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Question Bank

Subject: BTCOE603(B) Artificial Intelligence Class: TY CSE

Q. Question Marks Bloom’s Unit

No. Taxonomy

1 Explain the elements of an agent and list down 6 BTL-2 Unit 2

the characteristics of an intelligent agent. Understand

2 Explain different types of constraints. 6 BTL-2 Unit 3


3 Compare uninformed search techniques. 6 BTL-2 Unit 2


4 Compare informed search techniques. 6 BTL-2 Unit 2


5 Define problem solving agents and list its 6 BTL-2 Unit 1

algorithms. Understand

6 Why must problem formulation follow goal 6 BTL-2 Unit 2

Formulation? Understand

7 Summarize the factors that make up rationality. 6 BTL-2 Unit 1


8 Interpret in your own words PEAS description 6 BTL-2 Unit 1

for a Vacuum cleaner? Understand

9 Describe in detail about 6 BTL-2 Unit 1

i) Simple reflex agent Understand
ii) Model based agent
iii) Utility based agent
iv) Goal based agent .

10 Explain Depth limited search in detail with 6 BTL-2 Unit 2

suitable example Understand

11 Explain Iterative Deepening Depth First Search 6 BTL-2 Unit 2

in detail with suitable example Understand

12 Explain Uniform Cost Search in detail with 6 BTL-2 Unit 2

suitable example Understand

13 Explain Bidirectional First Search in detail with 6 BTL-2 Unit 2

suitable example Understand

14 Explain Greedy best-first search. in detail with 6 BTL-2 Unit 2

suitable example Understand

15 Explain A* search. in detail with suitable 6 BTL-2 Unit 2

example Understand

16 Discuss about Constraint Satisfaction Problem 6 BTL-2 Unit 3

(CSP). Understand

17 Define Heuristic function. 6 BTL-2 Unit 2


18 Explain the algorithm for generating and testing 6 BTL-2 Unit 2

simple hill climbing. Understand

19 Explain backtracking search for CSP. 6 BTL-2 Unit 3


20 Explain local search for CSP. 6 BTL-2 Unit 3


21 Consider the following graph in which we are 6 BTL-3 Apply Unit 2

searching from start state A to goal state G. The
number over each edge is the transition cost.
Find the path to the goal found by Depth First
Search with full duplicate detection, which
explores children in lexicographical order
22 Consider the following graph in which we are 6 BTL-3 Apply Unit 2
searching from start state A to goal state G. The
number over each edge is the transition cost.
Find the path to the goal found by Breadth First

23 Consider the following directed graph in which 6 BTL-3 Apply Unit 2

we are searching from start state A to goal state
G. The number over each edge is the transition
cost. Find the sequence of nodes explored (i.e.,
the sequence of removals from its frontier) by
Uniform Cost Search, with no duplicate
detection. Assume that, in case of ties, the
search procedure uses a lexicographical order
for tie-breaking.
24 Consider the following graph in which we are 6 BTL-3 Apply Unit 2
searching from start state A to the goal state J.
Find a path from state A to state A using
Iterative Deepening Search.

25 Consider the following graph in which we are BTL-3 Apply Unit 2

searching from start state A to the goal state G.
Find a path from state A to using Depth
Limited DFS. Consider depth limit 3.

26 What is adversarial search? How to define a 6 Remember Unit 4

game as a search problem?

27 Explain working of minimax algorithm with 6 understand Unit 4


28 What is alpha-beta pruning? What is the need of 6 understand Unit 4

pruning in searching?
29 6 Apply Unit 4

Apply minimax algorithm on above tree

30 6 Apply Unit 4

Apply minimax algorithm on above tree

31 6 Apply Unit 4

Apply alpha-beta pruning on the above tree

32 6 Apply Unit 4

Apply alpha-beta pruning on the above tree

33 Explain knowledge based Agent. 6 Remember Unit 5

34 Explain PEAS description of Wumpus World 6 Understand Unit 5


35 6 Apply Unit 5

Write the knowledge base(Rule) for above

Wumpus world problem using propositional

36 Explain Inference rules applied to derived proof 6 Understand Unit 5

in propositional logic.(Modus ponens, And

37 Explain Inference proof by resolution. 6 Understand Unit 5

38 Explain forward and backward chaining 6 Understand Unit 5

39 Convert following statements using First order 6 Apply Unit 5

1. every man is mortal
2. x is greater than y”
3. john loves everyone
4. Every father loves his child

40 What is conditional probability and Unconditional 6 Remember Unit 6

Probability, joint probability with example.

41 What is uncertainty, sources of uncertainty and 6 Understand Unit 6

need of uncertainty.

42 Describe conditional Independence in Probability. 6 Understand Unit 6

43 6 Apply Unit6

Find probability of

44 6 Apply Unit 6

Find the probability of P(Sprinkler OR WetGrass)

p( Rain AND WetGrass)

45 Explain Bayesian Network with example 6 Understand Unit 6

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