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Dear Teachers,

Teachers are the keys that unlock the student`s mind, you are the guides who mold our mind,
you are one of a kind. You are like a shepherd who guides the sheep to the right path. You
teachers, turn the pages of the great books, you train us well to reach great heights. Thank
you teachers for all you have done. In the group of many you are one.

And to my friends i also want to say thank you to these rare individuals in my life who have
listened without judgement, spoken without prejudice, helped me without entitlement,
understood without pretension and loved me without conditions, thank you so much guys.

And lastly to my beloved parents, i just want to say thank you for all the sacrifices you have
made, all the support you have given me, all the guidance you gave when i needed it most
and moulding me into the person i have become today. I will always remember your support
on this glorious day. Thank you for everything.

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