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Inves gatory project

Prepara on of soyabean milk and comparison with natural milk

By: Rishi Nair : 20

Arav Bhojashettar : 5
Sankarshana Mulugundam: 22

This is to certify that Mr/Ms ____________________________ has

successfully completed his/her project on the topic______________________

in ______________________ and submitted for All India Senior Secondary

Practical Examination held for the academic year 2021-22.


Class : XII

Roll No : __________________________

Date of Submission : __________________________

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Principal Seal

I am extremely grateful towards my assigned partners for their diligent

involvement and useful contribution towards this project, which helped
me complete it on time.

I would also like to extend my gratitude towards my physics teacher,

Mr. Suman, for his constant guidance,
clear instructions and support for the completion of this project and its

I would also like to thank the Principal, Vice Principal, and non-
teaching staff of the chemistry department who helped me either
directly or indirectly in the execution of this project.

Sno. Topic Page no

1. Introduction 5

2. Aim, Requirements 6

3. Procedure 7

4. Photos 8

5. Photos 9

6. Observation 10

7. Result 11

8. Account 12

9. Bibliography 13

Natural milk is an opaque white fluid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals.
The main constituents of natural milk are proteins, Carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fats
and water and is a completely balanced diet. Fresh milk is sweetish in taste. However, when
it is kept for a long time at a temperature of 35 °C it becomes sour because of bacteria
present in air.

These bacteria convert lactose of milk into lactic acid which is sour in taste because of
bacteria present in air. These bacteria convert lactose of milk into lactic acid which is sour in
taste. In acidic conditions casein of milk starts separating out as a precipitate. When the
acidity in milk is sufficient and temperature is around 36°C, It forms a semi- solid mass,
called curd.
Soybean milk is made from soybeans. It resembles natural milk. The main constituents of
soybean milk are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and
vitamins. It is prepared by keeping soybeans dipped in water for some time. The swollen
soybeans are then crushed to a paste which is then mixed with water. The solution is filtered
and filtrate is soybean milk.
Experiment 1

Aim: Preparation of soyabean milk and its comparison with the natural milk with respect to
curd formation, effect of temperature and taste

Requirements: Beakers, pestle and mortar, measuring cylinder, a spoon, tripod stand,
thermometer, muslin cloth and burner, Soybeans, buffalo milk, fresh curd and distilled water.

1)Soak about 150g of soybeans in a sufficient amount of water so that they are completely
dipped in it. Keep them dissolved for 24 hours.

2)Take out swollen soybeans and grind them to a very fine paste with a pestle-mortar

3)add about 250 ml of water to this paste and filter it through a muslin cloth. Clear white
filtrate is soybean milk. Compare its taste with buffalo milk.

4)Take 50 ml of buffalo milk in each of the three beakers (labelled as 1,2 and 3) and heat the
beakers to 30°, 40° and 50°C respectively. Add ¼ spoonful curd to each of the beakers. Mix
well with a spoon and leave the beakers undisturbed for 8 hours and curd is
ready.5)Similarly, take 50 ml of soybean milk in each of the three other beakers

(labelled as 4,5,6) and heat the beakers to 30°, 40° and 50°C respectively. Add ¼ spoonful
curd to each of these beakers. Mix well with a spoon and leave the beakers undisturbed for 8
hours and curd is formed.


Type of milk Beaker No. Temperature Quality of curd Taste of curd

Buffalo milk 30° Perfectly Dense, Sour

Semi Solid
Comparatively Less Sour
Highly Watery Tasteless

Soybean milk 1 30° Almost Dense Almost Sour

Semi Solid, Sour

2 40° Little Bit
Watery Tasteless
Highly Watery
3 50°
For buffalo milk, the best temperature for the formation of good quality and
tasty curd is 30°C -33°C and for soybean milk, it is 35°C -40°C.

Date Performed
24/5/23 Submitted first draft
10/11/23 Made curd from soyabean milk
10/11/23 Made curd from buffalo milk
10/11/23 Observed and tasted curd formed
1. Comprehensive Practical chemistry Class 12

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