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(Escherichia coli)
General introduction :

> Bacteria i.e commonly found in the lower

intestine of warm-blooded organisms. eg Human's

> E. coli are a large and diverse group of bacteria.

> Although most strains of E. coli are harmless,

others can make us sick.
eg. O157:H7 strain
• 1st descovered by Escherich in 1885
• Gram -ve ,rod shaped bacilli
• Family :- Enterobacteriaceae
• Aerobes and facultative anerobes
• Non fastidious
• capsulated bacteria (for escaping phagocytosis)
• Motile (peri-trachous flagella)
• Non-spore forming bacteria (spore=protection in
unfav. conditions)
Microbiology :-
• Catalase positive
• Oxidase negative
• Reduce Nitrate to Nitrite
• Thermotolerant bacteria (can survive at upto
Virulance Factors :-
. A) Surface antigens
B) Toxins
• A) Surface Antigens
• 1) Somatic / O antigen :-
• -- Heat stable
• -- Have endotoxic activity
• 2) Flagellar / H antigen :-
• -- Provides motility
• 3) Capsular antigen / K antigen :-
• -- provides Antiphagocytic activity
• 4) Fimbrial antigen :-
• -- help in adhesion
:- E Coli
. B) Toxins :-
• 1) Enterotoxin
• -- May be heat stable or heat labile

• 2) Hemolysin

• 3) Cytotoxic necrotizing factor (CNF)

• -- Cytotoxic to bladder and kidney
Pathogenesis :-
. Pathophysiology :-
• Route of transmission :- .
• 1) Raw or undercooked ground meat products,
• 2) raw milk & faecal contamination of vegetables.(i.e faeco oral
• General Pathophysiology :-

• Local or ingested E coli from contaminated food/water

• At different sites bind to healthy tissues

• Release specific toxins

• Specific illness in our body
Clinical Diseases of E coli :-
Clinical Diseases of E coli :-

Lactose fermented - Pink colonies

Other bacteria's - colorless colony
Treatment For E. Coli infection :-
After using toilet
Before preparing food

Especially ground meat

Dont store raw mear next to other food

Use separate chopping boards

Such as swimming pool's / rivers

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