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THE ROSE OF PERSIA; THE STORY-TELLER AND THE SLAVE. Wew Comic Opera, BASIL FOOD. COMPOSED BY ARTHUR SULLIVAN ARRANGED FROM THE FULL SCORE by WILFRED BENDALL. Vocal Score net 6s. od, | Pianoforte Solo net 38. 6d, Ditto (Bound) » 8 ob Libretto SN Te 8p elen tts London: CHAPPELL & CO, Lm, HOPWOOD & CREW, Lr, 50, New Bond Street, W. 42, New Bond Street, W. AGENTS-NEW YORK: BOOSEY & CO. All Rights reser under the Iteration Copright Act, Pubic Peformance forbidden, and Righ of Representation raved, “Since detached mumbers maybe tung ae Concert, ot mre than too Ut anyone Cncety bee thee mat {ives sient ‘Stage Costume or Acton. In mo Ease mush seh performance be anounced ax 4" Section” from the Oper. ‘Apliation fer the rights of performing the abioe Opera maa be made MRR, DOW CARTE, Savoy hace, Lone COPYRIGHT, MDCOCC., BY CHAPPELL & CO. THE ROSE OF PERSIA; THE STORY-TELLER AND THE SIk.VE. Characters, ‘THE SULTAN MAHMOUD OF PERSIA Hassan (a Philanthropist) Yussur (A Professional Story-Teller) ABDALLAH (a Priest) THe Granp Vizier ‘Tie PHYSICIAN-IN-CHTEF ‘Tue Rovat EXECUTIONER SOLDIER OF THE GUARD Tie SULTANA ZUBEYDEH (named “ Rose-ir-Dloort *) © Scent-oF-Lintrs” “ Honey-or-Lire” “DANCING SUNBEAM” (Hassan's First Wire) “ BLUSH-OF-MORNING” (his Twentysfifth Wife) “ OASIS-IN-THE-DESERT” « Moon-uron-THte-WATERS” | “SoNG-oF-NiGHTINGALES” “ WHISPER-OF-THE-West-WIND" (Wives of Hassan) Chorus (Act 1,)—Hassan’s Wives, Mendicants, and Sultan’s Guards, (Act 11.) Royal Slave Girls, Palace Officials, and Guards, ACT ACT IL —Court oF Hassan's House AUDIENCE HALL OF THE SULTAN'S PALACE, THE ROSE OF PERSIA; THE STORY-TELLER AND THE SLAVE. Be — CONTENTS. Ro. ‘Act E. PACH Irropuerion ae eet 1. Conus oF Gints As win tinge asy* 5 Sono (Hassan) “Pm Aboel-Hassin” « 7 2. Sona (Abdallah) ith CHORUS OF GIRS... “When Islam frst arose” 3 Sono (Dancing Sunbeam) “0 Life has pat into my hand ™ 5 & Recrr, “Sunbeam! Thee te ig™ 8 and Trio (Btushof Morning, Dancing Sunbeam, and Abdallah) Ufa sudden stroke of Fate” ve aes 19 5. Tuo (Rosein Bloom, Sentof-Lils, and Hearts Dore). “If youask me to advise you" = ee 35 6 sono (ae Bton “Neath my lattice through the night™ 35 7. Conus “Tramps and seamps and halt and blind” > gr 8, Sone (Hassan) with Cuowvs “When my father sent me to Ispahan™ ‘s 9, Recrr. (Yusuf) with Cuonus * Peace be upon this house” e Sone s/h on ST eave not ithe eup 1 hold ° to, EXSEinit, with Dancers « sensi! Maidens are we” 3 and Cironvs “Dance and Song” 63 ce Some (Abhi Henn ond Cuones * We have come to invade” 63 ta. Ocrer and Daxce “he Sultan's Executioner” p 13 Quavrer (Sulton, Grand Vir, Pgs “Pim the Sultan's Viglant Vii 8 ta inate (@) CHonvs OF GIRLS www wo tuckess hour” o (@ Recrr, 2 Oldies what asl you?” Sok and Sovo (Sultan) with Cuowes You'll understand that now and then” 96 @ Crom “With martial gat—with ketledrams” stor (8 Trg (Gra Vise, Pitan and Bsn and Cronos we * auended by these Palace Wardens” wa 104 (© Cuonvs “Oh fit the arrows of respect” esa act 45. Dust (Heart's Desive and Vussuf) “Ob, what is love?” .. swe 130 18, Quancer (Sento Liles, Hono Lily Hearts Desireand Yaorif) If you or T shold tell the tat” 5s 17, Cones and Souos (Pigriian, Grand Vise, and xectioner) From morning praye the Suan” us 18. Sox6 (Sultan) with Cuonvs “Teta satirist enumerate a catalogue 156 © In the heart of my heart’s I've always” re 19. Sono (Dancing Sunbeam with others) 20, Duzr (Sultana [Rese in-Bioom'] and Sultan “ Suppose—I say, suppose” ye 21, Cuoxus with Souos (Hassan, Piysiian, Viser, and Executioner) Laughing low, on tiptoe” "9 22, Quinter (Seatof Lilies, Heart's Due, Yussf, Hasan, and ‘Esecutioner) and CHORUS. Ive a busy, busy, busy, busy day for thee”... 186 23. Sone (Fussuf) “Our tale is told”... wee 199 24, Rectt, and Mapeicat, (Dancing Sunbeam, Blush Mornin, Yussuf, and a Royal Guard) “What does it mean?” ca 08 a5, Server (SentofLilcs, Honcyof Lif, Heart's Desir, Dancing Sunbeam, Yussif, Hasran, and Abdallah) © Te has reached me a Indy " wag 26, Scena (Tutt) Hassan, the Sultan with his Court” 224 27. Soxo (Hassan) with Cxox’s “There was once a small Street Arab"... 228 28, Fivaue fete a vocal Scare ‘The Rose of Persia. A INTRODUCTION. Written by Composed by BASIL HOOD. ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Allegro marziale.(d = 120) 20872 Copyright, mpcece, by Chappell Co asc thee @ Ge (soe SSeS : P hak AS Ee er Ss cy, o|pFEee iS (eee alls Sd, Gusscow eS 2S SPS egies Doe RS pers 20572 SSS SSS SS 2S Sets at Ned. CHORUS OF GIRLS. of P legato {n_ter-est-ing chatter Flows be. hind each dain.ty fan: “IS our go-ing ora.zy? Neiyiibours es no = coil hin? Mad Has san) Not an un-impor.tant mat.ter For the wives of a. my man! “Has. [- —+ tt i —— = = = = it ge dim, —= 8) phek - sant Has.son! Has.san! Inform us,if you cant Ir. res — pon-si-ble and hazy, Un-con. ono. === ens = tb CHO. c = = ———— ventional and ma.zy seemyour actions Are you crazy?are you crazy; O Has san? 20872 Allegro con moto. (d.= 100) 4s eS SS = ==5 o Tm net. ther sick nor sad: A most content . ed That on . ly twen . ty - five Are sin. gu — lar . ly —= SS = & rey = SS <— = = = = SS 7 1 tive Their in pea num. ber 1 and plenty, Sur. could double; 1 20872 = ound . ed by do not fear b le Sa ex - pense = my wives Who num . ber on. ly five - and- So much, you see, as ex - tra ‘twenty! trouble! O, “ie and om = ote the == = = * + oF —— find that five - and Are prac. ti. cal - Iv plenty, fr smoke my hub. ble - trou_btey The b by = = + + youve a craze trou. ble Tve To make with twen your days a “Dol. ce far mi. J ty-five Twice twen — ty-five would en tel” dou -blet = = = 5 =] Sg fete a ee SSS _ no. thor wife Might spoil my Hife, Be cause, you see (Twixt you and me) She sim. plethumb And fin ger sum- WS rule of three It seems to me; Our 20872 (Sard Sena HORUS, E might have tricks That would not mix_With dol . ce far ni. onto A. ra.bdic A rith | me. tic_Will prove the trou. ble doubie! r r ono, oi -no . ther wife Might spoil his life, Be. cause, you see (Twixt you and ma) she sim. ple thumb And | jfin _ ger sum— Its rule of three It seems to me, Our aoa 4 4 ag hi might have tricks That would not mix With dul. ce far ni. on-tel A. rabic A. rith _me . tie rove the trou . ble bow p ao a ~ od. Dood Sead. ID It dow. diet o fut cy eosze “Rialenee, 10 No.2. SONG: (Abdallah) with CHORUS OF GIRLS. . ran hate Pe 4) Chena ex bus Cine. Allegro moderato con decisione, (@ = 104) Abdallah, Piano, SSS i : Bo. neath her haughty bat . tlements Were aan Fee oe A towr upon a rock, = en.eir . cling foes! Knows; And through those gates. of Right and Wrong Is lami gates arestrong a ne un poco = gainst a friend or foe; Her gates of Right and Wrong none_ to ——__ olla voce pa a aF + * 20872 pos. tern gates the Gate of Doubt, that leads to the Camp anol Who - ev . er o.penswide The - - = ole —S Ee a pos. torn gate of Doubt prove to Is. lambgar . ri. son That in their ve . symidst is one Who loves == = 20872 13 , SSS SSS SS a Ss heart ibwith —torfocs with ont iat tam in pride, Doth send him, from her battlements, Is. lam gates are strong a. rite a tempo soo] -. 5 = sgainst a friend or of Right and Wrong none_ pass.eth to and fro; For Ole lento, Fes are they with out, Aid Friends are they with . in; Guibas oF Gin Kuksr Foes are they without, And Friends are they with ing The ‘that Teads to the {= S = to the Camp of Sint the == Gate of Doubt,that leads 2s Camp of Sint the Gate of Doubt,that —Jeads to the Camp, ‘eadstotheCamp of Sint the Chmp ot a Be, ano morendo of a > zosrz 33. SONG: (Dancing Sunbeam.) . Rag, Benn" tetan bron uh, Cet al UF Hosiig [5 low h. Gums oubsieches, hands Cupaes ‘Andante con moto. d\ 120) Dan, Sunbeam. = tery eX Piano. Sm. ‘e fa * Being ry hends « , n ~ (SSS SSS Se ee life has put in. to my hand His buith of ‘key, And said, “With these Do ty = St = = = PSS eae SS Baa SS SS SS S| —F i——F = ry foweude chest. ought you “please! But Oe door on - ty, understand, Is not CaS == oe On Fey imegeneny hag ob us fet = =S2= = SSS ee, So. os teat The Key of gold wil ian S| 16 of hep pater wnt ght hewd awh holding it clagk Is RK, Glo. | Clanpin, key 15 ches. ike a Peri at the gate Of_ Fash vn SSeS Sapa ee te widows! Un - lott A lot, but not un. hap-p 19 Allegro vivace. (J = 138) ABDALLAH. sudden stroke of fate ABD, DANCING SUNBEAM. worm, But you'n, an s. -cus.tomd to the blow! Time will biow, That's ANDALLAH biow, That's a So = 20 - "puke: Both, er SS i= j=. z cheer ful thing to know, Yes, cheer.ful thing to know, Ves, time will soften ev . ‘ry low, And that’s. a iLaees == = Dan. guar? App. pero SSS = cheerful thing to know! SS Ssuu3 and gets)var.i -e-ty! wees == Wid ows weeds may nip SS fate pads for bright so - sno, ie SS be ————— pe . A oP ee ee ee 20872 the weeds will prune! Dax 8. Time and his sie.kle the SSS S553 Time and his sic.kie the weeds will prune! Long.est lane will turn to. hap.pi_m vo pst Pte SS SSS ? paps tt hhh SSS Steps re.gain their Dans, cap-pi-nesst SSE thing to know! ol Time will soften thing to know » : — ee SSS Time wit soften ce ay ow, hath a We-fllthing fo ow ee ype $49 SS SS Ss a 20872 22 vont i= Time will soft . en ga eS & Time will soften ev a a use. ful thing to know! that’s a use. ful psp sshessh=h = Se ev ry blow, And that’s a use. ful thing to know! waliBy Time will soft. en oe SSS 455 y “fee orm. AbD Cag Horner, “ehapt yur oil Cad wf out” SS =e FE + = I — 25 NEB. nr TRIO. 3 (Rose-in-Bloom, Scent-of-Lilies, and Hearts Desire) 9 O pH wor be pft ray tod” 3 = allogro con brio. d= 120, Shout dence fou ribo 2 é fon _ ts] us| Ca Risk well rene - al La. dy! Yum- sea. rum, Roy “gwt tee - E fis #6 £ SSS SS sl|4—e — = | a. £ = eet Sp pe tf SSSEtTt SSS es, 20872 Scant feces ts DRC keeping hold of 27 SCENT-OP-LILIES. 3 29 Ansat bes at Slet (pete icc, fotlues ee =f 35 —- aS = ° “3 Pra. donee and Temp ta tor Al ~~ most, = n == = = = = s 35 z == Hecul's Desue comes ai = 2 o-4 Bink, = —_ (Shut tle cock L bs gob, & . > = = Cal: e == Eee — _ £ SS Ring, iG a shut. tle . cock, ock - ock- ock, Guar SSS =e = = BE gsbey —2= aS === SSS 20872 be with. er, thith . er! Hit ser, thither So 1 rock, so 1 rock, so 1 rock am! a rm sca. rum, ‘bloom! ” Vic. tm eee ae ce HE should you, wil be aa RPE = SS & = Sais here you: We. are sure of Tots of fant —{—{T==—— SSS vofebet= == at Ue coa am ip yah te-coa? er Tle safe t= Sul . tan may Ox. press if, Har . em - scare. em! wa . try tomb! Har. ‘em. ani cin fie sort] maid. en girl of gloom! Fach of you, must confess it, In. flu sscare em wa - try tomb! Thus the Sul . tan may ex . press i Har . ’em ee j= SSS SSS = dan . gers dark - ly loom! Will the Sul . tan ev guess it? Lots of x ko, 8: ee ~ Rink, sate} un In. flusen . cos Roy sor = = doom! ‘ant te] 33 cna sea. rum, dan. At ur yu 20872 win sett : > = ~ Hing, Mele "ets he)’ Masi — Ay be ae, ip St 2 von Ss == 5 Seta de wings of mu. sic soar be-yond, be. yond thy prison 20872 Kaik gousclely 0K, —— = yond, eg [pS ne See: 20372 af SE * “Cutcws he, AL NOZ. CHORUS. Allegro moderato.(d92) Obee. = SB. * az Natmod and lamedWhdve wailedand whined Sincethenorningior fod andtp.ple too! 7) 4 Vowd: _ A Trampsand scamps Of ev'ry kind! anime. = _= cx, 5 Back sheesh beggar and ccring-ing crip-ple too! 43 ono, aa + Here's mis.ta_ken hos.pi- tality! Disregard for all formal.i-ty! Gra-zy uncon. es fF 2, * Q ricenienpts) ‘oH. 5 d = = -ven.tion ality! What will is frends and neigh bours say? g tuck for you that Tim no wis - ert 20872 SS Fie Sit oy hol foughing) SSS = pos tors. And he Knowswe are im . pos-tors, And ie ro s sh Be ——{—==—: = SaSa ‘nig do jou On own cast & 45 N38. SONG- (Hassan) with CHORUS. Allegro con brio. (d = 120) 7 HASSAN, HAS = SSS Ss Sy fa.ther sent me to Is. pa. ham Said “my boy, dort Herds the S.came to town,where I said that I was own. er of an id, Where the 3 gold of mine was a mine of gold That set the town a - whirling So the 20872 as. ms pt > n os SS SS = ——— a " aE eS us. ual one half - crown,Has.san, Youll get some more with credit” With a fea-binks Mockand ‘bye and bye The gulls id flack te. my dan As public and tho land sold For half “a mil. ton ateetine! fe the 46 = = 2H nice new suit and a brush and comb, A— tonguethats smooth And wit | ty, sam. ple soil I had mixed some loam With gold to make it grit ty, Ro. mans do you must do in Rome (Where thieves are calli Ban - dit. ti) SS Hie. Ly ed That's 4 That’ we sha’ way be nothing at all at home, But some. thing” in— the. Gi ty! ProphetT@ néer been made at home, But made. one in the. Ci. ty! impudent rob ber-y spetls at home, “Pro . motion’ in— the. Ci. ty! ‘Thats A Thats wm mf 20872 47 - - . 6 SSS SS SS SS Sh you want fool at home Av some. thing 7 Pro. phet HER, never been at home But. made’ one 9 what we , call i here, at home “Pro tow | pcsy Cede Kae ee ee Ey SSeS ee = SS > 3 : 2 you wan to tome. thing Pro. phet "WED, ne. ver made one what we call it ‘mo . tion” uso Re — = 5 hoor Fe 8.Now that ch. ty 2 SS SSE 48 SONG; (Yussuf) with CHORUS. Yussuf SS SS] on this, pousel Piano sor, YussUP. uo. And on you. peace! A sto. ry-tel-ler am And on you ‘peace! te. gends and ro - man_ces 20872 HAS. 49 HASSAN, b my — fanetes Lay down your burth en, and Choose for yourself a us, yus. Of crystal, Sil. ver, or of gold— If ft con tain _ eth be, If he be one_ to make me glad To share his com . pa vos. = = = hum. ble horn Will T not scorn If nought care— What he may wear While ws, do car. ry Drink dry! good com - pa 1 Drink dry! 20872 po — vos. a= sgt oe Gap doth matter nought 1 trow, If soy. al wine may spark. le— in Your deep . now! crys tal emia OQ. earthen bowl, "Twill hold the juice of —— grapet_ pees judge the 404 though the cup Be earthen bowl, "Twill earth en bowl, ‘Twill = ST = “i foco Tall 7 yossuw = = Sl judge shape! Ae fempo 2: * = = == = ; a ve ESS SESS Se ve how,youll be deac In a ve. ry short space, But what will te .come of them? app, SS SSS Ee SSS ee what will be. come of dom? = srk woth, tits D. § 4 & oon z = a x us (SSS SSS § what will be . come of me? i$ $= What will te come of then? ano SSS what will be come of them? sor =}Sn= ot om? of thom? fe = 7 t ctthen? ot them bavs == a a Sige oF ace when he , =e Has. E& SS SSS What will become of me? me? om? fm? of me? SE —————— | v of them? bth? of then? wo, ESS = ‘ Of then? ———ofthom? , Let . 5 » * I= ea aS Sa eee er 20872 = sharp. ent up his seim - ry Vike yr bua noes : . i Dans SSS = SS SS SS SS cvise to exist «AL the sornd of a gong You will cerse to ex. ist! tat, Yes, what will Lecome of them? ip Yes, what will become of them? No, 33S SS No, what will become of me? bans nas. Yes, what will become Of them? No, apo, Yes, what will become of then? No, Bott = Hap. SEE vet what will become of them? of theme of them? Of them? of ban SO = SS = what will become of ns? of hs? of us? of us? of L, 2 ws CMrp ee = = SSS Teh wit acne Ot sem? often? ah hen? ah eno on SESS SSS wart cue ome Ota? how? honrot SE aps tot tos $. 79 othe — = = a = Se SSE a not Ligfesh = 5 . = - 2 sD, = # = == = =s io =] ; & : =e Dan 5.165 ve é = ¢ 0 ep HAS, SS | : - ves EO ——— 2 M long - Life. Lim . it er Has » SSS Se wets = - niGe = tf A =e f 7 r sharp. edd p B Sci. mi. tar, Mis . for. tunes an . gry tide Too late you wilt Dan & ———$_— = SEE = S| sharp esd up his sei. mi-tar, Mis. for - tnd en. gry tide Two lato you wit ——— . =. wus ‘6 a= = + == his sel mi tar, Mis. for . twnd an . gry tide Too late you will = stew —= SS SSS SS SS = =} his “sei - mister, Mis. for . tun an. gry tide Too late you will SSS Ea — 2 <= 7 art +s te z —— == be to stem: ‘vil. ger throngyoull be round . fy hissed, Brt. it es ee ee Ge te vulgar throngyount te rend fy hosed; But Dans TET trite 9 = vul . gar throng youl! be round . ly hissed, Bot it — : = Tei ca tional te ead bbe Bat i s a = 2 = =| Tn raieatein body teal ba SS = wort be for longo 1 wouldit re.sist) At the sound of a gong youwilluees & ex tl At the ea Joesph wo = SSS a oo oo e o TTT wouldnt resist) Atthe send of a guny you willcease te exist! at the ROWSSEE a =j = SS ‘wont be for long(So I woulent re.sist) At the sound of a yong you willveast to ex ist! at the vos. HE o worit be for long ‘So I wouldnt re.sist;) At the sound of a gong you willceore to ex. ist! At the ee = 9-9 9-9 9 8p po — eee é pe et ae eh ‘be for long (So 1 wouldn't re_sist:) Atthe sound cf a gong you willcvase to ex. ist! At the 20872 = + 5 eS = SS eS Se sound &f & gong you will ccase to exist! But what will be - come of wr a ie jh = it fe SSS Sa o PPT trig see + fe ttt sound of a gong you wilt case f ex. istl But what will be . come of we 2S SS — = But what will be-come of us? Dans sas. = == Xo, wus SSS SSS == ee soura «fa gong you willecuse t Ge fu) But what will be-come of shen? = —— # an DSSS ee S= == ound of gong you will cease to ‘what will become of “ten? SSS SS aa a = + . » . = Se Sy == —* < = = poe S = SSS ‘Yes, what will become_of lwp of Yes, whatwill become. of ue? Hts Dans. ‘Yes, whatwill become of us? 2 1As, No what will become of me? me? cus, ‘what will become of them? of vp. ‘what will become of them? Hot Hes D. ans) nas. np, we, ala Mie. Os. = Se ———— eo a = ea then? fea e =k then? them Ea them? then? An, = ‘wane wil Dect Ra RA ae RR AR ed 7 e a what witlLecome of —— - - ~ ss [55 == asim BN ts OR? KA mR NR RO OS appptreP tre ‘what will Become of (emeeeae 20872 7 eee Te estes cpa Wiis me Re te? Pea bas tt. "Gest rere Hassan tp be wilt atin 6 toes No_13. QUARTET and DANCE. (Sultan, Vizier, Physician,and Executioner.) Ym the Sul . tans Se S| +t = = = know the coastis clear, When he (the Sul . tan) vi. gilant Vizier Who let the Sut. tan vt Cie tI a takes a private strofl, As sum. ing such an (i ve es =e ———— Et z # == 1p = Puy. Bt PHYSICIAN 1 Qhe sul oye sn foto ores: ——_— chest ‘of dose and drug, And (the St Sul . tani)Grand Vizier, Who Se ets the Sul. tan coast is clear, When poe = takes a private stroll, As. un poco pin eres: (= Per. sias Chie Pay. st 85 SS —=s = r Sj = SSS SS SSS taxis Pri vate chest of drugs, And fol . lows his ra ESE - ae SiS = = Sul. tans) Grand Vi sles, Who Jets the Su) tan know the coast a ei = papi 20877 SSS = gaged in walk gee walks behind My Majesty of Per.sials Chief - cian, who (the latter) lugs My 20872 87 fol_ tows his SUL, My (the Sul. taris)drugs, And of (Sul. tan) chest SUL, (Sul. tan)Grand Vizier, Who iets the Sul know the coast is clea, When SUL. = 1 (the Sul. tan) take a private stroll, As. sum. sun. un. as sum-ing rote As ROYAL BXRCUTIONER. PHYSICIAN. vu, Der . visht Ho. ly Dan . cing ho. I 20872 88 SULTAN. EXE, Sim. ple sou. ly low. ly Pay, Ting - ly su, é Tee-to-tum. my cur. ling Twir. ling whirling sim ple vin Twirling whir . Ting ary, suL, van, AXE. Sin » & » Be * 20872 e SSE SES —- rate High rate my-rate f+ ro * a - +) fe tin. fo. man. the, fran. te SS = 7 ries. fo. man. tio, tran. toe _ Se f= —_— SS S| = = Tate High. rate in To. mn. tle, fran. tic aa. tie PHY av, wr. vit BSE, = ye — te co tum. my rom. my, Quoin =. > ya L — + eS SS ES SS z Tee fo - tummy, funy slum my Quaint-ly curl « ing. twirl ing " —— + “ 5 less = == Se Toe fo - fum.any, rumay, slum ~ myo Quaint-ly curl - ing twirling . — = SSS Ee | Tee to tum. my, rom-my, slum-my, Quaint — Sg Dog of Dan Der. 5 : SSS Der ; = 2 Dog of Dan. cing Der : A = == ze = = oe ee = = == € 3 * + 7 . Lax. CK, "We Leas yo ana cag: Ne FINALE- ACT I. Allegro agitato (dit36.) Cons. (es = = Ke Piano © tuck. less hour! O dreadful <—e 55 93 eno and wail! Throw dust on head, And rend each veil!’ Let * a” = — SS S54 SSS SS é tears be shed! Oh, weep and wail! Throw dust on head, And rend each veil! And DANCING SUNRE ono. pin.s| = — oe the breast! Oh, slap the face! Grief So express Is BLUSH-OF -MORN, wef GP ¢ = a > : Ale ot ttf ‘4 ase af o4 DAN. SUNBEAM. DLAs oF oR nore gs * “ ' nS — f S luck . tess hour! ~ O dread ful dayt—~ 6 uonus = nora. Dang dread . dread . ful day! 20872 95 Q_, sus , - _ Se ow == | swears he 8 the Sul. tant Cm Dost thou for - - Le . pa —— = poh _ ran ___ _ svt. fs SSS ae = eget the of the — pro. Pt IN “Sound sense has gent = & <= os :: = 5 ——— = een) Be r ——— SS ee = =a + = BS, con FPS SS SS SS SS of and “Truth than fie. tion [Sa ye. fe ey ~ — . a : _| =< = ——— 2S + by (se =e on (GY SSS = eS eS stan. ger may be found?” What mean you? That, per» SS a ba = 2os7e DAN. SUNBEAM. Our hus. band is 1.Youll un. der . stend,That, now and then, Ee . con . trie 2. Thro'out the day (When you would guess, He was a cu. Har men, Tho’ un de _ tected by their wives, Have led re. bu. si. ness) His pal-ace he per. haps has, sought! His na . ture 20872 97 ors We've heard. now and then Have Te His busi. ness He mentioned tess Than qu: We've heard of men, Who, now and His busi. mess He mentioned sob, spect.ed dow. ble deeper Than you noth, men Who, now and then Have led dis : His bu. si. ness He mentioned ess Thanguite an 8 2S = SS SS SSS B= a Din z === = = = & = SS = grace ful dow. ble livest Wove heard of men Who, now “and thn Haw ied ds hon est has “band oughtt Mis bu. st. ness “He” mentioned eae ‘a sy : — SS Who, now and then Have He mentioned less Than q = es —— fe _ ini F SE = + ua i = = + Fe - oe hus - band —— sun. oe = = = = FS dou - ble tives! ought! A. las! that hus - band Fain berm, Duns tans, lives! A a ives! A men Should now and dims ast that men Should now and dim: Tas! that then Lead un. sus then Lead un. sus. UT pect ed dow. ble _ 4 2 | Dans, i? =} 1. oo. ica aS ov oo > a ; Pee 20872 99 H \attegro moderato alla marcia. (@ = 120) BLUSH-0P-NORN, SSS Hark! the dis tant roll of drumst DANCING SUNBEAM, Hark! the dis tant roll of drums! SULTAN, ‘Tis the Sultans te 5 —— "Tis the Sultan's Da 6 son, Oe —s o 20872 worm an.s. FO ig (NTO fark! the distant roll of drums! (ce Ty down the street, - er, fasten fast down tho street, ==] SSS = = Fast. er, fast. er Doubt . less they have come to meet Has ean— their Roy-al Mas. tert gHORUS OF GIRLS. SS Near. eh near. er, near er! co, sub, 40, = ‘guard = Ss SSS SE * + =i "Tis the Sul. tans guard that comest Noth uf ovo. ft ‘march == March. ing quickly down the street Fast they have come to meet Has. san— their Roy al —<——— = —— a - Zs Doubtless they havo come to meet Has - san— their Roy. al Doubt-tess they have come to meet Has. ‘san their Roy. al ES SS ‘san their Roy. al Mas ee wee J 104) olto moderato le. 104 Molto moderato mayzjale. (Zs 104) tg With mar HORUS OF MEN tial gait — = = with ae 20872 ig & SSS ee z ; an >. (Sa Se = pooo3° CES aS 103, ps 2 f 2 on BSS SS — Ss et. tle-drums-(Met al drums) All com.plete— Weve march in state white Guards of Royal . Ken to kill @ 20372 . ay Se martial gait ~ 105 PHYSICIAN, KOVAL EXECUTIONER, Grand Vi. ier, vu e4= S655 Phy SSS si-cian-in - chief, And PR oh AA hob See SS et SS) wm. The Grand Vi. zie; Phy. si olan- in - aa ra wt GE = —— edo 2 oe 2a FUCeAO - The Grand Vi. aien Phy -st-oiwn- in & aE SS Exe, = SS Physician in 4 EXE news, we fear, Be. 4 : pa patos 5 eee r 2 to the Sultans or. ders, Car . to re eer erel + — OxE Ghee pee tes 5 to the Sultans or ders, Car - ry. ing fo Ya We eer news, We fear Be. SSE pay we = tend towhat We now a. ver! A ==apEHE = eebe . news theyfear Be. yond our be lief, at. tend to what they now a — Se =| ‘theyfear Be. yond our be. lief : to what they now a 107 pees “Allegretto un poco . a8) GRANDYHAER. = ats = = SS SSS Ss He whom you call Hassan, (Pre. LUSH - SUNBEAM. aoe. a thn in ais. ghisrtne Sult ppt s may Sus ubetThe Sultin ia dls. el = z = =o Bibi taeg patas 110 DAN, SUNBEAM, xh The BLUSH OF MORN. SSS SS SS = Sul. tan is Has. san, ths # san the Sul _ tan ut tan is! The Sul. tan is san the Sul. fan ist Has. sin sigs ad of a SSS 7 gro_vel_ on. the fioo a, 20872 mel of good taste With bales 13 of wel . come haste ES es] @ 2. ons plea. sant breeze His ‘ors plea. with spice of 2 sant breeze His Roy _ fra. fra. & nos - al grant flowis of speech! grant Howks of speecht pacts -spect . fully di.videt sun of Roy. . al Pridet Recit, , ey ‘ = Has, iG & SS == 5 — = np the Sultan, and I nowShall in.tro Hayy Fa Se was, Se and allow Her face to “be on view! HASSAN. BLUSILOP-MORN. A.vaunt! a. vauntt 0 grey and gaunt SWe tim Sal oem. ‘wo man gaunt and grey! sence prove? = cnonus WIVES AND GIRL mas =e Pi you please that weil re. move! Fate io prick gota gs Se ats bs Think . ing thick . 20872 ly quick - 5 118 seth SS SS a ‘ pe grove Fates prick Ig Fete prickly in L iy BS sul le in bey. ay ae. $$$ —4F epee # 2 om dy ES Sul) sas will be Si oe = 2 s —— She} po Dy eT SSS —_—~ . S53 dante con espcessione(d\ ss) (ine Cle 119 ROSEAN- MLO L . . tin 6 2 = = SSS = & - Has. sant Thy pi ty Ten - treat And at thy ESS] SSS Rhee. Has sant Thy pity Ten Heat Andat thy fet a spptiat wn aes tum not reli = ———— @ ( -Q. 121 Atego ok A 7) nassax Gv TSS S26 SSS = SS SSS SS] - haps youll kind . ly her AL once de | =] =] SSS Se “Le + as, SS S5| Yi may! Tis fate it Excevtionen MAW, SSP te 123 cuonys. tak hand. ker. chief! mM Then drop his ¥ bn == hand. ker. chief! be 2 SLAVES. can nought be do: 125 2087% willfall . He has fal-ten— Hehas sweet re. prievel fal. ten— alten fallen 126 SULTAN. PHYSICIAN ‘iting, AND EXECUTIONER Gt = S5= 7 Ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! 20872 2: Nag ft It is the drugt 9 Soman Cons === SS SS = Sass ‘well mark his = duct him to the ~ Jace, And to mark didn gig 2: fap f2Ssr gees: well mark his lace, And to mark eno Act I. DUET.- (Heart's Desire and Yusuf.) Yur Wantegretto. (eas) 20872 134. py. ovo trendy mes, joMingifo = ¥. E == The Song. tsp. Heay . en's har . mo ag, Sent “Ghat it” Hons, "So wacksteh m8 = (a) QUARTET. Gcent-of-Lilies, Honey- of-Life, Hearts Desire, & Yussuf) g 9 ho ? 9 Allegretto grazioso. 4-100. Wasa fucry upslige co grils S.of Lilies. H. of Life. Hts. D. Sef tell the truth. We all shall be ex -e - cu-ted,. So Hort = = you or I should tell the truth. We all shall be ‘ex a. or I should tell the truth all shall be ex - 20872. Neil Dpett Dower F 136 ser = no-ble-mind-ed youth, ‘ fon =SSS= uo, ae I ne-Ule-mind -ed youth, To tell the ves = sett. = == BoP pon fapal truth al shal be thrown down & or SS = = o truth ti tu - tea? np. = = hall_be thrown down a SSF we tell, (You and —— we tell, (You and of SEE tel, (ou and no. ves] 2os7e. Wott a. Yess. = aS z Soft. = Toth that we both Take a steep and a deep, dark, Hert, E foth that we both Take a steep dnd a deep, dark aD. Toth that we both Take steep and deep, dark Yess, loth that we both Take a 20872, Japa == Sot. ¥ thn the truth &i- tell the truth di — = fer the thin tell the truth di- 2 —= ss SSS = tell the truth di - Iu - ted! Well fell the truth di- — = i SSS SS zs tell the truth @i - Iu - ted! Well tell the trath di - f sett Set S== SSS Bete ta-ra-did-dle-id—dle — ig a tu Justa Spe bk SSS ==: eos FA Tittle ta-ra-did-dle-id-dle - id di -Iu- ted! Justa TSS 3S Seaeeaa ane ae SS SS - vt wort ao. yess. ~lu_= ted! Just a lit-tle ta- ra-did-dle - id dle Iit-tle ta -ra-did-dle -id-dle - dia-die-id-ate-id di- lu - ted! ~ ited ta -4a-di adie - did-die-fd-dle- id ai-iu - ted! Ut-tle ta-ra-did-dle-id-de - did-dle-id-die-id di - lu Guk sha ony Grinls gaggle ni huddle. ed 189 SOLO YUSStF. Yuss, = SS =f you and I, yess, truth to t Die bot -tom of a yuss both shall be cast down a, well, Pell- mell, If the : S| yess = SSS Futh we tell as weld, ¥e-ry fast down a mas - ty p= 20872, 140 wef he ST Wall, well, well Hott, i. vess| Soft. fi Ses ei foth that we both At the " ’— hy 2S i woth that we both At the ove 2S SSS SS SS loth that we both At the Seth, well, well, We'll = =: — Hel. = Weil well EE well, well, well, well, vos] 20878. 1a sort] = stead, dear! Just a wet stead, dear! Just ap. dear! stead, Just a stead, dear! We'll oss in = stead, dear! Just a Tite ta-ra-did-dle i. ay instead, dear! Just a lit-tle ta-ra-did-dle i- dyll Httle ta-ra-did_dle i- ay instead, dear! Just a lit-tle ta-ra- ayn It-tle ta-ra-did-dle i- dyll i- all lit-tle ta-ra-did-dle idyll ie dy 20872, tara did-dle. i - dyll should did-dle i - dyll fi fid- die i dyll did-dle i - dyll fib ite ta-m- Hie ta—ra- did - dle t-te tasra-dd-de i. in - stead! in - stead! - dy, iit - tle little ta-ra-did- die little ta-ra~ stead, dear! Bie ile ta ~ta-did-die i - dyl yess] ~ra-did-dle i- ay fit-tle ta ~ stead, dear! AO alle Cle DANCE. a - —~ 2osre. 145 NEA CHORUS and SOLOS. (Physician, Grand Vizier, and Royal Executioner) ‘Allegro vivace alla marcia(d- xo ‘hell ex. pect) A pop-u. lar Per. sian — tunel pop. uw. tar Per. sian tunel ‘ORAND VIZIER. 2 Of people ex . peot 20872 149 heeSele. Their pul . ses throb_____ Their pop.u tar Sul . tan vm, they see Their popu tar Sul - tank out and sing (or _—_— shout) 150 eas ers Good news we — bring SSS Your pop. ular Sul . tan EXECUTIONER. Good news we bring, popu . lar Sut SSS = Tho Sin or tho Ris — ing Noon, the Ris. ing Moon sd achat 20 ESS = Addr him ; sy SSS as 20872 SSS SS Sa =] dont for. get Your praise to set To a a pop-u lar Per . sian SES te = 4 fas praise to set To a tunel ee 2S BPS Sul.tan of Per . sia Morn . ing Prs roof EF 2 = Morn . ing Prayr The Sul.tan of Per Ho, —_ 32-5 a soey z =—S= = + - = 5 7 7 * Za, ve ABE 152 ght S55 trum. pets blare And Joud-ty at tack the £ a. — ==> v T ¥ team. pots Ware And iad ty attack the aa soon; And let them bold . ly blow An FSi +} ro * flutes as well, in - Ho, flutes as well in - soon; And let them bold . ly bow An Et a i t a= a tee 2 Ea pose —— = ——-F SS I gian Arun! —# - sian tunet___ 20872 153 pend! Your pop-u . lar Sy cut. bo. dies bend! Your poy” T\Qar Sul . tan ono, ex-tend! Re. spect. ful - ly crosy/Four ex.tend! Re sped. ty cross your uo, Sa-taam En deaxour jsing (or croon Nu key thats quite gfe-rect (As 2 with Sa-taam EC deavour to sing (or croon) In key wite correct (As 20872 ' ) any. popu. lar Per. stan tune! Your bo . dies bend! your hands ex. == = 2. | pop-u-lar Per sian tune! Your bo . dies bend! your hands e 7 Andwith Sa. taam In key Correct, (As hell ex. £ foto fettoptptt And with Sa. laam In key cor. rect, (As hell ex . pect) Ita. taht ____ (As hel ex. pect!) Bo - dies bend! Hands ox ow. t ; | t 2 : 3S] ff eae £- £. SF p ~ pect) Mla. laht__ (as hell ex . pect!) Bo . dies bend! Hands ex é = aaa 20872 a - SS -tend With Sa faam_ endeavour To sing - = f £ sg. f § if: =f $$$ pop tar Por — sian tune! A popu. tar Por. sian SSer sro eee epee SS on = tunel a, wep wlan pop. uw . lar Per. sian poblls puff pp dd tune! A pop.u lar, popu. Tar Per. sian Ho

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