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Seminar 1

I. Learn the theoretical notions (seminar questions):

1. Theoretical grammar vs practical grammar.
2. Grammatical structure of the English Language.
3. Language as a system and structure. Language levels.
4. The dichotomy of language and speech.
5. Systemic relations in Language.
6. Paradigmatic relations and their types.
7. Syntagmatic relations and their types.
II. Prepare a report on (two students):

● Dialectal unity of form and content of lingual units.

● Lingual units

Seminar 2

I. Learn the theoretical notions (seminar questions):

1.Morpheme as elementary meaningful unit
2.Classification of morphemes
3.Word as the smallest naming unit and the main unit of morphology
4. Lexical and grammatical aspects of the word.
5. Grammatical meaning.

Seminar 3
Morphology. The Noun.
I. Learn the theoretical notions (seminar questions):
1.Grammatical categories
2. Approaches to classification of words
2.Noun as a part of speech.
3.Grammatical categories of the noun:

● Grammatical category of substantive noun

● Category of case

● Problem of gender

● Noun determiners, article, problem of zero article

Seminar 4
Morphology. The Verb.
I. Learn the theoretical notions (seminar questions):
1. Verb as а word of process meaning. Grammatically relevant subclasses of
2. Syntagmatic properties of the verb.
3. Category of finitude. Finite and non-finite forms of verb.
4. Verbal categories of person and number.
5. Category of tense in English. Peculiarity of the tense opposition in
English. Problem of Perfect in English.
6. Category of aspect.
7. Category of voice.
8. Category of mood.

Seminar 5
Morphology. Parts of speech
I. Learn the theoretical notions (seminar questions):
1. Adjective. Grammatical properties of the adjective.
2. Adverb. Grammatical properties of the adverb.
3. Pronoun. Grammatical properties of the pronoun.
4. Numeral. Grammatical properties of the numeral.
5. Functional parts of speech. Function words.

Seminar 6
I. Learn the theoretical notions (seminar questions):
1.Syntax as a part of Grammar. Syntactic theories.
2.Basic syntactic notions.
3. Coordination. The notion of parataxis.
4. Subordination. The notion of hypotaxis.
II. Get ready to the test “Morphology”: revise the following questions in
Lecture 4:
1.Morpheme as elementary meaningful unit
2.Classification of morphemes
3.Word as the smallest naming unit and the main unit of morphology
4. Lexical and grammatical aspects of the word
5.Grammatical categories

Seminar 7
I. Learn the theoretical notions (seminar questions):
1. Predication. Primary and secondary predication.
2. Predicative word-combinations, predicative constructions and predicative
3. Sentence. Proposition. Utterance. Speech act.

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