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Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci.

, 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review


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Review Article

Breast Cancer
Hariom Rajput*¹, Dr. Mahi Rajput²

GV2C+4M7, Jhanjrola, Haryana 124105


Received: 09 Nov 2023 Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women worldwide with
Accepted: 11 Nov 2023 more than 2 million new cases in 2020.Its incidence and death rates have increased over
Published: 13 Nov 2023 the last three decades due to the change in risk factor profiles, better cancer registration,
Keywords: and cancer detection. The number of risk factors of BC is significant and includes both
Breast cancer the modifiable factors and non-modifiable factors. Currently, about 80% of patients with
DOI: BC are individuals aged >50.Survival depends on both stage and molecular subtype.
10.5281/zenodo.10118747 Invasive BCs comprise wide spectrum tumors that show a variation concerning their
clinical presentation, behavior, and morphology. Based on mRNA gene expression
levels, BC can be divided into molecular subtypes (Luminal A, Luminal B, HER2-
enriched, and basal-like).The molecular subtypes provide insights into new treatment
strategies and patient stratifications that impact the management of BC patients. The
eighth edition of TNM classification outlines a new staging system for BC that, in
addition to anatomical features, acknowledges biological factors. Treatment of breast
cancer is complex and involves a combination of different modalities including surgery,
radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or biological therapies delivered in
diverse sequences. Body fatness is a dynamic exposure throughout life. To provide more
insight into the association between body mass index (BMI) and postmenopausal breast
cancer, we aimed to examine the age at onset, duration, intensity, and trajectories of
body fatness in adulthood in relation to risk of breast cancer subtypes. Based on self-
reported anthropometry in the prospective Norwegian Women and Cancer Study, we
calculated the age at onset, duration, and intensity of overweight and obesity using linear
mixed-effects models. BMI trajectories in adulthood were modeled using group based
trajectory modeling. We used Cox proportional hazards models to calculate hazard
ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (Cis) for the associations between BMI
exposures and breast cancer subtypes in 148,866 postmenopausal women. Advanced
glycation end products (AGEs) are reactive metabolites intrinsically linked with modern
dietary patterns. Processed foods, and those high in sugar, protein and fat, often contain
high levels of AGEs.

*Corresponding Author: Hariom Rajput

Address: GV2C+4M7, Jhanjrola, Haryana 124105
Email :
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of
any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
Increased AGE levels are associated with increased breast but the pectoral muscles lie under each breast and
cancer risk, however their significance has been largely cover the ribs.
overlooked due to a lack of direct cause-and-effect
relationship. Immunohistochemistry and
• Female breasts consist of mammary glands,
immunofluorescence were used to assess cellular responsible for milk production.
proliferation and stromal fibroblast and macrophage • Hormones like estrogen and progesterone
recruitment. The Kruskal–Wallis test were used to compare influence breast development.
continuous outcomes among groups. Mammary epithelial
• During puberty, hormonal changes lead to
cell migration and invasion in response to AGE-mediated
fibroblast activation was determined in two compartment co- breast development, including glandular tissue
culture models. In vitro experiments were performed in and ducts.
triplicate. The nonparametric Wilcoxon rank sum test was • The menstrual cycle can cause temporary
used to compare differences between groups. Deep learning
changes in breast size and tenderness.
analysis of radiological images has the potential to improve
diagnostic accuracy of breast cancer, ultimately leading to • Pregnancy triggers further breast development
better patient outcomes. This paper systematically reviewed in preparation for lactation.
the current literature on deep learning detection of breast • Prolactin and oxytocin play key roles in milk
cancer based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The production and ejection during breastfeeding.
literature search was performed from 2015 to Dec 31, 2022,
using Pubmed. Other database included Semantic Scholar,
• Breast milk provides essential nutrients and
ACM Digital Library, Google search, Google Scholar, and antibodies to nourish and protect the infant.
pre-print depositories (such as Research Square). Articles • Regular breast self-exams and mammograms
that were not deep learning (such as texture analysis) were are important for breast health and cancer
excluded. PRISMA guidelines for reporting were used. We
analyzed different deep learning algorithms, methods of
analysis, experimental design, MRI image types, types of Breasts have evolved as a secondary sexual
ground truths, sample sizes, numbers of benign and characteristic in females, potentially signaling
malignant lesions, and performance in the literature. fertility and reproductive fitness. They may have
INTRODUCTION attracted mates and played a role in human
Anatomy and Physiology: evolution. Breastfeeding fosters emotional bonds
The female breasts are modified sweat glands. The between a mother and her child. It provides
breast tissue develops from the milk line.[1]At comfort and security, promoting psychological
birth there is no difference between male and well-being for both mother and
female breasts. Pubertal growth is due to glandular baby.[39][22][19][12].
and fibrofatty proliferation.[39][1] The amount of
fibroglandular tissue decreases with age. Multiple
hormonal stimulation significantly increases the
volume of the breast tissue during pregnancy. Each
breast is comprised of 15-20 lobes interspersed
with adipose tissue and connective tissue arranged
in radial fashion extending from the
nipple.[17][14] The nipple is situated In the center
of a darker area of skin called the areola. The
areola contains small glands, called Montgomery Diagram: A: Structure of the adult female breast.
glands, which lubricate the nipple during Terminal Duct Lobular Unit (TDLU):
breastfeeding. There are no muscles in the breasts, • The lobules of each breast consist of acini or
glands lined by an outer myoepithelial cells


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
and an inner secretory cells, also known as The vascular supply of the breast is from internal
luminal cells. Each lobe of the breast has one mammary and lateral thoracic artery. There is
unique terminal duct lobular unit (functional communication between lymphatic and venous
unit), which drains via a branching duct drainage in subclavicular region.
system, ie. Intralobular ducts, interlobular
ducts and lactiferous sinuses outside through
the nipple. Duct system carries milk to the
nipples. Each duct has a lining epithelium
surrounded by a thin myoepithelial cell layer
responsive to oxytocin, the hormone that
stimulates lactation.[35][22][11][4][1]
• During pregnancy (30 weeks), each breast
shows controlled proliferation of lobular acini
lined by cells containing secretory vacuoles
and secretions in their lumina. Breast milk
comprises casein, Beta-lactalbumin and milk
fat globule derived from the luminal surface of Diagram: C: Indicate a chain of the lymph nodes
ductal cells. The acinus is lined by epithelial near the axilla and breast. Another point of contact
cells surrounded by myoepithelial cells and the between the two circulations (lymphatic and
basement membrane. On venous circulation).
immunohistochemistry, myoepithelial cells Lymphatic Drainage:
show positivity for S-100, a-smooth muscle The breast has extensive lymphatic drainage.
actin (a-SMA), p63, glial fibrillary acidic Breast has lymphatic node groups: axillary nodes
protein and GFAP. Myoepithelial cells are and internal thoracic lymph nodes. Approximately
most often demonstrated in benign breast 75% of the lymphatic drainage occurs to the
tumors. But myoepithelial differentiation is axillary lymph nodes. So there is greater frequency
demonstrated in high-grade invasive ductal of tumor metastases to these lymph nodes.
carcinomas with large central acellular Approximately 25% of lymphatic drainage from
zones.[12][3] inner quadrants of breast is drained to internal
• Benign breast diseases and carcinomas arise in mammary (parasternal) lymph nodes and skin
the terminal duct-lobular unit. lymphatic channels.[40][17][13] To a lesser extent
lymph is also drained to nodes adjacent to the
vertebra. There are five groups of axillary lymph
• Central axiallary nodes: These are located high
up in the middle of the axilla, over the ribs and
serratus anterior muscle. These receive lymph
from the other three groups of lymph
• Pectoral (anterior) nodes: These are located
Diagram: B: structure of female breast &
Branching system. along the lateral edge of the pectoralis major


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
muscle, just inside the anterior axillary Breast lumps and their anatomical correlation:
fold.[4][1] 1. Frequency of Breast Lumps: A breast mass in
• Subscapular (posterior) nodes: These are a woman is likely to be in decreasing frequency
situated along the lateral edge of the scapula, due to fibrocystic change (40%), miscellaneous
deep in the posterior axillary fold.[17][14] benign lesions (13%), carcinomas (10%) or
• Lateral lymph nodes: These are situated along fibroadenomas (7%) and no disease (30%). The
the humerus inside upper arm.[13][7] presence of myoepithelial cells in breast epithelial
• Apical lymph nodes: These are situated in the structures typically indicates a benign disease and
apical region of axilla. useful in diagnosis. The p63 is a reliable marker
Role of Hormones in Breasts Development for myoepithelial cells. Other myoepithelial cell
The female breast depends on a variety of markers include S-100, GFAP (glial fibrillary
hormones for its normal activity. It exhibits acidic protein) and alpha-smooth muscle actin.
structural and functional variation throughout life, Structure of the adult female breast showing major
especially during puberty, pregnancy, lactation, components and location of various
the normal menstrual cycle, and at the menopause. lesions.[39][29]
Hormones and breast development
Breast development and function depend on the
ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone.
Hormones reaching breast via blood stream either
interact with membrane receptors (prolactin) or
nuclear receptors (estrogen). The hormone
receptor interaction activates DNA synthesis of
factors responsible for proliferation and Diagram :D: Two Deep structure of females breast
& about membranes.
differentiation of terminal duct lobular unit.
2. Nipple: The nipple may be site of Paget’s
Estrogen elongates the ducts and causes them to
disease (ductal carcinoma involving nipple skin),
create side branches. Progesterone increases the
nipple adenoma and breast abscess.[12]
number and size of the lobules in order to prepare
3. Lactiferous Ducts and Sinuses: The
the breast for nourishing a baby. Growth hormone,
lactiferous ducts are the most common site of
insulin and gluco- corticoids also participate in
intraductal papilloma, galactocele (blocked
proliferation of lobules.
lactiferous duct in a lactating woman), breast
Breast changes during pregnancy
abscess, or plasma cell mastitis.[10]
After ovulation, progesterone makes the breast
4. Large Ducts: Large ducts are the most common
cells grow and enlargement of blood vessels filled
site for fibrocystic change and most ductal
with blood. At this time, the breasts often become
engorged with fluid. These may become tender
5.Terminal Duct Lobular Unit (TDLU): The
and swollen. The female breast during pregnancy
terminal lobules are involved in sclerosing
undergoes lobular hypertrophy; so that lactation
adenosis (a variant of fibrocystic change), lobular
can occur by the action of prolactin. Breast
and tubular carcinomas.[12]
histology from a woman 30 weeks pregnant,
6. Interlobular or Intralobular Stroma of the
shows the lobular acini lined by cells containing
Breasts: The breast interlobular stroma is the
secretory vacuoles and with pink secretions in
source of phyllodes tumor. On the other hand,
their lumens.


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
fibroadenoma is derived from intralobular breast diseases are benign and 10% of breast
stroma.[19] carcinoma present with pain.[39]
2. Breast Lumps: The most common palpable
lumps are fibrocystic disease, fibroadenoma and
invasive breast carcinoma. Premenopausal women
most often develop benign palpable masses in 90%
and breast carcinoma in 10%. Risk of breast
carcinoma increases with advancing age. In
clinical practice, Indian women with breast
carcinomas report late with evidence of
3. Nipple Discharge:
Diagram: E: Structure of the adult female breast i) Milky nipple discharge: It occurs due to
showing major components and location of various increased prolactin level in pregnant women, oral
lesions. contraceptive therapy, pituitary adenoma, tricyclic
Clinical presentation: antidepressant and methyldopa.[10][9]
• Woman with breast disease most often ii) Serous/bloody discharge: It occurs due to
complains of pain, a palpable lump without a intraductal papilloma or breast carcinoma.[3]
discrete lump and nipple discharge. It is most iii) Eczema-like lesion with blood stained
important to evaluate these women because of discharge: A rash, often eczema-like lesion, on the
the possibility of breast carcinoma.[11][2] nipple or surrounding area and blood stained
• Patient with breast carcinoma may present discharge from nipple is seen in Paget’s disease of
with breast lump, change in the symmetry of nipple (ductal carcinoma involving overlying
the breast, change in the nipple (itching, skin).[41][22]
burning, erosion or retraction), pathological 4. Nipple Retraction: Indrawing (retraction) of
fractures and increased serum calcium the nipple due to desmoplasia in an underlying
levels.[9] advanced scirrhous breast carcinoma is a late
• A spontaneous nipple discharge of any kind feature. Nipple retraction also occurs due to
in a non- breastfeeding and non-lactating fibrosis in chronic inflammation of the breast.[10]
woman warrants investigation.[19] 5. Overlying Skin Edema: The “peau d’orange”
Breast symptoms in disease conditions: (skin edema) appearance of the breast skin occurs
1. Painful Breasts: due to obstruction of the dermal lymphatic by
i) Premenopausal women: These present with tumor cells.[6]
cyclic pain in bilateral breasts, increasing severity Clinical examination: Clinician should note these
from mid- cycle onwards, and pain improving at characteristics in women with breast diseases:[16]
menstruation. Women often report fullness, Location: Quadrants.
heaviness, areas of tenderness and increased breast Size: Dimensions.
size during 3-7 days before each menstruation.[17] Shape: Lump oval, lobulated or indistinct.
ii) Postmenopausal women: These present with Consistency: Soft, firm or hard.
continuous localized breast pain not related to Movable: Freely movable or fixed.
cyclic changes. Approximately 90% of painful Distinction: Solitary or multiple.
Nipple: Displaced or retracted or nipple discharge.


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
Skin over the lump: Erythematous, dimpled or Onset of • Fat necrosis-associated with trauma
retracted. lump • Fibrocystic disease-associated with
Tenderness: Tender on palpation or not. menstrual cycle
• Duration and rate of growth of lump
Lymphadenopathy: Lymph nodes palpable or not. (fibroadenoma showing slow
Distant metastases: Organs involved. growth no apparent change in size
Clinical examination of the breast is an important in 6+ months and rapid growth in
aspect of breast health and can be performed by breast carcinoma)
Breast • Fibrocystic change (40%)
healthcare professionals or individuals for self- lump • No disease (30%)
examination. Here are the key steps for a clinical frequency • Miscellaneous benign lesions
breast examination: (13%)
1. Palpation: Use the pads of your fingers to • Breast carcinomas (10%)
gently palpate the entire breast and the area • Fibroadenomas (7%)
around the nipple. Pay attention to any lumps,
Clinical Pathological correlation
thickening, or areas of tenderness. Check the
axillary (underarm) area for any enlarged Metastases • Lymph nodes involvement
lymph nodes.[33][14] in axillary and
2. Nipple Examination: Examine the nipples for supraclavicular regions.
any discharge, changes in color, or inversion. • Visceral metastases.
• Bone pain and pathological
Gently squeeze the nipple and check for any
fractures occur due to
abnormal discharge.[3][1] metastases.
3. Position and Technique: It’s important to Microcalcifications • Dystrophic calcification
perform the examination in different on mammography associated with fibrocystic
changes such as cysts and
positions, such as lying down with one arm
behind your head, standing in front of a • Carcinoma in situ or
mirror, and raising your arms. Use various invasive carcinoma
techniques, including circular motions, Skin features • Peau d’orange Lymphatic
vertical strip patterns, or radial patterns, to blockage by cancer cells
and puckering.
ensure comprehensive coverage of the breast.
• Tethering: Due to invasion
4. Regularity: Perform breast examinations of Cooper’s ligament in
regularly, typically once a month for self- breast cancer
exams. Healthcare professionals may perform • Erythema:Acute mastitis
clinical breast exams during routine check- and Paget’s disease of
ups, usually annually for women.[4] Nipple retraction • Breast carcinoma
5. Inspection: Begin by visually inspecting the • Inflammatory breast
breasts. Look for any changes in size, shape, lesions undergoing fibrosis
or symmetry. Check for skin changes such as • Fat necrosis of breast
redness, dimpling, or puckering. Look for any Manual • Diffuse: Fibrocystic disease
examination of • Discrete: Neoplasm or cyst
visible lumps or masses.[39][3][1] breasts • Mobile lump:
Pain and • Mastitis (acute or chronic) Fibroadenoma
tenderness • Mammary duct ectasia • Bulky tumor: Phyllodes
in breasts • Breast abscess tumor and giant
• Galactocele fibroadenoma
• Fibrocystic disease (cyclic pain)


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
• Immobile lump: Invasive etiology. There is involvement of lobular
breast carcinoma epithellum.
Nipple discharge • Milky nipple discharge
• Lipogranulomas are caused by rupture of a
(galactorrhea) occurs due to
increased prolactin level paraffin-filled polythene sac implanted
during pregnancy, pituitary silicone prosthesis previously as a device for
adenoma, oral breast augmentation.
contraceptive therapy,
ACUTE MASTITIS: Milk stasis is the main
tricyclic antidepressant,
methyldopa) predisposing factor of lactation mastitis. If not
• Serous/Bloody (intraductal treated appropriately, lactation breast abscesses
papilloma/cancer) Nipple can recur, which may be complicated by a
shows rash, eczema-like or fistulous tract. It is caused by Staphylococcus
blood-stained discharge in
Paget's disease of nipple aureus that can enter the breast tissue through
(ductal carcinoma involving cracks and fissures in the nipple. This disorder is
overlying skin) usually secondary to obstruction of the duct
system by inspissated secretions. Complications of
If you notice any changes during a self-exam or if duct ectasia include abscess formation, fistulous
a healthcare professional detects something tract and nipple retraction. Associated fibrosis and
concerning during a clinical breast examination, calcification in duct ectasia can simulate breast
further evaluation, such as imaging carcinoma.[39][29]
(mammography, ultrasound) and possibly a 1. Age Group: Breast infection of overlying skin
biopsy, may be recommended to determine the commonly affects women aged between 18 and 45
nature of the breast changes. Regular breast years, which may be primary or secondary due to
examinations are important for the early detection infected sebaceous cyst in overlying skin. Females
of breast abnormalities or cancer.[23] with pituitary prolactinomas occasionally are
INFLAMMATORY DISORDERS associated with galactorrhea.[23][21]
Key Fact 2. Clinical Features: The breast becomes tense,
• Inflammatory diseases of the breast are rare hot, and very painful. Axillary lymph nodes may
Acute infection occurs only in the lactating become enlarged and tender.[22]
breast. 3. Therapeutic Correlation: It may be treated by
• Periductal mastitis is also known as Zuska’s mechanical suction, frequent emptying of the
disease or squamous metaplasia of lactiferous breasts, and administration of antibiotics.[39]
ducts. PERIDUCTAL MASTITIS: Periductal mastitis
• Fat necrosis occurs due to trauma to breast is also known as Zuska’s disease or squamous
especially in obese women. metaplasia of lactiferous ducts.
• Duct ectasia shows many thick walled dilated 1. Age Group: Periductal mastitis occurs
ducts filled with yellow-brown cheesy especially in smokers.
secretions. 2. Pathogenesis: Tobacco use alters the
• Granulomatous mastitis occurs in systemic epithelium of lactiferous sinuses Keratin is trapped
granulomatous disease, eg. Tuberculosis, into ducts. Nipple inversion occurs due to fibrosis.
sarcoidosis. Wegener’s granulomatosis, fungal Recurrences are common.
infection, breast implants or unknown Light Microscopy


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
Histological examination reveals chronic and These free fatty acids combine with sodium,
granulo matous inflammation. magnesium or calcium ions to form soaps. The
MAMMARY DUCT ECTASIA: Duct ectasia of tissue becomes opaque and chalky white.[4]
major subareolar ducts is characterized by 2. Clinical Features: Patient develops unilateral
inflammation and dilation of the major ducts. The localized breast mass, which may be painful in
ducts are filled with debris, resulting in dilatation, acute stage. Clinical examination of affected
g rupture and inflammation. Possible etiological breast reveals a firm, superficial irregular mass,
factors of duct ectasia are infections and cigarette erythema of the overlying skin, dimpling and
smoking.[38][33] nipple retraction mimics carcinoma.[5]
1. Clinical Features: Some women present with 3. Radiological Findings: Breast shows calcified
greenish brown cheesy nipple discharge, slit-like lesion.
nipple retraction, or palpable lump simulating Gross Morphology
cancer that may be hard or doughy there is no It shows chalky white areas of fat saponification.
increased risk for breast carcinoma.[23][14][9][3] Variegated color and areas of hemorrhage are
Light Microscopy demonstrated on the cut surface of this lump. It is
It shows dilated ducts with fibrosis of wall, gritty to cut because of the presence of spotty
inflammatory cell infiltrate with plasma cells, and calcification.
inspissation of lipid rich material within duct Light Microscopy
lumen. • In the response to fat necrosis there is an
Gross Morphology initial acute inflammatory reaction consisting
• When cut across it shows many thick walled of necrosis of adipocytes and hemorrhage. It
dilated ducts filled with yellow brown cheesy is followed by chronic inflammatory response
secretions. in which numerous plasma cells are seen.
• In women above 50 years of age, frequent • Macrophages phagocytose lipid released from
incidental pathological finding is fibrocystic adipocytes, forming multinucleate giant cells,
change in 30-40% of cases in surgically as well as foam cells, also termed lipophages.
excised breast tissue and in autopsy There is presence of foreign body giant cells
specimens. and dystrophic calcification demonstrated by
2. Management: Antibiotics and surgical removal imaging techniques.
of dilated duct cures these patients. • Fibroblastic proliferation leads to fibrosis
FAT NECROSIS: Fat necrosis of breast most resulting in extension to the surrounding
often occurs in women >55 years. It is most tissue. As a result, an irregular, fixed, hard
common chronic inflammatory lesion which mass may ensue and clinically resemble
follows foreign body giant cell reaction and breast carcinoma. Thus, the lesions often
fibrosis due to lipid released from traumatized require biopsy to establish their benign
during lactation resulting in hypersensitivity character.
reaction in multiparous women adipocytes.[5][2] GRANULOMATOUS MASTITIS: It’s a group
1. Pathogenesis: Trauma to the breast is most of immunologic mediated disorder of breast bules.
common cause of fat necrosis, followed by prior It leads to alteration in the lobular epithelium
surgical intervention and radiation therapy. It during lactation resulting in hypersensitivity
occurs when lipase enzyme breaks down reaction in multiparous women.[41]
intracellular triglycerides into free fatty acids.


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
1. Etiology: It occurs in systemic granulomatous SCLEROSING LYMPHOCYTIC
disease, e.g. tuberculosis, sarcoidosis. Wegener’s LOBULITIS: Sclerosing lymphocytic lobulitis is
granulomatosis, fungal infection, breast implants also known as lymphocytic mastopathy. It most
and unknown etiology. There is involvement of often occurs in women with type I diabetes
lobular epithelium.[34] mellitus or autoimmune thyroid diseases. It is
Light Microscopy considered to be an autoimmune disorder. Patient
• Breast lobules show granulomas, histiocytes, presents with hard palpable lumps. It is difficult to
lymphocytes, plasma cells and giant cells by obtain tissue with needle biopsy due to presence of
sparing interlobular stromal region. dense collagenous stroma. It should be
• Breast tuberculosis: Breast tuberculosis differentiated from breast carcinoma.[17][13][1]
usually occurs due to extension from rib in FIBROCYSTIC DISEASE
females. Patient presents with breast abscess Fibrocystic breast disease is the most common
and fever. On cut section, breast abscess benign disorder of the female breasts. It is caused
contains caseous material. Light microscopy by abnormal response of breast to ovarian
reveals epithelioid granulomas, caseous hormones. Patient develops painful multifocal
necrosis and Langhans’s type of giant cells. lumps in both breasts. The frequency of
• Sarcoidosis: Breast sarcoidosis is an idiopathic fibrocystic change decreases progressively after
disorder in which abnormal immune system menopause.[39][33][4]
leads to formation of noncaseating granulomas Although it is a benign condition, the gross and
and collection of macrophages. These trigger mammographic appearance may mimic
an inflammatory response that causes carcinoma. And is often difficult to distinguish
extensive tissue damage and scarring. It shows from carcinoma on frozen section.[37]
noncaseating granuloma and collection of Key Facts of Fibrocystic Disease
macrophages. Kveim test is performed by • It is caused by abnormal response of breast to
intracutaneous injection of saline suspension ovarian hormones.
of human sarcoidal spleen or lymph nodes • Fibrocystic changes occur in glands and
which cause appearance of erythematous stroma. These include fibrosis, duct ectasia,
nodules. apocrine metaplasia, duct hyperplasia and
• Wegener’s granulomatosis: It is a systemic sclerosing adenosis.
necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis of • There is increased risk of development of
unknown etiology or due to inhalation of some breast carcinoma plated to the presence of
infectious agents. atypical hyperplasia of the glands.
SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS: Silicone • Sclerosing adenosis can be clinically and
implants in breast are used for cosmetic radiologically confused with breast
augmentation. Silicone is a polymer of silica, O, carcinoma.
and, H, Due to leakage of silicone implants, 1] Age Group: It affects women in 20 to 50 years
chronic inflammation takes place. lipogranulomas of age. About 10% of women have clinically
are caused by rupture of a paraffin filled polythene evident disease. It is uncommon before
sac implanted prosthesis previously as a device for adolescence or after menopause.
breast augmentation. This is a very old-fashioned Approximately 60-90% of breasts show
type of breast implantation.[27][22] fibrocystic change at autopsy.


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
2] Etiology: It is postulated that it results due to • Histology of fibrocystic disease shows cystic
hormonal imbalance, Le increased dilatation of the terminal ducts with increased
uncontrolled response of estrogens on terminal surrounding collagen fibers.
duct lobular unit or to decreased progesterone • Fibrocystic changes may be no proliferative or
activity. This hormonal imbalance occurs in proliferative.
functional ovarian granulosa cell tumors and Gross Morphology
anovulatory cycles. Environmental toxins • Cut surface is firm grey, white fibrous tissue.
inhibiting cyclic guanosine monophosphate • Some cysts may be quite large, which undergo
enzymes by methylxanthines (e.g. caffeine, hemorrhage into the cyst fluid called aloe
tea, chocolate), tyramine (e.g. cheese, wine, domed cysts.
nuts) and tobacco may also cause fibrocystic • These cysts vary in size with the menstrual
change. cycle.
3] Clinical Features: Patient presents with • These are most often enlarged and tender one
bilateral breast palpable lumps (irregular week before menstruation.
nodularity) with mid-cyclic tenderness varying Histopathological Changes:
during the menstrual cycle. Pain is present in Nonproliferative Fibrocystic Changes:
the upper outer quadrant of bilateral breasts. Nonproliferative fibrocystic changes include
Occasionally, there is history of greenish dense fibrous stroma encompassing a number of
brown to black nipple discharge containing fat, variable size cystic dilatation of the terminal ducts
proteins, ductal cells and erythrocytes. (duct ectasia) and mild hyperplasia. Alteration of
Light Microscopy epithelial lining is termed as apocrine metaplasia.
• Fibrocystic changes occur in glands and stroma, Apocrine cells are large and more eosinophilic
Which include fibrosis, duct ectasia, apocrine than that usually line the ducts and resemble
metaplasia, duct hyperplasia and sclerosing apocrine sweat gland epithelium. On clinical
adenosis. examination, the breasts are lumpy. There is no
risk of development of breast carcinoma.

A. Cyst formation B. Adenosis C. Apocrine metaplasia D. Papilloma

E. Fibrosi F. Sclerosing G. Typical epithelial Hyperplasia H. Atypical


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
2. Proliferative Fibrocystic Changes: These are number of acini per terminal duct is more than
associated with epithelial hyperplasia of ducts and double the normal found in normal lobules
lobules, with or without features of atypia, and Tubules are lined by two layers of epithelial
sclerosing adenosis. Atypical hyperplasia of ducts cells giving lobular configuration. There is
and lobules is associated with a five-fold increase more often presence of numerous
in the risk of developing ductal carcinoma. When microcalcifications. Sclerosing adenosis
associated with a family history of breast lesions have become significant in modern
carcinoma; the risk of development of breast clinical practice, as these lesions can be
carcinoma is ten- fold.[3][2] confused with breast carcinoma on
• Fibrosis: Rupture of cysts with extravasation mammographic screening.[2]
of fluid in the stroma results in inflammation • Ductal epithelial hyperplasia: As the ducts
and fibrosis, Dense fibrous interlobular stroma are estrogen sensitive, florid ductal epithelial
expands into the lobules, and replaces the loose hyperplasia occurs within areas of fibrocystic
intralobular connective tissue. Strands of changes.[4]
fibrous tissue constrict the ducts, so that the
normal secretions cannot pass out. Terminal
ducts become dilated resulting in formation of
cysts containing secretions.[1]
• Duct ectasia: Paste-like material in subareolar
ducts produces sticky purulent discharge that
may be white, gray, brown, green or bloody. It
is caused by stagnation of cellular debris and
secretions in the ducts. Cysts filled with bluish
fluid are known as blue dome cysts when Structure A: Spectrum of morphological
examined through cyst wall. Light microscopy changes in fibrocystic disease of the breast
shows cysts lined by uniform benign cuboidal showing duct dilatation, adenosis, fibrosis
to columnar epithelial cells of variable height (intralobular and interlobular), and apocrine
with microcalcifications in their lumen. These change (400X).
cysts do not have malignant potential. On The epithelial cells are multilayered, filling and
clinical examination of breast, these lesions expanding the ducts or acini. There is a slightly
reveal cystic feel.[2] increased risk (1.5 to 2 times) of development of
• Apocrine metaplasia: The cells lining large breast carcinoma.
cysts undergo change consisting of tall, pink, Atypical ductal hyperplasia: It occurs in ducts
columnar benign epithelial cells with small and lobules lined by multilayered pleomorphic
nuclei and brightly eosinophilic cytoplasm. atypical cells with hyperchromatic nuclei
Chromosomal abnormalities in apocrine resembling carcinoma in situ of ducts (DCIS) or
epithelium suggest possible precursor of lobules (LCIS). These atypical cells do not fill the
apocrine carcinoma.[34][2][1] entire lumen of ducts or lobules. These atypical
• Sclerosing adenosis: Sclerosing adenosis with changes are indicative of an increased risk for
fibrosis of the intralobular stroma resulting in subsequent breast malignancy.[39]
compression of the epithelial structures to give
a pseudoinfiltrative growth pattern. The


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review

Diagnostic Tools:
Since the introduction of mammographic and
ultra- sound imaging of the breast, this condition
can be diagnosed without having to perform
surgical excision. Ultrasonography is done to
distinguish cystic fluid filled lesions in fibrocystic
disease from solid masses. Fine needle aspiration
cytology of bloody aspirate is done to rule out
Structure B. Fibrocystic disease shows typical malignant change. Histopathological examination
ductal hyperplasia
distinguishes benign from malignant changes.[39]

Structure C: Fibrocystic disease shows atypical

ductal hyperplasia (arrow) (100X)
Histological Ductal hyperplasia Atypical hyperplasia/DCIS
Size • Variable size, rarely extensive • May be extensive, rarely <3 mm.
when associated with papilloma
or radical scar.
Cellular • Epithelial cells along with spindle • Single cell population. Absence of spindle
composition cells, lymphocytes, macrophages. cells. Myoepithelial cells around periphery.
Myoepithelial cell hyperplasia
around periphery.
Architecture • Variable. • Well-developed micropapillary, cribriform or
solid patterns.
Lumina • Lumina irregular often ill-defined • Lumina well- delineated, regular, punched
slit-likespaces common. out in cribriform pattern.
Cell orientation • Streaming pattern with long axis of • Micropapillary structures with indiscernible
nuclei arranged parallel to direction fibrovascular cores or smooth, well-delineated
of cellular bridges, which often geometric spaces. Cell bridges ‘rigid’ in
have a ‘tapering appearance. cribriform type with nuclei oriented towards
the luminal type.
Nuclear spacing • Uneven • Even
Epithelial cell • Small ovoid with variation in • Small uniform monotonous appearance.
character shape
Nucleoli • Indistinct • Single small
Mitoses • Infrequent • Infrequent, abnormal form
Necrosis • Rare • If present, confined to small particulate


Hariom Rajput, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 245-259 | Review
debris in cribriform and/or luminal spaces.

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