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Exercise 1

A—Identify these sentences correct (C) or incorrect (IC).

1. _______ The student plan a hike to the bog.
2. _______ Bogs contain an interesting variety of organisms.
3. _______ The state parks is fun for everyone.
4. _______ A leaflet explain the plants and animals in the park.
5. _______ We is interested in learning more about the park’s plants.
6. _______ Rangers speaks to visitors every day at noon.
7. _______ She identify the various plants growing in the bog.
8. _______ Guidebooks provides good information about the types of plants.
9. _______ Officers offers opportunities for people hunting for fossils.
10. _______ We develop in former glacial lakes.
11. _______ Writing Skill teachers explain clearly on Subject-Verb Agreement.
12. _______ In university, classmates works closely to achieve assignment on time.
B—Put the verb in brackets in the correct form.
Mary and I ______________ (work) in the same office, but we're completely different.
She ______________ (like) coffee, but I______________ (like) tea. She ______________ (wash) her car every
weekend, but I never ______________ (clean) mine. She ______________ (smile) all the time at work, but
I______________ (feel) miserable. I______________ (complain) about the boss all the time, but
Mary______________ (think) the boss is a nice person. When I______________ (finish) work, I like to drink
beer with my friends, but Mary______________ (study) at night school. The boss______________ (think)
Mary is perfect, but she______________ (drive) me nuts!
C—Complete the correct answers with the words in the bracket from the following sentences.
1. My father ____________________ (talk) with his director.
2. She ____________________ (work) in the ANZ Royal bank.
3. Chany ____________________ (write) a letter to her sister.
4. We ____________________ (visit) Angkor Watt temple.
5. Sophy ____________________ (do) her homework very well.
6. You ____________________ (watch) comedy show with his brother every night.
7. Triya ____________________ (go) to the supermarket with her family.
8. He ____________________ (relax) in front of his backyard.
9. Rita ____________________ (kiss) her dog smoothly.
10. My sister ____________________ (tidy) her bedroom quickly.
11. He ____________________ (play) football with his friends at Sorkheng park.
12. Linda ____________________ (buy) her clothes from Soriya supermarket.
13. My sister ____________________ (try) to study hard in IFLS.
14. She ____________________ (apply) her job in TPC with her neighbors.
15. All handsome teachers ____________________ (teach) English every day.
16. They ____________________ (wash) the dish every night.
17. She ____________________ (fax) business proposals every day.
18. He always ____________________ (pass) the salt to my brother.
19. A frog ____________________ (catch) flies too.
20. Tony ____________________ (waltz) in his sister’s wedding.
D—Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1. The day (is, are) perfect for a visit to the bog.
2. The students always (enjoy, enjoys) field trips.
3. Bogs (contain, contains) acidic soil and many mosses.
4. Swamps (is, are) similar to bogs in many ways.
5. The acidity (tell, tells) you about the type of bog.
6. A bog (is, are) usually smaller than a swamp.
7. Ecosystems (is, are) communities of living and nonliving factors.
8. An ecosystem (include, includes) the surrounding air.
9. An ecosystem (has, have) distinct cycles.
10. Water (is, are) an important part of all ecosystems.
11. An ecologist (do, does) a great deal of fieldwork.
12. Bogs often (provide, provides) interesting ecosystems.
13. This bog (have, has) supported a rare ecosystem.
14. A unique fungus (grow, grows) in this bog.
15. Many creatures (live, lives) in bogs.
16. Ecosystems (consist, consists) of many different plants and animals.
17. Our survival (do, does) depend upon the painstaking work of the ecologists.
18. Their research often (have, has) a great impact on our view of our planet.
19. We (rely, relies) on the research of ecologists.
20. They (has, have) changed our understanding of our planet.
E—Circle the correct verb in the following sentences.
1. The judge (sentence/sentences) the murderer to life imprisonment.
2. The photography shop (is/are) offering a special price on film.
3. My friends (requests/request) me to attend his party tonight.
4. He (seems/seem) like a lonely person.
5. David (prepare/prepares) his report in the office last night.
6. Mr. John (submits/submit) a report to the interior ministry.
7. Prime Minister Hun Sen (goes/go) to join the meeting at Bangkok.
8. Teacher Dong (teaches/teach) grammar in IFLS every day.
9. This book (looks/look) interesting.
10. My mother (mends/mend) the tear in my shirt.
F—Create two sentences each rule.
Singular subject takes singular verb
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Plural subject takes plural verb
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Compound subject with and
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Compound subject with or / but
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 2
A—Complete the correct form of the verb (singular or plural form) in each sentence.
1. Bread with beef and salad ______is____________________ (be) my favorite breakfast.
2. The children ____________________________ (get) easily bored.
3. Studying grammar ____________________(be) very important for us to improve our English skills.
4. Mr.John and his son ______________________________ (struggle) in their lives.
5. Here ____________________ (be) some students who failed their exam last term.
6. Furniture in Uncle John’s house ____________________ (look) very old now.
7. To back up what you’ve deleted in hour PC ______________________ (require) a particular program.
8. Getting up early in the morning _________________________ (be) my grandfather’s habit.
9. Here ___________________________ (be) money I borrowed from your mom.
10. There _________________________ (be) a few birds living in my house.
11. Neither students nor their parents _______________________(be) waiting outside.
B—Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1. The plains near the North Pole (is, are) very cold.
2. The temperature in these zones (is, are) usually below zero.
3. In this area (live, lives) many animals.
4. During the brief summers (grow, grows) a rare moss.
5. In the moss (nest, nests) many birds.
6. There (is, are) little rainfall during the summer.
7. (Does, Do) snow provide the needed moisture?
8. Some areas of the Arctic (is, are) drier than the world’s deserts.
9. There (is, are) several hundred species of plants in the Arctic.
10. Summer melting of icy areas (create, creates) nesting sites for birds.
11. Smog (accumulate, accumulates) over some Arctic areas.
12. Fish, such as cod and salmon, (live, lives) under the ice cap.
13. There (is, are) a reason for the white color of many Arctic animals.
14. (Does, Do) the absence of reptiles affect the ecosystem?
15. Along a well-traveled route (roam, roams) herds of caribou.
16. Here the threat to their habitat (is, are) from oil pipeline construction.
17. The dense, woolly coat of musk oxen (is, are) called quivet.
18. There (is, are) many uses for quivet, a valuable raw fiber.
19. In summer (appear, appears) many types of grasses.
20. (Does, Do) lichens help create new soil?
C—Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets.
1. Either Dara or his friends ________________________ (want) to visit Angkor Wat temple.
2. Not only my teacher but also his students ___________________(study) short courses in IFLS.
3. Neither the residents nor the prime minister __________________(face) the corruption in their country.
4. 300 soldiers at the dispute border, in addition to a commander, ________________ (need) more help.
5. Neither my friends nor my brother never ________________________ (play) game at supermarket.
6. Either Raya or her nephew __________________________ (watch) movie at the cinema.
7. Neither Chanbory nor Kampucheakrom __________________ (not/ be) the land of Cambodia.
8. My cousins, together with Marlence, ________________________ (have) the test tomorrow.
9. Not only knowledge but also manner _______________________ (require) in professional teaching.
10. South Korea, accompanied by Japan, _____________________ (plan) to attend the world cup match.
D—Complete the correct answers in the following sentences.
1. The meaning in this lesson _________________ (look) really tough to make you clear.
2. Mr. Royat and Miss Rosa _________________ (be) the teachers in IFLS who teaches grammar.
3. There _________________ three outstanding students in grammar class.
4. Several ministers of Cambodia _________________ (fly) to Bangkok to talk about the border dispute.
5. Teachers, along with trainers,_________________ (have) not finished their meeting yet.
6. Studying newspaper ______________(be) crucial to students who want to be skillful of English.
7. Nancy, together with her classmates, _________________ (try) to search internet about their exercises.
8. Mary, accompanied by Jolly, _________________ (study) Writing skills part I.
9. Cambodian army, as long as Thai army, _________________ (do/ not) want to meet the political crisis.
10. Either computer or mobile phone _________________ (be) very important to connect the relationship.
E—Complete each sentence with the word from parentheses: Singular or Plural?
1. The extent of Jane’s knowledge on various complex subjects ______________________ (astound) me.
2. The subjects you will be studying in this course ____________________ (be) listed in the syllabus.
3. There ___________________ (be) Lettuce good for your health.
4. The professor and the student _________________________ (agree) on that point.
5. Oranges, tomatoes, fresh strawberries, cabbage, and lettuce ___________________ (be) rich in vitamin
6. Not only professor but student at the university ________________________ (approve) of the choice of
Dr. Brown as the new president.
7. Here ___________________ (be) girl and boy in the sixth-grade class to do a science project.
8. Either cookie or cakes __________________ (be) made by Mrs. Reed’s special recipe.
9. Getting to know students from all over the world _____________ (be) one of the best parts of my job.
10. Annie had a hard time when she was coming home from the store because the bag of groceries
______________________ (was/ were) too heavy for her to carry.
11. Where ___________________ (do) your parents live?
12. Why _________________ (be) Susan and Alex late for the meeting?
13. ___________________ (Be) having the responsibility for taking care of pets good for young children?
14. Alex, as well as his two older brothers, _________________________ (have) a good full-time job.
15. To be healthy and powerful _________________________ (need) eating and exercising regularly.
F—Complete the correct answers in the following sentences.
1. I really want to explain you about the lessons that ________ (make) you unclear.
2. Mr. Royat and Miss Rosa ________ (be) the teachers in IFLS who ________ teach) grammar.
3. There (is/ are) three students who ________ (get) the outstanding student in grammar class.
4. Everybody ________ (tell) me about the news that (happen/ happens) in the US.
5. Nobody ________ (play) games in Battambang province that ________ (be) my hometown.
6. Everyone ________ (has, have) an opinion about freedom which ________ (be) not free.
7. Few________ (knows, know) very much about them.
8. Many ________ (fears, fear) the animals which________ (be) tiger, lion, crocodile, and sanke.
9. Few ________ (lives, live) in the cave for long time without touching the light.
10. Everyone ________ (thinks, think) that bats get in people’s hair.
11. Nobody ________ (recognizes, recognize) how helpful bats are.
12. Much ________ (remains, remain) to be learned about bats.
13. Nothing ________ (happen) to me and you, so we are so lucky.
Exercise 3
A—Choose the correct answer in parentheses.
1. Some of the fruit in this bowl (is/ are) rotten.
2. Some of the apples in that bowl (is/ are) rotten.
3. Half of the students in the class (is/ are) from Arabic-speaking countries.
4. Half of this money (is/ are) yours.
5. A lot of the students in the class (is/ are) from Southeast Asia.
6. A lot of clothing in those stores (is/ are) sale this week.
7. One of my best friends (is/ are) coming to visit me next month.
8. Each boy in the class (have/ has) his own notebook.
9. Each of the boys in the class (have/ has) his own notebook.
10. Every one of the students (is/ are) required to take the final test.
B—Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1. Much of the process of respiration (is, are) complex.
2. Few completely (understand, understands) it.
3. Many (study, studies) the two types of oxygen exchange.
4. Much (happen, happens) during the two processes.
5. Someone (explain, explains) the respiratory system.
6. Another of our problems (is, are) water pollution.
7. One (need, needs) understanding of the solutions.
8. Some of them (improve, improves) the water supply immediately.
9. Many (provide, provides) sensible approaches.
10. Either of the processes (clean, cleans) the water equally well.
C—Circle the correct verb in each of the sentences below.
1. Tom, together with David, ______is_____________ (be) going to visit us on Sunday morning.
2. None of the boys here _____________ (be) known to me.
3. Here _______________ (be) my mother who ______________ (cook) food for us.
4. He who ___________________ (work) hard will succeed in life.
5. None of this meat ______________ (be) fresh. I’m not going to buy any from this shop.
6. Here ____________ (be) these boys who _________________ (have) made so many mistakes.
7. She who _________________ (be) beautiful will have a head-start in life.
8. None of your medals _____________ (be) carefully labeled.
9. A number of planes _____________ (be) delayed due to the snowstorm in Denver.
10. The number of passengers affected by the delays _____________ (be) great.
11. A number of the students in my class _____________ (come) from Mexico.
D—Check these sentences correct (C) or incorrect (IC).
1. ______ A number of the students is working in the science laboratory.
2. ______ The number of the needed pictures are printed in the lab manual.
3. ______ Most of the steps is easy to carry out.
4. ______ None of the laboratories equipment is dangerous to use.
5. ______ Some of the results need to be explained to the class.
6. ______ Most of the experiment concern respiration.
7. ______ A number of the stations have the needed equipment.
8. ______ Some of the underlying theory are written on the chalkboard.
9. ______ None of the lab reports have been written yet.
10. _____ All of the oxygen is used up as the candle burns.
E—Use the singular or the plural form of the verbs given in brackets to fill in the blanks in the
following sentences.
1. Twenty miles _______is___________ (be) a long distance.
2. The police ________________ (pay) a lot of attention to juvenile delinquency.
3. Five pounds of potatoes ________________ (be) too heavy for one servant to carry.
4. Ten minutes _______________ (seem) to be a long time to wait.
5. Two thousand dollars __________________ (be) an unreasonable price for that second-hand lorry.
6. The rich and the poor ______________ (be) equal in the eyes of the law.
7. It ________________ (be) I who should be blamed.
8. Gold, as well as iron, _______________ (be) found in Mexico.
9. The jewel, together with my passport, ________________ (have) been stolen.
10. The white, with all the black, _______________ (be) present at the meeting.
11. The building, with its contents, __________________ (be) insured.
12. Mr Wong, accompanied by his wife, ___________________ (attend) the social gathering.
13. Mathematics _____________ (be) John's favorite subject, while Civics _____________ (be) Andrea's
favorite subject.
14. Eight dollars __________________ (be) the price of a movie these days.
15. Your pants __________________ (be) at the cleaner's.
F—Correct the mistakes in the use of singular and plural forms.
1. My mother wear glasses.
2. Elephant are large animals.
3. Your heart beat faster when you exercise.
4. Healthy hearts needs regular exercise.
5. Every child in the class know the alphabet.
6. Some of the magazine at the dentist’s office are two year old.
7. There’s many different kinds of insects in the world.
8. Writing compositions are difficult for me.
9. The United State have a population of more than 250 million.
10. Most of the people in my factory division likes and gets along with one another, but a few of the
worker doesn’t fit in with the rest of us very well.
G—Circle the verb and correct the errors in Subject-verb agreement. Some sentences contain no errors.
1. _______are_______ The books in my office is very valuable to me.
2. ___no error_______ All of the windows in our house were broken in the earthquake.
3. _________________ Listening to very loud music at rock concerts have caused hearing loss in some teenagers.
4. _________________ Many of the satellites orbiting the earth is used for communications.
5. _________________ The news about the long-range effects of air pollution on the development of children’s lungs is
6. _________________ Chinese have more than fifty thousand written characters.
7. _________________ About two-thirds of the Vietnamese works in agriculture.
8. _________________ Every girl and boy are required to have certain immunizations before enrolling in public school.
9. _________________ Seventy-five percent of the people in New York City lives in upstairs apartment, not on the ground
10. _________________ Unless there are a profound and extensive reform of government policies in the near future, the
economic condition in that country will continue to deteriorate.
11. _________________ While I was in Paris, some of the best food I found were not at the well-known eating places, but in
small out-of-the-way cafes.
12. _________________ Where is Kenya? Can you find it for me on the map?
13. _________________ Approximately 80 percent of all the data in computers around the world is in English.
Exercise 4
A—Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. Either my mother or my father __________ (be) coming to the meeting.
2. The dog or the cats __________ (be) outside.
3. Either my shoes or your coat __________ (be) always on the floor.
4. George and Tamara __________ (do, not) want to see that movie.
5. Benito __________ (do, not) know the answer.
6. One of my sisters __________ (be) going on a trip to France.
7. The man with all the birds __________ (live) on my street.
8. The movie, including all the previews, __________ (take) about two hours to watch.
9. The players, as well as the captain, __________ (want) to win.
10. Either answer __________ (be) acceptable.
11. Every one of those books __________ (be) fiction.
12. Nobody __________ (know) the trouble I've seen.
13. __________ (Be) the news on at five or six?
14. __________ (Be) the tweezers in this drawer?
15. There __________ (be) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there is only one left!
16. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, __________ (greet) the press cordially.
17. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, __________ (be) in this case.
18. More men than women __________ (be) left-handed.
19. All of the employees in that company __________ (be) required to be proficient in a second language.
20. Where __________ (be) my gloves? Have you seen them anywhere? I can’t find them.
B—Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. To back up what you’ve deleted in hour PC ______________________ (require) a particular program.
2. Neither my friends nor my brother never ________________________ (play) game at supermarket.
3. Here ___________________________ (be) money I borrowed from your mom.
4. There _________________________ (be) a few birds living in my house.
5. My cousins, together with Marlence, ________________________ (have) the test tomorrow.
6. South Korea, accompanied by Japan, _____________________ (plan) to attend the world cup match.
7. The professor and the student _________________________ (agree) on that point.
8. Each girl and boy in the sixth-grade class _____________________ (have) to do a science project.
9. Alex, as well as his two older brothers, _________________________ (have) a good full-time job.
10. Several ministers of Cambodia _________________ (fly) to Bangkok to talk about the border dispute
C—Which is the appropriate verb choice? Underline the correct verb in each sentence. (10 pts)
1. Our team (is, are) the best.
2. The girl or his brothers (watch, watches) television every day.
3. Tann, along with his wife, (don`t, doesn`t) like eating ice-cream.
4. Neither a small boy nor big guy (live, lives) in the beautiful hotel.
5. His roommate (go, goes) to forest alone.
6. One of the books (is, are) missing.
7. Either Dara or Tida (forget, forgets) to bring umbrella.
8. A car with six wheels (brake, brakes) in the path.
9. Dizziness (make, makes) me lazy to do everything.
10. The court (decide, decides) when to adjourn.
11. Bread and coffee, my breakfast, (provide, provides) me enough energy to work.
12. Everyone (admire, admires) the hero in our country.
13. Not only red pen but also correction pen (is, are) not allowed to use during exam.
14. Everything in my life (change, changes) rapidly.
15. No one (work, works) in the casino.
16. Politics (is, are) good way to help people.
17. Either window or doors (is, are) broken.
18. Anyone along the street (travel, travels) to Olympic stadium.
19. To solve problem (require, requires) a little bit patience.
D—Create all the sentences following the rules below.
A singular subject takes a singular verb.
A plural subject requires plural verb.
Uncountable noun takes singular verb.
When the sentence begins with Here or There, the verb must agree with noun following it.
Gerund or To Infinitive/ Gerund or To Infinitive phrase always takes singular verb.
Subject linked by and or both…and takes plural verb.
When the two subjects are joined by Either … or, Neither…nor, Not only…but also, the verb must agree with the nearest
When the subject is linked by interviewing expressions “along with, together with…” the verb must agree with the first
When Indefinite pronoun (anyone, somebody, nothing…) is used as subject, the verb is always singular.
Exercise 5
A—Decide whether it is Main Cluase (MC), Subordinate Clause (SC) or Phrase (Pr).
1. Dorothy and the Scarecrow danced ______________
2. if LakKy could talk ______________
3. witches in dark suits wear ruby slippers ______________
4. since one size fits all girls from Kansas ______________
5. L. Frank Baum wrote the story for his daughter ______________
6. an ineffective president portrayed as a wizard ______________
7. a gentle lion, a nasty tiger and a lovely bear ______________
8. while characters represented different groups in American society ______________
9. the tin man as industrial workers ______________
10. Oz is short for ounce and referred to the gold standard ______________
11. although the city was emerald ______________
12. a gold bullion highway to prosperity and dreams ______________
13. Was William Jennings Bryan a cowardly lion? ______________
14. whereas small farmers were oppressed by Eastern bankers ______________
15. mounting resistance by the Grange ______________
16. purity and innocence characterize Dorothy ______________
17. blowing smoke and making noise in the great hall ______________
18. the will and the power are not what people need ______________
19. Unless Dorothy and Toto got home safely ______________
20. because Baum's allegorical story became an American classic ______________
B—Are the following group words Main clause or Subordinate Clause? Label Main or Subordinate:
1. ____________________ I went to the beach last Saturday
2. ____________________ because I had forgotten to bring my own bathing suit
3. ____________________ while the waist on my borrowed suit would have been tight on a doll
4. ____________________ my friends were waiting for me to join them
5. ____________________ when suddenly they stopped talking and looked away
6. ____________________ before a holiday, I borrowed an old bathing suit from a friend.
7. ____________________ after some rude boys came up and began to make insulting remarks
8. ____________________ I abandoned my friends and ran into the water
9. ____________________ my friends invited me to play in the sand with them
10. ____________________ although I knew that I had to come out of the water eventually
11. ____________________ a large dog chased me down the beach
12. ____________________ as soon as I got out of the water
C—Put or, but or and into each gape.
1. He looks clever ___________ stupid
2. Do you want to marry Mary _________ Davy?
3. Brown is handsome ___________ friendly.
4. I have three brothers __________ two sisters.
5. She has two sisters __________ no brothers.
6. Who is fond of him? Perhaps Mary __________ Marelen is satisfied with him.
7. She is pretty _________ nasty.
8. They joined his part __________ were not happy.
9. Earning some money ___________ saving some are very good in your life.
10. My best friend _________ his wife has gone to America.
D—Put For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So in each sentence.
1. He is poor _________ impolite.
2. Miss Davy looks attractive _________ friendly.
3. Mr. David has two sons ________ no daughters.
4. I like to jog, ___________ I don’t like to swim.
5. Jogging is good exercise, __________ I jog every morning.
E—Fill in the blanks with the correct coordinate conjunctions chosen from the pairs given in brackets.
1. I would like to come, ___________ I do not have time. (but, nor)
2. He has not written, _____________ has he called me. (but, nor)
3. I opened the door ___________ looked out. (and, yet)
4. She was not in the back yard, ____________ was she upstairs. (or, nor)
5. The sun had set, _____________ it was still light outside. (or, yet)
6. Do you know his address _____________ telephone number? (but, or)
7. He has not arrived yet, _____________ have they. (and, nor)
8. I read the book ____________ did not understand it. (but, or)
9. We searched diligently, ___________ we found nothing. (or, yet)
10. I invited him ___________ his friends. (and, but)
11. Marry doesn’t love John, ___________ later she agrees to marry him. (but, so)
12. Were these fruits homegrown, ___________ did you buy them at market? (and , or)
13. I want to marry Miss Helene, ___________ she is the best girl in my mind. (yet, for)
14. Buddhist monks don’t marry, ___________ do they own property. (or, nor)
15. Miss Mara passed her exams, ___________ she had studied hard. (for, and)
F—Complete each sentence with coordinating conjunction that best expresses relationship between the
two clauses. Be careful with using commas!!!
and but for or so
1. My daughter wants to be a computer programmer ___________ she spends all her spare time on her computer.
2. Mr. Ron dared not ride the ski lift ___________ height made him feel sick.
3. Zoza`s living room is cozy ___________ her guests always gather in the kitchen.
4. Meet me at home ___________ meet me at school.
5. My first week on the job was terrible ___________ my boss told me so.
6. Fans love to watch Anna ___________ she dances beautifully.
7. She is a graceful dancer ___________ people enjoy watching her.
8. Her technique is unconventional ___________ the effect is striking.
9. She is talented ___________ she will attract fans for many years to support.
10. She can fill an audience with joy ___________ she can bring people to tears.
G—Complete each sentence with the correct coordinating conjunctions. Be careful with using commas !
1. I wonder how much money you have. Perhaps you have $ 30_________________( and, for, or ) $50.
2. John comes to school_____________________________(nor, but , for)doesn’t come into class.
3. Why do you still make your sweetheart angry________________(or, and, but) try to persuade her?
4. Tom wants to marry Miss Sovannary________________________( nor, or, for )she is a beautiful.
5. Mary was often sad___________________( but, so, and, for) sometimes she did not eat her food.
6. I must save a lot of money_________________________( and, nor, so) one day I’ll buy a new car.
7. Nisa did not talk________________________________(so, nor, for) did she move.
8. A Poy and Tom are smiling____________________(yet, and, or, nor) they don’t seem unfriendly.
9. The manager was ill____________________________(and, but, for, so) I went in his place.
10. Mary goes with me _______________________( so, or, and, but) you say at home.
Exercise 6
A—Fill in the blanks with these words: although, and, because, but, or, since, so, unless, until, when. Be
careful with commas!!!
1. Things were different ______________________ I was young.
2. I do it _______________________ I like it.
3. Let us wait here ________________________ the rain stops.
4. You cannot be a lawyer ____________________________ you have a law degree.
5. That was years _____________________ years ago.
6. She has not called ________________________ she left last week.
7. I saw him leaving an hour _________________________ two hours ago.
8. This is an expensive ________________________ very useful book.
9. We were getting tired _______________________ we stopped for a rest.
10. He was angry ________________________ he heard when happened.
B—Choose the right (most-natural-sounding) subordinating conjunction for each of the sentences.
1. ________________ he claims that he is innocent, everyone knows he is guilty. (While / Now that / In order that)
2. ________________ you're here, I'm going to tell you a secret. (Whereas / Now that / In order that)
3. ________________ you like him personally, you have to agree that he's done a lot for the company. (If only /
Rather than / Whether or not)
4. ________________ I prefer to live in an apartment, my wife wants to buy a house. (Until / Whereas Because)
5. ________________ I had seen that movie three times, I watched it again. (Although / Whereas / Unless)
6. ________________ you already know the answer, why are you asking me? (Although / Since / Whereas)
7. ________________ you go to the beach, call your brother. (Because / Although / Before)
8. ________________ giving the money to my sister, I gave it to my cousins. (Though / Rather than / Whereas)
9. ________________ she calls me, I feel happy. (Whenever / Although / While)
10. _______________the test starts, you will not be able to talk. (Whatever / Once / Because)
C—Complete these sentences with the correct words in the box.
when, as, after, as if, as much as, as though, because, before, how , since
1. _____________________ my girlfriend went to the United States, she had studied English in IFLS.
2. Tom was watching television_______________________________I arrived.
3. He behaved____________________________________nothing happened.
4. ______________________________________she can be annoying me, A Poy loves her.
5. John watched her______________________________________she combed her hair.
6. _________________________________we had had dinner, we chatted.
7. My teacher was very angry______________________________I hadn’t done the homework.
8. I don’t know __________________________________ your parents are.
9. _______________________ you did, I think about that obstacle.
10. David rubbed his eyes and yawned______________________he had waking after a long sleep.
D—Circle the best answer from four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D).
1. George is famous not only in Canada _________ in America.
(A) as well as (B) and (C) nor (D) but also
2. The belief in life after death is prevalent in both primitive societies ____________ advanced culture.
(A) and (B) and in (C) and also (D) also
3. The terrain in North Carolina includes both the Highlands and the coastal Plain, _________ the Piedmont Plateau
between them.
(A) as well as (B) also (C) and too (D) and so
4. Amniocentesis can be used not only to diagnose fetal disorders _________ the sex of the unborn child with 95
percent accuracy.
(A) but determining (B) but also determining (C) but to determine (D) but also to determine
5. It is usually ________ lava but gas that kills people during volcanic eruptions.
(A) not only (B) not (C) neither (D) no
6. Mr. John enjoys playing both tennis and volleyball _______ football.
(A) also (B) as well (C) and too (D) as well as
7. Combustion produces ___________ heat.
(A) light and of (B) both light and (C) light also (D) as enough light as
8. _______ Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King won the Nobel peace prize.
(A) Either (B) As (C) Both (D) They
9. Birds not only bring song, color, and activity to a garden _________ are vitally needed by plants.
(A) but also (B) as well as (C) and (D) and they
10. A new kind of civilization came into being around 3, 000 B. C., based not on superior agricultural lands _______
superior location for trade.
(A) but on (B) but also (C) based on having (D) having
E—Supply the missing connects (not only …but also, both … and, Or as well as) in the following sentences.
1. Mary speaks _______________________ English but also Japanese.
2. She bought the yellow sweater ________________________ the beige skirt.
3. They have houses ________________________ in the country side and in the city.
4. He is not only industrious _______________________ ingenious.
5. Her children have American cousins ______________________________ Spanish ones.
6. Their European tour includes ___________________________ Germany and Austria but also Switzerland.
7. He bandaged the arm both tightly ______________________ quickly.
8. Clark not only practices law ______________________ teachers it.
9. Tom Tryon was a playwright _________________________ an actor.
10. The bride’s bouquet included roses __________________________ orchids.
F—Answer each question with 'either...or' or 'neither...nor.'
1. Ask ___________ Mary ________ Lucy. One of them knows who ate your pizza.
2. She wants to scold the boys today. But ___________ Ray ______________ Roy has been here.
3. "Can you answer with ________________ a yes ___________ a maybe ?" asked Joan.
4. "Would you marry a man who has _____________ fame ___________ money?" Mary asked her best friend.
5. You can watch the television series tonight _____________ on panda bears ___________ the polar bears.
6. Mother said, "You ____________ help me prepare dinner ___________ you prepare it yourself."
7. Everyone knows the children at the deaf-mute centre can _____________ hear ___________ speak.
8. Bill was so worried about his coming examination results that he could ____________ sleep peacefully without
nightmares ___________ eat properly without choking.
9. We can cook a new type of curry. We can cook _______________ duck curry ___________ turkey curry.
10. _____________ the men ____________ their supervisor knows their new boss is gay.
G—Look at sentence below, write C if it’s correct and write I if it’s incorrect. Underline the wrong one.
1. _____________ Both listen and thinking is good.
2. _____________ Neither black or white is difficult to change.
3. _____________ Either cat or is a dog are difficult to control.
4. _____________ Not only books but also pens are very important for student.
5. _____________ I can neither write nor speaking.
6. _____________ Both walking and run is very tired.
7. _____________ Either phone nor computer is very expensive.
8. _____________ I am not cry but laughing .
9. _____________ Sogio is either clever nor nasty.
10. _____________ Teacher not only speaks but also acts in the class.
Exercise 7
A—The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how conjunctive adverbs work.
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. Studies seem to suggest that bright blue and bright yellow are the most risible and _____________ the safest
colors for vehicles.
a. Contrarily b. Likewise c. undoubtedly d. Therefor
2. You had better mend your ways; ________________, you will land in serious trouble.
a. Nevertheless b. Apart from c. then d. Otherwise
3. She don’t leave her husband _______________ the fact that he had cheated on her.
a. Hence b. then c. Despite d. Furthermore
4. _______________ each individual is unique in many ways, members of the same species share many common
a. In contrast b. Consequently c. Although d. thus
5. They have recruited more people and ___________ the service has improved.
a. Consequently b. on the other land c. still d. also
6. I was not confident of winning._______________, I decided to give it a try.
a. Nonetheless b. Meanwhile c. Indeed d. Never the less
7. Everyone loves speaking and listening to music; ___________, the music has help of brain.
a. Never the less b. still c. then d. However
8. Mary and Liza are drinking in the club; _____________, there are many Spy in there
a. Otherwise b. also c. In contract d. Moreover
9. Some students are often don’t do follow another about your heart; __________, they like do it.
a. Still b. Consequently c. Hence d. Besides
10. You are handsome and rich; __________, you have a bright in your life.
a. Moreover b. Contrarily c. Therefore d. still
11. He is a teacher in IFLS; _____________, he has teach student at high school.
a. Moreover b. Despite c. thus d. therefore
B—Combine two sentences into one sentence by using each word.
For examples: I learnt Japanese easily. I didn’t like my teacher.
_______ I learnt Japanese easily, but I didn’t like my teacher_________________ . but
_______ I learnt Japanese easily; however, I didn’t like my teacher _____________ however.
_______ Although I didn’t like my teacher, I learnt Japanese easily ____________ although
1. We enjoyed the holiday. It rained a lot.
_________________________________________________________________________________________ But
______________________________________________________________________________________ however
______________________________________________________________________________________ although
2. He’s moving to Phnom Penh next week. He doesn’t like big cities.
3. My friend arrived in the United States. He was welcomed from his relatives warmly.
4. We didn’t enjoy our holiday. The weather was bad.
________________________________________________________________________________________so that
C—Answer each question with one of these: either...or / neither...nor / not only...but also /both...and.
1. __________ my brother __________ my sister goes to the game.
A: both ... and B: Neither … nor
2. __________ you clean your room __________ you will stay home this weekend.
A: Either … or B: Neither … nor
3. Marissa found __________ the shoes she had lost __________ her favorite necklace.
A: neither ... nor B: not only ... but also
4. __________ we go to San Francisco __________ New York for our holidays, I’ll be happy.
A: Whether … or B: Either ... or
5. __________ did she do well on the math test, _______ she ________ got an A on her social studies report.
A: Either … or B: Not only ... but also
6. __________ I can go to the movies on Saturday, __________ I can go to the mall.
A: Either … or B: Neither … nor
7. Sorry, but I have __________ the money __________ the time to go shopping right now.
A: neither … nor B: either ... or
8. The book is __________ on the desk __________ on the chair.
A. either….or B. not…. but
9. Mara writes an essay __________ correctly __________ neatly
A. both….and B. not only…but also
10. She is __________ beautiful __________ clever.
A. either….or B. Neither… nor
D—Fill each gap with a subordinating conjunctions, or conjunctive adverbs from the parentheses.
Example: Stop dealing with her anymore__; otherwise ,__ you’ll be deceived by her. (When/Otherwise)
1. You’ll pass your exams____________________________ you work hard. (therefore/ if)
2. I always take care of my health __________________________ I must exercise regularly. (therefore/ as if)
3. I’ll phone you ________________________ I arrive at home. ( Otherwise/ when)
4. Walk slowly on the ice ______________________ you’ll fall. ( Otherwise/ if)
5. My lecture was angry with me _______________________ I hadn’t done the homework. ( In addition/ because)
6. I must do my best to get high knowledge ______________________ I’m an orphan. ( if/ however)
7. I still want to marry Miss Manna ________________________ my parents don’t agree with me. (Although/
8. Miss Phearun has known me ______________________ I taught her a special English grammar. (Since/
9. Michael hates playing game _________________________ he never does it. (In addition/ as if)
10. Mr. PeakMee spoke to me _________________________ he was my Dad. (as if/ therefore)
E—The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how conjunctive adverbs work.
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. You need to put more effort into your work; ________________, you won’t get a passing grade.
a. Moreover b. Otherwise c. Unless d. Instead
2. We wanted to spend the day at the beach; ______________________, it rained so we stayed home.
a. Moreover b. Unless c. However d. Additionally
3. She is a very smart girl; __________________, it’s not at all surprising that she gets such good grades.
a. Again b. Besides c. Contrarily d. Therefore
4. Jared is a millionaire; __________________, his brother Jeremy is always flat broke.
a. In contrast b. Accordingly c. Again d. Likewise
5. He felt he couldn’t tell the truth about what happened; ___________________, he lied.
a. In contrast b. Likewise c. undoubtedly d. Instead
6. Vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and antioxidants and ___________ eating vegetables is essential for good
a. Moreover b. Hence c. Unless d. likewise
7. The last bus has gone.______________, we are going to have to walk.
a. Then b. Contrarily c. Therefore d. Again
8. ________________ the starter, I thought the meal was nice.
a. Besides b. Apart from c. Otherwise d. Hence
9. I bought that car. It looked good and; ______________, it was reasonably priced.
a. Moreover b. Although c. In contrast d. despite
Exercise 8
A—Choose the best answer from the following sentences. Write (De) for Declarative Sentence, (Im) for
Imperative Sentence, (In) for Interrogative Sentence and (Ex) for Exclamatory Sentence.
1. ________ I want to have a million dollars in a bank.
2. ________ How beautiful she is today!
3. ________ Don`t waste your time.
4. ________ Why have you decided to marry he?
5. ________ She did not go with him last night.
6. ________ Please pay attention to your course.
7. ________ How crazy he was yesterday!
8. ________ Do you want to study Japanese?
9. ________ He doesn`t want him to be hurt.
10. ________ English is spoken all over the world.
11. ________ What a terrible weather it is!
12. ________ Don`t tell me a lie, please.
13. ________ He hasn`t made her disappointed.
14. ________ Did you have a nice time last night?
15. ________ How stupid he is!
16. ________ This sky bridge is being built right now.
17. ________ Good things never come easily!
18. ________ Sad movie always makes me cry.
19. ________please save some money in order to improve your life.
20. ________ When will she understand my mind well?
21. ________Our financial situation is very worrying.
22. ________Don`t make violence in your family.
23. ________How fragment the perfume is!
24. ________What time do you usually have dinner?
25. ________Take care, my beloved son.
26. ________What a good teacher they have!
27. ________Why does the teacher always encouraged students try to study hard?
28. ________The Royal Government of Cambodia is reducing its people`s poverty.
29. ________Don`t want to cheat me. I am not foolish.
30. ________Is your store going to close temporary?
31. ________How black you paint!
32. ________Stay out of my dad`s affairs.
33. ________How poor they are!
34. ________His dad has been assassinated for political reasons.
35. ________Put these books on my table.
36. ________How long has he known you and Ana?
37. ________Why are you looking at me like that?
38. ________Please don`t watch horrible movie.
39. ________This extreme case had been being investigated for two years.
40. ________Don`t blame your daughter, please.
B—Identify the following word-groups and write (p) phrase (Su) subordinate clause (Si) simple
1. __________ Cockroaches are smaller than the human.
2. ___________ Everyone at Railway station with his/ her luggage.
3. ___________ Spider man helped children to be safe.
4. ___________ Since she started working at Sokha Hotel.
5. ___________ The Native American had reconsidered their price tag.
6. ___________ One advantage of owning your own car in the US.
7. ___________ She is not admitted to the university due to that.
8. ___________ When the police officer came over to my car.
9. ___________ What did the teacher just say?
10. ___________ Before my birthday in Pyramid Hotel.
11. ___________ My young daughter often asks me silly questions.
12. ___________ Dancing and singing karaoke with friends
13. ___________ Because no one knew what to do.
14. ___________ Have you seen my grammar book?
15. ___________Sometimes love and money are very valuable to people.
16. ___________ To reach your ambition requires your active action.
17. ___________ Much news from your grandparents in Chana.
18. ___________ Every obstacle is a steppingstone to success.
19. ___________ Jack told Tom to escape from police.
20. ___________ Unless the problem is unsolved.
C—Insert a semicolon or comma where needed to create corrects compound sentences.
1. I don’t think my father will ever become a critical thinker he is resistant to change.
2. He went to the store however he did not buy anything.
3. I like to read mystery novels for I love suspense.
4. He won’t get into the concert but he can try.
5. Do not let gossip pollute your workplace stand up to those who spread rumors.
6. She goes to the beach and she takes her dog.
7. I don’t like garlic nor do I like onions.
8. The newspaper is biased I will pay attention to the way they present the facts.
9. I will study Coordinating Conjunction so I can use them well.
10. Illness makes a lot of people die; however doctors try to find how to avoid it.
11. My friends come from high school label everybody I am tired of their prejudice.
12. I will raise my kids to be critical thinkers it won’t be easy.
13. She was working all day as a result, she went to bed early.
14. I will take my kids to a movie or I will stay home.
15. The baby fell asleep then, the doorbell rang.
16. Bret enjoys video games therefore he sometimes is late to appointments.
17. I wrote a letter to The Sentinel I was angry at the way they stereotyped my race.
18. I want to lose weight yet I eat chocolate daily.
19. She is outstanding in class on the other hand, she also a good daughter in home.
20. He broke up with his girlfriend; now he is hurting.
Exercise 9
A—Write S if it’s a simple sentence. And write C if it’s a compound sentence. Cross (X) if it’s not a simple
sentence or compound sentence.
1. _________ She is a girl.
2. _________ Talking on phone is easier than write letter.
3. _________ While I was studying.
4. _________ She is not drunk, nor is she addicted.
5. _________ Bona and Chanda want to watch the movie in Phnom Penh.
6. _________ Snow white with all birds lives in the jungle.
7. _________ Walking in the jungle faces a lot of dangerous things, and it will make us uncomfortable.
8. _________ You torture on me and make me hurt too much.
9. _________ All of my water drops on my clothes.
10. _________ Before everybody leaves.
B—On the line, identify each sentence as simple (S) or compound (C).
1. _________ Marry will attend in a new school soon.
2. _________ You and I have been friends for a very long time.
3. _________ She will leave soon, and she still has to pack.
4. _________ This last summer with Chanda is a time of great change for the girls’ friendship.
5. _________ Oggy thinks of Jack as his best friend in the whole world.
6. _________ Sometimes things change, and they can’t return back again.
7. _________ The friendship may end, or it may stay the same.
8. _________ I am going upward, but my friend is going downward.
9. _________ The fans are working in my office.
10. _________ The clothes are dirty; we need to clean it up.
11. _________ We are listening to the teacher but don’t understand the lesson.
12. _________ Mr. Ben couldn’t lecture for the entire hour, for he had sore throat.
13. _________ The grammar test on tenses was very long, so it took a long time to finish.
14. _________ The line to see the movie was long; some missed one episode.
15. _________ After class he went out for lunch, for he had eaten nothing.
C—Underline Main Clause, double underline Subordinate Clause and circle Subordinator.
1. Whenever she misses her family, she always calls them.
2. I was studying while my sister was cleaning.
3. As we saw celebrity, we rush to ask him for signature.
4. I used to meet Mr. John Smite once I visit Long Big.
5. I will call you as soon as I get there.
6. Mala keeps waiting till her mother comes back.
7. When I grow up, I am going to be a teacher.
8. I see this boy everywhere I take photo.
9. I prefer to live where I can see sunset.
10. We keep our book anywhere we can get them easily.
D—Make five main clauses with one or more subject and verb.
1. _________________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________.
4. _________________________________________________________________.
5. _________________________________________________________________.
E—Make five subordinate clauses with one or more subject and verb, using the following subordinators.

when so that because as if although if where

1. _________________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________.
4. _________________________________________________________________.
5. _________________________________________________________________.
6. _________________________________________________________________.
7. _________________________________________________________________.
F—Underline subordinate clause and circle subordinator in each sentence.
1. Mary became upset when a caretaker walked behind her.
2. After Helene picked him up, she threw him into the show area.
3. We stopped playing snooker because it had rained heavily.
4. I usually do my best to study tourism field although I am an orphan.
5. Before I married to her, I had loved her very much.
6. Do you know whether she come here or not?
7. Although Marline is an only child, she has a good behavior.
8. If you work hard, you will pass your exam.
9. Danny has known me since she studied English with me.
10. Mr. Sovath arrived while John was watching TV.
G—Complete each sentence using the conjunction from the parenthesis.
1. I visit the Grand Canyon _________ I go to Arizona. (once, whenever, wherever)
2. This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how)
3. _________ you win first place, you will receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless)
4. You won’t pass the test _________ you study. (when, if, unless)
5. I could not get a seat, _________ I came early. (as, though, when)
6. We are leaving Wednesday _________ or not it rains. (if, whether, though)
7. Pay attention to your work _________ you will not make mistakes. (so that, unless, or)
8. The musicians delivered a rousing performance _________ they had rehearsed often. (though, as,
9. She’s honest _________ everyone trusts her. (if, so, when)
10. Write this down _________ you forget. (or, when, lest)
Exercise 10
A—Underline relative clause in the following sentences.
1. A sales representative whose approach is too insistent may anger potential customer.
2. In the centuries when the car was not invented, people relied on horses for transport.
3. An historian who knows the facts can compare the past with the probable future.
4. The first person on the moon walked on land which no one had ever walked before.
5. The book on which she had built her reputation was not here best by any means.
6. The couch that I bought converts into a comfortable bed.
7. The stand which the dignitaries would sit was draped with bunting.
8. The doctor determined the reason which the patient’s fever had risen.
9. Here are three letters that must be delivered by tomorrow morning at the latest.
10. Euphemisms are words or phrases that are used to soften a truth or fact that someone might not
want to face.
B—Underline the adjective clauses, and circle the antecedent.
1. The table which we usually sit at has been taken.
2. Doctor Smith, who recently moved to Florida, won the lottery.
3. Professor Jones, whom we admire greatly, is retiring this year.
5. This is the last of the money which I brought with me.
6. Traveling with someone who has a zest for life is rewarding.
7. You need to buy the one that has the most vibrant colors.
8. Is this the problem that gave you trouble?
9. The boy who was stolen his wallet is crying.
10. The chair that I left in the middle of the floor caused the accident.
11. The boy who won first prize humbly accepted the trophy.
12. The grapes which we picked last week are moldy.
13. The hotel we wanted to stay in is closed for renovations.
14. Our car which has been quite a problem for us has been in the shop for two weeks.
15. The student who masters clauses will master writing, also.
16. Pizza is a lunch that is easily prepared.
17. Pictures that make you smile are good to have hanging in your room.
18. The winning goal was scored by someone whom I don’t know.
19. After supper which will be sometime around seven we will open the presents.
20. The hot water bottle which was starting to leak perched on her head.
C—Complete the following relative pronouns who, whom, which, whose in the gape.
1) I talked to the girl______________ we met at International Foreign Language School.
2) Mr Richards,_____ ________ is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
3) Iphone is a phone _____________ is my favorite.
4) This is the girl_________________ comes from Spain.
5) That's Peter,______ _________ Thida used to love before.
6) Thank you very much for your e-mail_______________ was very interesting.
7) The man, ______________ is a lecturer in ALS, forgot his umbrella.
8) The children, ________________shouted in the street, are not from our school.
9) The car, ______________driver is a young man, is from Ireland.
10) What did you do with the money _______________your mother lent you?
D—Combine the sentence by Using who, whom, which
1. Maralen wants to meet me. She is very pretty
2. I want to buy some pencils. They are not expensive.
3. Konita is a student in UBB. I used to know her before.
4. The man is standing over there. Thida brought him to the party.
5. Jimbo is living in Thailand now. He got divorced last year.
6. Clare is a good teacher. I don't like Clare very much.
7. I like the composition. You wrote it.
8. The school was built in 1907. The school has about 800 students.
9. The people were very nice. We visited them yesterday.
10. I like the woman. I met her at the party last night.
E—Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose) and complete in the sentence.
1. This is the bank __________________was robbed yesterday.
2. The man _________________ had two pistols robbed the bank.
3. He wore a mask__________________ made him look like Mickey Mouse.
4. He came with a friend_________________ waited outside in the car.
5. A man _________________mobile was ringing did not know what to do.
6. A woman __________________daughter was crying tried to calm her.
7. The car _________________the bank robbers escaped in was orange.
8. The robber __________________mask was obviously too big didn't drive.
9. He didn't wait at the traffic lights__________________ were red.
10. A police officer ________________car was parked at the next corner stopped and arrested them.
F—Underline the Adjective Clauses, and then separate the following sentences into two sentences.
1. The table which we usually sit at has been taken.
2. Doctor Smith, who recently moved to Florida, won the lottery.
3. This is the last of the money which I brought with me.
4. Is this the problem that gave you trouble?
5. Ratana whose family was stolen by over 10 thieves moved to New Zealand last month.
Exercise 11
A—Combine the sentences, using with (Whose + noun)
1. I know a man. His last name is Sovath.
2. I apologized to the woman. I spilled her coffee.
3. The man called the police. His wallet was stolen.
4. I met the woman. Her husband is the president of the corporation.
5. Mr. Dong is excellent. I am taking his course.
6. Mr. Coco Nut teaches a class for students. Their native language is not English.
7. The people were very nice. We visited their house last month.
8. She takes care of two children. Their mother is dead.
9. I have to call the man. I accidentally picked up his umbrella after meeting.
10. The man poured a glass of water on his face. His beard caught on fire when he lit a cigarette.
B—Fill in the blanks with “Whom or Whose”. Then write out each sentence.
1. We know the man ___________ son won the race.
2. The boy _________ you are looking at is john`s brother.
3. They helped the woman ___________ house was burnt down.
4. The people ___________ we met there were very friendly.
5. The pupil ____________ the teacher is blaming is very lazy.
6. My friend, __________ house I stayed in during the holidays, has shifted.
7. The farmer, from _____________ we bought the vegetables last week, has a big farm.
8. The lady ___________ bag was stolen has gone to the police-station.
9. The shopkeeper ___________ I told you about has two other shops in Market Road.
10. The doctor ___________ you went to see last week has two children.
C—Choose the correct word in each sentence.
1. Mr. Zhou, (who/ which) is a farmer, rears many chickens.
2. We met the woman (who, whose) son is a doctor.
3. The girl (that/ whom) we met here has two brothers.
4. Kingfishers, (which/ who) live near water, are beautiful birds.
5. The book (who/ that) has many pictures was given to me by my uncle.
6. The boy (whom/ which) I talked to yesterday lives here.
7. This is the hardest sum (who/ that) I have ever done.
8. The pen (who/ which) you gave me is good.
9. George, (who/ which) is my best friend, has bought a new bicycle.
10.The man (that/ whose) axe you borrowed is here.
D—Combine the sentences, using adjective clause. Give the possible patterns.
1. The meeting was interesting. I went to it.
2. The man was very kind. I talked to him yesterday.
3. I must thank the people. I got a present from them.
4. The picture was beautiful. She was looking at it.
5. Sok Pisey is angry now. Mr. Serey Mun is looking for her phone.
6. I ran into a woman. I had gone to elementary school with her.
7. The topic was very interesting. Obama talked about it.
8. Mr. Sinan is very friendly and smart. I am waiting for his parents.
9. Mr. Chomnab wrote a topic. He knew nothing about it.
10. The candidate didn’t win the election. I voted for her.
E—Combine the sentences, using with relative adverbs.( Where, When)
1. That is the restaurant. I will meet you there ( at that restaurant).
2. 1960 is the year. The revolution took place then (in that year).
3. The town is very small. I grew up there ( in that town).
4. July is the month. The weather is usually the hottest then (in that month).
5. 7: 30 is the time. My plane arrives then ( at that time).
6. That is the place. The accident occurred there.
7. The miser hid his money in a place. It was safe from the robbers there.
8. There was a time. Dinosaurs dominated the earth then.
9. The house was destroyed in an earthquake ten years ago. I was born and grew up there.
10. Her new skirt didn’t fit, so Dan took it back to the store. She’d bought it there.
Exercise 12
A—Combine the ideas by using: when, as, as soon as or once, while.
1. The taxi will get here in five minutes or so. Then we can leave for the airport.
As soon as the taxi gets here, we can leave for the airport.____________________________________________
2. The rice will be done in about ten minutes. Immediately after that, we can eat.
3. First, I have to graduate. Then I can return home.
4. Spring will come and the weather will be nice again. Then we can start playing tennis every morning before class.

5. My roommate walked into the room. Immediately, I knew that something was wrong.
6. Your English will get better. Then you will begin to feel more comfortable living in the United States.
7. Immediately after the singer finished her song, the audience burst into applause.
8. I'm watching a baseball game on TV, but it will be over in a few minutes. Then I'll take out the garbage.
9. I will call you. I arrive the airport immediately.
10. Anita kept neutral feeling during the party. Everyone was blaming her because of her carelessness.
B—Complete the following sentences with the correct subordinator of time:
before till after as soon as when while until

1. I heard the news __________________ I was driving home.

2. I'll take a few days off work __________________the baby is born.
3. You can begin the exam __________________ all the papers have been given out.
4. I went to the post office __________________ I left you.
5. The teacher won't start the class __________________everyone has stopped talking.
6. Come back __________________ I forget you.
C—Combine the ideas by using subordinators of purpose: so that, in order that, lest, for the fear that.
0. Please turn down the radio. I want to be able to get to sleep.
 Please turn down the radio so that I can get to sleep._______________________________________
1. I’ll take my raincoat. I don’t get wet in case of raining.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. My wife turned down the radio. I wanted to be able to get to sleep.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
3. Put the milk in the refrigerator. It won’t (doesn’t) spoil.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. I put the milk in refrigerator. I didn’t spoil.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. Please be quiet. I want to be able to hear what Katret is saying.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
6. I asked the children to be quiet. I want to be able to hear what Katret was saying.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
7. I’m going to cash a check. I want to make sure that I have enough money to go to the market.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
8. I cashed a check yesterday. I wanted to make sure that I had enough money to go to the market.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
9. Tonight Tom and Teav are going to hire a babysitter. They want to be able to go out with friends.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
10. Last week Tom and Teav hired a babysitter. They wanted to be able to go to dinner at my house.
D—Choose the correct answer for Adverb Clause of Manner.
1. It's very cold outside today. In fact, it feels as if it _________.
a. is going to snow b. snowed c. has snowed
2. She did not know him, but she acted as if _________ him.
a. knew b. is going to know c. know
3. Bill is only twenty-three years old, but sometimes he behaves as if he _________ much older.
a. were b. had been c. was
4. What a delicious smell! It smells as though mother _________ at the moment.
a. had baked b. is baking c. baked
5. There was a lot of noise last night. It sounded as though the people next door ________ a party.
a. had b. were having c. are having
6. Halen looked every frightened last night. She looked as if she __________ a ghost.
a. had seen b. will see c. saw
7. My boss tells the same jokes all the time and we always laugh as though we _____ them before.
a. never heard b. had never heard c. never hear
8. Sue didn’t study maths at university, but sometimes she talks about it as if she _________ an
expert on the subject.
a. were b. had been c. is
9. Coconut has never been to Thailand. He’s talking about Bankok as if he ______ there.
a. go b. used to go c. is going
10. Katret often nods her head during class as if she ________ what teacher talks.
a. is understanding b. understands c. understood
E—Combine the sentences, using subordinators of Reason/ Cause. Add commas where necessary.
We can go swimming every day. The weather is warm, (now that)
 We can go swimming every day now that the weather is warm.___________________________________
1. All of the students had done poorly on the test. The teacher decided to give it again. (since)
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. Cold air hovers near the earth. It is heavier than hot air. (because)
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. You paid for the theater tickets. Please let me pay for our dinner, (since)
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. Larry is finally caught up on his work. He can start his vacation tomorrow, (now that)
5. Our TV set was broken. We listened to the news on the radio, (because)
6. My brother got married last month. He's a married man now, so he has more responsibilities, (now that)
7. Oil is an irreplaceable natural resource. We must do whatever we can in order to conserve it. (since)
Exercise 13
A—Underline noun clause and tell whether it functions as a subject, subject complement, or object.
1. ______________________That you should cheat me hurts me.
2. ______________________It is my believe that the war will happen again in 2019.
3. ______________________I thought that it would be a fine day.
4. ______________________That you should say this is very strange.
5. ______________________It is to be regretted that he retired from the world so early in life.
6. ______________________It seems doubted that he is a swindler.
7. ______________________That English is the principal language of the business community
throughout much of the world is a well-known fact.
8. ______________________I hope that it was true, but your sister told me that it was not true.
9. ______________________It seems strange that you will marry with a gay.
10. ______________________It is a real story that Mr. John dies in a forest.
B—Make five sentences with That-clause using as subject with the words in the brackets.
0. (surprise) _____________That you will come to visit me again surprises my parents.________
1. (strange)
2. (too bad)
3. (a fact)
4. (obvious)
5. (apparent)
C—Complete the sentences.
0. It is my belief that ___the war between those two countries will end soon_____________________
1. It seems strange that ___________________________________________________________________
2. It is my idea that ______________________________________________________________________
3. It seems true that ______________________________________________________________________
4. It is a miracle that _____________________________________________________________________
5. It seems bored that ____________________________________________________________________
D—Combine the following pairs of sentences into one that contains a noun clause. Begin the new
sentence with That or It.
Example: - The weather is not going to improve. That is apparent.
 That the weather is not going to improve is apparent. OR
 It is apparent that the weather is not going to improve.
1. Pollution diminishes the quality of our lives. That is hard to deny.
2. No one stopped to help Sam when he had car trouble. That is surprising.
3. People in modern cities are distrustful of each other. That is unfortunate.
4. People in my village always help each other. That is still true.
5. People need each other and need to help each other. That is undeniably true.
6. People have a moral duty to help others in need. That seems obvious to me.
7. People today are afraid to help strangers. That is a pity.

E—Find out the noun clauses in the following sentences and state what purpose they serve—subject,
subject complement, object, object of preposition, predicate nominative, appositive.
1. ____________ The king ordered that the traitor should be put to death.
2. ____________ He said that he would not go.
3. ____sub_____ That he is not interested in the offer is known to us.
4. ____________ He said that he was not feeling well.
5. ____________ I cannot rely on that he says.
6. ____________ I don’t know that he has gone.
7. ____________ He asked me that the servant had polished his shoes.
8. ____________ The news that he is alive has been confirmed.
9. ___appo_____ The belief that the soul is immortal is almost universal.
10. ____________ It is certain that we will have to admit defeat.
11. ____________ It was fortunate that he was present.
12. ____________ The report that only ten persons were killed in the riots is not true.
F—Use the conjunction ‘that’ and form a noun clause using one of the statements from the box to fill
the gaps in the sentences below.

Denis and Sue were getting engaged I left my keys on the tables
it`s wrong to smack children my account was overdrawn
our neighbors were away this method is the most effective
we could achieve as much as this you know all the English irregular verbs
you might be late you`ll have a successful job interview
1. I was worried about you because I knew __________________________________________________.
2. I`m certain _____________________________________________________ but they`re not there now.
3. Annette told me inn confidence __________________________________________________________.
4. You still haven`t convinced me __________________________________________________________.
5. I do hope ______________________________________________________________________________.
6. My parents believe _____________________________________________________________________.
7. I though _________________________________________________________, but their lights are on.
8. We never imagined _____________________________________________________________________.
9. The bank informed me __________________________________________________________________.
10. You may think ____________________________________________________________________, but it`s
good idea to revise them nevertheless.
Exercise 14
A—Change the questions in parentheses to noun clause.
0. (How old is he? )____ I don’t know how old he is._______________________________________
1. (What is he talking about?) _Can you tell me____________________________________________
2. (Where do you live?) _I can’t remember_________________________________________________
3. (What did she say?) _I couldn’t hear____________________________________________________
4. (When are they coming?) _Let’s ask them_______________________________________________
5. (How much does it cost? ) _Please tell me_______________________________________________
6. (What happened? ) _Do you know_____________________________________________________
7. (Who is coming to the party?) _I wonder________________________________________________
8. (What does Mr. Riem do?) _ Do you know ______________________________________________
9. (Where did Sophea go yesterday?) _I don’t know_________________________________________
(How many students are there in ALS?) _I can’t remember_________________________________
B—Choose the correct answers in the following sentences.
1. Last week, our cat gave birth to a litter of kittens, but we didn't know where ________.
a. is our cat b. our cat was c. our cat is d. was our cat
2.Now, our cat is home again, and we can't believe how many ________.
a. kittens does she have b. kittens has she c. she has kittens d. kittens she has
3.Can you imagine ________ ?
a. how cute they are b. how cute are they c. how they are cute d. are they cute
4.The kittens are so noisy that I can hardly hear what ________.
a. are saying you b. that you are saying c. you saying are d. you are saying
5.She needed to find new homes for them, but she didn't know whom ________ .
a. should she ask b. she should ask c. she ask d. she asks
6.Neighbors dropped by just to take a look. Everyone picked out ____________ .
a. which one he's like b. which one he likes c. which one he liked d. which one they liked.
7. John asked me ________________. a. where was his wallet b. where his wallet was
c. where is your wallet. d. where the wallet.
8. I couldn't tell him ________________.
a. where was I b. where I c. where me was d. where I was.
9. I don't know ________________. a. how many children he has b. how many children does he have
c. how many children d. how many children do he has.
10. We are not responsible for ____________. a. what our children say b. what do our children say
c. what did our children say d. our children say.
C—Change the question in parentheses to a noun clause.
1. How old is he? I don’t know ___how old he is_______________________________________________
2. What was he talking about? Our friends don’t understand ____________________________________
3. Where do you live? Please tell me __________________________________________________________
4. What did she say? Did you know __________________________________________________________
5. When are they coming? I can’t tell you ______________________________________________________
6. How much does it cost? I can’t remember ___________________________________________________
7. Which one does he want? Let’s ask him _____________________________________________________
8. Who is coming to the party? I don’t know ___________________________________________________
9. Who are those people? She doesn’t know ___________________________________________________
10. Whose pen is this? Do you know ___________________________________________________________
11. Why did they leave the country? No one knew _______________________________________________
D—Change direct question into Wh-question clause. Be careful with word order in noun clause:
1. What did you do last night? _______________________________________________________________
2. Where is your friend? _____________________________________________________________________
3. Who took your dictionary? ________________________________________________________________
4. Who is that woman? ______________________________________________________________________
5. Why is the sky blue? ______________________________________________________________________
6. How long does the butterfly live? ___________________________________________________________
7. What causes earthquakes? _________________________________________________________________
8. What is he doing now? ____________________________________________________________________
9. How far is it to Phnom Penh? ______________________________________________________________
Why did dinosaurs become extinct? _________________________________________________________

E—Create complex sentence with Wh-question clause with the following rules.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Subject Complement
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Object (direct and indirect)
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Object of preposition
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Predicate nominative
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Exercise 15
A—Change direct question to indirect question with your own introductory clause.
1. Did they have a good time? _______________________________________________________________
2. Do the boys like the class? ________________________________________________________________
3. Does he have a new car? __________________________________________________________________
4. Do you want something to eat? ____________________________________________________________
5. Is the answer to the question number 5? ____________________________________________________
6. Had they had breakfast before we saw them? _______________________________________________
7. Does Alice have two brothers? _____________________________________________________________
8. How old are your parents? ________________________________________________________________
9. Why could Aliz and Alin enter my room? ___________________________________________________
10. How long had they stayed before they left here? __________________________________________
11. Did we finish our lesson? _________________________________________________________________
12. Why don’t you understand the lesson? _____________________________________________________
13. Are you lazy so much? ___________________________________________________________________
14. Have you ever reviewed the lesson at home? ________________________________________________
15. Do you want to pass the test? _____________________________________________________________
16. How can Ah Chum pass the examination? __________________________________________________
17. What is Ah Chum thinking about that man?_________________________________________________
18. Is he handsome or rich? __________________________________________________________________
19. When will our class start a new term? ______________________________________________________
20. Does Tom come to our school? ____________________________________________________________
B—Change WH and Yes No questions to WH and Yes No clause. Add introductory clause by yourself.
1. Did we finish our lesson? _____________________________________________________________________
2. Why don’t you understand the lesson? __________________________________________________________
3. Are you lazy so much? ________________________________________________________________________
4. Have you ever reviewed the lesson at home? ____________________________________________________
5. Do you want to pass the test? __________________________________________________________________
6. How can Ah Chum pass the examination? _______________________________________________________
7. What is Ah Chum thinking about that man? _____________________________________________________
8. Is he handsome or rich? _______________________________________________________________________
9. When will our class start a new term? ___________________________________________________________
10. Does Tom come to our school? ________________________________________________________________
11. Could you help me? _________________________________________________________________________
12. Does everyone know Teav?___________________________________________________________________
13. Should I put my shoes off as having breakfast? __________________________________________________
14. Do you like listening to music? ________________________________________________________________
15. Ought students to practice this quiz at home? ___________________________________________________
16. How many account facebooks do you own now? ________________________________________________
17. Do you play facebook? _______________________________________________________________________
18. Are you crazy about adding friends? __________________________________________________________
19. What kind of friend did you confirm? _________________________________________________________
20. Did you buy that equipment? _________________________________________________________________
21. Why are you so diligent? _____________________________________________________________________
22. Can you get out of my way? __________________________________________________________________
23. What has Tom working these days? ___________________________________________________________
24. Has Teav been working in IFLS? ______________________________________________________________
25. Where did you see Tom? _____________________________________________________________________
26. Do you forget That Clause? ___________________________________________________________________
C—Change the following questions into noun clause.
1. “Where should I buy the meat for the lamb stew?”
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________________
2. “Should I stay home or go to the movie?”
Tom can’t decide ____________________________________________________________________
3. “How can I fix the toaster?”
Jack does not know __________________________________________________________________
4. “Should I look for another job?”
Jason is wondering __________________________________________________________________
5. Where can I get a map of the city?
Ann wants to know __________________________________________________________________
6. Should I go to the meeting?
Alex is trying to decide _______________________________________________________________
7. What time should I pick you up?
I need to know ______________________________________________________________________
8. Who should I take to about this problem?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________________
9. Should I take a nap or do my homework?
I can’t decide ________________________________________________________________________
10. How can I solve this problem for you?
My advisor can’t figure out ___________________________________________________________
D—Make Wh-questions and Yes, No questions by yourselves then change them into Noun Clause.
1. Question: ___________________________________________________________________________
N.Cl: ________________________________________________________________________________
2. Question: ____________________________________________________________________________
N.Cl: ________________________________________________________________________________
3. Question:_____________________________________________________________________________
N.Cl: ________________________________________________________________________________
4. Question: ____________________________________________________________________________
N.Cl: ________________________________________________________________________________
5. Question:_____________________________________________________________________________
N.Cl: ________________________________________________________________________________
6. Question: ____________________________________________________________________________.
N.Cl: ________________________________________________________________________________
7. Question:_____________________________________________________________________________
N.Cl: ________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 16
A—Underline adjective clause and adverb clause then change them to present participle phrase.
1. Is the girl who is using smart phone Navy?
2. Hikata, who did homework well, was born in P.P.
3. Some students, who never come to school, are failed the exam.
4. The children who do not play football are clever.
5. Did you understand the lesson that has a lot of complicated points?
6. He isn`t the superstar who gets the present from fans.
7. I have many toys which speak with people easily.
8. Vuthy, who is sitting alone, is my friend and student.
9. I have just received the message which makes me excited.
10. Minea gets important book that describes about how to build confident.
11. The final test that picked up difficult questions called Mathematics.
12. My living room which has a lot of magazines is decorated by Europe style.
13. When police went to the scene, the thieves were stealing the jewelry.
14. While we were cooking dinner, we had a big argument.
15. By the time I reach my goal, I`m old enough.
16. Petrol that costs over five dollars a gallon is increasing every day.
17. The four students, who fight to each other, will fail the exam.
18. The speaker who was arguing his position asked for ten more minutes.
19. The senator who is supporting clean energy explained his plan.
20. The researching said that people who live in remote area face the big flood.
B—Combine the two sentences in each of the following, using present participle phrases.
1. The babysitter was very loyal. She did not leave her master until she died.
2. The woman saw a giraffe. The woman thought it was very frightened.
3. Martin did not understand the lecture. He consulted his lecturer.
4. Dara and his wife felt very tired. They went to bed early.
5. I thought they might be hungry. I offered them something to eat.
6. Sothary is a foreigner. She needs a visa to work in this country.
7. David didn’t know his brother’s phone number. He couldn’t contact him.
8. Navy wasn’t able to speak the local language. She had trouble communicating.
9.The robbers saw the police. They ran away.
10. I found the door open. I went inside.
C—Alex is writing an article about his trip to Malaysia. Help him to complete the article by changing
the clauses on the note sheet into present participle phrases.
• while she was lying there on the ground • as we didn’t want to frighten whoever they
• as we saw that the weather was so good were
• when we realized what they were doing • when she tripped over a log
• since we didn’t expect to be gone for long • when we were traveling back to Hong Kong
• since he suspected that something was wrong • as we had no food or warm clothing with us
Unforgettable Malaysia
My mum and I have just returned from a trip to Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia. We had a great time,
and we also had quit an adventure. One afternoon, (1) _______seeing that the weather was so good_______, we
decided to take a walk in the forest. (2) _______________________________________________________, we
only brought a bottle of water with us. However, when we decided to head back after walking for an hour,
we realized that we were lost. While we were wondering what to do, we heard voices nearby. (3)
_____________________________________________________, we walked slowly towards the people who
were speaking. Soon we saw three men with a large basket. They were stealing endangered plants! (4)
______________________________________________________, we tried to slip away unnoticed. However,
one of the thieves heard us and shouted to the others. Mum and I tried to run away, but (5)
_______________________________________________________,Mum fell and hurt her leg. Luckily, the
thieves didn’t chase us. They actually ran off after they had been discovered.
(6) _______________________________________________________, Mum said she couldn’t walk. We thought
we would have to stay in the forest all night. Fortunately, when we didn’t go to dinner, our tour guide
became worried. (7) ____________________________________________________,he organized a search party
that found us later that evening. Later on, (8) __________________________________________________, we
realized how lucky we had been. We could have been in serious trouble,
(9)______________________________________________________, if the guide hadn’t noticed that we were
missing. We might laugh about it now, but we certainly wouldn’t want to repeat the experience!
Exercise 17
B—Underline adjective clause and adverb clause then change them to past participle phrase.
1. That is a boy who was recurred by Mss. Lina.
2. Because my computer was broken, it must send to the shop.
3. After you were told the truth, you felt upset.
4. Can you tell the picture which was created by Thomas Son.
5. WR II, which is taught by thin teacher, is his favorite lesson.
6. The lesson that was explained by my beloved students is Unit2 Adverb Clause.
7. Because the show is started with confidence, it is very interesting.
8. The hamburger that was made with pork called LaLa Pork.
9. The romantic story, which is composed by Alan, is very wonderful.
10. Since the party is called off by handsome man, it is going to be started next week.
B—Underline subordinate clauses then change them to past participle phrase.
1. Berners-Lee’s parents worked on the first computer that was sold commercially.
2. Google, which is a popular search engine, is used by millions of people.
3. The World Wide Web, which is abbreviated WWW, was first introduced on the Internet in 1991.
4. The Internet, which was designed in the 1970s, didn’t attract casual users until Berners-Lee created the
5. Computers that are sold today have much more memory and speed than computers that were sold ten
years ago.
6. Amazon an online retailer that was created by Jeff Bezos.
7. Many people confuse the Web with the Internet which was created in the 1970s.
8. Hal has found memories of hometown which is located on a lake.
9. I have never been to Vietnam which is located in Southeast Asia.
10. The man who was arrested last week sold Bob the stolen watch.
C—Underline adjective and adverb clauses then change them to perfect participle phrase.
1. The book on which she had built her reputation was not here best by any means.
2. The students thanked the teacher who had given her some flowers.
3. People who had worked hard for their money appreciated its value.
4. These old photographs which my father has taken recently are in museum.
5. Since she had been invited to the party by Prime Minister, she could hardly refuse to go.
6. After we had finished our final test, we found a nice place to hang out and eat out.
7. The homework, which has already been corrected, must be given back to students.
8. Employees who have been working for years are not responsible for paying the medical health.
9. Because Sorpor had completed her test early, she was allowed to leave the class.
10. Yiza went to the movies after she had finished her assignment.
D—Complete the following sentences with the Having + Past Participle form with the following verbs.

arrive climb spend take work

1. _______________________the wrong bus, Tony found himself in an unfamiliar town.

2. _______________________a tree, Kanha was able to see a way out of the forest.
3. _______________________as a clerk, painter, and a bus driver, Narry decided to go back to the university.
4. _______________________all morning working in the garden, Marry took a short lunch break.
5. _______________________early for his appointment, Molika spent some time looking at the magazines.
E—Answer all these questions.
1. What is participle phrase?

2. What is present participle phrase?

3. Describe past participle phrase.
4. Tell what perfect participle phrase is.
Exercise 18
A—Underline subordinate clauses then change them to appositive phrases.
1. Google, which is a popular search engine, is used by millions of people.
2. Bill Gates, who is the founder of Microsoft, has set up a foundation to help others.
3. Tim Berners-Lee, who is clever gentle man, now works at MIT.
4. Berners-Lee developed the idea for the Web when he was working at CERN, which is a physics lab in
5. Some wealthy people signed a Giving Pledge, which is a promise to give away most of their money in
their lifetime.
6. Pierre Omidyar, who is a billionaire, signed the Giving Pledge.
7. Dr.Seismore who is a retired obstetrician still loves to talk to pregnant women.
8. Dara, who is the bank manager, is living London with his family now.
9. A very clever student who is from the United States studies at university of Management and
10. I knew Dara, who was the former English lecturer from the United Kingdom.
B—Build the sentences with appositive phrases by using your own idea.
1. _________________________________________________________________________________________.

2. _________________________________________________________________________________________.

3. _________________________________________________________________________________________.

4. _________________________________________________________________________________________.

5. _________________________________________________________________________________________.

6. _________________________________________________________________________________________.

7. _________________________________________________________________________________________.

8. _________________________________________________________________________________________.

9. _________________________________________________________________________________________.

10. ________________________________________________________________________________________.
C—Underline the participles and participle phrases below and write “present” if it is present participle and “past”
if it is past participle in the bracket given.
1) ________ Yelling with all our might, we sat in the section.
2) __________ Did anyone ever tell you that you have a winning smile?
3) __________ Feeling like a fool, I appeared from behind the curtain in a costume.
4) __________ Blushing, Estrella accepted the praise of her buddies.
5) __________ What should we do with this picked fruit?
6) __________ The buildings knocked down by the bomb were very old.
7) __________ Breathing hard, the runners crossed the finish line.
8) __________ The dog, caught between the two fierce cats, fled the yard.
9) __________ Badly injured, the accident victims were helicoptered to the trauma center.
10) __________ Holding our breaths, we watched the hero who is being stalked by the villain.
11) __________ The shipment of dishes contained many cracked items.
12) __________ Drawing a nice picture, we feel very happy.
13) __________ The photographer shooting the wedding focused several pictures on the parents.
14) __________ The speaker at the museum was a respected environmentalist.
15) __________ My typing changed drastically due to my broken wrist.
16) __________ Hoping for the best, we opened the basement door after the flood.
17) __________ The team has finally broken its losing streak!
18) __________ Don’t forget your backpack lying behind the sofa.
19) __________ Clutching her mother’s hand, the child skated slowly over the rink.
20) __________ Slashing the vegetation ahead, the explorers ploughed through the jungle.
D—Combine the two sentences into one by using participles and participial phrases.
1. The houses should be helped to rebuild. The houses were destroyed by the storm.
2. The girl is wearing a beautiful necklace. She is a famous ballet dancer.
3. The books were placed into the cart. They will be put back when the library closes at 5:00.
4. Anyone carries a suitcase heavier thirty pounds. He/she will not be allowed on the train.
5. The students are being taught by an instructor. The instructor is wearing a blue shirt.
6. The announcements were posted on the board. The announcements must be approved by the Dean.
7. They are using the computers. The computers are made in Taiwan.
8. The boy is crying. The boy was terrified by an accident.
9. Mr. Den won a gold medal in the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games were celebrated in China.
10. The novels were written by Nou Hach. They were famous around the country.
Exercise 19
A—Underline subordinate clauses below and change to participle phrases.
1. Because Soriya is studying English, she doesn’t answer the phone.
2. The committee which proposed an increase in the minimum wage had stiff opposition.
3. The senator who is supporting clean energy explained his plan.
4. Panna that is sitting next to Vibol gets ten marks today.
5. So that my parents go out, they may not know what we are going to do.
6. The five members, who are working late, will pass a new law.
7. The speaker who was arguing his position asked for ten more minutes.
8. The study said that children who have been attending pre-school often have more colds.
9. While we were hiking in the wilderness, we encountered a mountain lion.
10. Because it was looking for food, the black bear rummaged in our garbage can.
11. When Tom stayed in BMC, he was working in ACELEDA.
12. Knowledgeable consumers who are looking for bargains often shop at outlet stores.
13. The ideas which are presented in the essay are controversial.
14. The committee that meets next week will discuss a new bill.
15. Congress, which consists of two houses, is on a break.
16. Those who wish to travel with us must be ready to leave on short notice.
17. As he was returning from the beach, Alex met an old friend.
18. A family that takes vitamins visits to the doctor.
19. After we had finished our final test, we found a nice place to drink and chat.
20. Mr. Brown, who is responsible for public relations, is an employee of the company.
21. The snake, which has killed many people, is caught by my little brother.
22. While we were having party, someone called us.
23. The networks, which broadcast news 24 hours a day, are competing for viewers.
24. A person who does atxb least 30 minutes of exercise a day will feel better.
25. The man who has been fired from the big company runs his own business.
26. Somebody who knows the answer is so happy.
27. By the time you know the true, you will be upset.
28. Gas that costs over 4 dollars a gallon is upsetting citizens.
29. Since we had been invited to the party by Prince William himself, we could hardly refuse to go.
30. Because ChanDa studies hard, she may pass the test.
B—Underline participle phrase in each sentence. Then label it as present participle, past participle or perfect
1. ____________The house ruined by the fire smoldered until the next morning.
2. ____________The dignity representing the president will address the Security Council today.
3. ____________Having interviewed several people, the report felt ready to write the article.
4. ____________I listened to the crows cawing continuously in the fields.
5. ____________Having been warned, I used a good deal of caution when I approached the guard dog.
6. ____________The document, yellowed with age, contained the information we need.
7. ____________Frightened by the cat, the bird flew away.
8. ____________Our house, shaded by trees, stays cool in summer.
9. ____________The sun beating on the roads melts the tar.
10. ____________We sat and listened to the cry of sea gulls and the waves making nice view.
C—Choose Present Participle (V-ing) from the box to complete in the correct sentence.
smoking dying keeping voting suffering
1.Senior citizens _________________________ active tend to live longer, happier lives.
2.Fifty years ago, many people _________________________from Tuberculosis eventually died.
3.Today, the number of people _________________________ from AIDs is finally decreasing.
4.People not _________________________should not complain about their government.
5.Do you think that a person _________________________ around children in public should be cited?
D—Underline five more subordinate clauses in the paragraph and change them to present participle phrase.
Politicians running for office are having to make changes in order to appeal to today's youth. Old-style
politicians who boast twenty-five years or more of experience are having difficulty getting younger voters to join
their campaigns. A politician who knows how the system works is less valued than a politician who imagines how the
system can work in the future. Political loyalties that were once solid and unlikely to change now shift quickly,
particularly with so many independent voters. The political power of unions that supported candidates in the past are
now weakening and under serious attack.
1. __Who boasting twenty-five years or more of experience___________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 20
A—Underline the gerunds or gerunds phrases and write what function it is in the bracket. S (Subject), O (Object), OP
(Object of Preposition), Subject Complement (SC).
1. Editing the newspaper for long hour ruined her day. (………)
2. Hanging the pictures on the wall was more difficult than we had anticipated. (………)
3. Try to slip away without telling your friends about it. (………)
4. Each afternoon Maria enjoyed swimming a few laps. (………)
5. Winning at poker makes Den feel important. (………)
6. I am demoting the officer for disobeying orders. (………)
7. One of my favorite events is gathering old friend before the campfire. (………)
8. Sometimes wisdom simply means knowing about the importance of silence. (………)
9. Studying hard for the test makes you have a big chance to pass. (………)
10. Abbey is enjoying listening to the Rolling Stones' music. (………)
B—Underline the V-ing or V-ing Phrase and say Gerund (G) or Present Participle (P).
Example: Brisk walking is Don's favorite exercise.
1. _______ Keeping a light on in the house, I am awaked from the ghost.
2. _______ Mrs. Norman enjoys playing bridge.
3. _______ I remember Steve promising to help me repair old bike.
4. _______ Standing during a two-hour train trip is not my idea of fun.
5. _______ Do you like sailing on the lake?
6. _______ Volunteering at the hospital is just one of Helen's activities.
7. _______ Mrs. Brent enjoys watching quiz shows on television.
8. _______ Allow twenty minutes a pound for roasting the turkey.
9. _______ Taking out the garbage, the mechanic has not finished my lovely car.
10. _______ Understanding a foreign language and speaking it well are two different things.
C—Underline Gerund Phrase and tell how it is used: Subject, Subject Complement, or Object.
1. _______________ She dreamed of a man who was responsible for creating a ghastly creature.
2. _______________ Opening her eyes reminded her that the vision was not real.
3. _______________ Another idea was assembling a human being from various body parts.
4. _______________ After seeing this mental image, Mary was terrified.
5. _______________ One night, after listening to ghost stories, Mary and three others agreed to write their
own horror stories.
6. _______________ Mary Shelley heard her husband and a friend discuss the possibility of reviving a corpse.
7. _______________ Imagining this ghastly creature inspired Frankenstein.
8. _______________ Completing Frankenstein at 19 was an incredible accomplishment.
9. _______________ Mary Shelley is famous for creating the Gothic novel Frankenstein.
10. _______________ Falling asleep for Mary was difficult that night.
D—Complete the correct gerund in each sentence from the box. Say it is Subject (S), Subject complement (SC), or
object (O).
reading singing helping raising moving having
Example: The troop found different ways of raising money.__object______.
1. There are few people who question the benefits of ______________________ teens. (………………)
2. We should teach our children the necessity of __________________ others in need. (………………)
3. Bart received an award for ______________________ perfect attendance. (………………)
4. The chorus began ______________________ the song. (………………)
5. Some people enjoy ______________________ the lawn. (………………)
6. ______________________ the classics is my goal this summer. (………………)
E—Underline the infinitive phrases and tell whether the infinitive phrases are used as a noun, adjective, or adverb.
1. ____________The football Hall of Fame is fun to visit on a cold day.
2. ____________The day to sleep in is Saturday.
3. ____________To run 10 miles presents a problem for most students.
4. ____________Constitution was written to provide the boundaries of American rights and laws.
5. ____________Justin is coming to discuss the band for the prom.
6. ____________The captain of the ship is the authority to obey at all the time.
7. ____________What is to be found in the attic?
8. ____________Dogs and pigs are trained to find truffles.
9. ____________Sending her roses is the way to win her heart.
10. ____________Please write the number to win the lottery on this form.
F—Underline the prepositional phrase. Write function as adjective or adverb.
1. ___________ Cape Cod in Massachusetts is a favorite vacation spot.
2. ___________ Lake Erie has beaches for sunbathers and swimmers.
3. ___________ The area has a beautiful view of the lake.
4. ___________ After some years, the house was finally ours.
5. ___________ According to the Bible, we must love each other.
6. ___________ The long months of winter are sometimes dreary.
7. ___________ Residents of the city love their busy lives.
8. ___________ Relations between the employees and the boss were good.
9. ___________ By evening, we will have finished the painting.
10. __________ Come to sit beside me.
G—Underline all the prepositional phrases in the following sentences. Identify their functions:
Adjective, Adverb, or Nominal?
1. ______________ They have left and will be back by Christmas
2. ______________ The old shop on the corner will be shut down soon
3. ______________ She has always been very fond of children
4. ______________ Yesterday, John and Marry were afraid of their shadow.
5. ______________ She was in seventh heaven when we told her about it.
6. ______________ The police described Marcos as a dangerous terrorist
7. ______________ The elm trees in the park are endangered by the elm disease
8. ______________ John is very interested in old coins
9. ______________ We have been waiting here for more than two hours
10. ______________ They live in the big house next to ours
11. _______________After the movie, the group of teenagers went to McDonalds for a burger.
12. _______________Without sugar, the blueberries were too sour for the dinner guests.
13. _______________Sally worked from midnight to noon on her science project.
14. _______________Over the river and through the woods to grandfather’s house we go.
15. _______________He ate three boxes of popcorn with butter during the movie.
16. _______________Despite his fear of water Jack saved the drowning puppy.
17. _______________Janet took her lunch with her to the seminar.
18. _______________At the Country Fair the child with the freckles won the talent contest.
19. _______________For breakfast she likes bananas with strawberries.
20. _______________Down the dark alley the cat chased a rat with long whiskers.
21. _______________The police searched throughout the apartment complex for the escaped criminal.
22. _______________During the summer Gordie fishes under the large oak tree beside Silver Creek.
Exercise 21
A—Identify the underlined phrase or clause. Circle the correct answer.
1. Steven's book, which made Oprah's Book Club this month, is not in any stores.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
2. While preparing for the speech, Joe couldn't help but worry about his entrance.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
3. Ahmad wants to visit Quebec, but he will need to wait for his next vacation.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
4. Hoping for a miracle, the doctors continued the surgery.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
5. Our boss supports donating time to charity.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
6. Melanie hoped to find a cure for the disease, but she tried to be realistic.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
7. After the banquet, the cooks will take a well-deserved break.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
8. Joey is hoping for a change to play pool with his uncle.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
9. The dog that Sam chose from the litter seems to be healthy.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
10. Sam Smith, who recently spoke to the youth group, excels at motivating young people.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
11. Pushed beyond endurance, the runner dropped the baton.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
12. The shoes he saw in the catalogue are available down the street.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
13. The reporter crouched behind that tree got the best picture of the arrest.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
14. Keith tried supporting both teams, but his heart was with Oregon.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
15. Katrina, who resented being left at home, drew on the walls with her crayons.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
16. Arnold hoped to find an answer to the funding shortfall.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
17. Pressed for time, the agent ran the red light.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
18. His uncle thinks that working for the government is the key to stability.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
19. Richard's chance to make his point slipped away.
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
20. Is it possible that Joshua will compete against that man?
a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
B—Identify the underlined phrases in the following sentences and write down the answer
1. _____________ Jamming too much clothing into a washing machine will result in disaster.
2. _____________ Buttering toast with a fork, Bernard vowed that he would finally wash the
weeks’ worth of dirty dishes piled in the sink.
3. ______ The young man opposes marketing smoking cigarettes as if it were glamorous.
4. _________ Andrew continues his crusade to prevent the university from limiting free
5. _________ The student gathered signatures for increasing the hours of the library.
6. _________ To finish her shift without spilling another pizza into a customer's lap is Michelle's only goal tonight.
7. _________ Those basketball shoes, to be perfectly honest, do not complement the suit you
are planning to wear to the interview.
8. _________ Janice and her friends went to the mall to flirt with the cute guys who congregate at the food court.
9. _________ Working in the lab, the scientist created a robot.
10. _________ Early films were still pictures projected on a wall.
11. _________ Moving pictures came later.
12. _________ Food sealed in cans was given to the campers.
13. _________ Quickly frozen food is necessary to preserve the freshness.
14. _________ Coming into the room, the boy threw his books on the desk.
15. _________ Joe, searching for the code, was really excited.
16. _________ The store sold packaged bakery from the supermarket.
17. _________ Pork and beans canned in tomato sauce is my favorite.
18. _________ Relaxing on his back patio, Jeff fell asleep.
19. _________ Having punished by the police, I feel very tired.
20. _________ She has been finished this article for over thirty days.

C—Answer all these questions

1. What is phrase?
2. How many kinds of phrase have you learnt? What are they? Describe it one by one. Tell
the definition and types.
Exercise 22
A—Complete the Conditional Sentences (Zero conditional) by putting the verbs into the correct form.
1. If he _____________________ (go) on a boat, he always ________________________ (feel) sick.
2. If you ______________________ (touch) a fire, you________________________ (get) burned.
3. People ________________________ (die) if they ___________________________ (not/ eat).
4. Snakes _______________________ (bite) if they ________________________ (be) scared.
5. If we _____________________ (be) late for work, our boss ____________________ (get) angry.
6. If you _____________________ (freeze) water, it ________________________ (become) a solid.
7. If my husband ___________________ (have) a cold, I usually __________________ (catch) it, too.
8. If you ____________________ (mix) red and blue, you _______________________ (get) purple.
9. If the weather _______________________ (be) hot, he ______________________ (turn) on the fan.
10. He ______________________ (wear) his boots when it _________________________ (rain).
B—Choose the words from the box to fill in the Zero conditional sentences below.
earn study drop combine cross
1. If you _____________________________ hard, you get good grades.
2. You pay higher income taxes if you ________________________ more money.
3. If you ______________________________the International Date Line, the time change.
4. If you __________________________ something, it fall.
5. If you _________________________ oil and water, they don’t mix.
C—Complete the Conditional Sentences (First conditional) by putting the verbs into the correct form.
1. We __________________ (save) thousands of trees if we __________________ (not/waste) so much paper.
2. If he __________________ (want) dinner, he _______________________ (cook).
3. Your company _______________________ (do) better financially if you __________________ (produce) for the
international market.
4. If it __________________ (be) cold tomorrow, I _______________________ (stay) home.
5. Your employees _______________________ (learn) all they need to know about the program if you
__________________ (send) them to this training session.
6. If you __________________ (need) help, I _______________________ (do) it.
7. Simon _______________________ (go) to London next week if he gets a cheap flight.
8. If we __________________ (take) John, he_______________________ (be) really pleased.
9. We _______________________ (win) the match, if Robert plays football with us.
10. If I __________________ (go) to New York again, I_______________________ (buy) you a souvenir from the
Empire State Building.
11. We _______________________ (see) Mr. Johnson if we visit the factory.
12. If I __________________ (see) him, I_____________________ (tell) him exactly how angry I am.
13. Peggy _______________________ (go) shopping if she has time in the afternoon.
14. If he __________________ (ask) me, I _______________________ (consider) his proposal carefully.
15. If you __________________ (leave) now, you _______________________ (catch) your train.
16. If the sun __________________ (shine), we _____________________ (walk) to the town center.
17. If Rita __________________ (forget) her homework, the teacher ____________________ (give) her a low mark.
Exercise 23
A—Discuss the differences in meaning in each pair of sentence.
1. a. If it rains, the streets get wet. Reason:_______________________________________________
b. If it rains tomorrow, the streets will get wet. Reason:_________________________________
2. a. If you heat water, it boils. Reason:__________________________________________________
b. If you heat water, it will boil. Reason:_______________________________________________
3. a. If its rain today, we cancel the picnic. Reason:________________________________________
b. If it rains tomorrow, we’ll cancel the picnic. Reason:__________________________________
B—Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.
1. If you (go)_go_ out with your friends tonight, I (watch)_will watch___ the football match on TV.
2. I (earn)_will earn_ a lot of money if I (get)__get____ that job.
3. If she (do not)__doesn’t ___ hurry, we (miss)_will miss__ the bus.
4. If I (have)___have___enough time, I (send)___will send___my parents an email tonight.
5. If I (do)__do __my homework, I ( be not punished)__am not punished___by my teacher.
C—Choose the correct verb for the result clauses. In some cases, both answers are correct.
1. If I find out the answer, I will let / let your know.
2. If I have extra time, I tutor / am going to tutor students in English.
3. If it snows, the roads are / will be closed.
4. If you run up a hill, your heart beats / will be beat fast.
5. If it rains tomorrow, we change / will change our plans.
6. If my cell phone battery goes dead, I will recharge / recharge it.
D—Complete the Conditional Sentences (Second conditional) by putting the verbs into the correct
1. If I ___lived_ (live) in Japan, I ____would have_____ (have) sushi every day.
2. If they __were__ (be) to enter our market, we ____would have____ (have) big problems.
3. If I __went___ (go) to China, I ____would visit____ (visit) the Great Wall.
4. If I ___were__ (be) the President, I ___would reduce____ (reduce) taxes.
5. If you ___were__ (be) in my position, you _____would understand______ (understand).
6. If we __had_ (have) a yacht, we ___would sail____ (sail) the seven seas.
7. She __would spend__ (spend) a year in the USA if it __were__ (be) easier to get a green card.
8. If I __lived___ (live) on a lonely island, I ___would run___ (run) around naked all day.
9. We __would help___ (help) you if we ___knew____ (know) how.
10. If you ___went___ (go) by bike more often, you ____wouldn’t be___ (not/ be) so flabby.
11. He __wouldn’t miss__ (not/miss) so many classes if he ___weren’t ___ (not/be) ill so often.
12. If you ___slept__ (sleep) better at night, you ____would start__ (start) his day with more energy.
13. He would _do__ (do) many more thing if he _started_ (start) his day with more energy.
14. If he __kept__ (keep) fit and healthy, he ___would feel___ (feel) more confident.
15. His self-esteem ____would increase___ (increase) if he ___fellt___ (feel) more confident.
E—Change the following sentences from the First to the Second Conditionals.
1. If I win the lottery, I'll buy a big house.
2. If I get promoted, I'll throw a big party.
3. If my team win the Cup, I'll buy champagne for everybody.
4. If you adopt this marketing strategy your profits will increase dramatically.
5. If I meet with the customer tomorrow I will give her your card.
6. If you think positively you will succeed.
7. If you use biodegradable products it will be better for the environment.
F—Find and correct the mistake(s) in the following sentences.
1. If you send this letter now, she receives it tomorrow.
2. If I did this test, I will improve my English.
3. If I find your ring, I give it back to you.
4. If it rain tomorrow, I will not have to water the plants.
5. If you have finish it by then, I'll come and take it.
6. If you have finished dinner, I ask the waiter for the bill.
7. If they lost their books, they will have to see the librarian.
8. Susan wouldn’t be able to move into the new house if it is not ready on time.
9. If Caroline and Sue prepared the salad, Phil decorates the house.
10. If Bob will tidy up the kitchen, Anita would clean the toilet.
11. You have bad luck if you will open an umbrella indoors.
12. If Bob will look after the barbecue, Sue lets the guests in.
G—Choose the correct completions.
1. If Tom were a teacher, he would teach law.
a. Tom is / isn’t a teacher b. Tom teaches / doesn’t teach law.
2. If it were 5: 00, we would leave.
a. It is / isn’t 5:00 b. We can / can’t leave now.
H—Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.
1. If he tried harder, he would (reach)_____________ his goals.
2. I would buy these shoes if they (fit)_________________ .
3. It would not surprise me if he ( not know)___________ the answer.
4. If I had enough apples, I (bake)_______________an apple pie .
5. I would fix your bicycle if I (have)_______________a screwdriver of the proper size.
Exercise 24
A—Check () the sentences having a past meaning and cross (X) the sentences without past meanings.
1._________If Anna were available, she would help us.
2.____ _____If Anna had been available, she would have helped us.
3._________If Anna is available, she will help us.
4.____ _____If Anna had been available, she could have helped us.
5._________If the weather were warm, we could do our farming.
6._____ ____If Mr. Hob had stayed there, he would have made us happy.
B—Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III.
1. If we (listen)_____had listened___ to the radio, we would have heard the news.
2. If you had switched on the lights, you (not fall)_______________________ over the chair.
3. She (come)_______would have come_____ to our party if she had not been on holiday.
4. They ____would have been late_____ (be) late if they ____hadn’t taken____ (not / take) a taxi.
5. She _____wouldn’t have met ___ (not / meet) him if she __hadn’t come___ (not / come) to London.
6. 6. If you ______hadn’t been______ (not / be) late, we ____wouldn’t have missed______ (not / miss) the bus.
7. 7. If she ________had studied______ (study), she ____would have passed______ (pass) the exam.
8. 8. If we ______had arrived______ (arrive) earlier, we ______would have seen______ (see) John.
9. 9. If they _____had been/gone____ (go) to bed early, they ___wouldn’t have woken____ (not / wake) up late.
10. 10. If he ____had become___ (become) a musician, he _____would have recorded___ (record) a CD.
11. 11. If she ___had been/gone___ (go) to art school, she _would have become___ (become) a painter.
12. 12. If I ____had been____ (be) born in a different country, I _____would have learnt____ (learn) to speak a
different language.
13. 13. If she ___had been/gone____ (go) to university, she ___would have studied___ (study) French.
14. 14. If we ___hadn’t been/gone____ (not / go) to the party, we ____wouldn’t have met____ (not / meet) them.
15. 15. If he __had taken____ (take) the job, he ____wouldn’t have been/gone____ (not / go) travelling.
16. 16. He ___would have taken____ (take) a taxi if he __had had__ (have) enough money.
17. 17. I ____would have called______ (call) you if I ____hadn’t forgotten/forgot____ (not / forget) my phone.
18. 18. We ____would have come___ (come) if we ____had been____ (be) invited.
19. 19. She ____wouldn’t have done_____ (not / do) it if she _____had known____ (know) you were ill.
20. 20. He _____would have been____ (be) on time if he _____had left___ (leave) earlier.
C—Complete the Conditional Sentences with the correct form (Type I, II or III).
1. If I ______ stronger, I'd help you carry the piano. ( am, were, had)
2. If we_____________ you, we would have stopped. (had seen, have seen, were seen)
3. If we ______________ him tomorrow, we'll say hello. ( will meet, meet, met)
4. He ______________ the car himself if he had had the tools.(would have repaired, would
repaired, repaired)
5. If you ______________ the vase, it will break . (dropped, drop, had dropped)
6. If I _______________, I would not have passed the exam. ( hadn’t studied, haven’t studied, did
not studied)
7. I _____________ to school by bus if I had a driving license. ( wouldn’t go, will not go, wouldn’t
have gone)
8. If she _________________ him every day, she'd be lovesick. ( would see, didn’t see, doesn’t see)
9. I _________to London if I don't get a cheap flight. ( won’t travel, wouldn’t travel, don’t travel)
10. We'd be stupid if we ______________ him about our secret. ( told, have told, tell)
D—Underline the clause that expresses the condition. Write “T” if the condition is a true condition (i.e. a
condition that exists in fact). Write “U” if the condition is untrue (i.e., a condition that does not exist in fact).
Then decide if the sentence refers to present/future or past time.
1.___T___If the weather is warm, we’ll eat outdoors. Present/future () past
2.___U__If the weather were warm, we would eat outdoors. Present/future () past
3.___U___If the weather had been warm, we’d have eaten outdoors. Present/future past()
4.___U____If I had more money, I would work less. Present/future() past
5.____U___If I had had more money, I would have worked less. Present/future past()
6.____T___If I take time off from work, I feel more relaxed. Present/future() past
7.____U___If I hadn’t had to work, I could have seen you. Present/future past()
8.____U___If I didn’t have to work, I could see you. Present/future() past
E—Complete each sentence below by giving the correct forms of the verb in parentheses.
1. If the city __expanded__ (expand) the parking lot space downtown, we would not have to
park so far away from the movie theatre.
2. Whenever my roommate __snores_ (snore) loudly, I cannot sleep.
3. Children may be disappointed if they ___don’t receive__ (not receive) good grades.
4. If we __hadn’t taken__ (not take) an exam on the conditional, we might not have learned it.
5. Maya __won’t pass___ (not pass) her driving test unless she calms down.
6. If it ___were__ (be) winter, all these trees would be covered in snow.
7. Had it not rained, the farmers ___would have lost__(lose) all of their crops.
8. If the airplane had not had a mechanical problem, we probably __would have
arrived__(arrive) in Winnipeg by now.
9. We __would have lied_(lie) on the beach in Mexico right now if we had been able to get our
visas on time.
10. I __would try__ (try) to find more opportunities to write in English if I were you.
F—Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses:
1. I usually send my parents an email every week. That is a true fact. In other words:
If I (have)__have___ enough time, I (send)_will send__ my parents an email every week.
2. I may have enough time to send my parents an email later tonight. I want to send them an email tonight. Both of
those things are true. In other words:
If I (have)__have__enough time, I (send)__will send___ my parents an email later tonight.
3. I don’t have enough time right now, so I won’t send my parent an email. I’ll try to do it later. I want to email them,
but the truth is that I just don’t have enough time right now. In other words:
If I ( have)__had___enough time right now, I (send)___would send__my parents an email.
4. I won’t have enough time tonight, so I won’t send my parent an email. I’ll try to do it tomorrow. I want to email
them, but the truth is that I just won’t have enough time. In other words:
If I (have)__had__enough time later tonight, I (send)___would wend____my parents an email.
5. I wanted to send my parents an email last night, but I didn’t have enough time. In other words:
If I (have)___had had___enough time, I (send) __would have sent__my parents an email last night.

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