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Advertising OBJECTIVE What Is DAGMAR?

DAGMAR (defining advertising goals for measured advertising results) is a

is the practice and techniques employed to bring attention to a product or service. 1.) Introduce a product:-Advertising is most commonly used for the introduction of a new
marketing model used to establish clear objectives for an advertising campaign and
Advertising aims to put a product or service in the spotlight in hopes of drawing it product in the market. There are so many advertisements for the latest phone,
measure its success. The DAGMAR model was introduced by Russell Colley in a 1961
attention from consumers. It is typically used to promote a specific good or service, but refrigerator, television, etc. It does not matter that there is a new or existing company
there are wide range of uses, the most common being the commercial advertisement. they all need advertising to launch their new product. The DAGMAR approach advocates a marketing strategy that guides the consumer
through four phases: awareness, comprehension, conviction, and action. That path has
Commercial advertisements often seek to generate increased consumption of their 2.) Spreading Awareness :-Advertisements aware people about new or existing products
and services in the market that will accomplish their needs or solve their problems. A become known by its acronym as the ACCA formula. The four steps of the campaign are
products or services through "branding", which associates a product name or image with as follows:
certain qualities in the minds of consumers. On the other hand, ads that intend to elicit typical advertisement will tell you what the service or product is, where it can be bought,
an immediate sale are known as direct-response advertising. Non-commercial entities for how much, by whom, why it should be bought so on. • Generating awareness of the brand among consumers
that advertise more than consumer products or services include political parties, interest 3.) Brand building:-Think about all the famous manufacturers you recognize, which • Increasing comprehension of the product and its benefits
groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies. Non-profit organizations may includes coca-cola or McDonald's. These manufacturers come out of the group and make • Convincing consumers that they need the product
use free modes of persuasion, such as a public service announcement. Advertising may their name a brand because they applied the phenomenon of advertising nicely. • Persuading consumers to buy it
also help to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful.
4.) Maintains the existing market :-A forward-looking company or a going concern always The DAGMAR method contains two goals. The first is to develop a communication task
NATURE has its eyes on future business prospects that it cannot lose place of the current position. that accomplishes those specific ACCA steps. The second is to make sure that the success
A company’s success is shown not only in creating a market but also in its maintaining of those goals can be measured against a baseline.
1.) Attention seeker
and expansion as per the changing environment.
The term ‘advertising‘ brings from the Latin word ‘advertere’ meaning ‘to turn the Colley believed that effective advertising seeks to communicate rather than sell. He
5.) Acquiring customers :-The objective of advertising is not only to introduce the product specified four basic requirements for evaluating the effectiveness of an advertising
attention’ each piece of advertising attempts to hunt the eye of your audience towards a
or create awareness about a new product but also to acquire more customers for campaign:
product or service.
company growth. Acquire the customer is not an easy task because they are already
2.) Has a unique selling proposition habitual of other products. So the advertiser has to pass a strong message to the • Be concrete and measurable
customer to switch customer brands. • Define the target audience or market
Usually, the advertiser needs to have a unique selling proposition (USP). This unique • Identify the benchmark and the degree of change expected
selling proposition makes the merchandise or service stand out of the gang. Advertising SCOPE • Specify a period during which to accomplish the objective
attempts to influence the audience through different kinds of appeal.
1.) Message:-Advertising carries a message of the product. The message may be visual or TYPES OF ADVT
3.) Consumer-oriented:-Advertising expands the knowledge of consumers. With this oral or written. It is designed in a systematic and psychological manner to influence the
nature of advertising, consumers can have the skills to know the products, brands, or prospective customer. PRINT ADVERTISER
services that exist within the market. Every product or service is made for consumer
satisfaction. 2.) Media:-A large number of advertising media, with their respective advantage, refers to printed advertisements, often seen in newspapers and magazines. However,
disadvantage, cost, and benefit are available. The selection of media should be made this category also includes other printed materials, such as brochures, directories and
4.) Uses various media based on the type of customer to be approached and the capacity of the organization to flyers. Companies can place advertisements in local newspapers–whether throughout the
bear the cost. paper or within the classifieds section—to target consumers within a geographic location.
Alone from print platforms like newspapers and magazines, its presence can now even be
seen in audio, visual platforms like films, hoardings, banners, flags, promotional 3.) Organization or Advertiser :-It is who, which need advertisement to sell this product or Direct mail advertising
campaigns, nowadays the internet, web, so on... services. Because advertisements create demand, provide messages or information,
Influence the prospective customer, and that all helps a company to sell its product or is a type of print advertising that sends advertisements to customers through the mail.
5.) Paid Form Examples include brochures, catalogs, newsletters and flyers. This approach enables
companies to identify an even more targeted market than other print advertising formats
Only that attempt of the seller on which he/she has spent some money to communicate
4.) Product:-Advertising covers the attributes of the product & services. Product and because it distributes ads via a direct mailing list
information to the consumer is called advertising. Whatever may be the media each
services to be sold have its advantage and disadvantage. The advertiser should show the
medium and media vehicle cost the advertiser.
attributes of the product and avoid the criticism of a similar product of the competitors.

AIDA MANAGING ADVT CAMPAIGN ●Social-Cultural Factors affecting Consumer behaviour

The AIDA marketing model is a marketing, advertising and sales approach methodology 1.Establish Goals, Objectives, & KPIsA solid starting point is setting goals for your Social Factors: The second major groups of factors that influence consumer decision
designed to provide insight into the customer's mind and represent the steps needed to marketing campaign, as goals give you clarity and a well-defined direction for the making are social factors, which include all effects on the buying behaviour that result
cultivate leads and generate sales. marketing tactics to use and KPIs to measure.Goal setting also increases your odds of
from interactions between a consumer and the external environment. The social factors
success as our research reveals marketers who set goals are 376% more likely to
The AIDA model was introduced by businessman Elias St. Elmo Lewis in the late 19th such as reference groups, family, and social status affect the buying behaviour as follows:
report success than those who don’t set goals. The best part? Goal-setting marketers
century. As an acronym, AIDA breaks down into the steps required for successful achieve 70% of the goals they create. 2.Set A Budget Begin budget planning by
A. Reference Groups: A reference group is a small group of people such as colleagues
marketing: Attention, Interest, Desire (or, in some variations, Decision) and Action. The creating a cost estimate for each goal you’ve set. Use data from previous campaigns
AIDA marketing model is a cornerstone of modern marketing, to the extent that missing at work place, club members, friends circle, neighbours, family members, and so
to guide cost estimation. Don’t have any past campaign data? Refer to industry
one step is thought to almost guarantee an unsuccessful result. on. Reference groups influence its
averages for estimates.Once done, create a spending plan — how much will you
allocate to each marketing tactic, channel, and task?For a content marketing
Attention - To make customers aware of offerings, a marketer needs to catch their B. Family: The family is the main reference group that may influence the consumer
campaign, map out the tasks involved and how much money you’d need to complete
attention and notice or take in visual media. Various approaches are implemented to behaviour. Nowadays, children are well informed about goods and services through
them. For example, you could allot $950 for each blog post and $5,500 to enlist an
get the attention of potential customers, like the placement of an ad in an unusual SEO agency’s help to rank your content media or friend circles, and other sources. Therefore, they influence considerably in
but noticeable place. Personalized messages, like those used in one-to-one marketing, buying decisions both FMCG products and durables
are harder to ignore than generic proposals. Shock value advertising, such as the use
3. Define Your Audience Segmentation
of graphic images, also garners attention by provoking sharp emotional reactions. C. Friends: Friends may influence in two major ways. First they make a recommendation.
With your goals, objectives, and budget ready, answer the following question: who is As they are friends, we are more likely to trust their judgement than that of an
Interest – Customer interest must be piqued and held long enough to gain your target audience for the campaign?Some of the folks that you’re targeting may be acquaintance, or indeed a total stranger. Second, friends may buy us a gift.
information about the product. One approach to maintaining interest is
your customers already. Others might have only just heard about you. Whatever the case,
presenting concise and well-paced information, delivered by an interesting character,
breaking your audience into subgroups helps you tailor your campaign’s messaging to the D. Relatives: The level of influence may depend upon the closeness of the family in
voice actor or mascot.
audience’s exact needs. In turn, this makes your marketing more effective than when you emotional terms, and its ethnicity. Familles of Indian or West Indian origin, for example,
Desire (or Decision) – Desire is often built up by selling on a product's features, blast a generic message that may only lightly touch on its target audience’s struggles. tend to be more close-knit. If someone is planning to buy a car, that person may seek the
showing superiority over similar products and demonstrating versatility. Essentially, opinion or guidance of a friend or relative who is thought to know about cars.
this is the presentation of a product or service's value proposition, the compelling 4.Create Compelling Content
benefits that induce a consumer to select this particular offering, leading to the E. Social Status: Status is how we measure our position in society relative to other people,
Before you can get into content creation, create channel-specific marketing strategies for
decision to purchase. and status symbol is the products that we use as benchmarks in this comparison. A
each of the marketing channels you shortlisted in the step above.The idea is simple:
person who owns a luxury car has more status than a person who owns a mid size car and
Action – If the customer has come this far, there is interest. The final step is closing create content based on each channel’s requirements and audience expectations.Make
a person who owns a mid size car has more status than a person who owns a small car.
the sale and convincing the customer to act on interest, which may involve sure you document each channel’s marketing strategy and content requirements so you
People choose products that communicate their role and status in society.
overcoming objections and making a call to action (CTA). In the CTA, a product may can quickly brief your team on the content to create.
start at a higher price that will be lowered, often to a third of the original. Products 6. Measure ResultsLast step: measure progress and results by studying the KPIs you
might be offered two-for-one and/or with free shipping. Improving the perceived
identified in the first step.You’ll want to set up a performance dashboard or use
value can motivate the undecided customer. However, if the other steps are
marketing campaign software that summarizes results to make this step easy.As you
performed well, the customer should be left with a lasting positive impression of the
product even if they choose not to purchase. study
●Cultural Factors: What is a segmentation strategy? MEDIA PLANNING PROCESS

A segmentation strategy is a marketing concept that refers to a company's plan for Media planning is the process of identifying the appropriate marketing mediums and
Culture includes race and religion, tradition, caste, moral values, etc. Culture also Inclüde
identifying each section of its target market. Businesses develop a segmentation strategy channels to reach the target audience, targeting the right messages, at the right time, in
subcultures such sub-caste, language, religious sects etc and Social class: to appropriately categorize their customers and choose the best niches for their products the right place.It involves understanding the target audience, defining the message, and
and advertising. A segmentation strategy can be a simple description of your target selecting the right channel to reach them.In simple terms, it includes planning what
A.Culture: It influences consumer behaviour to a great extent. Cultural values and segments or an in-depth guide to short-term and long-term plans for engaging with media to use, which channels to use and how much to spend to boost a company’s ROI.
elements are passed from one generation to other through family, educational different audiences.
Market Analysis :-The first step involves researching the market to gain insights into the
institutions, religious bodles, social environment, etc. Cultural diversity influences food Consider who needs your products target audience, their media habits, and the business’s objectives. This involves studying
habits, clothing, customs and traditions, etc. For Instance, consuming alcohol and meat in existing data and conducting focus groups, surveys, social listening etc.
Start by identifying the primary need for your product. Your entire potential customer
certain religious communities is not restricted, but in certain communities, consumption base is united by their need or want for whatever your company is selling. All of your Establishing Media Objective:-The market analysis results in an understanding of the
of alcohol and meat is prohibited. customers have some type of problem that they need your product to solve potential reach, frequency and exposure.Now, the media planner determines what they
want to achieve with this campaign. For this, they set objectives, that could be anything
Gather data about your customers
B.Sub-Culture: Each culture consists of smaller sub-cultures that provide specific identity from increasing brand awareness to generating leads
to its members. Subcultures include sub caste, religious sects (Roman Catholics, Syrian Collect information about your audience by performing market research about your
product. Use surveys, polls, focus groups and interviews to develop a database of Media Selection:-Once the objectives have been established, the next step is selecting the
Catholics, Protestant Christians, etc), geographic regions (South Indians, North Indians), channels that will be used to reach the target audience.
information about your customers that you can use to identify trends
language (Marathi, Malayali, Tamilian, Guajarati) etc. The behaviour of people belong to
Look for underserved segments Budget Allocation:-Once the channels are selected, the next step is to allocate a budget
various sub-cultures is different. Therefore, marketers may adopt multicultural marketing
for each channel. The budget is allocated to allow the marketing message to be seen by
approach, i.e., designing and marketing goods and services that cater to the tastes and When deciding how to segment your market, research new opportunities and the target audience multiple times
preferences of consumers belonging to different sub-cultures. underserved markets that could generate new business. Your segmentation strategy
should allow you to identify multiple segments based on your criteria, using a Message Development :-The message is developed keeping in mind the target audience
combination of reliable, established audience segments and new or experimental and the objectives of the campaign.The developed message is clear, concise, and
C. Social class: Consumer behaviour is determined by the social class to which they
segments. persuasive.
belong. The classification of socioeconomic groups is known as Socio-Economic
Classification (SEC). Social class is relatively a permanent and ordered division in a society Research audience behaviors Media Buying And Scheduling:- Media buying is the process of negotiating rates and
placing ads with media outlets.Once bought, media is scheduled in a way that will allow
whose members share similar value, interest and behaviour. Social class is not When preparing your segmentation strategy, you need to understand how your various the target audience to see the marketing message multiple times.The frequency is kept
determined by a single factor, such as income but it is measured as a combination of market segments make purchasing and lifestyle decisions to determine how to appeal to high enough so that the target audience can remember the message but not so high that
various factors, such as income, occupation, education, authority, power, property, those actions they get tired of seeing it.

ownership, life styles, consumption, pattern etc. Develop buyer personas Measurement And Evaluation:-Finally, the campaign is evaluated to see how effective it
was in achieving its objectives. Various metrics can be used for this purpose
Visualize your audience by creating buyer personas for each possible segment. A buyer
persona is a description of a hypothetical customer that represents a consumer audience. CPM,CPP,CPA,ROI

Define your criteria

After considering all of the elements that influence market segmentation, create a set of
criteria that explains each segment. Write a statement directly explaining who qualifies
for each segment.

Sales Promotion Explained

Understanding copywriting
Sales promotion is a marketing strategy companies widely use to create brand
Copywriting is one of the most important elements of advertising and marketing. It's the
awareness or promote the outflow of inventories. This strategy is an efficient way of
building customer loyalty toward the brand. Since the brand image is promoted through a process of writing persuasive words (known as copy) that inspire or motivate people to
sales promotion idea, the information about products and the business spreads faster, take a specific action. It’s different from content writing. A content writer produces
helping generate new leads. Moreover, through coupons or discounts, existing customers longer, well-written material for company blogs or publications. Some examples of
can also be re-engaged. Typically, a sales promotion campaign is viewed as a means that
save consumers money. Therefore, such a campaign might motivate customers and
potential leads to talk about the brand more, as it adds value and saves money. The sales • When you open a magazine and there's a full-page advertisement selling perfume, the
representatives and managers usually have the highest direct contact with customers. words on that page are the result of copywriting.
• When you go to a website that prompts you to buy something, the words on that page
are the result of copywriting.
To introduce new products You can find copies in print, online, and even being read on television or over the radio.
Through sales promotion, new products are presented to prospective customers to Copywriting is almost everywhere you look and listen.
persuade them to buy the products. Mostly free samples are distributed. Likewise
premium, consumer competition, reduction in price etc. tools can be used. Besides the Behind every piece of copy is a copywriter. Copywriters are individuals who are trained to
consumers, middlemen also can be motivated to keep stock of the products. craft words in a way that will connect with the target audience and move them to do
To identify and attract new consumers something. Some may also use AI content writing tools to help spark their creativity.
The objective of sale promotion is also to identify new customers and attract them
Most businesses hire an in-house copywriter or on a contract basis to help them
towards the firm's products. Different techniques of sales promotion are used at different
times to stimulate customers to buy the products. communicate with the world and grow.
To encourage more purchase among current customers
The main objective of sales promotion is to increase sales volume. The producers
encourage current customers to purchase more through different promotional methods
like premium, reduction in price, competition etc.
To combat or offset competitors' marketing efforts

A business firm always adopts sales promotion policy so that its products are not sold less
than competitors' product in the markets. So, it becomes necessary for the firm to adopt
proper sales promotion policy to offset the effect of competitors' policy in the market, if
they try any. Hence the objective of sales promotion is to counter competitors' marketing
policy and efforts.
To stabilize the fluctuating sales pattern

Fluctuation in demand, especially due to seasonal effect, brings instability in sales

volume. In such situation, the producer or business firm can bring stability in sales
pattern through sales promotion programs.

to increase brand awareness

The other important objective of sales promotion is to increase the total number of
customersby increasing brandawareness.

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