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I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined, italic part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. come B. love C. orange D. company
2. A. dread B. bead C. thread D. threaten
3. A. spear B. bearing C. rearing D. gear
4. A. freight B. weird C. weigh D. neighbourhood
5. A. abroad B. hand C. astronomy D. acquainted
II. Find the word with the stress on the SECOND syllable in each line.
6. A. committee B. referee C. elegant D. refugee
7. A. energy B. specific C. dishwasher D. misbehave
8. A. alcohol B. chemical C. effective D. president
9. A. competition B. television C. repetition D. adjustment
10. A. accuracy B. delicacy C. deliberate D. literacy
III. Circle the best answer which best fits in the blank in each of the following sentence.
11. I'd rather you ………. in here. There's a room for smokers out there.
A. not smoke B. don't smoke C. didn't smoke D. won't smoke
12. Tony is so ……… that his friends tend to tell him all their problems.
A. confidential B. optimistic C. sympathetic D. critical
13. During the starvation, we used to keep a …….. of dried food in the factory.
A. substitute B. reserve C. preserve D. conserve
14. We ………. our newly-married friends a happy life.
A. hoped B. prayed C. wished D. cherished
15. You should take these tablets in order to ……… your pain.
A. increase B. relieve C. avoid D. decrease
16. Do you ......... my turning the television on now?
A. disapprove B. dislike C. mind D. object
17. My brother usually ……… at cards. It's no surprise that he wins every game.
A. misleads B. lies C. deceives D. cheats
18. He was too sure of himself to pay …….. to the warnings of the man from Sulphur Creek.
A. notice B. attention C. respect D. recognition
19. His brother is going to …………. a minor operation.
A. recover B. suffer C. undergo D. withstand
20. She is totally …………. in her detective novels.
A. absorbing B. absorbent C. absorbed D. absorptive
21. Before the product is put on the market, the company must ………… whether it complies with safety standards.
A. ask B. calculate C. ascertain D. argue
22. A university education is of course important but it is essential that all employees undergo a period of
intensive …………
A. preparation B. concentration C. learning D. training
23. Surgeons use a ………… to perform an operation.
A. knife B. surgery knife C. sword D. scalpel
24. Now that they have read it in ………… they believe me.
A. black and white B. white and black C. red and blue D. blue and red
25. You can't ………… a thing that woman says!
A. believe B. rely C. count D. imagine
26. This job requires a good ………… for figures.
A. head B. understanding C. brain D. faculty
27. As I won't be able to attend the meeting, I'd like you to sign ………….
A. on my place B. on my behalf C. on my name D. on my account
28. The amount of tax you pay is …………to your income.
A. based B. assessed C. measured D. proportionate
29. There's no ………… in applying for the job unless you have right qualifications
A. point B. reason C. use D. worth
By Huong Ly, High School for Gifted Students, HNUE Page 1

30. The boss ………… to his secretary using the office phone for personal calls.
A. disapproves B. criticizes C. disagrees D. objects
IV. Choose the right word to complete the following English idioms.
31. It's as silent as ………… in here!
A. Sunday B. the grave C. death D. rice
32. I couldn't believe that they were brothers. They were as different as ………..
A. Mars from Jupiter B. milk from honey C. chalk from cheese D. dogs and cats
33 No matter what happens, Colin always seems to remain as cool as ………….
A. an iceberg B. a cucumber C. cold feet D. an ice-cream
34. David is as strong as …………
A. a gorilla B. a horse C. a mountain D. an elephant
35. Fido is as gentle as …………, especially with children.
A. a pony B. snowflakes C. a lamb D. an angel
V. Choose the correct form of the verb for each blank.
We (36) ……… to a new house in the country last week. And for the last few days, we (37) …………
to organize ourselves in our new home. Yesterday, my three brothers and I (38) ………… painting the
downstairs rooms. Unfortunately, while I (39) ………… the paint, one of my sisters (40) ………… the
door. Nobody (41) ………… her that we (42) ………… in the room, so instead of (43) ………… the walls,
we spent all morning (44)……… the paint off the floor. But worse things (45) ………… since then. This
morning when I (46) …………, water (47) ………… through the ceiling next to my bed. We (48) …………
today so far repairing the roof. It's not all bad news, though. The school in the village nearby (49) …………
two years ago, and my parents (50) ………… another school for us yet.
36. A. moved B. had moved C. had been moving D. would move
37. A. tried B. have been trying C. have tried D. are trying
38. A. had been starting B. had started C. started D. was starting
39. A. mixed B. had been mixing C. had mixed D. was mixing
40. A. opened B. had opened C. would open D. was opening
41. A. told B. had told C. was telling D. has told
42. A. had been B. were C. would have been D. would be
43. A. paint B. painting C. having painted D. being painted
44. A. cleaning B. having cleaned C. are cleaning D. to clean
45. A. have happened B. are happening C. has happened D. happened
46. A. was waking up B. woken up C. woke up D. was woken up
47. A. dripped B. had dripped C. had been dripping D. was dripping
48. A. have spent B. spent C. have been spending D. spend
49. A. would be closed B. had closed C. closed D. was closing
50. A. haven't found B. haven't been finding C. didn't find D. hadn't found
VI. Choose the correct word form for each gap to complete the passage.
It's fairly common belief in Britain that men these days do more housework than they did in previous
(51) …… But is it really so? A recent survey has made some interesting discoveries. (52) ……… when men
do help out, they enjoy shopping and cooking but most are (53) ……… to do the washing. A quarter of men
think that women are better (54) ……… to looking after the home than men and 19% admit to making no
(55) ……… to housework. The average man says that he does (56) ……… of the housework, while the
average woman says she does three-quarters of it, so someone isn’t telling the (57) ………! It was
impossible to find any men who shared housework (58) ……… with their partners. Perhaps it is not so (59)
……… therefore, that there are some (60) ………who want a new law forcing men to do their share.
51. A. generation B. generalization C. generates D. generality
52. A. Apparent B. Apparently C. Apparentially D. Unapparent
53. A. willingly B. unwillingly C. unwilling D. willing

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54. A. suitable B. unsuitable C. unsuited D. suited

55. A. contribution B. contributor C. contributive D. contributory
56. A. more B. most C. much D. many
57. A. truly B. truthfulness C. truth D. trueness
58. A. equality B. unequally C. inequality D. equally
59. A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise D. surprisingly
60. A. policies B. politicians C. politicizations D. politician
VII. Decide the underlined word or phrase (marked A, B, C, D) in each sentence that needs correcting.
61. The major part of the temple had been converted towards Lenin's room.
62. In a few seconds a computer can solve problems that might take a man years to solve solo.
63. In the beginning radios cost much more than they do today because they
turned out slowly and expensively by hand.
64. Because advertising encourages us to buying and producing more things, it is sometimes called
the park plug of the business world.
65. Computers are wonderful proof of how clever people are in working out ways of helping themselves.
66. A pharmacist’s ethical standards have to be high because he is entrusted to the storage and
distribution of dangerous drugs.
67. There are warm tropical regions all over the globe, but only the Indians of the South America
rain forests have adopted the hobby of sleeping in the air.
68. The painting was so beautiful that I stood there admired it for a long time.
69. One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of them are to be found in or near
the West End.
70. All of my students are longing for having a nice summer holiday at the seaside.
VIII. Circle the best answer for each space to complete the passage below.
Childhood is the time when there are (71) ………… responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child
has good parents, he is (72) ………, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is improbable that he
will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In (73) ……… life is
always presenting new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they
are too well-known. A child finds pleasure playing in the rain, or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is
a marvelous adventure. But a child has his (74) ……… He is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks
older people are: he is continually told not to do things, or being punished (75) ……… what he has done
wrong. His life’s therefore not perfectly happy.
When a young man starts to (76) ……… his own living, he becomes free from the discipline of school
and parents; but at the same time he is forced to accept responsibilities. He can no longer expect (77) ………
to pay for his food, his clothes and his room, but he has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends
most time playing about in the way he used to as a child, he will be hungry. And if he breaks the laws of
society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps
out of trouble and has good health, he can have the greatest happiness seeing himself make steady (78)
……… in his job and of building up for himself his own position in society.
Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be, but it is not necessary for the old to be
unhappy. With old age (79) ……… wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely given. The old
can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life; they can watch their grandchildren growing

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up around them; and perhaps best of all, they can, if their life has been a useful one, feel the happiness of
having come (80) ……… the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and
rest, leaving others to continue the fight.
71. A. little B. a few C. a little D. few
72. A. eaten B. fed C. feeded D. fetched
73. A. short B. term C. addition D. reality
74. A. injury B. difficulty C. problem D. pain
75. A. because B. by C. at D. for
76. A. make B. have C. create D. earn
77. A. other B. another C. others D. someone
78. A. progress B. achievement C. improvements D. accomplishments
79. A. coming B. come C. came D. has come
80. A. out B. across C. through D. back
IX. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A. B, C or D to each question.
Getting good results in your studies comes from developing good study habits. The best place to study
is a comfortable room with good lighting. The best chair for studying should be one which you would be
comfortable in, but not so comfortable that you may fall asleep in it after a while! Before you study, look for
a quite environment with no distractions. If you find your home too noisy for studying, try the library or
community centre instead. When you study, set realistic targets for yourself to achieve. For example, do not
aim to study five chapters of Geography in one sitting when you know that you take more than an hour to
read one chapter. Furthermore, remember not to push yourself too hard. When you have studied for a period
of time, reward yourself by taking a short break. You could perhaps take a short walk or listen to some
music for a while.
If you begin to feel sleepy when studying, do not force yourself to go on as you may lose your power
of concentration. Instead, you may want to take a short nap to refresh yourself. Studying may also be
strenuous on the eyes. When you study, it may be a good idea to lift your eyes away from your books
occasionally. Looking at objects at a distance or at greenery can help soothe tired eyes.
81. The first thing to be considered in developing good study habits is..........................
A. your ability to study well
B. the best chair to sit for studying
C. environment for studying
D. your attitude towards good study at home
82. Which of the following does not improve your good study habits?
A. a quite with enough lighting B. an extremely comfortable chair
C. a proper chair and a right-sized table D. a public or college library
83. When studying, you'd better...........................
A. learn as Much as you want in one sitting B. learn either sitting at the table or standing
C. take a short break after every chapter D. set goals that are reachable for you
84. Taking a short nap is necessary when
A. you feel sleepy and cannot concentrate on studying
B. your eyes become red after studying
C. you cannot lift your eyes away from your books
D. you want to go on after getting your concentration
85. The most appropriate title for the passage may be......................
A. How to use your study time efficiently B. How to build up good study habits
C. How to get relaxed when studying D. How to avoid sleepiness when studying
X. Choose the best answer that fits each blank in the following sentences.
86. Hardly.......................someone rang the doorbell.
A. had I gone to bed then B. had I gone to bed when
C. had I gone to bed than D. had I gone to bed and
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87. Only after seeing Hamlet on the stage.........

A. then I understood it B. did I understand
C. when I understood it D. did I understand it
88. It was sunny but he still brought with him a raincoat. - How funny! He …………
A. can't have brought it with him B. needn't have brought it with him
C. shouldn't have brought it with him D. didn't have to bring it with him.
89. Despite Ann's illness..........
A. she insisted on going to work. B. but she insisted on going to work.
C. however, she insisted on going to work. D. when she insisted on going to work.
90. The wallet I lost last week was found by a workman..........
A. who was digging a hole in the street outside the house.
B. from whom was digging a hole in the street outside the house
C. whom was digging a hole in the street outside the house.
D. whose digging a hole in the street outside the house.
91. ………. the workers will stop working.
A. If the salary is doubled B. Unless the salary isn't doubled
C. If not the salary is doubled D. Unless the salary is doubled
92. The water..........
A. was too cold to swim in it. B. was so cold that we can't swim.
C. was so cold that we couldn't swim in it. D. was not enough cold to swim.
93. ........ all night.
A. I am not used to studying C. I used to studying
B. I am not used to study D. I use to study
94. ......... its accuracy, laser is very useful in medicine.
A. In view of B. As a result of C. Thanks to D. Despite
95. Once almost untreatable, ..........
A. birthmarks can now be easily removed by laser operation
B. but now birthmarks can now be easily removed by laser operation
C. people can remove birthmarks by using laser treatment
D. but now people can remove birthmarks by using laser treatment
XI. Choose the sentence that has similar meaning to the original sentence.
96. Most people would be pleased if they got a windfall.
A.Most people are happy to get an amount of money unexpectedly.
B. Most people are pleased if they have a chance to experience a windy storm.
C. Most people like windy days in autumn.
D.Most people are happy to receive a wind in autumn.
97. My cousin is extremely tight-fisted.
A. He is very strong. B. He doesn’t want to spend his money.
C. He is very thin. D. He likes wearing tight clothes.
98. The concert went like a bomb.
A. The concert was a disaster. B. There was a bomb in the concert.
C. The concert was very violent. D. The concert was extremely successful.
99. I think that Dorothy is making a mountain out of a molehill.
A. Dorothy is trying to gain success in her job.
B. Dorothy is creating as mountain from a hill.
C. Dorothy is making an unimportant matter seem important.
D. Dorothy is very careful.
100. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
A. He was very sick when he was born.
B. His parents put a silver spoon in his mouth when he was born.

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C. His parents were very rich.

D. His parents were jewelers.
XII. Fill in: a, an or the where necessary.
Last summer we went to (1)_______ seaside for two weeks. Unfortunately, we hadn’t booked
(2)_______ accommodation before we went, and we had (3)_______ awful time finding (4)_______ room
to stay in. (5)_______ only room we could find was very small, but it had (6)_______ lovely view of
(7)_______ sea and was only two minutes from (8)_______ beach. (9)_______ weather was very hot, and
on (10)_______ first day I stayed out so long, I got (11)_______ terrible sunburn and had to stay in bed
(12)_______ next day. After that, however, everything went well and we had (13)_______
wonderful holiday.
XIII. Fill in ‘the’ where necessary.
Dear Sue,
Well I’ve been here in (1)_______ New York for two months now. I’m having (2)_______ time of
my life. I’m staying with my father’s friends, (3)_______ Bronsons. So far I’m not missing (4)_______
home at all. (5)_______ Americans are very different from (6)_______ English. I noticed this (7)_______
moment I arrived at (8)_______ Kennedy Airport, where (9)_______ most people were very friendly. I’ve
done a lot of sightseeing since I arrived. I think I’ve seen all (10)_______ famous sights. (11)_______ ones I
liked best were (12)_______ Statue of Liberty and (13)_______ Times Square. We’re going to (14)_______
Washington (15)_______ next week. I’m looking forward to visiting (16)_______ President’s home,
(17)_______ White House. Mr. Bronson won’t be able to come with us as planned though, because he has
(18)_______ flu. He was going to drive us there but now we’re going by (19)_______ bus instead. Well, I’ll
have to sign off now as we’re going to (20)_______ cinema tonight and then we’re going for (21)_______
dinner at (22)_______ Delaney’s restaurant. Give my love to (23)_______ Mother and (24)_______ Father
and (25)_______ family. I’ll be (26)_______ home for (27)_______ Christmas.
Write soon. Love,
XIV. Fill in ‘the’ where necessary.
(1)_______ Larkins are a very interesting family. (2)_______ Mr. Larkin is a travel-writer who has
been all over (3)_______ world and written books about (4)_______ China and (5)_______ Chinese. He has
also published articles in newspapers such as (6)_______ Times and (7)_______ Observer. (8)_______ His
wife, Sylvia, is a journalist who has interviewed people like (9)_______ Prince of Wales and (10)_______
President Reagan. At the moment, she is writing an article about (11)_______homeless. Their son,
(12)_______ Jack, is a professional footballer who plays in (13)_______ USA. He has been playing
(14)_______ football since he was a child. Jack met his wife, Sally, at (15)_______ Chicago Airport
(16)_______ morning after he had left (17)_______ home to live in (18)_______ States. She is a musician
who plays (19)_______ drums in a rock band. In (20)_______summer the whole family meet at
(21)_______ Maxim’s in (22)_______ Paris, then travel by (23)_______ car around (24)_______ Europe for
a month. (25)_______ Last year they spent (26)_______ whole month of (27)_______ July in Portugal
before going back to (28)_______ work.
XV. Fill in ‘the’ where necessary.
(1)_______ last summer we went to stay in (2)_______ village where my grandmother was born. I
had never been there before, so when we arrived at (3)_______ station I was surprised to see how small it
was. As in (4)_______ many villages in (5)_______ north of (6)_______ England, all (7)_______ houses
are built of (8)_______ same stone. Running through the village is (9)_______ River Tyne. The village has
a church which was built in (10)_______ Middle Ages. Although (11)_______ population is only about 500
people, this village has (12)_______ best cricket team in (13)_______ county, and many people play
(14)_______ rugby as well. Apart from (15)_______ sport, though, so little happens there that many of
(16)_______ people still remember (17)_______ time (18)_______ Queen visited their village in
(19)_______ 1955.

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XVI. Fill in: a, an or the where necessary.

Last week I had (1)_______ accident in (2)_______ Italy. I was skiing in (3)_______ Alps. One day
I was going too fast down a mountain, when I crashed into (4)_______ tree. I broke both my legs and cut my
arm. There was so much (5)_______ blood. I had to be rushed to (6)_______ hospital in (7)_______
ambulance. When I got there, (8)_______ doctor told me that I would have to stay there for at least two
weeks. I was very depressed. All I wanted to do was go (9)_______ home.
XVII. Fill in: a, an or the where necessary.
1. ______ Grand Canyon is in ______ Arizona.
2. He visited ______ Pyramids while he was in ______ Egypt.
3. ______ Morpeth is ______ town in ______ north of ______ England.
4. She lives in ______ castle near ______ River Rhine.
5. I went shopping at ______ Macy’s and bought ______ expensive overcoat.
6. They are going for ______ walk near ______ London Zoo in ______ Regent’s Park.
7. There is ______ cinema in ______ Bridge Street called ______ Odeon.
8. Anna comes from ______ Netherlands but she lives in ______ USA now.
9. ______ Malta is in ______ Mediterranean.
10. ______Victoria Coach Station is near ______ Apollo theatre.
11. When we went to ______ Paris we saw ______ Eiffel Tower and ______ Louvre.
12. ______ Smith’s book shop is in ______ High Street opposite ______ Barclays Bank.
XVIII. Use a suitable idiom in its correct form to complete the sentences.
- a feather in (someone's) cap - beat around the bush
- not (someone's) cup of tea - let sleeping dog lie
- in the cards - rain cats and dogs
- build a fire under (someone) - spill the beans
- look daggers at (someone) – set (someone's) sights on
1. Tom knew that something was wrong in his office, but decided that putting it right would take too much
work. He decided _______________________________.
2. Helen's done a good job organizing the party. She deserves ____________________________.
3. Remember, we don't want Fiona to know she has won a free trip, so don't _________________________.
4. The rest of my family is going to Phuket this year on vacation, but I'm not going with them. Lying on a
beach all day is ___________________________.
5. We may be getting an extra day off next month. It is not certain, but it's possible. An extra day off next
month is ____________________________.
6. - How ambitious are you?
+ Very. I want to rise to the top. I've ___________________________ becoming head of science.
7. The weather's awful! ______________________________.
8. Harry's the laziest man I've ever met! He never does anything unless you
9. Stop __________________________! Why don't you tell me openly what you're thinking?
10. My mother doesn't say anything when she's angry with me. She just ______________________ instead.

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