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IDMTL Operating Time Calculation

Fault Current I 1.00 A NI 0.14 0.02
Current Setting Is 0.10 A VI 13.5 1
Time Multiplier Tm 0.50 EI 80 2
Curve NI LTI 120 1
K 0.14
α 0.02

Operating Time 1.49 Sec.

Created By, N.Thiruvenkadam, Easun Reyrolle Ltd., Hosur

Over Current Relay Operating Angle for R, Y & B phase (Leading)
Va^+Vb^+Vc^ = 0
Make :
characteristic Angle : 45
RΦ operating angle : 225 To 45
YΦ operating angle : 105 To 285
BΦ operating angle : 345 To 165

Earth Fault Current Relay Operating Angle for R, Y & B phase (Lagging)
Va^+Vb^+Vc^ = 3Vo
Make :
Characteristic Angle : -45
RΦ operating angle : 45 To 225
YΦ operating angle : 285 To 105
BΦ operating angle : 165 To 345

phase (Lagging)
At 45 Deg
Transformer MVA 501 MVA
Primary Voltage 400 KV
Secondary Voltage 110 V
Primary Current 1000 A
Secondary Current 1 A
Primary Voltage 220 KV
Secondary Voltage 110 V
Primary Current 2400 A
Secondary Current 1 A
% Imedance for Normal Tap 12.50%
Full load current in HV side 723.131 A
Full load current in LV side 1314.784 A
HV CT Secondary Current 0.723 A
LV CT Secondary Current 0.548 A
ICT for HV Side 1.383
ICT for LV Side 1.825

ID>> 6.4 A
ID> 0.2 A
IR1 0.7 A
IR2 3.2 A
Diff Slope 0.2
Diff. 2nd Har. Ratio 0.2
Diff. 5th Har. Ratio 0.3
Transformer MVA 20 MVA
Primary Voltage 33 KV
Secondary Voltage 110 V
Primary Current 1000 A
Secondary Current 1 A
NCT Sec. Resistance 6.7 Ohms
Lead Resistance 1 Ohms
Total Resistance 0 Ohms
REF Relay Ct. setting 0.1 A
Primary Voltage 33 KV
Secondary Voltage 110 V
Primary Current 1000 A
Secondary Current 1 A
NCT Sec. Resistance 6.7 Ohms
Lead Resistance 1 Ohms
Total Resistance 0 Ohms
REF Relay Ct. setting 0.1 A
% Imedance for Normal Tap 10.80%
Full load current in HV side 349.909 A
Full load current in LV side 349.909 A
HV CT Secondary Current 0.350 A
LV CT Secondary Current 0.350 A

Base MVA 20 20
Base Voltage 33 33
Base Current 349.909 349.909
Base Impedance 54.450 54.45
Fault Impedance 5.878 5.878
P.U Fault Current 9.263 9.263
Fault Current 3241.101 3241.1009
Fault MVA 185253.80
Maximum through current 3.241 3.241
on CT secondary
Voltage Setting in REF 24.956 24.956
5% More 26.204 26.204
REF Resistance 262.043 262.043

Full Line length 100 KM

Line reactance 20 Ω
Measure Reactance 2 Ω

Fault Location 10.000 KM

Error calculation

Texp 40
Tact 30.9
error% -22.75
Measure Reactance * Protection Full Line length Km
Line reactance Ω

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