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‘Acceptance ae a oe he |e oa ees Accurate eed 1 E a oaee Se = —- = COTTE Appendix Anpetence Appoinmest| [Alien | ae Allegoy ar 2 Choone te corre pelig WAignnce — WpAleznce WAberie Wes 3. Choose he correc spelag peter ovate Wake Wnetmod Babend Mad nm WAémishe TER : Tee aera gg 9 6 Alctterpang Tease mast arity A Beinn Meehan toma 1 Sante ant a meagan gi Jacommalate fi acomedate @acomadste A accommestate sm accomodation Fi revel fearon mee ponte WAsorwmone BY Astros Auionomes Acton 8 Choose the coret pling Teta) aotornes whareiines Qadogines A) aborsenes a {ho he erty a we ony accent WAccowe 0 Bich ects he coretontgh 10. Which the correc pling? Tn (D123, E81 0x re fgg EE ® Blanniveosry fh Amine Bape armel Apo dag tet eee] AMIR ey Ween : 11, Choose the correctly spt word. [vee me et. UH) 1-448 meg Ate a et inenne ne \Essevies 201 ak we ene eb te Pron BH Aisoweteenene W Aetvetenes . Mune Wacpamnce Boop Wl squinance : SAivontenest | BAe ae 12, Chote the cored spelt words (=== We, em 9) i ay a Pit mone tereneensenal a nis Bente eet Ramat ie 13. Select the cerrety spelt word: owen we nese ee ae 2 bea) oe Siow WAscmen Anca Mh econ ee o..Camer tn corre png 2 seat ey oa 1. Sele he correct apet we tN 2 UNDKU cose enin Lee 2A en ore meaeeer ee Arcane bh A ip : Se eee 7 ca Bowes Ween Bema ome Somer emmnaimanaeeteanmnse name ft, vein Ba sa, Mitts W Adtran. Adsertion 8 Adc ace BD Arhislogy A Artssog @ Ardent @ Antes Serotec tg {sin 35. Choose the correct speliag, . © Geo Maer "avanen Avance = Surouence Westin Gagrne omic 1» Eewriccametptig ean amit M6 Chom ecg. Fearn HNN W@aranee Wann @Amacue ipAnosear ‘at Bonerste Bepropse Bape ere we 1k Who ere a 7. Chon te core cig inten mt 0S Gategnon Wn Agmen A Aingmen fod Se vita espn eres (sv om oo . a a snonious — MJanonimows @anonyms anonymous Ana [DAlcrion —hAleviton @alivaion Waivison | tash 2 Chomethecrctpeiag Ser enon oy Seinen mnt en eminhS ay Bibeoit Waban — Batre Abstoir fe Srcicvemenr B Aces BAcioemenADome Je no are SO) eet pabant n WAsienenest ae » WaAbiorence Abborence Mf Abhorence fel BAsignment Bh Asignemen@ Asien 2 Ni eo sping? oe 41, Novthone imeem ameter aquaria um nue ier neereyoin ae BAAS TS ‘ie 2 Rectan I" Asim Agmam st cine Wasa Bt ene ee Tce deus Gren — onemecomtaie BON we Sr ce Wasa we ices Ws oe satin a (muorat 8. can oe e|_Bavetst___rage * _Wtctvin atv Mf aniivin ass BO Tice agen Baers Bir C=) DS I | cesar —t a {coe a Chale [amcor en ere | Comers ae a | Colne Fg OST RE TTC [cy Conquronse) ee = f [sera maa I Conrection Collaboration attr ee { Corroboraioe | Colleague (orton | wt, ea | Comuption ae ——f Cage] 5 ea Comte | ai aC mart | a [arcu ris | wneiiows econ, EE Gis _ (0 For oon wet Mm innuR monn SST eae Seren ret orm 36, DL IC) 1a 15, oP Reve cette ocr cette 38, gee eer) Seon Wemuee Geena Gee ‘ona Be teem nonnn onnoiseur @§ Connoisseur J Connoisser bape) teeth pt OC __Wiconreos Bconcous Ase ac Benne & Cooter Cue Cates BC ee Which ome carey spt nee ag 7 ert pt ee erg Weaeed Wan Waray wee Sconent Wrest canta cre ling oe mao Wms Scommente Bi contcae Set on conn WConcmaon BGiage Wonder Bane” one « corntin Aso a se Bsickoer | Woke este Mercian UNM 73. Whieh one corree peng once ‘Schannion "WC @ Cain Cine ne B.ooncior 6) BCom Cunilor Comat OE 78. Select the corey peed werd (ae) tne wih Sicoaton §Cesstin Qcasion WH Csnsion se 76 Choe the corre sping (omy vem ye, ‘Seamtige eons Geamoutog Wcartass ne Beliedr Heine Boker Blalade ‘ct 7%. Whic ones the correc sping? met nan ee RETO Wcresenal Wed! Bokmal ect 7 areca envenies MAT Dhaene Deaaswophe Weasseepe Geamare Campi ws 20, coe ee CE, FH ‘cereotmet Beoreqous — HComngos BCamigow cratinos 81, Chose the correct spliag. cam Scorn eorgin Bovtae Merrie 82 Choe the correct pling net Wosbee Waters icone cobwe Wi congueror UConn _ Wi Coorerer _ 6, Geter is Mi Gocmere SiaSTER 85, Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options. tm tt So nt oe er lta men Courier — owe BCuner—@Couroer ire 1 Sete ia Pens Aceiting a Cig ol » So jmovnrtns a o emt t @Consceliewon A Constilation tllation “ 90, GEG oe eee eve ene coca oce este remem Conspicuous) Conspecious @ Conspicous ) Conspecuous a: 91. Shon temy ete eomemne ne etn @ Commission Commision @ Comissi Comision brdeneete! CONCISSION i . bey vy BEsmeote Weonesin Camano @Canlis BD Caaiyst — YCaralyst — Katalyst inubailsertapany 94. Chose the correct pling ov inenta RUA fe RUIN, DUM a gq MsesmitmenHPsenmrmant @ commitment) conmnnase am . Chome the covet spelling. eon) {RU Rv a4ou Si {communication comunieton nication comuncasion communicason 9% Choose the corectspeling Wecysanthimam Mf erysinthymum — @ chrysant ae 2. aetecee” ler man cceer Mtcnmten | aes oleborsion Colteraton @.Colaberaion — €) Collaboration And Fee as a Dilena toate | [Bimension aa Dinosaur | a tinh oa | ewe Disair () —| [erie wer Dae ieee oe —t Drape hee Biseusion [Biseie ftioy [ Bipasionste : a i * oe =< | A — a a ae ' ee — a Paya eee i eeteemermeee a eet ccs aa oes fo ee 29 cons wes oe ee © Dyseotary — BDyserty — GDoentery | Drscmery Anse 1 Berane a ees Wedesending —Bdesending H descenting W decending engl 1, Theoret pling mse ote a ta HEN Bdicom Bion beim Bw 10s, Sele wor hig eres nan ener a Bonga Moen Bosse Wont Ae 105, See te wor having cre pn a = Swe Wages Boge BOiem a, vor, Wt thee span as ne Doe om Moines WO te tog me or core pa em i Boer Dvr Dye M OE a 109, Fn ut he cresting, ome etn ne hick ec the core openg W Destin) Denton 20, Thecareect pig = Ter 6 2 Fe Exhirate om) [Fodeaour (aes Frise A) Expert ri) Ents wae [21 hoo cre pein re Ry AD BW Eecprencur€) Emerprencu @ Eteprenire ote ting ear” Bese "asic Wma gic Semen : ‘he correct pling ee we es vo et aaa can Ate : eee Basis Eman Bintan sng Wemberaing Qimkeraig Qing ha in Mah nibecoreetopalog fone eececmentos pea ented Memntied Gemaies Geshe a ny Chane he coret peed ned oe sete i ween Biwone Weaenn Qticene psoas 1st Chose the core pling oe om . Miscrmes Blown Gemma tare 185, eh one the corer pela? rs ae Bendervow Bheneur Beene Wisco ‘s 1s, cea we er (Hae a em HG Bcamplary — Whexmplry Wtsaanley Wesewpy A 131 Sette ereet pling, (I Leu enmt HErephanass Wh reponsl| eparensB ede 1 erat we et ‘or a Stites eMac secs MI 1 My heen = Bee eee lemme ee hike ore tl oe ee Waster - Te Pemeconae Bowghme Desgzents Meise vt Ex Seva Binion | ‘Giver Mesut Tiss ae ae — [re Fascia eases Feri) Le TA Foie rT (Thelin cea vge | Fulillnent Fanmabie Full asses rere Fone Forgot Forza M5, Selecta nord having correct pling. (tas 8 Aialisows —Halascous also —@)fascious nee 146. Choose the coretspeting irvowen, Betitiness tainen 9 alsimene —attnent Anse |47 ceo owe Which one ithe correct plling? eons etn (0) 184) Wrote Bronce ghForce Face nd 14. Chaos te correct speting, A Focinon GP Facinsion @Fascenstion i Fascincton ns 149, Pik ap the correct word : nwo eek facklowe — rotors aklor ae a) See owe — Women 154 Which me corre pete? Bint Dine Winte ones won 155 Choose the correct speing, ete te te Morvan Wotersce Yomeme Worn 156, Which one sth core sping? (mee Borecoiny — Weaciey Mercer W pele ‘The correct speligis~ (orse er ro) Seine Apawe Meee gene 158 Choe the correc speling, peer rer ATD cement te cS [ Hocmorrage [Hatiacincon Hanmer] Hance aras(e>) MASTER aie en ee ‘rari her emcee Ber {Witton BY Has Hal 186 Which oe the ret pling? reso en. ome Briomonas ih Bun inn) | Teena S| asain nme anil Simca, Way Scan Beara select the correct spelting. a Dinero Winks Winsges 179, The caret peng be (ammeter Siicton Bie Bie Ws idee, Wedge * Gime” Whcny nonin Bini, inoculate Dinos Qin Weaniaae tae Siieeimte exons Binge Wcinn Ah Shey eee Buca Maney ree] 17s We ne crc ee meni Binmere Biemacic Binmecie Mibnmeoe | Hat Ree Piacente Winnie Wanton Mane 177, Conse tere opting ie Bingen Weamgarve Binwnese Mines om 178 Muh one tte lig ede PT = Winnaget igen! inert Biwi 179, Find onthe covet ein Bimprestinsle __ Binpressinbe MASTER wer Gramien 6 ree cance 1 cot as he dagen intr "dy Ta Topas Fi on Sore : tno ea » Wise Bical SLcicomn Dustines Bticenen Becton sor So Liew red) Lc esas a ge s\tatooe Batons Wine Leben ieee ice BL Nga re Se ace [ er se Rene Mies Mich —[ ter — [age er —| ee Lopate corey | RArew Kindergarten oa 1 Manoewre 7 inne 191. Find ot the corret speling ol) (earring —— 2, Biumaicion WD iarisdiction @Juridiction Jurcsdction Ansa Massage (8 ao Pelee eee sere ees ira 5 ae eee Wreweitay —wciicy — Jewellery = ‘Melody m= ae ou alnidoscope fi Caleidoscope @j Kaleidoscor ar Ma fee MASTER Bc Wi Ksleitoncope A ‘MASTER ee ae vo ite Sata Mona , MMi Milena @ Milcniam —@) Mile fede nel Choose the correct speting, emo DU gy MI Moongase — Bi) Mongose — @ Mon goose a) he 207 “ nue isthe correct spelling? fereni.FR) (amar wert metoy sme gt 204, Which one isthe right spelling? (amy. rer eeve9) menompieny 206, wen the correct spelling. (Dutchman 10, a Magnificent fi) Magniticient @) Magneficent dl) Magnifecene ent 27 Gosh creping Soon es atte errr Srninenoe Damen Gioanone eee te nq Hance mato Baninone Qiao as mig SNsincine : on a 205 Neth re pt WMalevoient Mle son Mansion ‘nest WMaleviolent @ Maleveiont Mj Malevulent Eacaes 2 Met ete ne wean an Kicsaig Wor ace emg Ted =e joeet a Soe Tea nates ean tes mamtines Wnanicow nextins Mnomuinion anes Bates 2 Senne comm oo en Bynes Mow Wann nee foc a es Mosinee Wteminat apna Renee ain ooo Does ne 2) | BMiniony Biman Whom ow toed ae a Macon thecoret paling cope seer a neg Mees Be Pome Tae ee ee ee ad [eens | el 2, Chow Bocexsinty Bj Oeisonay Hosein Woot 222, Which pling coret? free oss sg | ——— | st career | Rane sos RHO | = el Sea teenie ee | Ee SS a ay wale er ma Wace rcesey Macexn Mee 225, Chooe the core pling ae SProvcticles Wosaelss Woontaes Wo 224, Choose the core pele emo onemet te [DU ay 4s, RU en OFT, NU Coe occas aa Bac nce Hen BS aera 225. Which one is correct speling” rar WObnoksous = = ha So mee Sere terre oe Pr = Arent csc = «2 Ugerioca vce mca Byte ve Biocon, | Grace et ‘wre Ponti ema ay as fanstaneeen n | ee meni Ome) yee tome itn i bndihecerelyaped weds nies woe gee reais "Whaned Brad Brae 1 What the creping? Vn te ne | Bestia Bp Bente me Which word corey spleen 5. Thecorc pag eas Src | Mice Ho aa Byenene Wircme irae Myeene sac og BP Blecte A teante MPa Aved Syeomce Mace Byte Wee cs he ere ping (S00 seve rte te 2a. corecty opel er vein Mreacien” Goranten Bponecon Wpucncn nasa MPocabie Wraaae Urea Mrane i Fk at the correct pling rm the flonng wore, vam i) 2, Th correc pet “ Bpheens Bhp Bphocriks Mi penix Ans Wives rome Erectes Brio ee Iie 8 Wp Stes i ot WN TTS] 29. crete oe Te 20 heme the correct sein. 0 080m (121 RR RT W Prediare (Un) Pein sf Ponti rset Fevers WPencvenace Pantene dl Pomreatrnn ae 250, Chon he core tog ate = 201, Chote the caret opting * Bcd gues Wont Be wo, 14 R11, me aged eet ea 251, Tecorrect opting = act ment Bamena Wl Preuon To pharmacy ptermspsl tarmac Mparmonees _ = arn a Pept Parga corte Panera sae Per Pisce OS yn Piscine a Pci Srsiowts Wrath her ‘ue Se aa 28 QUESTIONAIRE oesomare Miguosinate qu oe: ‘Sauna Relevant Reeanse | 99) ees =e — — Sie 7 trgerator Teorey Resistance a tae he ee Resistible (eect) oe " Sie fan ee re ‘chearsal 209 Bears Perey | os Pers Sorat | Resarané ra » Fs | hove eft ‘eine renin remus Brace Wome ‘nt ‘ich fete bn et peg puma Birehiowe Bren Wegne Wrigem oy Gener reece Wen OM Reser WR WReint WReopae 1. Chose corey pet warm hc enon (abun Witcprnce Wrocpien Bevo Wtaooein OT Brenan Mseinin ceseion Bro 273, Which ape caret seine” B Rsoteie H Restrnt Rotten 274, Nospemag rar cers ogee DISA 8 NBS DAS Resa Rete Reset Bene, a, 7 Mie acer enenen vs Geena ce iin Bien ie (eee a, 206, The correct pling Becpasion Weyesice Brereton a waster Te — — ne] SET BAI SA Suppress uppean | PA pe und_————«L Toe | batter (sheta rey — ea ae [Sobre or) The correc spl word y= (Pa W cicionyic&Sehizophene| eo Mstcvshos Wrepetins apes “i 1 hone teeing Sere gee tk Set ate Bopaae sace to cere Bxinsy NE van BEET seme apne apne sei Dancin Wenchens arene 255. Chose hecrretopting eer cas an Seale Wee Wsenate sencati "hed Scot Mew Eagar Min ES 27, Choose te cnet ea ine eee © BSigeor Sipe | Bsipenee Bscron “Doge tnt Salcwert cometh parts on gor AST 4s Bree Bnet Games Bee ot ene ore vo. Wnchon he ct ieee ea ater Soca Woe ga we = >. Concert) gedvetioatrgetpan — yeoceelh Bonen Ween Wome we ma © GhSuggenion WSugpessin Wsuggeion (h Sormoion Awa Muihoertactreeredie eaten unemne Dhtcere Wouugere Wsttopen Witnope nae aos Pages Neen emt Beccua Wace Weve Boor 23s Rau nec eg vont cra retest Hicrened Reorant "hoe 236 Chen corey Teme Bae lime Bootes Bien 257 Chon ect ing fue see = Bonne Womsieal omens Boman — sects Mee eran consene er Ree, pertle Weenie Meer em MASTER ‘inp word a Penne W Sapestios Sumpersitons econ, Gomtaic | Mouszesne oy oor ee ce ne ae ny “mt ao enor Ppeennel Wires Tet W Tuer Lo nt fe an eS re | Set ter iy OS eer sit Thecoret pe rosech Ame mk (aes eet pager emagne et Tera fr Sao FR — Theses Rp Scheme oe Hermans se ee | Tring {§ Usceremone Seve te Pico ee a = —— Tuberculosis | [ese TAR Wan ta ee || fe lee ee Sa ec ae Tain rag Fo a s [Turmeric Binwe) | RS: | Revere eRe | om [Reka Tana —toreceer | | feuirea fame Tamar [eerie se —] | 3s. Choe err ie a a oe Sermo fre wre ATED, 2, expe Bar me) 31S. Chess the corre wos | Votan = sum; Sumas Sumame J Sunamce Ansa | Bvotmtory Wey fee Oe omnes oS gate moet || nc Rete’ gen fee reangulation jj Tringuletion @ Triangoletion@j Trienguletion ‘Ansa | Beaccuum joe Be — verte am aa es | Racer er a aan on Westin — Tuition Tiution Anse BW vacanc le ayer, ws, AEED ss nbc te es | an Bee __W Temperature Temparatur | Tamperature Ml Tamprature ‘Ansa __WVisionery_ Vso saa ve We “| sor = cy ee ee eo oo ier a 4 ose a4 fo, Which words incorrectly spelt? TDL oy0040, ORR A 2 as oe ee teats Vid oe) Yew oe ology ZT | = Zena = waa you ose 524 Skee nord with gh pela E=EN MT (=) Fs @scnzopmens BW Seasprenia Scizpheia Schioptraia ert 125 ebee aecm e ee ce} orcs team eaitnan GUateran A Lewtemn oe 526 emi he word which pl incorrect. vcs Mronscenion Wpencvenece)cmatescnc @)msinenance i 527 Find te mip wor ‘eure ern reset o ‘iConmine’” S)Esbusam @)Exrovenan @ Reeson awe 224 Which one of the lowing wrongly spl? (cetera tot Asmestesa Wicucnst” @arhocs cision fos ti ret frisin "pation ition sion Aa 230, Find the mop med (eestor SMoownss Tinos @Ouragsous Unfortunate Aas 33. Thence pr ward eset Wsicon 8 pesinage [ioe oncer tas a SR, Whit plore) Compton Comin Compson ase aight Hicorsion canon Wicompion 5 Whe wer pat Sieh ce mri tat cn ae ‘cnt Wms ocr, Creo econ MBC stron Wy Teaee @ ene roe {howe the corey sped nod. fs) ster alder Quer ‘Sieger Wlnclgens Svesumion Wresunate Bammpes Seesinss— Wbeceen Abuions (Se ann, sat, Ricoor kee tiog Sopa Wt hSiemat si, Stee tig Bene Bere cause ences Wome” Wentaiae set, Then tam cory a Beaten Wie Bemene sss Rich nord iret pe | Shute Wiles BRsomnnd Women ‘ so Wrage mete’ 9 merae Byes Bee ee Wie ma vey Rhone othe frig pig sere pment Benoance Wewnce Wome Wow” tet ve lean emir omen man Somes pose iow Bowmen a vie Mltaiinecertqaegt eseeneer eee SS Bey Stucco 110 ecco aed eed foment Sanscence Sundae Bem Wane 3st Which corey spe) my Bot Jes Boe HN eaten 352. Choose the correct speling. (0° Se 5) ‘Ans Brrooce Bsmmaee Wages BAM arenersn) 3. Select the pling, (oe 1 gen a en iar aa pis AT a a [ieee ee 457d te correct apa nerd Biromosphos Ab Armospere& Amphacre Aon Winsted Brinstacd — instead insted — 39, We wt cee ae) . wenn Stace Wkeocne Beane Meee — sat Cee er ig = Arsciney — B)achnary GY Mecrinary a) Meshiary oe 26, Sedan nate nay = poems (er Be) nt een | pest Besos! pase! A) pasorte ink “Tae correct peti ovaries) rons BPtoncas honest ADhonew faa 361. Which corety pet? (ect? én CEO") (mw oe nen Wiotubotydrae He ne carohidate catty dtc 34, Which is correctly pet? (95-more ee) a eve Baus quence ‘Ane 34S, Choose he correct speling from the ven options. nee sone he wn Wrest Precinct Pact A) Peswinst ‘an 366. Chove te correct pling rom the given Wracimile Facile Facile 367. Choose the correct speling fram the gven opto nto (ren W dcquiounce Bp Asusintance @ Aguansnce, Mh Aguinence ‘ate 168, Choose the correct speling from the given option [prec e te) Wanseine— WTrnsient Trance! Transat, ‘As 569. Choose the correct pling fromthe given options. mnie sexe ie iiss Acosta ooksal A colosal ‘Ase 270. Find out he correctly spelt word [ser ete te] Wreconnsesnce By Reconsissance i Reconasane @ Reconminsne asa Which ones the correct speling? st Sow ston gn a ei, a, EH) Geren B synchronization i : @ sncronzaton = 372, Which ofthe following spoing i correct? Poeregirensanet perce ophamssica ci chanmcetieal an ~ SD 34s, 39, 50, MASTER nt are ig Retca — Sra Wiest Hrumas Bintan ester Sctvrarcameetra ht, Wem a ra a eed Clonee tens AME Pouce rang SE en a Semen Ween Ney Bey es howe the correct ap sort fares oe derma Bicnmee Bermerage @demurage prec ee ee Genes Weety Saas ea ae a Silene eee Nee ae Chere etl pee eee i serial — ie eee Soe oe Die nee Sean Wc a hire nag nema ae seer ence Jour Wcnan teen Mey et ceri mene Boe mm Grote Bote @Poien Pion APer A ae en Sere eee ie Sree rca esten Bain” Av fs a, Meco pelt hi y, mene 11s Rh aertigm a, Mee giy — 4E su Mattoe gta Hane Bop MO Oo ney Bascal Ame eee ore eee me eevee yey ee sn Miteee coma ye WS Renae Maton Bnbtco eae oo ay 420. The correctly spelt word i men Hecie Wed Bou agen 2 SS fmt et el eon sence nmes ony Wan i (par septa eee crn Find the misspelt word Beer Tus Waste Wictien denen Wigs Gian [i ee pid er AT aero ch Som ety dewon (eta Ere ada (tee eee Brome et Ase oped yng [peng Hore a Rem vero dine heen) seaming W)stopped commen ae (8) ‘18 Choose he word hats miei TREN Wdanoen Wess Wenemion Monit fa 25 rem ont pum, Watney Wess Wester Meaowty Ant 426, Which spel incre em Watieginnce Guouteiou Bvimow — Mbuney ae 427. Which word i wrongly pelt? Bioorighe nase Wgrandcar Beater Bdyrosee | Bi noes 428. Choose the word that is misspelt? ere) a rigeos Wie Bewenes Meine rr) _ wasTeR /) Bi Tine aie wor EC? Mo eaters Waser Oem woe 5 Mniesoet)appetie hte dich = S: fg tS A Bicaeroe Mine @Tive — @Haemony “a 21, Anny he nord Concord (ern Wen een ot sic "B)Ssony Tits cern army com Tata IF et Cr Sa dirname Broke ber eine ale soar remnant Mi Thesyonyn of the word huge (5) Mnccd cent iny 0)" cosal money Tose 21 Theonenymer me iy (ova OF ces ew eee Bin 8 ‘te [ge coil et ny microscope AFB momenta por WTR “The correct symonyn fo ee ore RUE Mla nno ie Me ma sie heme tarnesat Aim ‘ables pombe, wena eee hori hens Cans ea a @ Sinction = o nT Fae recone Rr me PTT E Demented Beeeie Mtumenion 45. Choe the anton a eee ee re nye immipe ee Boenting ——Woriconing enna eel seme oh 19. What ithe gaan otc vettinmae? women cog Usa) hoot ss ininen Torco corn peng eine SEARS pending 7a, Rs dan cml Re ey ye ee 1 Hlrsate(eoonym EBT Sfchionae Msiy Wyden cord 48, Which one the anny of Hist? mewn Dsinzey Wetec) erie a Brswiee Dispiea ‘ns 38. The correct synonym ofthe word Insp (nsunsru 8, acogiae honesty tates iotresting "ance 34. “The antonym of Isp [ome AD) ante Besciing sanguine Gleold i dul Aes [Tisipdtasteles afr, fr source commmonplace awe) =e, wae. LInsiedonpne, anozat (ee) Fe sanguine wre interesting OY, eH 55 Malice atte ec) [Se wen ee, ev, era) Watson — Love ——Animonty Kindness Ase 36. Find the appropriate anonym of Malice (ove ssi om Ass | Miicespiemaieolaeeharedil wil eit Fe “er, come: Ritemess- few, 2 a Afton ove Bis Which one an tng for Bsc He iii antense MASTER ces Gnu ‘ane’ renee treet cto ste (Sai ary ay Preble a ay PTO te ere wer: lore ee, re, Te, ee pense 50.” ACUMEN i incompai wine ee es = desire to tearm Aas Badcep knowledge coo 10, Devitt Wie Bo ss magiee | anonym afimanton sy 2 Mai Oy denied @simpsoy | Mayan we BNC D1 et octet Geet Beecatte Bogaay one + ain anton ofthe nord Compulsory” 2 GMa We tuman Contin i ay eign BD-RE, Naan cal trtonuyme, Oe, COTE Mr subsidy aan reper gen fn) eae reference (0) er 5 re ospring "BE Rape owe econo Bae = cert EOI) 15K NUE 1213, DU) chien Se Winter Puna ten Woniden BSeeag Foun ae ‘pg ree a SM, MOF cer aIeTen Tree HAS, Time seth power. Winer eM Foun. $2 CORE, 8, 21 Bee Tati he correct ynonyn of he Word harmony” TOT CRC Wosite Wexopony @Concrd Hatred Pa ot Harmony i ee er ere eee ee rr metas, pen aetna Te nf Coordination tat amon concord, (AEH) Fe Decor, Ta, a, (Fe) Co Coplay scope Admiraon a: Cooiton Dislike ee (9); Hated {© Seet he word having similar meaning with KNOWLEDGE. [Ds () 2 sere es ete oe torre Wircoreet Proper Appropriate} Awareness ‘ase (©. Whats the antonyn of the word ign [ret tre we ATO Wien BLi ——BKnowiedee ast [Rosa a Se, wr Avan, WE ignorance SW, ERR Ldn re ict a ne isthe synonym ofthe word “Calm CR)? ec: Asie Tense Miia so 65 Wich the antmym a ronuneoisit rp Steer _ WB reanvate sat eee Baten ae 11, Ambiguos anonym eee pia Somece “Beoe Gennes Bone ne eS Se a RSNA UA ee mm aise Wise Bence Qos Sescwne: Beene Dirty Gane Td peta [Beare encouragelinspire. Bote wx: [Ruatamacessre es Pagar? mean eopying lata Bhrting wrong ings sc 15. 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