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Learn how all your funds are paid with you as the “creditor” and how to get YOUR debtors i.e. Utility CT ECS CC COM CUE LCS Celli Colette to refund you all the money back in a check with a STU CLUS Ur 1 a Ug on How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You INFORMATION FOR FILING (REPORTING) THE NEW 2021 1099-OID FORM The New - 1099-OID, Box 1, 4, wil be filled out the same as the old form with the same information but different order. Onthe new form for2021 inBox 7 is where it says Description of Property, you will fill itthe same as the old form whichis box 5 ofthe 2021 1099-O1D. In box 8 you would more than likely put the same thing in box 8 as in box 1 old form. Everything. pertaining to this particular OID in box 11 on the new form which is the TAX "exemption", you also can add same FEE as in box 8. On the new form, you would put the same full amount which EXEMPTS the man/woman as authorized representative from the Tax that is being usurped against you and send it back to them who is the true borrowers of your credit! Its also possible to fill out the Tax section (boxes 12, 13, and 14) if you knew the particulars of the items and whether a tax was taken out on a State Tax so it too can be properly REPORTED on whatever benefit you are exercising as a privilege. Affidavit Letter to Support Your Documents- Automobile/Homes/Student Loans- Firstly, These "Bills" are already Paid in Full Which is why you get Statements and not True Bills in Commerce. To support your documents write a Letter A {flidavit-Automobile/Homes/Student Loans- "Bill/ Statement” that goes with the carbon copy of your 1099A and 109901D. The borrower's copy is the Utilities, ete. companies. You can edit this affidavit applicable to your liking and send the borrowers” copies 1099A/1099OID with it along with copies of your utility bills for a RETURN. The package should basically have these thin; 1, The Statement, Bill, Payoff Letter, E 2. Affidavit Letter of Support that they send you How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You 3. Pre-Filled Borrower's Version of the 1099A/ 1099-OID Carbon Copy Remember that the borrower (Debtor) is them. IT IS NOT YOU! Always remember you are the "Lender" (Creditor). Many people get this step wrong and fill the form out incorrectly and get cited for fraud because they use this form incorrectly where usually they list themselves as ‘Debtor’ and the utilities company or financing company et cetera as the ‘Creditor’ which is the exact opposite *Please use all ORIGINAL IRS forms 1099A/109901D's for your process. DO NOT download these forms online. HOW TO FILE THE 1099's 1, Package to send to the IRS, Send the ORIGINAL IRS Form 1099A/ 1099-OID and IRS Form 1096 (Cover/Top Sheet) to the IRS with ONLY copies of the Billing Statement. DO NOT SEND THEM ANYTHING ELSE! Gather: *1099-A *1099-OID *1096 Cover Sheet * Billing Statement 2. Package to send to the Utility ete. Company. The Borrower's Version of the 1099-A/ 1099-OTD IRS. Forms Carbon Copy will go to the Utility, ete. companies along with copies the Billing Statement that you're reporting, your Affidavit, and the Notice of Warning Letter. Gather: ‘Copies of Reported Bill Statements “Affidavit Letter of Support “Borrowers (Utility Company) 1099-A, 1099-OID, 1096 Cover Sheet “ Notice of Warning Letter You can send the ORIGINAL IRS Forms of the 1099-A/ 1099-O1D/ 1096 Cover Sheet package to any of the IRS agencies listed for your State on the 1099 forms. Read the Forms instructions carefully for your state because some have different agencies listed So AGAIN, MAKE SURE YOU SEND THE IRS THE ORIGINAL FORMS CARBON COPIES WITH YOUR BILLING STATEMENTS AND THAT’S IT! DO NOT SEND THEM ANYTHING ELSE! Print this E-book out so you can highlight and take notes for better over-standing, Refer back to E-book as often as necessary. How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You If you still need more clarification, then you have two options. 1, You can setup a 30- minute one- on-one session by donating or making another free- will offering of fifty dollars ($50), 2. You can get up to eight (8) questions answered per email for a donation of fifteen dollars ($15). Notes: Understand helping everyone with literally hundreds of emails can keep me really busy and hectic at times. T try my best to respond to all questions in a timely manner and orderly fashion in a first come, first serve basis so a little patience is greatly appreciated. All other addresses you see on the Affidavit, FTC, SEC can get copies How to Fill Out the 1099-A / 1099-OID Forms Form 1099-A Instructions: Please read through instructions completely before beginning! **Before you begin, please keep in mind, there are three (3) forms on each sheet of the 1099-A. TI also true for the 1099-OID, but until just recently the Form 1099-O1D now has 2 Forms to fill out but it does not change anything.*** 1. Starting with the first box labeled LENDER'S name etc.: Enter the STRAWMAN information (NAME, ADDRESS, ETC) or the information as it is recorded on your bill. EX: JOHN E DOE. 2. LENDER'S federal ID #: enter your SSN in the EIN format. EX: SSN 123-45-6789 would be entered as 12-34567893. 3, BORROWER'S ID #: Enter the Borrower (biller) EIN. This may be available on your Wages and Income Statement received from the IRS. If unknown, leave blank. How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You 4, BORROWER'S name: Enter the information of whomever was paid (Debtor/ Biller). If for a court case, enter the Judge or Prosecutor's (see instructions for Box I below). The address will be headquarters of the Debtor or the address of the court proceedings. 4, Account Number: Here you will enter the tracking / account number, or the account and routing number if for a bank transaction. Enter the ease number if for a court case. Back to the top of the Form 1099-A: Box 1 : Date of Lender's ete.- This will be the date of your last statement or bill received for the filing year. * For a mortgage, car note, or other transaction with a promissory note attached, this will be the date you signed for the note. * For a, court case, this will be the date the case was filed using the opposing attomey as Debtor. This will be the date judgment was issued and the name of the judge as Debtor for cases where judgment has been passed. * For debis listed on your credit report, enter the date you accessed your report. Box 2: Balance of Principle Outstanding- This will be the TOTAL payments and/ or deposits made to that account or vendor that year. * For a promissory note/ mortgage: The value of the note/ mortgage. * Please note: For promissory note/ mortgage transactions: The value of the note will be one claim. and The total payments subsequently made to that account will be a separate claim. filed on your 1099's, * EX: John purchased a house for $120K in 2010, He then made $12K in payments that year. He will fill out one form listing the bank as debtor for the value of the note, He will then fill out another form using the same bank as debtor for the $12K in payments. The account number will be the same for these two entries. * For accounts with a balance due: Payments made to this account + the balance due = The total to enter in Box 2 Box 4: Fair Market value of property- Enter the total from Box 2 Box 5: Check Yes. Box 6: Description of Property* Enter the following based on the type of transaction: CREDIT USED ON CITECKING ACCT/ SAVINGS ACCT/ COURT JUDGEMENT, MORTGAGE NOTE, CAR NOTE/ UTILITY BILL, RENTAL AGREEMENT, MISC. (Use these last two only if you have an account or tracking number for these transactions). * With regard to notes, please be sure to differentiate in your description that one claim is for the note and one for the payments. How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You * EX: JOHN ENTERS CREDIT USED ON MORTGAGE NOTE for the note itself, then CREDIT. USED ON MORTGAGE ACCOUNT for the payments made. Once completed, the information on these Forms 1099-A need to be entered onto a Form 1096. This form will serve as the cover letter for your completed Forms 1099-A. How to Fill Out the 1099-A / 1099-OID [How to Fill Out Form 1096 for Form 1099-A] FILER'S Name: This portion can remain blank. Only the contact person is needed. Name or person to contact: This will be your natural person's information (the authorized representative)oi if you have a corporation set up with correctly filed Form 56 or Form 2848, enter the appropriate contact person (an appointed authorized representative). . Box |: EIN- Leave blank. Box 2: SSN- Enter SSN # with dashes. Ex: 123-45-6789, Box 3: Total number of forms* Please note, each SHEET of the Form 1099-A has 3 FORMS, so this entry will be the number of FORMS you actually filled out. Box 4 and Box 5: Leave blank Box 6: Enter an °X’ in only one box- Place an X (NOT a check mark!) in the box labeled 1099-A. Box 7: If this is your final return... Place an 'X’ in the box indicated as this will be your final return for the year. This would be left unchecked if you were doing this process on a monthly or quarterly basis, Sign the form as the Authorized Representative and date And you're done! Gather all your completed forms and, referring to the instructions on the Form 1096, mail all the originals to the IRS. NOTE: It is HIGHLY suggested you make a scan and/ or copy all your sheets for your records before mailing even though you have the carbon copies that are attached to each sheet, This mailing will serve as notice to the IRS and precede your Forms 1099-OID and 1040 filing, How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You Now let’s move onto to Form 1099-OID process! How to Fill Out the 1099-OID Now that you have completed the Form 1099-A process and given the IRS time to investigate your claims (two weeks should be sufficient), you are ready to proceed with the Forms 1099-OID. This form is used to request the funds recorded on the Forms 1099-A to be moved from the DEBTOR/ VENDOR (BILLERS) account to your Treasury account, then issued back to you in the form of a refund. You will need the copies of your Forms 1099-A to ensure your Forms 1099-OID are filled out correctly. For this process, you will be transferring information fiom the Forms 1099-A to the Forms 1099-OID, with a few adjustments. Form I 099-O1D Instructions: 1, Starting with the first box labeled “PAYER'S’ NAME etc.: Enter the ‘BORROWER'S’ information (NAME, ADDRESS, ETC) as recorded on your Form 1099-A. 2, PAYER'S Federal ID) #; Leave blank unless known. 3. RECIPIENT'S ID #: Enter your SSN in standard form, EX: 123-45-6789 4, RECIPIENT'S NAME: Enter the LENDER information as recorded on Form 1099-A in proper English (Upper and Lower case.) EX: John E. Doe. The same should be done with your address information, 5. ACCOUNT NUMBER. TI be the same account transaction information recorded on the Form 1099-A. Back to the top of the Form 1099-O1D: Box 1: Original Issue Discount* This will be the amount entered in Box 2 and Box 4 of your Form 1099-A. Box 2: Leave blank. Box 3: Leave blank. Box 4: Federal Income Tax Withheld-- Enter amount recorded in Box 1, unless the transaction is from an account from which cash could be acquired, i.e. Checking or Savings accounts. In this case, subtract 10% from the amount recorded in Box L Box S: Description- Enter your STRAW NAME in all caps, Box 6 and Box 7: Leave blank. **Note: Be Sure to Join the group Su ter drive for permanent access to this document. ‘Send your $40 donation Via Cashapp to $Cryptosto today for email correspondence. How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You Once completed, the information on these IRS Forms 1099-OID need to be entered onto an IRS Form 1096, This form will serve as the cover letter for your Form 1099-OIDs once completed. Form 1096 Instructions for Form 1099-OID: The process to fill out the 1096 for the Forms 1099OID are the same as followed for the Forms 1099-A with a couple of changes. Follow 1096 instructions above up to Box 3 (Box 3 on this 1096 should be the same as Box 3 of the 1096 filled out for the Forms 1099-A). Box 4: Federal income tax withheld- Total of all Box 4s on your Forms 1099-OID (if you notice, you will see Box 4 on your OID is also titled "Federal Income Tax Withheld’ Box 5: Total amount reported with this Form 1096- Total of all Box 1s on your Forms 1099-OID. Box 6: Enter an 'X’, in only one box*.- Place an "X" (NOT a check mark!!) in the box labeled 1099-OID. Box 7: If this is your final return for the year, Place an "X” in the box indicated as this will be your final return for the year. This would be left unchecked if you were doing this process on a monthly or quarterly basis, Sign the form as the Authorized Representative then date it Let us proceed now to the Forms 1040 series that will complete this process... If you are issuing a claim for a year already filed, you will need to complete! click the Form 1040X, instructions to do an amended return, For a year you have yet to file for, please complete/ click the instructions for Form 1040. How to Fill Out the Form 1040 Form 1040 Instructions Using Form 1099-O1D: How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You Form 1040 can either be ordered from the IRS via their website or phone, acquired at your local library or IRS office, or downloaded from their website. Past year Forms 1040 can be secured by doing a search for a particular year on your favorite search engine. As you complete this form, please keep in mind that you are filing as a CREDITOR and not as DEBTOR. You will take/ claim no exemptions or credits! Label: Fill out as you would for a standard filing using ALL CAPS for your entries. . Filing Status: For the sake of ease and simplicity, please check Box 1 for Single. Exemptions: You will take no exemptions. Exemptions are for debtors, not creditors. This process is for CREDITORS ONLY. Skip this section. This is where people mess up at with fraud charges mixing the processes up. Income: * Line 7; Enter information from your W-2, wages, salaries, tips, etc. * Line 21: On the blank line, enter 'SEE 1099-OID.' In the box on the same line, enter the total from Box 4 of the Form 1096 completed for your Forms 1099-OID (Federal income tax withheld). Line 22: Enter the total from box on Line 21 Adjusted Gross Income: Skip to line 37. * Line 37: Enter the total from box on Line 21 ‘Taxes and Credits: Skip this section * Line 38: Enter the total from Line 37 per the instructions. * Line 40: * Line 41: Enter total from Line 38. * Line 43, 44, 46, 55, and 56: Enter 0. Other Taxes: Skip to Line 61 * Line 61: Enter 0. inter O. Payments: * Lime 62 and 71: Enter total from Line 38. Refund: * Line 72 and 73a: Enter total from Line 38. The remaining entries ask where you wish to have your refund sent and other information, Itis HIGHLY suggested you have your funds direct deposited into a business account. How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You How to Process the 1099-OIDS and Get Back Your Funds Due to You Please follow the instructions to complete the Form 1040. Sign the bottom of your Return as the Authorized Representative and you are done! See the Form 1040 instructions for your proper filing location. «Insert Schedule B instructions here... When preparing your refund, be considerate to the agent who will be examining your documents and stack them in numerical order (1040, 1096, then 1099-OID). Nothing should be stapled. Be sure to make a copy of your documents for your records, sending all originals to the IRS. Thank youforyourtime!

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