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question 2

sieve size (mm) 10 6 2 1 0.6 0.3

weight retained (gm) 0 5.5 25.7 23.1 22 17.3


sieve size (mm) weight retained (gm) Cum. Weight retained % retained % passing uniformity coefficient U = D60/D10
10 0 0 0 100% From the curve D10= 0.20 mm
6 5.5 5.5 4.762 95.20% D60= 0.80 mm
2 25.7 31.2 27.013 73% U = 0.80/0.20 U=4
1 23.1 54.3 47.013 53%
0.6 22 76.3 66.061 33.90%
0.3 17.3 93.6 80.779 19.20%
0.15 12.7 106.3 92.035 7.90%
0.063 6.9 113.2 98.009 1.90%
pan 2.3 115.5 100 0

sieve size (mm) % passing

10 100%
6 95.20%
2 73%
1 53%
0.6 33.90%
0.3 19.20%
0.15 7.90%
0.063 1.90%
pan 0

question 3

sieve size (mm) 38 19 10 4.8 2.4 0.4 0.2 0.075

% pass (A) 100 96 87 78 61 22 12 9
% pass(B) 100 100 100 90 80 42 40 0

U=D60/D10 U= 2.3/0.14= 16.2
C=D30^2/(D60)(D10) C=(0.58)^2/(2.3)(0.14)= 1.044
U=D60/D10 U= 0.88/0.094 = 9.36
C=D30^2/(D60)(D10) C= (0.16)^2/(0.88)(0.094)= 0.30

Question 4
liquid limit 68
plastic limit 25
water content 40.67%
determine: 1) plasticity index 2) the consistency 3) liquidity index


1) P.I = L.L-PL P.I = 68-25 = 43

2) I.C = L.L-WC/L.L-P.L I.C = 68-40.67/68-25 = 0.636
3) IL = WC- P.L/ L.L-P.L I.L= 40.67-25/68-25 = 0.364

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