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“Revival and Renovation of Traditional Water Bodies”

Simha Teertham
Vivekananda Kendra – Nardep
Simha Teertham is a natural water body and is considered a sacred Teertham (a holy water
source) by devotees. It is believed to have mythological significance in Hinduism. According
to legend, Lord Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, along with his army of
monkeys and his loyal devotee Hanuman, worshipped Lord Shiva at this very spot before
embarking on his mission to rescue his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana in Lanka. This
makes Simha Teertham an important site for devotees to offer prayers and seek blessings.
The word "Simha" is a Sanskrit word which means lion. The name may be associated with
the belief that Lord Rama worshipped Lord Shiva in the form of a lion at this place.

Revival and Renovation of Simha Teertham started in August 2023. In this month we made
further progress. A few photographs are given below:

Arrival of big stones for base work

Workers positioning the stones for constructing the inner pond
Slowly and gradually the inner pond is taking shape
Raising the parapet wall for increasing the storage capacity

Inner pond after giving finishing touches

This inner pond will serve as a water source during summer

Green Transport

E-Autos reached out to 9823 pilgrims. Out of which, we have provided free services to
Senior citizens 295 nos., children 216 nos. and differently-abled 192 nos.

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