Descent Into The Feydark

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Designer: Kandi Chong

Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
Cover Illustrator: Wizards of the Coast
Playtesters: Katie Bicego, Erin Chong, Taylor Horton
and Marcus O’Dell
Special Thanks: DMs Guild RPG Writers Workshop

This adventure is designed as a side quest journey into the
mysterious Feydark. To play you will need the Monster
Manual, Volo’s Guide and Mordenkainen’s Tomb of Foes.
Unless otherwise stated all stat blocks can be found there.
The Moonshaes Regional Guide available on DM’s Guild
and Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide are recommended
but not required.

You are not dreaming. This adventure does not have
associated combat maps. Why? Are you crazy? Not really.
All of the combat locations are fairly generic – tavern,
mountain pass, forest glen, caverns and ruined temple.
Which means you can easily use theater of the mind or
maps you already own that are more in line with what your
table enjoys - whether that be graph paper, digital maps or
3D terrain. No maps also make this adventure easier to
drop into an existing campaign. You can tailor this
adventure to meet the needs of your players and your story
without feeling that you have to do it my way.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and
their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Kandi Chong and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Credits .................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents .................................................................. 2
Adventure Outline ................................................................. 3
Introduction ............................................................................. 3
Background ............................................................................... 3
Synopsis .................................................................................... 3
Adventure Hooks ..................................................................... 3
An Eladrin Walks Into a Tavern .......................................... 4
The Blushing Banshee ............................................................ 4
Message From a Prince .......................................................... 4
Playing Fetch ............................................................................ 5
DM Notes ................................................................................... 5
Over Mountains, Into Vales ................................................. 6
Overview ....................................................................................6
A Test of Skills ..........................................................................6
DM Notes ................................................................................... 7
Treacherous Traps .................................................................. 7
A Cry for Help ........................................................................... 7
DM Notes ................................................................................... 8
A Fairy’s Tale ............................................................................ 8
DM Notes ...................................................................................9
Descent Into The Feydark ................................................... 10
Portal to Darkness ................................................................. 10
Mushrooms Everywhere ....................................................... 11
Cavern Encounters ................................................................. 11
The City of Giants .................................................................. 12
DM Notes ................................................................................. 12
Temple of the Beast ............................................................. 12
Redcaps to Arms .................................................................... 13
Cyclops On Guard .................................................................. 13
A Dark Ritual .......................................................................... 13
The Beast Rises ...................................................................... 14
Conclusion .............................................................................. 14
DM Notes ................................................................................. 14
Appendix A Monsters .......................................................... 15
......................................................................................................... 16
Appendix B Maps ................................................................ 20
Moonshae Isles ..................................................................... 20
Gwynneth ................................................................................ 21

ADVENTURE OUTLINE to find the missing Great Druid. While talking they are
attacked by Fetches who create doppelgangers of the party.

INTRODUCTION Over Mountains, Into Vales

Arriving on the southern coast of Gwynneth the party
The Great Druid of Gwynneth has vanished leaving her travels east through the Cambro Mountains. While
moonwell unattended. The party is asked to solve the traveling they rescue two firbolg from cyclopes and learn
mystery of her disappearance and rescue her if necessary. of a plot to destroy Karador. Arriving in the Sacred Grove
Doing so will take them into the depths of the Feydark they meet Persimmon (Persi) Foxthistle a pixie knight who
where a Fomorian sorcerer is preparing to enact a dark has information about Shalana’s disappearance.
ritual. A ritual that will destroy the eladrin city of Karador
— unless a band of experienced adventurers can stop him. Descent Into the Feydark
The party follows Persi to a Feydark portal guarded by dark
BACKGROUND eladrin and yeth hounds. They travel through the portal
Moonwells, found throughout the Moonshae Isles, are into the Feydark caverns, where they meet the archfey
magical pools of water considered sacred to the Obadai disguised as a deep gnome.
Earthmother. Each moonwell has a druid steward tasked
with guarding it against corruption. A corrupted moonwell The Temple of the Beast
becomes a darkwell capable of focusing evil magic. The party discovers an underground temple where
Malabog, is preparing to sacrifice Shalana. What he
The druidic council recognizes three Great Druids, one doesn’t know is that Kazgaroth, The Beast, has tricked him
each from the isles of Gwynneth, Alaron, and Moray. The into opening a portal he can slip through in order to
Great Druids of Alaron and Moray are supported by a cadre continue his quest to defeat the Earthmother. Upon
of lesser druids. The Great Druid of Gwynneth is alone due defeating Malabog and stopping Kazgaroth they return
to the return of Sarifal from the Feywild in the Year of The Great Druid to the Sacred Grove.
Risen Elfkin (1375 DR).
The noble eladrin of Sarifal under the command of Lady The players are encouraged to develop their own reasons
Ordalf and her son Prince Araithe conquered all of for being in the Blushing Banshee. They could be resting
Gwynneth and expelled most of the human inhabitants. from a previous encounter, looking to pick up work or
The Great Druid, Branwyn Moonsinger was allowed to stay preparing to explore Alaron:
and tend to her moonwell in the Sacred Grove of the
Earthmother on the eastern shore of Myrloch Vale. Reward: Bearach Dàn offers a reward of 500 gp each if they
will investigate the disappearance of Shalana Moonsinger.
Because humans are unable to enter Gwynneth, Branwyn
adopted a young firbolg orphan, Shalana Moonsinger, Heroism: Finding the Great Druid can prevent a war
raising her to be the next Great Druid. After Branwyn’s between Alaron and Gwynneth and will earn them the
death, Shalana, took over the task of protecting the gratitude of a fey queen.
moonwell. Shalana’s youth means she is more trusting
than she should be. Discovery: Prince Araithe will allow them to explore
Gwynneth - something no other adventuring party has
Recently, word came to Lady Ordalf that Shalana is been allowed to do. They also may be invited to the
missing. Concerned that the Great Druids might blame her mysterious city of Karador.
- disrupting negotiations with High Queen Tarilyn
Kendrick for the return of the Ffolk to Caer Corwell - she
has asked her son to find skilled adventurers who can solve
the mystery.

Meanwhile, Malabog a Fomorian prince has bargained

with Obadai, an archfey for magic power. He intends to use
this power to taint the moonwell in the Sacred Grove via a
darkwell in the Feydark. His goal is to use the nexus of dark
energy created by the linked moonwells to destroy

The adventure is divided into four parts.

An Eladrin Walks into a Tavern

The players meet Bearach Dàn, an eladrin knight, in the
Blushing Banshee tavern in Kythyss on the island Alaron.
He asks them to undertake a covert mission to Gwynneth

The Blushing Banshee is a derelict tavern perched on the
end of a decaying dock. Its claim to fame is the delicious
dark brown ale brewed by the owner Olwen Omaul, halfling
commoner. Despite the popularity of the ale, the Banshee
attracts few residents of Kythyss being the favored
meeting spot for thieves, rogues, brigands, and other
disreputable adventurers. He is Bearach Dàn (BEH-ruch DAWN) a summer eladrin.
knight in the service of Prince Araithe. If approached he
You are in the Blushing Banshee, a disreputable tavern perched will suggest that the party invite him to sit. Otherwise, he
on a decaying dock in the port city of Kythyss, the southernmost will approach the group.
town on the island of Alaron in the Moonshae Isles. The tavern
looks as though it was created from driftwood and seagull The cloaked figure lowers his hood. His features are elvish. He
droppings. The greying door is slightly askew. has blonde hair, emerald-green eyes and gold skin. He radiates a
gentle warmth. His expression is belligerent.
It is difficult to make out the interior. Shadows cast by a blazing fire
in the cavernous fireplace leap onto the walls. There are a few “My name is Bearach Dàn and I think you are the adventurers I
guttering candles on the rickety tables. Around the tables, cloaked have been searching for.”
customers hunch over tankards of ale. While it isn’t obvious, most
are keeping their eyes on the door – and any new patrons. “I bear a request from Prince Araithe. He has heard of your
exploits and needs your services. “
On the east wall there is a polished oak bar looking somewhat out
of place in the crumbling great room. Behind the bar is a long
mirror in a gilt frame. In front of the mirror, a middle-aged halfling He will pull a small insignia from his bag. Party members
with a potbelly and dark, black beard stands polishing tankards.
from the Moonshae Isles will automatically recognize it as
the symbol of the royal family of Gwynneth. With a DC 12
Players can choose to walk up to the bar or find seats at a History check other members will recall having seen the
table. Olwen Omaul, the owner, is behind the bar. Olwen emblem during their travels.
understands his clientele and will not willingly part with
information about them. He is willing to discuss the A DC of 15 or more allows party members to remember
current political situation and history of the Moonshae what they have heard about Gwynneth including Lady
Isles. Ordalf transporting Karador from the Feywild to
Gwynneth, humans being banned from the island and the
WHAT HE KNOWS war between the eladrin and the Unseelie Fey
• Kythyss is under the control of Amn, a mercantile city
located on the Sword Coast. The knight tells the party that one day ago, eladrin from
• Amn mercenaries are preying on local business owners Karador entered the Sacred Grove of the Earthmother to
offering them “protection.” speak with the new Great Druid of Gwynneth, Shalana
• There is work for adventurers willing to guard caravans Moonsinger. Her cabin was empty and there was no sign of
traveling north to the city of Callidyr. her. The eladrin waited to see if she would return but she
• There may be a breakthrough in the ongoing talks did not. Lady Ordalf was told. Aware that an untended
between High Queen Tarilyn Kendrick and Lady Ordalf moonwell could become tainted, she sent word to her son
for the return of the Ffolk to Caer Corwell. asking if he could find a group of adventurers willing to
• He knows the basic history of Gwynneth and can tell the look into her disappearance.
party that the isle was taken over by the leShay, noble
eladrin whose queen Lady Ordalf reestablished the realm If the party questions him about the disappearance, he will
of Sarifal. know only what he has been told. He was fighting dark fey
in Winterglen when the druid disappeared. A DC 17 Insight
MESSAGE FROM A PRINCE check will reveal that he is holding back some information.

Whether they are at the bar or sitting around a table, WHAT HE KNOWS:
characters with a passive perception of 15 or more notice a
• The moonwell was contaminated long ago before the
figure in a dark cloak listening attentively to their
eladrin came back to Gwynneth and very bad things
happened. The Great Druid must be there to protect her
• The war between the eladrin and the Unseelie fey in
Winterglen is not going well. Forces from the Shadowfell
have joined the fight. Lady Ordalf believes the eladrin

need the help of the humans to fight the Unsellie Fey party members except for hit points. When a fetch loses
which is why she is in peace talks with the High Queen. half its hit points it will revert to its natural shadow form
• The bodies of eladrin knights have been disappearing and continue the attack with its own features.
from the battlefield.
• Lady Ordalf is concerned that the other Great Druids will Initiative can be run one of two ways. Normally, with the
consider the disappearance of Shalana an act of DM rolling initiative for each fetch or each fetch can take
aggression and disrupt the peace talks. its turn after the party member it double. It can use any
features and spells available but can also simply mirror
PLAYING FETCH what the character does to it.

Once Bearach explains the situation he will offer a reward.

Keeping track of all the party members spells and features
See the adventure hooks section for possibilities or create
might be overwhelming for a DM. If this is the case, use the
your own.
fetches in their wraith form.

As the party mulls over the offer or asks more questions, a

Party members have the option of retreating. The fetches
number of fetches (Appendix A) equal to the number of
will not follow. Obadai (Oh-BA-die), the archfey that gave
members of the party plus Bearach will use the mirror over
Malabog his powers, is looking for a way out of the
the bar as a portal to enter the tavern. Players with a
bargain. He has been scrying on Bearach and sent the
passive perception of 15 or more will notice black, wraith-
fetches to test the party’s bravery and skills.
like forms seeping through the glass. If no one sees,
Bearach will suddenly cry out and draw his sword.
The party is attacked and must defend itself. Each
doppelganger will square off with its original. They will do
their best to create fear as they feed on it.

Bearach will not know why they were attacked but does
know it would take something very powerful to bring so
many fetches to the Material Plane. He thinks the
disappearance of Shalana might have bigger repercussions
than the eladrin originally thought.

Once the party agrees, Bearach says the captain of the

Moon Druid will meet them later that night on the dock.

Under cover of darkness, they sail on the Moon Druid,

captained by Rohnwen Kyle, female fall eladrin, across the
Strait of Alaron to a secret cove near Thorndyke. From
there they will cross the Cambro Mountains to the Sacred
Grove of the Earthmother.

Bearach will not travel with them as he must travel to the

north of the island and Winterglen.

Lady Ordalf’s fey magic prevents entry into Gwynneth by
anyone using magic. Players will be unable to use
teleportation circles and spells such as Teleport to travel to

If the party attacks Bearach, he will lay down his sword to

show that he means them no harm. If they kill him, they
will discover that he is carrying a letter from the prince
asking for help from the famed adventurers.

Fetches are doppelgangers that live in the darkest reaches

of the Feywild. There they use pools of water to travel. In
their natural form they prey upon weaker fey. Often, they
take the form of their intended victims and taunt them
before killing them.

Once through the mirror they will take on the forms of the
party members. Fetches use the stats and features of the

Travel through the Cambro Mountains will take three days
if the party is walking. The destination on the first day is a
high pass. The trail twists treacherously through the
mountains once they get past the foothills to a higher
elevation. This is difficult terrain and the party’s
movement is slowed by half. Along the way they will be
beset by a number of physical obstacles. On the second day
they will face traps and an encounter with two cyclopes.
The result of that encounter should make travel on the
third day and entrance into the Vale easy.

Captain Kyle transports you in a small rowboat to a cove located

south of the ruined town of Thorndyke. She gives you a map with RICKETY RAVINE
the pass clearly marked. The path continues to wind upward. The party will notice
fewer plants, more rocks and the sound of the wind picking
You walk across the rocky shore to where a low growth of bushes
up. They no longer hear the sound of animals.
demarcates the border between sand and forest. You can see the
mountains rising tall against a sky just blossoming with the pinks,
oranges and golds of dawn. Eventually the party comes to a ravine approximately 200
feet across. An old, rickety bridge crosses it. The bridge is
After an hour of travel, you reach the low foothills and begin your really nothing more than a few planks nailed together and
ascent. The path twist and turns. There are many rocks underfoot
held at either end by fraying ropes. A DC 10 Investigation
and the going is slow as you try not to twist an ankle. The path
resembles a shallow gully that may have been created by a flash check reveals that the knots tying the ropes to the bridge
flood from a summer snow melt decades ago. As you climb higher, are less frayed. The planks are gray and weathered. The
the tall pines and oak trees give way to miniature pines and low bridge has to be decades old.
bushes. It is getting colder. There is no snow on the ground but
you can tell it isn’t far off.
Party members must cross one a time. Crossing requires a
DC 15 Acrobatics check. A strong wind causes the bridge to
swing back and forth. At your discretion, one or more of
A TEST OF SKILLS the party members will need to make a DC 15 Dexterity
The party must pass three natural obstacles. It is saving throw to see if they can remain on the bridge as a
recommended that these happen on the first day, but DMs fierce gust of wind blows. A failure results in a 100-foot
can mix them with the traps over the course of the three- fall. The party member takes 10d6 falling damage.
day travel period. The point of the obstacles is to
encourage role play and party teamwork. ROCKSLIDE!
As they near the pass they will face one more obstacle in
ESCAPE THE ESCARPMENT the form of a rockslide that completely blocks the path.
Narrow cliff walls on either side prevent going around the
You get to 500 feet above the foothills when you see that the trail slide. The slide itself extends three feet and is about six
runs straight onto an escarpment that juts out about 30 feet. There feet high.
is no going forward. Looking to the right you see a sheer wall of
rock rising 100 feet into the air. To the left, there seems to be a
narrow pathway that winds around the escarpment. There is only Digging their way through takes two hours and there is a
room for one person at a time. 50 percent chance of rocks from the top sliding down on
top of them causing 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed
The party can choose to climb the wall using pitons and Dexterity save.
ropes with a Strength or Acrobatics check, DC 15. They can
use magic or find some other clever way to get to the top. The party can attempt to climb. The terrain is difficult.
Once up there they will discover a new path that seems to They will need to pass a DC 17 Acrobatics check to get to
lead in the direction they want to go. the top.

If they choose the path, there is a rock wall on the left and Magic can be used. The rockslide has an AC of 18 and 25 hit
a sheer drop of 300 feet to the right. Party members must points. It is resistant to fire, cold, psychic, radiant, necrotic
make a DC 15 Athletics or Acrobatics check to safely cross. and poison damage.
If they fail the check call for a DC 17 Dexterity check to keep
from falling. The path runs about 30 feet up to the same
path found if they climb the wall.

DM NOTES pit, the spell continues. The party will simply see the
affected person disappear. They will be able to hear the
Once the party clears all obstacles, they reach the top of
affected person call out to them.
the pass. It will be near nightfall so if you want to spring
the boulder trap on them, this would be a good time. CIRCLE OF THORNS
The trap is triggered when the party passes two glyphs of
warding etched onto boulders on either side of the
At the DM’s discretion, the party will encounter a number entrance to Myrloch Vale. A successful DC 15 Investigation
of traps set by the Blackleaf Tribe of firbolg who live in the or Perception check will show the presence of the glyphs. A
Cambro Mountains. The traps are designed to deter Detect Magic spell will indicate magic from the School of
marauders from entering the Sacred Grove. Use all or none Transmutation.
of the traps described.
The glyphs can be disabled by a Dispel Magic spell, (cast at
When you wake in the morning, you begin to see parts of Myrloch Level 5), knowing the password or by disfiguring the glyph
Vale spread below you. Myrloch Lake is a faint shimmer in the
(AC 20, 30 hit points for each glyph). If a creature fails the
light of the dawn. Surrounding you are the craggy peaks of cliffs
but below you see that your trail bends north. The foothills DC 20 Dexterity check to disable the trap by 5, the glyph
descend into a forest with broad meadows peeking through the will explode. Characters within a 20 -foot circle must make
canopy. Waterfalls descend from the highland areas into pools DC 15 Dexterity saving throws. They take 3d12 fire damage
and streams. on a failed save and half as much damage on a success.

FALLING BOULDERS If triggered, party members will be surrounded by a 20-

If you did not use this trap on the first day, the party may foot circle of brush with 1-inch-long thorns pointing
trigger it as they make their way through the pass and inward. It is 20-feet high and closed over like a cage
downward. At the highest part of the pass there is a trip preventing flying creatures from escaping. The wall is 5-
wire strung between two low bushes. A successful DC 15 feet thick. Creatures within the circle when it appears must
Investigation check reveals the wire. The trap can be make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or be pierced by
disarmed with a successful DC 12 Dexterity check. If the thorns. On a failed save, a character takes 3d8 piercing
trap is triggered, rocks will tumble down from the left side damage. On a success they take half as much damage.
of the mountain. Characters must make a DC 16 Dexterity
saving throw to avoid the boulders. On a failed save the The circle is difficult terrain. For every 1 foot a creature
characters take 4d12 bludgeoning damage or half as much moves through the wall, it must spend 5 feet of movement.
on a success. The first time the creature attempts to move through the
wall it must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. It takes
HALLUCINATORY TERRAIN 5d8 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much
At a point where the pass becomes particularly narrow, a damage on a success.
pressure plate hidden under an illusion of dirt may be
triggered. The plate is revealed on a successful DC 18 The wall is flammable (AC 15, 15 HP) however, creatures in
Investigation check. It can be disarmed with a successful the circle must make DC 12 Dexterity saving throws, taking
DC 20 Dexterity check. 1d8 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a
The trap makes an audible click when triggered, but
nothing appears to happen. The plate has triggered a A CRY FOR HELP
Hallucinatory Terrain spell. The characters hear cries for help. Upon investigating they
see two cyclopes brutes (Appendix A) threatening two
Approximately 100 feet ahead is a pit trap hidden by the cornered firbolg. Read or paraphrase the following:
illusion of a rocky slope. The trap is 15-feet wide by 20-
feet long. It is 40-feet deep. There are iron spikes at the After several hours of trudging through the pass, the path widens
bottom. A creature that falls into the trap must make a DC and bears to the right. As you near the turn you hear two voices
pleading not to be harmed. You also hear savage growls.
17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 falling damage, plus
“You didn’t really think you could escape. The good news for us is
2d6 piercing damage on a failed save or half as much that we only need one of you. Who wants to die?”
damage on a success. The creature must also make a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned, suffering one
level of exhaustion for each hour it goes without a long Rounding the corner, the players see the cyclopes and
rest. firbolgs. The players should be able to creep up on the
cyclopes easily, but the DM can call for a group Stealth
The illusory terrain is indistinguishable from the real check against the cyclopes’ passive perceptions.
terrain. Party members with a passive perception of 18 or
As soon as the cyclopes become aware of the party’s
more see that while the ground seems to be moving
presence they will attack. Once the cyclopes are killed or
upward, their legs do not feel as though they are moving
driven off, the firbolg couple rush over to thank them.
upwards. A player that notices the party is not traveling
upwards can make a DC 17 Investigation check to see
through the illusion. Dispel Magic can negate the spell so They are Gann and Tara of the Blackleaf Tribe. Months
everyone can see the pit. If a party member falls into the ago, they were ambushed by a group of cyclopes while

traveling to the Sacred Grove. They were marched down The path leads down through lush foothills where trees of every
the pass and into a cave somewhere at the base. They shape, size and species crowd out the sun. It continues through
the forest toward an opening at the far end. The fresh air is
travelled though underground caverns until they were put
scented with pine and oak. Vibrant flowers grow in abundance
to work widening a cave and clearing debris away from a around the trees and bushes. You can hear birds singing, insects
stone building. They managed to escape but were followed buzzing and small animals rustling in the bushes. You can see
and cornered. sparkling waterfalls, small babbling brooks, and giant ferns. In the
center of the grove is a pool of water about 20-feet wide with eight
menhir standing stones and twelve trilithon arches surrounding it.
The couple are grateful to the party and will answer any
The pool seems to glow with a faint golden light. Surrounding it are
questions. trees, flowers, mosses, and other plants. Just beyond the pool
there is a path leading to a cottage made of stone with a thatched
WHAT THEY KNOW: roof. Although it is well-cared for there is a sense of abandonment
about it.
• They were blindfolded as they walked through the
passages, but they could feel rocks under their feet and
smell dank water in some areas. Other places had a Give the party time to examine the grove and the cottage.
fungal smell. There were also sections where they swore The cottage was built in two parts. The small cottage is 20-
that they could smell flowers, grass, and trees. feet by 20-feet. The larger cottage is 30-feet by 30-feet
• Once while working they saw several Fomorians. One of and has ten-foot-tall ceilings. It was obviously built for
them was taller and larger than the others. He wore a Shalana. The stout doors have moons carved on them. Both
circlet on his head and carried a long staff with a crystal doors are unlocked. Inside there is simple furniture. A bed
on top of it. stands in a corner. There is a large table and chair by the
• They were not the only thralls. There were duergar, window. There are signs of a fire in the hearth that has
dwarves, dryads, and drow. since gone out. On the table a loaf of bread is dry to the
• They saw a carving on the stone building that they touch.
recognized as the symbol of Kazgoroth, The Beast God of
corruption opposed to the Earthmother. He was defeated A successful DC 10 Perception or Investigation check
long ago and banished from the Moonshaes. reveals nothing of interest. There is no sign of a struggle
• They heard the cyclopes talking about a Fomorian plan inside the cottage.
to destroy Karador during the dark of the moon.
• They believe that the Fomorians intend to call the Beast Outside the cottage it is a different matter. Footprints off
back to the world. to the right-hand side of the stone path are revealed with a
• Gann and Tara have heard nothing about the missing successful DC 15 Investigation check. Two sets of
Great Druid. They become concerned because Shalana is footprints approach the path from the foothills. Three sets
magically linked to her moonwell. go back toward the mountain. Following the tracks leads to
• They thank the party again and tell them about any the edge of the grove and signs of a struggle.
remaining traps including the password to get past the
thorn trap – “By the grace of the Earthmother.” They Characters with a passive perception of 16 or higher will
say they are returning to their tribe to tell them what is hear rustling in a nearby bush as well as faint noises that
happening. sound suspiciously like swearing. Checking it out they
discover a pixie wrapped in spider silk with a large

DM NOTES arachnid ready to pounce.

• High level players have access to transportation spells Looking in a large bush covered in purple flowers, you can make
out a small, silk-wrapped bundle. The bundle is moving weakly,
which may allow them to skip any or all of these
and you can make out a female voice swearing like a sailor. Upon
encounters. Feel free to move “A Cry for Help” to the cutting open the bundle you discover a tiny female not more than 6
Feydark caverns. inches tall. She has dark skin, long black hair and bright blue eyes.
• The purpose of saving the firbolg is to foreshadow the On her back are iridescent blue and green wings resembling those
events in Chapter 3 where the party learns the reason for of a dragonfly.
the kidnapping. If for some reason the party does not
“I don’t know who you are or why you saved me but if you mean
save them, they will later hear a rumor that the harm to Shalana I will cut you in two.”
Fomorians have been using the Feydark tunnels between
Alaron and Gwynneth. As she struggles free of the sticky threads you can see she is
• If the party does not free itself from the thorn trap, two wearing elven plate armor and has a tiny broadsword sheathed at
her waist.
firbolg druids find them. Once they hear the story, they
will offer to guide them the rest of the way into the
Sacred Grove. She is Persimmon (Persi) Foxthistle a pixie knight of the
Summer Court. She fell in love with the grove several years
A FAIRY’S TALE ago and appointed herself its protector. She struck up a
friendship with Shalana and visited her often. Shalana
The party continues the trek to the Sacred Grove for
would pour her a thimble of milk and share fresh baked
another day. Once they pass the thorn trap they will
bread with her.
descend into the Sacred Grove of the Earthmother. Read or
paraphrase: Persi knows some of what has happened to Shalana but
will not tell the party unless she trusts them. Just saving

her from the spider is not enough. She can be persuaded to
tell what she knows with a successful DC 15 Persuasion
check. A character that offers her food can make the roll
with advantage.


• Persi was coming to visit Shalana when she saw her
walking away from the cottage with two eladrin.
Something about the eladrin made Persi uneasy.
• Shalana looked concerned as she went with them but not
• The moonwell began to boil and froth as Shalana walked
by it.
• Persi followed the group to the edge of the grove. Just
over the boundary the eladrin suddenly changed and
became as pale as death. There were dark gashes on their
bodies as if they had been wounded. Their eyes turned
black. They grabbed Shalana. They struggled, and she
collapsed. Persi did not sense that any type of spell had
been cast.
• Persi drew her sword and tried to help but one of the
eladrin batted her into the spiderweb. She’s been there
for almost a week.

Persi is weak as the spider has been feeding on her. The

only thing that saved her was that it had another snack to
finish first. She states that she saw the eladrin take
Shalana in the direction of a portal the Seelie fey avoid. It
radiates dark energy. Persi has heard that it is a portal into
the Feydark but she does not know if it is true.

The Feydark portal is about six miles from the entrance to
the Grove and guarded by dark eladrin. A successful DC 20
Perception check allows players to feel something cold and
evil but not necessarily the direction it is coming from.

If Persi trusts the party, she will agree to take them to the
Feydark portal. If not, she will tell them where it is in
general. The party can follow footprints to the portal with
a successful DC 17 Survival check.

Persi has heard a rumor that an archfey is helping the

Fomorians for his own amusement.

Moonwells are spring-fed pools of clear water found in

deep forests throughout the Moonshae Isles. They are
thought to be gifts from the Earthmother. The water is said
to possess magical powers, but no one knows for sure what
those powers are, other than to increase the strength of
the druid charged with caring for one. Some say that the
moonwells are the eyes of the Earthmother and portals to
other worlds. Whatever else they may be, they are linked to
their caretaker. Evil forces try to corrupt moonwells,
turning them into darkwells. This can be done through
rituals and by throwing dead bodies into them. In the past,
corrupted moonwells allowed demons to enter the
Material Plane. Because of this, it is said that the
Earthmother dampened the powers of her moonwells.

The portal to the Feydark only opens at night. Whether
Persi leads the party to the portal during the day or closer
to sundown, read this description:

Persi leads you back toward the Cambro Mountains approximately

100 yards away from the entrance to the vale. As you travel, you
begin to notice that the vegetation is less lush. The grass is brown
and desiccated. It crunches beneath your feet. In contrast to the
sights and sounds of animals that you have already grown used
to, there is only silence. A feeling of oppressiveness begins to
gather. Piles of rotting leaves carpet the floor underneath bare
limbed trees that look skeletal in the waning light. You hear the
sound of rushing water but instead of the clean smell you would
expect, the scent of sewage fills your nostrils.

Persi is upset by the changes that have taken place in just If they do not, the yeth hounds will appear out of nowhere
the five days since she was captured by the spider. She and surround at least two members of the party. The party
assures the party that the area doesn’t usually look like will be surprised.
Suddenly you hear a sound behind you as two massive, night-
black hounds appear. They are 5 feet tall at the shoulder and
The area is dying due to the presence of dark eladrin that weigh 400 pounds. Their faces look almost human and their eyes
have been tasked to guard the portal by Malabog. glow red.

Persi leads them to the portal but informs them that she The dark eladrin are perched in trees on either side of the
will not be going with them. Someone needs to give more party. Once initiative is rolled, they will attack party
information to Lady Ordalf. members with bows on their turn. After the surprise round
when party members can act normally, the dark eladrin
Eventually they are led to a sheer cliff wall that towers 500 will fey step out of the trees and attack with longswords.
feet above them. It is covered by moss. On either side of the
rock wall are two gnarled trees, bare of leaves standing The eladrin have pale hair and are both wearing armor which is
rent in places. Dark fluids drip from the holes. They are very pale.
sentinel. Their naked limbs stretch toward each other in
Their eyes are completely black. One of them says:
what seems to be a mute cry for help. “This door is closed to you. We are its guardians. If you leave now,
you will not be harmed. Choose to stay and we will kill you.”
The combination of wall and trees give the area a doorway
effect. This is the portal.
When the dark eladrin and yeth hounds are defeated, the
party will discover that the portal has opened. Enter read:
Persi is a bit scatterbrained, but she tells the party that she
has heard that caverns and tunnels in the Feydark shift and Walking through the portal feels like walking underwater. Your
change in a similar fashion to locations in the Feywild. She movements slowed for the tiniest moment and for a second you
are not sure you can breathe. There is a prickling sensation along
may also mention that she has heard there are some
your spine. Then you are on the other side. A purple glow
terrible creatures from the Feywild, Underdark and surrounds you created by amethyst crystals poking at random
Shadowfell all living in the Feydark. angles out of the walls. You are in a dimly lit tunnel that leads
Once Persi leaves the party is free to look around. The
The party can feel wind at their back where the portal is.
portal is guarded at night by two dark eladrin (see
The wind carries the smell of fresh water, grass and
Appendix A) and two yeth hounds. The eladrin wear
charms around their necks granting them invisibility
during the day. Yeth hounds retire to the Astral Plane
The tunnel allows two people to walk abreast. As the party
during the day but join the eladrin when the sun goes
follows it, they will see colorful mushrooms off to either
side, more purple crystals and glowing blue moss.
They will have to thread their way through outcroppings of
The party must make an active perception check, DC 18 or
stalagmites. Overhead stalactites resemble icicles flowing
use a feature that detects undead in order to notice
down from the roof of the tunnel. It’s like walking through
something isn’t quite right.
the teeth of a giant monster.

After about an hour of walking the party comes to a fork in Tucker is one of those creatures. If the party asks him to
the tunnel. They can choose to go left or right. The left lead them, he will reluctantly agree. He will, however, ask
tunnel dead ends at a small 20-foot diameter, circular that he be given some sort of remuneration.
cavern. The right tunnel meanders a bit longer and then
opens up into a larger 30-by-30-foot cavern. A DC 15
perception or investigation check shows the tracks of
several creatures walking in both directions.

Choosing the right-hand tunnel leads them to a cavern
filled with a riotous display of multicolored mushrooms.
Red, purple, blue and green mushrooms grow almost on
top of each other and emit a heady fragrance similar to
roses. If the party enters the cavern, they will hear the
sound of an argument coming from the back.

Two gruff voices seem to be arguing about the mushrooms

and who took better care of them.

If the party decides to investigate, they must get through

the cavern without touching any of the purple mushrooms.
Characters must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw
to avoid touching them or be poisone. Taking a level of
exhaustion every hour until they complete a long rest.

When they get to the back, they see two deep gnomes.
They are three feet tall with gray skin and bald heads. They
are so engrossed in their argument that they do not hear CAVERN ENCOUNTERS
the party approach and are surprised, then frightened.
There are three cavern encounters possible in addition to
One of the gnomes wears a hood that is slipping off his meeting Obadai:
head. The other is bareheaded. When the gnomes see the
party, they will grasp hands in fear, then the hooded one A QUIET PLACE
will push the other protectively behind him and ask what This is a medium sized 30-foot by 30-foot cavern with a
they want. 50-foot ceiling. A small stream runs through the middle of
it. On each bank there is lush grass dotted with pink and
Once the party reassures them, the hooded one will yellow blossoms. Strange jewel-like insects move from
introduce himself as Tucker Lumpfinder and his flower to flower like bees. Trees bear oddly colored fruits.
companion as Barney Rubblebender.
There is nothing dangerous in this place and if the party
needs a long or short rest this is a good place to do it.
They are mushroom farmers. They sell their mushrooms
to any denizens of the Feydark interested in buying.
There are several different types of fruits on the trees. Each
If the party questions them, the gnomes will tell them that has a different effect if eaten:
while gem hunting near their enclave they were chased by
a Beholder. They ran through a dark tunnel and ended up Chaosiums look like neon green apples. If a creature eats
in the Feydark. Since neither was good at gem hunting, one roll a d6 to see what the effect is:
they decided to start a mushroom farm.
1. Receive 1d8 temporary hit points for the next 8 hours.
In actuality, Tucker is the archfey Obadai (Appendix A). He 2. Receive advantage on all Intelligence saving throws for 1
is hoping to ingratiate himself with the party. If a hour.
character has been poisoned by mushrooms, he will offer a 3. Receive disadvantage on all Constitution saving throws
potion of vitality. for one hour.
4. The creature becomes smaller as if under the effect of a
If they seem interested in the Fomorians or ask if they saw Reduce spell for 1 hour.
anything strange, Tucker will mention seeing a white, 5. Receive darkvision for the next eight hours.
furry creature being carried by two cyclopes towards the 6. Nothing happens.
city the Fomorians are constructing.
Bunyips are pink eggplant-shaped fruits. A creature that
If the party asks for directions, Tucker will tell them that it eats one will undergo the effects of the Enlarge spell for 1
may be difficult because things shift all of the time. Only hour.
creatures that have lived there a long time can puzzle their
way through. Fume Nuts will polymorph the eater into a cat for one

Yiderums are green oranges that provide protection from DM NOTES
poison for eight hours.
If time is short, the DM can choose to omit all but the first
cavern encounter. It is important that the party meet
The party may be tempted to take some of the fruits with
“Tucker” and that he joins them.
them. Tucker will sadly inform them that only the
Chaosiums last for more than an hour once they have been
If there is combat Tucker will assist the party. Use deep
picked and removed from the cave.
gnome stats for him while he does this.
The party can use the stream to fill up their water flasks.
Obadai enchanted Barney into believing that they have
The water prevents them from taking points of exhaustion.
been mushroom farming for years. Actually, Barney has
CLOAKER CAVERN been farming by himself. A perceptive character might
This medium 50-foot by 50-foot cavern houses three notice Barney acting a little strange. A Detect Magic spell
cloakers. The cavern boasts pure white stalagmites and will reveal he is under an enchantment but not the source.
stalactites twisted into fantastical shapes. Some glow pink
or green bathed in the light cast by flowers growing near Only a character with true sight will be able to see past
the bases. A character making a successful DC 17 Obadai’s disguise.
Perception check will see that the ground is littered with
the skeletons of small animals and what could be Potential treasure that might be found in the caverns is up
humanoid bones (DC 15 Medicine check to be certain). If to the DM based on what would work best for the party.
the party uses Pass Without Trace or beats the cloakers’
passive perception on a group stealth check, the cloakers Discourage the party from fighting the two Fomorians.
will not attack Tucker can suggest that they hide. If they choose to fight 1
d4 Fomorians will join the fight on round three.
This 100-foot by 100-foot cavern is the lair of an adult The party may believe Shalana is in Malabog’s mansion or
black dragon. It is sleeping and the party can sneak past it that the mansion is the temple. Try to make it clear that
with a group Stealth check opposed by the dragon’s the mansion is just a house. If the party decides to
passive perception. If the party chooses to fight and then investigate, the lowest windows are 6-feet off the ground.
retreats the dragon will not follow. The door handle and lock are 7 feet off the ground. These
are giants so everything will be bigger and taller than most
THE CITY OF GIANTS of the party.

The tunnels eventually lead to a massive cavern where the

Fomorians have set up living quarters. The width and
height of the cavern cannot be ascertained. The entrance to
the city is marked by dark stains which could be blood,
piles of bones and desiccated corpses of different
humanoid creatures propped up like macabre dolls.

As the party enters the cavern read or paraphrase:

The path descends to a large cavern lit by more purple crystals. It

feels smooth under your feet. Looking about you can make out the
shapes of massive mansions. The architecture is beautiful with
alternating black and white stones, fantastically carved lintels, and
dark wooden doors. Surrounding each mansion is a garden. From
what you can see the grass is lush and vines twine about the
homes. Colorful mushrooms, peek out from carefully trimmed
bushes and circle trees. You can hear the sound of tinkling

Each mansion is the home of a Fomorian noble. The

gardens, statues and rocky outcroppings provide hiding
places for the party. The path between the houses is
deserted. Some of the houses look empty although the
surrounding gardens are well manicured.

At some point the party hears loud footsteps. If they hide,

they will begin to hear loud voices. Two female Fomorians
are walking toward a house at the far end of the path.

When will it be?

Tonight, according to rumor.”
“If it works it means we will finally have our revenge, but I am
uneasy. He is working with forces he does not understand.”
“What is to understand. The death of the druid will allow dark
energy to flood her moonwell. Once it disperses over the lake, it
will suck the energy out of every living thing, including the eladrin 12
in Karador.”
TEMPLE OF THE BEAST The doors open to a wide hallway lit with a few torches.
Columns soar up to a ceiling hidden in shadows. The air
smells of dead things and dank water.
Malabog’s mansion is at the end of the street. It is a dead
end, and the party will probably want to investigate it. The Walking down the hallway, the party comes to another set
gardens are luxuriant. Several bedraggled dryads are of double doors. On either side of the doors are cyclopes
pruning trees. bodyguards (Appendix A). One on each side. They are
complaining about the damp and the cold.
The dryads are slaves and can easily be persuaded to tell
If the party chooses to eavesdrop on the guards they find
the party that Malabog often takes a small path off to the
side of the house. They do not know where he goes but he
always seems pleased with himself when he returns. • Malabog is inside with Shalana.
• He did not take bodyguards with him because he can’t
They find a path near the home that disappears into risk being interrupted.
darkness - even though there is plenty of light everywhere • The guards think there is something living in the well.
else. Following it for an hour downwards leads them to the • When the temple was opened a guard fell into the water
ruins of a large temple. Read or paraphrase the following: and disappeared. The other bodyguards became sick
with some sort of enervating disease and died two days
Most of the outbuildings are nothing more than rubble. In the later.
center, a round building stands sheathed in white marble.
Although parts appear to be crumbling some repair work has been If the fight with the recaps happened, they will be on alert
attempted. There are no lit torches, and the absence of glowing and looking for anyone trying to sneak in.
moss, flowers or mushrooms is noticeable. The mere presence of

the temple has caused all plant life in the area to wither and die.

Once the bodyguards are dispatched, party members hear a

REDCAPS TO ARMS voice from the other side of the door:

The party comes to a white stone arch carved with scenes “Not too much longer little one and all of the pain will be over. I
of murder, mayhem, and torture. There a number of have only to speak the words and toss your lifeless body into the
pool. The two are linked. One on the Material Plain and one in the
smaller pillars scattered around the gate. Hiding behind
Feydark. Your link to your moonwell will be the catalyst, making all
them are redcaps. of my dreams come true.”

Characters with dark vision and a successful DC 16

Perception check can hear the sound of heavy breathing
and see slight movement behind the pillars. Whether or The party can open the door by picking the lock with a DC
not the party senses them, the redcaps attempt to ambush 15 Dexterity check or by breaking it down (AC 15, 18 HP).
them. Read or paraphrase the following: Once open the party can see Malabog standing at a stone
altar with a stone knife in one hand and a book in the
other. Read or paraphrase the following:
You hear the deafening sound of iron-shod boots as small,
gnome-like creatures wearing blood-red caps, leather armor and
The light of numerous torches reflects off of the marble walls so
heavy iron boots come out from behind the pillars and rush toward
brightly you have to close your eyes. You see carvings that depict
acts of murder and torture on the walls. They seem to writhe in the
There are 5 redcaps for every party member. Stats for the flickering light. In front of you is a pool of water surrounded by 12
obsidian pillars. The water is dark and even from where you are
redcaps can be found in Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Change
standing you can feel necrotic power emanating from the pool.
the hit points to 5. The point is not to engage in heavy There is a faint green shimmer. The water is churning, and you
combat but to give the players a sense of accomplishment. catch glimpses of something moving within it. Behind that is a
giant stone alter stained with dark fluids. A young firbolg female
CYCLOPS ON GUARD with snow-white fur is on it. She is tied to the alter, awake and
frightened. She seems to be murmuring the words to a spell, but
Once the party gets past the redcaps, they follow a cobbled nothing happens. Behind the alter is a huge Fomorian.
path to the entrance of the temple proper. Read or
paraphrase the following: Malabog is 15-feet tall and very handsome. Obadai gave
him his beauty back along with magic. One eye is green and
In front of you are double doors made of dark wood from a tree
you have never seen before. All light seems to disappear the
moment it reaches the doors as if it is somehow sucked into the
wood, never to return. The same fantastical figures carved on the
stone arch are repeated on the doors. Carved deeply into the
wood is an image of the Beast.

The doors are not locked. They swing open ominously at a

light touch. Fey characters will recognize the wood as Myrk
which grows only in the darkest glades of the Feywild.

the other is blue. He wears a black and purple kilt made of
soft wool. His chest is bare, and he wears gauntlets and
grieves made of copper.

Malabog is in the middle of chanting. He will stop as soon

as he hears the door open. He will always see the party if
they get within 30 ft. of him.

Once he sees them, his eyes will fixate on Tucker. Malabog

has truesight and can see him for what he is.

He will ask Tucker why he is here. Tucker will change into

his natural archfey form remarking that he forgot about
the truesight. The two will talk, with Malabog insisting
that Obadai is breaking his bargain by bringing the party
in. Tucker will remind Malabog that he promised not to kill
him, he said nothing about helping adventurers find him.

Obadai will apologize to the party and say that he cannot She woke up in the temple. Malabog used anti-magic
help them because of the bargain he has already made. He manacles on her so she could not cast spells.
will watch and cheer them on.
Shalana will offer each of them the Blessing of the
THE BEAST RISES Earthmother which is a level 4 spell of their choice from
the druid’s spell list. It will act like a spell scroll.
Malabog believes that sacrificing Shalana and throwing
her body into the darkwell will create a nexus of dark
energy that will destroy Karador and open a gate to the
Feywild. It will do these things, but it will also open a If the party has fought in the caverns, they may be
portal that The Beast can pass through. During the fight seriously underpowered for the final battle. The cavern
The Beast will try to force his way through. with flowers can “move” so they can take a long rest
before continuing.
After every round roll 1d6. On a 5 or 6 a portion of the
Beast rises from the darkwell. Kazgaroth has eight body Alternatively, Obadai can act as a failsafe either by
parts: two tentacles, two arms, two legs, a head, and a banishing Kazgaroth if he succeeds in getting out or by
torso. He will take lair actions (Appendix A) to help transporting the unconscious party away from the temple.
Malabog. Consider the ritual ruined. The moon is dark for three
days, so Malabog can try again. The party can try to rescue
If the party kills Malabog Kazgaroth will be unable to cross Shalana or try to stop the second ritual the next day.
over. If combat goes 10 rounds or more the ritual is ruined
and Kazgaroth cannot cross over. The conclusion of the adventure can be the start of even
more adventures in a fey-based campaign. Now that the
If Kazgaroth is able to cross, he will kill Malabog and
party has a fey benefactor, they may be dispatched to solve
Shalana . Then he will turn on the party. Use Demogorgon
other problems both in and out of the Feywild.
• The party could be asked to find a way to cleanse the

CONCLUSION darkwell in the Feydark.

• They could be tasked with finding out who gave Malabog
If he hasn’t already, Obadai will thank the party and offer
the ritual book.
them their choice of an answer to any question or a favor
• If the party does not succeed, Kazgaroth will enter the
to be collected at a future date.
world and destroy Sarifal. All of Gwynneth will come
under his sway. A new band of adventurers may be
He will admit to sending the fetches to make sure the party
needed to fight his evil influences.
was up to the task of defeating Malabog.

He also offers to transport them back to the Sacred Grove.

If the party agrees he will do so without tricks.

Back at the Grove Shalana will tell them that the dark
eladrin approached her asking to be laid to rest. They
claimed a necromancer had found their bodies and raised
them. They have been fighting against his evil will.

Shalana felt the necrotic energy surrounding them. They

told her that they could be freed if they went to the place
they died. Once she was out of the protection of the Grove,
they drugged her, and she fell unconscious.

Medium fey, chaotic evil Medium undead fey, lawful evil

Armor Class 15 Armor Class 16

Hit Points 150 (10d10+50) Hit Points 127 (10d10+27)
Speed 30 ft, fly 40 ft. Speed 30 ft.

11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+2) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws DEX +7, CON +5, CHA +6 Saving Throws STR +7, CON +7, CHA +7
Skills Perception +3, Deception +6 Skills Perception +4
Damage Resistances acid, fire, cold, lightning, thunder;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks Damage Resistances Necrotic, bludgeoning, piercing, and
(in its natural form). slashing from non-magical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened and
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone and restrained poisoned.
(in its natural form). Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 14
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 13 Languages Common, Sylvan, Elvish
Languages Common, Sylvan Challenge 10 (5900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Challenge 8 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Fey Step. As a bonus action the dark eladrin can teleport up to 30
Shapechanger. The fetch can use its action to polymorph into a feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
small or medium creature it has seen, or back into its true form. Its
Unstoppable Approach. Dark eladrin have advantage on saving
stats become the same as the form it takes.
throws against effects that turn undead.
Ambusher. In the first round of combat the fetch has advantage on
attack rolls against any creature it surprises.
Incorporeal Movement (natural form only). In the fetch’s natural Multiattack. The dark eladrin makes two weapon attacks.
shadow form, it can move through other creatures and objects as
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
if they were difficult terrain.
Hit: 11 (2d8 +4) slashing damage, plus 14 (4d6) psychic damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (2d8) psychic
Natural Form
Nightmare Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Cause Fear (Recharges 5-6). The eladrin projects a phantasmal
creature. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) psychic damage. If the target is
image of a creature's worst fears. Each creature in a 30-foot cone
unconscious, it takes an extra 10 (3d6) psychic damage.
must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become
Cause Fear (Recharges 5-6). The fetch projects a phantasmal frightened for the duration. While frightened the creature must
image of a creature's worst fears. Each creature in a 30-foot cone take the dash action and move away from it by the safest available
must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become route on each of its turns unless there is nowhere to move. If the
frightened for the duration. On a successful save, the target is creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn't have line of
shaken rather than frightened and suffers disadvantage on attacks sight, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
and saving throws until the end of its next turn. While frightened successful save, the target is shaken rather than frightened and
the creature must take the dash action and move away from it by suffers disadvantage on attacks and saving throws until the end of
the safest available route on each of its turns unless there is its next turn.
nowhere to move. The creature can use its action to make another
Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns.

Necrotic Rebuke. When the dark eladrin takes damage from a

creature the eladrin can see within 60 ft. of it, the dark eladrin can
force that creature to succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving
throw or take 11 (2d10) necrotic damage.

Huge fey, lawful evil Huge fey, lawful evil

Armor Class 16 Armor Class 17

Hit Points 100 (12d12+60) Hit Points 125 (12d10+5)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

22 (+6) 13 (+1) 21 (+5) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 24 (+7) 15 (+2) 24 (+7) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws STR +9, CON +8 Saving Throws STR +11, CON +11
Skills Athletics +9, Skills Athletics +11,

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
non-magical attacks non-magical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive perception 13 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 18
Languages Common, Sylvan Languages Common, Sylvan
Challenge 8 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Challenge 10 (5900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Evil Eye. When the cyclops hits with a melee attack, it can choose Evil Eye. When the Bodyguard hits with a melee attack, it can
to target the victim with its evil eye. The first time on each of its choose to target the victim with its evil eye. The first time on each
turns that it hits and deals damage to the marked creature of its turns that it hits and deals damage to the marked creature
increases that damage by 1d6. The effect lasts until the mark is increases that damage by 1d6. The effect lasts until the mark is
moved. Only one creature can be targeted at a time. moved. Only one creature can be targeted at a time.
Battle Twist (2/day). Twice per day if the Bodyguard fails a saving
throw it can immediately transfer that effect to the current target
Multiattack. The cyclops makes two greatclub attacks, two rock of its evil eye.
attacks or one tremor smash attack. Fey Step (Recharge 4-6). As a bonus action the Bodyguard can
Spiked Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one magically teleport up to 30ft. to an unoccupied space it can see.
target. Hit: 19 (3d8 +6) bludgeoning damage and 2d6 piercing This takes the place of one of its two attacks.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one
target. Hit: 28 (3d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage. Multiattack. The cyclops makes two greatclub attacks, two rock
Tremor Smash. The cyclops delivers a particularly hard blow to attacks or one tremor smash attack.
the ground causing it to shake. Each creature within 10ft. of that Spiked Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
point must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw taking 5d8+6 target. Hit: 19 (4d8 +6) bludgeoning damage and 2d6 piercing
bludgeoning damage and being knocked prone on a failed save. damage.
On a successful save the target takes half damage and is not Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one
knocked prone. target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Tremor Smash. The cyclops delivers a particularly hard blow to
the ground causing it to shake. Each creature within 10ft. of that
point must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw taking 5d8+6
bludgeoning damage and being knocked prone on a failed save.
On a successful save the target takes half damage and is not
knocked prone.

Medium fey, chaotic neutral
Summon Fey. Obadai can summon 3d8 fey creatures to come to his aid.
Armor Class 23 These include displacer beasts, dryads, blink dog or hags.
Hit Points 850
Fey Step. As a bonus action Obadai can turn invisible and teleport
Speed 30 ft.
himself up to 90 feet to any unoccupied space He remains invisible until
the end of his next turn.
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 25 (+7) 23 (+6) 15 (+2) 25 (+7)

Obadai can take three legendary actions. Only one can be taken at a
Saving Throws INT +15, CHA +16, WIS +11
time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Actions are regained
Skills Deception +16, Insight +15 Perception +18
at the start of his turn.
Damage Resistances acid, fire, poison, lightning, thunder; necrotic,
radiant Cast a Spell. Obadai can cast a spell of 2nd level or lower.
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non- Bend Luck (Costs 2 Actions). When another creature makes an ability
magical attacks. check, attack roll or saving throw he can roll 2d4 and apply the number
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, grappled, rolled as a bonus or penalty.
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone and restrained
Hypnotic Gaze (Costs 3 Actions). The archfey’s appearance hypnotizes
Senses darkvision 60 ft., truesite 60 ft., passive perception 17
one creature it can see within 30 ft. The targeted creature must succeed
Languages All languages
on DC 23 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute.
Challenge 25 (30,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance. (3/Day) If Obadai fails a saving throw, he can

choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. Obadai has advantage on saving throws against spells
and other magical effects.
Spellcasting. Obadai is a 30th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 23, +14) to hit with spell attacks. He knows the
following spells:
Cantrips (at will): light, druidcraft, firebolt, mind sliver, thunderclap,
prestidigitation, gust, ray of frost
1st level (4 slots): absorb elements, magic missile, charm person, cure
wounds, alter self
2nd level (3 slots): darkness, tasha’s mind whip, hold person,
blindness/deafness, mirror image, suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): lightning bolt, counterspell, dispel magic, slow, haste,
intellect fortress, major image
4th level (3 slots): blight, greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain
5th level (2 slots): synaptic static, dominate person, geas, modify memory,
6th level (1 slot): mass suggestion, chain lightning, eyebite, mental prison
7th level (1 slot): prismatic spray, magnificent mansion
8th level (1 slot): antimagic field, clone, feeble mind
9th level (1 slot): wish, time stop

Huge fey, chaotic evil
Multiattack. Malabog makes two attacks with his greatclub or makes
Armor Class 16 (19 with Mage Armor) one Evil Eye attack.
Hit Points 300 (20d12+60)
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit:
Speed 30 ft.
20 (4d8 +6) bludgeoning damage.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Evil Eye. Malabog magically forces a creature it can see within 30 feet of
23 (+6) 10 (+10) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) it to make a DC 17 Charisma saving throw, The creature takes 20 (5d8)
psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
Saving Throws STR +11 CON +10, CHA +10 one.
Skills Perception +7, Deception +9, Athletics +11, Intimidation +10
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-
magical attacks Malabog can take three legendary actions. Only one can be taken at a
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Legendary actions
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesite 60 ft., passive perception 20 are regained at the start of his turn.
Languages Common, Undercommon, Giant, Sylvan Greatclub Attack. Malaborg makes one greatclub attack.
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
Fey Step. Malaborg teleports up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space he
can see.
Legendary Resistance. (3/Day) If Malabog fails a saving throw, he can
choose to succeed instead. Cast a Cantrip. (Costs 2 Actions). Malaborg can cast a cantrip and use
metamagic on it.
Spellcasting. Malabog is a 15th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability
is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +10 to hit with spell attacks). He knows the
following spells:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, firebolt, mind sliver, mage hand, ray of frost,
1st level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): scorching ray, tasha’s mind whip
3rd level (3 slots): lightning bolt, counterspell, slow
4th level (3 slots): blight, dimension door, vitriolic sphere
5th level (2 slots): synaptic static, conjure fey, bigby’s hand
6th level (1 slot): chain lighning, mass suggestion
7th level (1 slot) prismatic spray
Metamagic. Malabog has 17 sorcery points to do the following:
Subtle Spell. When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to
cast it without any S or V components.
Empowered Spell. Spend 1 sorcery point to reroll up to 5 damage dice.
The new rolls must be used. This option can be used even if other
metamagic options have been used.
Quickened Spell. When he casts a spell with casting time of 1 action, he
can spend 2 sorcery points to change the casting time to 1 bonus action.
Twinned Spell. Malabog can spend sorcery points equal to a spell’s level
(1 for a cantrip) to target a second creature in range with the same spell
as long as the spell at the level it’s being cast is incapable of targeting
more than one creature.
Heightened Spell. When Malabog casts a spell that forces a creature to
make a saving throw, he can spend 3 sorcery points to give one target of
the spell disadvantage on its first saving throw made against the spell.

On in initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) Kazgaroth
takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects;
Kazgaroth can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
• The darkwell surges outward in a tide of necrotic energy.
Any creature on the ground within 20-foot of the well
must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or take
4d6 necrotic damage.
• A tremor shakes the temple in a 10-foot radius around
the darkwell. Each creature other than Malabog on the
ground in that area must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw or be knocked prone.
• One creature within 30 feet of the darkwell must succeed
on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be banished to the
Shadowfell. The effect ends on initiative count 20 in the
next round. When the effect ends, the creature reappears
in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if
that one is occupied.

Map by Brian Vander Veen, used with permission.

Map by Brian Vander Veen, used with permission.


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