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“The Science of Climate Change” is the title of the text. The text talks about how the

world is getting warmer due to the greenhouse effect. The text also continues and suggest that

children around the globe will experience hotter climate more frequently. Higher temperatures

will impact children's health by increasing the rate of heatstroke and heat exhaustion. It also

claims that the heat is likely to affect children indirectly by disrupting the agricultural system,

which will lead to food scarcity and a rise in the price for consumption commodities. Most of the

world's children may end up facing a shift in the global climate whereby some regions may

become more dryer or wetter, unusually. The text also claims that mountain glaciers will recede

further due to climate change, which will reduce the storage of winter snow. Melting ice will end

up raising sea levels which will, in turn, pose a physical threat to children through flooding. The

rise in sea levels will also affect children indirectly through migration and costly adaptation.

Possible damage to the ecosystem will also affect the well-being of children since the

acidification of oceans will lead to the reduction of food supply.

The author's view is that some of the activities carried out today, like the use of

greenhouse will result in climate change, and the future generation will experience the effects. At

the beginning of the abstract, the author is talking about how climate change will affect the lives

of children. The author claims that climate change ends up causing a shortage of food for
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children and deteriorate their health. The author's view is that the consequences of environmental

pollution done today will be experienced by the coming generation.

The author uses scientific results as pieces of evidence to support his ideas. The author

claims that according to research, it has been proven that the world's temperature has been

increasing. The author also suggests that the increase in the world's temperature has resulted in

the melting of the winter snow on the top of the mountains, which will end up increasing sea

levels. The evidence used by the author is logical (Oppenheimer et al. 11-30). The reason for

their validity is because they have been proved scientifically. Research has been done on them

and proven to be valid. The evidence used is relevant because it is closely connected to the topic

of climate change. This scientific evidence shows that the climate has changed and will cause

harmful effects to future generations.

I have heard and read a similar case. The journal was about evidence about rapid climate

change, whereby I read that since the late nineteenth century, the global temperature has risen by

1.18 degrees Celsius. The case that I read also claimed that the sea levels have increased by

about eight inches in the last century due to the melting of the ice on various mountains. It also

claimed that the ocean has about thirty percent of carbon dioxide emitted for the past decade,

causing ocean water to become acidic. The case that I read is similar to this abstract. However,

the subject I read was more detailed than this abstract. I genuinely agree with the author of the

abstract because everything I read matches what he claims.

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Works Cited

Oppenheimer, Michael, and Jesse K. Anttila-Hughes. "The science of climate change." The

Future of Children (2016): 11-30.

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