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Name: Rawaa mohamed Yasser

ID: 20190175
(a) Describe water content test?
subtracting the weight of the dry soil from the weight of the moist soil, and
then dividing by the weight of the dry soil.
- It is placed in an oven Its temperature ranges from 105-110 degrees
percentage. Complete drying takes about 24 hour.

(b) Describe Sieve analysis test?

Sieving is performed by arranging the various sieves one over the
other, the largest aperture sieve is placed at the top and the smallest
aperture sieve is placed at the bottom. A receiver is placed at the
bottom, and a cover is placed at the top. The soil sample is put on
the top sieve and the sieves are put on a sieve shaker, for about 10
The set of sieves is arranged so that the largest diameter is placed at the top and
the smallest is at the bottom the bottom, and a receiving bowl is placed at the
bottom. Then the soil sample is placed on the sieve The upper shaking is done
manually or mechanically for about 10 minutes. Then the reservation is weighed
on me Each sieve can therefore calculate the proportions of reserved and pass-
through from each sieve.
(c) Define Atterberg limits?
The Atterberg limits system establishes four states of the consistency of these
fine-grained soils based on water content: (1) solid, (2) semisolid, (3) plastic, and
(4) liquid.

(d) Define Liquid limit, Plastic limit and Shrinkage limit?

1) Liquid limit test: It is the water content between the liquid state and the plastic
state. It is the lowest water content in which the soil is in a liquid state.
2) Plastic limit test: It is the water content separating the plastic state from the
semi-solid state. It is the lowest water content at which the soil is in a plastic
3) Shrinkage limit: It is the water content that separates the semi-solid state from
the solid state, and it is the lowest water content at which the soil is in the
saturated state.

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