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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Dan L. Longo, M.D., Editor

Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Augusto Villanueva, M.D., Ph.D.​​

From the Liver Cancer Program, Division epatocellular carcinoma accounts for the majority of pri-
of Liver Diseases, Department of Medi- mary liver cancers. Worldwide, liver cancers are the fourth most common
cine, Tisch Cancer Institute, Graduate
School of Biomedical Sciences, and the cause of cancer-related death and rank sixth in terms of incident cases
Division of Hematology and Medical On- (Fig. 1).1 On the basis of annual projections, the World Health Organization esti-
cology, Department of Medicine, Tisch mates that more than 1 million patients will die from liver cancer in 2030.2 In the
Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medi-
cine at Mount Sinai, New York. Address United States, the rate of death from liver cancer increased by 43% (from 7.2 to
reprint requests to Dr. Villanueva at the 10.3 deaths per 100,000) between 2000 and 2016.3 With a 5-year survival of 18%,
Division of Liver Diseases, 1425 Madison liver cancer is the second most lethal tumor, after pancreatic cancer.4 The major-
Ave., Box 1123, Rm. 11-70E, New York,
NY 10029, or at ­ augusto​.­
villanueva@​ ity of hepatocellular carcinomas occur in patients with underlying liver disease,
­mssm​.­edu. mostly as a result of hepatitis B or C virus (HBV or HCV) infection or alcohol
N Engl J Med 2019;380:1450-62. abuse. Universal HBV vaccination and wide implementation of direct-acting anti-
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1713263 viral agents against HCV are likely to change the etiologic landscape of hepatocel-
Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society. lular carcinoma. However, the increase in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD),
which together with metabolic syndrome and obesity amplifies the risk of liver
cancer, will soon become a leading cause of liver cancer in Western countries.5
Racial or ethnic group differences play an important role in the probability of
survival, with blacks and Hispanics less likely than whites to undergo curative
therapies.6 Systemic therapies for patients with an advanced stage of liver cancer
are rapidly changing, with four new agents showing clinical efficacy in phase 3
trials in the past 2 years.7 This review summarizes the main genetic alterations in
hepatocellular carcinoma, key epidemiologic features, and evidence-based ap-
proaches to management.

Mol ecul a r Patho gene sis

Patients with chronic liver disease have sustained hepatic inflammation, fibrosis,
and aberrant hepatocyte regeneration. These abnormalities can cause cirrhosis and
favor a series of genetic and epigenetic events that culminate in the formation of
dysplastic nodules, which are bona fide preneoplastic lesions. Additional molecu-
lar alterations provide dysplastic cells with proliferative, invasive, and survival
advantages and complete the transition to full-blown hepatocellular carcinoma
(Fig. 2).8 Hepatocellular carcinoma can also arise in patients who have chronic
liver disease but do not have established cirrhosis or marked inflammation (e.g.,
patients with HBV infection).

Genetic Alterations
Hepatocellular carcinoma cells accumulate somatic DNA alterations, including
mutations and chromosomal aberrations. Mutations in the TERT promoter are the
most frequent genetic alterations, accounting for approximately 60% of cases.9
They can be detected in dysplastic nodules, and the TERT promoter is a recurrent
insertion site for the genome of HBV. Oncogenic viral insertions of adeno-associ-
ated virus type 2 in the TERT promoter have also been reported, but their preva-

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A Incidence B Prevalence

ASR per 100,000 ASR per 100,000

≥8.4 ≥3.4
5.8–8.4 2.4–3.4
4.7–5.8 1.8–2.4
3.3–4.7 1.2–1.8
<3.3 <1.2
Not applicable Not applicable
No data No data

C Mortality D Worldwide Estimates of Incident Cases and Deaths

Breast Lung

n engl j med 380;15

1,000,000 Non−Hodgkin’s
lymphoma Ratio of Estimated
Bladder Liver No. of Deaths
Hepatocellular Carcinoma

ASR per 100,000 Cervix to Incident Cases

≥8.2 Thyroid uteri

April 11, 2019

Estimated No. of Incident Cases Esophagus

The New England Journal of Medicine

5.3–8.2 Kidney 0.25
Corpus uteri 0.50
4.3–5.3 Leukemia
Ovary Lip, oral cavity
3.1–4.3 Melanoma Brain, nervous system 0.75
Larynx Gallbladder Multiple myeloma
<3.1 Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Testis Nasopharynx Oropharynx Hypopharynx
Not applicable Penis Vulva Salivary glands
No data 0
Vagina Kaposi’s
500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000

Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

0 sarcoma
Estimated No. of Deaths
Bladder Hodgkin’s lymphoma Liver Esophagus Stomach
Brain, nervous system Hypopharynx Lung Oropharynx Testis
Breast Kaposi’s sarcoma Melanoma of skin Ovary Thyroid
Cervix uteri Kidney Mesothelioma Pancreas Vagina
Colorectum Larynx Multiple myeloma Penis Vulva
Corpus uteri Leukemia Nasopharynx Prostate
Gallbladder Lip, oral cavity Non−Hodgkin’s Salivary glands

Figure 1. Worldwide Epidemiology of Liver Cancer in 2018.

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Data are from the International Agency for Research on Cancer1 (accessed on October 10, 2018). The incidence and prevalence of liver cancer are shown in Panels A and B, respec-
tively, and associated deaths are shown in Panel C; data are expressed as the age-standardized rate (ASR) per 100,000 population. Panel D shows the worldwide estimates of inci-
dent cancer cases and deaths in 2018 for all tumor types.

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Somatic mutations
TERT promoter (~60%)
TP53 (~30%)
CTNNB1 (~30%)
ARID1A (~10%)
AXIN1 (~10%)
TERT promoter ARID2 (~5%)
CCND1/FGF19* (5–10%)
VEGFA* (5–10%)


Cirrhosis Dysplastic nodule Early Progressed

hepatocellular hepatocellular
carcinoma carcinoma


• Gene signatures • CTNNB1 mutations

associated with poor • Gene expression
GENOMIC FEATURES prognosis resembling normal
• TP53 mutations hepatocytes
• Chromosomal instability • Immune exclusion

• HBV infection • HCV infection and

• High tumor grade alcohol abuse
CLINICAL FEATURES (poor cell differentiation) • Low tumor grade
• High AFP levels • Lower frequency of
• Worse clinical outcome vascular invasion
• Better clinical outcome

Figure 2. Main Genetic Alterations in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Molecular Classification.

The key molecular and histologic alterations occurring during human hepatocarcinogenesis are summarized, as are the main genomic
and clinical features of the two main molecular subclasses of hepatocellular carcinoma. An asterisk (*) denotes high-level DNA amplifi-
cation. In the nonproliferation class, immune exclusion is enriched in tumors with CTNNB1 mutations. AFP denotes alpha-fetoprotein,
HBV hepatitis B virus, and HCV hepatitis C virus.

lence is very low (approximately 5%).9 Other used in clinical practice to predict a therapeutic
mutated genes affect the cell cycle (e.g., TP53, response. High-level DNA amplifications located
accounting for approximately 30% of cases), in chromosome 6p21 and 11q13, the respective
WNT signaling (CTNNB1 and AXIN1, accounting loci for VEGFA and CCND1/FGF19, could also be
for approximately 30% and 10% of cases, respec- targeted with molecular therapies, but their
tively), or chromatin remodeling (ARID1A and prevalence is low.
ARID2, accounting for approximately 10% and
5% of cases, respectively) (Fig. 2). Hepatocellular Molecular Classification and Biomarkers
carcinoma is among the solid cancers with the Patients with hepatocellular carcinoma at the
fewest somatic mutations that can be targeted same clinical stage can have different molecular
with molecular therapies,10 and no mutation is subtypes. These subtypes correlate with clinical

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Hepatocellular Carcinoma

features, but they are not used in routine clinical infected with HBV (257 million in 2015) and
practice. They were identified on the basis of thus at risk for hepatocellular carcinoma, mostly
specimens resected from patients at early dis- in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.16 Dietary expo-
ease stages but have not been thoroughly tested sure to aflatoxin B1 amplifies the risk of hepa-
as predictors of a response to systemic therapies, tocellular carcinoma among patients with HBV
which has limited their clinical usefulness. The infection, through a specific mutation in TP53 at
molecular subtypes can be grouped in two main position 249 (R→S). In Western countries and
classes: the proliferation class and the nonpro- Japan, the main cause of hepatocellular carci-
liferation class (Fig. 2).11 The proliferation class, noma is HCV infection. HBV infection has a di-
more commonly seen in patients with HBV in- rect oncogenic effect, regardless of the degree of
fection, is characterized by molecular and histo- underlying liver fibrosis,17 but hepatocellular car-
logic features that result in aggressive clinical cinoma rarely occurs in HCV-infected patients
behavior, including high serum levels of alpha- who do not have advanced fibrosis. The inci-
fetoprotein, poor cell differentiation, chromo- dence of hepatocellular carcinoma due to NAFLD
somal instability, TP53 mutations, and activation is increasing worldwide. In the United States,
of oncogenic pathways (e.g., RAS–mitogen-acti- the incidence is expected to increase by 122%
vated protein kinase [MAPK], AKT–mammalian between 2016 and 2030, from 5510 to 12,240
target of rapamycin [mTOR], and MET [a hepato- cases.18 Alcoholic cirrhosis is another frequent
cyte growth factor receptor]). Most of the gene cause of hepatocellular carcinoma. Smoking and
signatures associated with a poor clinical out- coinfection with the human immunodeficiency
come are also enriched in the proliferation virus can also contribute to the development of
class.12 Tumors of the nonproliferation class have hepatocellular carcinoma.
more CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) mutations, and their Antiviral therapies are effective in reducing
gene-expression pattern resembles that of nor- the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma but do
mal hepatocytes. not eradicate the risk.19 Among patients with
Hepatocellular carcinomas are complex eco- HCV infection who have a sustained virologic
systems incorporating nontumor cells, mainly response to interferon-based treatment regimens,
immune-related cells. The success of immune the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma is reduced
checkpoint inhibition in solid tumors under- from 6.2 to 1.5%, as compared with patients
scores the key role of the tumor microenviron- who do not have a response.20 Reduction in the
ment in the progression of cancer. Approximate­ risk of hepatocellular carcinoma has been re-
ly 30% of early-stage hepatocellular carcinomas ported among HCV-infected patients treated with
have genomic evidence of immune activation,13 direct-acting antiviral agents.21 Such patients
whereas 25% have no immune infiltrate. Under- typically have more advanced fibrosis than those
standing the interaction between cancer cells who received interferon-based therapies.22 Apart
and their microenvironment will be crucial for from treatment of the cause of the liver disease,
developing new therapies and identifying bio- no drugs are known to reduce the incidence of
markers. hepatocellular carcinoma.

R isk Fac t or s Surv eil l a nce

Hepatocellular carcinoma is rare among patients Cancer surveillance aims to detect tumors at
without liver disease and is twice as common in early stages, increase the opportunity to use
men as in women. Cirrhosis of any cause in- curative treatments, and improve survival. How-
creases the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, ever, no high-quality randomized, controlled
with an annual incidence between 2 and 4%. trials have evaluated the effect of hepatocellular
This risk varies according to cause, geographic carcinoma surveillance in patients with cirrho-
area, sex, age, and degree of liver damage.14 sis. One study underscored the difficulties of
Worldwide, HBV infection is the main cause of conducting such a trial, with 99% of patients
hepatocellular carcinoma. Although HBV vac- declining to assume the risk of being randomly
cination reduces the incidence of hepatocellular assigned to the nonsurveillance group.23 None-
carcinoma,15 many unvaccinated persons are still theless, mathematical models,24 a low-quality

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

clinical trial (with methodologic limitations),25 with or without measurement of serum levels
and more important, a meta-analysis of cohort of alpha-fetoprotein. The results are operator-­
studies26 all show survival benefits of surveil- dependent, with a sensitivity of 47 to 84% and a
lance. This evidence substantiates the recom- specificity higher than 90%.36 The performance
mendation of surveillance by major hepatology of ultrasound surveillance is problematic in obese
professional societies.27-29 Recent criticisms of patients. The role of computed tomography (CT)
surveillance include a small net benefit with or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a sur-
increased harms as a result of false positive veillance tool is unknown. Mutation analysis of
results30 and lack of a decrease in disease-specific circulating tumor DNA in the context of liquid
mortality,31 on the basis of nonrandomized stud- biopsy has emerged as a potential new tool for
ies. The target population for surveillance is early detection,37 but its performance has yet to
patients with cirrhosis, regardless of the cause. be established.
The annual incidence of hepatocellular carcino-
ma among these patients surpasses the thresh- Di agnosis
old of 1.5% that renders surveillance cost-effec-
tive.32 Patients with cirrhosis and advanced liver In patients with cirrhosis, hepatocellular carci-
dysfunction, who would not be eligible for a noma can be diagnosed with the use of imaging
curative treatment, are not candidates for sur- techniques (Fig. 3) because of the vascular shift
veillance. This does not apply to candidates for that occurs during malignant transformation of
liver transplantation as a result of liver dysfunc- hepatocytes, in which benign lesions (e.g., re-
tion. The goal of surveillance for patients on the generative and dysplastic nodules) are supplied
transplant waiting list is to ensure that a tumor by branches of the portal system, whereas ma-
does not develop that would preclude transplan- lignant nodules are supplied by blood from the
tation according to established criteria. hepatic artery.38 This shift translates into a dis-
Some patients who have liver disease without tinctive pattern of hyperenhancement in the ar-
cirrhosis should also be enrolled in surveillance terial phase and washout in venous or delayed
programs. The risk of hepatocellular carcinoma phases on contrast-enhanced CT or MRI. This
among patients with chronic HBV infection var- pattern has a sensitivity between 66% and 82%
ies across geographic regions (with higher risks and a specificity higher than 90% for the diag-
in Africa and Asia than in other regions) and nosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients
increases with age, male sex, presence of liver with cirrhosis and nodules larger than 1 cm in
fibrosis, high level of viral replication, genotype C, diameter.39 The Liver Imaging Reporting and
and a family history of hepatocellular carcino- Data System uses these and other features to
ma.33 Various scoring systems are available to classify hepatic nodules on the basis of the like-
quantify this risk, but none are universally ac- lihood that they represent hepatocellular carci-
cepted because of suboptimal validation across noma.40 Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography is
geographic regions.34 Patients with chronic HCV also used to characterize liver nodules at expert
infection and advanced fibrosis, defined by the centers, mostly in Europe27 and Asia,28 but its
Metavir system as a score of F3 or higher on a precise diagnostic role is still under investiga-
scale of F0 to F4, with higher scores indicating tion. For nodules with an inconclusive pattern
more severe fibrosis (see Table S1 in the Supple- on imaging or those in patients without cirrho-
mentary Appendix, available with the full text of sis, the diagnosis should rely on biopsy.
this article at,35 are at sufficient risk Establishing a histologic diagnosis in a pa-
to undergo surveillance. Although hepatocel- tient with small nodules can be challenging, but
lular carcinoma can arise in patients who have a set of immunostaining markers — glypigan 3,
NAFLD without cirrhosis, the actual risk is un- heat shock protein 70, and glutamine synthetase
known and probably very low. Until there are — increase diagnostic accuracy.41 Patients who
methods available to identify patients who are at have cirrhosis with nodules that are less than 1 cm
increased risk, surveillance is not recommended in diameter should undergo ultrasound surveil-
for patients who have NAFLD without cirrhosis. lance every 3 to 4 months and be considered for
Abdominal ultrasonography every 6 months a return to conventional surveillance if the nodule
is the recommended method for surveillance, is stable in size after 12 months.27

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Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Liver nodule in cirrhosis

detected on ultrasonography

Hepatocellular carcinoma

Radiologic hallmarks on
contrast-enhanced CT or MRI
Hyperenhancement in arterial phase
and washout in portal venous phase Radiologic
on the
NO other imaging
1 cm

ultrasound Biopsy
every 3–4 months

rebiopsy Inconclusive Conclusive, but
no hepatocellular

Figure 3. Diagnostic Algorithm for a Liver Nodule in a Patient with Cirrhosis.

The algorithm has been adapted from the guidelines of the European Association for the Study of the Liver.27 Hepatocellular carcinoma
in patients with cirrhosis can be diagnosed with the use of imaging techniques, depending on the size of the nodule and the pattern on
radiologic imaging. If a nodule less than 1 cm in diameter remains stable in size after 12 months, a return to regular 6-month surveil-
lance should be considered. The guidelines of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases recommend follow-up imaging
as a possible alternative to biopsy for indeterminate nodules.29

S taging sured in the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer

(BCLC) algorithm, which was introduced in
Since most patients with hepatocellular carci- 199942 and is the staging system most widely
noma have concomitant liver disease, the bene- applied.43 This algorithm is endorsed in clinical
fits of treating the tumor must be balanced practice guidelines27,29 and is the accepted bench-
against the potential harms of medical interven- mark for clinical trial design in hepatocellular
tions in patients with cirrhosis. This complexity carcinoma.27 The algorithm classifies patients as
in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma being in one of five stages and provides treat-
calls for a multidisciplinary approach, with ex- ment recommendations for each stage (Fig. 4).
pertise in hepatology, hepatobiliary surgery, pa- Other staging systems exist (e.g., the Hong Kong
thology, oncology, radiology (both diagnostic and Liver Cancer staging system44 and the Cancer of
interventional), and specialized nursing. To ad- the Liver Italian Program45), but their implemen-
equately estimate survival, any staging system tation is restricted to certain geographic areas.
must quantify not only the tumor burden but The tumor burden is quantified according to
also the extent of liver dysfunction and perfor- the number and size of nodules, along with the
mance status. All these components are mea- presence or absence of macrovascular tumor

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Stage Very early Intermediate Advanced Terminal

stage (0) Early stage (A) stage (B) stage (C) stage (D)

Liver Preserved liver Preserved liver Preserved liver Preserved liver End-stage liver
function function function function function function
Performance ECOG-PS 0 ECOG-PS 0 ECOG-PS 0 ECOG-PS 1–2 ECOG-PS >2

Tumor Multinodular
burden Solitary 2 to 3 (>3 nodules, Macrovascular
Solitary nodule nodules, or ≥2 nodules invasion or Nontransplantable
nodule ≤2 cm >2 cm all ≤3 cm if any >3 cm) extrahepatic spread HCC

options Resection
YES NO candidate

Ablation Resection Transplantation Ablation Chemo- Systemic Best

embolization therapies supportive

First-line Sorafenib Lenvatinib

Second-line Regorafenib Cabozantinib Ramucirumab


>5 years >2 years 11–13 months (first-line) 3 months

8–10 months (second-line)

Figure 4. Clinical Algorithm for the Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

The algorithm is based on the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer algorithm, which classifies patients as being in one of five stages, and Euro-
pean Association for the Study of the Liver guidelines.27,43 Depicted is the estimated survival time in each stage once the recommended
therapy has been administered or performed. The lenvatinib trial did not include patients with 50% or higher occupation of the liver with
tumors or invasion of the bile duct or main portal vein. None of the second-line therapies were tested in patients who had tumors that
had been treated with lenvatinib. Regorafenib was tested in patients for whom sorafenib was associated with an acceptable side-effects
profile, and ramucirumab in those with serum AFP levels of 400 ng per milliliter or greater. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group perfor-
mance status (ECOG-PS) is a five-point scale on which higher numbers reflect greater disability. HCC denotes hepatocellular carcinoma.

invasion or extrahepatic spread, as assessed with rubin grade.48 All these assessment methods
cross-sectional imaging. For the assessment of have limitations, but it is crucial to distinguish
liver dysfunction, the traditional Child–Turcotte– patients with well-preserved liver function from
Pugh score (Table S2 in the Supplementary Ap- those with more advanced hepatopathy. In prac-
pendix)46 provides a subjective assessment and tical terms, patients with well-preserved liver
does not adequately capture the hepatic func- function are those with compensated disease
tional reserve. Alternatives include the Model for (i.e., no ascites)49 and a Child–Turcotte–Pugh
End-Stage Liver Disease47 and the albumin–bili- score of A on a scale of A to C, with C indicating

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Hepatocellular Carcinoma

more liver dysfunction than A. These patients at 5 years and 50% at 10 years, with post-trans-
have the best outcomes across disease stages. A plantation tumor recurrence lower than 15%.
patient’s general well-being and ability to per- Transplantation in patients with tumors that do
form certain activities of daily living without the not meet the Milan criteria has worse out-
help of others are measured with the Eastern comes.58 Neoadjuvant treatments administered
Cooperative Oncology Group performance sta- while patients are on the waiting list, generally
tus, a five-point scale on which higher numbers ablation or transarterial therapies, are a cost-
reflect greater disability.50 effective means of reducing the number of drop-
outs due to tumor progression when the median
waiting time is longer than 6 months.59 The use
Cl inic a l M a nagemen t
of these therapies to down-stage some tumors
Surgical Therapies exceeding the Milan criteria (i.e., reducing the
The ideal candidates for resection are patients tumor burden to meet the criteria) is accepted by
with a solitary tumor at an early stage (BCLC UNOS as a way of making formerly ineligible
stage 0 or A), regardless of tumor size, in whom patients eligible for transplantation. The use of
the performance status is good, liver function is marginal grafts and living donation has in-
well preserved, and there is no clinically signifi- creased the pool of organs available for trans-
cant portal hypertension.51 For these patients, plantation. However, the gap between available
resection is associated with survival above 60% donors and patients on the waiting list is still a
at 5 years, with low postoperative mortality major limitation of transplantation.
(<3%); as many as 70% of these patients have
tumor recurrence at 5 years.52 No adjuvant ther­ Tumor Ablation
apies have been shown to reduce recurrence.53 Ablation is recommended in patients with BCLC
Despite improved prognostic stratification with stage 0 or A tumors who are not candidates for
the use of gene signatures in patients who have surgery.27,29 The main method is image-guided,
undergone resection,12 this approach has not be- percutaneous radiofrequency ablation, which
come part of routine clinical practice. A recent achieves tumor necrosis by inducing a high intra-
uncontrolled study involving HCV-infected pa- tumoral temperature. The extent of tumor necro-
tients with early-stage tumors who were receiv- sis is negatively correlated with tumor size and
ing direct-acting antiviral agents showed an un- drops significantly in tumors larger than 3 cm
expectedly high percentage of patients with in diameter. As compared with resection, abla-
tumor recurrence after resection or ablation.54 tion has fewer complications but provides worse
Subsequent studies,55 including a meta-analysis, local control for larger tumors. In some patients
failed to confirm these results,56 so additional with solitary tumors that are less than 2 cm in
data are needed to determine whether these diameter and in a favorable location within the
drugs favor tumor recurrence. liver parenchyma, radiofrequency ablation com-
Liver transplantation can be performed in petes with resection as a recommended option
patients with a limited tumor burden who are for frontline treatment.60 Other ablative options
not candidates for resection. In addition to re- include microwave ablation, cryoablation, and
moving the tumor, transplantation has the ad- ethanol injection. External-beam radiotherapy is
vantage of curing the liver disease. The Milan safe, but randomized, controlled trials are needed
criteria for liver transplantation (i.e., a single to determine its efficacy and role in the manage-
nodule ≤5 cm in diameter or up to three nod- ment of hepatocellular carcinoma.
ules, none larger than 3 cm in diameter) are the
benchmark in patients with hepatocellular car- Transarterial Therapies
cinoma57 and have been adopted by the United Patients with intermediate-stage tumors (BCLC
Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). Macrovas- stage B) should be considered for transarterial
cular tumor invasion or extrahepatic spread is a therapies. The main treatment method is trans-
contraindication for transplantation because of arterial chemoembolization (TACE), which entails
the high risk of tumor recurrence. Transplanta- intraarterial infusion of a cytotoxic agent, fol-
tion in patients with tumors that meet the Milan lowed immediately by embolization of the ves-
criteria is associated with survival of 60 to 80% sels that feed the tumor. Adjacent nontumoral

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

liver tissue is generally protected from TACE who have intermediate-stage disease (BCLC
because, unlike the tumor, its blood supply stage B) and progression with transarterial
comes mainly from the portal vein. Two ran- therapies. In the pivotal Sorafenib Hepatocellu-
domized, controlled trials and a meta-analysis lar Carcinoma Assessment Randomized Protocol
that included positive and negative trials showed
(SHARP) trial, survival increased from a median
survival benefits with TACE as compared with of 7.9 months with placebo to 10.7 months with
the best supportive care.61 A systematic review of
sorafenib.70 The safety and modest efficacy of
TACE, including 101 studies and 12,372 patients,this agent were validated in patients from the
showed an objective response of 52.5%.62 The Asia–Pacific region.71 Sorafenib was the first
mortality associated with TACE was below 1%, systemic drug approved by the Food and Drug
with most deaths due to liver failure,62 a finding
Administration (FDA) for the treatment of hepa-
that underscores the importance of adequate tocellular carcinoma and is the standard of care
patient selection for this therapy. TACE should for frontline therapy. Most agents and other
not be considered in patients with decompen- treatment approaches subsequently tested in
sated cirrhosis. There is evidence that TACE phase 3 trials failed to improve on or parallel the
performed with the use of drug-eluting beads efficacy of sorafenib as frontline treatment; they
has antitumoral activity similar to that of con-also did not increase survival, as compared with
ventional TACE, with fewer side effects, whereasplacebo, for second-line treatment. These agents
the use of bland embolization is more controver-and treatments include erlotinib,72 brivanib,73,74
sial. Median survival with TACE ranges from 26 to
sunitinib,75 linifanib,76 everolimus,77 pegylated ar­
40 months, depending on patient selection.63,64 ginine deiminase (ADI-PEG20),78 SIRT,67-69 hepatic
Combining TACE with the systemic drug sora­ arterial infusion chemotherapy,79 doxorubicin,80,81
fenib (an inhibitor of the serine–threonine ki- and FOLFOX (fluorouracil, leucovorin [folinic
nases Raf-1 and B-Raf and the receptor tyrosine acid], and oxaliplatin),82 as well as tivantinib in
kinase activity of vascular endothelial growth patients with overexpression of MET83 (Fig. 5).
factor receptors [VEGFRs] and platelet-derived Insufficient antitumoral activity, toxicity in the
growth factor receptor β [PDGFR-β]) or brivanib context of cirrhosis, and inadequate patient se-
(an inhibitor of VEGFR and fibroblast growth lection have been proposed as reasons for these
factor receptor) does not improve survival.63,65failures. Sorafenib remained the sole effective
Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) is
option for frontline therapy until lenvatinib, an-
another transarterial treatment approach frequent­
other inhibitor of multiple kinases, showed anti-
ly used in patients with BCLC stage B tumors. Ittumoral activity in a noninferiority trial.84 Me-
is based on the intraarterial infusion of micro-dian survival was 13.6 months with lenvatinib
spheres with the radioisotope yttrium-90. Unlikeand 12.3 months with sorafenib. Grade 3 or 4
TACE, SIRT does not include a macroembolic adverse events with lenvatinib included hyper-
step. The radiation emitted by yttrium-90 is tension (in 23% of patients, vs. 14% receiving
responsible for its antitumoral activity. No ran-
sorafenib), decreased weight (8% vs. 3%), and
domized phase 3 trials have compared TACE and palmar–plantar erythrodysesthesia (3% vs. 11%).
SIRT with respect to survival, but numerous co- Lenvatinib received FDA approval for the treat-
hort and retrospective studies indicate that SIRT
ment of hepatocellular carcinoma in 2018.
is a safe procedure with an objective response In recent years, substantial progress has been
similar to that seen with TACE.66 The phase 3 made in testing new, efficacious systemic thera-
clinical trials evaluating SIRT in patients withpies for hepatocellular carcinoma. Regorafenib,
advanced disease (i.e., BCLC stage C) showed no also an inhibitor of multiple kinases, increased
improvement in survival with SIRT as compared survival, as compared with placebo, from 7.8 to
with sorafenib and no improvement with SIRT 10.6 months among patients with tumor pro-
and sorafenib combined as compared with gression during treatment with sorafenib.85 With
sorafenib alone.67-69 a safety profile similar to that of sorafenib,
regorafenib decreased the risk of death by 37%,
Systemic Therapies as compared with placebo, and became the first
Systemic therapies are recommended for patients drug approved by the FDA for second-line treat-
who have advanced disease (BCLC stage C) or ment. Other drugs that have shown efficacy as

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Hepatocellular Carcinoma

First-Line Treatment Second-Line Treatment


Overall Survival (hazard ratio for death)
SIRT Trial Results
SIRT Negative
1.1 Positive (noninferiority)
Brivanib Everolimus Positive (superiority)
Linifanib Doxorubicin
HAIC Doxorubicin
Tivantinib No. of Patients
Erlotinib 400
0.9 Brivanib 800
Ramucirumab 1000
Improved survival

Sorafenib Cabozantinib
0.7 Ramucirumab
Sorafenib (AFP ≥400 ng/ml)
0.6 Regorafenib

6 8 10 12 14 6 8 10 12 14
Median Survival (mo)

Figure 5. Systemic Therapies Tested in Phase 3 Trials for the Management of Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
ADI-PEG20 denotes pegylated arginine deiminase 20, HAIC hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy, SHARP Sorafenib
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Assessment Randomized Protocol, and SIRT selective internal radiation therapy.

second-line treatment in placebo-controlled trials (PD-1) immune checkpoint inhibitor nivolumab

are cabozantinib86 and ramucirumab.87 Cabozan­ achieved a median survival of 15.6 months in a
tinib, an inhibitor of receptor tyrosine kinases, single-group phase 2 trial.90,91 The overall re-
including VEGFR, MET, and AXL, reduced the sponse was 14.3% according to Response Evalu-
risk of death, as compared with placebo (hazard ation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST), and in
ratio, 0.76); grade 3 or 4 adverse events, mostly 55% of the patients with a response, the dura-
hypertension and palmar–plantar erythrodyses- tion of the response was more than 12 months.92
thesia, occurred in 68% of patients who received These response data prompted FDA approval
cabozantinib and in 36% of patients who re- under the accelerated program. A phase 2 trial
ceived placebo. The ramucirumab trial enrolled of pembrolizumab, another PD-1 inhibitor, showed
patients with baseline alpha-fetoprotein levels of a similar response (17%) but shorter survival
400 ng per milliliter or greater. The trial was (median, 12.9 months)93; in early 2019, the as-
based on a post hoc analysis of a previous, sociated phase 3 trial of pembrolizumab for
negative trial that suggested efficacy in this sub- second-line treatment did not show longer over-
group.88 Ramucirumab, an antibody against VEGF all survival or progression-free survival (the two
receptor 2, improved survival, as compared with primary end points) than placebo.94 The tumor
placebo (hazard ratio for death, 0.71), with man- response to nivolumab correlates with survival,91
ageable toxic effects. underscoring the need for accurate biomarkers
The clinical benefits of immune-based thera- of the treatment response. Careful selection of
pies for hepatocellular carcinoma are emerging. patients who are most likely to have a response
A small phase 2 trial with the cytotoxic T-lym- will spare other patients unnecessary toxic ef-
phocyte–associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) inhibitor fects. The use of PD-1 ligand 1 staining to pre-
tremelimumab showed a partial response rate of dict the response to nivolumab has had poor
17.6%.89 In patients who had disease progression results,90 and alternative predictors, such as tu-
or unacceptable adverse effects with sorafenib, mor mutational burden, are under investigation.
treatment with the programmed cell death 1 The combination of targeted therapies with im-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

mune checkpoint inhibitors has been tested in ventions, such as chemoprevention in patients
phase 1 trials, including lenvatinib plus pembro- with cirrhosis and adjuvant therapies after surgi-
lizumab95 and atezolizumab plus bevacizumab,96 cal resection or ablation. As the number of sys-
with response rates of 46% and 32%, respectively. temic agents found to be effective in phase 3
Ongoing phase 3 trials testing immune-based trials continues to grow, the challenge is to de-
therapies will establish their role in the clinicaltermine the order of sequential systemic therapy
management of hepatocellular carcinoma. that maximizes the clinical benefit with mini-
mal toxic effects and cost. The prospect of com-
bination therapies and the use of systemic drugs
F u t ur e Per spec t i v e s
at earlier stages will shape research initiatives
The increase in deaths due to hepatocellular car- for hepatocellular carcinoma in the near future.
cinoma is a growing concern.3 The hope is that
Dr. Villanueva reports receiving consulting fees from Health
universal HBV vaccination, the increasing cure Advances, GroupH, Gerson Lehrman Group, Bayer Healthcare,
rates of HCV infection, and improvements in Nucleix, Fujifilm Wako Diagnostics, Guidepoint, and NGM Phar-
surveillance will reduce this burden. Hepatocel- maceuticals, receiving donation of supplies by Champions On-
cology, receiving lecture fees from Exelixis and advisory board
lular carcinoma is a complex disease, frequently fees from Exact Sciences, and holding patent no. US13124487
associated with cirrhosis; a multidisciplinary ap- (on compositions, kits, and methods for identification, assess-
proach in specialized clinics is required to maxi- ment, prevention, and therapy of hepatic disorders), patent no.
EP20140382535 (on a method for prognosis of hepatocellular
mally influence the course of the disease. The carcinoma), and pending patent no. PCT/US2018/037579 (on
clinical management of hepatocellular carcino- methods for the detection and treatment of classes of hepatocel-
ma has improved in the past 10 years, particu- lular carcinoma responsive to immunotherapy). No other poten-
tial conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
larly for patients at advanced stages. Other areas Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
of management remain without effective inter- full text of this article at

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