Salt Lake City Library Employee Survey

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Internal Employee Survey Executive Summary

September 2011
Prepared for

Salt Lake City Public Library System

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. 801.446.4000

Internal Employee Survey Executive Summary Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Project Objectives
Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. was contracted by the Salt Lake City Public Library System to conduct an online survey with Library employees. The main purpose of the survey was to gauge satisfaction among employees. The detailed objectives for this research are as follows: Identify if employees are employed part time or full time Identify employees job titles Identify respondents satisfaction with: o Immediate supervisors and managers o Job satisfaction o Pay and benefits o Communication within the Library o The Librarys concern for its employees Discover which Library services are most important Determine employees awareness and understanding of the Librarys mission and strategic plan Gather suggestions for o Improving the Library services to the community o Making the Library a better place to work

Project Overview
The research project was composed of an online survey to gather information from Library employees at each of the Salt Lake City Public Library branches. The specific scope of work for this research project is described below: Project consultation with Salt Lake City Public Library System personnel Development of the survey questionnaire Email blast to Library employees Data collection of employees surveys Analysis of the data, including frequency and percentages of results and coding of open-ended responses A written report describing the results of the survey including research methodology, key findings, and a detailed description of the results

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Executive Summary Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Research Methodology
The research methods used to complete the project are outlined in detail below. Data Collection Lighthouse Research sent an email invitation to employees of the Salt Lake City Public Library System. Employee email addresses were supplied by the Library and were used for data collection. A test email invitation was sent to 10% of Library employees on August 11, 2011. The initial email invitation was sent on August 17, 2011, and a reminder email was sent to those who had not yet completed the survey on August 25, 2011. All surveys were completed between August 11, 2011 and August 31, 2011. Lighthouse Research & Development received a total of 223 completed surveys, providing a 99% confidence level, with a 3.44% margin of error. Data Analysis The data analysis provides the following statistics upon which the written interpretative report is based: The frequency and valid percent of responses to each of the survey questions Responses to open-ended questions, coded for all occurrences of five or more mentions A segment analysis of the survey results by topic area

Organization of the Report

The report is organized in the following manner: I. Introduction II. Executive Summary The Executive Summary provides an overview of the results and the most pertinent findings of the survey.

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Executive Summary Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Executive Summary
Employment with the Library Currently, nearly two-thirds of respondents said they work or volunteer at the main Salt Lake City Public Library. More than one-half of respondents reported working part time for the Salt Lake Public Library System. For the most part, respondents are proud to work for the Library and said they feel the Library is, overall, a good place to work. However, they are not satisfied with the opportunities for advancement at the Library. In addition, respondents were split when it came to the statement, My ideas and suggestions are valued by management. Part time employees agreed more with that statement than full time employees. Also, employees at a branch agreed more with that statement than employees at the main library. Supervisors & Managers In general, respondents are satisfied with their immediate supervisors or managers (rating of 5.77). Respondents also gave high ratings to the specific aspects of their interaction with their supervisor/manager. The aspects that respondents most strongly agreed with were that their supervisor fairly assigns working hours and that he or she treats them with respect. On average, respondents expressed satisfaction with the communication they receive from their immediate supervisor and managers. Four of the 11 questions regarding communication among library personnel dealt with respondents supervisor/manager. All four of those statements were in the top five, according to average ratings. Respondents generally feel their supervisor/manager provides clear instructions, keeps them well informed, encourages open and honest communication, and provides them with adequate feedback about their job performance. Respondents, on average, feel their supervisor/manager cares about the Library staff and volunteers and they handle any problems in an appropriate and fair manner.

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Executive Summary Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Executive Leadership Team Respondents generally gave low ratings with regards to statements about the Executive Leadership Team. On average, respondents did not feel the Executive Leadership team is committed to providing high quality products and services to Library patrons. They also felt the Library does not recognize employees that provide high quality services. When providing suggestions for improving the Librarys services to the community, 20% of respondents voiced concerns with either the Library Director or the Executive Leadership Team. Respondents generally expressed dissatisfaction with the communication they receive from the Executive Leadership Team. They felt the Executive Leadership Team (1) does not encourage open and honest communication, (2) does not communicate information the employees need to know about the Library, and (3) has not communicated a vision of the future that motivates the employees. In fact, the lowest average scores among all rating scale questions dealt with these three communication issues involving the Executive Leadership Team. When asked how communications could be improved within the Library, respondents most frequently suggested: 1) increasing honesty and transparency in communications and 2) resolving communication issues with the Director and the Executive Leadership Team. In general, respondents expressed some disagreement that the Executive Leadership Team cares about staff and volunteers and that the Executive Leadership Team is accessible and approachable. When asked what could be done to make the Library a better place to work, 39% of respondents suggested resolving concerns or issues with either the Director or the Executive Leadership Team. Many respondents also suggested encouraging trust, respect, and cooperation among all employees and encouraging better overall communication and transparency.

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Executive Summary Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Library Services When rating the importance of various library services, respondents indicated that books and materials, circulation services, and reference services are most important. In general, respondents feel library employees demonstrate an attitude of caring for Library users and that they provide quality customer service to these users. In addition, respondents feel that coworkers within their departments have the skills needed to contribute to making the librarys services the best. Mission & Strategic Plan Although 71% of respondents said they know and understand the Librarys strategy and mission, the majority of them did not agree with any of the statements relating to the Librarys mission and strategic plan. Respondents generally feel that the Librarys current strategy and mission are not well implemented and that the Library does not have a clear sense of direction. In addition, participants generally indicated that the Executive Leadership Team of the Library has not communicated a vision of the Librarys future that motivates them. Pay & Benefits With relation to pay and benefits, respondents most agree with the statements, my vacation and sick leave is adequate and the majority of my work is within the framework of my job description. However, when it came to other aspects about their pay and benefits, respondents were fairly split between full time employees, who gave higher ratings, and part time employees, who gave lower ratings.

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Executive Summary Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Segment Analysis Summary

The following descriptions summarize the statistical findings from the Segment Analysis portion of the report. Analysis by Employment Status Results show that on average, part time employees are more satisfied in all areas than are full time employees. Part time employees seem to be more agreeable when it comes to their supervisor/manager, the provision of Library services, the Library mission and strategic plan, job satisfaction, communication, and concern for employees. The only exception is regarding pay and benefits, where full time employees, on average, are significantly more satisfied with most aspects of their pay and benefits than are part time employees. However, part time employees agreed more than full time employees with the following statement: The majority of my work is within the framework of my job description. Analysis by Job Title For this portion of the analysis, respondents were categorized into six segments based on their job title: Group 1: Manager, ELT Member Group 2: Circulation Specialist, Librarian, Senior Librarian Group 3: Support Services Specialist, Admin Secretary, Digital Media Specialist, Associate Librarian, Support Services Associate, Computer Associate, Tech Specialist, Account Specialist, Computer Specialist Group 4: Gardener, Lead Custodian, Maintenance Technician, Custodial Assistant, Delivery Tech, Custodian, Branch Custodian, Gardening Assistant Group 5: Computer Assistant, Library Assistant, Tech Services Assistant Group 6: Library Aide, Technician, Processing Aide Those employees working as custodians, gardeners, and maintenance people (Group 4) rated aspects about their immediate supervisor or manager lower, on average, than the other groups of employees. Employees in groups Four, Five, and Six, on average, were more agreeable in their rating of statements regarding Library services, Library mission and strategic plan, job satisfaction, and communication, than were other groups. The only exception is for the statements regarding pay and benefits, where

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Executive Summary Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

employees in Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 gave more favorable ratings than those in Groups 5 and 6. When asked to rate how much they agree or disagree with various statements regarding communication, employees in Group 2 gave much lower ratings when the statements involved the Executive Leadership Team. Analysis by Library Location On average, branch employees were more satisfied with their immediate supervisor/manager than were The Main Library employees. When asked to rate how much they agree with various statements regarding communications, branch employees, on average, were more agreeable than The Main Library employees. In response to the statements, The Executive Leadership Team communicates information that I need to know about the Library, and The Executive Leadership Team encourages open and honest communication, both Main library and Branch employees assigned lower ratings than for any other statement regarding communication. When asked to rate how much they agree with various statements regarding concern for employees, branch employees, on average, were more agreeable than The Main Library employees with the following statements: My immediate supervisor/manager cares about the staff and volunteers My immediate supervisor/manager responds to my problems in a fair manner Overall Satisfaction Analysis of Supervisor/Manager The aspects listed in the table below were found to be significant contributors to respondents overall satisfaction with their immediate supervisor or manager. The significant aspects are listed in order of significance. The Beta values are also listed below, which can be seen as a measurement of how much that aspect impacts respondents overall satisfaction. Statistically Significant Aspects 1 I trust my immediate supervisor/manager 2 My immediate supervisor/manager is a good leader Beta .418 .327

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Detailed Results
Employment at Library
As Figure 1 illustrates, 56% of employee respondents reported being employed by the Library part time, while 44% reported being employed full time.
Figure 1 Which of the following best describes your current position?
80% 60% 44% 40% 20% 0% Full Time Employees Part Time Employees 56%

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

As Figure 2 illustrates, more than one-quarter of respondents (27%) identified their job description as Computer Assistant, Library Assistant, or Tech Services Assistant. More than one-fifth of respondents each described their job position as Library Aide, Technician, or Processing Aide (22%) or Support Services/Digital Media/Tech/Account/Computer Specialist, Admin Secretary, Associate Librarian, Support Services Associate, Computer Associate (21%).
Figure 2 Which of the following best describes your job title?

Computer Assistant, Library Assistant, Tech Services Assistant


Library Aide, Technician, Processing Aide


Support Services/Digital Media/Tech/Account/Computer Specialists, Admin Secretary, Associate Librarian, Support Services Associate, Computer Associate


Circulation Specialist, Librarian, Senior Librarian


Manager, ELT Member


Custodial Assistant, Delivery Tech, Custodian, Branch Custodian, Gardening Assistant


Gardener, Lead Custodian, Maintenance Technician










Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

As illustrated by Figure 3, nearly two-thirds of respondents (65%) said they work at the main Salt Lake City Library, while more than one-third (35%) reported working at a branch.
Figure 3 At which library location do you work/volunteer?
80% 65% 60%




0% The Main Library A Branch


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Supervisors & Managers

Respondents were asked to rate how much they agree with various statements regarding their immediate supervisors or managers by using a one-to-seven rating scale where one is strongly disagree and seven is strongly agree. On average, respondents agree most with the statements: Assignments of working hours are made fairly (6.34) My immediate supervisor/manager treats me with respect (6.34) The evaluation of my job performance by my immediate supervisor/manager is fair and objective (6.24) Respondents, on average, least agreed with the statement, My last performance evaluation was useful in helping me improve my work performance (5.53). It is important t note, however, respondents gave relatively high average mean ratings to each of these statements, indicating that they somewhat agree with each of these statements. For details, please refer to Figure 4 on the following page.

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Figure 4 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about your immediate supervisor or manager.
Based on a scale where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 7 is "strongly agree"

Assignments of working hours are made f airly. My immediate supervisor/manager treats me with respect. The evaluation of my job perf ormance by my immediate supervisor/manager is f air and objective. My immediate supervisor/manager keeps his/her commitments. My immediate supervisor/manager encourages and supports my prof essional growth and development. I trust my immediate supervisor/manager.







I get clear instructions f rom my immediate supervisor/manager. My immediate supervisor/manager is a good leader. My immediate supervisor/manager provides me with timely and helpf ul f eedback. My immediate supervisor/manager handles situations timely and ef f ectively. My immediate supervisor/manager discusses my prof essional goals. My last perf ormance evaluation was usef ul in helping me improve my work perf ormance. 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00






5.53 6.00 7.00


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about your immediate supervisor or manager, using a one-to-seven scale where one is strongly disagree and seven is strongly agree.
Ratings 1 &2 Ratings 6&7 Net Promoter Score

Assignments of working hours are made fairly. My immediate supervisor/manager treats me with respect. My immediate supervisor/manager encourages and supports my professional growth and development. I trust my immediate supervisor/manager. My immediate supervisor/manager keeps his/her commitments. The evaluation of my job performance by my immediate supervisor/manager is fair and objective. I get clear instructions from my immediate supervisor/manager. My immediate supervisor/manager is a good leader. My immediate supervisor/manager provides me with timely and helpful feedback. My immediate supervisor/manager handles situations timely and effectively. My immediate supervisor/manager discusses my professional goals. My last performance evaluation was useful in helping me improve my work performance.

2% 5% 4% 7% 4% 4% 5% 6% 6% 6% 6% 8%

83% 86% 77% 80% 76% 75% 75% 75% 73% 72% 65% 57%

81% 81% 73% 73% 72% 71% 70% 69% 67% 66% 59% 49%

*The net promoter score looks at the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 6 or 7 minus the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 1 or 2.

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

When asked to rate their overall satisfaction with their immediate supervisors or managers, more than one-half of respondents (53%) said they are very satisfied with their supervisors or managers. Respondents, on average, gave a rating of 5.77 on the one-to-seven rating scale to describe their overall satisfaction with their supervisors or managers. Please see Figure 5 for details.
Figure 5 Overall, please rate how satisfied you are with your immediate supervisor/ manager.
1 Very Unsatisf ied 4%






7 Very Satisf ied


Dont Know 0%

1% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Ratings 1 &2

Ratings 6&7

Net Promoter Score

Overall satisfaction with immediate supervisor/manager




*The net promoter score looks at the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 6 or 7 minus the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 1 or 2. 14 Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Library Services
When asked to rate the importance of various library services by using a one-toseven rating scale where one is not at all important and seven is very important, respondents gave the highest average mean ratings to: Books and materials (6.35) Circulation (6.28) Reference (6.03) Electronic resources (5.91) Respondents gave the lowest average mean ratings, in terms of importance, to classes (5.22). Please see Figure 6 for further details.
Figure 6 Please rate the importance of each of the following library services.
Based on a one-to-seven scale where 1 is "not at all important" and 7 is "very important" Books and Materials 6.35



Ref erence


Electronic Resources


Community Gathering Spaces


Programming and Events




Classes 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

5.22 6.00 7.00

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Please rate the importance of each of the following library services on one-toseven scale where one is not at all important and seven is very important.
Ratings 1 &2 Ratings 6&7 Net Promoter Score

Book and Materials Circulation Reference Electronic Resources Community Gathering Spaces Programming and Events Outreach Classes

7% 7% 9% 7% 9% 6% 5% 9%

87% 86% 79% 74% 64% 56% 53% 48%

80% 79% 70% 67% 55% 50% 48% 39%

*The net promoter score looks at the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 6 or 7 minus the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 1 or 2.


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Respondents were also asked to rate how much they agree with statements regarding various library services by using a one-to-seven rating scale where one is strongly disagree and seven is strongly agree. On average, respondents agree most with the statements: Employees of the Library demonstrate an attitude of genuinely caring about Library users (6.18) The Library staff provides quality customer service (6.16) Members of my department have the skills to provide the best library services (6.01) Respondents, on average, indicated that they least agree with the statements: The Executive Leadership Team is committed to providing high quality products and services to patrons (3.58) The Library recognizes employees who provide high-quality library services (3.59) For further details, please see Figure 7 on the next page.

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Figure 7 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about library service
Based on a one-to-seven scale where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 7 is "strongly agree" Employees of the Library demonstrate an attitude of genuinely caring about Library users. The Library staf f provides quality customer service. 6.18


Members of my department have the skills to provide the best library services.


The Library is committed to quality service.


At the library, we have clear perf ormance standards f or service quality. I am encouraged to suggest new and better ways of providing services to the community. The Library provides quality training to improve library services.




Library policies and practices promote the most ef f ective library services.


The Library recognizes employees who provide high-quality library services. The Executive Leadership Team is committed to providing high quality products and services to patrons. 1.00 2.00 3.00








Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about library services, using a one-to-seven scale where one is strongly disagree and seven is strongly agree.
Ratings 1 &2 Ratings 6&7 Net Promoter Score

Employees of the Library demonstrate an attitude of genuinely caring about Library users. The Library staff provides quality customer service. Members of my departments have the skills to provide the best library services. The Library is committed to quality service. At the library, we have clear performance standards for service quality. I am encouraged to suggest new and better ways of providing services to the community. The Library provides quality training to improve library services. Library policies and practices promote the most effective library services. The Executive Leadership Team is committed to providing high quality products and services to patrons. The Library recognizes employees who provide high-quality library services.

2% 2% 2% 9% 16% 18% 17% 24% 35% 35%

80% 79% 71% 54% 41% 38% 28% 25% 20% 20%

78% 77% 69% 45% 25% 20% 11% 1% -15% -15%

*The net promoter score looks at the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 6 or 7 minus the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 1 or 2.

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Suggested Improvements
In order to identify areas that need improvement within the Salt Lake City Public Library System, respondents were asked:

What is the one thing you would do to improve Library services to the community?
In response to this question, 15% of respondents suggested resolving concerns with the Director, while 12% suggested increasing staff size and improving procedures, and 10% suggested improving Library services, programs, and events. For details, please see Figure 8 on the following page.


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Figure 8 What is the one thing you would do to improve Library services to the community?
Concerns about the Director Increased Staff Size and Improved Staffing Procedures Improve Library Services, Programs, and Events Improved Operations and Processes Better Training and Education Opportunities Concerns about the Executive Leadership Team and Management Focus on Customer Service and Patron Needs Better Fair Treatment of Employees and Improvement of Morale Improved Physical Facilities and Technology Improved Hiring Process Opportunities for Staff Involvement Improve Collections and Materials Increased Employee Pay and Incentive Programs Adjust Hours of Operation Better Communication and Transparency Currently Satisfied - No Changes Necessary Miscellaneous Don't Know/Unsure

15% 12% 10% 6% 6% 5% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 1% 2% 7% 2% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Mission & Strategic Plan

When asked if they know and understand the Librarys strategy and mission, nearly three-quarters of respondents (71%) answered affirmatively. However, 29% of respondents said they did not know or understand the Librarys strategy and mission. Please see Figure 9.
Figure 9 Do you know and understand the Librarys strategy and mission?
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes No




Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Respondents were then asked to indicate whether they agree or disagree with various statements relating to the Librarys mission and strategic plan. As Figure 10 illustrates, respondents gave either neutral ratings or ratings of disagreement with each statement relating to the Librarys mission and strategic plan. On average, respondents were neutral to these statements: I understand my role in the Librarys strategy and mission (4.26) I believe the Library has an outstanding future (4.00) I can see a clear link between my work and Librarys outcomes (3.78) Respondents, on average, indicated they somewhat disagree with all other statements relating to the Library and its mission or strategic plan.
Figure 10 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about the Library mission and strategic plan.
Based on a one-to-seven scale where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 7 is "strongly agree" I understand my role in the Librarys strategy and mission. 4.26

I believe the Library has an outstanding f uture.


I can see a clear link between my work and Librarys outcomes.


The Library has set realistic goals and outcomes.


The Librarys current strategy and mission are well implemented.


The Library has a clear sense of direction.


The Executive Leadership Team of the Library has communicated a vision of the f uture that motivates me. 1.00 2.00







Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about the Library mission and strategic plan, using a one-to-seven scale where one is strongly disagree and seven is strongly agree.
Ratings 1 &2 Ratings 6&7 Net Promoter Score

I understand my role in the Librarys strategy and mission. I believe the Library has an outstanding future. I can see a clear link between my work and Librarys outcomes. The Library has set realistic goals and outcomes. The Librarys current strategy and mission are well implemented. The Library has a clear sense of direction. The Executive Leadership Team of the Library has communicated a vision of the future that motivates me.

25% 31% 35% 42% 46% 48% 55%

35% 29% 27% 18% 13% 15% 14%

10% -2% -8% -24% -33% -33% -41%

*The net promoter score looks at the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 6 or 7 minus the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 1 or 2.


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Job Satisfaction
When asked to rate their level of agreement with various statements relating to job satisfaction, respondents, on average, indicated they most agree with the statement, I am proud to work for the Library (5.73). The statement receiving the second highest rating from respondents is The Library is a good place to work (5.01). Respondents, on average, gave neutral ratings to all other statements relating to their job satisfaction. For details, please see Figure 11.
Figure 11 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about your job satisfaction.
Based on a one-to-seven scale where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 7 is "strongly agree"

I am proud to work f or the Library.


The Library is a good place to work.


Overall, I am satisf ied with my job.


My job measures up to what I thought it would be when I took it.


I would recommend others to work at the Library.


I am appropriately involved in decisions that af f ect my work.


My ideas and suggestions are valued by management.


I am satisf ied with my opportunities f or advancement. 1.00 2.00 3.00

3.51 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about your job satisfaction, using a one-to-seven scale where one is strongly disagree and seven is strongly agree.
Ratings 1 &2 Ratings 6&7 Net Promoter Score

I am proud to work for the Library. The Library is a good place to work. Overall, I am satisfied with my job. My job measures up to what I thought it would be when I took it. I would recommend others to work at the Library. I am appropriately involved in decisions that affect my work. My ideas and suggestions are valued by management. I am satisfied with my opportunities for advancement.

8% 14% 15% 18% 24% 24% 31% 44%

64% 50% 47% 45% 43% 36% 32% 29%

56% 36% 32% 27% 19% 12% 1% -15%

*The net promoter score looks at the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 6 or 7 minus the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 1 or 2.


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Pay & Benefits

When asked to rate their level of agreement with various statements relating to pay and benefits, respondents, on average, indicated they most agree with the statement, My vacation and sick leave is adequate (5.96). The statement receiving the second highest rating from respondents is The majority of my work is within the framework of my job description (5.28). Respondents, on average, gave neutral ratings to all other statements relating to their pay and benefits. For details, please see Figure 12.
Figure 12 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about pay and benefits.
Based on a one-to-seven scale where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 7 is "strongly agree"

My vacation and sick leave is adequate.


The majority of my work is within the f ramework of my job description.


I am satisf ied with my benef its package.


My retirement plan is adequate.


I am paid f airly f or the work I do.


My health insurance coverage is adequate.


The premiums I pay f or insurance coverage is reasonable. 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00





Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about pay and benefits, using a one-to-seven scale where one is strongly disagree and seven is strongly agree.
Ratings 1 &2 Ratings 6&7 Net Promoter Score

My vacation and sick leave is adequate. The majority of my work is within the framework of my job description. I am paid fairly for the work I do. I am satisfied with my benefits package. My retirement plan is adequate. My health insurance coverage is adequate. The premiums I pay for insurance coverage is reasonable.

3% 12% 18% 13% 12% 15% 14%

67% 56% 40% 30% 25% 24% 18%

64% 44% 22% 17% 13% 9% 4%

*The net promoter score looks at the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 6 or 7 minus the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 1 or 2.


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Respondents were asked to rate how much they agree with various statements regarding communications at the Library using a one-to-seven rating scale where one is strongly disagree and seven is strongly agree. On average, respondents agree most with the statements: I get clear instructions from my supervisor (5.91) My immediate supervisor/manager encourages and provides open and honest communication (5.89) I am satisfied with the communication I receive from my supervisor about my performance throughout the year (5.83) There is good communication among members of my department (5.82) My supervisor keeps me informed about matters affecting me (5.79) Respondents, on average, indicated they agree least with the following statements regarding communication: The Executive Leadership Team encourages open and honest communication (2.65) The Executive Leadership Team communicates the information that I need to know about the Library (2.86) For details, please see Figure 13 on the following page.

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Figure 13 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about communications.
Based on a one-to-seven scale where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 7 is "strongly agree"

I get clear instructions f rom my supervisor. My immediate supervisor/manager encourages and provides open and honest communication. I am satisf ied with the communication I receive f rom my supervisor about my perf ormance throughout the year. There is good communication among members of my department. My supervisor keeps me inf ormed about matters af f ecting me. I have a clear understanding of what is expected of me. I receive the inf ormation and communication I need to do my job ef f ectively. The inf ormation I receive f rom other departments and committees is adequate. Organization policies are clearly communicated. The Executive Leadership Team communicates the inf ormation that I need to know about the Library. The Executive Leadership Team encourages open and honest communication. 1.00 2.00 4.07










2.65 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about communications, using a one-to-seven scale where one is strongly disagree and seven is strongly agree.
Ratings 1 &2 Ratings 6&7 Net Promoter Score

I get clear instructions from my supervisor. My immediate supervisor/manager encourages and provides open and honest communication. There is good communication among members of my department. My supervisor keeps me informed about matters affecting me. I am satisfied with the communication I receive from my supervisor about my performance throughout the year. I have a clear understanding of what is expected of me. I receive the information and communication I need to do my job effectively. The information I receive from other departments and committees is adequate. Organization policies are clearly communicated. The Executive Leadership Team communicates the information that I need to know about the Library. The Executive Leadership encourages open and honest communication.

4% 7% 5% 7% 6% 9% 12% 23% 34% 52% 54%

72% 74% 70% 71% 69% 59% 46% 23% 21% 13% 13%

68% 67% 65% 64% 63% 50% 34% 0% -13% -39% -41%

*The net promoter score looks at the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 6 or 7 minus the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 1 or 2.

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Respondents were then asked:

What is one way that communications could be improved within the Library?
In response to this question, 19% of respondents suggested improving honesty, transparency and keeping staff informed, while 13% suggested resolving concerns with the Director. For details, please see Figure 14 on the following page.


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Figure 14 What is one way that communications could be improved within the Library?
Better Honesty/Transparency/Information Concerns about the Director Concerns about the Executive Leadership Team Better General Communication Change the Management Structure More Opportunities for Direct Communication More Clarity in Communications Allow Freedom to Communicate Without Fear Better Listening and Addressing of Employee Concerns Improve Communication Chain Improved Communication Methods More Respect and Understanding Better Communication Among Departments More Education Related to Communication Better Communication of Expectations More Encouragement of Honesty from Employees Encourage More Employee Involvement Currently Satisfied Miscellaneous Don't Know/Unsure

19% 13% 9% 6% 6% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 4% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Concern for Employees

As Figure 15 on the following page illustrates, respondents, on average, said they most agree with the statements regarding the concern their immediate supervisors and managers provide, but least agree with the statements regarding the concern provided by the Executive Leadership Team. On average, respondents agreed most with these statements regarding the Librarys concern for its employees: My immediate supervisor/manager cares about the staff and volunteers (6.18) My immediate supervisor/manager responds to my problems in a fair manner (6.02) Respondents, on average, agreed least with these statements relating to the Librarys concern for its employees: The Executive Leadership Team cares about the staff and volunteers (3.02) Members of the Executive Leadership Team are accessible and approachable (3.03)


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Figure 15 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about concern for employees.
Based on a one-to-seven scale where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 7 is "strongly agree" My immediate supervisor/manager cares about the staf f and volunteers.


My immediate supervisor/manager responds to my problems in a f air manner.


I have access to the training I need to do my job ef f ectively. The Library provides me the opportunity to improve my prof essional knowledge and job skills.



I f eel I have job security. If I had the skills needed f or another position at the library, I would receive f air consideration f or transf er or promotion to that job. Members of the Executive Leadership Team are accessible and approachable. 3.03



The Executive Leadership Team cares about the staf f and volunteers. 1.00 2.00







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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about concern for employees, using a one-to-seven scale where one is strongly disagree and seven is strongly agree.
Ratings 1 &2 Ratings 6&7 Net Promoter Score

My immediate supervisor/manager cares about the staff and volunteers. My immediate supervisor/manager responds to my problems in a fair manner. I have access to the training I need to do my job effectively. The Library provides me with the opportunity to improve my professional concern for employees. I feel I have job security. If I had the skills necessary for another position at the library, I would receive fair consideration for transfer to or promotion to that job. The Executive Leadership Team cares about the staff and volunteers. Members of the Executive Leadership Team are accessible and approachable.

5% 5% 13% 16% 23% 30% 47% 45%

79% 75% 40% 40% 28% 20% 16% 13%

74% 70% 27% 24% 5% -10% -31% -32%

*The net promoter score looks at the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 6 or 7 minus the percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 1 or 2.


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Making the Library a Better Place to Work

As a concluding question, respondents were asked:

In your opinion, what is one thing that could be done to make the Library a better place to work?
In response to this question, one-quarter of respondents (24%) suggested resolving concerns with the Director, while 15% suggested resolving concerns with the Executive Leadership Team. For details, please see Figure 16 on the following page.

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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Figure 16 In your opinion, what is one thing that could be done to make the Library a better place to work?
Concerns about the Director Concerns about the Executive Leadership Team Better Trust, Respect, and Cooperation Among All Employees Better Communication and Transparency Increased Employee Pay Increased Staf f Size Better Training Opportunities Better Fair Treatment of Employees Better Opportunities f or Advancement Improved Procedures and Processes Opportunities f or More Hours Improved Physical Facilities Dismiss Inadequate or Incompetent Employees Currently Satisf ied, No Changes Necessary Miscellaneous Don't Know/Unsure 0% 2% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 5% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 2% 12% 9% 8% 15% 24%


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Segment Analysis
In this section of the report, similarities and differences among segments within the survey population are examined. The following descriptions, tables, and charts present the statistically significant differences among respondents by segment. These segments include the following: Employment Status (Full Time Employee vs. Part Time Employee) Job Title Library Location (Main Library vs. A Branch) Statistical significance is defined as a difference in value that is too large to be attributed to chance alone, thus describing the relationship that exists between the demographic variable of interest and the survey responses.

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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Segment Analysis by Employment Status For this portion of the analysis, differences between Full Time Employees and Part Time Employees were examined.


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

As is illustrated in Segment Analysis Figure 1 below, when asked to rate how much they agree or disagree with various statements regarding their immediate supervisor or manager, part time employees, on average, were more agreeable than full time employees.
Segment Analysis Figure 1 Agreement with Statements About Immediate Supervisor/Manager Compared by Employment Status Based on a seven-point rating scale
Siginificant Differences Marked With An Asterisk* Assignments of working hours are made f airly * My immediate supervisor/manager treats me with respect The evaluation of my job perf ormance by my immediate supervisor/manager is f air and objective My immediate supervisor/manager encourages and supports my prof essional growth and development * My immediate supervisor/manager keeps his/her commitments * I trust my immediate supervisor/manager * My immediate supervisor/manager provides me with timely and helpf ul f eedback * I get clear instructions f rom my immediate manager/supervisor * My immediate supervisor/manager is a good leader My immediate supervisor/manager discusses my prof essional goals * My immediate supervisor/manager handles situations timely and ef f ectively My last perf ormance evaluation was usef ul in helping me improve my work perf ormance 1.00
Full Time Employee

6.27 6.40 6.09 6.53 6.05 6.40 5.89 6.32 5.85 6.38 5.66 6.36 5.62 6.22 5.59 6.31 5.58 6.26 5.54 5.91 5.48 6.31 5.35 5.67 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00

Part Time Employee

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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

On average, part time employees (6.02 average mean) were more satisfied with their immediate supervisor/manager than were full time employees (5.44). When asked to rate the importance of various library services, part time employees (6.52 average mean) found circulation more important than did full time employees (5.97).


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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

When asked to rate how much they agree or disagree with various statements regarding library service, part time employees, on average, were more agreeable than full time employees. Please see Segment Analysis Figure 2 below for details.
Segment Analysis Figure 2 Agreement with Statements About Library Service Compared by Employment Status Based on a seven-point rating scale
Siginificant Differences Marked With An Asterisk* Employees of the Library demonstrate an attitude of genuinly caring about Library users. The Library staf f provides quality customer service * Members of my department have the skills to provide the best library services 4.97 5.52 4.48 4.84 4.06 4.97 3.94 4.82 3.72 4.35 3.17 3.91 3.08 3.99 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 6.28 6.11 6.23 6.11 5.80 6.16

The Library is committed to quality service

At the Library, we have clear perf ormance standards f or service quality * I am encouraged to suggest new and better ways of providing services to the community * The Library provides quality training to improve library services * Library policies and practices promote the most ef f ective library services * The Library recognizes employees who provide high-quality library services * The Executive Leadership Team is committed to providing high quality products and services to patrons. 1.00
Full Time Employee

Part Time Employee

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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

As is illustrated in Segment Analysis Figure 3 below, when asked to rate how much they agree or disagree with various statements regarding the Library mission and strategic plan, part time employees, on average, were more agreeable than full time employees.
Segment Analysis Figure 3 Agreement with Statements About the Library Mission and Strategic Plan Compared by Employment Status Based on a seven-point rating scale
Siginificant Differences Marked With An Asterisk* I understand my role in the Library's strategy and mission 4.35 4.19 3.71 3.83 3.50 4.38 2.88 3.60 2.70 3.24 2.66 3.24 2.54 2.96 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00

I can see a clear link between my work and the Library's outcomes

* I believe the Library has an outstanding f uture

* The Library has set realistic goals and outcomes

The Library's current strategy and mission are well implemented

* The Library has a clear sense of direction

The Executive Leadership Team of the Library has communicated a vision of the f uture that motivates me 1.00
Full Time Employee

Part Time Employee


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

When asked to rate how much they agree with various statements regarding job satisfaction, part time employees, on average, were more agreeable than full time employees. Please see Segment Analysis Figure 4 below for details.
Segment Analysis Figure 4 Agreement with Statements About Job Satisfaction Compared by Employment Status Based on a seven-point rating scale
Siginificant Differences Marked With An Asterisk* 5.45 5.93 4.52 5.36 4.42 5.17 4.34 5.17 3.96 5.02 3.65 4.82 3.39 3.60 3.37 4.59 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00

I am proud to work at the Library

* The Library is a good place to work

* My job measures up to what I thought it would be when I took it

* Overall, I am satisf ied with my job

* I would recommend others to work at the Library

* I am appropriately involved in decisions that af f ect my work

I am satisf ied with my opportunities f or advancement

* My ideas and suggestions are valued by management 1.00

Full Time Employee

Part Time Employee

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

When asked how much they agree with various statements regarding pay and benefits, on average, part time employees agreed more than did full time employees with the statement The majority of my work is within the framework of my job description. However, full time employees agreed more than did part time employees, on average, with the majority of statements regarding pay and benefits. Please see Segment Analysis Figure 5 below for details.
Segment Analysis Figure 5 Agreement with Statements About Pay and Benefits Compared by Employment Status Based on a seven-point rating scale
Siginificant Differences Marked With An Asterisk* 6.30 5.66 5.25 3.07 5.21 3.88 5.12 2.65 4.96 5.53 4.53 4.66 4.45 3.23 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00

* My vacation and sick leave is adequate

* My retirement plan is adequate

* I am satisf ied with my benef it package

* My health insurance coverage is adequate

* The majority of my work is within the f ramework of my job description

I am paid f airly f or the work I do

* The premiums I pay f or insurance coverage is reasonable 1.00

Full Time Employee

Part Time Employee


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

As is illustrated in Segment Analysis Figure 6 below, when asked to rate how much they agree with various statements regarding communications, part time employees, on average, were more agreeable than full time employees.
Segment Analysis Figure 6 Agreement with Statements About Communications Compared by Employment Status Based on a seven-point rating scale
Siginificant Differences Marked With An Asterisk* There is good communication among members of my department 5.70 5.91 5.64 6.10 5.44 6.24 5.43 6.15 5.40 6.08 4.89 5.79 4.26 5.38 3.85 4.24 3.30 3.79 2.63 3.05 2.47 2.80 1.00
Full Time Employee

* I get clear instructions f rom my supervisor * My immediate supervisor/manager encouraged and provides open and honest communication * I am satisf ied with the communication I receive f rom my supervisor about my perf ormance throughout the year * My supervisor keeps me inf ormed about matters af f ecting me * I have a clear understanding of what is expected of me * I receive the inf ormation and communication I need to do my job ef f ectively The inf ormation I receive f rom other departments and committees is adequate Organization policies are clearly communicated The Executive Leadership Team communicates the inf ormation that I need to know about the Library The Executive Leadership Team encourages open and honest communication 2.00






Part Time Employee

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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

When asked to rate how much they agree with various statements regarding concern for employees, part time employees, on average, were more agreeable than full time employees. Please see Segment Analysis Figure 7 below for details.
Segment Analysis Figure 7 Agreement with Statements About Concern for Employees Compared by Employment Status Based on a seven-point rating scale
Siginificant Differences Marked With An Asterisk* * My immediate supervisor/manager cares about the staf f and volunteers 5.83 6.44

* My immediate supervisor/manager responds to my problems in a f air manner

5.66 6.30

* The Library provides me with the opportunity to improve my prof essional knowledge and job skills

4.41 5.01

* I have access to the training I need to do my job ef f ectively

4.38 5.32

I f eel I have job security

3.80 4.32

If I had the skills needed f or another position at the Library, I would receive f air consideration f or transf er or promotion of that job Members of the Executive Leadership Team are accessible and approachable 3.05 3.01

3.77 3.79

* The Executive Leadership Team cares about the staf f and volunteers 1.00
Full Time Employee

2.66 3.31 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00

Part Time Employee


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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Segment Analysis by Job Title For this portion of the analysis, respondents were categorized into six segments based on their job title: Group One: Manager, ELT Member Group Two: Circulation Specialist, Librarian, Senior Librarian Group Three: Support Services Specialist, Admin Secretary, Digital Media Specialist, Associate Librarian, Support Services Associate, Computer Associate, Tech Specialist, Account Specialist, Computer Specialist Group Four: Gardener, Lead Custodian, Maintenance Technician, Custodial Assistant, Delivery Tech, Custodian, Branch Custodian, Gardening Assistant Group Five: Computer Assistant, Library Assistant, Tech Services Assistant Group Six: Library Aide, Technician, Processing Aide As shown in Segment Analysis Table 1, Group Four employees rated statements about their immediate supervisor or manager lower, on average, than the other groups of employees. Segment Analysis Table 1 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about your immediate supervisor or manager.
Group One My immediate supervisor / manager handles situations timely and effectively. My immediate supervisor / manager encourages and supports my professional growth and development. My immediate supervisor / manager provides me with timely and helpful feedback. My immediate supervisor / manager treats me with respect. My immediate supervisor / manager keeps his / her commitments. I get clear instructions from my immediate supervisor / manager. Group Two Group Three Group Four Group Five Group Six

5.19 6.00 5.40 6.05 5.38 5.29

6.29 6.30 6.36 6.68 6.37 6.18

5.91 6.44 6.07 6.44 6.23 5.98

4.75 4.82 4.94 5.35 5.00 5.31

6.22 6.19 6.08 6.49 6.43 6.27

6.22 6.23 6.06 6.32 6.33 6.13

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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

When asked to rate the importance of specific library services, Group Four employees (6.13 average mean) rated classes higher in importance, on average, than Group One (4.57), Group Two (4.79), and Group Five employees (5.12). When rating how much they agree or disagree with specific statements about library service, Groups Four, Five, and Six employees, on average, were more agreeable with the following statements: At the Library, we have clear performance standards for services quality. The Executive Leadership Team is committed to providing high quality products and services to patrons. The Library is committed to quality service. I am encouraged to suggest new and better ways of providing services to the community. The Library provides quality training to improve library services. Library policies and practices promote the most effective library services Please see Segment Analysis Table 2 for details. Segment Analysis Table 2 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about library service.
Group One At the Library, we have clear performance standards for service quality. The Executive Leadership Team is committed to providing high quality products and services to patrons. The Library is committed to quality service. The Library recognizes employees who provide highquality library services. I am encouraged to suggest new and better ways of providing services to the community. The Library provides quality training to improve library services. Library policies and practices promote the most effective library services. Group Two Group Three Group Four Group Five Group Six

3.95 3.45 4.75 3.15 4.15 4.15 3.20

4.36 2.25 5.08 3.14 3.96 3.57 3.56

3.91 2.79 4.35 2.93 4.11 3.63 3.36

5.93 5.43 6.27 5.07 5.33 5.93 5.57

4.95 4.06 5.46 3.69 4.96 4.61 4.37

5.22 4.20 5.98 4.14 4.87 5.20 4.66


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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

As shown in Segment Analysis Table 3, Groups Four, Five, and Six were more agreeable to the statements regarding the Library mission and strategic plan that are listed in the table; Group One was also more agreeable for the statements: The Executive Leadership Team of the Library has communicated a vision of the future that motivates me I believe the Library has an outstanding future Segment Analysis Table 3 Please rate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the Library mission and strategic plan.
Group One The Library has set realistic goals and outcomes. The Library has a clear sense of direction. I can see a clear link between my work and the Librarys outcomes. The Executive Leadership Team of the Library has communicated a vision of the future that motivates me. I believe the Library has an outstanding future. The Librarys current strategy and mission are well implemented. Group Two Group Three Group Four Group Five Group Six

2.95 3.10 4.35 3.10 4.25 2.80

2.29 1.86 2.71 1.86 3.04 1.93

2.51 2.23 3.49 2.05 2.73 2.35

5.00 4.71 5.13 4.00 5.63 4.71

3.57 3.14 4.00 3.12 4.29 3.25

3.95 3.69 3.73 3.09 4.81 3.62

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

When asked to rate how much they agree or disagree with specific statements regarding job satisfaction, Groups Four, Five, and Six were more agreeable than Groups Two and Three with the statements: I would recommend others to work at the Library My job measures up to what I thought it would be when I took it The Library is a good place to work Overall, I am satisfied with my job Groups Four and Six were more agreeable than Groups One, Two, and Three with the statement, I am appropriately involved in decisions that affect my work. Also, Group Six was more agreeable than Groups One, Two, and Three with the statement, My ideas and suggestions are valued by management. Segment Analysis Table 4 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about your job satisfaction.
Group One I would recommend others to work at the Library. My job measures up to what I thought it would be when I took it. The Library is a good place to work. Overall, I am satisfied with my job. I am appropriately involved in decisions that affect my work. My ideas and suggestions are valued by management. Group Two Group Three Group Four Group Five Group Six

4.20 4.75 4.50 4.40 4.05 3.85

3.07 3.86 4.26 3.89 3.39 3.46

3.65 3.74 4.17 4.12 3.74 3.09

5.87 5.60 5.81 5.67 3.88 4.19

4.98 5.10 5.25 5.17 4.68 4.36

5.57 5.64 5.85 5.51 5.25 5.07


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

When asked to rate how much they agree or disagree with various statements regarding their pay and benefits, in general, Groups One, Two, Three, and Four were more agreeable than Groups Five and Six. Please see Segment Analysis Table 5 below for details. Segment Analysis Table 5 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about pay and benefits.
Group One My retirement plan is adequate. The premiums I pay for insurance coverage is reasonable. My vacation and sick leave is adequate. My health insurance coverage is adequate. I am satisfied with my benefit package. Group Two Group Three Group Four Group Five Group Six

5.30 3.65 6.55 5.25 5.35

5.37 4.62 6.37 5.41 5.52

4.72 4.37 6.11 4.32 4.47

5.58 5.42 6.50 5.31 6.07

3.86 4.12 5.56 3.54 3.70

3.00 2.70 5.45 2.62 4.06

Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011


Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

As shown in Segment Analysis Table 6, generally speaking, Groups Four, Five, and Six were more agreeable with specific statements about communications, while Groups Two and Three were less agreeable. Segment Analysis Table 6 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about communications.
Group One The information I receive from other departments and committees is adequate. The Executive Leadership Team communicates the information that I need to know about the Library. Organization policies are clearly communicated. I receive the information and communication I need to do my job effectively. I have a clear understanding of what is expected of me. The Executive Leadership Team encourages open and honest communication. Group Two Group Three Group Four Group Five Group Six

4.50 2.95 3.10 4.15 4.55 2.90

3.00 1.75 2.71 4.19 4.86 1.57

3.57 2.09 3.05 4.07 4.98 2.00

4.93 4.43 5.06 5.67 5.80 4.21

4.21 3.23 3.80 5.25 5.74 2.94

4.64 3.40 4.04 5.80 5.98 3.12

When asked to rate how much they agree with specific statements about concern for employees, Groups Four, Five, and Six were generally more agreeable with: The Executive Leadership Team cares about the staff and volunteers. I feel I have job security. Segment Analysis Table 7 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about concern for employees.
Group One The Executive Leadership Team cares about the staff and volunteers. I feel I have job security. Group Two Group Three Group Four Group Five Group Six

3.25 4.05

1.86 3.11

2.28 3.33

3.82 5.50

3.53 4.37

3.67 4.77


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Segment Analysis by Library Location For this portion of the analysis, differences between The Main Library Employees and Branch Employees were examined. As is displayed in Segment Analysis Table 8 below, when asked to rate how much they agree or disagree with various statements regarding their immediate supervisor or manager, branch employees, on average, were more agreeable than The Main Library employees with the following statements: My immediate supervisor/manager handles situations timely and effectively My immediate supervisor/manager provides me with timely and helpful feedback My immediate supervisor/manager is a good leader The evaluation of my job performance was useful in helping me improve my work performance I get clear instructions from my immediate supervisor/manager Segment Analysis Table 8 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about your immediate supervisor or manager.
The Main Library A Branch

My immediate supervisor / manager handles situations timely and effectively. My immediate supervisor / manager provides me with timely and helpful feedback. My immediate supervisor/manager is a good leader The evaluation of my job performance was useful in helping me improve my work performance I get clear instructions from my immediate supervisor/manager

5.76 5.77 5.79 6.10 5.82

6.30 6.32 6.30 6.51 6.34

On average, branch employees (6.00 average mean) were more satisfied with their immediate supervisor/manager than were The Main Library employees (5.64). When asked to rate the importance of various library services, branch employees (6.57 average mean) found circulation to be more important than did The Main Library employees (6.12).

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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

As is illustrated in Segment Analysis Figure 8 below, when asked to rate how much they agree with various statements regarding communications, branch employees, on average, were more agreeable than The Main Library employees.
Segment Analysis Figure 8 Agreement with Statements About Communications Compared by Library Location Based on a seven-point rating scale
Siginificant Differences Marked With An Asterisk* 5.76 6.19 5.67 6.10 5.62 6.39 5.57 6.34 5.56 6.23 5.18 5.81 4.74 5.21 4.02 4.16 3.54 3.64 2.80 2.97 2.57 2.79 1.00
Main Library

* I get clear instructions f rom my supervisor

* There is good communication among members of my department * My immediate supervisor/manager encouraged and provides open and honest communication * I am satisf ied with the communication I receive f rom my supervisor about my perf ormance throughout the year * My supervisor keeps me inf ormed about matters af f ecting me * I have a clear understanding of what is expected of me * I receive the inf ormation and communication I need to do my job ef f ectively The inf ormation I receive f rom other departments and committees is adequate Organization policies are clearly communicated The Executive Leadership Team communicates the inf ormation that I need to know about the Library The Executive Leadership Team encourages open and honest communication 2.00






A Branch


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

As is displayed in Segment Analysis Table 9 below, when asked to rate how much they agree with various statements regarding concern for employees, branch employees, on average, were more agreeable than The Main Library employees with the following statements: My immediate supervisor/manager cares about the staff and volunteers My immediate supervisor/manager responds to my problems in a fair manner Segment Analysis Table 9 Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements about your concern for employees.
The Main Library A Branch

My immediate supervisor/manager cares about the staff and volunteers My immediate supervisor/manager responds to my problems in a fair manner

5.97 5.84

6.57 6.39

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Internal Employee Survey Report Prepared for Salt Lake City Public Library System

Overall Satisfaction Regression Analysis

An additional analysis was run to determine which aspects of respondents immediate supervisor or manager contributes the most to the overall satisfaction with their immediate supervisor or manager. The aspects listed in the table below were found to be significant contributors to respondents overall satisfaction with their immediate supervisor or manager. The significant aspects are listed in order of significance. The Beta values are also listed below, which can be seen as a measurement of how much that aspect impacts respondents overall satisfaction.

Statistically Significant Aspects

1 I trust my immediate supervisor/manager 2 My immediate supervisor/manager is a good leader

Beta .418 .327

As is seen in the tables above, the top aspect that affects respondents overall satisfaction with their supervisor/manager was the fact that they trust their immediate supervisor/manager. Another aspect that had a significant influence on respondents overall satisfaction with their supervisor/manager was that their immediate supervisor/manager is a good leader.


Lighthouse Research & Development, Inc. September 2011

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