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1. Organizational design has traditionally had a chain of command.

How does a chain

of command work?
Chain of command work as a line of authority that explains how each member of a
company reports to each other from top organizational level to the lowest level. It helps
every member know to who they are responsible to give reports of their work. Chain of
command also describe the routes to make a decision. Chain of command work with
three concepts, which authority, responsibility, and command unity. Authority is right
that managerial position has to ask people to do something and expect them to do it.
Responsibility, after being ask by the manager to do something the employee have
responsibility to do and finish the task. Command unity is managerial principle that every
employee should reports only to one manager. Chain of command is really important to
make sure an organization work efficient and effectively.

2. Contrast mechanistic and organic organizations.

Mechanistic organizations Organic organizations

High and rigid specialization task Flexible and less specialization task
Clear chain of command Free flow information
Narrow spans of control Wide spans of control
Centralization (most communication is Decentralization (most communication is
vertical) lateral)
High formalization Low formalization
Much written communication Much verbal communication

3. Discuss why you think an organization might be keen to increase its managers’ span
of control.
An organization might be keen to increase its managers’ span of control because by
increasing the span of control a manager it will decrease the amount of manager and
flatter the organizational structures. Which cause the organizational lower their expense
costs to pay the manager. Not only that, because there are not many people that should be
discussed it cause faster decision making in the organization. Wider span of control
effects the flexibility and communication between levels and this will increase
effectiveness of the company.

4. Why is structure important? Why does an organization need a clear structure? Are
there any other reasons for organizational structures beyond the formal
arrangement of jobs, roles, and responsibilities?
A structure is very important for an organization because it will affect the organization
plan, strategy, growth, and profits which leads to the company success. It helps the
organization to work effectively by organize task between units and coordinates
A clear structure needed to prevent miscommunication and conflict internal which can
reduce the effectiveness of company performance. Because unclear structure between
unit, division, and authority will cause chaos in the organization and it will take some
time to make it work again. Clear structure will help every employee work efficient and
affectively to reach the goal of the organization. Because they know what they know
what they have to do and to who they are responsible.
Organizational structures also needed to define decision making to every plan and
strategy of the organization. Great plan and strategy will lead the organization reach their
goals faster. It also helps an organization work well organize.

5. In terms of organizational designs, what is a simple structure?

Simple structure in the terms of organizational designs known as the flat structure. It has
low departmentalization, less work specialization, wide spans of control, owner has full
authority, and little formalization. According to its name, flat structure does not have
many layers of management or formal departments. With full authority of owner, usually
owner who delegates the task directly to the employees.

6. There is evidence that an organization’s size will affect its structure. The larger the
number of employees, the more mechanistic the organization will tend to become.
Can this problem be overcome?
Yes, this problem can be overcome by pointing suitable and effective leaders to lead the
organization. The leader that has the authority to make an organization mechanistic or
not. A creative leader will guide the organization and let the employees to be more
creative and flexible. Besides, authoritarian leader will cause the organization to become
rigid and require the employee to act in a bureaucratic manner.

7. How could a job-sharing arrangement be made effective? What would a job sharer
need to do to make the arrangement work?
A job-share can increase effectiveness because job-share can motivate employees. With
job sharing, employee have more control over their working time and working with a
partner can increase their productivity because they interact and communicate to each
A job sharer has to divide the job fairly and clearly. Not only that, but job sharer has to
know all employee’s strengths and weaknesses. This will ensure that every employee
comfortable with the job they got and will have motivation to do the job as best as they

8. What are the main challenges facing organizational designs today?

As a manager, there are main challenges facing organizational designs to keep the
efficiency and effectively of employee today. First, maintain every employee connected.
Every employee has different background and personality, it is hard to make sure every
employee connected one another to work together. Second, manage global structural
issues. These days, many issue from global that every company have to face. Third,
create a learning organization. A continuous learning in an organization can affect their
growth, but it is hard to apply. Fourth, organize flexible work. Flexible organization also
needs some obligation to prevent arbitrary acts of employees. It is hard to organize
organizational designs that have obligation but still flexible.

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