Blood Presure

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Good afternoon, I’m Anastasia Davydova, I’m a pharmacist and I’m now going to measure

your blood pressure.

Could you please confirm your birthdate, Paula Jenkins?
You live at 15 Belfast Road, correct?
May I address you by your first name?

Your doctor asked me to measure your blood pressure, during the procedure I will put a cuff
on your arm and at some point you may feel an unpleasant squeeze in your upper arm,
please try not to panic and wait a little as this will go away quite quickly.
To do this, I’ll also need access to your hand, so you will probably have to lift your sleeve a
little to free your hand. If you need help with a sleeve I can help you. This procedure will
show your blood pressure data and your doctor will be able to consult with you to
determine the cause of your headache symptoms.

Do you agree to continue the procedure or you have any questions?

‘Sanitize tonometer at this time’

Please, before I proceed, relax as much as possible and sit in a comfortable position. Try not
to talk, move or strain during the measurement. Place your hand in a position that is
comfortable for you, do not strain your muscles, you are doing great.
5 mins later
Are you feeling comfortable ? I’ll start then
That's it, thank you! I'll give the results to your GP. If you need advice on taking prescribed
medications or anything else, please contact me.

Simulation roles:
Pharmacist Simulated Participant (SP)
You have been asked to take Paul/Paula Jenkins’ blood pressure measurement. Paul/Paula’s date of
birth is 03/02/84. Please begin the consultation.
Note: you are not expected to actually carry out the BP measurement at this stage just the
communication around the process.

Patient Simulated Participant (SP)

You are Paul/Paula Jenkins and as you have been having headaches, it has been suggested that the
pharmacist should check your blood pressure. You are nervous about what this involves and the
possible implications of it.
Step into the role, try to imagine what it would be like if you were in this patient’s situation – what
would your thoughts/feelings be? How would you speak, react, what gestural behaviours would you
use…? i.e. try to make it authentic for your fellow student – act the part!

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