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Acro a Mosmin = Pui & Babbar © ~ Wahab e © Diodker e Then wu 4 states of mattor, i) Salid ely Qiguid Bil) Jos. ° piv Pion © He nood to atudy Dy bap of Salbidy “PHochsical proporttes i To cLipfewntote “bh trsalosor, entidecoy dk Kemicenicuuiber, nobic prokinkts - Megnatt are fernomognahic materials, eae ois, Barer ws2 nod Hun Pp Thexemal_pooprcbey - To. know which sabid iy thounad inglater eo Fsunal conductor, Mechanical propertly ~ “Te know which sabid is yrockoni-” cally story: Oetial/eb etc robe + which “molerial 31 requis make séllan cll vu clocided Gy optical pay. ‘j@eee8e@eoescrenoasr Tso ale oe J | Cogstalldine Nop Cysteine (reps) fe pak C Plastic , glass) Singha Pall, P (Guovks, Dimiad) (ey, yn Coytabliry sabids arp chosactixed * remullas os asmangment af coms or malacrules as Peto Sveny Aalid LO made wp s atemg or ynalocules, | Atoms one tapoating Homsedines after | CREED seater uns Non Gysabling plidy are choradeived by random coy mor @f aterm, ar” ros or yrOlooiwdes - "> Arcangninarcs of of atemy ul) docicle thoin Pooforties > POastic iy Non- coysralbont > Cuppan & cxystalllino. - i > Dimond & Cubkon bath ane crystalline fut dimonol ‘git cyte X--takan 33 pally crystalline . ra rae dhe oytell, we have wamo ap the coystall wil) ba single Capital CF QO: ing Nine Ie eS iy the rar of aggrigate of dase no- af Pengbe crystal yf Te Arrell wing ent known a Gaon & bowen) AtpUding. these | crystals art Grain Bou redo : as Seeoe Se Ge@® oceans ego SFOS noongogaaP ev B en GD SF we Consiclen gqoaphite © quoscts Hen “han ied on dupfenent bcoz Hain prefmtiee dopandy upon Hin beating 4n_noduns Most of Ihe_paliclk vu in He foam of caysell Solid beoz ci np Aalscl i rox talle a3 compara amssphaus Sao pang eben candy the foomatin op caystalllino material in ore than rmaunp fous soba > hs Mose enmpy selared Jn dhe thormatton of a coystal , costal vill) x move stelle . . ge Helium nucleus is foomad by 2 dutesiun rele 4 a, / 4 reloared 9 SM . To brea, mH +H —> He + SMV + He into JAE & 4 A? we ne > 5a ato a 5 Mal of wo? O> 4mev ply roy Study tho Copled Stouchus ; Lotto =. Ladtia DB penodie asia tof amos poindy in Re Abaca. em 2 et This a a ponredic cropcangrmost Sok, @ atoms. This ura Mattamahterd al) A cancofet ot, This Lotte will! be x Bacal eM, hatin os Space Latticg ap Doth point how “dived P omery eg Latha point “04 0' has “dame acerca Bota Boss an 2 goub adem. Gy atta: dhe baw to each Dathia point , vt oy Lattig + Bast = Crystal Oke ha kt Basis of 1b cdom as called Monoactormic Crystal, wn pmee than 4 atom cu callrd fal aternie Coyttel |. | Hf We ane altechi ademy on ecch ©0664 6 Qoctice pout Ao” ahs wid become — gf © OO physical ©0606 > As Dostica points cna poresdic do oS 2006 dems uil) be porcocdic Bo thy axsrangront wil) become Cayrtallbing Sallid . Unik Cell ddoal coyslall iy inpinite in cLimanxien? bet neal Cxupted can. not ba infinske . Nothing can ‘be delead ala at raid haure finite Limonmen, Unit co is ihe amalllost unit of the cnptal ov Dative which ‘ on Cvtlinows epstation can gorse wohl atin. ; “Thay Ga tke vepsesenctatine of Loses soph Soci (7 | : ge we wart Jo constaeet He coyptel " ia { Buchu Then wwe jiave to aaraingl che TT | und coblles pide by side. . tt Ly Gepain’ can earitein Lange 70° af unit tS ur , dim. of unit col Unis cells one : [= es dion i Pointe ei saad Y iy Non- primitive ae | “Priming = Lottie pommls ax walonging onby sto He Comey . : oR : Rpfeshive no: of Dott poind) jaar unit cof iy one, “Non = pinubing Lottica peirdy ane belonging to the Comars 0 wall a3 do tho one position of the unit coll » APhorbinne vor ef Qadiva point: ae more than one, £ ajo boris + tach Dattlea paint wil) contain | ater, FF eprint re ¥ eS ; i t i } j \ \ } | | | | eeaeee@®ee Ocrtseoooee ego ae ® ° r poo oy UT cA > Vlatice Comatont or Lottin panamstrs ), A primitive coll con have more ctha > Qncthioo point { fattica point at Aharad by 4 wnut cally 5 fos poimitive cd) y x yk 1 for Non - poimitive > Angle /3 60° Tykes of Qattice. Jin gadim. 1-75 dapiwalatie @ Bay, Ly Conystall Schoucure i Lobticn 1 conditien {7 + : Non - puimitive. unit cof ° | 4a Squarta, 1. Squasxnt (paimidise,) = b ba | dab ) Y=90" 2. Roctaryhlan, a. Richa 3. :Ractongullay corel a | GF, Vago" i - . a Hlexagenall i Hnoget! i: r ab, Y= Qo" ee 4 Onbliqua | tb, VY #90 | gbo dn. actin, tho ore 5 Y dypy af coystal -ebuctune , Hore squor, vadengle € Hanayonal! ant thy spociad cases af Chlipre. ® 1) Latom bat jpoue only L , =e @ Sybil af’ Dostica ( Brava) 4 Type of labtig in Shiro. - bd (simple moans primittre ) se oe | { [empiet Short [batt Gendilions Fh} Cui 1 Simple a=b=c, }yos wtigoghed [apy 50 | ‘ y Fock Contstcl | thy Gee) | la. Tetragenal 4. Simple a=b#e, -_s oy cade k=BaY=go | (et) | 3. | Oethowohombic |! 6 Simple ‘og bzpe | ' Febesly conbed X= PeV=Jo" ie B face 4 | | | ae a a al oy (sinp2e) Coeety) (face) Qaee} oh [Tyersal teSimple ORb= 6, oe B= 90 lle St a=b: =f ges il ie : 7 ae Go| M oclinic 7 a Simpbe L reseae | _ 1 Bago conbes) AFD EC a= 2 36 # | ii Trclinic 3 M. Simpole. afb, Ae PAY. © Slonte, 4n 3-Ditry, We have \F coysial mucho ly pam Loshias. [ i AE ml A ml ce lS nbc SAIN CERN RSP 2S OSCSCHETOMTSE HR FO GE899B 808 SII IIR I I o @®eoeecee 60886066 bose —s boimilive (enh) —> body contred —> Face 4 —— €nd uy Ee Ho en 3nd rs 4t ws danoted a» ise , bKL > PUMler dicing Ae dia he undenplaner apacing 1¢- spacing yw choo auccerive planes. 4, inyer of coped called Plane. fyiddes tains dels dhe orientation of planes in dhe oystell. will bo diffronb for chip oniendahion, I duo = SESS | hk Fy Ed +z ; | This soonul & valid only fer Cube ; Jehragonal h Exthorhornbac + fer Cubic Cyptal, olay = a _ SEE PiiWlerr Snetiees = “Ty gang ste odendachon ob Manip che caystal , yniller juicer ured: They oe written a4 (hkl). . ' Nole- tn small eaket without comoj. (100) miller indcrs But L1,0,0) —» Pasittien cowrelinak , Iilln tndioy Jy dhe t_idenchity of phones. [En xs wa] > _dizection on frets} > Copitieh bracket without comay, = —— ! NKR) > Wor trolioos | [hk 2] —, dbachen trices f rk LY. —» Farnily sf bonnes SARL —» family op cLlsarthy teclicay How fo Sketch thy M2. ? sR eee cee hi ki L = oR: OB * oe qa— Potion pareemeter along Kolind , bo, 4 y Yor, C8 “, 4 who OA ttencopt en a-axis OB ” » bo 4 oc y ee Wek Q—> Prillon dnofiey. Suppose we havea Cubic crystal 4 wa wart to sketch (142 0) pang Wel /kK=29 ,Ls0 | fee (loo) plane OB £ Oc rhioull) 1b tnpicibe mgany Sndoncafot paralddd +0 drat axes,” oA— a 0B OC > & (019), peo , ka), 20 “of ~ , 0B7a , oC” (001) , hee, K=0, 2=) dave OBae ocd SOHKBSOCHSCHAHOTEAHMHOOAHROBRHOOHMABHROABBAR®IHES POTS UU" Ut FE a ue) het; R=1, -L=0 oA2 a OB7@ ,,0C7* aD) h=) Kel 2=) OA7a ,OB4a, OC (R09) ha2,k=0,L=0 OR—>af, , OB-900 ,0C7% OAL0B+0C L Eg oA: 08 0C= Loy (210) her k=l , 2=0 OA OBC =. 43 Big = g: bie Noto ParodLel Pacts have tome prillor - dncbiog Negative Sketeh i- . a het Hen Lh deplag | To (Fes) ya7l , k=6,Q=0 Of=—& be: Indencofer on -ve axis To draw Wein shit He owigin dyeg wl bo dame for (Joo) (Too) planes. Qheection « drackioes A 7 = ng = W) sae =F HOF iby a re © {)00F moans family of plants (1.00) (Too) ay COUy (oT o) Co!) (007) fai of linen nai a manne family sf [1 oo] [T°] , [ole] [eto] fool} foot] Quy je Find the Pilon chon Pa plane Hat trates aundoeabt on a,b 4S oxy equal to 34 YAY 3A dna dehragonal cptal with © = 15, | aA 0B: OC = BAL YA; 3A & sis fer tetragonal , a=b #¢ w obea, cans b c hikif = &)» 2; & ' oA ' OB ' OC =.) ae ; So brbydt TSR GAL BA SF aye y ‘ S9elCodsooCeSGedOs9se oO KR 8909099829 Da: Retoming MT of dhe plane shad male inderuapl ©) 28, ak YA on she comrdinate and af Bsthovohnbic crystal with aibic =Y4r312. fe orthorehmbin , at b4C @ee@ eeee [ URiUBIVE = 4157.4 wp hid = Sip boe WikiQ’o= OA BB! Ge = 4) 38 2 a 30° | Qa- J oe ma bob 4240 Fa | cespertively lout fara to 7 axis a oe tbatbica | Barth. 3 OA! OB: 0G= 1A:24 hikr Qs Oe; bee 1 0 Relation bobuwon Lattin faramtir & Mas clontiy of ja paamoker —+ sien ap thy writ cold. se ll eat (2 Ma } Cie Ni —> No 6f odems i" unit coll Mp atomic Mass /atomic welt AU Na Avogeds No. fa > Mos harrity / sfecctie Poul [elses 2 —9 Leute paramster of a cuble coupled Xe df My, glen ain amu. (eq cl 35 amu) so +o rane ab Fan qmor kypn, multiply by Rgen Aunyaicien no Unit > ky /m $0 fon \ | Avegedeo no: wed Nae G:023KI6 Ne 6-093) Unit Ot m om oVabams of the wnt cal, | a? = (hee, ) ye “a No: of ores uscd value [a= ae) Hosa This B called * Ma jn -bvallst onbly ES Nos danasly. | Atria. clam ity [prea Se aie cpa, = ras dowdy / Relative duvvity [peste qrevity ss Unit less . Py > Mass canrity § particular, type ep oystad wre’ do Wortse . eg Cu 7 B96 then B96 tmlem™ gg (unit Las) 1 gm/em3 23 0 | ! : : @ 6 & & e@ 6 e e es eS 6 & e Coystall Shuchows + me | i Simple Cubic( primitive Cubic) * Thea only 4 oem a ° jalacad ot each corre, Lotta poi. bond i noounyt ndiybdin dude @ (Arter nndiasse d.iteng) An sic, alt Hu atoms de of -S-0mg dye alo radia u dame, cordrtlig ans Nova, Story vath 7 eHHOFHoFGHHTONBBOOEFO usluich ona ‘tin foram bend. AAC | a Bo Neosat Neighbour disaneg ' Qe =a ¢ ‘| (5) End of raxt rassert Neighhaun UUsteno => a | @No-op Bnd namurt neiphbsun = |2 ' (ody lienad of Tu 44 Yez plane owing Y td nom Ne en a | Wy XZ yy radph bow, z ( ey cofoy | 7) Volum. of unit coll = a3 x 4 g) o frabmihve ne = ai | i ‘T o—l6 r= He Cocedinstlon no <12 or ARE Aloe FY% : |” ay Moorely packed cayited, Tyo Aen at ») Caderflehdn a APP { App. = _ Value of dhe ators’ iri cunit coll oe \ Valor ep che Unit coll 4 APP» Show Aew riuich Gooeilonag’ unit call a pallial wlth afny tre EE ae) = hae _ _ (0 eee = & = O5R = G27, . Le 52% part of captal Jb oceubind by atonu 4 4g 4 posut Jy entehy : iy Conbved Cubic (bee) Bo ee & tatem at bocly. conked petition. 3) No. Of russet righboun = % | Be. Taking » > aepoustey” - Neonat “Neighbour: btan ee > 2¥= Ba Farr Curtee ctom—s pagsetit ” 7 y ; naighbowi are fy Ae cll He 8 atoms zo” N* ne A . é Safe 98 (a7 92g eek U/, F woymapvmu07 > ‘ay up scr og ufo ne : “SiS syety fay Sg ous | ey!ez bw [yu oEley TO] AN emnuoy, on dhe £ \Bb es Ue ys ue. us Ih. 30 ( oe i ; he #. bgp 2 “AE x hk | ap ae Tht]. - 59/89 hese 20 eS eget Ras) amar Cix) : Pies peters feared i712 | rvoor | pepo Heo0y furiood $65 fy G2) Ee a | os Ie hy, cole A | ie | eB |e va # canter atom repasces atom hey, 6 <1 4) Neasest Neiphbaun clutenee gy = 4 a Lotion porometen &) Und neous neighbauy distant = ¢ Cuigh of unit alt) an PSA hep ile = fF = 1633 6) Noo TE naaseut noighbauey 2 9 : ¥) Nebume af curih cll oem of bane pant) x haight Tae base plane 4s mode ub of § equilateral triangle. A = d Bose x heir but A#e =baxBa = JXar 4 nt ane 6 dranghs do . a 343 a? ae - aBite 8) volume sf | bomittve unit creat _ ill be 5: of UD A q) Hone nts atoms ino Gee 1 OO e una Ao Hora ux have 2 atem bails ; [wo of afore fund ea) = “ee xy (beh xy Peihe xy a iy a Se ees cern eee ed ene hee aenek oh enen ed Note ;- reasst ne'ighbauy in never ~ Roa (ae “ io |} by No af atoms Jwak val, = 3yzq% I) Ribemic reciuy g.= 1) Tyke of packing — clased FB) Ge= My, Ze Gt ote, | > Mostaly mtab have’ Fee of hep admebure "APF = 6X dno (2 Ea) ' " 3B ae - 13 2 = éx inv 7 bxdne faery’ 38 0° [Ea ~ are ‘ = Fz so =H 3 e aking “frastion Of hep 4 see 5 D dam. Qimeind Cuubio (dc) = Thi tpt bravias Latha ; SE dy imade by 8.96 more brownies Sotices. -Bimond> Coubic can bo convidered as intenponohrettion of two fee fathus — 1 ui ak dhe partion (0 0 0) & othy “ja at te position (> b54) Dimond has lémond? cubic viudure dimond iu mada up ky atoms Y Carbon . Plloer 4 fee df atom sat (00,0) ; PL)? Non poimitive @ | 2) No af ako funk all = PABFEKE EY HG } 1 Coerdinatin nb. 4 e | ach C-atem is coordinaled do e ' 4 c-atom - . el Daren dhe coordinahn no.) abuckue Lol) bo Jowrally prot ° | 4) Nearest asighbaty distance _ nel gy 5 Re [eer ea) 6) Best No: ef Tad ACN. = 2 . { (ap 0 ht 4 atawn hon ahs N. Ns atom wl) be its face cimbéd ay 6,0 Vo: af anit call = a2 : : %) Val.g painiive wit ale = Ch oa pstbie cs fee with, 2 adem bass.” € dimonds covbie 44 fee 0" vabatlep de = 2 @ No of atemy in priimihise ur / E 9 Ne: a along J unt vol = e (Gators, in a? veliersy © bo) prprnic Raolity -p = So e 3 6 . : ef Type of ports ~» loore : ; Of pimord vis Frsdotor—> Sach ¢ atom it co-arlinated fay petal eo, Ceatorn ao aha make 4 covellnt' bends, Bocaire No fe b) e- pr Cratom bb free , [errant aha ha Y 2°] ey cb As mls, : But at Js Elnchrcally frnulator-beoe 4 eave SEU ° Je ou good hao conductors Stull of Se & prsedledor 4 sam Sex site useage ni e e ban gap — Sas Ww aes = _ I] APE = 034 o Gy 7, of Ser ! “ie i APF f° BGT ee i 3 ' = SX xT x Ag oF | OBR OB XH: = BF 2 9,34 = 3Yy 16 Zine BboreLe Shuetura (Zn jr This Wu simile, to obimend cubie atuchrw exeapt two 2% | induijanabratingy Detris hase Aliffoant adams. x Tat Qadh | orunit 200 Wu made from Zn atomy thon yg anh coh | Ly made Seon sulphide atoms Hf Zn -oceupin He fec pasition then. S _ ” Tetvohotm. 4” oy via warn, ZnS 4 net @ atom Jatuchoe . Sty q maloculan dts dn dh case ridarest ndizhboawr dufanu = Vent Kei dn aunt cll 4 Zn atom + 4 Sater a - B | , - 4x Sth + 1x ne ear £3 3 = As (+ Sen.) / = “#37, Tey, \3 A+ _%» | ay To cadertladte APE, use handel know Ho vat =e is Ae APP of 205. tay 7 eradtsly, , ex ~ GaAs , CdS, InSb ‘ete. : ee . ee q @ Bs 16° Sodium Chilovide.( Natl) /Reck Salt :- 2 6 Ths 4 mack up by Q fee ewelals ade Nath canbe B convidored a3 two inteaporcteahng fee's. Ong Dottiea & eceuking the Na atoms 4 otter orenping the CLedom. © puch that if ene hog the exgin at (0,00) than other ha} ® . ; © odlyin tt (4 10,0 Jaw (0, $10) ow (0,0,4) 7 wf 2 °. e e!|. oe! e! al ‘ e.| | ‘ p ¢ Na atoms secur). the ochahicleal porition, cl cents eo) te Fee position, ba i) Non poimétie 6 2) Nov «f atoms Junit coll, | . / 6 { laa (&) 5 Fatal contsbubion of G1 > 6443 =Y eZ e? ” , Na x) re lpatl=ay 4 6 aike Contre e HOLE YNA 8: Thay ua malecndan coystal wdrustirs. 3) Co-welinahen 70° (noosuat rraiphbous) Neorrt neyo co No. > Cdl bo CO-Grelinahen no- = 6 4) Neasust vdiyhbou cliten to Wet Son = . 4) Ind roaxest neighbauy + fir canter atom , alll black atemiare Lun, for Nao 1 ny ane Na aten Qn Cha ou » CL pee ‘ ( Bo TL pranitt paighbou = 12 4 6) ro * datene = 2 2 ee Y Volume af anit coll = a> 8) Veluwe gp freimitive unit coll = a 9) No- of cetoms in primitive unit ald - j at | doth, thoes b 1 Na Ad tL aterm placed’, 4 Natl iu fee with Lotem basis , uy Na atom + | g loy Moloculan danse = ae ae 12) Type op packing =. 6 Lore C6< 12) 18) APPS 25% can't be coleedoted enadedy Sx- KGL, KB, AgBr ck. , “Ady tu abkoli halides & silver halides have Natt bude. \¢ mate; Ket, NaBe, KBy, Naz, KL) \ . ‘ ! ). Cassium Chilbsiele (Cs) = Lig, Road, Cah coyptallires in Coc abushunr, CsCl cuplal can be coniidired 3 2 Intenponebadtig ane cubic Dates Ona hos the adores of Cs & oiher har Hy 4, ator, ap CL. The odigin of ont Latico uy at (0,0,0) & ; ot hes oyinat (45,4), 4 @ essen gener SAOCOOOOCHOO9RR 9009 S©OGCOSCHOCEHSSSCECHHOHOD IE pee POU OOO Uo O Tg Uo 1): Non~ poimifive. 2) No: «4 atoms / unit call Cs— axe = |] Ch | he 164102 = Iesed malacude 3) Co-cedindhon no: of Noapest nrishbaun = 3 Y)ENeasast Neighbann cbistante= DE Nearast f Neiphboun dirtane- = | Teoh Ta = 88 Seo $) T vooest ntiphbanr =6 Gig dr not bee beat. tn Lee : R ‘ Carhreaters st) BAMA bint 7) Veluime af unit all = @3 Stee le %) Val: of primitive unital = g Bas 2 atom basy LCsdicd D Medscrdan clamaity = 4, Cad) 9) Forking — Doose NW) @x~ Coch, ROL» CoB) Lin . 2) APE —> can nat find untill Ses walto dy net Known Grvaphone i Graphite afuctint ib made up of gob bene Dosprs. Graphene hao Horny comb abuts, Carbon atoms ay avranged | m Hu he comb stout . to 2D - One Ceatom 9 shosd by 3 “Pooky (atoms Thigs dy Graplicte atmotuie ty 2- dim. fn 3-D - One Ceotom Aho by Grew C-ateny, : Grneaphicy Abrurtuat oy uy Daytned Abuthie but qeaplune © 2) No of atoms] unit all { i ( { camacting BS reanl, { atemy for bravely { Qathee , ii ‘ i Ya Aino Louyen Apache Cringe Leven of cars cbon atin) Graphite 8 Conductor > puc-atem , Lew free, | H convider | Dattice point on eath atom portion thn | 4e well) net foam o basin beaz suceroundinys ALB ane different, Only Afatorns. dr B-B atoms can form basis ay - Huy hare SMe ativan ching. Bo Sti connget: nanschy A-A ate, o7 B-8 atten | Tha hexagon (24) 4 Ay unit cell of graphont ) Thi unit all Ga non-poimifivse comm ajoms —» $xX6 = 2 ~ Inman , iy =4 Tete) novo} edomy/unit all = 6 Side of unit 0) — Datho porasrabs / Dathia vitior | AL He prcat wil) by worte, ¢. Yattio pourameln —> a | Ce o pry=[b'| am , Y= 20 3) Nearest Neiphbaun cisancy cae tn o-D, thre wil) bo clase pay Pat ag Jp No af WN Ont & but hime 3 Ao packing well be Qease, > 4) ILnd ee N° alisha = =a f g)Nov ind NN = 6 fe a OE UN %) Apea af & SV BAe $n 2-Dim, Area, = _ | Sactegl 7 = V3a Ka fet 82.8 = peat | =Go* z BA fea of untt call = Ba + at = = we = 38a" %). een of paimihve unit al ~ Lx anae 7 cut 00 BO = ene = Bok (fiber 9) No= ap adem / prrimickive cant lh = re inti em go 2 ctoms of graphite Invi primitive, coll, do Qodom basis, fier at one Motta parr, one atem GA dyer & ome ay B iy ) s {im comvantimal, unit etl + bass con't, be dary 1 ae ac ech ea 1 an a ae aa oer oe | ‘ Nov a Nest. Nos 3 ‘ 2 aR 5 : ww) Tye af parking 2 loose d Cty APF = . ns: of atom /urid oll = $x 12, 3x3 Ee : 4 is) Nov af item / unit cer = 3Ee — 2 |— ae 4y B3a* ~ “Feqr 1) Atomic Roclivy -@ &) Ex > a cho atoms In anit coll aNea of unit cell conxider atoms a3 dise 6x18 ee ao (ou 7TE> ie fax uml ae ae — Be eens SRE 7 BE Oa bh tke Craphite i a feo of Cadchon A costal on ee haxagonad dtouchur . $t-contains 4 afems per cae une col Negroad Ne cldtan® =). gq-= Q A—» Jothia forametor @eeeodones a FO AO CCOCOCERHVOBECHOSOOEBS EOE OBS5 PINION HN, ye t C-atem can meka coveloxt bond wlth 3 natsday ate C-atem of + Royer can't make bond with c ator of 2nd Lower. Thoct's why gaaphite rhaty slides on cach athe. Bo Graphite Uy Selt bea. ayer don't have boneliip SomiConduder one not comeluehing at Took Matals anw conduching od! T= ok ; Graphite 1 a& Sami- vrata, “Plants in _dlifbenand Copstals - os 1-Simple Cie s- Phang analysis Jn S.C. fread conviclen (1 20) jelaung dn Planes (0 lo)Cool), oo) , the poprbiss ang slams, | No: af atoms on (J00) Syfea plane — eo = tu st fer. tana conrad Area of plone = a atoms or cise (2dr Planner dannity = Nor sf atony fur unit asia = al INI TO ae (av 1) C110) Plone ,_ Nov ef atoms = XY = | Area = Jr qt . PQannor clansty =_l JE gt Shape = Echo, - (UD) pone + No Gf ctoms = Lyg = No 0 = ee = fre = ie Bare ¢ heir h =i Waa) fEa = j eno 1 ot 7 PQannon donity = 2 | Be | Shake 7 Triangle : which plone in SC 4 clorecl pack plans 2 1 Anus Plow, Dasgest Pannen clarnty wil? be chased peak |: : having - 4 | (190) od 1Q, whith cliaehlon Jy CAsyeat park in SC.2 P44 Dim > atom uy cinriclened ay a Ins - I aam mi v abe, Bolivn a ” 4. apne, Lb? Pane having Doogest Dine deunty wild be clorent park. Peng Che ‘ a bat cl, fst, OT, lrey Cee} oy te Clowrxt pack dim © (in ditiene a dhe wet ate (has I) fe dint caaiy= 1) [2 BCC | G00) plang ;- No: @} adomy = | (No wud atern on facts) Aen gt / Plownen daly ie p p ' A oo zi ly ; oar : , Ea =e Q2eeeenonegg O07 98D pO Om a LeoeeeeeO ee es Oo Ooo Nrs ‘ is [ a o) ~ ? Nov ap tomy = 2 3 Rrea =fi0> Pr PQenner dowry = JB ya ; Sine = Visa be [=~ Noro} ctr = t (body ieee a nok combs bude co (11)) plore ) ’ onnn daily = fino donsity = ( Penna iy wa y Dine dawtty ie pe for BCC: Cloxedt pack plana Ss (II 9) e é : a cise oo [yy 1] BLO te (0.0) Wane :- Now a atoms = S544. 7 P = 2 r Planner clowitty = 2. r Loe = i P I ne e oe Nes afedoms = b Plonnn danrity p Sins (WD = No of atoms = . 6 Q cov, = . Planner hownty. Bot cy Bia tclanaity = for Foe Chesed Pook phawe CITED 4 1 din” fhe] rd ayery enpial Bb associated wlth 2 dye 44 Dodtees a *y disact Dodtice ; “Tiy Reripooeal Aattica Need af Racipmen! fae - i Auch dade, Dates poird « comranged) ve ty | Phat * dn Rociprocad dati, Dattce point are ascnranyes qcensdiny ty tain Wane vector (R) + oo ynome nium ( k) “Hane disuck Lather by defined in Position dpact . Rocipwoced — ” oe Pomeontum 2pacr or Fao me ws frveunliy wlotel fe pasion raem, 4 ane Conjuugare ap each ath. > direct Lottin i) the writ of Lorgth . —> Rociprecn) " a [ongth Jo! ewe vector J No: of ways fr unth ulate Sorgth $4 godly, dn whith lin? wowe roboge tiny hee I Ke a | Pot” engy in pasion spac, “KR in Mom Afoucr. Toto) YB KEL PE! at nvwurt bie fie 4b a much PEs ny 7 BR ey completely free then ty will have KE. onl rons for naod of Roo Lathiy a" 4c J spat Yo vitualize Ha eaytal felons. as ovdlin i cy hp MLS , a ee ‘ eee OoGDeseo28e0 8 OG88°C299OR8G8OG8H8H999 FR BN8 . ¢ a ® As WKL By dneg-d — eye Geoplane —> chpbicadt te visu. Y) 4n Rorifroced Lathe, Cash plans LS ot09 Li yeporesetted by bs normal. iA] & Dongth of he normal) 2 inversely propostional to inkenplancn Apacing > So sinedly dro" » Rosy bs the Loryth op the normas => Plane near in direct Daticg will br fon away. wh rect Dahil . maa Bey pryricel pooprdy af ¢ Jal is purwodic « To calewlats o> concentration (& cone: fallow korrodic prop. A facta given nie) = nlrta) To calculate e7 comes , Wwe nord ‘to expand thy fal 4 ; co expand poroodio pus", we nore fouciin Agriny 4 frows Serie UU He concopt of Fourie, apace Or yeck Ayan. ® Srey Physical proputy of cayrtal sr fensodic Dike & Fed conantretion & magnahe vnomant. fe Faun toarrfor of dinset Joti Ue accipoveal Jobhice , Roe» ’ cline + i & davoug " ” ty acim: dud Latticg , drow ana 2 vedtors at X ze. To move from 0 to’, we Wr h z iN sort Translation Vector, Prone 3 b called Lode Translation 2 Me eet The veetor gaining 2. Lathig pebtty veubss caltel Lode Translation vectors one — 7? T= ath dn gennad ——— [= ALENSENRS gt bs dapining tp divert Lattice o , uh, ra,b,¢ Ub Primitive doust Dattice vertor. i pare fotning neasert Docttice (points wedors i peez they { Y lane | 4 aie jorn far Anitia. point thon how vedo will be nom~} | j | poimitive. i : | Be Be BCC Uk bars sduchne , ic _ acti poramedr —+ fon Ind i suon= Foe , Fran ne Lyhbaw . i Sadie Hane , Lathio vector connat—non - weet nearest Lacthio points -s&o Nom~ primi \ ee : Printing : | , | 4n Roc socal Latico ) A Be ont Hu primitve a ° | G@F= ann 4» 7 ome arheggn. Vi =0,4,2,>7- SSHSHSHOSHHOHLOSHHOHHOOHHO ONO OANHSOHK9BEOTHRRHODA Recifro cal of S: Poimitive Lathe Se, (3 thoy oye foutng neaseat Dothicn vectors ) w= ar : > _ 4% Baby | e=ck . <——a—> aa ere fe St, Voluums af poimitive unit calf = dotlice ape conventional unit all = a3 i Reciprocal Pottia vertors > R= an(bxe) _ amok § (a=b=6) a> (bxe) a’ : 2 oe oe ws an 3 8 aa c= ane The Aide ap cabo in clower Lattin a ' ny ne Reece 4 > BAY = Rocipocal af S.C- BSC: with-cubie aide 27/0 ies ak Racipmeal =» = took jy tu Firat Badbuing Zone. fr SC, DBT wD Cubs of aide 2m/a » \fobome of Resibsroeal unto fir SO: = (& y : Eas a of bee D Beat bisbz ~ . eel UuPrirmitive Dacticn vectors i A DAY .S = £( itf-=k) a B= &¢-U+i+h) ee (Bx?) > Valum ap primitive Unik od a bee A(bxe) =a] J 1 - ‘ pele | & i111) 1 pee [ee si 2x4 aw @(bxe) = oe : 3 z RQ Root pooeal fect veel , P= anlbxe) . a ( bxe) B= AN (ex a (bxC) i= Those cre: the primitive veotes op Tan Oattte weed. 1 Roijrocal af bee dy fee with cube sidey oh COHOOCOSHOSHSOHOHEDMHMOBENNENHOE9HH8F99N99H989 ' } B=. Brena) } \ }. Rocca of fee, - } Prirnifive vectort ap fec, @= (i 9) R= BrlbxC) & (6x2) am page) ahi d-k) o) tt anc-lrieh) an (ty a" (BKC) ea Qn (axis) G(OKD =) Rocipeocal of fcc —5 bee with euhe tide te. Vallee Of Reci Bo unit al S Ves Ar (Bxe) an aah FO d+k) Racibovoal of hep.'~ heb 3 Aelp xecipoocal . X- Roy diffractbn - (XRD) X-reup ane EM: wauys ef very oe pvmallln the Wile , enw i) ko Dan * wl J ai * _ | ae X-vays ane wen high enongy EM, Waves, ! Ditfeaction ~Canding of x-rays.) Atl dhe Long tednal A freengvensy aver f Adund wary, “show dafpachdn, (Sound Ware —9 not shou polasigt’ ) i Banaling of ye - aspunrd the comorg af An Obstache | iy called pian, Conditions Size af tha apaxdurt ds aize af de abtacle i Ahold be compualele Jo the Wel ap unre for | cafpastion do OO ed | i $n cablaarhion grating we wren ALA . grading ae ured por opstcal disht (‘Joo A- Foo A ) “he~ (ony dm 07 7-um ). vey small & rush a fu grade ean net be avi + df we indduat store X-ray on coystal hon JH!dl | boc, alifpoasied frorn atomic jedan, Ceaystal 4a mace up | | boy placing atomic plarias) Cas¥ pom 1225 40 om ) hs By One pQhne-» JoF= Jo S th pant @ x- Ly dace | © ho de diifaact X-ray , we nied ae a ! I, Gwvacting can net dilfresr y- xeys eo Wil of 20yl” ‘ ‘ COHHHHHEHSHOHHSHHHHOTTHHOHOHAHHODMRHOH AE ptomic. plang ane Liky rivet fos atomic planusacfechn Thuy di}praction Ja Jike — Mirsror Like Roplootion bare thou ane dange no: ab satornic plone ee 5 i) . An . Zz f , : Tae \ 3 [>—, ‘ ‘ : w AU) dhe planes uill fallow, edaekne & z-pninmad 40 Hy mog- fisls Bondy comolations, jelane The. Rapdochon ll continu HDL dhs-whale dlifprechen a completed. : 03 — B "%~ Oo Qg 2 meawnre fom dhe caprtal surface. > Bart bo dhe Wks & forq! of (neidont boon Han * usb: of dipjeneeo! baa ett be dona (he- A/ becaur. midium iy fame, (5 shasta of Fair clapanol upon material of grety - > 1 ” qo dou not ” a : L : i p but thay Tre dijpraced Waves can. be intenpoe YS yur be Cohvent (fe: phase dip mil be constant withing 1 boam 4&2 pravells clijpraent path Ro Hun. sb poh dif bo aha will be Johase cif } mn tn Copfals due 2 bumaic omranymat of atom ad dnp g remain comand olurenys, (oh da combs do phoned Pith dil = 88+ BC ~ = aly PHS + diner whe | ? > a a | setecor Jy placed & path itp bys clifpracted way Gi Mz Pan -cdalentor wel) datect the Sptenatu [Mavima srt wil) 6 cbistuelive interferon a, (nail Menina a bath dil}. 4 then Contac Irdopbenonte & deters 4h. path diff : Pil) dalect doteraity ‘Manima : j= dp [zasine = NA) cand” Aotised then ctatector will | obsenve O diffea chon prok . fas fee Constustive Inteferane, as Saber f teenbity P| an clip UAL be indeyre) multtilede of uit A» My | | Aithn $x A A vou 6 Cure Monochromatic Keay Jo'By J) ! os Hx 6 & VO Ato Aadisfy the cond" [adn RO = nh | We l2r3,- Bo thet, yyy can ke caladated & caystalabaichne | can be foomad, , i Tras cabled Bragg loa | A nts dvdon of ctfeaction , | | } | lets Sn Namoironls, Use Tstordar. jee n=| : 2dsing =A iffog abn Pale - | frrgle b/s indclont wore “> differ ved Loar, [Gapecin og = 2] eee angke = Og | io Bragg’ Dour Gu Concrguanc, of. benodicity of OoctHrta.- Ret, * Sifesk of. Steer & Steain on XAD fatter »- 5 X-ray faction poutten is Indwstty vis dipfecetion angle. 1 £ & Toys 20g dhan - fee i Th & 20.4% a } deo v 5 Oy hos tha Dimit 2-0 do 90° } | Aa as app angle de A (es) Apaeing ad. 5 Trae perks one the | 1 2% > Concagtecnte ap ‘3 cane”, > df Fneaeanhng Qdgino=n) whan dy conol? 4 © doctiified., we get Peet. Maximum trterflann spacing 3 of (160) plone, joo =O 7 —> & of Mani Hon Os phauld bo mins A fs Hain popadluet semain consent. => Bo Hut, Lat ponk cowerpord 40. rmallort Brags aryl 1g Basegert alinen Induning of Tat faook > Cie) a | % Suppose we have a peak of noma sampleltohich unsdeeashed A UNComprured.. acartants) . C8 7 BC rbetfist dant : : SSSSCOSHSSHESNTOCHSHTSHOHSSONTTHDAODRHRABZIADHEDS —8 ' Spjenaty 4 habe iy moma buh both beaks have diff poston 7 4 Shedchad fosak Jy at different ae cif cng fy « an a | bo, of 9 Bwkly sista 3 In xed & compound | Mn re | 4) ” we ae He Laie) ORs bd Were a a A 7 [9 Sab p Jy Atratehasl wrifomaly | » mts dit omprerted ¢ C.Non- dnifoom Stretch ) comprerted ” Abeetehasl (Non--wniform Compression) Bids & Ov uj th Unifesn Ahece/shein Thane. Ju No ony dn-dhe shafesof thy or tn Unigorrn feonk & Tnlenvity Cet hing ov Comer) { dn Nee Us heyy ov atealn ,-abretutin £ compatsrion wan . bin ath Nore. fo non nlf -elpast and nob sr fin ll inn in dita cour , thou no change in ahape of beak . ‘ Ao Units 2 but 6 3 incaea se iy mo od > dieratte ae dace nrins roars Cormprevvion .&o (b) Js Lsoeehy, Ie fe ant) con, aah egg) #f ne Modijjed peak 3 boo. Ve . Stress. 4 Adsate wil) lex | | “Non ~ untfoem. (Waycderedt | | | Nok 9g peak ts shifted pownrly 0 : =a ower Boagg's angle => Sreicluly i » STSSHSHSHOTHCSSOCESSCCOSBTATFTOHSFSOBHOO*HHN HH f | Cffeet af temp" G—> Peak au broaded Shock of Jompradusa on XRD fadlery + Conviclin nosmall & mectiad, * domple Maxima a A*B r (emp, noel an sama je. Hoy cut geri) Dycngen same value. of 2p, \Gse%) Tine u No steekehiny & 7) hist [J No Comrremnion beaz in ° SE Ahrdehing & Combrerion Oy i PO ay Ja the la demote The peak which 9 broadin => having tess Bass indents ‘ihe pawelr talonathigh Jonpratus . i nen Tha atoms, of any solid can bo conridoud ay posemmir oscillators ,beoz adorns Vibeades ab thaiy 2quulibsiam perition Fax | UK Ths SHIM i valid only whan, temp: i) net hish beoz ot high jemp> , vibwehiond ane Sloxge £ a wid) break. Bo Simple hasunoix motion iy coneclanad oy dh, ou No thuamad exbarhon Dye to Vibestion (No° Hhyunal expevion) , inte polar apy 3s not changing , Y dng 7 Nob changing Phonqerak 4 Bix Bact Sridiably Boagy cond” Ju xodtiufied for Ahorh fook . & dua to vibaatien , Boage cond" Apsishias fror a vahge of sniervaty krorea xg => Peak parition unchanged : ( Dijjesdtion pooks ang abio cabled Dspprreshion Lins.) @p On dyeing temp, Ling Apacing (distance bur due eck) ; 3 I Hi) ¢ le No: op f 3 Jneyenies - . q Seifea peaks in compaction of poerious feaky. called cligpuse Sent . . Atomic: Seattesuny facie G)e sw dafind a ¢ = Arba ghey ‘calned by an adorn Ampbitudly of. MBA Beahened by ane. ctdensiy of K-2ey beak dupandirg ujoon 2 factors ~> Meme Sea fedbor () , ; _5 qeorotvical Afucdue factor (S) Tndennity oc -(ampbitudi)” | Smallot Scaterurg conhe om? oe Anes prduadne with odoms Hon amblited ore dlipeastest}onss upon - how many & on each | Lak dupard | shan = | fomplitule, 2 gs | THE Seunplituy” > b= Ps eg: bi &. No I 3 ; 4 . et Wea | Bo F wf be dypuort for bath I abhi point f —» how many atoms on tach Dates points 4 aes | ‘ unkenunly sp => dnewsty dapandls on f & S abro 3g _» hows tu atoms cou assuarged | 0 : > q dw caystaly ane of differ ishucte oy Situ have oto shu? Hr Hutn Jntervay Ls nok some, oe 4 Stucke UU dame Hun - wud be if | sasame wa ani(uk+ Vj k + uy L) ju te gaumisnen on NO of ate An nh coll, sup Vj, Wi and Hie payition co-arclinateyop gah adtemy. (Siac factor for SE ; dn SC, Pay jy baton at position (09.2) ant (oht oktow) a o- « =€ Sl po 4 moans , Scadtned apy F = § cFafs) & Tnkensty > Tndernfy doy net dupard on Wk, Q. | he: ’ ” on aurticnod dy pe oh L plane je- daeme fer all plans (ai tho apiece | ane allbued) No westichon on ky 2. ‘diy § for_bee te ; | Sypettie n0- 9f atomy 2 2 LPP) eG%43] ani(ete te) , ani ChtE+h) re E i Se S=i+t enc nrers) cts capancbing on MK fl hee npudlar dye of plans, San eeeveetovasoesesHoe soon TSasse se SOT IOS do Jnlemity a also Aipanclig upon ponticullay dype. pla. -1) htk+ 2 = even eit (htk+2) =] _ Be. [S=2 => Pa af y 4h ntktl = odd. e He CHER) Sy [$=] = Fro $4) Che een) I @ heey odd ) Br Aa Ae alles fo be ablawes , | [Chek t) aisle Gam] Gi) °S for fee» Tan ak 4 otoms ak (2.99) (L4,9) 0449 (bio) a sett htt ks wa) Al i 5c ae OH) 9 MlkHe) ert thy) : | Ss lapandling yen bk, D, pO Seopa) oe all odo hoes Sz fit) 4+) -Feauf ( rep ofa kF . i Ref Doctors ase allen when kL) aw all even or odd, 0000002008 HHT TH H988898F89999008 i a w. PEER IIT ITEP | ) @ Yb kL) mixed , : Suess (00) hes h-rodd £ fk, 2-1enen Phen Se rel", o} S=1Fi4)-] S=9 Fao So Rot Prose seplochens wl) bo absent, (IV) Qimond Cube (dQ) —Seleation Rude —> AM Odd , Hen alll reflechons ‘alfocad: ; > All Gren. den (hERHL) mutt bo diiviste boy 4 enty Hore reflections uill bo allowed 7 () Nach = Combiration of jwo fee, whan .Nacd coystallise, Nac? — Nat +07 tad ae 18 : local on Dathio site Beoz es Ae a do Hain Sa. factor ~9 difpercah Fu # ae That's why Tac Polous the xploctony of C. Lowe KB. coma in the calagony ra Nall. ies KBy alxo Pelllow fee , ; © Rh clout net cy dude! c box KOS Ke Fh fey: - dn thy case , X-wsy can not difpeintale “ 2 dyes of atoy ( KT CL) 7 ei tlle Fhe efbechion Of Simbloe cubs with atte pawmitre | Honee Reflachons of BC» Choo) Cle) (IY) 4 «kh 3 (2 08.) (220) (222) { ( ben 1 | 4 { 4 09), Clha)(iti), (209) (40), (21D, 229), S39 5 C5 Gu), 2227, B20) , (a2) «gil demain ool | | Thay the dereasing oda of ds | This of div foom (KY) \ | for SiC+ > AOD sepdection allowed GZ -¢9 (rQ—>a=dy,, | (be (iio), C200), I), 220), (319), (222), (321) | Toh peak of bee: ra 6). Comuponding to bel Fy | da = US | fox $22. (III), (2.90), (242), 81) (222) | / SC > 112531475 161g -- i ta gt) es 7 (HEY) => bee UGB 012 14 1S : - HM 2tBs4yiSibi FEB -- : k foc D wea eT HR fede > (111), (22 0), (NN). [Nall > ipome as fee. i Ke, (zoe) , (220), (228) --- sag ank ing fox | SCi— aig = @ REST d= Cee oeOe ere oS eeO2GE0H709e299388 9 Qu :- Caleulale cleo for bee. r \ Fee x a fo = dn bec A Fee, all the atoms ang nok covtied by (lao) plane do clraw extra plang. >> * Aur to x exba plane inteploion apacing’ =U. Due do entsa pune «pathy Ail) 1 with be half. do pilase cliff wil) be hol) & cond” af cousuative Int. wil) be changed Ino disbuelve, z-apbadhon i afer Lavgest | © Tie plane whieh is not present ive def nat elfowed for sthad- PML mutedy bay d Zz. | foe Se > dios! dito! diy = Logie > Vein Bee 3 dio! dno! dw = SOR aR D> Jig fz a rr B Fee D Avot duo tdy = b+ - | Ce Adieo ! cu due git. Ly wes | ieee Braga 's Lous sin Reciprocal Dadtien - : Zdzine = nA 48 the Bragg’s Yous tn ist Dodide | Gay Reciprocal! Dodie, wie nia do replace aaa 4. Jk Racal Sadie oon vestor eater of tho ath G and )A k are Invexadly ‘elalel H | EK ba the ware veetor of Inaclont / x-rays & Ee be dhe Wane vector i of Bppracked ae kG a thy Raclproced!) Lothian vectors. 7 Magnitucle og Ru ~ [R}= at ~ tp Mog RD [l= aL x ie le Be © beo2 hls al indiclont 4 clyperacted Wave Ly some ago Meng - oF R&B ane same lot thoi ABP ane Spel Theet 13 why Shay ar difpnodt, : Langih af Wave vettoas depand upon 1 Songthaf K'h | IR “Gal) be dam baz.) Jy Aare. : I. Trace a civclo of readiy 21) A than DAM he pointy, Dying en the since wil) rabitres thy i | | { { i i Bag er mean) | S K+) —————) oy =< 1. 1 3 ak = | TT] Th B the foum of 8 17 3 echncad anche tt * 2244 he. clffaronc ot ma toual to Foe Matiie Vechn _ Gp inci: aT clifpacted wove co ) POP2 SOP OHVCHOSRDPMONOBR OBB ' eeecee SGeeereonos G! gives He differance ef wo point), hewving (mibleninoliey Chx2) and CHRD. fom ineldant do clifpracteal. Now squesty, wry, (Rite AGH RG ak G+G*=0 / This ds He Bragg 4 Doro in recipnocad Dates qn QDime yy Circle my 3 Dim —» Sphorg called Ewald ~Sphow Fells parition ag Bragg" cifPsacted Lens fei 35 dn x-ray Machines gemallly [A= r54 A wil], Cu Ry eel dy used. dio Ky di incident On Cu crystal. 2 monochremas Brillowine Zonw ( Bz) = BZ ano Mo baundsiay cohen Bragg’s conditions will be sadtinfied in zecipeoce) Datta’, : : Bz cy dhe Locos of call K-valteos which ana Bonga, cliffoarted Rocipsocal Lattio anit colll of any coystel iu ths ficat BZ, ine- TAF BZ of Simfele cubic. ij° Sc. iat . Cin RL. , Afbays Jake ongin at .° conke ) . ke ky Re oe shore K-values which ane Bragg diffeacted to X- dua |e = Ta JA dn -x di? Roe [Kx= “Ta], Brags come” GH gorbesfied Beg 5 bow | In Recipeon! Dodie { 4 EG + G*=0 Th ee Aguasia gt side OX. | 4 i 4y disudr Lathe ., fost veators aug oma awa ‘ Babs key | 4, Rociprroesd Dottie , tor cack { — | Ae anlexc) .~ Qn? o-_+—__5 | a- (bye) a Rey “Ala Me. ! 3B ee ea i a: (&Xc) & i oral muon 1 She oe 2, | wh from G , ehh a & Re Ke te Ky? BGG = 2 AD (h Ket Ky) =e im (Hk =o 2 “AE ( hkeetkhy) = “8 (Hg 4 > ERG = EUR) Th ds By: Bagg '4* Cond” of sbquase Dathig . Minimum Value of hi, ko ( 0 Not fonble ) Pe eal ea =o:,k=t] Thaye ara the porible veebuoy of h&k Neos oe hetl , K=o 2 of pao, K=t] tke = > rye 14 $A Kyet Ma enclon Ihe Ke t qua ag Ler BE Bz ave vevy imp» “in: ehoctrtca) a3 well a5 magnatia propidy « Bz dacide the ev & phon. 2e07OK G93 99009 * elladie popup “ascidd- by the mahi ap or ia th expel 4% & more foeady then coyptal Ui good conde : dp can nak Yreve fredy dhen aysted anlator . (9 gf bared gap dy Yoxye , Fran rare ery hauls be froovicad do feee Ha @, . ; * Bev moving Snwdt Ha oye shan; gt LD houre alow mom then boxy Do. - Booglit hypothe Gr /g0 nowe sone A ah Pp pe 0 3 “3 Cand” db gakugind, ther . ; a He oceded with noe in packwad cia” insleacl o yond tin" do’ band 9p agoulat . 8 : art ec i foes. do, mare JD Bx. dp will howe, He | onegy of VB" or GB. +H hee entgy af bem’ HH | Hon vr will do pack & fort, maten-s Stanley vhua, © Te comer 4 Bx 4 abv applicable om , Phonon. e Area a Bz. Jelly thor em can move foealy in this od09 [7 gad ip abet om bewunelry than plmae changes by 18" | ing ware foomstion eeestt J brand gap asciness IL 1 i 4 eoecoosronoseee eoeorreT® Ql BrMowin Zona > Nett Cond? a k ah , > Fhee =e | Q “t Ky Ky SB a | Bo Ting BL: Lg thongulley shape (4 a) | Sop ke | Bea BZ Qo) (29), (08) ro3tdaz, tho aw Ga, | Tase ae He BZ Y Squaw Dalle, © Ractongelan Latice “> shale afrB.z- Lu ectangular, |; Hexagonal 7 5 hope af T BZ uy Honayorall , Gibe ye Sheds ap 8.2" iy Casle , F Square " “4 ” 4 Sq uoe . Oxi Which of ‘dhe follousing otetemont abut BoL-for er jearticulase: secpovend JothL one correct , 1d) All BZ howe dame onth in 1D, dome oven if ad & game veduire in 3D Thu by due, 10) Tay ofl asses stare Ahafer. — False | gity Tiey eld howe shame atymrnaly «Pout. 1 Qbostions six Gpleratoruie separation of Ph capstel having fee shucks 3 os 3.5 A Hon calleulase the Cette tn Suet OOM A EA (i) (lee) plane : a di). (UI) peane I Quai eco has hep ahuchat with Late pacing a= 214 R hijhk C= 407 A ans Fee With cube Ailey ass A, Caloullade the ifedier dfy densthcay aj due fear. | Oi. Fim Xeveys cata Fe J found do have cubis shalt i ponamdler of 287 A. th dansity & atomic moss OAR (“gato yh? & 55-85 expertioly’ Find aut the Boavins Dottia og Fe 4 drdenademe. reeoihen af Featoms G4 Sadiam deemapooms fovim bee to heb caystall sfauchre od abet 98K wlthau change of density, Jn the, cubs) phare Lottie paxametty a,=4'234 and tn hep prow “cf, w= J. Find out she latree comsact in eb hose (24) OS @ Colleulae Be ditfeaction angle fas He Tat 3 feosks’in AL powder difpeach’n pattern. Note that cxgstal 2hoadune BAL B fee & dothee constant 4 YoY 6 & X~ohy Wel: we - \ 1 _ sya a S9HSCHSSHNHHHHLHHOHHREMAMTATTFTEORPOFS HOO ITVOOND —— | 4 (b) s-dhe Lett const. of AL 4 Lassen than Hoy A Resesbe — « hav patken would chang. j ‘ . n F § QE i dn powder W204 olifpaution pattern, wring K- Bays of hi L§ bsy A. Thaes congactive Lat oveltr peaks a chrnved ( 5 4 { i ‘ ot a9 value of 60", 90" 4 112°. | dyskm 4 cibie & ook at go’ cowres}onds to. (220) plane Cabenudode (a) Value Lattio conttont 4, (b) Obtain the Milbor indios fer to yest poaks, & idantity- : By uptemn - Ot--A bee call has a Lattice cot. a. Callendake } @ Spacing b/w (i) plane ' 5 Boagy aprarbbn, angle 85 for dffoactiin foorn (100) plan @ ap Xap ot Wee A aw Wied, | Bie A bee al U wad do meawwud the Wh: of ell arene angle fer the miplechion from (110) plang is” 26027. Calleidlade dhe kbs of x-2ays Jp Lette paramd,, q ake copay 215 A | touting iy 4or30 and donvily Us 3.58 x iS Gry? at j 298 K. Colealate iyi Oatice pararneley af the caystal. UW) The values 2 (Sn8_) for che jllanas (100)., (Iho) & (WN). , L puto A pourker szample of fec Datta with Last const, Yog A ds wed for. X-aez. dipaa chin Aluclig wing monoehreriahc laos1n of X~ vey gf Ihe 15H A. Find He | Qar The rnallan mass af Magmiviam oxide having Neel dyes . '

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