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Digital Logic Design II (EE 411)

Department of Electrical Engineering

Taibah University
Ibrahim Altarjami

September 4, 2022

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Overview : Information Representation in Digital Circuits

• In the logic circuits, the information is represented by combinations of 0 and 1.

• For example, the logic values which are used to represent the voltage levels in electric
circuit can be as fallow:
• The value 0 is representing the ground or 0 V.
• The value 1 is representing the voltage level of the electric circuit power supply (1 V to 5 V).
Decimal Numbers
• In the familiar decimal system, a decimal system is a number consists of digits that have
10 possible values (from 0 to 9), where each digit represents a multiple of a power of 10.

The number 547.85 can be written as
5 ×102 + 4 × 101 + 7 × 100 + 8 × 10−1 + 5 × 10−2

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Decimal Numbers
• a decimal integer is expressed by an (n+m)-tuple comprising n+m decimal digits as
shown below.
Positional Number Representation
D = dn−1 dn−2 · · · d1 d0 .d−1 d−2 · · · d1−m d−m , represents the value
V (D) = dn−1 × 10n−1 + dn−2 × 10n−2 + · · · + d1 × 101 + d0 × 100 + d−1 × 10−1 + d−2 ×
10−2 + · · · + d1−m × 101−m + d−m × 10−m

The number 547.85 can be written as
5 ×102 + 4 × 101 + 7 × 100 + 8 × 10−1 + 5 × 10−2 , n=3 and m=2.

• Because the digits have 10 possible values and each digit is weighted as a power of 10,
then the decimal numbers are base-10 numbers.

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Binary Numbers
• Since digital circuits represent information using only the values 0 and 1, it is not
practical to have digits that can assume ten values. In logic circuits it is more appropriate
to use the binary, or base-2, system, because it has only the digits 0 and 1.
Positional Number Representation
D = dn−1 dn−2 · · · d1 d0 .d−1 d−2 · · · d1−m d−m , represents the value
V (D) = dn−1 × 2n−1 + dn−2 × 2n−2 + · · · + d1 × 21 + d0 × 20 + d−1 × 2−1 + d−2 × 2−2 +
· · · + d1−m × 21−m + d−m × 2−m

The binary number 1101 can be written as
1 ×23 + 1 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20 = 13.
• For n digits, there are 2n possible numbers in the binary system.

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Number Base Conversions

From any base-r number to decimal (base-10) :
(B65F )16

From decimal (base-10) any base-r number :

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Number Base Conversions

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Number Base Conversions

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Introduction to Logic Circuits (variables and functions)
• In binary logic circuits there are only two values, 0 and 1. The general form of a logic
circuit is a switching network.
• The simplest binary element is a switch that has two states. If the switch is controlled by
x, we say the switch is open if x = 0 and closed if x = 1.

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Introduction to Logic Circuits (variables and functions)

• Assume the switch controls a light

bulb as shown in the left figure, The
output is defined as the state of the
light L :
• If the light is on, then L = 1.
• If the light is off, then L = 0.
• The state of L, as function of x is
L(x) is a logic function , x is an input

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Variables and Functions (OR gate)

• Consider the possibility of two switches controlling the state of the light.
• Using a parallel connection, the light will be on only if either or both switches are closed.
• L(x1, x2)= x1+ x2.
• L=1 if x1 OR x2 is 1 (or both).
• The circuit below implements a logical OR function (+).

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Variables and Functions (AND gate)

• Using a series connection, the light will be on only if both switches are closed.
• L(x1, x2)= x1 * x2.
• L=1 iff x1 AND x2 is 1.
• The circuit below implements a logical AND function (*).

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Variables and Functions (NOT gate)

• Using parallel connection with the light.

• L(x1)= x, L(x) is the inverse (or complement) of x.
• L=1 if x=0 and L=0 if x=1.
• The circuit below implements a logical NOT function.

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Truth Tables
• Truth Table is a table that fully describes a logic function where the output value is based
on the input combinations.
• Truth table for AND and OR functions of two variables are presented below :

Exercises :
Write the truth table for NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR.
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Boolean Algebra

• Boolean algebra is based on a set of rules derived from a small number of basic
assumptions (axioms) [left list].
• From the axioms are derived some rules for dealing with single variables which are the
single-variable theorems [right list].

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• Axioms and single-variable theorems are expressed in pairs that reflects the importance of
• Given any logic expression, its dual is formed by replacing all + with * , and vice versa
and replacing all 0s with 1s and vice versa.

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• The dual of any true statement is also true.

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Proof (Duality)

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Proof (Duality)

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Extra Exercises

Proof the fallowing logic equations :
(X + A)(X + A)(A + C )(A + D)X = AX
Example 2.1 in the book:
(x1 + x3 ) ∗ (x1 + x3 ) = x1 ∗ x3 + x1 ∗ x3
Example 2.2 in the book:
x1 ∗ x3 + x2 ∗ x3 + x1 ∗ x3 + x2 ∗ x3 = x1 ∗ x2 + x1 ∗ x2 + x1 ∗ x2

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Truth Tables

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Venn diagrams
• Venn diagram: graphical illustration of various operations and relations in an algebra of

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Notation and terminology
• Because of the similarity with arithmetic addition and multiplication operations, the OR
and AND operations are often called the logical sum and product operations.
• The expression ABC + ABD + AC E is a sum of three product terms
• The expression (A + B + C )(A + B + D)(A + C + E ) is a product of three sum terms
• When a function is written as a sum of minterms, the form is called a standard sum-of
products. For a given row of the truth table, the minterm is formed by including xi if xi =
1 and by including xi if xi = 0.
• When a function is written as a sum of maxterms, the form is called a standard product
of sum. For a given row of the truth table, the minterm is formed by including xi if xi = 0
and by including xi if xi = 1.
• In the absence of parentheses, operations in a logical expression are performed in the
order NOT, AND, and then OR.

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Maxterms vs. Minterms
• Maxterms is the complement of minterms, as shown in the below tables.
• Maxterms : f (x, y , z) = Π (Mi , ..., Mj )
• Minterms : f (x, y , z) = (mi , ..., mj )

Row number x y z Minterm Row number x y z Maxterm

0 0 0 0 m0 = xy z 0 0 0 0 M0 = x + y + z
1 0 0 1 m1 = xy z 1 0 0 1 M1 = x + y + z
2 0 1 0 m2 = xy z 2 0 1 0 M2 = x + y + z
3 0 1 1 m3 = xyz 3 0 1 1 M3 = x + y + z
4 1 0 0 m4 = xy z 4 1 0 0 M4 = x + y + z
5 1 0 1 m5 = xy z 5 1 0 1 M5 = x + y + z
6 1 1 0 m6 = xy z 6 1 1 0 M6 = x + y + z
7 1 1 1 m7 = xyz 7 1 1 1 M7 = x + y + z

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Logic Circuit Design

Assume we want to design a logic circuit with three inputs A, B, and C. The circuit output
should be 1 only when A=1 and either B or C (or both) is 1.

• A=1, B=0, C=1 , ABC

• A=1, B=1, C=0 , ABC
• A=1, B=1, C=1 , ABC
The function could be written as
• f(A,B,C)=ABC + ABC + ABC .
• Maxterms (Product of Sum) : f (A, B, C ) = Π (M0 , M1 , M2 , M3 , M4 )
• Minterms (Sum of Product): f (x, y , z) = (m5 , m6 , m7 )

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Logic Circuit Design

Assume a room has three doors and a switch by each door controls a single light in the room.
• Assume the light is off if all switches are open
• Closing any switch turns the light on. Closing another switch will have to turn the light
• Light is on if any one switch is closed and off if two (or no) switches are closed.
• Light is on if all three switches are closed

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• Write the minimal function of the following terms:
• f (x, y , z) = Π (M1 , M2 , M3 , M4 )
• f (x, y , z) = (m0 , m1 , m2 , m3 ).
• f (x, y , z) = (m0 , m1 , m5 , m6 , m7 )

• Express the following function in a Minterms (SOP):

• x +y ∗z
• x ∗y +x ∗z

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NAND and NOR Logic Networks
• AND, OR, and NOT gates used in the synthesis of logic circuits.
• There are other basic logic functions such as NAND and NOR function. These functions
are attractive because they are implemented with simpler electronic circuits than the AND
and OR functions.

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NAND and NOR Logic Networks
• Taking the function f (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 ) = x1 ∗ x2 + x3 ∗ x4 ∗ x5 as an example to convert it
to NAND and NOR gates only.

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Multiplexer circuit
• In computer systems it is often necessary to choose data from exactly one of the input
Design a circuit that has an output (f) that is exactly the same as one of two data inputs (x,y)
based on the value of a control input (s).
• If s=0 then f=x , If s=1 then f=y.
• The function f is really a function of three variables (s,x,y).

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Timing Diagram
• Shows the logic values of signals in a circuit over the time period.
• Below is an example of how to read the timing diagram.

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Assignment 1

Assignment questions
Book Problems (Chapter 2) : 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 2.10, 2.22, 2.24, 2.29, 2.31, and 2.41.

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