Specified Compressive Strength of Concrete

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specified compressive strength of concrete, psi = average tensile splitting strength of light weight

aggregate concrete,. psi = 7.5c , modulus of rupture of concrete, psi = calculated tension stress in
reinforcement at service loads, ksi (Reinforcement, Two-way slabs) = calculated stress in reinforcement
in compression, E,v E) if,., psi (Flexure) = specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi
(Flexure, Two-way slabs) = yield strength of closed transverse torsional reinforcement = yield strength of
longitudinal torsional reinforcement or M II /KI, bd2 = flexural coefficient = - I2000 (Flexure) = overall
thickness of section or thickness of member (Beams, One-way slabs, Two-way slabs) = diameter of round
column or side of a rectangular column, in (Columns) = diameter of round column, in. = pier or column
dimension parallel to investigated direction (= cl when there is no capital, for Two-way slabs), in. (Two-
way slabs) = core diameter of spiral column = outside column dimension minus cover, in. (Columns) =
total thickness of drop panel (slab thickness plus drop), in. (Two-way slabs) = effective thickness of a
column for slenderness considerations, in. = flange thickness, in. (Flexure, Deflection) = thickness of slab,
in. (Two-way slabs) = minimum thickness of slab, governed by deflection requirements, in. (Two-way
slabs) = minimum thickness of slab, governed by shear requirements, in. (Two-way slabs) = moment of
inertia of section resisting externally applied loads, in4 (Shear) = moment of inertia of gross section of
column, in4 (Columns) = moment of inertia of cracked section transformed to concrete, in4 (Deflection)
= moment of inertia about centroidal axis of gross section of beam (including part of adjacent slab
section as defined in ACI 3 18- 95, Section 13.2.4), in4 (Two-way slabs) JC k K Kcn = moment of inertia of
gross concrete section about the centroidal axis, neglecting reinforcement, in4 (Deflection) = gross
moment of inertia of T-section, in4 (Deflection) = moment of inertia of reinforcement about centroidal
axis of member cross section, in. (Columns) = property of assumed critical section analogous to polar
moment of inertia (Two-way slabs) = (d - 0.5 4) / d, ratio of lever arm between flange centroid and
centroid of tension reinforcement to effective depth d of a section (Flexure) = (d - 0.5 a) / d, ratio of lever
arm between centroid of compression rectangular stress block and tension reinforcement to effective
depth d of a rectangular section (Flexure) = moment coefficient for flexural members (Flexure) = steel
strength factor used in evaluation of h,y(4 (Two-way slabs) = effective length factor for compression
members (Columns) = column stiffness coefficient (Two-way slabs) = flexural stiffhess coefficient (Two-
way slabs) = perimeter shear stress factor, in" (Two-way slabs) = moment-shear transfer stress factor, in-*
ft' (Two-way slabs) = moment-shear transfer stress factor, in" ft' (Two-way slabs) = moment-shear
transfer stress factor for square column or capital, in-2 fi-' (Two-way slabs) = moment-shear transfer
stress factor for square column or capital, in-2 ft-' (Two-way slabs) = fracture coefficient used in crack
width determination to obtain maximum allowable spacing of reinforcement in two way slabs and plates
(Two-way slabs) = a constant relating to EI and having the same units as EI = I728 t2 / 484 = coefficient
for immediate deflection of beam (Deflection) = u,b / ó, w = coefficient for approximate immediate
deflection of beam (Deflection) = coefficient relating moment at midspan to deflection at midspan
(Deflection) - -x- 4 , coefficient for computing 12000 6 cracking moment of T-section (Deflection)

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