v) /wɔːn/ cảnh báo 5. Look for Tìm kiếm
28. predict (v) /prɪˈdɪkt/ tiên đoán, dự đoán 6. Look out of Nhìn ra từ

1 2
. .
7. Keep away from Tránh xa thứ gì (Trong khi tôi đang làm bài tập thì em trai tôi đang đọc truyện tranh.)
8. In fear Trong tình trạng sợ hãi - Dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn để diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ và làm phiền đến người
9. Be an example of Là một ví dụ của khác.
10. Be used for Được sử dụng cho VÍ DỤ:
11. Come down Rơi, vỡ xuống nền đất My elder sister was always complaining about my room when she entered it.
12. In a circle Trong một vòng tròn (Chị tôi luôn than phiền về phòng tôi khi chị ấy vào phòng.)
13. What’s the matter? Có chuyện gì vây? 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
Trong câu dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn thường có các từ và cụm từ sau:
B. GRAMMAR: at + giờ + thời gian trong quá khứ (at 10:00 p.m last night)
I. The past continuous ( thì quá khứ tiếp diễn) at this time + thời gian trong quá khứ (at this time yesterday)
1. Cấu trúc của thì quá khứ tiếp diễn at that time (vào thời điểm đó)
Cấu trúc Ví dụ while (trong khi)
Thể khẳng định (+) S + was/were + V-ing Ex. Hoa was listening to music at 3:00 p.m when (khi)
yesterday. VÍ DỤ:
(Hoa đang nghe nhạc lúc 3 giờ chiều qua.) I was playing chess with Tom at this time yesterday.

Thể phủ định (-) S + was/were + not + V-ing Ex. She wasn’t watching T.V at that time. (Vào giờ này hôm qua tôi đang chơi cờ với Tom.)
(Cô ấy không đang xem ti vi lúc đó.) C. PHONICS:
- Stress in words ending in -al and -ous (trọng âm của các từ chứa đuôi –al và -ous)
Thể nghi vấn (?) (Wh-question) + Was/Were + S + V-ing? Ex. Were they having dinner at home at that Khi thêm các hậu tố: -al, -ous thì trọng âm chính của từ không thay đổi.
Trả lời: time? Ex: music  musical
- Yes, S + was/ were (Có phải lúc đó họ đang ăn tối ở nhà?) humour  humorous
- No, S + wasn’t/ weren’t - Yes, they were. (Vâng, phải.) D. PRACTICE

2. Cách dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn PHONICS

- Dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá
khứ. Exercise 1.Write the words ending in -al below in the correct group of stress.
VÍ DỤ: medical approval special economical survival
At 7 o’clock yesterday, I was sitting in the class.
magical electrical historical social classical
(Vào lúc 7 giờ ngày hôm qua, tôi đang ngồi trong lớp.) agricultural official local central political
- Dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra thì một hành động khác xen vào. international comical industrial general natural
She was chatting with a classmate when the teacher stepped in. Oo special, social, local, central
(Cô ấy đang tán gẫu với bạn cùng lớp thì giáo viên bước vào.) Ooo medical, magic, classical, comical, general, natural
- Dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn để diễn tả hai hành động đồng thời xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ. oOo approval, survival, offical
VÍ DỤ: oOoo electrical, historical, political, industrial
While I was doing my homework, my younger brother was reading comics.
3 4
. .
ooOoo economical, agricultural, international 1. A. develop B. marvellous C. funnel D. damage
Exericse 2.Write the words ending in -ous below in the correct group of stress. 2. A. government B. landside C. lighting D. effect
dangerous infectious adventurous continuous famous 3. A. fortunate B. donate C. pacific D. tornado
poisonous suspicious ridiculous mountainous various 4. A. destroy B. emergency C. government D. disaster
joyous numerous cautious mysterious furious 5. A. rescue B. strengthen C. system D. towards
6. A. practical B. numerous C. property D. tsunami
Oo famous, joyuos, cautious 7. A. whistle B. victim C. authority D. violent
Ooo dangerous, poisonous, mountainous, various, numerous, furious 8. A. litter B. moutainous C. worker D. volcanic
oOo infectious, suspicious 9. A. example B. circle C. matter D. humour
oOoo adventurous, continuous, ridiculous, mysterious 10. A. nation B. person C. resident D. scientific
Exercise 3. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 11. A. national B. physical C. arrival D. natural
1. A. typhoon B. goose C. food D. flood 12. A. medical B. national C.chemical D. informal
2. A. bought B. drought C. brought D. ought 13. A. aquatic B. problematic C. influential D. degradable
3. A. ache B. charity C. archaeology D. chaos 14. A. conical B. practical C. musical D. mechanic
4. A. geology B. psychology C. classify D. photography 15. A. electric B. historic C. classical D. botanic
5. A. vocano B. forest C. tornado D. ghost 16. A. thunderstorm B. tsunami C. typhoon D. tornado
6. A. phyical B. mythology C. rhythmic D. psychology 17. A. damage B. collapse C. erupt D. affect
7. A. earthquake B. breath C. thanks D. breathe 18. A. permanent B. eruption C. pollution D. disaster
8. A. hands B. occasions C. associates D. others 19. A. station B. temperature C. illustrate D. vocalno
9. A. frightened B. stamped C. walked D. laughed 20. A. accommodation B. evacuation C. contribution D. contamination
10. A. flouride B. lid C. arid D. hidden 21. A. natural B. practical C. humorous D. tornado
11. A. mud B. numerous C. thunderstorm D. suddenly 22. A. suddenly B. remember C. important D. commission
12. A. tsunami B. tropical C. victim D. violent 23. A. volcano B. eruption C. collection D. mountainous
13. A. south B. strengthen C. breathe D. theology 24. A. victim B. children C. asleep D. Friday
14. A. rescue B. effect C. marvellous D. tremble 25. A. funnel B. uncle C. second D. towards
26. A. violent B. blackberry C. completely D. marvelous
15. A. tornado B. property C. volcanic D. crop
27. A. fortunately B. violently C. ambitious D. happiness
16. A. authority B. fortunately C. try D. property
28. A.collect B. damage C. landslide D. earthquake
17. A. towards B. disaster C. destroys D. circles 29. A. destroy B. rescue C. animal D. danger
18. A. violent B. whistle C. practical D. lightning 30. A. tsunami B. mountainous C. eruption D. volcanic
19. A. wave B. landside C. damage D. natural 31. A. tornado B. natural C. dangerous D. property
20. A. emergency B. litter C. suddenly D. system 32. A. emergency B. community C. botanical D. disapproval
21. A. flood B. food C. roof D. noon 33. A. volcano B. poisonous C. practical D. thunderstorm
22. A. predict B. prepare C. prevent D. preposition
23. A. tornado B. volcanic C. natural D. damage
24. A. disaster B. desert C. reserve D. research
25. A. affected B. damaged C. destroyed D. pulled
Exercise 4. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
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1. Thunderstorms can be destroy, while tornadoes, and lighting can be life threatening.
2. In our country people have very strong buildings because we often have earthquake.
Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and write the name of the activities. 3. I saw on TV that yesterday there was an eruption on an island in the Pacific and hot lava came down the
drought earthquake eruption victim 4. My little sister is afraid of lightning, so when there is a bad storm she always hides.
tsunami flood ash tornado 5. The flood in Quang Ngai cause landslide, which buried some houses in the moutainous areas.
lightning violent destroy landslide 6. The volcanic eruption poured out ash into the air, blanketing the nearby towns and disrupting air travel.
7. I don’t like shopping in places with a history of violence.
8. The flood victims are being sent food by the government.
9. The drought has made farmers anxious about the harvest.
10. Tsunami is a Japanese term for an unusually large ocean wave caused by undersea earthquake, landside,
or volcanic eruption.
11. Tornado is a strong wind that blows in a circle.
12. The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.

1. flood 2. tornado 3. drought 4. lightning

Exercise 3. Match the words in column A to the correct meanings in column B.
1. lightning A. a sudden strong shaking of the ground
2. drought B. a mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and hot
liquid rock are forced out into the air
3. earthquake C. a long time when there is not enough rains
4. flood D. an extrembly large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under
the sea
5. landside E. a sudden bright light in the sky when there is a storm
5. tsunami 6. ash 7. earthquake 8. victim
6. tornado F. a mass of earth, rock, ect. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cliff
7. typhoon G. a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry
8. volcanic eruption H. a violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle
9. wildfire I. a very big fire that spreads quickly and burns natural areas like woods, forests
and grassland
10. tsunami J. a violent tropical storm with very strong winds.
Your answer:

1. E 2.C 3.A 4.G 5.F 6.H 7.J 8.B 9.I 10.D

9. destroy 10. landslide 11. eruption 12. violent

Exercise 4. Match the words or phrases on the left with their meaning on the right.
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1

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A B blow rise lightning pour tornado flood
1. damage A. cultivated plant or agricultural produce 1. Have you got an umbrella? It’s going to pour with rain later today.
2. donate B. give or contribute without expecting anything in return 2. I hate it when there’s a flood — there’s water everywhere.
3. crop C. catastrophic event caused ny natural forces 3. The tornado was like something out of a film - the wind was lifting everything up.
4. natural disaster D. give notice or advice about protential danger 4. Oh, look! That girl’s hat is going to be blown away.
5. property E. extended period of water scarcity due to lack of rainfall 5. My grandfather loves watching the lighting in the sky during a storm.
6. victim F. harm or destruction caused to something or someone 6. Look at this line. It shows how high the river can rise when it rains a lot.
7. warn G. person or entity harmed or affected Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
8. strengthen H. make stronger or more powerful cause damage erupt shake destroy
9. drought I. substance that flows freely and takes the shape of its container
move warn strike affect predict
10. liquid J. possessions or belongings owned by someone
1. Many important historical documents were destroyed in the fire.
1. F 2.B 3. A 4.C 5.J 6.G 7.D 8.H 9.E 10.I
2. My mother always warns me not to talk to strangers.
Exercise 5. Write the words / phrase in the box next to their definition. 3. The flood really affected the lives of thousands of people in Central Viet Nam last week.
tornado storm earthquake 4. Smoking is likely to damage your health permanently.
landslide volcanic eruption flood 5. Strong winds had caused serious damage to the roof of the house.
6. We can predict changes in climate with a surprising degree of accuracy.
1. Very bad weather with strong winds and rain, and often thunder and storm 7. Temperatures will drop as the cold front moves down across Northern Viet Nam next week.
lightning 8. Since the volcano last erupted many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes.
2. A mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a landside 9. The floor began to shake from a distant explosion.
cliff 10. They predict that a large earthquake will strike the east coast before the end of the decade.
3. It is when hot gases and liquid rock (lava) pour out from a volcano volcanic eruption Exercise 9.Complete the sentences with the adjectives given.
4. A very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry flood
natural dangerous safe practical
5. A violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle; there is tornado
often also a long cloud which is narrower at the bottomthan the top serious missing violent volcanic
6. A sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface earthquake 1. Scientists understand many of the factors that cause volcanic eruptions.
Exercise 6.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. 2. The storm caused serious damage to farm buildings.
3. Floods and earthquakes are natural disasters.
blow fall pour rise shake 4. The winds in the violent storm reach the speed of over 400 km per hour.
5. After three days lost in the mountains, all the climbers arrived home safe and sound.
1. I think there was an earthquake yesterday because the ground shook for a few seconds. 6. He disappeared on his way to school and has been missing for over a month.
2. The rain poured for hours yesterday. I thought there might be a flood. 7. Thick fog has made driving conditions dangerous.
3. The big tree in our garden fell down in the storms. 8. They offer practical help for people in the flooded areas.
4. The level of the water in the river always rises when it rains a lot. Exercise 10.Complete the sentences with the words given.
5. The wind is blowing so hard. I think the roof might come off our house!
property landslide residents emergency tornado
Exercise 7.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below.

9 10
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funnels warning rescue damage ashes A. famine B. flood C. drought D. earthquake
12. ________ are the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth.
1. The social workers need to know what to do in a(n) emergency.
A. Earthquakes B. Volcanoes C. Snowstorms D. Tidal Waves
2. He had ignored their warning to stay in the house during the earthquake.
13. Yesterday morning, while I ______ to school with my friends, it began to rain heavily.
3. Investigators examined the ashes to find the cause of the fire.
A. walk B. walked C. have walked D. was walking
4. Storms delayed the rescue of the crash victims.
14. The heavy rain caused a __________, blocking the road to the shopping centre.
5. The local residents were angry at the lack of water supply for a few days.
A. landside B. lightning C. drought D. shortage
6. The earthquake caused severe damage to a number of buildings.
15. The rescue workers arrived quicky __________ the people trapped in the collapsed.
7. The fire resulted in damage to their property.
A. help B. helping C. to help D. to helping
8. The building was badly damaged in a(n) tornado.
16. The _______ destroyed several shops in the area.
9. We saw big funnels of wind moving down these narrow streets.
A. property B. blood C. residence D. tornado
10. The house was buried under a(n) landslide.
17. “What’s the ________? Why are you upset?” asked the concerned friend.
Exercise 11. Complete the correct answer A, B, C or D.
A. natural B. matter C. person D. funnel
1. The forest fire ________ quickly and destroy many trees.
18. The coastal town was devastated by a tsunami, causing extensive ______ to shops and homes.
A. raged B. burst C. spread D. occurred
A. damage B. benefit C. development D. humour
2. When a vocalno __________, hot gases snd lava run down. 19. During the hurricane, the emergency supplies were used ________ providing relief to the affected areas.
A. blows B. erupts C. throws D. escapes A. for B. from C. to D. with
3. The tornado caused a massive _______ to the town. 20. As the floodwaters continued to rise, the residents ran ________ of the food and clean water.
A. destruction B. extention C. danger D. mishap A. of B. for C. out D. on
4. After the earthquake struck the city, rescuers searched for _____________. 21. I_______ experiencing any earthquakes when I travelled to that region last year.
A. survivors B. survivals C. surviving D. survived A. wasn’t B. weren’t C. was D. were
5. Typhoon Haiyan made the damage, and ________of life became freat in the Philipphines. 22. She_______ to evacuate her home when she saw the wildfire approaching.
A. lose B. loses C. losing D. loss A. practised B. wanted C. finished D. continued
6. A number of other provinces will declare drought __________ in the coming weeks. 23. Was the volcano ________ when you visited the island?
A. accident B. emergency C. event D. situation A. erupt B. to erupt C. to erupting D. erupting
7. In some areas, human _________ can be a contributing factor in causing landside. 24. It is important to keep away ________ damaged buildings after an earthquake to ensure personal safety.
A. acts B. actions C. acting D. activities A. for B. from C. of D. with
8. The Pacific Ring of Fire is an area of frequent earthquakes and volcanic _________, encircling the basin 25. The __________ eruption caused widespread damage to nearby villages and disrupted air travel.
of the Pacific Ocean. A. volcantion B. volcanism C. volcanic D. volcano
A. flowing B. flood C. eruption D. eruptions 26. The local authorities are providing support and assistance to the victims of the _______disaster.
9. A soft, loose soil may ________ more intensely than hard rock at the same distance from the same earth. A. nature B. natural C. naturation D. naturalization
A. erupt B. rage C. shake D. collapse 27. It is important to have an emergency _________ prepared with essential supplies in case of natural
10. What we have done to our environment today will _______our life later. disasters like earthquakes or hurricanes.
A. break B. dissolve C. spoil D. waste A. kit B. file C. pair D. group
11. After the ________, the river overflowed in several places and huge areas of farming lands are now 28. The forest fire __________ for twelve hours and thousands of wild animals died.
several feet under water. A. raged B. struck C. took D. put out

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29. How can we know when an active vocalno will ________ again? A. predict B. overlook C. experience D. forget
A. erupt B. destroy C. damage D. affect 45. The strong tornado ________ some trees and dropped them miles away.

30. Measured 9.5 on the Richer scale, the world’s largest _________ occered on May 22, 1960 in southern A. picked out B. took off C. cut out D. pulled up

Chile. 46. A ________ occurred in a mountainous village last month. It buried a house underrocks and mud.
A. landslide B. tsunami C. tornado D. rain
A. mudslide B. avalanche C. flood D. earthquake
47. The largest ________ eruption known in history occurred in Indonesia in 1815.
31. Despite modern technologies available to us, we’re still ______________ against natural disasters.
A. flooding B. volcanic C. stormy D. mountainous
A. homeless B. harmless C. helpless D. hopeless
32. The reporter said that ten people died and thirty were ______________ injured in the flood. 48. They blew the emergency ________, hoping that the rescue workers could hear it and search for them.

A. completely B. greatly C. powerfully D. seriously A. call B. signal C. kit D. whistle

33. A ______________ that is just a few centimetres high from the sea can rear up to heights of 30 to 50 49. The violent earthquake ________ the road system and many vehicles.
A. pulled off B. damaged C. flooded D. trembled
meters as it hits the shore.
50. The local ________ issued a flood warning but many villagers refused to leavetheir houses.
A. typhoon B. tsunami C. tornado D. thunderstorm
A. authority B. culture C. weather D. community
34. Survivors of the flood were ______________ by helicopter.
A. collapsed B. buried C. shaken D. rescued 51. Many victims of the tsunami were still ________. The rescue team was searchingfor them.

35. Many people are working to save species from extinction, animals from cruelty, natural ______________ A. finding B. losing C. missing D. escaping

from destruction. 52. A storm swept ________ the town at midnight. Luckily, no one was injured.
A. away B. through C. along D. from
A. disasters B. phenomena C. environment D. hazards
36. Most people had moved to the safe areas before the typhoon struck, so there were only a few 53. The flood cut the village ________ from the outside world for several days.
A. off B. down C. across D. back
A. loss B. injuries C. impacts D. destruction 54. After the flood, the village was declared a ________ area and received specialhelp from the government.

37. Aid agencies provided drinking water and food ______________ to the isolated residents. A. work B. countryside C. disaster D. distance
55. The organisation is distributing food to the earthquake _________.
A. guidelines B. aid C. supplies D. emergency
A. movers B. helpers C. rescuers D. victims
38. A(n) ____ is a tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed of 118 to 184 kph.
A. earthquake B. typhoon C. landside D. tsunami 56. It's difficult to make accurate _________ about the effects of the tornado.

39. Your ______________ should include items for your essential needs in the event of an emergency or A. predict B. predictive C. predictions D. predictable

natural disaster. 57. The earthquake caused damage to _________ that was estimated at $6 million.

A. emergency kit B. shopping cart C. recycle bin D. practical tips A. money B. property C. possession D. belonging
58. The 1923 earthquake in Japan killed about 200,000 people and left countless injured and homeless. What
40. Hundreds of buildings were destroyed when the earthquake ______________ the city.
is the closest word of the underlined word?
A. buried B. shook C. scattered D. collapsed
41. The rescue workers spent the whole day searching for flood ________. A. killed B. wounded C. imprisoned D. enriched

A. people B. victims C. men D. losers 59. To prevent the spread of wildfires, it is necessary to cut down dry vegetation around homes. What is the

42. Violent earthquakes may lead to loss of life and ________. opposite of the underlined phrasal verb?

A. death B. lava C. property D. rain A. increase B. look out of C. please with D. turn up
60. I ________ an essay when the table started trembling.
43. A tsunami causes ________ to boats, bridges, and anything as waves come in andgo out.
A. destruction B. fatality C. injuries D. extinction A. write B. am writing C. wrote D. was writing

44. It’s almost impossible to ________ exactly when an earthquake will happen. 61. When the rescue workers ________, everyone was trembling with fear.

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A. arrive B. are arriving C. arrived D. were arriving A. were wailing - were clearing C. were wailing - cleared
62. It suddenly rained heavily while they ________ home last night. B. wailed – cleared D. wailed - were clearing
A. were walking B. was walking C. walked D. walk 75. "A big earthquake hit Istanbul yesterday and destroyed many buildings."
63. As soon as he ________ the fire, he ________ to a safe shelter. " _________ "
A. escaped - was moving C. was escaping - moved
A. That's terrible. You shouldn't go out.
B. escaped – moved D. was escaping - was moving
B. I'm sorry to hear about your situation.
64. She ________ in Tonga when a violent storm ________ the island.
C. That's awful. I hope everybody there is safe.
A. was being - was hitting C. was being - hits D. I'm happy to hear about his success.
B. was - was hitting D. was – hit 76. “A tornado blew several cars in front of me off the road and into the trees.”
65. My grandma ________ the Daily news at 7 p.m. yesterday. A. How cute! C. That’s great!
A. watch B. is watching C. watched D. was watching
B. That’s shocking! D. Maybe.
66. He _______________ on an airplane when he _______________ a fire from the window.
Exercise 12.Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
A. was sitting - saw C. was sitting - was seeing
B. was sitting - was seeing D. sat – saw 1. The storm was awful and caused a lot of damage.
67. While the other passengers _______________ to the exits, Brian _______________ out of the window. A. beautiful B. excellent C. terrible D. interesting
A. ran - climbed C. ran - was climbed 2. My little brother Timmy never screams although he is frightened.
B. run - was climbing D. were running – climbed
A. confused B. excited C. painful D. scared
68. When it _______________ raining, we _______________ a nice hotel down the road to the town. 3. I have an important presentation tomorrow. I’m feeling a little bit worried.
A. started - were finding C. started - found
A. happy B. calm C. anxious D. relaxed
B. was starting – found D. was starting - were finding 4. The man died while trying to rescue the villagers from the flooded area.
69. They ___________ close to the bottom of the mountain when Simpson suddenly______________. A. kill B. save C. destroy D. harm
A. got - was slipping C. were getting - was slipping
5. The rescue services sent helicopters to the area to try to find the missing boy.
B. were getting – slipped D. got – slipped
A. lost B. found C. dirty D. seen
70. While Steven and Rachel _______________ around the Canary Islands, their boat_______________. 6. El Nino has happened for at least the last 300 years.
A. were sailing - sank C. sailed - sank A. reduced B. occurred C. caused D. protected
B. sailed - was sinking D. were sailing - was sinking 7. The heavy rain had a negative effect on the crops, causing them to tot and fail to grow.
71. While some rescue teams ________ in Pakistan, others ________ to a natural disaster in Central America. A. influence B. respect C. advantage D. disadvantage
A. were helping - responded C. helped - were responding
8. The hurricane swept through the coastal area, destroying houses and leaving many people homeless.
B. helped – responded D. were helping - were responding
A. building B. devastating C. constructing D. protecting
72. When we __________ out in the morning, we _________ surprised by what we____________. 9. Fortunately, the firefighters arrived quickly and were able to extinguish the forest fire before it spread
A. finally came - are - see C. finally came - were - saw further.
B. were finally coming - were – saw D. finally come - were - were seeing A. Sadly B. Ultimately C. Finally D. Luckily
73. It _______________ and windy when the ship, carrying about 200 passengers,_______________ a rock. 10. The flood damaged many properties along the river, including houses and business.
A. was snowing - was hitting C. snowed - was hitting
A. personal B. owns C. belongings D. looking
B. was snowing – hit D. snowed – hit 11. The earthquake caused the ground to tremble, making people feel scared and insecure.
74. The sirens of the emergency services _______ while people __________ up the mess in their gardens. A. shake B. standstill C. quiet D. calm
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Exercise 13. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following 3. Mary burned her hand yesterday when she (prepare) was preparing dinner.
sentences. 4. While my parents and I (have) were having dinner, we heard a very loud noise.
1. I need to strengthen my knowledge about natural disasters by reading more books on the subject. 5. What were you (do) doing when the volcano erupted last night?
A. weaken B. improved C. shortage D. purchased 6. While he (walk) was walking in the woods last week, it started to rain very hard.
2. There have been numerous reports of floods and landsides in the region due to heavy rainfall. 7. I'm writing to tell you about what happened to me last week while I (visit) was visiting my uncle's
A. plentiful B. limited C. various D. abundant family.
3. The storm damaged several houses and uprooted trees in the neighbourhood. 8. The flood came suddenly while the villagers (sleep) were sleeping soundly.
A. spoiled B. hurt C. broke D. repaired Exercise 16. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous.
4. It is important to have a personal emergency kit prepared in case of natural disaster. 1. Were you swimming (you, swim) when someone stole (steal) your wallet?
A. private B. individual C. public D. unique 2. The dragon was flying (fly) over the castle when he heard (hear) a girl crying.
5. This chemical is toxic to many forms of life. 3. Cinderella heard (hear) the chimes of midnight while she was dancing (dance) with the prince.
A. poisonous B. harmful C. harmless D. expensive 4. Snow White (sing) was singing softly beside the well when suddenly she saw (see) a dwarf.
6. Natural disasters can cause serious damage to human life. 5. While the hunter was passing (pass) nearby the hut, he noticed (notice) the wolf.
A. slight B. heavy C. strong D. intense 6. As the Queen was bathing (bathe), a frog jumped (jump) out of the water and talked (talk) to her.
7. We cannot prevent natural disasters, but we can prepare for them. 7. The princess tried (try) to tell the prince the truth but he didn’t listen (not, listen).
A. allow B. avoid C. stop D. predict 8. While Mendel (revise) was revising his lesson, his sister was reading (read) fables.
8. The forest fire raged for eight hours, killing all of the animals. 9. Was Jane practising (Jane, practise) the piano when you walked (walk) into her room?
A. arrived B. fought C. collapsed D. spread 10. When I knocked (knock) on the door, there was (be) no answer.
Exercise 14 . Fill in each blank with suitable collocations. 11. Alan (look) was looking out of the window when he (see) saw a big funnel ofwind moving towards his
ran out of keep away from try in fear looks like
12. When they (drive) were driving on the road near the mountain, a mass of earth androck (fall) fell down
look out of an example of try to want used for the slope.
13. When the building (start) started to tremble, many people living there (run) ran out of their flats in fear.
14. While my mother (cook) was cooking dinner, my father (fix) was fixing the washingmachine.
1. I look out of the window and see the bustling street.
15. Tom (fall) fell when he (run) was running up the stairs.
2. I always keep away from that sotre because their product quality is not good.
16. Alan (look) was looking out of the window when he (see) saw a big funnel of wind moving towards his
3. I will try wearing this shirt to see of it fits me or not.
4. I want to buy a new phone.
17. When the building (start) started to tremble, many people living there (run) ran out of their flats in fear.
5. I ran out of money for shopping and can’t buy anything else.
Exercise 17. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.
6. I will try to go to the store before they close.
I was (1. be) born in Da Nang, but my family moved (2. move) to Ho Chi Minh City when I was (3. be)
7. I live in fear that I might lose money when shopping online.
five. I went (4. go) to primary school and secondary school there. My father suddenly died (5. die) while I
8. This bag looks like the one I saw on the website.
was studying (6. study) at high school. My mother and I were (7. be) very sad. My mother worked (8. work)
9. This product is an example of a simple and fastionable design.
hard while I was taking (9. take) a marketing course at the University of Economics. I completed (10.
10. This lamp is used for lighting up the room.
complete) the course in 2020 and now I’m working in a foreign company.
Exercise 15.Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the past continuous.
1. While she (sleep) was sleeping, the thieves broke in and stole her handbag. Exercise 18. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.
2. What were you (do) doing at this time yesterday? 1. At that time we (sat/ were sitting) in the park.

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2. Who (were giving/ gave) you that comic book? 16. The most disastrous earthquake in Japanese history damaged Tokyo and Yokohama. (DISASTER)
3. As I (waited/ was waiting) for bus, I (saw/ was seeing) Joe crossing the road. 17. Luckily, the typhoon didn’t cause any damage on the village. (LUCK)
4. When I was a child, I (was making/ made) my own lanterns. 18. Rescuers used a special device for finding people trapped in collapsed building. (RESCUE)
5. (Did she type/ Was she typing) a message when you interrupted her? Bản word phát hành tại website
6. It happened while I (was studying/ studied) in London. Exercise 20. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
7. We (were living/ lived) in Hue for three years while I was in high school. 1. Natural disasters cause usually serious damage to our property and the environment. (usually cause)
8. When the teacher (was walking/ walked) into the class, the students stopped talking. A B C D
9. Yesterday, I (went/ was going) to the movie with my best friend Jim. 2. I weren’t informed anything about the wildfire last week. ( wasn’t)
10. What (were you doing/ did you do) at 11:00 p.m. last night? A B C D
11. It was / were raining heavily when the earthquake happened. 3. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and floods are all natural disaster. (disaster)
12. The floodwater wasn't rising / risen as the storm was passing. A B C D
13. Were/Was the wind still blowing strongly during the tornado warning?
4. What can be done to protect people from environment disasters? (environmental)
14. The volcano was /were erupting, spewing ash and lava into the sky.
15. The hurricane wasn't approaching / approach the coast when the evacuation order was given.
5. Thousands of people affected by natural disasters every year. (are affected)
16. Was/Were the fire spreading rapidly while the firefighters were trying to control it?
17. It was snowing/snowwing heavily when the avalanche occurred.
6. The government decided to cut up the trees to prevent them from becoming hazards during natural
18. The tsunami wasn't/ weren't approaching the shore with great force, contrary to expectations.
disasters. A B C D
19. Were the thunderstorms still happening/happening still when the power outage occurred?
7. He wasn’t play outside when the earthquake happened. (playing)
20. The drought was /were persisting, causing a scarcity of water in the region.
Exercise 19. Write the correct form of the word in brackets. A B C D
1. They made an accurate prediction about the path of the storm. (PREDICT) 8. Water poured out of the burst pipes, causing extensive flooding in the area. (poured out from)
2. We were having dinner when our building started trembling. (TREMBLE) A B C D
3. An earthquake destroyed the area of Sumatra in Indonesia in 2005. (DESTROY) 9. Were you runing towards the emergency shelter when the tornado struck? (running)
4. The rescue workers set up a camp to provide shelter for the flood victims. (WORK)
5. Some natural disasters, such as landslides, usually happen in mountainous areas.( NATURE)
10. The storm was raging outside while we was enjoying a cosy evening indoors. (were)
6. A volcanic eruption happens when there is an earthquake beneath the earth’s crust. ( VOLCANO)
7. Fog and rain are common in the mountainous regions near the border. (MOUNTAIN) A B C D
8. There were 82 volcanic eruptions occurring last year. (ERUPT) 11. They was not paying attention to the evacuation orders as the hurricane approached. (were)
9. The local authority has an effective warning system for natural disasters. (WARN) A B C D
10. She opened the letter with trembling hands. (TREMBLE) 12. She tried to contacting her family during the earthquake to ensure their safety. (contact)
11. Last year, a tornado hit the southern United States violently. (VIOLENT)
12. As many as 111 people are dead or missing due to the hurricane. (MISS)
13. We tryed building a makeshift shelter using available materials after the hurricane hit. (tried)
13. A website in India is helping coordinate the provision of aid in the flood disaster. ( PROVIDE)
14. Thanks to the extensive preventive measures taken, the loss of life in Typhoon Dacheng in Quang Nam A B B C
and other provinces seemed to be relatively low. ( PREVENT) 14. The survivors tried rebuilding their lives by forming a community and support each other.
15. The tornado damage lots of roofs in our village. (DAMAGE) A B C D (supporting)

19 20
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15. The Amazon rainforest is rich on biodiversity and natural resources. (in) 2. The storm began at around ________
A B C D A. 7 a.m. B. 7 p.m. C. 11 a.m. D. 11 p.m.

16. The storm sudden hit and destroyed the whole village. (suddenly) 3. Only a few people were seriously injured in the storm.
A. False B. True
4. The severe winds caused extensive damage to ________
17. Were the children studying at school in this time yesterday? (at)
A. life B. property C. homes D. businesses
A B C D 5. The government has already sent ________ to Nghe An.
18. During an earthquake, you should be away from heavy furnitures or appliances. (during the) A. rescue equipment C. rescue workers
A B C D B. food and medical supplies D. both A&B
19. They watched TV last night when the earthquake began. (were watching) Task 2: Listen again and complete the data chart.
A B C D Type of natural disaster Typhoon
What is this disaster? A powerful storm with severe (6) winds and heavy rain.
20. As the flight was taking off, passengers were seeing a fire from the window. (saw)
When and where did the disaster - At about 11 p.m
A B C D occur? - In Nghe An Province
21. The plane's captain realized that one of the two engines weren't working. (wasn’t) What are the effects of this disaster? - Dozens of people were seriously injured.
A B C D - Hundreds of others became (7) homeless
- Extensive (8) damage was caused to property, including homes and
22. While passengers were running towards the front exits. Maria chose the exit next the wing. (next to)
A B C D - Heavy rain is expected to continue and
23. Because the weather was getting worse, so the two climbers didn't stay long in the mountain. (bỏ so) (9) flood warnings have been issued
What has been done to help the - Rescue workers have freed people trapped in collapsed or
victims of the disaster? damaged homes.
24. John fell and break his knee while he was climbing down the mountain with his friend. - Rescue workers are clearing up the (10) debris
A B C D (fell and broke) - Rescue equipment, as well as food and medical supplies have
already been sent there.
25. When Eric realized John wasn’t coming, he decided to take a risk and searching for him.
- People left homeless have been taken to safe areas.
A B C D (search)
26. William was climbing a mountain alone while the storm began to strike. (when) Tapscripts:
A B C D Nghe An Province was badly affected again when a typhoon hit the area last night. The storm began at
27. Mrs. Parker writes many articles on the environment while she was still a student. (wrote) around 11 p.m and raged thoughout the night. Dozens of people were seriously injured and hundreds of
others were left homeless. The severe winds caused extensive damage to property, including homes and
businesses, particularly in Cua Lo, a coastal town in Nghe An. The storm had already weakened by the
28. Parents shouldn’t keep children and pets away until they complete the clean-up. ( should keep)
time emergency workers arrived in the area. Rescue operations have started and many people trapped in
A B C D collapsed or damaged buildings have been freed. Workers are now clearing up the debris left behind by the
severe storm. The government has already sent rescue equipment to Nghe An, as well as food and medical
LISTENING supplies. People left homeless have been taken to safe areas, where temporary accommodation will be built
Exercise 1.Task 1. Listen to the news report and choose the correct answer for each question below. to house them. The weather bureau has issued flood warning for Nghe An and nearby provinces as heavy
1. A typhoon hit Nghe An Province early this morning.
rain is expected to continue over the next few days.
A. True B. False
21 22
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Exercise 4.Listen again and fill in the missing words.
Exercise 2.Listen to the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each question. Hoa: Hi, Nam.
1. Floods can be one of natures most ________ forces. Nam: Hi, Hoa.
A. harmless B. harmful C. useless D. destructive Hoa: Did you hear the news on the TV early this morning?
2. Heavy rains in St - Vianney, Quebec, happened in ________. Nam: No, I didn’t. What happened?
A. May 1917 B. May 1791 C. May 1971 D. March 1971 Hoa: Last night, (1) a landslide from a high mountain moved down a small village in Ha Giang Province.
3. In addition to their destructive physical force, floods bring with them ________. Nam: Where is Ha Giang?
A. a more menaced chemical threat C. a more menacing physical threat Hoa: It’s in the north of Vietnam.
B. a more menacing chemical threat D. a more useful chemical threat Nam: Was anyone (2) injured ?
4. Flood victims must be extremely cautious about ________. Hoa: The authorities confirmed six dead, eighteen injured and as many as (3) 95 people missing. Only a few
A. the food they eat C. the water they drink minor injuries were reported.
B. how they bathe themselves D. A, B and C Nam: Oh, no. That’s terrible. Did it cause any (4) damage to property?
5. This passage is about ________. Hoa: Yes, all houses in the village were destroyed.
A. destruction of environment C. destruction of floods Nam: That’s awful. How is the government helping the people there?
B. harmlessness of floods D. causes of floods Hoa: They’ve sent rescue workers and army men to find people who were buried in their houses. Medical
Tapscripts: supplies, food and rescue equipment have also been sent.
Flooding Nam: Thank God. I hope they’ll soon find the (5) missing people soon.
Floods can be one of natures most destructive forces. The damage caused by waters “wetness” is secondary to
the crushing pressures of its currents. If water from rain, melting snow or flooding doesn’t drain quickly enough, rock Exercise 5. Listen and complete each sentence with no more than THREE words.
and soil can become saturated with water. 1. Children will be anxious when disasters interrupt their daily routines.
Mudslides possess enough force and speed to destroy homes, even entire neighborhoods. In May 1971, heavy
2. In an emergency, children will look to adults for help.
rains in St Jean Vianney, Quebec., caused the earth to collapse into a sinkhole. The mudslide that resulted killed 31
people and swept away 35 homes, a bus and several cars. 3. Your reaction will give them clues on how to act.
In addition to their destructive physical force, floods bring with them a more menacing chemical threat. If 4. You should take your children’s fears seriously.
water levels are high enough, water seeps into homes and buildings, washing through laundry rooms, tool sheds, 5. You can reassure them by your words and actions.
garages, chemical storage closets, septic tanks and garbage receptacles. Runoff carries chemicals, toxins and waste Tapscripts:
products that can filter through the water table for long periods of time. Flood victims must be extremely cautious Children and Their Response to Disaster
about the water they drink, the food they eat, and how they bathe themselves.
Children depend on daily routines. They wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, and play with friends.
Exercise 3.Listen to the passage and fill in the missing words.
When emergencies or disasters interrupt this routine, many children may become anxious.
In November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan struck Vietnam, days after leaving (1) thousands dead and
In a disaster, they’ll look to you and other adults for help. How you react to an emergency gives
widespread devastation in the Philippines. Al-Jazeera reported: “The national weather forecaster said
them clues on how to act. If you react with alarm, your child may become more scared. They see your fear
Haiyan made (2) landfall in northern Quang Ninh at 5 a.m local time as a tropical storm. It was moving
as proof that the danger is real. If you seem overcome with a sense of loss, your child may feel their losses
towards southern China and is expected to weaken later on Monday”. Downpours hit the capital, Hanoi,
more strongly.
and houses in some northern provinces were damaged by (3) strong winds. Several hundred houses had
Childrens fears may also arise from their imagination, and you should take these feelings seriously.
their roofs ripped off. Thousands of trees in the province were uprooted,” said (4) a disaster official in
A child who feels afraid is afraid. Your words and actions can provide reassurance. When talking with
Quang Ninh province. “Three people were reported missing,” he added. National disaster officials said no
your child, be sure to present a realistic picture that is both honest and manageable.
deaths had been reported so far on Monday, although state media said five people had died during
Exercise 6. Listen to a piece of news and complete each missing information with a word from the news.
preparation for the (5) typhoon.

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Hurricane Irma damaged (1) 95 / ninety-five per cent of buildings in Barbuda. People in St. Martin have Michael: I was terrified. All our windows were smashed. Dust, rocks and tree branches were blown into
difficulty getting access to food and (2) drinking water. Hurricane Irma is the (3) strongest storm ever our house. We couldn’t even open our eyes. For a moment I thought we were going to die. Luckily
recorded in the eastern Caribbean. It is likely that hurricane Irma will hit (4) Florida next. Hurricane Irma for us, the bed was made of very hard wood, so we were safe.
Exercise 9.Listen to the instructions on what to do in an earthquake. Decide if the statements are true (T)
will cause abnormal (5) rise in seawater level.
or false (F). Circle T or F.
Exercise 7.Listen to a talk about natural disaster and fill in the gaps.
I don’t know about you, but I think there are more (1) natural disasters now thanbefore. Every time I (2) turn True False
on the news there’s some kind of disaster.There are bushfires in Australia and California, earthquakes in 6. If you are indoors, stay away from windows. 
China, hurricanes in Mexico and (3) droughts in Africa. I’m sure global warming is creating morenatural
7. If you are indoors, try to run away as far as possible. 
disasters. I’m lucky. Where I live, we (4) don’t really have natural disasters. I’venever experienced anything
8. If you are driving, get out of the car immediately. 
like the things on TV. Japan has many natural disasters. They have earthquakes, typhoons, flooding,
volcanoes, all kinds of things. They are lucky they have the money (5) to deal with them. There are countries 9. If you are trapped, keep shouting loudly until helpers come. 
in Africa thataren’t rich. When a natural disaster hits them, everyone suffers terribly. 10. If you are trapped, you should make sound on a pipe or wall so helpers can

Exercise 8. You will listen to a television show in which a man shares his story of surviving a natural find you.
disaster. Listen and answer the questions with no more than THREE words. You will listen TWICE.
1. What was Michael doing when the tornado came?  Tapscripts:
He was cooking./ Cooking dinner There are a number of things you can do to stay safe during an earthquake. If you are indoors, you must
2. Was he warned about the tornado before? stay away from windows, glass or anything that could fall such as lightings. Then, take cover by getting
under a stable table or something hard and wait until the quake stops. Don’t attempt to run outside during
No, he wasn’t./ No.
the quake because you may get badly injured. If you are outdoors during an earthquake, stay there, move
3. Did his family run outside to escape? away from buildings, streetlights because they may fall upon you at anytime. And if you are in a moving
No, they didn’t./ No. vehicle during an earthquake, stop as quickly as possible and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near trees,
4. What was his feeling at that time? buildings and utility wires. Lastly, if you are trapped under debris, try to cover your mouth with a
handkerchief or clothing. Don’t keep shouting. Don’t light a match or move around for you may kick up
He felt terrified./Terrified
dust. You should tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you.
5. What was the bed made of? Exercise 10.Listen to the passage about natural disasters and tick true or false.
(very) hard wood T F
1. Weather is the main cause of natural disasters. 
 Tapscripts: 2. All of the natural disasters are predictable. 
MC: Michael, could you tell us what happened? 3. The costliest disaster is flooding. 
Michael: Well, it was just a normal evening. My wife and I were cooking dinner, and my kids were
4. Wildfires cause the most deaths. 
watching their favourite cartoon. Suddenly we heard thunders and within five minutes the rain
5. People should find information about a place before deciding where to live to 
poured down. The tornado was sweeping through our town.
MC: Wasn’t there any weather forecast about this? avoid natural disasters.
Michael: Not at all. We got no warning about it. Then the lights went out, everything was in the dark. The
whole house was shaking because of the heavy rain and strong winds. We thought that it might  Tapscripts:
collapse, but it was dangerous to go outside, so we had no choice but to take cover under the bed, Natural disasters can be destructive and wreak havoc across large areas. Most natural disasters are
praying for the best. caused by weather. Weather disasters can be caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis,
MC: How did you feel at that time? thunderstorms, wind storms, wildfires, avalanches, and blizzards.

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Some of the weather disasters can be predicted such as hurricanes and blizzards. The technology is 5. Earthquakes do not cause tsunamis at all. 
getting better in predicting tornadoes and severe thunderstorms. By getting the data early people can be
warned to take shelter or make the necessary preparations. Some natural disasters are caused by volcanoes
 Tapscripts:
and earthquakes. Some wildfires are caused by lightning, but some are caused by people. Flooding is the
worlds most expensive type of natural disaster because the damage can be so extensive. Earthquakes are EARTHQUAKES
the deadliest of all natural disasters. Earthquakes are among the deadliest natural disasters, causing the largest members of casualties, the
Some kinds of disasters are more common in some places than in others. When people are choosing highest death tolls, and greater destruction. In 1556 in China, the deadliest earthquake in history killed
a place to live they need to consider whether they will live on a fault line for an earthquake or near a river 830,000 people. But many other earthquakes have caused the deaths of more than 100,000 people, and it is
that has a history of flooding. not unusual, even in modern times, for an earthquake death toll to reach 20,000 to 30,000, with hundreds of
Exercise 11. Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). thousands left homeless and injured. The floodwaters of the 2004 tsunami in Sumatra, which killed over
200,000 people, were caused by a catastrophic earthquake.
1. Before hitting Vietnam, Typhoon Haiyan had struck the Philippines. 

2. According to the national weather forecaster, Haiyan hit southern Quang Ninh.  SPEAKING
 Exercise 1. Choose the most suitable response A, B, C or D to complete each of the following exchanges.
3. Haiyan caused damage to property in Hanoi and some northern provinces.
1. There was no death in the flood yesterday. - ____________
4. The typhoon didn’t affect any trees. 
A. That’s shocking! C. How crazy!
5. Five people died while preparing for Haiyan.  B. Oh, man! D. That’s a relief!
2. "An earthquake destroyed my house last week." " _________ "
 Tapscripts: A. Sorry to hear that. C. Great news!
In November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan struck Vietnam, days after leaving thousands dead and B. Wow, that sounds interesting. D. Lucky you!
widespread devastation in the Philippines. Al-Jazeera reported: “The national weather forecaster said 3. "I'm terribly sorry to tell you that your sister has been injured in the car accident."
Haiyan made landfall in northern Quang Ninh at 5 a.m local time as a tropical storm. It was moving "______________________"
towards southern China and is expected to weaken later on Monday”. Downpours hit the capital, Hanoi, A. I'm really sad to say this. C. incredible!
and houses in some northern provinces were damaged by strong winds. Several hundred houses had their B. Some bad news for you. D. Oh, my goodness!
roofs ripped off. Thousands of trees in the province were uprooted,” said a disaster official in Quang Ninh 4. "I've got a visa for Japan." " _________ "
province. “Three people were reported missing,” he added. National disaster officials said no deaths had A. Oh, what great news. C. Poor you!
been reported so far on Monday, although state media said five people had died during preparation for the B. Oh, I feel sorry for that. D. Oh, dear!
typhoon. 5. “Rescue workers saved a girl trapped in a collapsed school building.” – “ ________”
A. Oh dear! B. Good luck. C. How convenient! D. That’s great!
Exercise 12. Listen to the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). (TRACK 20) 6. “Have you heard the news? A powerful earthquake and following tsunami hit the island of Sulawesi,
T F Indonesia.” - “________”
A. How terrible! B. Awesome! C. How beautiful! D. No problem.
1. Earthquakes are one of the deadliest natural disasters. 
7. “Have you heard the news? A powerful earthquake and following tsunami hit the island of Sulawesi,
2. In modern times, the number of deaths caused by an earthquake is limited.  Indonesia.” - “________”
3. China is the country with the deadliest earthquake in history.  A. How terrible! B. Awesome! C. How beautiful! D. No problem.
8. “The weather forecast says it’s going to rain tomorrow.” - “________ What a pity.”
4. Earthquakes cause several death tolls, homelessness and injuries. 
A. Looks great! B. Not at all. C. Sounds good! D. Oh no!

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Exercise 2.Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs. Exercise 4.Rearrange the questions and answers below to make a conversation.
1. A: An earthquake struck the north-east of B: a/ The ground starts moving and shaking in an a. I’m sorry to hear that.
Japan yesterday evening. earthquake. b. That’s awful. I hope her family is safe.
b/ Really? Was there any early warning for that? c. Lan, why are you so sad?
2. A: Many people were injured in the storm. B: a/ That’s shocking. d. My pen-friend called this morning. She lives in Japan. An earthquake destroyed her family’s house
b/ Well done! yesterday.
3. A: Mary’s house was destroyed in the B: a/ I hope she’s okay. e. It also damaged all of her crops and killed all animals.
hurricane. b/ I wasn’t sure! Your answer:
4. A: How can we foresee a landslide? B: a/ The ground became unstable, and it moved. 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. b
b/ It happens after a few days of heavy rain. Exercise 5. Rearrange the following sentences to make a complete conversation.
5. A: I think there are more natural disasters B: a/ Certainly, because of human activities. A. Fortunately, no one was. But it destroyed a lot of houses. The fire moved so fast!
than there used to be. b/ That’s awful. It does nothing to me. B. How careless they were!
6. A: I don’t think we can prepare for natural B: a/ I agree with you. People should be informed C. Did you hear the news about a forest fire last night in our district?
disasters at all. about them in advance. D. It's still lucky. How did it start?
b/ I don’t think so. We have the advance warning E. Somebody lit a fire in the forest.
systems. F. Well, it was, actually. They were going to cook dinner.
7. A: The storm had not weakened when it hit B: a/ Right. The area will be rain-free over the next few G. No, I didn't. Was anyone injured or killed?
the region yesterday. days. H. So it wasn't an accident?
b/ And there wasn’t any damage to property. 1.C 2.G 3.A 4.D 5.E 6.H 7.F 8. B
8. A: Strong winds will come to our region B: a/ I think we should fix water pipes first.
soon. b/ I think we should fix the roofs first. Exercise 6.Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of
9. A: The local government provided shelter for B: a/ Permanent accommodation is good. the following exchanges.
the victims. b/ Good news. They need a helping hand. 1. Mr Lam: Over 1,000 people were killed in an earthquake in Afghanistan last year.
10. A: Why is the death toll in the earthquake is B: a/ Debris were cleared by rescue teams at once. - Nam: ________
high? b/ Rescue workers did not arrive in time. A. It was an earthquake. B. That’s awful.
C. Are you from Afghanistan? D. How do you do?
Exercise 3.Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. 2. Lan: Have you heard about the landslide in Phu Tho?
- Peter: ________
lanslide awful luckily why sorry destroyed A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I’d love to.
C. Sorry, I don’t know her. D. It was terrible, wasn’t it?
Mary: Nga, (1) Why are you so sad?
3. Nick: What causes a tornado?
Nga: My mother called this morning. A (2) landslide collapsed mygrandparents’ house in the suburbs.
-Mi: ________
Mary: How dreadful! I’m really (3) sorry to hear that.
A. It comes from a rotating thunderstorm.
Nga: It also (4) destroyed their garden.
B. I think it’s frightening.
Mary: That’s (5) awful! ! How about your grandparents? Are theyok?
C. I’ve never been in a thunderstorm.
Nga: (6) Luckily, at the time of the landslide, they were visiting us in the city.
D. It’s not my favourite.
Mary: How fantastic!
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4. Tom: ________
- Kien: I’m sorry to hear that.
A. The wind has become less strong than yesterday.
B. The disaster warning system is working very well. Exercise 1. Read the text and fill In each blank with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
C. The flood cuts Minh’s village off from the nearby town. arrange hit clean be start run
D. Is your town affected by the flood? It was a beautiful day. My parents were at work, and my sister and I (1) were cleaning up our home with my
5. Minh: ________ aunt. At around 9 a.m. in the morning, we (2) were arranging the plants on our balcony when my sister (3)
- Elana: Avoid windows and glass doors. started to notice strange waves inthe ocean. Suddenly, a huge wave appeared south of our home. It (4) was
A. Where do thunderstorms often occur? coming straight in our direction. We (5) ran out of our house and looked for high land.The large wave (6)
B. Which is more violent, a hurricane or a tornado? hit the beach and then our house, and it immediatelydestroyed our house. Luckily, we managed to climb
C. What should I do during a storm? up to our neighbour's roof and we were safe.
D. How can we prevent a tornado? Exercise 2.Fill in each blank with a suitable word.
Exercise 7. Match the questions and answers. Quang Binh was badly affected when a typhoon (1) hit/ struck the area last Tuesday.The storm (2) began/
1. What kind of natural disaster was it? b. Local government provided victims with started at around 10 p.m. last Tuesday and lasted for two days. Manypeople were seriously injured, and
1-e hundreds of others were left homeless. The violent wind caused (3) damage to property, including homes
foods and drinks.
and businesses, particularly in Dong Hoi, a coastal city in Quang Binh Province. Just when the storm
2. When and where did it happen? c. It happened in Central of Viet Nam last
2-b weakened,(4) rescue/emergency workers started freeing the people who were trapped in collapsedbuildings
week. and taking them to safe areas and (5) cleanring up the debris left behind bythe storm. The government also
3. When does it often happen? d. People must find safe shelters and sent rescue equipment to Quang Binh, as (6) well as food and medical supplies.
prepare enough food. Exercise 3.Fill in each gap with one suitable word to complete the passage.
4. Whar were its effects 4-f e. It usually occurs in the rainy season.
5. How did people help the victims 5-a f. It was a serious hurricane.
6. What should we do to prevent the g. It causes a lot of damage to people and On March 11, 2011, there Japan was a magnitude-9 (1) earthquake in north-eastern Japan . This natural
damage? property. disaster was so terrible and lead to a lot of changes in Japanese's life.
Exercise 8.Rearrange the sentences to make a conversation. According to some newspapers, than 120,000 buildings were (2) destroyed, 278,000 were half-destroyed
__8___It lasted for about an hour, and we had to stay in our storm shelter until it’s gone. and 726,000 were partially destroyed.
__2___Yes, I have. A tornado struck my town when I was eleven. The Japanese government estimated that the direct financial damage from the disaster was about $199
__6___I was staying with my parents, so I didn’t know how and where others were. I think they had billion dollars (about 16.9 trillion yen). The World Bank also estimated the total economic cost could be up
already been in safe places because there was no human loss. to $235 billion. Therefore, it was considered to be one of the costliest natural disaster in world (3) history .In
__1__Tracy! Have you ever been in a storm? Japan, residents have been still (4) recovering from the disaster. Their effort to lead a new life is so amazing,
__10__Yes, it was. although some people lost their property or even family (5) members.They have continued to rebuild their
__3___Oh, really? Were you frightened then? (6) houses the road systems or factories. All the world looks up to those Japanese because of their
__5___That’s awful! How was everybody? considerable effort.
__7___That’s a relief. How long did the storm last? Exercise 4. Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
__4___Yes, of course. It was very frightening when hearing the sound of the winds. Houses and trees
collapsed. Leaves, objects and debris were blown up in the sky. Humans cannot stop a natural disaster while it is occurring. However, (1) ______are trying to reduce
__9___It was a hard time in your life, wasn’t it? their disastrous effects in many ways.

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First, there are constructions that protect humans. Countries which suffer from earthquakes have lives in danger. (3) ________have learned that there are many things that they can study to help them tell
buildings that can withstand the most powerful ones. Those lying by (2) ________ have dykes to prevent when an eruption might happen. They can study the movements of the ground. When a volcano is about to
rising water from flooding nearby areas. Thosewith frequent hurricanes and tornadoes build storm shelters (4) _________ the ground will often move just like it does during an earthquake. Scientists can also measure
for people to stay. the gases that come out of a volcano. Most volcanoes emit gases all of the time. More gases are let out as the
Besides, systems for early warning are being used. The systems pick up (3) ________ that a natural volcano gets closer to erupting. They can also study the way the land and water around the volcano.
disaster may occur and send warning messages to thepeople it might affect. They also send instructions on Scientists can read these (5)_________ and warn people of danger. They may not realize it, but their work
storing food and water supplies as (4) ________ as evacuation plans to people when a disaster strikes. helps to keep people safe!
Humans also learn that some natural disasters may be (5) ________ by treatingthe environment well. 1. A. dangerous B. exciting C. harmful D. unhealthy
They are protecting the forests and planting trees. The trees keep soil and water in place, so they help 2. A. rocks B. lavas C. gases D. steams
prevent disasters like landslides and floods. 3. A. people B. scientists C. biologists D. Economists
1. A. it B. you C. he D. they 4. A. happen B. move C. fload D. erupt
2. A. rivers B. mountains C. hills D. lands 5. A. signs B. eruptions C. movement D. warnings
3. A. images B. clues C. sounds D. predictions Exercise 7.Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
4. A. soon B. long C. many D. well each of the questions.
5. A. preventing B. preventative C. preventable D. prevent Major natural disasters in Viet Nam in 2017
Typhoon Damrey, or Storm No. 12 in 2017, with wind speed (1) _________ 135 km/hour, hit Nha Trang
Exercise 5. Read the passage and choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer for each blank.
city, Khanh Hoa province. Heavy rainfall and floods(2)_________ to economic losses and damage of
14,318.62 million VND. More than100 people were killed, 315 people injured, and 16 went missing.
Natural disasters wreak havoc all over the world. They devastate people’s lives and destroy their property.
The floods and landslides in northern and central Viet Nam in 2017, combined(3) _________ tropical
Since natural disasters are caused by nature, we (1) ________ do anything to preventthem from happening. depressions, such as Doksuri in September and Khanun inOctober, caused heavy (4) _________ of up to 300
For example, we cannot prevent storms or earthquakes. However, if we are (2) ________ of the causes of - 600 mm as well as floods andlandslides in 13 provinces of the country. This was the first time in over a
natural disasters we will be betterequipped to deal with their consequences. decade forthe northern and central regions (5) _________ from large volumes of rain in a shortperiod of
Flooding is a common natural disaster. It occurs when a river overflows its (3) ________ and the water time.
spills out onto areas where people live. Floods are morelikely to occur when there is a great deal of heavy Typhoon Doksuri, with maximum (6) _________ speed of more than 135 kph,made landfall in the
afternoon of Friday, 15 September 2017 in Viet Nam. The worst hit areas were Ha Tinh and Quang Binh. At
rain. (4) ________, during verywet periods, flood warnings are issued. While these warnings will not
least 4 deaths were recorded.
prevent the floods from occurring, they (5) ________ people to be better prepared to deal with the situation. (Adapted from
They can, for example, move to higher grounds. 1. A. reaching B. getting C. increasing D. achieving
(Adapted from:') 2. A. caused B. led C. made D. resulted
1. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. wouldn’t 3. A. by B. in C. with D. of
2. A. aware B. knowing C. meaningful D. fond 4. A. rainfall B. landslide C. rainstorm D. landfall
3. A. shores B. sides C. rows D. banks 5. A. suffers B. suffered C. to suffer D. suffer
4. A. Although B. Moreover C. Therefore D. However 6. A. rains B. winds C. floods D. storms
5. A. allow B. make C. produce D. order Exercise 8.Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C, orD.
Exercise 6. Read the paragraph below and choose the best answer to fill in each blank. What To Do During the Flood
Volcanoes can be fun to learn about. But if you live near a volcano, you know that they are (1)________! An If you evacuate
eruption can like an explosion. Rock and lava can throw up into the air. Streams of red hot lava quickly run Avoid (1) __________ through flood water.
down from the peak of the volcano. The air is filled with deadly (2) _______. These things can put many

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Flood water can hide debris, sewage, electrical hazards and other (2) __________ .If your vehicle is trapped B. Because we can become stronger.
in (3) __________ moving water, stay inside. Ifthe vehicle fills with water, seek (4) __________ on the roof. C. Because we can be in danger.
Avoid evacuating over (5) __________ spanning fast-moving water. Thesecan fail without warning, taking D. Because we will be safe.
you and your loved ones with them. 4. Can flood water break windows?
If you shelter in place A. Yes, it can. C. yes, they are
B. No, it can’t. D. No, they aren’t
Move to the (6) ________ floors. Flood water against the lower floorscan infiltrate the home, break windows 5. What should we do if the water continues to rise?
(7) ______ cause generallydangerous conditions. Also consider (8) _______to a neighbor’s home onhigher A. Listen to the radio. C. Call 9-1-1 for help.
ground if you can safely do so. B. Carefully move to the roof. D. Both B and C.
Stay aware of changing conditions and alerts by listening to the radio or periodically checking 6. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “unsafe”?
(9)__________ apps. A. Safe B.cold C. careful D. dangerous
If the (10) __________ continues to rise and make the home unsafe, carefully move to the roof and call 9-1-1 Exercise 10. Read the short story and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
for help. It was the rainy season and there was a severe downpour for a whole week. At first, we thought that it
1. A. move B. moved C. moving D. to move was normal. However, the rain got heavier and heavier and, soon, our neighbourhood was flooded.
2. A. dangers B. notices C. warnings D. benefits We were totally unprepared. The water level in the river rose very fast and submerged the whole
3. A. frequent B. frequently C. rapid D. rapidly village in one metre. The flood swept away livestock and furniture. Everyone was frightened. Some people
4. A. refuge B. food C. clothes D. money climbed to the rooftops and waited for rescue boats. While it was still raining heavily, rescue workers were
5. A. flats B. paths C.bridges D. buildings searching all places to evacuate the villagers to a flood relief centre. The men in the village, after being
6. A. lower B. upper C. under D. behind rescued, helped with the work. At the centre, we were given hot drinks, porridge and milk for the babies as
7. A. and B. or C. but D. so well as dry clothes and blankets.
8. A. cycling B. moving C. driving D. walking When there was less rain and flood water declined, we left the centre for home and started to clean up
9. A. game B. shopping C. travel D. weather our village. It was such a relief to see the sun again. We decided to follow the authority’s warning system
10. A. water B. speed C. noise D. temperature and prepare ourselves for floods during the rainy season ever since.
Exercise 9.Read the above passage again and choose the best answer to the following questions. 1. The word downpour in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
1. What can flood water hide? A. water B. flood C. rain D. wave
A. Debris, money, electrical hazards and other dangers. 2. It can be inferred that there was a ________ near the writer’s village.
A. mountain B. river C. hill D. beach
B. Debris, sewage, electrical hazards and other dangers.
3. Who evacuated the flood victims to the relief centre?
C. Food, clean water, electrical hazards and other dangers.
A. The rescue team. C. The villagers
D. Debris, sewage, electrical hazards and other good things. B. The men in the village. D. The rescue workers and the male villagers
2. What should you do if your vehicle is trapped in rapidly moving water? 4. What did the relief centre provide the flood victims with?
A. Climb the tree. A. Food B. Wifi C. Dried nuts D. Beds
B. Stay inside the vehicle. 5. After the flood, the villagers understood the importance of ________.
C. Move through flood water. A. being well-prepared for the flood season
B. evacuating before a flood came
D. Seek your raincoat in the vehicle.
C. building a flood relief centre
3. Why shouldn’t we evacuate over bridges spanning fast-moving water? D. cleaning their village
A. Because we can move rapidly.

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Exercise 11.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to A. the population is large C. the soil conditions are stable
each of the questions. B. pieces of the Earth’s surface meet D. many buildings are built
I often hear or read about ‘natural disasters’ - the eruption of Mount St. Helen, a volcano in the state of 2. Earthquakes often happen along ________
Washington, Hurricane Andrew in Florida, the floods in the American Midwest, terrible earthquakes all
A. the east-coast of North America C. the Pacific coast of Asia
over the world, huge fires, and so on. But I’ll never forget my first personal experience with the strangeness
B. the east-coast of South America D. the coast of Australia
of nature - “the London Killer Fog” of 1952. It began on Thursday, December 4, when a high- pressure
system of warm air covered southern England. With the freezing-cold air below, heavy fog formed. 3. Looking for ________ can help predict earthquakes.
Pollution from factories, cars and coal stoves mixed with the fog. The humidity was terribly high, there was A. changes in the Earth’s surface C. drops of water
no breeze at all. Traffic such as cars, trains, boats stopped. People couldn’t see, and some walked onto the B. water beneath the Earth’s surface D. water currents
railroadtracks or into the river. It was hard to breathe, and many people got sick. Finally, on Tuesday, 4. After an earthquake, as a result of ________, people may die.
December 9, the wind came and the fog went away. But after that, even more people got sick. Many of A. lack of food C. lack of information
them died.
B. lack of friendship D. lack of knowledge
1. Which “natural disaster’ isn’t mentioned in the passage?
A. A volcano B. A tornado C. A flood D. A hurricane 5. The passage mainly discusses ________
2. What is the writer’s unforgettable personal experience? A. the damage caused by earthquakes
A. The London killer C. A high-pressure system B. how strong earthquakes are
B. The heavy fog in London in 1952 D. The strangeness of nature C. strange animal behaviors
3. How long did the ‘London Killer Fog’ last? D. how to predict earthquakes
A. For four days B. For five days C. For six days D. For a week
Exercise 13.Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage below.
4. What didn’t happen during the time of the ‘London Killer Fog’?
A. Pollution B. Heavy rain C. Humidity D. Heavy fog
A tsunami is a chain of fas-moving waves in the ocean caused by powerful earthquakes or volcanic
5. Why did the traffic stop?
eruptions. Tsunami has a very long wave. It can be hundreds of kilometers (1) ________ .Usually, a tsunami
A. Because of the rain C. Because of the humid weather
starts suddenly. The waves travel (2) ________ a great speed across an ocean with little energy loss. They
B. Because of the windy weather D. Because of the heavy fog.
canremove sand from beaches, destroy trees, toss and drag vehicles, damage houses and even destroy
Exercise 12.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
whole towns.
each of the questions.
The water will draw back from the coast half of the wave period prior to the wave getting to the coast.
How can scientists predict earthquakes? Earthquakes are not scattered anywhere but happen in certain If the slope of the coast is not deep, the water may (3) ________ for hundreds of metres. People who do not
areas. They happen in places where pieces of the Earth’s surface meet. For example, earthquakes often know of the dangerwill often remain at the shore.
occur on the west-coast of North and South America, around the Mediterranean Sea, and along the Pacific Tsunamis cannot (4) ________ However, there are ways to help stop peoplefrom dying from a tsunami.
coast of Asia. Some (5) ________ with lots of tsunamis may use warning systems to warn the population before the big
Another way to predict earthquakes is to look for changes in the Earth’s surface, like a sudden drop of waves reach the land. Because an earthquake that caused the tsunami can be felt before the wave gets to the
shore, people can be warned to go somewhere safe.
water level in the ground. Some people say animals can predict earthquakes. Before earthquakes people
1. A. long B. high C. deep D. thick
have seen chickens sitting in trees, fish jumping out of the water, snakes leaving their holes and other 2. A. in B. on C. at D. of
animals acting strangely. 3. A. rise B. raise C. arise D. raising
After an earthquake happens, people can die from lack of food, water, and medical supplies. The 4. A. prevent B. preventing C. to prevent D. be prevented
amount of destruction caused by an earthquake depends onwhere it happens, what time it happens, and 5. A. areas B. traps C. slopes D. waves
how strong it is. It also depends ontypes of building, soil conditions and population. Of the 6000 Exercise 14. Read the passage and tick () if each statement is true (T) or false (F).
earthquakes on theEarth each year, only about fifteen cause great damage and many deaths.
1. Earthquakes happen in certain areas where ________

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Natural disasters are violent events that are outside the control of humans. Scientists have been studying 5. The rising air that a thunderstorm brings causes the air to rotate vertically. 
natural disasters that already happened in order to make predictions of when and where a certain disaster
may occur. Exercise 16.Read the text again, and identify whether the statements are true (T), false (F), or not
Until now, scientists can tell the signs of storms, tornadoes, and floods quite accurately. Predicting mentioned (NM).
volcanic eruptions and earthquakes is much more difficult. Before an eruption, there might be leaking In April 2010, a group of 14- and 15-year-old students from Loughborough, in the UK, went to Iceland on a
gases or lava, but many volcanoes erupt with no warning at all. Although scientists still cannot predict the school trip. They wanted to see things they studied in their Geography lessons at school so they visited an
exact location and time of earthquakes, they know the regions where they are most likely to occur and give area which has a lot of active volcanoes. However, in the middle of the night on Tuesday 13th April the
warnings about them. Eyjafjallajokull volcano began to erupt.
Most natural disasters are impossible to stop but their effects can be reduced by being prepared for them. Emergency services woke up the students and their teachers in their hotel at 4 am. They didn’t have time to
If you live in an area that is prone to disasters, follow the authority’s warnings and instructions and get get dressed and left in their pyjamas. A bus took them to Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, where they were
ready to evacuate. These actions will help you to minimise possible damage to property, injuries and even safe.
loss of life. When Eyjafjallajokull erupted, it affected people all over the world. In the local area 800 people left their
(Adapted from: homes immediately because of floods from local rivers and dangerous smoke and gases. The volcano also
Statements T F sent a big cloud of ash 8 kilometres up into the air. This was dangerous for planes because the pilots
1. Studying past natural disasters does not help predict future disasters.  couldn’t see in the ash cloud.
2. Predicting a flood seems to be easier than predicting a volcanic eruption.  Many countries in Europe, including the UK, France, Sweden and Norway, closed their airports for many
3. Scientists are unable to make an early prediction of where and when an  days in April. Thousands of travellers around the world couldn’t get home. They slept in airports or tried
earthquake occurs.
to get to their destinations by car, train, bus or even taxi.
4. It is possible to stop natural disasters if we know when they will happen. 
Icelandic volcanoes are very active. When the volcano Laki erupted for eight months in 1783, almost two
5. People in disaster-prone areas should listen attentively to the instructions of the 
authority. million people died around the world. It was the worst volcanic eruptions in history. The students from
Loughborough were lucky!
Exercise 15.Read the passage and tick T (True) or F (False). 1. The students learned about volcanoes before they went to Iceland. TRUE
A tornado is a violent, rotating column of air that is in contact with the surface of the earth and a cloud. 2. They stayed near the Eyjafjallajokull volcano. TRUE
Tornadoes can come in different shapes and sizes, but the most common ones are in the form of a 3. The volcano woke up the students. FALSE
condensation funnel. The speed of tornadoes can cause tremendous destruction. Most of them have wind 4. The students enjoyed their trip to Iceland. NM
speeds of about 177 km/h and are approximately 80 metres wide. The most violent tornadoes can reach 5. The eruption of Eyjafjallajokull didn’t affect local people. FALSE
more than 480 km/h and stretch more than 3 km across. 6. In April 2010 many airports closed in Europe. TRUE
Tornadoes are formed during the first stages of a thunderstorm. Usually, there is a change in wind 7. Volcanoes in Iceland do not erupt very often. FALSE
direction and wind speed increases. This creates an invisible, horizontal effect. The rising air the 8. The eruption of Laki in 1783 wasn’t very big. FALSE
thunderstorm brings makes the air rotate from horizontal to vertical, forming the funnel. Then an area of Exercise 17. Read Mary Ann’s story, and answer the questions.
rotation extends through the storm. This area can be from 3 to 10 km wide. In 1969, Hurricane Camille hit my three-storey blocks of flats near the Gulf of Mexico. First, the sea hit the
T F building and all the windows broke. Then the rooms flooded. Five minutes later, my bed was floating near
1. A tornado is a column of air that is always a distance from the surface of the  the ceiling. Then it floated out of the window. It was dark and the wind was howling. I was terrified. The
earth. building was falling down all around me. The wind was awful. It reached a speed of 234 miles per hour. I
2. A tornado often has the shape of a funnel.  was cut and bleeding from head to toe. Finally, someone found me 8 km from my house and they took me
3. The most violent tornadoes can stretch approximately 80 metres across. 
to hospital.
4. A tornado can accompany a thunderstorm. 
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1. When did Hurricane Camille hit the Gulf of Mexico?
 It hit the Gulf of Mexico in 1969 .
2. What happened after the rooms flooded?
 Her bed was floading near the ceiling, and then it floated out of the window.
3. What happened to the building? Exercise 1. Combine each group of sentences into one. Use the words in brackets without changing them.
 It was falling down . 1. Jack was able to run out of the house. It collapsed. (before)
4. How fast was the wind?  Jack was able to run out of the house before it collapsed. / Before the house collapsed, Jack was able to
 It reached a speed of 234 m per hour. run out of it.
5. How far did the water carry Mary Ann? 2. The rescue workers heard a whistle. They quickly came to rescue the victims. (On)
 It carried her 8 km from her house.  On hearing a whistle, the rescue workers quickly came to rescue the victims.
Exercise 18. Read the passage and answer the questions. 3. The soldiers searched the area. They found all the missing people in the landslide. (until)
A tropical cyclone is a circular air movement over the warm ocean waters in the warm part of Earth  The soldiers searched the area until they found all missing people in the landslide.
4. She gave us some tips. The tips were about identifying poisonous mushrooms. (about)
near the equator. Most tropical cyclones are storms with strong winds and heavy rains. While some tropical
 She taught us some tips about identifying poisonous mushrooms.
cyclones stay out in the sea, others pass over land. This can be dangerous because the winds and floods can
5. The flood receded. The villagers came back to their home. (After)
break things and drown people.
 After the flood receded, the villagers came back to their home.
Tropical cyclones form when warm, moist ocean air rises. They begin as a group of storm winds when 6. I saw an accident. I was waiting for the taxi. (when)
the water gets as hot as 27°c or hotter. The Coriolis effect made by the Earth’s rotation causes the winds to  I saw an accident when I was waiting for the taxi.
rotate. These storms usually move westward in the tropics, and later move north or south into the 7. People were talking about the earthquake. He was reading a book. (while)
temperate zone.  While people were talking about the earthquake, he was reading a book.
The term “tropical cyclone” is a general term and includes regionally specific terms such as “hurricane” 8. We were running in the park. Mary fell over. (while)
and “typhoon”. A tropical cyclone that forms in the Atlantic is called a hurricane. The same is true of those  While we were running in the park, Mary fell over.
that form in the eastern, central and northern Pacific. In the western Pacific a tropical cyclone is called a 9. She was painting a picture. Her mother was making a cake. (while)
 She was painting a picture while her mother was making a cake.
typhoon. In the Indian Ocean they are called “cyclones”. The name for a tropical cyclone depends on its
10. They were working. She came yesterday. (when)
 They were working when she came yesterday.
1. Is there any tropical cyclone that begins and ends in the sea?
11. We were having dinner. They were listening to the radio. (while)
 Yes, there is.
 We were having dinner while they were listening to the radio.
2. Is it possible for a tropical cyclone to begin at the temperature of 26°C?
12. She was sleeping. The fire started. (when)
 No, it isn’t. A tropical cyclone begins as a group of storm winds when the water gets as hot as 27°C or
 When the fire started, she was sleeping .
13. The farmer started whistling. He was ploughing the field. (when)
3. What makes the winds rotate?
 When the farmer started whistling, he was ploughing the field.
 The Coriolis effect made y the Earth’s rotation makes the winds rotate.
14. She came. What was happening? (when)
4. Can we say both hurricane and typhoon are tropical cyclones?
 What was happening when she came?
 Yes, we can.
15. The ship was leaving the harbor. The lava hit the town. (when)
5. Where is a tropical cyclone called “hurricane”?
 When the lava hit the town, the ship was leaving the harbor.
 A tropical cyclone is called” hurricane” in the Atlantic and the eastern, central and northern Pacific.
Exercise 2.Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
6. Where is a tropical cyclone called “typhoon”?
1. In the middle of my lunch, there was a knock at the door.
 A tropical cyclone is call” typhoon” in the western Pacific.
 When I was having lunch, there was a knock at the door.

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2. Tom was swimming and his sister was reading a book at the same time.  He was driving when it suddenly rained heavily.
 While Tom was swimming, his sister was reading a book. 10. We / camp / by / river / we / hear / emergency warning / of / flood.
3. On our way to the island, a tornado occurred.  We were camping by the river when we heard an emergency warning of a flood.
 When we were on the way to the island, a tornado occurred. 11. I / sleep / while / sister / do gardening / yesterday afternoon.
4. At the time of the landslide, they were exploring the cave.  I was sleeping while my sister was doing gardening yesterday afternoon.
 While they were exploring the cave, the landslide happened/occurred. 12. They / sit / rooftop / their house / when / rescue workers / appear.
5. He phoned Mary at the time that she was doing her homework.  They were sitting on the rooftop of their house when rescue workers appeared.
 While Mary was doing her homework, he phoned. 13. residents / tall buildings / be frightened / when / they / fell / slight shaking /.
6. At the age of twenty, my mother was very beautiful.
 The residents in tall buildings were frightened when they felt a slight shaking.
 My mother was very beautiful when she was twenty years old.
14. When / natural disaster / happen, / we / must / listen / instruction from local authorities /.
7. Everyone ran right after the tsunami siren went off.
 When a natural disaster happens, we must listen to instruction from local authorities.
 As soon as the tsunami siren went off, everyone ran. Exercise 4.Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.
8. They predict the hurricane won’t hit the city, but the residents still get prepared for the worst. 1. safe places / trapped in / freed / to / Rescue workers / flooded houses / and / people /took/them /.
Although they predict the hurricane won’t hit the city, the residents still get prepared for the worst. . 
Rescue workers freed people trapped in flooded houses and took them to safe places.
2. A / last week / South Pacific / the / erupted / violently / in / volcano /.
9. It was such a strong tsunami that thousands of people were killed.
A volcano in the South Pacific erupted violently last week .
The tsunami was so strong that thousands of people were killed. 3. Four days / of / caused / heavy / serious flood / a / in / Ha Tinh / a village / rain / in /.
10. The firemen spent three days putting out the forest fire. 
Four days of heavy rain caused a serious flood in a village in Ha Tinh .
4. As / the / everything / ran down / volcano's /, / it / destroyed / the lava / in / sides / its path /.
It took the firemen three days to put out the forest fire. 
As the lava ran down the volcano's sides, it destroyed everything in its path.
Exercise 3. Write sentences with the cues given. 5. pulled / The / up / some / park / in / the / storm / trees /.
The storm pulled up some trees in the park .
1. In her dream, / the Beast/ die/ and/ call/ for/ her.
6. fire / Did / destroy / the / completely / building / their / ?
In her dream, the Beast was dying and calling for her.
Did the fire completely destroy their building?
2. Hanna/ not/ watch/ the cartoon/ TV/ 7:00 p.m. yesterday.
7. Some / were / forest fire / badly / animals / injured / or killed / in / the /.
Hanna was not watching the cartoon on TV at 7:00 p.m. yesterday.
Some animals were badly injured or killed in the forest fire .
3. My mother/ buy/ vegetables/ supermarket.
8. The / personal property / are / collecting / their / flood victims /.
My mother was buying vegetables at the supermarket.
The flood victims are collecting their personal property .
4. A 12-year daughter/ narrate/ a fairy tale/ her mum.
9. usually / in / Some / happen / natural disasters / mountainous areas /.
A 12-year daughter was narrating a fairy tale to her mum .
Some natural disasters usually happen in mountainous areas.
5. We/ have/ dinner/ 7:00 p.m./ yesterday evening/
10. many / volcanic eruptions / Geologists / understand / factors / that / of /the / cause /.
We were having dinner at 7:00 p.m. yesterday evening.
Geologists understand many of the factors that cause volcanic eruptions.
6. What/ you/ do/ 9:00 p.m./ last night?
11. Many houses / collapse / in / landslide / last week /.
What were you doing at 9: 00 p.m. last night?
Many houses collapsed in the landslide last week .
7. We/ not play/ all day/ last Saturday.
12. they / watch TV / when / their living room / start / tremble / last night?
We were not playing all day last Saturday.
Were they watching TV when their living room started trembling last night?
8. Yesterday/ 6 o’clock/ my mother/ prepare/ breakfast.
13. Fog and rain / be / common / in / mountainous regions / near / border/.
Yesterday at 6 o’clock my mother was preparing breakfast.
Fog and rain are common in the mountainous regions near the border.
9. He / drive / it / sudden / rain / heavy.
14. He / died / while / try / rescue his wife and children / flooded area/.
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 He died while trying to rescue his wife and children from the flooded area. C. Scientists can predict many of the disasters ahead time.
15. It is difficult / accurately predict / when / earthquake / happen /. D. Scientists can predict many of the disasters ahead of time.
 It is difficult to accurately predict when an earthquake will happen. Exercise 6. Write a paragraph (80 -100 words) about a natural disaster happening in Viet Nam that you
16. You / should / have / emergency kit / home / use / event of emergency /. witnessed or heard about.
 You should have an emergency kit at home to use in the event of emergency.
Flood is considered as one of the most dangerous disasters in the world. There was a "historical flood" that happened
17. Raining/ It was/ heavily/ the/ was flooding/ river/ while./
in Ha Noi in 2008. The rain was so heavy and lasted for many days consecutively that it inundated many streets of
 It was raining heavily while the river was flooding.
Ha Noi. The rain was considered the heaviest in the last 100 years, which caused people to suffer from a lot of
18. The/ was erupting/ volcano/, sending/ into the sly/ lava and ash/. damage. According to statistics, many families even suffered from inundation as high level of water flew into their
 The volcano was erupting, sending lava and ash into the sky. houses. Offices or schools had to make emergency announcement to let their employees and students be at home to
19. The/ was shaking/ earthquake/ causing/ the ground,/ to collapse/ buildings/. avoid any potential accidents that may be caused by the pouring rain. Life had a lot of disturbance and people had to
 The earthquake was shaking the ground, causing buildings to collapse. wait until it stopped raining. People are in danger because of the outbreak of epidemics resulted from the flood.
20. The/ were/ spreading/ battling/ firefighters/ the rapidly/ wildfire/. Luckily, after a few days, life began to come back to the way it was thanks to effort of both local authority and city
 The firefighters were battling the rapidly spreading wildfire. dwellers.
Exercise 5. Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is written correctly based on the given cues. ------ THE END ------
1. powerful/ property/,/ a / lots/ caused/ of/ Yesterday/ damage/ earthquake/ to/.
A. Yesterday, a powerful earthquake caused lots of damage to property.
B. A powerful earthquake caused lots damage to of property yesterday.
C. Lots of damage to property caused by a earthquake so powerful.
D. A powerful earthquake that yesterday caused lots of damage to property.
2. most / common type / natural disasters / the world / are / floods and storms.
A. The most common types of natural disasters in the world are floods and storms.
B. The most common type of natural disasters in the world are floods and storms.
C. The most common types of natural disasters on the world are floods and storms.
D. The most common type of natural disasters of the world are floods and storms.
3. Sometimes / more / one disaster / occur / same time.
A. Sometimes, more than one disaster occurs the same time.
B. Sometimes, more than one disaster occur at same time.
C. Sometimes, more than one disaster occur same time.
D. Sometimes, more than one disaster occurs at the same time.
4. Landslide / may / occur / during / severe flooding / and thunderstorm.
A. Landslide may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms.
B. Landslides may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms.
C. Landslide may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorm.
D. Landslides may occurs during severe flooding and thunderstorms.
5. Scientist / can predict / many I the disasters / ahead / time.
A. Scientist can predict many of the disasters ahead of time.
B. Scientists can predict many the disasters ahead of time.

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24. carrier pigeon /ˈkæriər ˈpɪdʒən/ bồ câu đưa thư
25. telephone (n) /ˈtelɪfəʊn/ điện thoại
UNIT 10:
26. mobile phone (n) /ˌməʊbaɪl ˈfəʊn/ điện thoại di động
27. smart phone (n) /smɑːrt fəʊn/ điện thoại thông minh
28. smartwatch (n) /ˈsmɑːrt.wɑːtʃ/ đồng hồ thông minh
29. network (n) /ˈnetwɜːk/ mạng
30. social network /ˌsəʊʃəl ˈnetwɜːk/ mạng xã hội
31. text (v,n) /tekst/ nhắn tin, văn bản
A. VOCABULARY 32. message (v,n) /ˈmesɪdʒ/ nhắn tin, tin nhắn
New words (Từ mới) 33. voice message /vɔɪs ˈmesɪdʒ/ tin nhắn thoại
34. text message /tekstˈmesɪdʒ/ tin nhắn văn bản
Word Type Pronunciation Meaning 35. emoji (n) /iˈməʊdʒi/ biểu tượng cảm xúc
1. communication (n) /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ sự giao tiếp 36. holography (n) /hɒlˈɒɡrəfi/ hình thức giao tiếp bằng ảnh không
2. communicate (v) /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ giao tiếp gian ba chiều
3. conference (n) /ˈkɒnfərəns/ hội nghị 37. telepathy (n) /təˈlep.ə.θi/ hình thức giao tiếp bằng ý nghĩ, thần
4. video conference /ˈvɪdiəʊˈkɒnfərəns/ hội nghị trực tuyến giao cách cảm
5. video call /ˈvɪdiəʊ kɔːl/ cuộc gọi video 38. translate (v) /trænzˈleɪt/ dịch
6. group call /ɡruːp kɔːl/ cuộc gọi nhóm 39. translation (n) /trænzˈleɪ.ʃən/ sự dịch, bài dịch
7. technology (n) /tekˈnɒlədʒi/ công nghệ 40. translator (n) /trænzˈleɪ.t̬ɚ/ người dịch
8. technology club /tekˈnɒlədʒi klʌb/ câu lạc bộ công nghệ 41. translation machine (n) /trænzˈleɪt/ məˈʃiːn/ máy dịch thuật
9. connect (v) /kəˈnekt/ kết nối 42. real (adj) /rɪəl/ thực, có thật
10. connection (n) /kəˈnekʃən/ sự kết nối 43. kid (v) /kɪd/ đùa, nói đùa
11. Internet connection /ˈɪntənet kəˈnekʃən/ kết nối mạng, kết nối Internet 44. instantly (adv) /ˈɪnstəntli/ theo hướng, về phía
12. via (pre) /ˈvaɪə/ qua, theo đường (gì) 45. private (adj) /ˈpraɪ.vət/ riêng tư, cá nhân
13. tablet (n) /ˈtæblət/ máy tính bảng 46. overcome (v) /ˌoʊ.vɚˈkʌm/ vượt qua
14. adjust (v) /əˈdʒʌst/ điều chỉnh 47. barrier (n) /ˈbæriər/ rào cản
15. adjustment (n) /əˈdʒʌstmənt/ sự điều chỉnh 48. language barrier / ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˈbæriər/ rào cản ngôn ngữ
16. webcam (n) /ˈwebkæm/ thiết bị ghi/ truyền hình ảnh 49. respond (v) /rɪˈspɑːnd/ trả lời
17. focus (v) /ˈfəʊkəs/ tập trung 50. express (v) /ɪkˈspres/ thể hiện, biểu hiện, bày tỏ
18. forehead (n) /ˈfɑː.rɪd/ cái trán 51. expression (n) /ɪkˈspreʃ.ən/ sự biệu hiện, thể hiện
19. button (n) /ˈbʌtən/ cái nút 52. face to face (adv) /ˌfeɪs.təˈfeɪs/ trực tiếp, mặt đối mặt
20. high-speed (adj) /ˌhaɪˈspiːd/ tốc độ cao 54. charge (v) /tʃɑːdʒ/ nạp, sạc (pin)
21. smoothly (adv) /ˈsmuːðli/ thông suốt 55. battery (n) /ˈbætəri/ pin, cục pin
22. exactly (adv) /ɪɡˈzæktli/ một cách chính xác 56. automatically (adv) /ˌɑː.t̬əˈmæt̬.ɪ.kəl.i/ tự động
23. carrier (n) /ˈkæriər/ người vận chuyển, hãng vận chuyển 57. interupt (v) /ˌɪn.t̬əˈrʌpt/ làm gián đoạn, ngắt lời

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58. effective (adj) /əˈfek.tɪv/ hiệu quả - Định nghĩa: Là những từ đi kèm trước các danh từ chỉ địa điểm, nơi chốn nhằm xác định vị trí của người
59. effectively (adv) /əˈfek.tɪ một cách hiệu quả hoặc sự vật đang được nhắc đến trong câu.
60. thought (n) /θɑːt/ ý nghĩ - Các giới từ chỉ nơi chốn thông dụng trong tiếng Anh bao gồm: in, on, at, between, behind, under, in front of,
61. tiny (adj) /ˈtaɪ.ni/ rất nhỏ, bé xíu next to, opposite, …
62. device (n) /dɪˈvaɪs/ thiết bị - Cách dùng giới từ chỉ nơi chốn
63. transmit (v) /trænzˈmɪt/ truyền, chuyển giao a. Giới từ in
64. transmission (n) /trænzˈmɪʃən/ sự truyền, quá trình truyền Giới từ in có nghĩa là ở trong, được dùng khi muốn miêu tả không gian rộng lớn, cụ thể là:
65. interact (v) /ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈækt/ tương tác - Quốcgia, thànhphố, vũtrụ.
66. account (n) /əˈkaʊnt/ tài khoản( ngân hàng, mạng xã hội) VÍ DỤ:
67. live (adj) /laɪv/ phát sóng, truyền hình trực tiếp in Viet Nam (ở Việt Nam)

68. advanced (adj) /ədˈvænst/ tiên tiến in Ho Chi Minh (ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)
in space (trong vũ trụ)
Structures (Cấu trúc)
- Văn phòng, tòa nhà.
No structures/ collocations/ idioms/ phrasal verb Meaning
1. communicate with sb giao tiếp với ai in the building (trong tòa nhà)
2. make a call/video call thực hiện cuộc gọi/ cuộc goi video in the office (trong văn phòng)
3. a piece of cake = be easy dễ dàng in the library(trong thư viện)
4. focus on tập trung vào - Vịtrí, phương hướng.
5. zoom in >< zoom out phóng to >< thu nhỏ VÍ DỤ:
6. be different from khác với in the middle (ở giữa)
7. regardless of bất kể in the north (ở phía Bắc)
8. to a certain extent đến một chừng mực nào đó in the south (ở phía Nam)
9. keep in touch with sb giữ liên lạc với ai b. Giới từ on
10. rely to hồi đáp, trả lời Giới từ on có nghĩa là ở trên, được dùng khi muốn miêu tả vị trí ở trên khi có sự tiếp xúc trên bề mặt. Cụ
11. show up = arrive đến, xuất hiện thể là:
12. take advantage of sth tận dụng - Trên bề mặt phẳng.
13. pay attention to sth chú ý vào điều gì VÍ DỤ:
14. get through = reach nối máy được, gọi được on the table (trên bàn)
on the wall (trên tường)
B. GRAMMAR: - Trên đường.
I. Prepositions ( Giới từ) VÍ DỤ:
- Định nghĩa: Giới từ là một từ hoặc cụm từ được sử dụng trước danh từ/ đại từ để chỉ nơi chốn, vị trí, thời on Hai Ba Trung street (trên đường Hai Bà Trưng)
gian/ cách thức. on Ton Duc Thang street (trên đường Tôn Đức Thắng)
- Giới từ đứng sau TO BE, trước DANH TỪ, sau ĐỘNG TỪ hoặc sau TÍNH TỪ. - Trên phương tiện giao thông (trừ car, taxi).
1. Prepositions of place (Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn) VÍ DỤ:
on the bus (trên xe buýt)

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on the plane (trên máy bay) VÍ DỤ:
- Chỉvịtrí. There is a cat behind the sofa.(Có một con mèo phía sau ghế sofa.)
VÍ DỤ: My sister is behind Tom.(Em gái tôi ở phía sau Tom.)
on the right (ở bên phải) g. Giới từ between
on the left (ở bên trái) Giới từ between có nghĩa là ở giữa, được dùng để miêu tả người hoặc vật ở giữa hai người hay vật còn lại.
c. Giới từ at VÍ DỤ:
Giớitừ at có nghĩa là ở, ở tại, được dùng trong các trường hợp sau: Quan sits between Nam and Phong. (Quân ngồi ở giữa Nam và Phong.)
- Chỉ địa điểm cụ thể, xác định. Our car is between the bus and the truck. (Xe hơi của chúng tôi ở giữa xe buýt và xe tải.)
VÍ DỤ: h. Giới từ next to
at the airport (ở sân bay) Giới từ next to có nghĩa là bên cạnh, kế bên được dùng để miêu tả người hoặc vật ở sát bên nhau.
at the cinema (ở rạp chiếu phim) VÍ DỤ:
- Chỉ nơi học tập, làm việc. John’s house is next to the park.(Nhà của John ở cạnh công viên.)
VÍ DỤ: My desk is next to the window.(Bàn học của tôi ở kế bên cửa sổ.)
at school (ở trường học) i. Giới từ opposite
at work (ở chỗ làm) Giới từ opposite có nghĩa là đối diện, được dùng để miêu tả người hoặc vật ở đối diện nhau.
- Chỉ số nhà. VÍ DỤ:
VÍ DỤ: Our company is opposite the bank. (Công ty của chúng tôi ở đối diện ngân hàng.)
at 72 Le Loi Street (ở số 72 đường Lê Lợi) The bookstore is opposite the school. (Hiệu sách ở đối diện trường học.)
at 395 Dien Bien Phu Street (ở số 395 đườngĐiệnBiênPhủ) 2. Giớitừchỉthờigian (Prepositions of time)
- Chỉvịtrí. - Định nghĩa: Là những từ được dùng trước danh từ chỉ thời gian để nói rõ về thời gian mà một sự việc
VÍ DỤ: hay hành động diễn ra. Các giới từ chỉ thời gian thông dụng trong tiếng Anh bao gồm: in, on, at, by,
at the centre (ở giữa) for,....
d. Giới từ under - Cách dùng giới từ chỉ thời gian
Giới từ under có nghĩa là ở dưới, được dùng để miêu tả vị trí bên dưới bề mặt của một cái gì đó. a. Giới từ at
VÍ DỤ: Giới từ at thường được dùng để chỉ thời gian trong các trường hợp sau đây:
under the table (ở dưới cái bàn) - At + giờ
at the tree (ở dưới cái cây) VÍ DỤ:
e. Giớitừ in front of at 6 o’clock (vào lúc 6 giờ)
Giới từ in front of có nghĩa là ở phía trước, được dùng để miêu tả người hoặc vật ở vị trí phía trước một at 7:30 a.m. (vào lúc 7 giờ 30 sáng)
người hoặc vật khác gần đó. at 2 p.m.(vào lúc 2 giờ chiều)
VÍ DỤ: - At + thời điểm trong ngày
He is standing in front of the store. (Anh ấy đang đứng trước cửa hàng.) VÍ DỤ:
The goat is in front of the horse. (Con dê ở phíatrước con ngựa.) at lunch time (vào giờ ăn trưa)
e. Giới từ behind at bedtime (vào giờ ngủ)
Giới từ behind có nghĩa là ở phía sau, được dùng để miêu tả người hoặc vật ở vị trí phía sau một người hoặc at midnight (vào nửa đêm)
vật khác. - At + một số dịp lễ (không có chữ Day)

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VÍ DỤ: - In + các giai đoạn thời gian
at Christmas (vào Giáng sinh) VÍ DỤ:
at Easter (vào lễ Phục sinh) in the past (trong quá khứ)
at Tet (vào lễ Tết) in the future (trong tươnglai)
- Trong một số cụm từ cố định in the Ice Age (trong kỉ Băng hà)
VÍ DỤ: c. Giới từ on
at the moment (ngay lúc này) Giới từ on thường được dùng để chỉ thời gian trong các trường hợp sau đây:
at the same time (cùng lúc đó) - On + các ngày trong tuần
at present (bây giờ) VÍ DỤ:
b. Giới từ in on Monday (vào thứ Hai)
Giới từ in thường được dùng để chỉ thời gian trong các trường hợp sau đây: on Tuesday (vào thứ Ba)
- In + các buổi trong ngày on Saturday(vào thứ Bảy)
VÍ DỤ: - On + ngày + các buổi trong ngày
in the morning (vào buổ isáng) VÍ DỤ:
in the afternoon (vào buổi chiều) on Wednesday morning (vào sáng thứ Tư)
in the evening(vào buổi tối) on Thursday morning (vào sáng thứ Năm)
- In + khoảng thời gian on Sunday morning(vào sáng Chủ nhật)
VÍ DỤ: - On + ngày tháng hoặc ngày tháng năm cụ thể
in 2 minutes (trong 2 phút) VÍ DỤ:
in 3 days (trong 3 ngày) on February 6th (vào ngày 6 tháng 2)
in a week (trong một tuần) on the 2nd of June (vào ngày 2 tháng 6)
- In + tháng hoặc năm cụ thể on October 27th, 2012(vào ngày 27 tháng 10 năm 2012)
VÍ DỤ: - On + một số ngày lễ (có chữ Day)
in May (vào tháng 5) VÍ DỤ:
in September (vào tháng 9) on New Year’s Day (vào ngày đầu năm mới)
in 2020 (vào năm 2020) on Chrismas Day (vào ngày Giáng sinh)
- In + mùa on Independence Day (vào ngày Quốc khánh)
VÍ DỤ: - On + các ngày cụ thể, đặc biệt
in spring (vào mùa xuân) VÍ DỤ:
in autumn (vào mùa thu) on his birthday (vào ngày sinh nhật của anh ấy)
in winter (vào mùa đông) on our wedding day (vào ngày cưới của chúng tôi)
- In + các thập niên hoặc thế kỉ cụ thể on her graduation day(vào ngày ra trường của cô ấy)
VÍ DỤ: d. Giới từ by
in the 1980s (vào những năm 1980) Giới từ by đi với một thời gian xác định để diễn tả một sự việc diễn ra ngay đúng hoặc trước thời điểm đó.
in the nineties (vào thập niên 90) VÍ DỤ:
in nineteenth century (vào thế kỉ thứ 19) by 4 p.m (vào lúc 4 giờ chiều)

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by this time (vào lúcnày) My bike is blue. Here is red. (Xe đạp của tôi màu xanh. Xe đạp của cô ấy màu đỏ.)
by night (vào ban đêm) Hers làm chủ ngữ
e. Giới từ for Those pink shoes are mine. (Đôi giày màu hồng đó là của tôi.)
Giới từ for đi với một khoảng thời gian để diễn tả một sự việc nào đó diễn ra trong bao lâu. mine làm tân ngữ
VÍ DỤ: - Dùng thay cho một tính từ sở hữu (possessive adjective) và danh từ đã nhắc ở phía trước.
for two hours (trong hai giờ) VÍ DỤ:
for five days (trong năm ngày) Your watch is cheap. His is expensive. (His = His watch) ( Đồng hồ của bạn thì rẻ. Đồng hồ của anh ấy thì đắt.)
for three years (trong ba năm) Our house is small. Theirs is large. (Theirs = Their house) (Nhà của chúng tôi thì nhỏ. Nhà của họ thì rộng.)
II.Đại từ sở hữu (Possessive pronouns) - Dùng sau of trong dạng câu sở hữu kép.
1. Đại từ sở hữu là gì? VÍ DỤ:
Đại từ sở hữu là những từ được sử dụng để diễn tả sự sở hữu và luôn đứng một mình mà không cần danh Sarah is a good friend of theirs. (Sarah là một người bạn tốt của họ.)
từ theo sau. Trong tiếng Anh có các đại từ sở hữu sau đây: It was not fault of yours. (Đó không phải là lỗi của bạn.)
a. mine (của tôi) 3. Bảng tương ứng giữa đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ sở hữu và đại từ sở hữu
VÍ DỤ: Personal pronouns Possessive Possessive
That pencil is mine. (Cây bút chì đó là của tôi.) (Đại từ nhân xưng) adjectives (Tính từ pronouns ( Đại từ
b. yours (của bạn) Subject (Chủ ngữ) Object ( Tân ngữ) sở hữu) sở hữu)
VÍ DỤ: I Me My Mine
This cake is yours. (Cái bánh này là của bạn.) We Us Our Ours
c. his (của anh ấy) You You Your Yours
VÍ DỤ: You You Your Yours
The car over there is his. (Chiếc xe hơi đằng kia là của anh ấy.) He Him His His
d. hers (của cô ấy) She Her Her Hers
VÍ DỤ: It It Its Its
The yellow hat is hers. (Cái nón màu vàng là của cô ấy.) They Them Their Theirs
e. ours (của chúng tôi)
This house is ours. (Ngôi nhà này là của chúng tôi.) Uses
f. theirs (của họ) Possessive adjectives ( Tính từ sở hữu) Possessive pronouns ( Đại từ sở hữu)
Luôn đi kèm theo sau là danh từ/ cụm danh từ. Đứng một mình
That villa is theirs. (Căn biệt thự kia là của họ.)
Làm chủ ngữ/ tân ngữ Làm chủ ngữ/ tân ngữ
g. its (của nó)
Khi chia động từ không chia theo tính từ sở Dùng để thay thế cho các danh từ đã được
hữu, chia theo danh từ phía sau. nhắc đến.
I have a cat. This ball is its. (Tôi có một con mèo. Trái banh này là của nó.)
Ex: This is my house Ex: This is my house. That is yours.
2. Cách dùng đại từ sở hữu
- Dùng làm chủ ngữ (đứng ở đầu câu) hoặc làm tân ngữ (đứng cuối câu)
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- Stress in words ending in –ese and –ee (trọng âm của các từ chứa đuôi –ese và –ee ) 4. A. conference B. nonverbal C. social D. body
 Danh từ kết thúc bằng – ese ( chỉ ngôn ngữ, quốc tịch) thì luôn được nhấn trọng âm vào chính nó 5. A. cultural B. music C. fuel D. communicative
Vietna’mese 6. A. custom B. museum C. computer D. community
 Danh từ kết thúc bằng – ee ( chỉ người, nghề nghiệp) thì luôn được nhấn trọng âm vào chính nó. 7. A. language B. cultural C. interact D. landline
Refu’gee 8. A. multimedia B. landline C. video D. communicate
D. PRACTICE 9. A. communicative B. cultural C. music D. fuel
10. A. multimedia B. cultural C. chat D. smart
11. A. cyber B. typhoon C. dry D. funny
12. A. conference B. nonverbal C. coffee D. body
13. A. telepathy B. conference C. interact D. verbal
Exercise 1.Write the words ending in -al below in the correct group of stress.
14. A. conference B. computer C. connection D. communicate
Chinese Lebanese Congolese Japanese Portuguese
15. A. game B. table C. call D. make
Vietnamese Sudanese Maltese Bhutanese Burmese
16. A. charge B. paper C. pavement D. replace
Senegalese Nepalese Togolese journalese
17. A. certain B. contain C. brain D. main
18. A. message B. member C. telepathy D. even
19. A. device B. online C. internet D. private
Oo ___________________________________________________________
20. A. station B. future C. chat D. perfect
oO ___________________________________________________________
21. A. school B. scholarship C. machine D. technology
ooO ___________________________________________________________
22. A. obtain B. phone C. only D. emotion
oooO ___________________________________________________________
Exericse 2.Write the words ending in -ous below in the correct group of stress. 23. A. popular B. customer C. function D. much
payee jubilee employee trainee refugee 24. A. disaster B. desert C. reserve D. research
trustee coffee interviewee committee absentee 25. A. affected B. damaged C. destroyed D. pulled
devotee nominee addressee divorcee examinee 26. A. tablet B. table C. talent D. tactful
27. A. zoom B. booth C. look D. cool
Oo ___________________________________________________________
28. A. private B. communicate C. classmate D. translate
oO ___________________________________________________________
29. A. message B. advantage C. encourage D. garage
Ooo ___________________________________________________________
oOo ___________________________________________________________ 30. A. televition B. technology C. telepathy D. telephone
ooO ___________________________________________________________ 31. A. call B. mad C. carrier D. practice
oooO ___________________________________________________________ 32. A. message B. image C. language D. private
33. A. read B. real C. cheap D. learn
Exercise 3. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 34. A. lose B. Chinese C. use D. course
1. A. language B. cultural C. interact D. landline 35. A. these B. else C. choose D. close
2. A. cyber B. typhoon C. dry D. funny 36. A. engine B. technology C. guarantee D. message
3. A. multimedia B. landline C. video D. communicate 37. A. pigeon B. teenager C. language D. agree

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Exercise 4. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. degree B. message C. network D. smartphone
Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and write the name of the activities.
2. A. agree B. Chinese C. language D. trainee
3. A. future B. people C. webcam D. payee
webcam machine translation holography social network
4. A. guarantee B. translator C. Taiwanese D. interviewee carrier pigeon voice message emojis video conference
5. A. telephone B. conference C. awardee D. advantage telepathy face-to-face tablet high-speed
6. A. social B. video C. prevent D. landline
7. A. communicate B. telepathy C. evaluate D. multimedia
8. A. cultural B. media C. engineer D. difference
9. A. interact B. conference C. media D. video
10. A. adoptee B. employee C. refugee D. committee
11. A. trainee B. active C. shelter D. debris
12. A. tornado B. ecology C. pollution D. Vietnamese
13. A. connective B. society C. eruption D. Japanese
14. A. interupt B. awardee C. teenager D. guarantee
1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. ____________________ 4. _________________
15. A. bachelor B.connection C. internet D. conference
16. A. smartphone B. pavement C. private D. repeat
17. A. ceremony B. holography C. telepathy D. communicate
18. A. social B. verbal C. device D. language
19. A. popular B. opposite C. netiquette D. translator
20. A. yesterday B. interact C. refugee D. Japanese
21. A. battery B. expression C. effective D. regardless
22. A. instant B. maintain C. message D. contact
23. A. tablet B. pigeon C. exam D. webcam
5. _________________ 6. __________________ 7. _____________________ 8. _________________
24. A. Polish B. Canada C. China D. Chinese
25. A. national B. iconic C. Japan D. Korean
26. A. internet B. diagram C. conference D. absentee
27. A. protection B. translator C. century D. advantage
28. A. tablet B. video C. webcam D. trainee
29. A. holography B. communicate C. disadvantage D. technology
30. A. Chinese B. network C. future D. private
31. A. tablet B. webcam C. pigeon D. agree
32. A. mobile B. social C. message D. trainee 9. __________________ 10. _________________ 11. ___________________ 12. ________________
33. A. smartphone B. network C. language D. Chinese Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1
34. A. meaning B. easy C. instant D. machine 1. I can quickly and easily translate my content using a______________________ tool.
35. A. private B. become C. reply D. repeat
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2. In history, people relied on the ___________________ to send messages over long distances. 4. keep in touch with D. to be connected by phone
3. The ______________ on my laptop allows me to attend virtual meetings. 5. pay attention to E. to adjust a camera to make a person or things being photographed appear
4. The future of communication might involve _______________, where people can interact with virtual larger or closer
6. regardless of F. to arrive
5. Would people rather meet ________________ than meet online?
7. reply to G. share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
6. ___________________ give us a chance to connect with people around the world.
8. show up H. without being influenced by any other events of conditions
7. I use a _____________ to read e-books and browse the Internet. 9. take advantage of I. without difficulty or effort
8. How do I know what he's thinking? I don't have _____________ myself! 10. zoom in J. to continue to talk to or write to someone.
9. You can send ________________when you don’t feel like typing.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
10. An ______________ can replace words to a certain extent because they are convenient and effective.
11. I need a _______________ Internet connection to make video calls. Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from Exercise 4 to complete collocations. Make any
12. At this time tomorrow, we will be having a ____________________ with New York brank. change if necessary.
Exercise 3. Match the words in column A to the correct meanings in column B. 1. I sometimes find it hard to pay attention __________ my studies because the phone keeps me distracted.
A B 2. I can’t see the singe clearly. Can you _________ it in?
1. telepathy A. to send out programmes on television or radio 3. Has Jane __________ to your message?
2. translation machine B. a call that the speaker and the listener can see each other 4. I tried to phone Elena but couldn’t get __________. She must have gone out.
3. none-verbal C. a form of communication by 3D images 5. Using smart device is a __________of cake to teenagers nowadays
4. social network D. not involving words or speech
6. People should take ___________ of technology to have effective communication.
5. video call E. the ability to communicate with someone by thought.
7. Thanks to translation enigines, people can communicate easily ____________ of which country they
6. broadcast F. the ability of individuals and organizations to connect to the internet using
computer terminals, computers, and other devices come from.
7. language barrier G. a series of electrical waves that carry sounds, pictures, or messages, for 8. Because I’m always on a business trip to Indonisia, we will _____________ with other co-workers via
example to a radio, television, or mobile phone Zoom.
8. internet access H. a website through which users can communicate with each other 9. People now don’t need to ________ up at the office. They can have a meeting through a video
9. holography I. a linguistic limitation
10. signal J. a machine for changing words into a different language
10. Facebook is a useful platfrom that can help us __________ in touch with each other.
 Your answer:
Exercise 6. Write the words / phrase in the box next to their definition.
carrier networks Voice machine face
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
piece speed connection system smartwatch

Exercise 4. Match the words or phrases on the left with their meaning on the right. ________
1. Do you prefer _________ to face meetings to online ones?
A B ________
2. Have you ever used a translation __________ when you travelling to
1. a piece of cake A. to listen, watch, or consider carefully
another country?
2. communicate with B. to make good use of the opportunities offered by something
3. Facebook provides users with a __________ of emojis to express their ________
3. get through C. to say something in response to something someone has said

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feelings to any other’s posts. B. Social networks D. Smartphones

4. Do you have a _________ with you go to jogging every morning? _________ 5. ________ allows people to pass their thoughts to another person without talking.
A. Telepathy B. Tablet C. Communication D. Device
5. One of the primary ways to communicate was with _______ pigeons. _________
6. Do you think there are enough ________ to show different feelings?
6. Vettel, FPT and VNPT are currently the three largest high-______ _________ A. devices B. languages C. emojis D. smileys
internet providers in Vietnam’s telecommunications market. 7. We use a lot of ________ in our life like thumping up or pointing.
7. Your computer must have an internet _________ to access websites _________
A. voice messages C. applications
online. B. hand signals D. reactions
8. Social ______ give us a chance to connect with people around the 8. ________ communication includes face-to-face or telephone conversations.
world. A. Spoken B. Non-verbal C. Silent D. Distant
9. It’s a ________ of cake for teenagers to use a tablet nowadays. _________ 9. In the future, people might communicate much less ________ and more online.
10. _____________ messaging is convenient when you are not free to type. _________ A. personally B. often C. through emails D. in person
Exercise 7. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box. 10. ________ transmit live images of the speakers with a camera on the smart devices.
A. Group calls B. Video calls C. Phone calls D. Websites
connection zoom networks language emojis 11. ________ communication includes the way we dress or act, and the expressions onour faces.
translation access messages telepathy discussions A. Verbal B. Distant C. Non-verbal D. Online
12. Effective communicators always wait for ________ to be sure that the receivercorrectly understands the
1. Sending voice ___________ is faster than sending text messages.
message they have sent.
2. They met on social ____________ but never face to face.
A. feedback B. a smile C. a call D. others
3. You need a high-speed Internet ___________ to make video calls.
13. We don’t know how we can ________ with him. He’s too far away.
4. She loves adding ____________ to her text messages to express her feelings.
A. keep in touch B. cope C. catch up D. keep pace
5. The ability to communicate with someone by thoughts is called ___________.
14. Harry doesn’t understand the instruction on this website, so he have to use ________ messages.
6. I can’t read the text on the computer screen. Can you ___________ in on it?
A. instant B. online C. non-verbal D. verbal
7. She has a small office that is used for private ___________.
15. Sue doesn’t have the doctor’s telephone number to book a(n) ________ with him.
8. You can use the _____________ machine to translate this documents.
A. ticket B. appointment C. lunch set D. seat
9. Nam thinks that he needs to learn English to overcome the ____________ barrier.
16. Sending letters by post office has become ________ today, in comparisonto email.
10. This is a product that allows users to _____________ market data in real time.
A. more popular B. popular C. much popularer D. less popular
Exercise 8. Complete the correct answer A, B, C or D.
17. ________, dancing and painting are examples of non-verbal communication.
1. Smartphones will certainly change a lot in the ________. A. Chatting B. Smiling C. Singing D. Emailing
A. end B. number C. device D. future 18. Using music, codes or signs to communicate is called ________ communication.
2. The receiver of a(n) ________ can later listen to it several times. A. non-verbal B. public C. non-public D. verbal
A. text message B. voice message C. story D. email 19. In the future, people will probably communicate brain-to-brain, using ________
3. Emojis can help people ________ their emotions effectively. A. messenger B. holography C. blog D. telepathy
A. replace B. say C. communicate D. develop 20. They have decided ________ a video conference with their teammatesright away.
4. ________ are websites and apps that allow users to connect and communicate. A. having B. to have C. will be had D. to having
A. Voice messages C. Entertainment providers 21. We can ________ not only through words but also through facial expressions.

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A. talk B. transfer C. interpret D. communicate A. in B. by C. with D. on
22. The internet is one of the most effective ________ of communication. 39. Is this tablet one of ________?
A. kinds B. form C. means D. way A. your B. yours C. their D. you
23. We should not __________ passwords with anyone. 40. Mum, Susan has two mobile phones. Could I use one of ________?
A. send B. borrow C. share D. bring A. two B. hers C. her D. those
24. Email __________ are often necessary to join social networking sites. 41. This webcam is focusing _____________ my forehead.
A. emojis B. accounts C. senders D. information A. at B. in C. on D. by
25. You __________ these buttons to move the webcam up or down. 42. He texted me that he would come to the office _____________ twenty minutes.
A. see B. zoom C. click D. express A. for B. by C. in D. at
26. Seven of 10 people prefer face-to-face __________ when having a date. 43. I have studied how to play the guitar _____________ two months.
A. sign B. code C. contact D. language A. on B. at C. by D. for
27. Emojis help people express their __________ regardless of the languagethey speak. 44. The workshop will start at 9:15. You should be ready _____________ 9:00.
A. emotions B. qualities C. anger D. happiness A. by B. on C. for D. in
28. Luckily, there are many communication techniques to help __________language barrier. 45. There are a few strangers standing _____________ of my house.
A. contact B. translate C. transmit D. overcome A. between B. in front C. under D. behind
29. A study shows that teenagers use text messaging to communicate withtheir friends more than 46. The post office is _____________ to the open-air market.
__________. A. front B. next C. opposite D. between
A. texting B. emailing C. writing D. charging 47. He is working in the _____________ room.
30. The __________ communication services are an important part ofchildren’s online interactions. A. under B. at C. by D. opposite
A. direct B. offline C. online D. phone 48. My school is _____________ the bookstore and the restaurant.
31. Email and chat rooms let children __________ with friends and familymembers. A. behind B. under C. between D. next to
A. talk B. listen C. speak D. communicate 49. Players always sit _____________ each other in a chess game.
32. The facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, anddisgust are the same across A. opposite B. next to C. in front of D. behind
__________. 50. The doll is not on the bed. It’s _____________ the bed.
A. cultures B. habits C. people D. languages A. in B. front C. next D. under
33. __________ message is convenient because you don’t have to type text. 51. He will wait ________ three o'clock; then he'll have to leave.
A. Text B. Voice C. Image D. though A. until B. at C. in D. on
34. Social __________ is a website through which users can communicatewith each other. 52. They are rarely ________ home at lunch time.
A. media B. network C. communication D. community A. on B. in C. at D. by
35. A __________ is made when the caller wants to talk to many people in the group. 53. He went to a new school ________ London.
A. telepathy B. holography C. group call D. smart phone A. in B. on C. at D. above
36. Emojis are increasing in numbers, and ________ the future we might no longerneed facial expressions. 54. I talk to my mother ________ the phone every weekend.
A. in B. on C. by D. when A. in B. on C. until D. next to
37. ________ 2040, teachers might be using telepathy to ‘teach’ their students.They won’t have to speak. 55. What time does the flight ________ Amsterdam arrive?
A. Until B. On C. By D. During A. on B. to C. at D. from
38. Some teenagers like to communicate ________ social media rather than face-to-face. 56. Do you like to live ________ a busy road?

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A. in B. at C. on D. under A. loudly B. smoothly C. automatically D. quickly
57. They have been married ________ twenty years. 6. The mid-term test was a piece of cake. Most students get high marks.
A. for B. on C. in D. since A. bad B. tasty C. easy D. difficult
58. I'll be home ________ 15 minutes. 7. I prefer to talk to people face to face rather than talk on the phone.
A. on B. at C. in D. by A. facing them B. in person C. looking at them D. seeing them
59. I like the happy smile ________ her face. 8. We are waiting for ages and you never showed up!
A. on B. in C. to D. between A. talked B. arrived C. overslept D. met
60. I have to finish this essay ________ Sunday. 9. Don’t forget to send an email to invite James to the year-end party!
A. in B. at C. for D. by A. take B. get C. receive D. forward
61. - Lan, I dropped my phone, and it broke. 10. Will telepathy be a popular way to communicate in the future?
- ________ A. strange B. unique C. common D. rare
11. Nonverbal communication is the use of gestures, tone of voice, expression, body posture, and so on to
A. It did. C. Phones are convenient
send a message.
B. That’s awful. D. Awesome!
62. - I’m calling to make a complaint about the earphones I got from you this morning. A. written B. gestural C. verbal D. visual

- ________ Exercise 10. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
A. What’s wrong with it, miss? C. Do you like its colour?
B. Is it perfect? D. Are you? 1. Is there anyway not to let other people know that you are online on Instagram?

63. - With this translation application, there’ll be no language barrier when you travelin other countries, A. offline B. face to face C. accessible D. available

and ... 2. How can you keep in touch with your friends?
A. reach B. talk C. lose touch D. stay
- ________
3. Advanced technologies may make humanity insignificant both in life and work.
A. Is it?
A. Out-of-face B. Developed C. Grown D. New
B. It’s interesting.
4. Video conferences are very convenient especially when we are not in the same place.
C. Sorry to interrupt. Could you explain why we will have no language barrier?
A. easy B. good C. helpful D. inconvenient
D. I want to speak.
5. Use this button to move this webcam up.
Exercise 9.Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following A. below B. down C. under D. above
Exercise 11. Fill in each blank with a preposition of place at, in or on.
1. We hold video conferences monthly.
1. They were _____ home yesterday.
A. webcams B. meetings C. messages D. connections
2. Her café is _____ the end of the street.
2. The 4G standard is designed to offer high-speed access.
3. Can you see the green hat _____ that shelf?
A. slow B. fast C. weak D. strong
4. Mary lives _____ Ho Chi Minh City.
3. If you don’t see the picture clearly, you can use this button to zoom in on it.
5. I often surf the Internet when I’m _____ the bus.
A. enlarge B. reduce C. shrink D. watch
6. My family was _____ Canada last summer.
4. She isn’t your girlfriend. You’re kidding!
7. Turn right and the supermarket is _____ the left.
A. happy B. serious C. playing D. joking
8. All the stories ______ the book are very interesting.
5. She can’t reply to messages instantly because she types text very slowly.
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9. She was ______ the airport one hour ago. 2. I'll see you _____ lunch time.
10. He works ______ 58 Hai Ba Trung street. 3. Pisa is famous _____ its Leaning Tower.
11. The competition starts ______ 8 o’clock. 4. We' not keen _____ visiting all the churches in the city.
12. He is sending a voice message _____ the moment. 5. I'm sorry _____ being so late.
13. My father worked here _____ the 1990s. 6. Brighton is on the south coast _____ England.
14. Is her birthday _____ July 20th? 7. She was surprised _____ how cheap the clothes are.
15. Was the old temple built _____ the 19th century? 8. Is he aware _____ how long we will have to stay here ?
16. John was born _____ 2008. 9. We were really impressed ______ the guided tour.
17. Children always get lucky money _____ Tet. 10. This carnival is similar _____ the one in Rio every year.
18. I will finish the project _____ two weeks. Exercise 14. Read the text and fill in each blank with a correct preposition.
19. Nam and Phong are reading in the library _____ present. (1) _____ Sunday morning, we went (2) _____Ha Noi Zoo because (3)_____ the moment we are doing a
20. We have a video conference _____the first day of the month. project on zoos at school, and we thought we should go to one and do some research on the spot. When we
Exercise 12.Circle the correct preposition in brackets. got home, we looked up some information (4) _____the encyclopaedia and we found out that the first
1. Are you (at/ in) school now? public zoo (5) _____the world was opened (6) _____ Paris (7) _____ 1793. The next big zoowas opened (8)
2. The spaghetti is (for/ on) lunch. _____ 1892 in Regent's Park (9) _____London. In Viet Nam, thereare now more than ten zoos. At Vinpearl
3. She can’t soak (in/ under) the water for too long. Zoo, in Nha Trang, animals (10) _____ manyparts of the world thrive.
4. He came and sat (between/ next to) me. Exercise 15.Write the correct possessive pronouns in the blanks.
5. Is her house (between/ behind) Van Lang University? 1. This tablet is _______. (I)
6. She twirled around (under/ in front of) the mirror. 2. That house is _______. (we)
7. We often play basketball (at/ in) break time. 3. The blue bike is _______. (he)
8. I think smart phones will change (on/ in) ten years. 4. I have a doll. These clothes are _______. (it)
9. My room is (behind/ between) Lan’s and Mai’s. 5. That car over there isn’t _______. (she)
10. Can you find that small village (on/ at) the map? 6. The villa by the sea is _______. (they)
Exercise. Underline the correct prepositions in the following sentences. 7. She is a friend of _______. (I)
1. The first laptop created by Adam Osborne hit shelves (in/on/by) April 1981. 8. Is the boy wearing the pink shirt a cousin of _______? (you)
2. We went on a holiday (in/on/for) 5 days last month. 9. My phone is smarter than _______. (she)
3. In Thailand, people drive (at/on/to) the left. 10. Our school is small. _______ is big. (they)
4. Will people no longer use landline phones (by/for/in) the future? Exercise 16.Circle the correct option in brackets.
5. Hold (by/at/on). I’ll put you through to our HR department. 1. They are my friends, not (your / yours).
6. My shop closes (in/on/by) Sundays. 2. She has some clothes shops. This is one of (her / hers) shops.
7. My parents will be there (in/by/on) 10 p.m.
3. This guitar is not mine. It is (he / his).
8. They arrived at the airport (at/for/in) 9a.m.
4. Is that red car (their / theirs)?
9. (At/In/On) 2035, a phone might be as thin as a sheet of paper.
10. The new Iphone will be released (in/for/at) the end of this month. 5. (We / Ours) live in a flat near the city center.

Exercise 13.Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 6. Those bikes over there are (our / ours).

1. My parents got married _____ the 12th of August. 7. Ammy is a classmate of (my / mine).
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8. Mr Long is a colleague of (hers / their). 10. Don’t let this camera focus on ( ours/ our) foreheads.
9. (You / Yours) shouldn’t make noise here. Exercise 19. Give the correct forms of the verbs to complete sentences.
10. Mary gave (me / mine) a very beautiful scarf. 1. I think language barriers (disappear) _____________ in 30 years.
Exercise 17. Replace the underlined words or phrases with the correct possessive adjectives or possessive 2. Some people usually (take) _____________ a long time to respond to a message.
pronouns. 3. Learning English can help us overcome difficulties when( live) ______________.
11. Ms.Anderson’s daughter is my best friend. 4. By (use) ______________ social networks, people can keep in touch with others.
____________________ 5. What is people's top concern when it (come) ______________to messaging applications?
12. My motorbike is a Vespa while my sister’s is a Honda. 6. Developers of ConnectABC commit to (update) ______________ the application twice a month.
____________________ 7. I can't leave the classroom until my teacher (give) ______________ feedback
13. Is this laptop your laptop? 8. My aunt found it difficult (teach) _____________ 50 students online.
____________________ 9. Emoji (become) ______________ integral to digital communication in the past few decades.
14. What are a video call’s advantages? 10. Robots can( listen) listen to people's problems and (give) _____________ them useful advice without
____________________ any complaints
15. There is something wrong with Tom’s smartwatch. Exercise 20. Write the correct form of the word in brackets.
____________________ 1. This buttoon is for ______________ the volume.(ADJUST)
16. My tablet has a low battery. Can you lend me your tablet? 2. I can’t hear you clearly because the _______________ signal is too weak. (TRANSMIT)
____________________ 3. If you want to make a group call, you must have a high-speed Internet ______________. (CONNECT)
17. Can this application read customer’s thoughts? 4. People can’t change words into a different language as fast as a ______________machine.
____________________ (TRANSLATE)
18. Two of Phuong and Minh’s relatives are working for Apple Inc. 5. I ______________ voice messages are more convenient than text messages. (THOUGHT)
____________________ 6. Calling with a webcam is one way to _______________with a person who is far from you.
19. I didn’t agree with my brother’s opinion about using devices in class. (COMMUNICATION)
____________________ 7. Sending text messages is a form of exchanging information by ______________text. (TYPE)
20. I think tranlator’s jobs will be affected when translation machines become popular. 8. One of the popular forms of _______________ today is probably videoconferences. (COMMUNICATE)
____________________ 9. He was in a bad mood at breakfast and wasn't very ______________. (COMMUNICATION)
Exercise 18. Underline the correct answers. 10. A simple conversation over the phone is the most masic example of the ______________ model.
1. My younger sister lost (she’s/ her) phone on the bus this morning. ( INTERACT)
2. The students are keeping ( their/ theirs) eyes on smartphones now. 11. Sorry for _______________, but my daughter is not home now. She’s gone to school. ( INTERRUPT)
3. I like learning online on (my/ mine) computer. 12. ______________ communication means conveying information without using words. ( VERBAL)
4. I sometimes send voice messages to (me/my) friends? 13. _______________ messaging is a type of online chat that lets you send and receive brief written
5. What’s ( you/ your) favorite social media application? messages in real time. ( INSTANTLY)
6. My camera is on the table. ( Your/ Yours) is on the shelf. 14. To communicate ______________ with others, we can use emojis. ( EFFECT)
7. Trang is a neighbour of (my/ mine) 15. Emojls help people communicate their emotions ______________regardless of the language they speak.
8. (He’s/ His) duty is to hold video conferences. (EFFECT)
9. Is (his/him) major English? 16. Using facial _______________ is a kind of nonverbal communication. ( EXPRESS)

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17. Online calls help us talk to people from ______________ places. ( DISTANCE) 15. Hers students were happy when they had an online class with her.
Exercise 21. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. A B C D
1. In the future, we’ll be wearing a tiny device to catch our thoughts and send it to other people. 16. Online calls allow us to talk to people from distance places.

2. Voice messages is more convenient than text messages because you don’t have to type.

3. People working in the technology areas have start researching for an integrated device. Exercise 1 .Listen and choose the correct answer for each question below.
A B C D 1. What can the computer glassess do?
4. The application of augmented reality allows us to see a person’s informations without talking. A. play games B. translate C. find information, get directions
2. What will you be able to do with a 3D browser?
A. smell, touch and interact with web pages.
5. Cell phones are such important that some people become worried if they forget to bring their phones B. touch, eat, and interact physically with web pages.
C. see, touch and interact physically with web pages.
3. Where will you see the holograms?
A. in front of you B. through the internet C. through webcams
6. Don’t worry if you have some difficulty to communicating with foreigners. 4. How will we make a phone call in 20 or 30 years?
A B C D A. by singing B. by thingking C. by dancing
7. Because of language barrier, they decided using body language to communicate. Exercise 2.Listen and complete each missing information with a word from the listening.
A B C D One way we might see communication change in the future is through augmented reality. This could
take the form of a smartphone or a set of augmented-reality glasses.
8. It is impossible to count all the stars on the Milky Way.
The classic example of augmented reality is the restaurant (1) __________. You could stand in front of a
A B C D restaurant and through an augmented-reality system, read customer reviews or view the daily specials
9. Where will people be living within 100 years’ time? without ever walking inside. This (2) __________ might go to people as well. Imagine looking at a stranger
and seeing that person’s name, Facebook profile, and other information. In both examples, no conversation
is necessary. Such systems are already in (3) __________, and they will certainly raise concerns about
10. One of mine friends enjoys skiing at the weekends. privacy and safety.
A B C D Language barriers are disappearing as well. For example, a group of tourists travel in a country whose
language they don’t know. They can speak in their language on the phone, and the application they have
11. I don’t have any iPods. This iPod is her.
(4) __________ on the phone will translate what they said into that language. Such application allows
A B C D people from different countries and cultures to (5) __________ without the need for an interpreteror
12. We need a high-speedy Internet connection to make a video conference. translator anymore.

A B C D Exercise 3. Listen and fill in the missing words.

13. People spend a lot of time sitting in front the computer everyday. How do young people communicate today?
A B C D Nowadays, teenagers seem to communicate with their peers more on electronic devices than in (1)
14. Let’s get ready for an online meeting in 9 p.m. __________. They chat with their friends using messaging applications and (2) ____________________. They
A B C D chat about almost everything, from homework and games to music trends. Their conversations tend to be
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short but can last for (3) __________. Many teenagers prefer this way of communicating to talking (4)
_____________. They say that it is more (5) __________, and they can do many things while chatting. They Exercise 1.Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
may be exchanging (6) _______________ with several friends and playing their favorite games at the same following exchanges.
time. 1. "I think we should open new branches in Europe." "_____________"
A. Sorry to overhear you talking about opening new shops.
Exercise 4. Listen and fill in the missing words. B. Sorry for interrupting, but are you talking about opening new branches?
C. I couldn't help overhearing you talking about opening new branches.
FUTURE COMMUNICATION D. Can you tell me about opening new shops?
One way we might see communication (1) __________ in the future is through augmented reality (AR). 2. "The flood last night destroyed my grandparents' house and damaged all of theircrops. And..."
In an augmented-reality System, you view the world through a technological overlay. This could take the
" _________ "
form of a hand-held device like a (2) __________ - there are several augmented-reality applications already
A. I'm certain about it. It was really a great flood.
available for some phones. Another possible application is through a set of augmented-reality glasses. In
B. Hold on. How can you get the news?
either case, you can view the world around you and see real-time digital information about what you’re
C. Hold on. Are they safe?
viewing. D. That's very good news.
Then there’s video (3) ___________. While the technology has existed for years, video calls aren’t 3. "We should meet outside the hall at 7 o'clock tonight and ..."
popular. It might be because the hardware hasn’t been compelling or cost-effective (4) __________. But now
" _______,but I think we should be there at 8 o'clock because the meeting starts at half past eight."
webcams are starting to appear on televisions and are Standard on many laptops. Are we about to enter an
A. Sorry for interrupting C. Please let me finish
era of video conferencing? In the distant future, we may be able to communicate by sending our thoughts
B. Sorry for disturbing D. No problem, go ahead
through a network (5) __________ into someone else’s brain. We’re decades away from such technology,
4. "First, heat some olive oil in a pan and fry the onion and bacon. Then,..."
but scientists are working on creating brain-computer interfaces that allow people to transmit thoughts
" _________ "
directly to a Computer. Perhaps 50 years from now we’ll all use an electronic version of (6) __________.
A. Excuse me! I didn't see you there.
- augmented reality (n): (công nghệ) thực tế áo tăng cường - overlay (n): lớp phủ
B. Hold on. Can you repeat that, please?

Exercise 5.Listen to the passage and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). C. Pardon? Can you spell that again, please?
D. Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.
True False 5. "The hospital in our district has refused to take in any more injured people."
The first text message was sent to engineer Neil Papworth in 1992. " _________ "
The first text message simply said “Merry Christmas”. A. That's shocking! C. How wonderful!
Today SMS is a widely used form of communication. B. That's a relief. D. Wow!
Around nine billion text messages are sent worldwide every year. Exercise 2.Rearrange the following sentences to make a conversation.
An average US teen supposedly sends more than 60 text messages a day. A. I suppose you are right. Still, it's cheap and effective. We can know straight away how many people
The texting acronym “LOL” is in the dictionary as “Lots of Love”. have seen our post and if they like it.
B. Well, I suppose the key is you shouldn't use social media as your only means of communication.
C. it is great, isn't it? One benefit is that it helps us share news quickly. Posts on social media can be read
SPEAKING by all your friends and family.

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D. You've got a point. One drawback is that people are losing their face-to-face communication skills. Sara: So, these are the themes we will be concentrating on for thisprogram.
E. That's true but it makes us lazy. Lots of people post on social media instead of calling or messaging Linda: __________ but can you provide mewith more information about the program?
people directly. A. Great news for you
B. I can’t believe it
F. What do you think of social media?
C. Sorry for interrupting
1._________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6. _________ D. I’m sorry to have to say this,
Exercise 3. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of
the following exchanges. Rim: It was such a frightening experience.
1. -Alice: First, let’s meet Linh and Tim, who will... Brain: __________ I’m so lucky to be a live.
- Minh: ________ but my name’s Minh, not Linh. A. Yes, indeed.
A. Hi everybody, B. You don’t get it right, B. Congratulations!
C. Sorry for interrupting, D. It’s not correct, C. I regret to interrupt you.
2. - Lan: I think when translation machines become popular, translators will lose their jobs. D. I’m glad to hear that.
-Anne: ________ Are translation machines work similarly as googletranslation app? 4.
A. Certainly. B. Good idea. C. Hold on. D. They will.
Peter: Have they found a cure against this lethal virus?
3. - Nick: In the future, we’ll use telepathy for personal communication.
Anthony:__________ But people say so.
- Nam: ________ Can you repeat that, please?
A. Oh, my god!
A. Hold on. B. No, we don’t. C. Sure! D. I don’t like that.
B. I don’t know for sure.
4. - Tom: ________
C. I think we should meet at 9 o’clock.
- Nam: Sorry for interrupting, but the speaker’s from the Language Club, not theTechnology one.
D. May I interrupt for a second?
A. Let’s meet our speaker, Mr Lee.
B. We’ll have a discussion with Mr Lee from the Technology Club about....
C. This is an introduction of the different clubs in our school. Exercise 5. Put the phrases into correct place to complete the dialogue.
D. Is that man Mr Lee, Nam?
A. video conferencing and video chatting
5. - Minh: ________
B. a mix of new technologies and improved versions of what we already have
- Tom: Hold on. Did you say in 2040?
A. What do you think about the future of communication? C. emails and texts
B. Hand phones will be out-of-date. D. Social media platforms
C. What brings about changes in communication? E. communicating with our minds
D. In 2040, we’ll no longer use hand phones for communication. A: Have you ever wondered how communication might change in the future?
B: Absolutely, with advancing technology, I can only imagine.
Exercise 4.Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogues.
A: I've heard about the potential of telepathy becoming a thing.
B: Have you ever heard about telepathy? It is like (1) _____
Jane: Are you sure I have passed the French exam? A: Yes, exactly. Scientists are exploring brain-computer interfaces that could allow us to transmit thoughts
Hoa: __________ I’ve just heard it from ourteacher. directly.
A. I’m sorry to hear that.
B: That sounds fascinating. What about more immediate changes?
B. I’m absolutely sure.
A: Well, (2) _____are likely to become even more realistic. It might feel like we're actually in the same room.
C. I’m not certain.
D. Wow, that’s great! B: But what about written communication? Will we still send (3) _____?

2. A: Maybe, but voice commands and even Al-generated responses could play a bigger role.
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B: That would certainly speed things up. And what about social media? Will that change too?
A: Definitely. (4) _____ might integrate more closely with our daily lives, becoming even more personalized
Exercise 1.Fill in each blank with a suitable word.
and interactive.
Artificial intelligence will become even more powerful (1) ________ the next 10 years and will play a
B: So, communication in the future will be (5) _____.
very important role in our communication technology. If Al is already a key feature in current
A: Exactly. The key is to adapt to these changes while maintaining meaningful connections.
smartphones, in areas such as voice assistants, augmented reality, real-time language translation, etc. future
devices will be even smarter. The artificial intelligence of the future could make more complex and human-
Exercise 6. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.
like decisions. It could (2) ________ the hub of a suite of smart devices suchas entertainment, connected cars
Sorry should students How have interupting or home automation, able to make restaurant (3) ________ for you, recommend new experiences, read the
kids a bedtime story, manage your schedule and organise your purchases. In the not too distant future,
Tony: Where do you want to (1) __________ dinner tomorrow? artificial intelligence could even understand our emotions. Huawei is already working on that. Your device
Lisa: I don’t know, how about... could act (4) _________a psychologist: it will cheer you up if you feelsad and advise you if you feel
Stranger: Sorry for (2) __________. Does this bus go to the shopping mall? overwhelmed. It could even (5) ________ your friend or confidant.
Lisa: Yes. Exercise 2. Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
Tony: So, (3) __________we have fast food? There are a wide range of ways in which we communicate. Here are some major ways of
Stranger: (4) __________ to bother you again. communication. Spoken or (1)_____communication, which includes face-to-face or telephone
Lisa: No problem. (5) __________can we help you? conversations, news and stories on the radio or television.
Stranger: What’s the bus fare for (6) __________? Non-verbal communication, which covers (2)_______language, how we dressor act, where we stand,
Eercise 7.Complete the dialogues with the sentences from the box. and even our scent. There are many subtle ways that we communicate (sometimes unintentionally) with
1. others. For example, the tone of voice can give clues to mood or emotional state (3) ________ hand signals
A. Yes, you can leave.
or facial gesturescan munication, which includes letters, emails, social media, books, (4) _______, the
B. Looking forward to working on the project.
Internet and other media. Until recently, several writers and publishers were very powerful when it came
C. I’m sorry to interrupt but I have to leave the meeting early.
to communicating the written word. Today, we can all write and publish our ideas online, which has led to
Mary: I hope the points were clear to all the members. We will assignthe topics next month. an explosion of information and communication possibilities.Visualisations, which (5) ________ graphs,
Lisa: (1) – _____ I hope all the crucialtopics are covered.
charts, maps, logos, pictures, and manyother visual objects to communicate messages.
Mary: (2) – _____
Lisa: Thank you. (3) – _____ 1. A. written B. verbal C. physical D. visual
2. 2. A. spoken B. foreign C. sign D. body
D. I’d love to chat, but I have to catch my bus. 3. A. while B. so C. during D. when
E. I have to tell you about the dance. 4. A. talks B. paintings C. recordings D. magazines
F. I’m afraid I can’t talk right now. 5. A. draws B. affects C. uses D. communicates
Mike: Amy, there you are! (4) – _____ .You’ll never believe... Exercise 3.Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
Amy: (5) – _____ each of the questions.
Mike: I just have to tell you one... About 10 years ago, no one could (1) _________ how much smartphones wouldevolve in a decade.
Amy: (6) – _____ However, smartphone technology (2) _________ accelerated somuch that the first smartphones now seem
primitive. Mobile phones have become an extension of (3) _________ , and have changed our lives forever.
80% of the world'spopulation has a cell phone and over a billion of these are smartphones. We look (4)
_________ our phones an average of 150 times a day, and some people becomeextremely anxious if they
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forget to bring their phone with them. (5) _________ the paceof development seems to have slowed 3. A. due to B. because C. because of D. so
recently, smartphones will continue to evolve. Some predict they will become (6) _________ remote controls 4. A. known B. well-known C. unknown D. unpopular
for our lives while othersthink that they could disappear into wearable devices such as glasses or watches. 5. A. conversations B. meetings C. letters D. users
Screens are also expected to get brighter and fold in different ways. Exercise 7. Choose the word of phrase among A,B,C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
1. A. imagine B. think C. consider D. achieving passage.
2. A. is B. has C. have D. are Telepathy: Mind to Mind Communication
3. A. ours B. our C. us D. ourselves The (1) _________ “ telepathy” has been derived from the words “tele” meaning “ distance” and “
4. A. out B. into C. at D. for pathy” meaning “feeling”. So telepathy actually means (2)__________ feelings through a distance.
5. A. Although B. When C. However D. Therefore Telepathy is the communication (3) __________ two minds, (4) ___________ over a distance, without the (5)
6. A. similar B. as C. like D. same _________ of the five known senses.
At some point of time or the other, we all have (6) _________ telepathy. Maybe you were thinking of
Exercise 5.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that someone you haven’t talked to for minths and you suddenly get a call from them. Or (7) ___________ two
best fits each of the numbered blank. people are together; they might say same thing at the same time. These are spontaneous mind-to-mind (8)
I’m Linh and now I (1) ________ at a high school in the United States.My biggest challenge in the __________ that tend to occur frequently between closely related individuals.
United States is the language (2) ________ I(3) ________ English for five years but I still face difficulties in 1. A. word B. phrase C. letter D. signal
communication.For all the time, I feel nervous to understand what other people were saying and why they 2. A. holding B. getting C. bringing D. carrying
were laughing. (4) ________ I go to see an American movie, I still can’t understand the actors. Maybe 3. A. through B. among C. between D. across
because spoken English has a lot of idioms and communication (5)________ may happen due to cultural 4. A. separate B. be separated C. separating D. separated
5. A. using B. use C. take D. taking
1. A. will be studying B. study C. am studying D. studies 6. A. experienced B. brought C. made D. taken
2. A. difficulties B. world C. barrier D. communication
7. A. where B. during C. when D. since
3. A. studied B. studies C. study D. have studied
8. A. ways B. methods C. techiques D. communications
4. A. When B. Why C. Who D. Which
5. A. interaction B. distance C. barrier D. breakdown Exercise 8.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Exercise 6.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or
Nowadays, Facebook is the most popular (1) ________ media which helpsus to connect people. Not only
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
adults but also teenagers (2)________ usingFacebook. There are many (3) ________ to communicate on
E-mail, and chat rooms let children communicate (1) ________ friends and familymembers. They can also
Facebook. You can post messages to the public or to your friends. If you want a private conversation, you
allow children to connect with people that they have never met in person. Knowing a little about each of
these communication services can help parents keep children safer while online. Through e-mail, (2) can (4) ________ a direct message to a friend and start (5) ________ Ifyou want to meet new people with
________ can easily send and receive messages. These messages may also have text, audio, andpicture files same interests, you can join in Facebook groups or Facebook pages.
attached. Signing up for an e-mail account is simple (3) ________ most services offer them for free. 1. A. social B. society C. sociable D. socialize
Sometimes these messages contain viruses, or other inappropriate content, so parents should warn children 2. A. will B. is C. are D. were
to be wary of e-mails from (4) ________ people. Chat rooms are online hang-out spots where anyonecan
3. A. areas B. ways C. kinds D. forms
talk about anything - current events, books, and other common interests. Users often do not know each
4. A. receive B. get C. take D. send
other in real life, so it is important that parents keep a close eye on the content of any (5) ________
5. A. chatted B. chat C. to chatting D. chatting
1. A. to B. with C. for D. through
2. A. receivers B. messengers C. users D. partners
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Exercise 9. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. 1. Email and chat rooms let children __________.
Nobody can deny that technology development has done a lot to make our lives much better. A. communicate with only friends
However, there are some questions that worry us: will technology replace us in personal communication? B. communicate with friends and family members
What if humans no longer feel the need to communicate in person? C. communicate with people that they have never met in person
Nowadays, with just one click, we can communicate with anyone, from anywhere through emails, D. Both B & C
video calls, messages, and other social media. It’s quick and convenient. No trouble for dressing up or 2. Children will be safer while online if __________.
travelling for a personal meeting. We might become addicted to having conversations online instead of in A. they know how to use email and chat rooms
person. B. they don’t know how to use email and chat rooms
What if emojis become the only way we express our emotions? C. their parents know a little about email and chat rooms
There are various emojis that we can now use with an email or message to express our different D. their parents don’t know anything about email and chat rooms
emotions: a smiley or crying face, a winked eye, or an o-shaped mouth. The emojis are still increasing in 3. Users can easily send and receive messages __________.
number. We might no longer need facial expressions because the emojis do it for us, and the person in the A. through email
chat box gets it from us. B. through phone
The future is perhaps for our generation to decide. C. through video call
1. We are worried that technology will ________ humans in personal communication. D. Through face to face conversation
6. harm B. replace C. change D. laugh at 4. Signing up for an email account is __________.
2. Communicating with people has become ________. A. simple because it is offered for free by most services
A. expensive B. emotional C. troublesome D. easy B. simple because it has text, audio, and picture files attached
3. The number of emojis is ________. C. complex because it contains viruses
A. big B. limited C. small D. unknown D. complex because it has inappropriate content
4. In future ‘conversations’, it’s ________ that we no longer need facial expressions. 5. Parents should warn children __________.
A. amusing B. certain C. possible D. for sure A. to be cautious about emails from known people
5. This passage is concerned ________ in personal communication. B. to be cautious about emails from unknown people
A. how we will use emojis C. technology will participate C. not to be wary of emails from known people
B. if dressing up is necessary D. if technology will replace humans D. not to be wary of emails from unknown people
Exercise 10.Read the passage and choose the correct answer to complete the sentences. 6. For chat rooms, users __________.
Email and chat rooms let children communicate with friends and family members. They can also allow A. often go shopping together
children to connect with people that they have never met in person. Knowing a little about each of these B. often talk to each other in real life
communication services can help parents keep children safer while online. C. often do not know each other in real life
Through email, users can easily send and receive messages. These messages may also have text, audio, D. often know each other in real life
and picture files attached. Signing up for an email account is simple because most services offer them for Exercise 11.Read the passage and tick True or False.
free. Sometimes these messages contain viruses, or other inappropriate content, so parents should warn The twenty-first century is known as the age of Information Technology. IT has evolved tremendously
children to be wary of emails from unknown people. in recent decades and has revolutionized the way humans connect and work. Everything from computers
Chat rooms are online hang-out spots where anyone can talk about anything - current events, books, and the Internet to e-commerce and cellphones are the results of information technology. Advancements in
and other common interests. Users often do not know each other in real life, so it is important that parents technology and better information systems provide lots of possibilities in communication and connectivity.
keep a close eye on the content of any conversations. After the invention of the computer and the Internet, the world has changed a lot. Just a press of a button or
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a swipe can get you many things that you want. You can talk to those living miles away or see people in Exercise 13.Read the passage and answer the questions.
different countries through video conferencing. You can even buy groceries and food from websites, just by Feedback is the essential part of communication. Without it, the communication process becomes
sitting at home. Sharing knowledge and gathering information has become much easier, faster, cheaper, incomplete. Feedback is the response of a receiver to a message they get from the sender. The form of
and enjoyable. All these are the greatest advantage of IT and it had made the world a better place to live in. feedback varies with the way of communication. Sometimes feedback could be non-verbal like a smile,
sigh, or facial gesture. This kind of feedback is immediate and direct. It often appears during a face-to-
True False face conversation. Most of the time, feedback is verbal. Verbal feedback can be oral as when you react to
1. The twenty-first century is the age of IT.   a colleague’s talk with questions or comments, or it can be written when you reply to an e-mail or
2. IT is an acronym for Information Technology.   online message, or when you comment on a student's essay. Written feedback is less immediate.
3. IT doesn’t have any influences on the way humans connect and work.   Sometimes it may be delayed for days.
4. Through video conferencing, you can see the people who are talking to   When people send a message, they wait for feedback. Effective communicators pay close attention
you although they are very far from you. to feedback. They want to be sure that the message has got through to the right person and that the
5. It is not easy to share knowledge and gather information now.   receiver has understood the message as it is intended. They also want to know the receiver’s reaction to
6. Our world has become better because of IT.   what they share.
Exercise 12.Read the passage and tick T (True) or F (False). 1. How essential is feedback?
A poll, carried out by YouGov for children's charity Barnardo's, asked children and adults across  __________________________________________
Britain for their predictions on how young people will talk to each other in 30 years' time. Only 13% of 8 to
2. What form(s) is feedback?
18-year-old think young people will send letters and postcards to each other by the year 2049. Around one-  __________________________________________
third said they think holograms, and body and brain implants will be used. According to the poll, the most 3. Where can you see non-verbal feedback?
popular way of communicating will be by wearable technology.  __________________________________________
There are some worries about making sure that people are OK to use technology. Barnardo's wants
4. Who highly appreciates feedback?
more to be done to make sure that kids, in particular, are kept as safe as possible when they're using future  __________________________________________
tech and interacting with other people. The charity's Chief Executive, Javed Khan said: "The Internet and 5. What does This kind of feedback refer to?
new technologies have transformed how young people learn, play and communicate - but it's also created  __________________________________________
new risks to children's safety and wellbeing. Our laws and systems must keep pace with technological
change so we can protect children effectively on and offline."
(Adapted from
Exercise 1. Rewite the following sentences based on the given words in brackets.
1. The survey was conducted by YouGov for children's charity Barnardo's in 1. John is one of Sarah’s co-workers. (a)
Britain.  __________________________________________________________________
2. Only 13% of 8 to 18-year-old predict holograms, and body and brain 2. Sending voice messages is very convenient. (It)
implants will be used in everyday communication in 30 years'time.  __________________________________________________________________
3. According to the survey, wearable technology will be the most popular 3. You need to finish your report before Sunday. ( by)
way of communicating in the future.  __________________________________________________________________
4. Barnardo's is sure that children will be kept as safe as possible when 4. There is a webcam behind the computer screen. (front)
they're using future technology and interacting with other people.  __________________________________________________________________
5. Javed Khan thinks laws and systems must keep pace with technological 5. Many teenagers like to meet on social networks rather than face to face. ( prefer)
change in order to protect children effectively on and offline.  __________________________________________________________________

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6. Can I borrow one of your tablets? (yours) 13. My parents’ shop sells diary products. Her shop sells food and vegetables.
 __________________________________________________________________  My parents’ shop __________________________________.
7. We often use Messenger on Facebook to make group calls. It’s so convenient. (us)
14. Ms. Hong is one of my friends.
 __________________________________________________________________
8. Who does this portable speaker belong to ? ( whose)  Ms. Hong is a _____________________________________.
 __________________________________________________________________ 15. The dreams of the child belong to the world of imagination.
9. The Internet connection is slow here, so we can’t get in the chat room. ( Because)  The child __________________________________________.
 __________________________________________________________________
16. Maria is one of our specialists.
10. These are my contact lenses. (mine)
 __________________________________________________________________  Maria is __________________________________________.

Exercise 2.Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence, using double 17. A friend of mine has signed a new trade agreement.
possession with of.  One of ____________________________________________.
1. Tom is one of my classmates. 18. Tom stood behind me in a line to get on the bus.
 Tom is ___________________________________________.  I stood _______________________________________ .
2. This is one of their luggages.
19. There's a school across from our house.
 This is a __________________________________________.
 There is _______________________________________ .
3. That is one of his pets.
 That is a __________________________________________. 20. Can I borrow one of your smartphones, Daddy?
4. He is one of our good players.  Can I borrow ______________________________________.
 He is a ___________________________________________. Exercise 3. Write sentences with the cues given.
5. The girl who won the first is one of her students. 1. you / can use / button / move the webcam / up and down / and / this / zoom in and out.
 The girl who won the first is _________________________. _______________________________________________________________________________.
6. Can I use one of your pens? 2. I think / personal communication / change a lot / near future: / faster and smarter.
 Can I use _________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________________________.
7. Dung and Trang are two of their daughters. 3. We / now highly dependent / devices / like / smartphones, tablets, / laptops.
 Dung and Trang are ________________________________. _______________________________________________________________________________.
8. Last Sunday, Phong went swimming with one of his cousins. 4. Advances / communication technology / make people / worry / privacy and safety.
 Last Sunday, Phong went swimming _________________. _______________________________________________________________________________.
9. Two of my drawings won prizes in the last competition. 5. By 2030, / folding phones / make up / about ten per cent / all smartphone sales.
 ______________________won prizes in the last competition. _______________________________________________________________________________.
10. One of his children is studying abroad. 6. We / won’t be using / landline telephones / 2030/.
 ____________________is studying abroad. _______________________________________________________________________________.
11. The garden that belongs to the Smith family is blooming. 7. Some people / prefer / work online / face to face /.
 The Smith ________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________________________.
12. The laptop that belongs to Alice was left on the table. 8. Use / body language / be / effective way for communication /.
 Alice’s ____________________________________________. . ________________________________________________________________________________.
9. We / plan / use video chatting / keep in touch / our family /.
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________________________________________________________________________________. A. Cultural differences can seen in conversations between people to differentcountries.
10. Nam / think / cyberworld / replace / real world / future /. B. Cultural differences can seen in conversations between people on differentcountries.
________________________________________________________________________________. C. Cultural differences can be seen in conversations between people from different countries.
11. Video-conference technology / will help us / interact / real time / completely different places /.
D. Cultural differences can be seen in conversations between people for different countries.
3. Learn/ English/ help/ him/ get over/ the/ language barriers
12. Today/ parents/ talk/ their children/ work/ via emails/ instant messages.
A. Learn English helps him get over the language barriers.
B. Learning English helps him get over the language barriers.
Exercise 4.Reorder the words and phrases to make complete sentences.
1. translation machines / translate / fast / We / can’t / as / as /. C. To learn English helps him get over the language barriers.
________________________________________________________________________________. D. Learnt English helps him get over the language barriers
2. communicating / be / People / will / fifty years / by / in / thought /. 4. Have/ Tom and Mary/ ever/ attend/ video conference?
________________________________________________________________________________. A. Have Tom and Mary ever attended a video conference?
3. year / we / be / to / using / in / music / communicate / the / 2080 / Will/? B. Have Tom and Mary ever attending a video conference?
C. Have Tom and Mary ever attend a video conference?
4. need / You / netiquette / to/ learn / you / communicate / when / online /.
D. Have Tom and Mary ever attends a video conference?
5. Thanks/ social networks, we/ can/ connect/ each other/ easily.
5. telepathy devices / might / take / of / Bad people / to / advantage / someone else / control.
________________________________________________________________________________. A. Thanks social networks, we can connect to each other easily.
6. learn / won’t / need / to / different / communicate / languages / We / to / if / use / telepathy / we /. B. Thanks social networks, we can to connect to each other easily.
________________________________________________________________________________. C. Thanks to social networks, we can to connect to each other easily.
7. communicate / We / by / with / can / social networks / friends /. D. Thanks to social networks, we can connect to each other easily.
________________________________________________________________________________. 6. Telepathy / ability / communicate / information / use / your mind.
8. their feelings/ to express/ add/ to/ amojis/ their messages/ Lots of people
A. Telepathy is the ability to communicate information using your mind.
B. Telepathy is the ability of communicate information of using your mind.
9. will/ Do/ a lot/ you/ in/ change/ smartphones/ think that/ the near future?
C. Telepathy is the ability in communicate information to using your mind.
10. like/ social networks/ to meet/ on/ than face to face/ rather/ Some teenagers D. Telepathy is the ability to communicate information with using your mind.
________________________________________________________________________________. Exercise 6. Write a paragraph (80 -100 words) about a way of communication that you often use.
Exercise 5. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete each sentence with given words. _______________________________________________________________________________________
1. She/ make/ friends/ foreigner/ in/ chat room. _______________________________________________________________________________________
A. She made friends with a foreigner in a chat room. _______________________________________________________________________________________
B. She is making friends with foreigner in a chat room. _______________________________________________________________________________________
C. She was made friends with a foreigner in a chat room. _______________________________________________________________________________________
D. She has made friends with foreigner in a chat room.
2. Cultural differences/ can/ seen/ in/ conversations/ between/ people/ differentcountries.
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------ THE END ------

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24. carrier pigeon /ˈkæriər ˈpɪdʒən/ bồ câu đưa thư
25. telephone (n) /ˈtelɪfəʊn/ điện thoại
UNIT 10:
26. mobile phone (n) /ˌməʊbaɪl ˈfəʊn/ điện thoại di động
27. smart phone (n) /smɑːrt fəʊn/ điện thoại thông minh
28. smartwatch (n) /ˈsmɑːrt.wɑːtʃ/ đồng hồ thông minh
29. network (n) /ˈnetwɜːk/ mạng
30. social network /ˌsəʊʃəl ˈnetwɜːk/ mạng xã hội
31. text (v,n) /tekst/ nhắn tin, văn bản
A. VOCABULARY 32. message (v,n) /ˈmesɪdʒ/ nhắn tin, tin nhắn
New words (Từ mới) 33. voice message /vɔɪs ˈmesɪdʒ/ tin nhắn thoại
34. text message /tekstˈmesɪdʒ/ tin nhắn văn bản
Word Type Pronunciation Meaning 35. emoji (n) /iˈməʊdʒi/ biểu tượng cảm xúc
1. communication (n) /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ sự giao tiếp 36. holography (n) /hɒlˈɒɡrəfi/ hình thức giao tiếp bằng ảnh không
2. communicate (v) /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ giao tiếp gian ba chiều
3. conference (n) /ˈkɒnfərəns/ hội nghị 37. telepathy (n) /təˈlep.ə.θi/ hình thức giao tiếp bằng ý nghĩ, thần
4. video conference /ˈvɪdiəʊˈkɒnfərəns/ hội nghị trực tuyến giao cách cảm
5. video call /ˈvɪdiəʊ kɔːl/ cuộc gọi video 38. translate (v) /trænzˈleɪt/ dịch
6. group call /ɡruːp kɔːl/ cuộc gọi nhóm 39. translation (n) /trænzˈleɪ.ʃən/ sự dịch, bài dịch
7. technology (n) /tekˈnɒlədʒi/ công nghệ 40. translator (n) /trænzˈleɪ.t̬ɚ/ người dịch
8. technology club /tekˈnɒlədʒi klʌb/ câu lạc bộ công nghệ 41. translation machine (n) /trænzˈleɪt/ məˈʃiːn/ máy dịch thuật
9. connect (v) /kəˈnekt/ kết nối 42. real (adj) /rɪəl/ thực, có thật
10. connection (n) /kəˈnekʃən/ sự kết nối 43. kid (v) /kɪd/ đùa, nói đùa
11. Internet connection /ˈɪntənet kəˈnekʃən/ kết nối mạng, kết nối Internet 44. instantly (adv) /ˈɪnstəntli/ theo hướng, về phía
12. via (pre) /ˈvaɪə/ qua, theo đường (gì) 45. private (adj) /ˈpraɪ.vət/ riêng tư, cá nhân
13. tablet (n) /ˈtæblət/ máy tính bảng 46. overcome (v) /ˌoʊ.vɚˈkʌm/ vượt qua
14. adjust (v) /əˈdʒʌst/ điều chỉnh 47. barrier (n) /ˈbæriər/ rào cản
15. adjustment (n) /əˈdʒʌstmənt/ sự điều chỉnh 48. language barrier / ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˈbæriər/ rào cản ngôn ngữ
16. webcam (n) /ˈwebkæm/ thiết bị ghi/ truyền hình ảnh 49. respond (v) /rɪˈspɑːnd/ trả lời
17. focus (v) /ˈfəʊkəs/ tập trung 50. express (v) /ɪkˈspres/ thể hiện, biểu hiện, bày tỏ
18. forehead (n) /ˈfɑː.rɪd/ cái trán 51. expression (n) /ɪkˈspreʃ.ən/ sự biệu hiện, thể hiện
19. button (n) /ˈbʌtən/ cái nút 52. face to face (adv) /ˌfeɪs.təˈfeɪs/ trực tiếp, mặt đối mặt
20. high-speed (adj) /ˌhaɪˈspiːd/ tốc độ cao 54. charge (v) /tʃɑːdʒ/ nạp, sạc (pin)
21. smoothly (adv) /ˈsmuːðli/ thông suốt 55. battery (n) /ˈbætəri/ pin, cục pin
22. exactly (adv) /ɪɡˈzæktli/ một cách chính xác 56. automatically (adv) /ˌɑː.t̬əˈmæt̬.ɪ.kəl.i/ tự động
23. carrier (n) /ˈkæriər/ người vận chuyển, hãng vận chuyển 57. interupt (v) /ˌɪn.t̬əˈrʌpt/ làm gián đoạn, ngắt lời

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58. effective (adj) /əˈfek.tɪv/ hiệu quả - Định nghĩa: Là những từ đi kèm trước các danh từ chỉ địa điểm, nơi chốn nhằm xác định vị trí của người
59. effectively (adv) /əˈfek.tɪ một cách hiệu quả hoặc sự vật đang được nhắc đến trong câu.
60. thought (n) /θɑːt/ ý nghĩ - Các giới từ chỉ nơi chốn thông dụng trong tiếng Anh bao gồm: in, on, at, between, behind, under, in front of,
61. tiny (adj) /ˈtaɪ.ni/ rất nhỏ, bé xíu next to, opposite, …
62. device (n) /dɪˈvaɪs/ thiết bị - Cách dùng giới từ chỉ nơi chốn
63. transmit (v) /trænzˈmɪt/ truyền, chuyển giao a. Giới từ in
64. transmission (n) /trænzˈmɪʃən/ sự truyền, quá trình truyền Giới từ in có nghĩa là ở trong, được dùng khi muốn miêu tả không gian rộng lớn, cụ thể là:
65. interact (v) /ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈækt/ tương tác - Quốcgia, thànhphố, vũtrụ.
66. account (n) /əˈkaʊnt/ tài khoản( ngân hàng, mạng xã hội) VÍ DỤ:
67. live (adj) /laɪv/ phát sóng, truyền hình trực tiếp in Viet Nam (ở Việt Nam)

68. advanced (adj) /ədˈvænst/ tiên tiến in Ho Chi Minh (ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)
in space (trong vũ trụ)
Structures (Cấu trúc)
- Văn phòng, tòa nhà.
No structures/ collocations/ idioms/ phrasal verb Meaning
1. communicate with sb giao tiếp với ai in the building (trong tòa nhà)
2. make a call/video call thực hiện cuộc gọi/ cuộc goi video in the office (trong văn phòng)
3. a piece of cake = be easy dễ dàng in the library(trong thư viện)
4. focus on tập trung vào - Vịtrí, phương hướng.
5. zoom in >< zoom out phóng to >< thu nhỏ VÍ DỤ:
6. be different from khác với in the middle (ở giữa)
7. regardless of bất kể in the north (ở phía Bắc)
8. to a certain extent đến một chừng mực nào đó in the south (ở phía Nam)
9. keep in touch with sb giữ liên lạc với ai b. Giới từ on
10. rely to hồi đáp, trả lời Giới từ on có nghĩa là ở trên, được dùng khi muốn miêu tả vị trí ở trên khi có sự tiếp xúc trên bề mặt. Cụ
11. show up = arrive đến, xuất hiện thể là:
12. take advantage of sth tận dụng - Trên bề mặt phẳng.
13. pay attention to sth chú ý vào điều gì VÍ DỤ:
14. get through = reach nối máy được, gọi được on the table (trên bàn)
on the wall (trên tường)
B. GRAMMAR: - Trên đường.
I. Prepositions ( Giới từ) VÍ DỤ:
- Định nghĩa: Giới từ là một từ hoặc cụm từ được sử dụng trước danh từ/ đại từ để chỉ nơi chốn, vị trí, thời on Hai Ba Trung street (trên đường Hai Bà Trưng)
gian/ cách thức. on Ton Duc Thang street (trên đường Tôn Đức Thắng)
- Giới từ đứng sau TO BE, trước DANH TỪ, sau ĐỘNG TỪ hoặc sau TÍNH TỪ. - Trên phương tiện giao thông (trừ car, taxi).
1. Prepositions of place (Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn) VÍ DỤ:
on the bus (trên xe buýt)

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on the plane (trên máy bay) VÍ DỤ:
- Chỉvịtrí. There is a cat behind the sofa.(Có một con mèo phía sau ghế sofa.)
VÍ DỤ: My sister is behind Tom.(Em gái tôi ở phía sau Tom.)
on the right (ở bên phải) g. Giới từ between
on the left (ở bên trái) Giới từ between có nghĩa là ở giữa, được dùng để miêu tả người hoặc vật ở giữa hai người hay vật còn lại.
c. Giới từ at VÍ DỤ:
Giớitừ at có nghĩa là ở, ở tại, được dùng trong các trường hợp sau: Quan sits between Nam and Phong. (Quân ngồi ở giữa Nam và Phong.)
- Chỉ địa điểm cụ thể, xác định. Our car is between the bus and the truck. (Xe hơi của chúng tôi ở giữa xe buýt và xe tải.)
VÍ DỤ: h. Giới từ next to
at the airport (ở sân bay) Giới từ next to có nghĩa là bên cạnh, kế bên được dùng để miêu tả người hoặc vật ở sát bên nhau.
at the cinema (ở rạp chiếu phim) VÍ DỤ:
- Chỉ nơi học tập, làm việc. John’s house is next to the park.(Nhà của John ở cạnh công viên.)
VÍ DỤ: My desk is next to the window.(Bàn học của tôi ở kế bên cửa sổ.)
at school (ở trường học) i. Giới từ opposite
at work (ở chỗ làm) Giới từ opposite có nghĩa là đối diện, được dùng để miêu tả người hoặc vật ở đối diện nhau.
- Chỉ số nhà. VÍ DỤ:
VÍ DỤ: Our company is opposite the bank. (Công ty của chúng tôi ở đối diện ngân hàng.)
at 72 Le Loi Street (ở số 72 đường Lê Lợi) The bookstore is opposite the school. (Hiệu sách ở đối diện trường học.)
at 395 Dien Bien Phu Street (ở số 395 đườngĐiệnBiênPhủ) 2. Giớitừchỉthờigian (Prepositions of time)
- Chỉvịtrí. - Định nghĩa: Là những từ được dùng trước danh từ chỉ thời gian để nói rõ về thời gian mà một sự việc
VÍ DỤ: hay hành động diễn ra. Các giới từ chỉ thời gian thông dụng trong tiếng Anh bao gồm: in, on, at, by,
at the centre (ở giữa) for,....
d. Giới từ under - Cách dùng giới từ chỉ thời gian
Giới từ under có nghĩa là ở dưới, được dùng để miêu tả vị trí bên dưới bề mặt của một cái gì đó. a. Giới từ at
VÍ DỤ: Giới từ at thường được dùng để chỉ thời gian trong các trường hợp sau đây:
under the table (ở dưới cái bàn) - At + giờ
at the tree (ở dưới cái cây) VÍ DỤ:
e. Giớitừ in front of at 6 o’clock (vào lúc 6 giờ)
Giới từ in front of có nghĩa là ở phía trước, được dùng để miêu tả người hoặc vật ở vị trí phía trước một at 7:30 a.m. (vào lúc 7 giờ 30 sáng)
người hoặc vật khác gần đó. at 2 p.m.(vào lúc 2 giờ chiều)
VÍ DỤ: - At + thời điểm trong ngày
He is standing in front of the store. (Anh ấy đang đứng trước cửa hàng.) VÍ DỤ:
The goat is in front of the horse. (Con dê ở phíatrước con ngựa.) at lunch time (vào giờ ăn trưa)
e. Giới từ behind at bedtime (vào giờ ngủ)
Giới từ behind có nghĩa là ở phía sau, được dùng để miêu tả người hoặc vật ở vị trí phía sau một người hoặc at midnight (vào nửa đêm)
vật khác. - At + một số dịp lễ (không có chữ Day)

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VÍ DỤ: in nineteenth century (vào thế kỉ thứ 19)
at Christmas (vào Giáng sinh) - In + các giai đoạn thời gian
at Easter (vào lễ Phục sinh) VÍ DỤ:
at Tet (vào lễ Tết) in the past (trong quá khứ)
- Trong một số cụm từ cố định in the future (trong tươnglai)
VÍ DỤ: in the Ice Age (trong kỉ Băng hà)
at the moment (ngay lúc này) c. Giới từ on
at the same time (cùng lúc đó) Giới từ on thường được dùng để chỉ thời gian trong các trường hợp sau đây:
at present (bây giờ) - On + các ngày trong tuần
Bản word phát hành từ VÍ DỤ:
b. Giới từ in on Monday (vào thứ Hai)
Giới từ in thường được dùng để chỉ thời gian trong các trường hợp sau đây: on Tuesday (vào thứ Ba)
- In + các buổi trong ngày on Saturday(vào thứ Bảy)
VÍ DỤ: - On + ngày + các buổi trong ngày
in the morning (vào buổ isáng) VÍ DỤ:
in the afternoon (vào buổi chiều) on Wednesday morning (vào sáng thứ Tư)
in the evening(vào buổi tối) on Thursday morning (vào sáng thứ Năm)
- In + khoảng thời gian on Sunday morning(vào sáng Chủ nhật)
VÍ DỤ: - On + ngày tháng hoặc ngày tháng năm cụ thể
in 2 minutes (trong 2 phút) VÍ DỤ:
in 3 days (trong 3 ngày) on February 6th (vào ngày 6 tháng 2)
in a week (trong một tuần) on the 2nd of June (vào ngày 2 tháng 6)
- In + tháng hoặc năm cụ thể on October 27th, 2012(vào ngày 27 tháng 10 năm 2012)
VÍ DỤ: - On + một số ngày lễ (có chữ Day)
in May (vào tháng 5) VÍ DỤ:
in September (vào tháng 9) on New Year’s Day (vào ngày đầu năm mới)
in 2020 (vào năm 2020) on Chrismas Day (vào ngày Giáng sinh)
- In + mùa on Independence Day (vào ngày Quốc khánh)
VÍ DỤ: - On + các ngày cụ thể, đặc biệt
in spring (vào mùa xuân) VÍ DỤ:
in autumn (vào mùa thu) on his birthday (vào ngày sinh nhật của anh ấy)
in winter (vào mùa đông) on our wedding day (vào ngày cưới của chúng tôi)
- In + các thập niên hoặc thế kỉ cụ thể on her graduation day(vào ngày ra trường của cô ấy)
VÍ DỤ: d. Giới từ by
in the 1980s (vào những năm 1980) Giới từ by đi với một thời gian xác định để diễn tả một sự việc diễn ra ngay đúng hoặc trước thời điểm đó.
in the nineties (vào thập niên 90) VÍ DỤ:

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by 4 p.m (vào lúc 4 giờ chiều) VÍ DỤ:
by this time (vào lúcnày) My bike is blue. Here is red. (Xe đạp của tôi màu xanh. Xe đạp của cô ấy màu đỏ.)
by night (vào ban đêm) Hers làm chủ ngữ
e. Giới từ for Those pink shoes are mine. (Đôi giày màu hồng đó là của tôi.)
Giới từ for đi với một khoảng thời gian để diễn tả một sự việc nào đó diễn ra trong bao lâu. mine làm tân ngữ
VÍ DỤ: - Dùng thay cho một tính từ sở hữu (possessive adjective) và danh từ đã nhắc ở phía trước.
for two hours (trong hai giờ) VÍ DỤ:
for five days (trong năm ngày) Your watch is cheap. His is expensive. (His = His watch) ( Đồng hồ của bạn thì rẻ. Đồng hồ của anh ấy thì đắt.)
for three years (trong ba năm) Our house is small. Theirs is large. (Theirs = Their house) (Nhà của chúng tôi thì nhỏ. Nhà của họ thì rộng.)
II.Đại từ sở hữu (Possessive pronouns) - Dùng sau of trong dạng câu sở hữu kép.
1. Đại từ sở hữu là gì? VÍ DỤ:
Đại từ sở hữu là những từ được sử dụng để diễn tả sự sở hữu và luôn đứng một mình mà không cần danh Sarah is a good friend of theirs. (Sarah là một người bạn tốt của họ.)
từ theo sau. Trong tiếng Anh có các đại từ sở hữu sau đây: It was not fault of yours. (Đó không phải là lỗi của bạn.)
a. mine (của tôi) 3. Bảng tương ứng giữa đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ sở hữu và đại từ sở hữu
VÍ DỤ: Personal pronouns Possessive Possessive
That pencil is mine. (Cây bút chì đó là của tôi.) (Đại từ nhân xưng) adjectives (Tính từ pronouns ( Đại từ
b. yours (của bạn) Subject (Chủ ngữ) Object ( Tân ngữ) sở hữu) sở hữu)
VÍ DỤ: I Me My Mine
This cake is yours. (Cái bánh này là của bạn.) We Us Our Ours
c. his (của anh ấy) You You Your Yours
VÍ DỤ: You You Your Yours
The car over there is his. (Chiếc xe hơi đằng kia là của anh ấy.) He Him His His
d. hers (của cô ấy) She Her Her Hers
VÍ DỤ: It It Its Its
The yellow hat is hers. (Cái nón màu vàng là của cô ấy.) They Them Their Theirs
e. ours (của chúng tôi)
This house is ours. (Ngôi nhà này là của chúng tôi.) Uses
f. theirs (của họ) Possessive adjectives ( Tính từ sở hữu) Possessive pronouns ( Đại từ sở hữu)
VÍ DỤ: Luôn đi kèm theo sau là danh từ/ cụm danh từ. Đứng một mình
That villa is theirs. (Căn biệt thự kia là của họ.)
Làm chủ ngữ/ tân ngữ Làm chủ ngữ/ tân ngữ
g. its (của nó)
Khi chia động từ không chia theo tính từ sở Dùng để thay thế cho các danh từ đã được
hữu, chia theo danh từ phía sau. nhắc đến.
I have a cat. This ball is its. (Tôi có một con mèo. Trái banh này là của nó.)
Ex: This is my house Ex: This is my house. That is yours.
2. Cách dùng đại từ sở hữu
- Dùng làm chủ ngữ (đứng ở đầu câu) hoặc làm tân ngữ (đứng cuối câu)

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C. PHONICS: 3. A. multimedia B. landline C. video D. communicate
- Stress in words ending in –ese and –ee (trọng âm của các từ chứa đuôi –ese và –ee ) 4. A. conference B. nonverbal C. social D. body
 Danh từ kết thúc bằng – ese ( chỉ ngôn ngữ, quốc tịch) thì luôn được nhấn trọng âm vào chính nó 5. A. cultural B. music C. fuel D. communicative
Vietna’mese 6. A. custom B. museum C. computer D. community
 Danh từ kết thúc bằng – ee ( chỉ người, nghề nghiệp) thì luôn được nhấn trọng âm vào chính nó. 7. A. language B. cultural C. interact D. landline
Refu’gee 8. A. multimedia B. landline C. video D. communicate
D. PRACTICE 9. A. communicative B. cultural C. music D. fuel
10. A. multimedia B. cultural C. chat D. smart
11. A. cyber B. typhoon C. dry D. funny
12. A. conference B. nonverbal C. coffee D. body
13. A. telepathy B. conference C. interact D. verbal
Exercise 1.Write the words ending in -al below in the correct group of stress.
14. A. conference B. computer C. connection D. communicate
Chinese Lebanese Congolese Japanese Portuguese
15. A. game B. table C. call D. make
Vietnamese Sudanese Maltese Bhutanese Burmese
16. A. charge B. paper C. pavement D. replace
Senegalese Nepalese Togolese journalese
17. A. certain B. contain C. brain D. main
18. A. message B. member C. telepathy D. even
19. A. device B. online C. internet D. private
Oo Maltese
20. A. station B. future C. chat D. perfect
oO Chinese, Burmese
21. A. school B. scholarship C. machine D. technology
ooO Lebanese, Congolese, Japanese, Portuguese, Sudanese, Bhutanese, Nepalese, Togolese, journalese
22. A. obtain B. phone C. only D. emotion
oooO Senegalese
Exericse 2.Write the words ending in -ous below in the correct group of stress. 23. A. popular B. customer C. function D. much
payee jubilee employee trainee refugee 24. A. disaster B. desert C. reserve D. research
trustee coffee interviewee committee absentee 25. A. affected B. damaged C. destroyed D. pulled
devotee nominee addressee divorcee examinee 26. A. tablet B. table C. talent D. tactful
27. A. zoom B. booth C. look D. cool
Oo coffee
28. A. private B. communicate C. classmate D. translate
oO payee, trainee, trustee
29. A. message B. advantage C. encourage D. garage
Ooo jubilee
30. A. televition B. technology C. telepathy D. telephone
oOo employee, committee
ooO employee, refugee, absentee, devotee, nominee, addressee, divorcee 31. A. call B. mad C. carrier D. practice
oooO interviewee, examinee 32. A. message B. image C. language D. private
Bản word phát hành từ 33. A. read B. real C. cheap D. learn
Exercise 3. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
34. A. lose B. Chinese C. use D. course
1. A. language B. cultural C. interact D. landline 35. A. these B. else C. choose D. close
2. A. cyber B. typhoon C. dry D. funny 36. A. engine B. technology C. guarantee D. message

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37. A. pigeon B. teenager C. language D. agree 34. A. meaning B. easy C. instant D. machine
Exercise 4. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others. 35. A. private B. become C. reply D. repeat

1. A. degree B. message C. network D. smartphone VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR

2. A. agree B. Chinese C. language D. trainee Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and write the name of the activities.
3. A. future B. people C. webcam D. payee
4. A. guarantee B. translator C. Taiwanese D. interviewee webcam machine translation holography social network
5. A. telephone B. conference C. awardee D. advantage carrier pigeon voice message emojis video conference
6. A. social B. video C. prevent D. landline telepathy face-to-face tablet high-speed
7. A. communicate B. telepathy C. evaluate D. multimedia
8. A. cultural B. media C. engineer D. difference
9. A. interact B. conference C. media D. video
10. A. adoptee B. employee C. refugee D. committee
11. A. trainee B. active C. shelter D. debris
12. A. tornado B. ecology C. pollution D. Vietnamese
13. A. connective B. society C. eruption D. Japanese
14. A. interupt B. awardee C. teenager D. guarantee
15. A. bachelor B.connection C. internet D. conference 1. carrier pigeon 2. tablet 3. social network 4. holography
16. A. smartphone B. pavement C. private D. repeat
17. A. ceremony B. holography C. telepathy D. communicate
18. A. social B. verbal C. device D. language
19. A. popular B. opposite C. netiquette D. translator
20. A. yesterday B. interact C. refugee D. Japanese
21. A. battery B. expression C. effective D. regardless
22. A. instant B. maintain C. message D. contact
23. A. tablet B. pigeon C. exam D. webcam
24. A. Polish B. Canada C. China D. Chinese 5. video conference 6. emojis 7. voice message 8. webcam
25. A. national B. iconic C. Japan D. Korean
26. A. internet B. diagram C. conference D. absentee
27. A. protection B. translator C. century D. advantage
28. A. tablet B. video C. webcam D. trainee
29. A. holography B. communicate C. disadvantage D. technology
30. A. Chinese B. network C. future D. private
31. A. tablet B. webcam C. pigeon D. agree
32. A. mobile B. social C. message D. trainee
9. telepathy 10. machine translation 11. high-speed 12. face-to-face
33. A. smartphone B. network C. language D. Chinese

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Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1 3. get through C. to say something in response to something someone has said
1. I can quickly and easily translate my content using a machine translation tool. 4. keep in touch with D. to be connected by phone
2. In history, people relied on the carrier pigeon to send messages over long distances. 5. pay attention to E. to adjust a camera to make a person or things being photographed appear
3. The webcam on my laptop allows me to attend virtual meetings. larger or closer
4. The future of communication might involve holography, where people can interact with virtual images. 6. regardless of F. to arrive
5. Would people rather meet face-to-face than meet online? 7. reply to G. share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
6. Social network give us a chance to connect with people around the world. 8. show up H. without being influenced by any other events of conditions
7. I use a tablet to read e-books and browse the Internet. 9. take advantage of I. without difficulty or effort
8. How do I know what he's thinking? I don't have telepathy myself! 10. zoom in J. to continue to talk to or write to someone.
9. You can send voice message when you don’t feel like typing.
1. I 2. G 3. D 4. J 5. A 6. H 7. C 8. F 9. B 10. E
10. An emoji can replace words to a certain extent because they are convenient and effective.
11. I need a high-speed Internet connection to make video calls. Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from Exercise 4 to complete collocations. Make any
12. At this time tomorrow, we will be having a video conference with New York brank. change if necessary.
Exercise 3. Match the words in column A to the correct meanings in column B. 1. I sometimes find it hard to pay attention to my studies because the phone keeps me distracted.

A B 2. I can’t see the singe clearly. Can you zoom it in?

1. telepathy A. to send out programmes on television or radio 3. Has Jane replied to your message?
2. translation machine B. a call that the speaker and the listener can see each other 4. I tried to phone Elena but couldn’t get through. She must have gone out.
3. none-verbal C. a form of communication by 3D images 5. Using smart device is a piece of cake to teenagers nowadays
4. social network D. not involving words or speech 6. People should take advantage of technology to have effective communication.
5. video call E. the ability to communicate with someone by thought.
7. Thanks to translation enigines, people can communicate easily regardless of which country they come
6. broadcast F. the ability of individuals and organizations to connect to the internet using
computer terminals, computers, and other devices
7. language barrier G. a series of electrical waves that carry sounds, pictures, or messages, for 8. Because I’m always on a business trip to Indonisia, we will communicate with other co-workers via
example to a radio, television, or mobile phone Zoom.
8. internet access H. a website through which users can communicate with each other 9. People now don’t need to show up at the office. They can have a meeting through a video conference.
9. holography I. a linguistic limitation 10. Facebook is a useful platfrom that can help us keep in touch with each other.
10. signal J. a machine for changing words into a different language
Exercise 6. Write the words / phrase in the box next to their definition.
 Your answer: carrier networks Voice machine face
piece speed connection system smartwatch
1. E 2. J 3. D 4. H 5. B 6. A 7. I 8. F 9. C 10. G
1. Do you prefer _________ to face meetings to online ones? face
Exercise 4. Match the words or phrases on the left with their meaning on the right. machine
2. Have you ever used a translation __________ when you travelling to
A B another country?
1. a piece of cake A. to listen, watch, or consider carefully
3. Facebook provides users with a __________ of emojis to express their system
2. communicate with B. to make good use of the opportunities offered by something
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feelings to any other’s posts. B. Social networks D. Smartphones

4. Do you have a _________ with you go to jogging every morning? smartwatch 5. ________ allows people to pass their thoughts to another person without talking.
A. Telepathy B. Tablet C. Communication D. Device
5. One of the primary ways to communicate was with _______ pigeons. carrier
6. Do you think there are enough ________ to show different feelings?
6. Vettel, FPT and VNPT are currently the three largest high-______ speed A. devices B. languages C. emojis D. smileys
internet providers in Vietnam’s telecommunications market. 7. We use a lot of ________ in our life like thumping up or pointing.
7. Your computer must have an internet _________ to access websites connection
A. voice messages C. applications
online. B. hand signals D. reactions
8. Social ______ give us a chance to connect with people around the networks 8. ________ communication includes face-to-face or telephone conversations.
world. A. Spoken B. Non-verbal C. Silent D. Distant
9. It’s a ________ of cake for teenagers to use a tablet nowadays. piece 9. In the future, people might communicate much less ________ and more online.
10. _____________ messaging is convenient when you are not free to type. Voice A. personally B. often C. through emails D. in person
Exercise 7. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box. 10. ________ transmit live images of the speakers with a camera on the smart devices.
A. Group calls B. Video calls C. Phone calls D. Websites
connection zoom networks language emojis 11. ________ communication includes the way we dress or act, and the expressions onour faces.
translation access messages telepathy discussions A. Verbal B. Distant C. Non-verbal D. Online
12. Effective communicators always wait for ________ to be sure that the receivercorrectly understands the
1. Sending voice messages is faster than sending text messages.
message they have sent.
2. They met on social networks but never face to face.
A. feedback B. a smile C. a call D. others
3. You need a high-speed Internet connection to make video calls.
13. We don’t know how we can ________ with him. He’s too far away.
4. She loves adding emojis to her text messages to express her feelings.
A. keep in touch B. cope C. catch up D. keep pace
5. The ability to communicate with someone by thoughts is called telepathy.
14. Harry doesn’t understand the instruction on this website, so he have to use ________ messages.
6. I can’t read the text on the computer screen. Can you zoom in on it?
A. instant B. online C. non-verbal D. verbal
7. She has a small office that is used for private discussions.
15. Sue doesn’t have the doctor’s telephone number to book a(n) ________ with him.
8. You can use the translation machine to translate this documents.
A. ticket B. appointment C. lunch set D. seat
9. Nam thinks that he needs to learn English to overcome the language barrier.
16. Sending letters by post office has become ________ today, in comparisonto email.
10. This is a product that allows users to access market data in real time.
A. more popular B. popular C. much popularer D. less popular
Exercise 8. Complete the correct answer A, B, C or D.
17. ________, dancing and painting are examples of non-verbal communication.
1. Smartphones will certainly change a lot in the ________. A. Chatting B. Smiling C. Singing D. Emailing
A. end B. number C. device D. future 18. Using music, codes or signs to communicate is called ________ communication.
2. The receiver of a(n) ________ can later listen to it several times. A. non-verbal B. public C. non-public D. verbal
A. text message B. voice message C. story D. email 19. In the future, people will probably communicate brain-to-brain, using ________
3. Emojis can help people ________ their emotions effectively. A. messenger B. holography C. blog D. telepathy
A. replace B. say C. communicate D. develop 20. They have decided ________ a video conference with their teammatesright away.
4. ________ are websites and apps that allow users to connect and communicate. A. having B. to have C. will be had D. to having
A. Voice messages C. Entertainment providers 21. We can ________ not only through words but also through facial expressions.

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A. talk B. transfer C. interpret D. communicate A. in B. by C. with D. on
22. The internet is one of the most effective ________ of communication. 39. Is this tablet one of ________?
A. kinds B. form C. means D. way A. your B. yours C. their D. you
23. We should not __________ passwords with anyone. 40. Mum, Susan has two mobile phones. Could I use one of ________?
A. send B. borrow C. share D. bring A. two B. hers C. her D. those
24. Email __________ are often necessary to join social networking sites. 41. This webcam is focusing _____________ my forehead.
A. emojis B. accounts C. senders D. information A. at B. in C. on D. by
25. You __________ these buttons to move the webcam up or down. 42. He texted me that he would come to the office _____________ twenty minutes.
A. see B. zoom C. click D. express A. for B. by C. in D. at
26. Seven of 10 people prefer face-to-face __________ when having a date. 43. I have studied how to play the guitar _____________ two months.
A. sign B. code C. contact D. language A. on B. at C. by D. for
27. Emojis help people express their __________ regardless of the languagethey speak. 44. The workshop will start at 9:15. You should be ready _____________ 9:00.
A. emotions B. qualities C. anger D. happiness A. by B. on C. for D. in
28. Luckily, there are many communication techniques to help __________language barrier. 45. There are a few strangers standing _____________ of my house.
A. contact B. translate C. transmit D. overcome A. between B. in front C. under D. behind
29. A study shows that teenagers use text messaging to communicate withtheir friends more than 46. The post office is _____________ to the open-air market.
__________. A. front B. next C. opposite D. between
A. texting B. emailing C. writing D. charging 47. He is working in the _____________ room.
30. The __________ communication services are an important part ofchildren’s online interactions. A. under B. at C. by D. opposite
A. direct B. offline C. online D. phone 48. My school is _____________ the bookstore and the restaurant.
31. Email and chat rooms let children __________ with friends and familymembers. A. behind B. under C. between D. next to
A. talk B. listen C. speak D. communicate 49. Players always sit _____________ each other in a chess game.
32. The facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, anddisgust are the same across A. opposite B. next to C. in front of D. behind
__________. 50. The doll is not on the bed. It’s _____________ the bed.
A. cultures B. habits C. people D. languages A. in B. front C. next D. under
33. __________ message is convenient because you don’t have to type text. 51. He will wait ________ three o'clock; then he'll have to leave.
A. Text B. Voice C. Image D. though A. until B. at C. in D. on
34. Social __________ is a website through which users can communicatewith each other. 52. They are rarely ________ home at lunch time.
A. media B. network C. communication D. community A. on B. in C. at D. by
35. A __________ is made when the caller wants to talk to many people in the group. 53. He went to a new school ________ London.
A. telepathy B. holography C. group call D. smart phone A. in B. on C. at D. above
36. Emojis are increasing in numbers, and ________ the future we might no longerneed facial expressions. 54. I talk to my mother ________ the phone every weekend.
A. in B. on C. by D. when A. in B. on C. until D. next to
37. ________ 2040, teachers might be using telepathy to ‘teach’ their students.They won’t have to speak. 55. What time does the flight ________ Amsterdam arrive?
A. Until B. On C. By D. During A. on B. to C. at D. from
38. Some teenagers like to communicate ________ social media rather than face-to-face. 56. Do you like to live ________ a busy road?

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A. in B. at C. on D. under A. loudly B. smoothly C. automatically D. quickly
57. They have been married ________ twenty years. 6. The mid-term test was a piece of cake. Most students get high marks.
A. for B. on C. in D. since A. bad B. tasty C. easy D. difficult
58. I'll be home ________ 15 minutes. 7. I prefer to talk to people face to face rather than talk on the phone.
A. on B. at C. in D. by A. facing them B. in person C. looking at them D. seeing them
59. I like the happy smile ________ her face. 8. We are waiting for ages and you never showed up!
A. on B. in C. to D. between A. talked B. arrived C. overslept D. met
60. I have to finish this essay ________ Sunday. 9. Don’t forget to send an email to invite James to the year-end party!
A. in B. at C. for D. by A. take B. get C. receive D. forward
61. - Lan, I dropped my phone, and it broke. 10. Will telepathy be a popular way to communicate in the future?
- ________ A. strange B. unique C. common D. rare
11. Nonverbal communication is the use of gestures, tone of voice, expression, body posture, and so on to
A. It did. C. Phones are convenient
send a message.
B. That’s awful. D. Awesome!
62. - I’m calling to make a complaint about the earphones I got from you this morning. A. written B. gestural C. verbal D. visual

- ________ Exercise 10. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
A. What’s wrong with it, miss? C. Do you like its colour?
B. Is it perfect? D. Are you? 1. Is there anyway not to let other people know that you are online on Instagram?

63. - With this translation application, there’ll be no language barrier when you travelin other countries, A. offline B. face to face C. accessible D. available

and ... 2. How can you keep in touch with your friends?
A. reach B. talk C. lose touch D. stay
- ________
3. Advanced technologies may make humanity insignificant both in life and work.
A. Is it?
A. Out-of-face B. Developed C. Grown D. New
B. It’s interesting.
4. Video conferences are very convenient especially when we are not in the same place.
C. Sorry to interrupt. Could you explain why we will have no language barrier?
A. easy B. good C. helpful D. inconvenient
D. I want to speak.
5. Use this button to move this webcam up.
Exercise 9.Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following A. below B. down C. under D. above
Exercise 11. Fill in each blank with a preposition of place at, in or on.
1. We hold video conferences monthly.
1. They were at home yesterday.
A. webcams B. meetings C. messages D. connections
2. Her café is at the end of the street.
2. The 4G standard is designed to offer high-speed access.
3. Can you see the green hat on that shelf?
A. slow B. fast C. weak D. strong
4. Mary lives in Ho Chi Minh City.
3. If you don’t see the picture clearly, you can use this button to zoom in on it.
5. I often surf the Internet when I’m on the bus.
A. enlarge B. reduce C. shrink D. watch
6. My family was in Canada last summer.
4. She isn’t your girlfriend. You’re kidding!
7. Turn right and the supermarket is on the left.
A. happy B. serious C. playing D. joking
8. All the stories in the book are very interesting.
5. She can’t reply to messages instantly because she types text very slowly.
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9. She was at the airport one hour ago. 2. I'll see you at lunch time.
10. He works at 58 Hai Ba Trung street. 3. Pisa is famous for its Leaning Tower.
11. The competition starts at 8 o’clock. 4. We' not keen on visiting all the churches in the city.
12. He is sending a voice message at the moment. 5. I'm sorry for being so late.
13. My father worked here in the 1990s. 6. Brighton is on the south coast of England.
14. Is her birthday on July 20th? 7. She was surprised at how cheap the clothes are.
15. Was the old temple built in the 19th century? 8. Is he aware of how long we will have to stay here ?
16. John was born in 2008. 9. We were really impressed by the guided tour.
17. Children always get lucky money at Tet. 10. This carnival is similar to the one in Rio every year.
18. I will finish the project in two weeks. Exercise 14. Read the text and fill in each blank with a correct preposition.
19. Nam and Phong are reading in the library at present. (1) On Sunday morning, we went (2) to Ha Noi Zoo because (3) at the moment we are doing a project
20. We have a video conference on the first day of the month. on zoos at school, and we thought we should go to one and do some research on the spot. When we got
Exercise 12.Circle the correct preposition in brackets. home, we looked up some information (4) in the encyclopaedia and we found out that the first public zoo
1. Are you (at/ in) school now? (5) in the world was opened (6) in Paris (7) in 1793. The next big zoowas opened (8) in 1892 in Regent's Park
2. The spaghetti is (for/ on) lunch. (9) in London. In Viet Nam, thereare now more than ten zoos. At Vinpearl Zoo, in Nha Trang, animals (10)
3. She can’t soak (in/ under) the water for too long. from manyparts of the world thrive.
4. He came and sat (between/ next to) me. Exercise 15.Write the correct possessive pronouns in the blanks.
5. Is her house (between/ behind) Van Lang University? 1. This tablet is mine. (I)
6. She twirled around (under/ in front of) the mirror. 2. That house is ours. (we)
7. We often play basketball (at/ in) break time. 3. The blue bike is his. (he)
8. I think smart phones will change (on/ in) ten years. 4. I have a doll. These clothes are its. (it)
9. My room is (behind/ between) Lan’s and Mai’s. 5. That car over there isn’t hers. (she)
10. Can you find that small village (on/ at) the map? 6. The villa by the sea is theirs. (they)
Exercise. Underline the correct prepositions in the following sentences. 7. She is a friend of mine. (I)
1. The first laptop created by Adam Osborne hit shelves (in/on/by) April 1981. 8. Is the boy wearing the pink shirt a cousin of yours? (you)
2. We went on a holiday (in/on/for) 5 days last month. 9. My phone is smarter than hers. (she)
3. In Thailand, people drive (at/on/to) the left. 10. Our school is small. Theirs is big. (they)
4. Will people no longer use landline phones (by/for/in) the future? Exercise 16.Circle the correct option in brackets.
5. Hold (by/at/on). I’ll put you through to our HR department. 1. They are my friends, not (your / yours).
6. My shop closes (in/on/by) Sundays. 2. She has some clothes shops. This is one of (her / hers) shops.
7. My parents will be there (in/by/on) 10 p.m.
3. This guitar is not mine. It is (he / his).
8. They arrived at the airport (at/for/in) 9a.m.
4. Is that red car (their / theirs)?
9. (At/In/On) 2035, a phone might be as thin as a sheet of paper.
10. The new Iphone will be released (in/for/at) the end of this month. 5. (We / Ours) live in a flat near the city center.

Exercise 13.Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 6. Those bikes over there are (our / ours).

1. My parents got married on the 12th of August. 7. Ammy is a classmate of (my / mine).
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. .
8. Mr Long is a colleague of (hers / their). 8. (He’s/ His) duty is to hold video conferences.
9. (You / Yours) shouldn’t make noise here. 9. Is (his/him) major English?
10. Mary gave (me / mine) a very beautiful scarf. 10. Don’t let this camera focus on ( ours/ our) foreheads.

Exercise 17. Replace the underlined words or phrases with the correct possessive adjectives or possessive Exercise 19. Give the correct forms of the verbs to complete sentences.
pronouns. 1. I think language barriers (disappear) will disappear in 30 years.
11. Ms.Anderson’s daughter is my best friend. 2. Some people usually (take) take a long time to respond to a message.
 Her 3. Learning English can help us overcome difficulties when( live) living.
4. By (use) using social networks, people can keep in touch with others.
12. My motorbike is a Vespa while my sister’s is a Honda.
5. What is people's top concern when it (come) comes to messaging applications?
 hers
6. Developers of ConnectABC commit to (update) updating the application twice a month.
13. Is this laptop your laptop? 7. I can't leave the classroom until my teacher (give) gives feedback
 yours 8. My aunt found it difficult (teach) to teach 50 students online.
14. What are a video call’s advantages? 9. Emoji (become) has become integral to digital communication in the past few decades.
 its 10. Robots can( listen) listen to people's problems and (give) give them useful advice without any
15. There is something wrong with Tom’s smartwatch.
Exercise 20. Write the correct form of the word in brackets.
 his
1. This buttoon is for adjusting the volume.(ADJUST)
16. My tablet has a low battery. Can you lend me your tablet?
2. I can’t hear you clearly because the transmission signal is too weak. (TRANSMIT)
 yours
3. If you want to make a group call, you must have a high-speed Internet connection. (CONNECT)
17. Can this application read customer’s thoughts? 4. People can’t change words into a different language as fast as a translation machine. (TRANSLATE)
 their 5. I think voice messages are more convenient than text messages. (THOUGHT)
18. Two of Phuong and Minh’s relatives are working for Apple Inc. 6. Calling with a webcam is one way to communication with a person who is far from you.
7. Sending text messages is a form of exchanging information by typing text. (TYPE)
19. I didn’t agree with my brother’s opinion about using devices in class.
8. One of the popular forms of communication today is probably videoconferences. (COMMUNICATE)
 his
9. He was in a bad mood at breakfast and wasn't very communicative. (COMMUNICATION)
20. I think tranlator’s jobs will be affected when translation machines become popular.
10. A simple conversation over the phone is the most masic example of the interactive model.
 Their ( INTERACT)
Exercise 18. Underline the correct answers. 11. Sorry for interrupting, but my daughter is not home now. She’s gone to school. ( INTERRUPT)
1. My younger sister lost (she’s/ her) phone on the bus this morning. 12. Nonverbal communication means conveying information without using words. ( VERBAL)
2. The students are keeping ( their/ theirs) eyes on smartphones now. 13. Instant messaging is a type of online chat that lets you send and receive brief written messages in real
3. I like learning online on (my/ mine) computer. time. ( INSTANTLY)
4. I sometimes send voice messages to (me/my) friends? 14. To communicate effectively with others, we can use emojis. ( EFFECT)
5. What’s ( you/ your) favorite social media application? 15. Emojls help people communicate their emotions effectively regardless of the language they speak.
6. My camera is on the table. ( Your/ Yours) is on the shelf. (EFFECT)
7. Trang is a neighbour of (my/ mine)
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. .
16. Using facial expressions is a kind of nonverbal communication. ( EXPRESS) A B C D
17. Online calls help us talk to people from distant places. ( DISTANCE) 15. Hers students were happy when they had an online class with her. (Her)
Exercise 21. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. A B C D
1. In the future, we’ll be wearing a tiny device to catch our thoughts and send it to other people. 16. Online calls allow us to talk to people from distance places. ( distant)
A B C D ( them) A B C D
2. Voice messages is more convenient than text messages because you don’t have to type.
3. People working in the technology areas have start researching for an integrated device.
Exercise 1 .Listen and choose the correct answer for each question below.
A B C D ( have started) 1. What can the computer glassess do?
4. The application of augmented reality allows us to see a person’s informations without talking. A. play games B. translate C. find information, get directions
A B C D 2. What will you be able to do with a 3D browser?
(information) A. smell, touch and interact with web pages.
5. Cell phones are such important that some people become worried if they forget to bring their phones B. touch, eat, and interact physically with web pages.
A B C D C. see, touch and interact physically with web pages.
3. Where will you see the holograms?
( so)
A. in front of you B. through the internet C. through webcams
6. Don’t worry if you have some difficulty to communicating with foreigners. ( to communicate)
4. How will we make a phone call in 20 or 30 years?
A B C D A. by singing B. by thingking C. by dancing
7. Because of language barrier, they decided using body language to communicate. ( to use)  Tapscripts:
A B C D Communication in the future
8. It is impossible to count all the stars on the Milky Way. (in ) Today we have mobile phones, email and video chats, but how will we communicate in the future?

A B C D Four young scientists tell us what they think wil happen:

In a few years, everfone will wear computers. You can do lots of things with these computer glasses. You
9. Where will people be living within 100 years’ time? ( in)
can find information, get directions, make a video, take a photo and send a text. They're fantastic!
George, 12
10. One of mine friends enjoys skiing at the weekends. ( my)
In 2025, we won't use phones or webcams to talk. We will have holograms! You will be able to see the
A B C D persen you are talking to in 3D in front of you. The holograms will work through the internet.
11. I don’t have any iPods. This iPod is her. (hers) Jenna, 13
A B C D Soon we will have 3D browsers to find information on the internet. We will see and touch web pages.

12. We need a high-speedy Internet connection to make a video conference. ( high-speed) Perhaps we will interact with websites physically. It will be an amazing, virtual world.
Dennis, 11
In 20 or 30 years, we won't need computers. We will have a microcomputer in our brains. Our brains will
13. People spend a lot of time sitting in front the computer everyday. ( in front of)
connect to the internet. We will be able to make a phone call and send a text by thinking!
A B C D Katie, 12
14. Let’s get ready for an online meeting in 9 p.m. ( by)
27 28
. .
Exercise 2.Listen and complete each missing information with a word from the listening. scientists are working on creating brain-computer interfaces that allow people to transmit thoughts directly
One way we might see communication change in the future is through augmented reality. This could to a Computer. Perhaps 50 years from now we’ll all use an electronic version of (6) telepathy.
take the form of a smartphone or a set of augmented-reality glasses.
- augmented reality (n): (công nghệ) thực tế áo tăng cường - overlay (n): lớp phủ
The classic example of augmented reality is the restaurant (1) review. You could stand in front of a
restaurant and through an augmented-reality system, read customer reviews or view the daily specials
Exercise 5.Listen to the passage and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
without ever walking inside. This (2) application might go to people as well. Imagine looking at a stranger
and seeing that person’s name, Facebook profile, and other information. In both examples, no conversation
True False
is necessary. Such systems are already in (3) development, and they will certainly raise concerns about
privacy and safety. 1. The first text message was sent to engineer Neil Papworth in 1992. 
Language barriers are disappearing as well. For example, a group of tourists travel in a country whose 2. The first text message simply said “Merry Christmas”. 
language they don’t know. They can speak in their language on the phone, and the application they have 3. Today SMS is a widely used form of communication. 
(4) downloaded on the phone will translate what they said into that language. Such application allows
4. Around nine billion text messages are sent worldwide every year. 
people from different countries and cultures to (5) communicate without the need for an interpreteror
5. An average US teen supposedly sends more than 60 text messages a day. 
translator anymore.
6. The texting acronym “LOL” is in the dictionary as “Lots of Love”. 
Exercise 3. Listen and fill in the missing words.
How do young people communicate today? Tapscripts:
Nowadays, teenagers seem to communicate with their peers more on electronic devices than in (1) The very first, simple, text message was sent on December 3rd, 1992. It was sent by software engineer
person. They chat with their friends using messaging applications and (2) social networking sites. They Neil Papworth to his boss at the British mobile phone operator Vodafone. It read simply, "Merry
Christmas". Little did they know that their simple mode of communication would take the world by
chat about almost everything, from homework and games to music trends. Their conversations tend to be
storm. SMS (Short Message Service) is today a multi-billion-dollar industry covering every corner of the
short but can last for (3) hours. Many teenagers prefer this way of communicating to talking (4) face-to- globe. An estimated nine trillion text messages are sent globally each year. Everyone from presidents to
face. They say that it is more (5) convenient, and they can do many things while chatting. They may be schoolchildren to villagers in remote parts of developing countries relies on it to communicate.
exchanging (6) instant messages with several friends and playing their favorite games at the same time. SMS is now an integral part of daily life for most of us. It is the preferred method of
communication between family members. One study showed that the average American teenager sends
Exercise 4. Listen and fill in the missing words. up to 60 texts a day. However, SMS has also been blamed for a decline in language ability and an
increase in traffic accidents. A new sub-language has spread worldwide as texters find shortcuts to write
their messages as quickly as possible using the fewest possible characters. Texting shorthand such as
LOL (laugh out loud) and OMG (oh my god) has even entered the Oxford English Dictionary.
One way we might see communication (1) change in the future is through augmented reality (AR). In an
augmented-reality System, you view the world through a technological overlay. This could take the form of
a hand-held device like a (2) smartphone - there are several augmented-reality applications already SPEAKING
available for some phones. Another possible application is through a set of augmented-reality glasses. In
either case, you can view the world around you and see real-time digital information about what you’re
viewing. Exercise 1.Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
Then there’s video (3) conferencing. While the technology has existed for years, video calls aren’t following exchanges.
popular. It might be because the hardware hasn’t been compelling or cost-effective (4) enough. But now 1. "I think we should open new branches in Europe." "_____________"
webcams are starting to appear on televisions and are Standard on many laptops. Are we about to enter an A. Sorry to overhear you talking about opening new shops.
era of video conferencing? In the distant future, we may be able to communicate by sending our thoughts B. Sorry for interrupting, but are you talking about opening new branches?
through a network (5) directly into someone else’s brain. We’re decades away from such technology, but C. I couldn't help overhearing you talking about opening new branches.
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. .
D. Can you tell me about opening new shops? 1. -Alice: First, let’s meet Linh and Tim, who will...
2. "The flood last night destroyed my grandparents' house and damaged all of theircrops. And..." - Minh: ________ but my name’s Minh, not Linh.
A. Hi everybody, B. You don’t get it right,
" _________ "
C. Sorry for interrupting, D. It’s not correct,
A. I'm certain about it. It was really a great flood. 2. - Lan: I think when translation machines become popular, translators will lose their jobs.
B. Hold on. How can you get the news? -Anne: ________ Are translation machines work similarly as googletranslation app?
C. Hold on. Are they safe? A. Certainly. B. Good idea. C. Hold on. D. They will.
D. That's very good news. 3. - Nick: In the future, we’ll use telepathy for personal communication.
- Nam: ________ Can you repeat that, please?
3. "We should meet outside the hall at 7 o'clock tonight and ..."
A. Hold on. B. No, we don’t. C. Sure! D. I don’t like that.
" _______,but I think we should be there at 8 o'clock because the meeting starts at half past eight." 4. - Tom: ________
A. Sorry for interrupting C. Please let me finish - Nam: Sorry for interrupting, but the speaker’s from the Language Club, not theTechnology one.
B. Sorry for disturbing D. No problem, go ahead A. Let’s meet our speaker, Mr Lee.
B. We’ll have a discussion with Mr Lee from the Technology Club about....
4. "First, heat some olive oil in a pan and fry the onion and bacon. Then,..."
C. This is an introduction of the different clubs in our school.
" _________ " D. Is that man Mr Lee, Nam?
A. Excuse me! I didn't see you there. 5. - Minh: ________
B. Hold on. Can you repeat that, please? - Tom: Hold on. Did you say in 2040?
C. Pardon? Can you spell that again, please? A. What do you think about the future of communication?
B. Hand phones will be out-of-date.
D. Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.
C. What brings about changes in communication?
5. "The hospital in our district has refused to take in any more injured people." D. In 2040, we’ll no longer use hand phones for communication.
" _________ "
A. That's shocking! C. How wonderful! Exercise 4.Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogues.
B. That's a relief. D. Wow! 1.

Exercise 2.Rearrange the following sentences to make a conversation. Jane: Are you sure I have passed the French exam?
Hoa: __________ I’ve just heard it from ourteacher.
A. I suppose you are right. Still, it's cheap and effective. We can know straight away how many people
A. I’m sorry to hear that.
have seen our post and if they like it.
B. I’m absolutely sure.
B. Well, I suppose the key is you shouldn't use social media as your only means of communication. C. I’m not certain.
C. it is great, isn't it? One benefit is that it helps us share news quickly. Posts on social media can be read D. Wow, that’s great!
by all your friends and family. 2.
D. You've got a point. One drawback is that people are losing their face-to-face communication skills.
Sara: So, these are the themes we will be concentrating on for thisprogram.
E. That's true but it makes us lazy. Lots of people post on social media instead of calling or messaging Linda: __________ but can you provide mewith more information about the program?
people directly. A. Great news for you
F. What do you think of social media? B. I can’t believe it
1. F 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. D 6. B C. Sorry for interrupting
D. I’m sorry to have to say this,

Exercise 3. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of 3.
the following exchanges.
31 32
. .
Rim: It was such a frightening experience.
Brain: __________ I’m so lucky to be a live. Sorry should students How have interupting
A. Yes, indeed.
B. Congratulations! Tony: Where do you want to (1) have dinner tomorrow?
C. I regret to interrupt you. Lisa: I don’t know, how about...
D. I’m glad to hear that. Stranger: Sorry for (2) interupting. Does this bus go to the shopping mall?
4. Lisa: Yes.
Peter: Have they found a cure against this lethal virus? Tony: So, (3) should we have fast food?
Anthony:__________ But people say so. Stranger: (4) Sorry to bother you again.
A. Oh, my god! Lisa: No problem. (5) How can we help you?
B. I don’t know for sure.
Stranger: What’s the bus fare for (6) students?
C. I think we should meet at 9 o’clock.
Eercise 7.Complete the dialogues with the sentences from the box.
D. May I interrupt for a second?
A. Yes, you can leave.
Exercise 5. Put the phrases into correct place to complete the dialogue. B. Looking forward to working on the project.
A. video conferencing and video chatting C. I’m sorry to interrupt but I have to leave the meeting early.
B. a mix of new technologies and improved versions of what we already have Mary: I hope the points were clear to all the members. We will assignthe topics next month.
C. emails and texts Lisa: (1) – C I hope all the crucialtopics are covered.
D. Social media platforms Mary: (2) – A
Lisa: Thank you. (3) – B
E. communicating with our minds
A: Have you ever wondered how communication might change in the future?
D. I’d love to chat, but I have to catch my bus.
B: Absolutely, with advancing technology, I can only imagine.
E. I have to tell you about the dance.
A: I've heard about the potential of telepathy becoming a thing.
F. I’m afraid I can’t talk right now.
B: Have you ever heard about telepathy? It is like (1) E
Mike: Amy, there you are! (4) – E .You’ll never believe...
A: Yes, exactly. Scientists are exploring brain-computer interfaces that could allow us to transmit thoughts
Amy: (5) – F
directly. Mike: I just have to tell you one...
B: That sounds fascinating. What about more immediate changes? Amy: (6) – D
A: Well, (2) A are likely to become even more realistic. It might feel like we're actually in the same room.
B: But what about written communication? Will we still send (3) C?
A: Maybe, but voice commands and even Al-generated responses could play a bigger role.
B: That would certainly speed things up. And what about social media? Will that change too?
A: Definitely. (4) D might integrate more closely with our daily lives, becoming even more personalized
and interactive. Exercise 1.Fill in each blank with a suitable word.
Artificial intelligence will become even more powerful (1) in the next 10 years and will play a very
B: So, communication in the future will be (5) B.
important role in our communication technology. If Al is already a key feature in current smartphones, in
A: Exactly. The key is to adapt to these changes while maintaining meaningful connections.
areas such as voice assistants, augmented reality, real-time language translation, etc. future devices will be
Exercise 6. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. even smarter. The artificial intelligence of the future could make more complex and human-like decisions.

33 34
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It could (2) be the hub of a suite of smart devices suchas entertainment, connected cars or home 3. A. ours B. our C. us D. ourselves
automation, able to make restaurant (3) reservasions for you, recommend new experiences, read the kids a 4. A. out B. into C. at D. for
bedtime story, manage your schedule and organise your purchases. In the not too distant future, artificial 5. A. Although B. When C. However D. Therefore
intelligence could even understand our emotions. Huawei is already working on that. Your device could 6. A. similar B. as C. like D. same
act (4) as a psychologist: it will cheer you up if you feelsad and advise you if you feel overwhelmed. It
could even (5) become your friend or confidant. Exercise 5.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that
Exercise 2. Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D. best fits each of the numbered blank.
There are a wide range of ways in which we communicate. Here are some major ways of I’m Linh and now I (1) ________ at a high school in the United States.My biggest challenge in the
communication. Spoken or (1)_____communication, which includes face-to-face or telephone United States is the language (2) ________ I(3) ________ English for five years but I still face difficulties in
conversations, news and stories on the radio or television. communication.For all the time, I feel nervous to understand what other people were saying and why they
Non-verbal communication, which covers (2)_______language, how we dressor act, where we stand, were laughing. (4) ________ I go to see an American movie, I still can’t understand the actors. Maybe
and even our scent. There are many subtle ways that we communicate (sometimes unintentionally) with because spoken English has a lot of idioms and communication (5)________ may happen due to cultural
others. For example, the tone of voice can give clues to mood or emotional state (3) ________ hand signals differences.
or facial gesturescan munication, which includes letters, emails, social media, books, (4) _______, the 1. A. will be studying B. study C. am studying D. studies
Internet and other media. Until recently, several writers and publishers were very powerful when it came 2. A. difficulties B. world C. barrier D. communication
to communicating the written word. Today, we can all write and publish our ideas online, which has led to 3. A. studied B. studies C. study D. have studied
an explosion of information and communication possibilities.Visualisations, which (5) ________ graphs,
4. A. When B. Why C. Who D. Which
charts, maps, logos, pictures, and manyother visual objects to communicate messages. 5. A. interaction B. distance C. barrier D. breakdown
1. A. written B. verbal C. physical D. visual Exercise 6.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or
2. A. spoken B. foreign C. sign D. body phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
3. A. while B. so C. during D. when E-mail, and chat rooms let children communicate (1) ________ friends and familymembers. They can also
4. A. talks B. paintings C. recordings D. magazines allow children to connect with people that they have never met in person. Knowing a little about each of
5. A. draws B. affects C. uses D. communicates these communication services can help parents keep children safer while online. Through e-mail, (2)
Exercise 3.Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to ________ can easily send and receive messages. These messages may also have text, audio, andpicture files
each of the questions. attached. Signing up for an e-mail account is simple (3) ________ most services offer them for free.
About 10 years ago, no one could (1) _________ how much smartphones wouldevolve in a decade. Sometimes these messages contain viruses, or other inappropriate content, so parents should warn children
to be wary of e-mails from (4) ________ people. Chat rooms are online hang-out spots where anyonecan
However, smartphone technology (2) _________ accelerated somuch that the first smartphones now seem
talk about anything - current events, books, and other common interests. Users often do not know each
primitive. Mobile phones have become an extension of (3) _________ , and have changed our lives forever.
other in real life, so it is important that parents keep a close eye on the content of any (5) ________
80% of the world'spopulation has a cell phone and over a billion of these are smartphones. We look (4)
1. A. to B. with C. for D. through
_________ our phones an average of 150 times a day, and some people becomeextremely anxious if they
2. A. receivers B. messengers C. users D. partners
forget to bring their phone with them. (5) _________ the paceof development seems to have slowed
3. A. due to B. because C. because of D. so
recently, smartphones will continue to evolve. Some predict they will become (6) _________ remote controls
4. A. known B. well-known C. unknown D. unpopular
for our lives while othersthink that they could disappear into wearable devices such as glasses or watches.
5. A. conversations B. meetings C. letters D. users
Screens are also expected to get brighter and fold in different ways.
Exercise 7. Choose the word of phrase among A,B,C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
1. A. imagine B. think C. consider D. achieving passage.
2. A. is B. has C. have D. are Telepathy: Mind to Mind Communication
35 36
. .
The (1) _________ “ telepathy” has been derived from the words “tele” meaning “ distance” and “ travelling for a personal meeting. We might become addicted to having conversations online instead of in
pathy” meaning “feeling”. So telepathy actually means (2)__________ feelings through a distance. person.
Telepathy is the communication (3) __________ two minds, (4) ___________ over a distance, without the (5) What if emojis become the only way we express our emotions?
_________ of the five known senses. There are various emojis that we can now use with an email or message to express our different
At some point of time or the other, we all have (6) _________ telepathy. Maybe you were thinking of emotions: a smiley or crying face, a winked eye, or an o-shaped mouth. The emojis are still increasing in
someone you haven’t talked to for minths and you suddenly get a call from them. Or (7) ___________ two number. We might no longer need facial expressions because the emojis do it for us, and the person in the
people are together; they might say same thing at the same time. These are spontaneous mind-to-mind (8) chat box gets it from us.
__________ that tend to occur frequently between closely related individuals. The future is perhaps for our generation to decide.
1. A. word B. phrase C. letter D. signal 1. We are worried that technology will ________ humans in personal communication.
2. A. holding B. getting C. bringing D. carrying 6. harm B. replace C. change D. laugh at
3. A. through B. among C. between D. across 2. Communicating with people has become ________.
4. A. separate B. be separated C. separating D. separated A. expensive B. emotional C. troublesome D. easy
3. The number of emojis is ________.
5. A. using B. use C. take D. taking
A. big B. limited C. small D. unknown
6. A. experienced B. brought C. made D. taken
4. In future ‘conversations’, it’s ________ that we no longer need facial expressions.
7. A. where B. during C. when D. since
A. amusing B. certain C. possible D. for sure
8. A. ways B. methods C. techiques D. communications 5. This passage is concerned ________ in personal communication.
Exercise 8.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or A. how we will use emojis C. technology will participate
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. B. if dressing up is necessary D. if technology will replace humans
Nowadays, Facebook is the most popular (1) ________ media which helpsus to connect people. Not only
Exercise 10.Read the passage and choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.
adults but also teenagers (2)________ usingFacebook. There are many (3) ________ to communicate on
Email and chat rooms let children communicate with friends and family members. They can also allow
Facebook. You can post messages to the public or to your friends. If you want a private conversation, you
children to connect with people that they have never met in person. Knowing a little about each of these
can (4) ________ a direct message to a friend and start (5) ________ Ifyou want to meet new people with
communication services can help parents keep children safer while online.
same interests, you can join in Facebook groups or Facebook pages.
Through email, users can easily send and receive messages. These messages may also have text, audio,
1. A. social B. society C. sociable D. socialize and picture files attached. Signing up for an email account is simple because most services offer them for
2. A. will B. is C. are D. were free. Sometimes these messages contain viruses, or other inappropriate content, so parents should warn
3. A. areas B. ways C. kinds D. forms children to be wary of emails from unknown people.
4. A. receive B. get C. take D. send Chat rooms are online hang-out spots where anyone can talk about anything - current events, books,
5. A. chatted B. chat C. to chatting D. chatting and other common interests. Users often do not know each other in real life, so it is important that parents
keep a close eye on the content of any conversations.
Exercise 9. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
1. Email and chat rooms let children __________.
Nobody can deny that technology development has done a lot to make our lives much better.
A. communicate with only friends
However, there are some questions that worry us: will technology replace us in personal communication?
B. communicate with friends and family members
What if humans no longer feel the need to communicate in person?
C. communicate with people that they have never met in person
Nowadays, with just one click, we can communicate with anyone, from anywhere through emails,
D. Both B & C
video calls, messages, and other social media. It’s quick and convenient. No trouble for dressing up or
2. Children will be safer while online if __________.
37 38
. .
A. they know how to use email and chat rooms 1. The twenty-first century is the age of IT.  
B. they don’t know how to use email and chat rooms 2. IT is an acronym for Information Technology.  
C. their parents know a little about email and chat rooms 3. IT doesn’t have any influences on the way humans connect and work.  
D. their parents don’t know anything about email and chat rooms 4. Through video conferencing, you can see the people who are talking to  
3. Users can easily send and receive messages __________. you although they are very far from you.
A. through email 5. It is not easy to share knowledge and gather information now.  
B. through phone 6. Our world has become better because of IT.  
C. through video call Exercise 12.Read the passage and tick T (True) or F (False).
D. Through face to face conversation A poll, carried out by YouGov for children's charity Barnardo's, asked children and adults across
4. Signing up for an email account is __________. Britain for their predictions on how young people will talk to each other in 30 years' time. Only 13% of 8 to
A. simple because it is offered for free by most services 18-year-old think young people will send letters and postcards to each other by the year 2049. Around one-
B. simple because it has text, audio, and picture files attached third said they think holograms, and body and brain implants will be used. According to the poll, the most
C. complex because it contains viruses popular way of communicating will be by wearable technology.
D. complex because it has inappropriate content There are some worries about making sure that people are OK to use technology. Barnardo's wants
5. Parents should warn children __________. more to be done to make sure that kids, in particular, are kept as safe as possible when they're using future
A. to be cautious about emails from known people tech and interacting with other people. The charity's Chief Executive, Javed Khan said: "The Internet and
B. to be cautious about emails from unknown people new technologies have transformed how young people learn, play and communicate - but it's also created
C. not to be wary of emails from known people new risks to children's safety and wellbeing. Our laws and systems must keep pace with technological
D. not to be wary of emails from unknown people change so we can protect children effectively on and offline."
6. For chat rooms, users __________. (Adapted from
A. often go shopping together T F
B. often talk to each other in real life 1. The survey was conducted by YouGov for children's charity Barnardo's in

C. often do not know each other in real life Britain.
D. often know each other in real life 2. Only 13% of 8 to 18-year-old predict holograms, and body and brain implants

will be used in everyday communication in 30 years'time.
Exercise 11.Read the passage and tick True or False.
3. According to the survey, wearable technology will be the most popular way of
The twenty-first century is known as the age of Information Technology. IT has evolved tremendously 
communicating in the future.
in recent decades and has revolutionized the way humans connect and work. Everything from computers 4. Barnardo's is sure that children will be kept as safe as possible when they're

and the Internet to e-commerce and cellphones are the results of information technology. Advancements in using future technology and interacting with other people.
technology and better information systems provide lots of possibilities in communication and connectivity. 5. Javed Khan thinks laws and systems must keep pace with technological change

After the invention of the computer and the Internet, the world has changed a lot. Just a press of a button or in order to protect children effectively on and offline.
a swipe can get you many things that you want. You can talk to those living miles away or see people in
Exercise 13.Read the passage and answer the questions.
different countries through video conferencing. You can even buy groceries and food from websites, just by
Feedback is the essential part of communication. Without it, the communication process becomes
sitting at home. Sharing knowledge and gathering information has become much easier, faster, cheaper,
incomplete. Feedback is the response of a receiver to a message they get from the sender. The form of
and enjoyable. All these are the greatest advantage of IT and it had made the world a better place to live in.
feedback varies with the way of communication. Sometimes feedback could be non-verbal like a smile,
sigh, or facial gesture. This kind of feedback is immediate and direct. It often appears during a face-to-
True False
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. .
face conversation. Most of the time, feedback is verbal. Verbal feedback can be oral as when you react to  It's often so convenient for us to use Messanger on Facebook to make group calls.
a colleague’s talk with questions or comments, or it can be written when you reply to an e-mail or 8. Who does this portable speaker belong to ? ( whose)
online message, or when you comment on a student's essay. Written feedback is less immediate.  Whose is this portable speaker? ( or Whose portable speaker is this?)
Sometimes it may be delayed for days. 9. The Internet connection is slow here, so we can’t get in the chat room. ( Because)
When people send a message, they wait for feedback. Effective communicators pay close attention  Because the Internet connection is slow here, we can't get in the chat room.
to feedback. They want to be sure that the message has got through to the right person and that the 10. These are my contact lenses. (mine)
receiver has understood the message as it is intended. They also want to know the receiver’s reaction to  These contact lenses are mine.
what they share. Exercise 2.Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence, using double
1. How essential is feedback? possession with of.
 Without feedback, the communication process becomes incomplete. 1. Tom is one of my classmates.
2. What form(s) is feedback?  Tom is a classmate of mine.
 It is in two forms: verbal and non-verbal. 2. This is one of their luggages.
3. Where can you see non-verbal feedback?  This is a luggage of theirs.
3. That is one of his pets.
 During a face-to-face conversation.
 That is a pet of his.
4. Who highly appreciates feedback?
4. He is one of our good players.
 Effective communicators.
 He is a good player of ours.
5. What does This kind of feedback refer to?
5. The girl who won the first is one of her students.
 Non-verbal feedback.
 The girl who won the first is a student of hers.
WRITING 6. Can I use one of your pens?
 Can I use a pen of yours.
Exercise 1. Rewite the following sentences based on the given words in brackets. 7. Dung and Trang are two of their daughters.
 Dung and Trang are two daughters of theirs.
1. John is one of Sarah’s co-workers. (a)
8. Last Sunday, Phong went swimming with one of his cousins.
 John is a co-worker of Sarah's.
 Last Sunday, Phong went swimming with a cousin of his.
2. Sending voice messages is very convenient. (It)
9. Two of my drawings won prizes in the last competition.
 It is very convenient to send voice messages.
 Two drawings of mine won prizes in the last competition.
3. You need to finish your report before Sunday. ( by)
10. One of his children is studying abroad.
 You need to finish your report by Sunday.
 A child of his is studying abroad.
4. There is a webcam behind the computer screen. (front)
11. The garden that belongs to the Smith family is blooming.
 There is a computer screen in front of the webcam.
 The Smith family's garden is blooming.
5. Many teenagers like to meet on social networks rather than face to face. ( prefer)
 Many teenagers prefer meeting on social networks to face to face. 12. The laptop that belongs to Alice was left on the table.
6. Can I borrow one of your tablets? (yours)  Alice’s laptop was left on the table.
 Can I borrow a tablet of yours? 13. My parents’ shop sells diary products. Her shop sells food and vegetables.
7. We often use Messenger on Facebook to make group calls. It’s so convenient. (us)  My parents’ shop sells diary products. Hers sells food and vegetables.

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14. Ms. Hong is one of my friends. Nam thinks that the cyberworld will replace the real world in the future.
 Ms. Hong is a friend of mine. 11. Video-conference technology / will help us / interact / real time / completely different places /.
15. The dreams of the child belong to the world of imagination. Video-conference technology will help us interact in real time in completely different places.
12. Today/ parents/ talk/ their children/ work/ via emails/ instant messages.
 The child's dreams belong to the world of imagination.
Today, parents can talk to their children from work via emails and instant messages.
16. Maria is one of our specialists.
Exercise 4.Reorder the words and phrases to make complete sentences.
 Maria is a specialist of ours.
1. translation machines / translate / fast / We / can’t / as / as /.
17. A friend of mine has signed a new trade agreement.
We can't translate as fast as translation machines.
 One of my friends has signed a new trade agreement. 2. communicating / be / People / will / fifty years / by / in / thought /.
18. Tom stood behind me in a line to get on the bus. People will be communicating by thought in fifty years.
 I stood in front of Tom in a line to get on the bus. 3. year / we / be / to / using / in / music / communicate / the / 2080 / Will/?

19. There's a school across from our house. Will we be using music to communicate in the year 2080?
4. need / You / netiquette / to/ learn / you / communicate / when / online /.
 There is a school opposite our house.
You need to learn netiquette when you communicate online.
20. Can I borrow one of your smartphones, Daddy? 5. telepathy devices / might / take / of / Bad people / to / advantage / someone else / control.
 Can I borrow a smartphone of yours, Daddy. Bad people might take advantage of telepathy devices to control someone else.
Exercise 3. Write sentences with the cues given. 6. learn / won’t / need / to / different / communicate / languages / We / to / if / use / telepathy / we /.
1. you / can use / button / move the webcam / up and down / and / this / zoom in and out. We won't need to learn different languages to communicate if we use telepathy.
You can use this button to move the webcam up and down, and this to zoom in and out. 7. communicate / We / by / with / can / social networks / friends /.
2. I think / personal communication / change a lot / near future: / faster and smarter. We can communicate with friends by social networks.
I think personal communication will change a lot in the near future: faster and smarter. 8. their feelings/ to express/ add/ to/ amojis/ their messages/ Lots of people
3. We / now highly dependent / devices / like / smartphones, tablets, / laptops. Lots of people add emojis to their messages to express their feelings.
We are now highly dependent on devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops. 9. will/ Do/ a lot/ you/ in/ change/ smartphones/ think that/ the near future?
4. Advances / communication technology / make people / worry / privacy and safety. Do you think that smartphones will change a lot in the near future?
Advances in communication technology make people worry about their privacy and safety. 10. like/ social networks/ to meet/ on/ than face to face/ rather/ Some teenagers
5. By 2030, / folding phones / make up / about ten per cent / all smartphone sales. Some teenagers like to meet on social networks rather than face to face.

By 2030, folding phones will make up about ten per cent of all smartphone sales. Exercise 5. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete each sentence with given words.
6. We / won’t be using / landline telephones / 2030/. 1. She/ make/ friends/ foreigner/ in/ chat room.
We won't be using landline telephones in 2030. A. She made friends with a foreigner in a chat room.
7. Some people / prefer / work online / face to face /. B. She is making friends with foreigner in a chat room.
Some people prefer working online to face to face. C. She was made friends with a foreigner in a chat room.
8. Use / body language / be / effective way for communication /.
D. She has made friends with foreigner in a chat room.
Using body language is an effective way for communication.
2. Cultural differences/ can/ seen/ in/ conversations/ between/ people/ differentcountries.
9. We / plan / use video chatting / keep in touch / our family /.
A. Cultural differences can seen in conversations between people to differentcountries.
We plan to use video chatting to keep in touch with our family.
10. Nam / think / cyberworld / replace / real world / future /. B. Cultural differences can seen in conversations between people on differentcountries.
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C. Cultural differences can be seen in conversations between people from different countries.
D. Cultural differences can be seen in conversations between people for different countries. ------ THE END ------
3. Learn/ English/ help/ him/ get over/ the/ language barriers
A. Learn English helps him get over the language barriers.
B. Learning English helps him get over the language barriers.
C. To learn English helps him get over the language barriers.
D. Learnt English helps him get over the language barriers
4. Have/ Tom and Mary/ ever/ attend/ video conference?
A. Have Tom and Mary ever attended a video conference?
B. Have Tom and Mary ever attending a video conference?
C. Have Tom and Mary ever attend a video conference?
D. Have Tom and Mary ever attends a video conference?
5. Thanks/ social networks, we/ can/ connect/ each other/ easily.
A. Thanks social networks, we can connect to each other easily.
B. Thanks social networks, we can to connect to each other easily.
C. Thanks to social networks, we can to connect to each other easily.
D. Thanks to social networks, we can connect to each other easily.
6. Telepathy / ability / communicate / information / use / your mind.
A. Telepathy is the ability to communicate information using your mind.
B. Telepathy is the ability of communicate information of using your mind.
C. Telepathy is the ability in communicate information to using your mind.
D. Telepathy is the ability to communicate information with using your mind.
Exercise 6. Write a paragraph (80 -100 words) about a way of communication that you often use.
There are several ways of communication, including face-to-face conversation, phone calls, text
messaging, email, social media, and video conferencing.
One way of communication that I like best is face-to-face conversation. While technology has made it
much eaiser to communicate with people across great distance, there is something special about being
able to sit down and talk to someone in person. When you are face-to-face with someone, you can pick
up on nonverbal cues like facial expressions and body language, which can help you better understand
their message and intentions. Additionally, face-to-face conversation allows for a more personal and
intimate connection between people, which can be especially important in building and maintaining
relationships. While other forms of communication like phone calls, text messages, and video chats have
their benefits, I believe that face-to-face conversation is the most effective and meaningful way to
communicate with others.

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