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Vajrasattva Visualisation

Abbreviated practice by Namdrol Rinpoche

General Introduction
The purpose of this Vajrasattva practice is for the deep purification of our body,
speech and mind. If we do this practice regularly, we will purify eons of
negativities and obscurations, thereby becoming more aware and attuned to
our body, speech and mind. This gentle but powerful practice also quietens our
mind-chatter and helps us live genuinely in pure presence.

Deep purification of our body, speech and mind requires more than just sitting
there, reciting the mantras and doing the visualizations. It is always important
to be mindful of our refuge and the three principal aspects of the path –
renunciation, bodhicitta and the right view of emptiness.

Taking refuge helps to stabilize our conviction and faith to our Guru Buddha.
This refuge generates a safe and stable feeling for our heart and mind during
the practice. As one recites the refuge prayer, it lays the foundation for a stable
heart and mind for awakening.

Many people think that to be truly renounced, one needs to become a monk or
nun. They think that once they don the monastic robes, they will be free from
the attachments of this life. True renunciation is much more than that -
renunciation is about releasing one’s attachment to the worldly mind. When
one is faced with the feeling of tiredness and hopelessness of this life’s
problems and situations and of Samsara, and then decides to release these
feelings and embrace a positive outlook to life or looks towards enlightenment,
true renunciation is achieved.

One’s mental disposition will become clear, light and vast when we free
ourselves from these dense situations, emotions and worldly thoughts.

As we stabilize our heart and free it from the addictive emotions and worldly,
habitual thoughts, we need to generate a feeling of wishing to attain
enlightenment for the benefit of all beings - Bodhicitta.

Generating Bodhicitta, the spirit of awakening, results in enlightenment.

During our practice, we may face obscurations, conflictive thoughts and
emotions. Accept them with calmness, loving kindness and non-judgment.
Seeing these as having no essence and no inherent existence, one will gradually
develop the feeling of emptiness of all phenomena. As such, the right view of
emptiness is like a mind dancing and enjoying the space of awareness!

Through continuous cultivation with mindfulness of refuge, renunciation,

bodhicitta and the right view of emptiness, we will deeply purify our mind
stream from all pollutions and negativities accumulated since beginning-less
lives. Obstacles to the clear understanding of the Buddhadharma as well as
previous causes of mental and physical illnesses will also be purified.

This video describes the visualizations that you can do while engaging in the
Vajrasattva practice. As this practice is best done in a relaxed state of focused
concentration, we encourage you to allow yourself a time and place where you
can fully engage in the practice without any distractions.

Take a moment to put yourself in a comfortable sitting position, whatever
allows you to be fully supported and relaxed.

Begin to breathe deeply in and out a few times. Do so in a deep and unforced
manner. With each inhalation, feel the breath fill your entire being. As you
breathe out, let go of any tension, tightness or discomfort; release any
distractions that may have crept into your mind-stream.

And with one last exhalation, lower your eyelids gently to a relaxed state.

Let us begin the actual practice…..

Take refuge and generate bodhicitta

To the Buddha, Dharma and Aryan Sangha, I go for refuge until I am

By the merits of giving and other perfections, may I attain Buddhahood
for the sake of benefitting all mother sentient beings (3x)

Generating the lotus seat
Visualise a white syllable PAM above your crown.
The white PAM transforms into a lotus flower.
Visualise a white syllable AH on top of the lotus.
The white AH transforms into a moon disc.

Generation of Lord Vajrasattva

Visualise a blue syllable HUNG on the lotus and moon disc seat.
The blue HUNG transforms into a five-spoked white vajra, the centre of which
is marked with a blue HUNG.
White radiant light emanate to the ten directions offering to Guru-Buddhas and
purifying sentient beings.
The whole universe melts into light.
The light rays return and transform into Lord Vajrasattva, with a white-
coloured body, one face and two arms.
Holding a vajra and bell and embracing the motherly consort Dorje Nyemma.

Empowerment of Lord Vajrasattva

Brilliant light rays radiate from Lord Vajrasattva’s heart to request for initiation.
Tathagatas pour amrita of wisdom from initiation vases, filling Lord Vajrasattva,
then themselves melt into light and sink into Lord Vajrasattva
Visualise a blue syllable HUNG at Lord Vajrasattva’s heart

Purifying nectar from Lord Vajrasattva

From the union point, purifying nectar flows from Lord Vajrasattva into your
It fills your entire body, cleansing your body, speech and mind.

Purifying from lower body

Nectar blessings fill your central channels as they flow from your crown down
your body, purging your negativities downwards.
The negativities are expelled through openings and pores of your lower body in
the form of centipedes, cockroaches, scorpions, ants, worms, black tar and
black oil etc.
Visualise the ground beneath you opens up.
The negativities flow down deep into the earth.
The ground closes beneath you.

Purifying from upper body
Visualise the nectar fills your body from bottom up, pushing your negativities
The negativities flow out of your body through your crown.
The ground beneath you opens up once again.
The negativities flow down deep into the earth.
The ground closes beneath you once more.

Instantaneous purification
Visualise an immense amount of blissful light flooding down from Lord
Vajrasattva’s heart.
Negative energy immediately disappears as the light reaches your crown and
fills your body instantly.
Your downfalls and obstacles, as well as your degenerated and broken words of
honour are cleansed and purified.
The union point touches the crown of your head as Lord Vajrasattva dissolves
into you
Your body, speech and mind becomes inseparable from the body, speech and
mind of Lord Vajrasattva.
For those have received highest yoga tantra initiation, visualise yourself
transforming into Vajrasattva and Vajradhara with consort at your heart.
Feel all sentient beings becoming Vajrasattva as well and recite the Long
Vajrasattva mantra:

Om Bendza Satto Samaya

Manu Palaya
Bendza Satto Tenopa
Tita Dridho Me Bhawa
Sutto Kayo Me Bhawa
Supo Kayo Me Bhawa
Anurakto Me Bhawa
Sarwa Siddhi Me Prayatza
Sarwa Karma Sutza Me
Tzitam Shriyam Kuru Hung
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho
Bhagawan Sarwa Tathagata
Bendza Ma Me Muntza
Bendza Bhawa Maha Samaya
Satto Ah Hung Phet (3x)

Dissolve visualisations into emptiness and make your dedications.

May the precious Bodhi mind not yet born

Arise and grow
May that born have no decline
But increase forever more

Thank you for your practice.

May All Be Auspicious!

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