ZWEIHANDER Fantasy Horror RPG Character Sheet V1.0

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My name is & I have made my life as a/an .

fUll name Profession

I am a/an & come from a/an upbringing in the social class.

age gender ancesTry UPbringing social class

I am with a/an build, and a/an complexion.

sTaTUre bUild comPlexion

I have hair, eyes, and .

Hair eyes disTingUisHing mark

I was born in and my Dooming is .

season of birTH dooming

c orrUPTion T racker
m y c Haos a lignmenT is ... m y o rder a lignmenT is ...
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

c Haos r anks o rder r anks

drawbacks faTe PoinTs

Peril THresHold skills Skill Ranks+10 P rimary a TTribUTes d ifficUlTy r aTing

+6 Alchemy * (Intelligence) agiliTy

Athletics (Brawn) Trivial
+12 Awareness (Perception) [AB] + 30%
Bargain (Fellowship)
3 + WB +18 Charm (Fellowship)
Coordination (Agility)
Peril condiTion Track Counterfeit * (Intelligence)
Disguise * (Fellowship) [BB]
Drive (Brawn) % +20%
Eavesdrop (Perception)
UnHindered Education * (Intelligence)
Folklore (Intelligence) combaT
Gamble (Intelligence) Routine
Guile (Fellowship) [CB] +10%
Handle Animal * (Fellowship)
Heal * (Intelligence)
Incantation * (Willpower) fellowsHiP
Interrogation * (Willpower) Standard
Intimidate (Brawn) [FB]
% +/- 0%
ignore 1 skill rank Leadership * (Fellowship)
Martial Melee * (Combat)
Martial Ranged * (Combat)
Navigation * (Intelligence) inTelligence
Pilot * (Agility) Challenging
ignore 2 skill ranks Resolve (Willpower) % -10%
Ride * (Agility)
Rumor (Fellowship)
Scrutinize (Perception) PercePTion
Simple Melee (Combat) Hard
ignore 3 skill ranks Simple Ranged (Combat) [PB]
% -20%
Skulduggery * (Agility)
Stealth (Agility)

incaPaciTaTed! Survival (Perception)

Toughness (Brawn)
- Gain 6 Corruption
Tradecraft * (Willpower)
- You cannot make or [WB]
succeed at any Skill Tests Warfare * (Intelligence) % -30%
weaPon & sHield skill To HiT Handling load disTance damage QUaliTies

armor damage THresHold mod QUaliTies

iniTiaTive movemenT damage THresHold



3 + [PB] - overage 3 + [AB] - overage [BB] + damage

THresHold mod

TalenTs & TraiTs damage condiTion Track


ligHTly woUnded
- No chance of being Injured

TraPPings & reagenTs

moderaTely woUnded
- Roll 1D6 to see if you’re Injured

serioUsly woUnded
- Roll 2D6 to see if you’re Injured

grievoUsly woUnded
- Roll 3D6 to see if you’re Injured
encUmbrance limiT casH

- Sacrifice 1 Fate Point
3 + [BB] cUrrenT overage 12bp = 1ss 20ss = 1gc 240bp = 1gc to live to tell the tale . . .

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