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First and Second Discussion Posts

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First and Second Discussion Posts

Question 1

From the posting, I learned that several benefits result from using Electronic Health Records

(EHR) to record and store the patients’ medical history charts. EHR allows for storage of the

data for longer periods than manual data storage, where the records were stored in files.

Furthermore, the method allows for the storage of medical diagnostic information,

immunizations, medical histories, and administrative data regarding patients’ medical histories.

Consequently, EHR reduces medical errors through the provision of medical information and

improves patient care at hospitals. In addition, it enhances confidentiality at the hospitals and

prevents security breaches regarding the patients’ health records.

Question 2

Despite the posting presented, there still areas that need to be addressed. Kiera Poston needs to

explain how EHR can enable the health care employees and the medical records employees to

maintain the confidentiality that the data provided by the patients concerning their health status

will not be disclosed to anyone without permission. Poston needs to explain how data stored

through the EHR will be properly kept away from access by any unauthorized person.

Furthermore, the student needs to explain how the medical records employees will use EHR to

protect the patients’ medical information from a security breach by other health care employees

or information mailing to wrong addresses.

Question 3

Poston needs to clearly explain the benefits of EHR on storing the patients’ medical information

regarding the posting. Apart from discussing the benefits, Poston should highlight the

disadvantages that have resulted from using this model at the hospitals in the storage of the

patients’ medical information, such as inaccurate information storage.

Question 4

The similarity between my posting and the classmate’s posting is on the benefits of EHR. EHR

promotes confidentiality and prevents security breaches on the patients’ medical information. In

addition, the student failed to discuss any disadvantage of using the EHR system and, thus, a

difference from my posting.

Second Discussion Post

Question 1

Handa Cooke stated that electronic medical records are an accessible mode of looking into a

patient’s health record and that several healthcare employees could access it simultaneously.

However, she also highlighted that paper charting could lose important data regarding the

patients' medical records as a mode of recording patients' health records. Furthermore, she stated

that paper charting caused security breaches within the organizations.

Question 2

Despite presenting the importance of electronic medical records to preventing security breaches

at the hospitals, Cooke did not explain how a whistleblower could identify a security breach

within the electronic medical records before making reports. She also failed to highlight how

fines resulting from the court appeals could help in safeguarding the patients’ medical records.

Question 3

Cooke needs to provide examples of fraudulent activities that a whistleblower can report to the

courts. She also needs to explain how a person can know the intentions of a whistleblower when

making appeals against fraud or concerns. Furthermore, she needs to relate how the fraudulent

activities can cause a security breach of the patients’ medical information stored in the electronic

medical records system.

Question 4

The similarity between Cooke’s posting and my posting relies on the importance of electronic

medical records, such as accessibility and prevention of security breaches on medical

information. However, Cooke did not explain how the fraudulent activities could cause a security

breach of the medical information and, thus, a difference to my posting.

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