Unit 1

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1. psychological model
a. Mcclelland Theory Achievement motivation
b. Theory withdrawal of Status Respect (1964)
c. Internal'-External Locus of control Theory
2. Sociological Models of Entrepreneurship:
a. A. Max Weber's Theory of Religious Beliefs
b. Hofstede's Socio-Cultural Theory
c. Theda Skocpol's Theory of Group-Level Pattern
3. Integrated model
● Comprehensive understanding of enter
● Puzzle
● Personal feelings, cultural ideas , historical events

2. Environmental factors affect entrepreneurial growth

1. Internal factors : education, occupation , experience
2. External factors :
a. Labour
b. Raw material
c. Market
d. Infrastructure
e. Political environment
f. Social and cultural environment
g. Psychological environment
h. Technological
i. Finance
j. Governance
3. Entrepreneurial training methods
1. Lecture method
2. Participative method
a. Laboratory method
b. Conference
c. Seminar
d. Panel discussion
e. Workshop
f. Buzz group
g. Syndicate Method
h. Case
i. Role play
j. Simulation
4. Entrepreneurial competencies
1. Creative and innovative
2. Leadership and team building
3. Opportunity seeking and initiative
4. Risk taking and decision taking ability
5. Tolerance of ambiguity and uncertainty
6. Motivation to excel
7. Problem solving
8. Goal oriented
9. Self efficient and adaptability
10. Internal locus of control
11. Persistence ,pursuance and networking


1. List out few key elements /aspects in which entrepreneurs Participle in

the development of an economy.

1. Contribution to GDP and Per capita Income

2. Employment Generation
3. Balanced regional development
4. Promotion of Export and trade
5. Improvement in the standard of living
6. Increased innovation
7. overall development of the economy

2. Corporate Entrepreneurship. What is the difference b/w Intrapreneur

and Entrepreneur.
3. In Order to build focus an entrepreneurial sociely 5 key areas ?
1. Education and Skill Development
2. Access to Resources and Funding
3. Regulatory Environment
4. Cultural Mindset and Perception
5. Innovation Ecosystem and Collaboration
4. TAT
5. Evolution of enter
Richard Cantillon:
Idea: He described entrepreneurs as individuals who take risks by buying at certain prices and selling
at uncertain prices, earning profits from the uncertainty.

Adam Smith:
Idea: Smith's ideas laid the foundation for understanding how individuals pursuing their interests
could contribute to economic progress and the development of entrepreneurial activities.

Jean-Baptiste Say:
Idea: He defined an entrepreneur as someone who combines resources to create a product or service,
emphasizing their role in coordinating factors of production.

Francis Walker:
Idea: He emphasized the entrepreneur's contribution to innovation, risk-taking, and their pivotal role
in driving economic progress.

Joseph Schumpeter:
Idea: He highlighted that entrepreneurs drive economic development through innovation,
introducing new products, processes, and technologies that disrupt existing markets and create
new ones.

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