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My rank in the sciences exam wasn't enough to take me to TUMS, so I had a great failure

in the field that I had put three years of my lifetime on that. And I couldn't stay at home
anymore and then here I am, messy, confused and sad right here in the TEFL classes. I am
overthinking all the time about it.
Well, choosing TEFL of course was my last choice,but when I was putting it in my wishlist I
was thinking of some interesting points. The first one was about my passion for learning a
new language, because it's a challenge for the brain besides its necessity in our
communicational world. You know I am noticeably interested in neuroscience and scientific
research and projects, and learning language strengthens the connection between the two
hemispheres of the brain. Then I thought it could be good to be in an academic atmosfer and
pushed to learn and practice its skills continuously.
But now that I have come, what? Now that I have come, I think that I have to define a new
way and lifestyle for myself and do an analysis and review on myself and what I want to do
from this self, and I see no other choice but to accept and rebuild! And my goal of being here
is to learn and improve, I can't say definitively that I will stay here for four years and my goal
is to become a teacher, but I can clearly say that until the day I am here, I will put all my
efforts into learning and correcting my weaknesses.
However, It's still the first days that I'm here and sometimes I honestly feel humiliated that I'm
here and a voice in my head says, this is not the place where you belong.

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