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Prakash Gahatraj 202301102

Management Information Systems BIS2006

BIT Fri 5-8 PM

Dr. Bahareh Berenjforoush


Case Study-2 3

1500 12/23/2023
Enhancing CyberTaxi's Business Performance through Strategic
IT Solutions

Executive Summary
CyberTaxi, a global transportation service, has successfully transformed the taxi
industry through innovative approaches and strategic utilization of information
technology. This report critically analyzes the alignment between CyberTaxi's
information systems strategy and business objectives, focusing on its strategic
vision, IT solutions, and the role of Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics.
Additionally, contemporary tools for accessing information are reviewed to
evaluate their impact on business performance.
1. Alignment between CyberTaxi’s Information Systems Strategy and
Business Strategy
a. Strategic Vision and Mission
CyberTaxi's strategic vision revolves around providing seamless transportation
solutions globally, aiming to be the preferred choice for travelers. The mission
emphasizes making the process of getting a ride as easy as saying 1-2-3. The
alignment between vision and mission positions CyberTaxi as a customer-centric
industry leader.
b. IT Solutions Used
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
CyberTaxi employs CRM to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.
Personalized data collection and analysis contribute to a significant increase in
customer satisfaction. The CRM system enables CyberTaxi to predict customer
behavior, aligning with its vision of being a customer-centric global leader.
CRM plays a crucial role in customer retention and satisfaction. By systematically
collecting and organizing customer data, CyberTaxi gains insights into individual
preferences, ride history, and communication preferences. The predictive
capabilities of CRM allow the company to anticipate customer needs and offer
personalized services.
Business Intelligence (BI) Tools
BI tools, including Analytics and Tableau, empower CyberTaxi with real-time
insights into customer behavior, ride patterns, and other relevant data. These tools
facilitate informed decision-making, ensuring CyberTaxi stays at the forefront of
technological advancements.
Analytics, as a part of CyberTaxi's BI strategy, provides the company with a
competitive edge by offering real-time customer insights. For instance, the system
tracks pick-up and drop-off locations, ride history, and contact information. This
granular level of data analysis aids in understanding customer needs and
preferences, aligning with the company's mission of providing personalized and
efficient transportation services.
Contemporary Tools
In addition to CRM and BI, CyberTaxi leverages contemporary tools such as
Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra, MongoDB, and STORM. These tools form the
backbone of CyberTaxi's data-centric operations, offering benefits such as efficient
data processing and scalability.
The integration of contemporary tools signifies CyberTaxi's commitment to staying
at the forefront of technology. Hadoop, known for its ability to handle massive
datasets, ensures CyberTaxi can process and analyze large volumes of data
efficiently. Spark, as a fast data processing engine, enables the company to derive
insights from data in near real-time, contributing to enhanced decision-making.
c. Evaluation of Alignment
The current IT solutions positively contribute to meeting CyberTaxi's strategic
vision. CRM enhances customer experiences, while BI tools enable data-driven
decision-making. However, challenges, including potential integration issues,
require strategic attention. Continuous evaluation and adaptation are essential for
sustained alignment in the dynamic transportation industry.
The strategic alignment between CyberTaxi's business and IT strategies is evident
in the effective use of CRM and BI tools. However, challenges in integration can
hinder the seamless flow of data between these systems. CyberTaxi must address
these challenges to ensure that its IT strategy continues to support and enhance the
overall business strategy.
2. Role of Business Intelligence and Business Analytics
a. How CyberTaxi Uses BI Tools for Business Decisions
 Real-time Customer Insights: Analytics provides real-time data for insights
into customer behavior, preferences, and operational performance.
 Supply and Demand Analysis: Enables efficient allocation of resources
based on demand patterns.
 Performance Monitoring: Monitors individual driver performance and
overall system efficiency.
Analytics serves as a cornerstone for CyberTaxi's data-driven decision-making
process. Real-time customer insights empower the company to adapt quickly to
changing market conditions and customer expectations. The ability to analyze
supply and demand in real-time ensures optimal resource allocation, reducing
customer wait times and improving overall operational efficiency.
 Visualizing Data: Tableau's visualizations aid in understanding complex data
sets quickly.
 Route Optimization: Analyzes traffic patterns for route optimization,
reducing ride times.
 Revenue Analysis: Helps in analyzing revenue streams and identifying areas
for business expansion.
Tableau's role in visualizing data is critical for CyberTaxi's decision-makers.
Complex data regarding routes, traffic patterns, and revenue streams can be easily
interpreted through Tableau's user-friendly interface. This visualization capability
contributes to efficient route optimization, cost-effective decision-making, and
identifying new business opportunities.
b. Evaluation of Data-Driven Decisions
Yes, CyberTaxi effectively makes data-driven decisions using Analytics and
1. Real-time Insights: Analytics provides real-time data, enabling CyberTaxi to
respond promptly to market conditions and operational challenges.
2. Efficient Resource Allocation: BI tools contribute to efficient resource
allocation, optimizing the number of drivers and minimizing wait times.
3. Visualized Data for Quick Decision-making: Tableau's visualizations make
complex data easily understandable, facilitating quick and informed
1. Integration Challenges: Seamless integration between BI tools and other
systems requires attention to ensure holistic decision-making.
2. Continuous Training: Ongoing training is necessary to ensure staff members
maximize the benefits of BI tools as technologies evolve.
While CyberTaxi excels in leveraging BI tools for data-driven decision-making,
challenges in integration and ongoing training need to be addressed. Continuous
training programs and strategic integration initiatives are essential for
maintaining and enhancing the effectiveness of BI tools in the rapidly evolving
transportation industry.
In conclusion, the BI tools at CyberTaxi contribute significantly to data-driven
decision-making, enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
3. Review and Evaluate Contemporary Tools for Accessing Information
a. Overview of Contemporary Tools
CyberTaxi utilizes contemporary tools such as Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra,
MongoDB, and STORM for data processing and management. Each tool has
specific strengths and challenges.
 Strengths: Ideal for storing and processing massive datasets.
 Challenges: Not designed for real-time processing; batch-oriented nature.
Hadoop's strengths lie in its ability to handle massive datasets efficiently. It serves
as a robust storage and processing framework, enabling CyberTaxi to manage and
analyze large volumes of data. However, its batch-oriented nature may pose
challenges in scenarios that demand real-time processing.
 Strengths: Enables fast and general-purpose data processing; suitable for
iterative algorithms.
 Challenges: Requires substantial memory; real-time processing capabilities
may not be sufficient for all needs.
Spark, as a fast data processing engine, complements Hadoop by providing real-
time processing capabilities. Its ability to handle iterative algorithms makes it
suitable for complex analytics. However, the requirement for substantial memory
and potential limitations in real-time processing for certain needs are challenges
to be considered.
 Strengths: High availability and fault tolerance; suitable for write-intensive
 Challenges: Limited support for complex queries; schema design
Cassandra, a NoSQL database, offers high availability and fault tolerance, making
it suitable for write-intensive workloads. However, limitations in supporting
complex queries and the complexity of schema design may impact its effectiveness
in certain scenarios.
 Strengths: Flexibility in handling unstructured data; scales horizontally with
 Challenges: Limited support for complex queries compared to relational
MongoDB's strengths lie in its flexibility in handling unstructured data and
horizontal scalability. However, its limitations in supporting complex queries
compared to relational databases may influence its suitability for specific data
processing needs.
 Strengths: Real-time stream processing; suitable for low-latency data
 Challenges: Complexity in setup and configuration; specialized skills may
be required.
STORM, as a real-time stream processing system, addresses the need for low-
latency data processing. Its ability to process data as it arrives is crucial for
applications requiring immediate responses. However, the complexity in setup and
configuration, along with the need for specialized skills, poses challenges.
Overall Evaluation
 Integration Challenges: Seamless integration within a comprehensive data
architecture is crucial for maximizing the collective benefits of these tools.
The integration of contemporary tools is essential for realizing their full potential.
CyberTaxi must strategically plan the integration process, considering the specific
strengths and limitations of each tool. A comprehensive data architecture that
facilitates seamless communication between these tools is imperative.
 Scalability: All tools are designed to scale horizontally, aligning well with
CyberTaxi's need to handle large datasets and accommodate growing
The scalability of contemporary tools ensures that CyberTaxi can efficiently handle
the increasing volume of data generated in its operations. As the business expands,
these tools can scale horizontally, providing the necessary infrastructure to
support growth.
 Real-Time Processing: Spark and STORM offer real-time processing
capabilities, crucial for meeting customer expectations and making timely
business decisions.
The real-time processing capabilities of Spark and STORM are paramount for
CyberTaxi's operations. As the transportation industry demands immediate
responses and adjustments, these tools play a pivotal role in ensuring real-time
data processing.
 Skill Requirements: Continuous training is imperative for managing and
optimizing these tools, ensuring their effective implementation in
CyberTaxi's dynamic business environment.
The skill requirements for managing contemporary tools should not be
underestimated. Continuous training programs are essential to equip CyberTaxi's
workforce with the necessary skills to optimize and maintain these tools. As
technologies evolve, upskilling becomes a critical component of sustaining the
benefits derived from these tools.
In conclusion, contemporary tools contribute to enhancing business performance at
CyberTaxi, providing scalability and real-time processing capabilities.

CyberTaxi's strategic alignment, effective use of BI tools, and incorporation of
contemporary tools collectively position it as a leader in the transportation
industry. Continuous evaluation, adaptation, and strategic attention to integration
challenges are imperative for sustained success. As the transportation industry
evolves, CyberTaxi remains at the forefront through its innovative use of
information technology.

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