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Educational media

- refers to various forms of media, such as audio, video, or digital content, specifically designed and used
for educational purposes, including teaching and learning

1. Non-Print Media
a. Projected Media
● Projected media requires lights source for projection
b. Non-Projected Media
● Non-Projected Media does not require a light source. They are mostly 3D and 2D
objects, Prints, Charts, Models Etc.
2. Print Media
● Print Media includes billboards, cards, newspapers, magazines, mailings, pamphlets, fliers,
periodicals, and outdoor advertising.
3. Electronic Media
a. Audio Media
● Carries Sound Alone
b. Visual Media
● Can be seen
c. Visual-Audio Media
● Can be seen and heard

Media and Information Sources

- refers to the various channels, platforms, and methods used to give information. Information sources
are the origins or outlets from which information is obtained or came from.
- There are 4 Types:
1. Internet Sources
● Are information that comes from websites, online platforms, and digital content available
on the internet

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2. Human Sources
● Are information that comes from professionals and experts in the field of the topic
● Classifications of Human Sources
- Primary Sources
- Raw data, First-hand and the original source of information before it has
been analyzed
- E.g. Books, Journals, Diaries, Speeches,Interviews, Birth Certificate,
Scientific Articles, Newspapers written at the time
- Secondary Sources
- Information that came from other people’s opinions. These are sources
that analyze or interpret primary data and does not offer new evidence
- Characteristics of Secondary Sources
- Interpretations of Information, written after the event, offering
review or critique
- E.g. Biographies, Journal Articles, Textbooks, Commentaries, Editorials,
Literary Criticisms, Book Reviews and Magazines
- Tertiary Sources
- This is an existing compilation of information that has been used over and
over again
- Characteristics of Tertiary Sources
- Collections or lists of primary and secondary sources, reference
words, finding tools for sources
- E.g. Almanac, Dictionary, Bibliographies, Abstracts, Indigenous, Literature
Reviews, Library Catalogs, databases and Thesaurus
3. Library Sources
● The Types of Library Sources
- Academic
- Found in Colleges and Universities
- Public
- Found in Towns and Cities
- School
- Provides smaller and limited information compared to Academic
- Special
- Personal Library and Libraries found in museums, hospitals, offices, and
government agencies
4. Indigenous Sources
● Native and local sources of informations
● Characteristics of Indigenous Sources
- Communicate verbally to disseminate information
- Memory
- Face to Face interaction
- Remains in a vicinity
● Forms of Indigenous Media
- Folk Tradition
- Gathering Social Organizations
- Direct Observations
- Records
- Oral Instructions
Evaluating Information
1. Reliability
2. Accuracy and Verifiability
- Is the content grammatically correct?
- Is the information accurate and verifiable?
- Are sources and references cited?
3. Value
- If when you are able to use or implied the information to yourself and It impacted you in a good
way, it is valuable information
4. Author
- Defines who created the content
- Do you know who published the source?
- Is the author’s name visible?
- Can you find information and credentials about the author?
- Is it from a reputable organization?
5. Currency
- Information is published currently and updated frequently

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