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Subject: History of Ancient Civilizations

Class Notes:

In today's lecture, we journeyed back in time to explore the fascinating world of

ancient civilizations. The focus was on Mesopotamia, often regarded as the cradle
of civilization. We examined the Sumerians' contributions, including the invention
of writing (cuneiform) and the establishment of the world's first city-states. The
discussion then shifted to the Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians, unraveling
their political structures, religious beliefs, and architectural achievements.

The class delved into the intriguing Code of Hammurabi, shedding light on its
significance in shaping early legal systems. Mesopotamian art and technology were
also highlighted, showcasing their advanced understanding of irrigation and the
construction of ziggurats. As the lecture wrapped up, students gained a deeper
appreciation for the rich tapestry of ancient civilizations and their enduring
impact on human history.

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