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1. Define the occasion

Describe elements of the speaking situation that will be important to the message you intend to
convey in your presentation
a. The audience
Students, faculty members, administrators, and parents. The speech aims to engage and inspire
this audience by recognizing the achievements of the students, highlighting their impact on the
school community, and emphasizing the importance of personal development and perseverance.
b. The event or setting
The gathering specifically organized to honor and celebrate the Best Student of the Year.
c. Order of speeches

Speech 1: Introduction and explanation of the selection process

Speech 2: Captivating accomplishments and Impact on the school community
Speech 3: Personal development aims and nominate the students
Speech 4: Speeches of the award recipients 1
Speech 5: Speeches of the award recipients 2

2. Define the message

Describe the ideas, emotions, or attitudes that you want to convey. List any stylistic devices
that you want to bring into your message.
Speech 1
a. Primary message
Highlight the significance and rigor of the selection process for the Best Student of the Year
award. It emphasizes the importance of academic excellence, character, and extracurricular
involvement in determining the recipient.

b. Stylistic device ideas

 Alliteration: Using repeated consonant sounds for emphasis, such as "rigorous selection process" or
"comprehensive criteria."
 Anaphora: Repeating a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses, such as "Tonight, as
we eagerly await..." or "Academic excellence serves as..."

c. Main points (if possible)

 Greet the audience and establish a connection by sharing a brief personal anecdote or a relatable
 State the purpose of the speech: to celebrate and recognize the outstanding achievements of the
best student of the year, whose identity will be revealed during the award presentation.

 Briefly explain the rigorous selection process undertaken to identify the best student of the year.
 Discuss the criteria considered during the selection, such as academic excellence, leadership
qualities, community involvement, and personal growth.
Speech 2
a. Primary message
Recognize and celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of the Best Student of the Year,
particularly in the area of public speaking. It also emphasizes the positive impact the student
has had on the school community, fostering unity, inclusivity, and a supportive environment.
b. Stylistic device ideas

 Metaphor: Using metaphorical language to describe the impact of the student's accomplishments,
such as "Their words carry weight and conviction, capturing the attention and hearts of their
 Repetition: Repeating key phrases or ideas for emphasis, such as "Their presence has brought about
a positive transformation" or "Their enthusiasm, kindness, and willingness to go the extra mile."

c. Main points (if possible)

 Highlight the importance of academic achievements and their impact on personal and professional
 Discuss the significance of research, innovation, and outstanding performance in different subjects
or fields.
 Express anticipation for unveiling the exceptional accomplishments of the award recipient.

 Describe the significance of active participation and engagement within the school community.
 Highlight the importance of community service, extracurricular involvement, and contributions to
clubs or organizations.
 Share the anticipation of uncovering the recipient's notable impact on the school community.

Speech 3
a. Primary message
Emphasize the importance of personal development, resilience, determination, and integrity in
students. It aims to inspire and encourage personal growth among all students and recognizes
other individuals who have excelled in their personal development journey.
b. Stylistic device ideas

 Parallelism: Using parallel sentence structure to highlight the importance of personal development
aims, such as "Resilience, determination, and integrity are the key qualities we strive for."
 Rhetorical question: Asking a question to engage the audience, such as "Have you ever paused and
really looked at the world around you?"

c. Main points (if possible)

 Discuss the transformative power of personal growth and the development of character traits in
 Highlight the qualities of resilience, determination, and integrity as key drivers of success.

 Express enthusiasm for learning about the personal growth journey of the award recipient.
c. Speech 4
d. Primary message
Express gratitude for receiving the Best Student of the Year award and to highlight personal
growth, achievements, and the significance of the recognition. It serves as an inspiration to
others and encourages them to pursue their goals with passion and dedication.
e. Stylistic device ideas

 Anecdote: Sharing a personal anecdote or story to illustrate the journey of personal growth and
 Emotive language: Using emotionally charged language to express gratitude and pride, such as "I
am overwhelmed with gratitude" or "It means so much to me."

f. Main points (if possible)

 Gratitude and appreciation:
 Humility and recognition:
 Personal growth and experiences:
 Inspiration and motivation:
 Commitment to giving back:
 Closing remarks:

Speech 5
g. Primary message
Express gratitude for being recognized as an outstanding student and to reflect on personal
challenges, growth, and the transformative impact of the university community. It encourages
others to embrace personal development and seize opportunities for growth.
h. Stylistic device ideas

 Contrast: Contrasting the speaker's previous self with their current accomplishments, such as
"Looking back, I can see a huge improvement from my previous self."
 Vivid imagery: Using descriptive language to paint a picture in the audience's mind, such as "Each
encounter, each story, and each experience is so worthwhile and valuable."

i. Main points (if possible)

 Gratitude and appreciation:
 Humility and recognition:
 Personal growth and experiences:
 Inspiration and motivation:
 Commitment to giving back:
 Closing remarks:

3. Transcript of Speech
Speech 1 (full script):
Good evening! I stand before you today with great pleasure and excitement as we gather here to celebrate
and recognize the exceptional achievements of our students. Tonight, we have come together to honor the
Best Student of the Year. While the identity of this remarkable individual remains a suspense, it is
important to acknowledge the rigorous selection process that has led us to this momentous occasion.

When it comes to recognizing excellence, we strive for an objective and fair evaluation. The selection
process for the Best Student of the Year award was not taken lightly. A dedicated committee comprised of
teachers, faculty members, and administrators meticulously reviewed the achievements of our students
against a comprehensive set of criteria.

Academic excellence serves as the foundation for this award. We sought a student who consistently
demonstrated exceptional performance in their studies, achieving remarkable grades, and surpassing the
expectations of their teachers. However, it did not stop there. We also considered the character of the
student - their leadership qualities, dedication to personal growth, and involvement in extracurricular

Tonight, as we eagerly await the announcement of the Best Student of the Year, let us recognize and
celebrate the remarkable achievements of all our students. Their dedication, hard work, and pursuit of
excellence are a testament to their bright futures and the positive impact they will make on the world.

Speech 2 (full script):

A has achieved resounding success in the realm of public speaking. With an unwavering determination to
overcome their initial shyness, they embarked on a journey of self-improvement that would leave a lasting
impact. Through countless hours of practice, honing their delivery, and refining their communication
skills, A has blossomed into a captivating speaker. Their words carry weight and conviction, capturing the
attention and hearts of their audience. Their ability to articulate ideas with clarity, confidence, and passion
has allowed them to command the stage and leave a lasting impression. A serves as an inspiration to
others, showcasing the transformative power of perseverance and dedication in achieving excellence in
the art of speaking.

The impact of A on the school community has been truly remarkable. Their presence has brought about a
positive transformation, inspiring and uplifting everyone around them. Through their actions and
involvement, they have fostered a sense of unity, inclusivity, and camaraderie among students and faculty
alike. Whether it's through leading initiatives, organizing events, or offering a helping hand to those in
need, A has consistently gone above and beyond to make a difference. Their enthusiasm, kindness, and
willingness to go the extra mile have left an indelible mark on the school community, creating a
supportive and thriving environment where everyone feels valued and encouraged to reach their fullest
potential. A is a true embodiment of the power of individual contributions in shaping a vibrant and
inclusive school community.

Speech 3 (full script)

t aims for self-improvement, evolution, and transformation. The pursuit of personal development includes
character development. You can say that character development is a small circle inside the big circle of
personal development. Our personal character changes over time. So each person must know how to learn
and conquer in the most positive direction.
The students I am about to name below are exemplary individuals who have excelled in their personal
development mission, specifically developing the good qualities that have made them where they are
today. Have you ever paused and really looked at the world around you, sometimes we are so focused on
our daily to do lists that we don’t take time to notice the rapidly changing world around us. Our own
personal growth and development can be the same. I invite you to come and explore the numerous
exciting benefits of our own personal growth and the invaluable role of curiosity to learning, not only to
ourselves but to those who we are supporting and inspiring to have hope, opportunities and belief in
personal control and self-advocacy. In life, there are always barriers that prevent us from moving forward.
There will be times when you feel something heavy on your shoulders, or you simply feel like it's been
too challenging and you want to stop. Such thinking is completely normal and can happen every day in
our lives. But the most important thing is that instead of fear, you accept to face and overcome them.
Especially as a student, it is extremely necessary to nurture and develop personality, which is the key to
opening opportunities in the future. The first thing I want to mention is resilience because to me it seems
to be an effective antidote to all negativity. You know, looking at the problem positively is very relevant
because it will directly affect our mental health. When you happily accept the challenge, it will no longer
be a burden to make you tired because you are already there. Second, determination is a factor that
determines whether you can overcome those challenges or not. A better example of this virtue is when
you put your heart into the path of conquering a certain plan, you are willing to face risks and fail, using
determination until the job is completed. Until then, you have raised yourself to a new level, no difficulty
can stop you. And the last important factor I want to acknowledge is integrity. Faced with risks or
difficulties, sometimes you will easily be shaken in your thoughts or do not believe in your decisions, at
such times, it is very necessary to have consistency. Because only when you put faith in your actions will
you reap the desired results. And all of the above factors have fully converged to build excellent students
like you standing here today. I feel very proud of you and hope shortly our school will nurture more of
such perfect students.
Once again, I would like to commend the following outstanding faces
Speech 4(full script)
I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected to receive the Best Students Of The Year award.
Thank you all so much for being here to share this occasion. I am so honored to have my effort recognized
in this way by being selected as one of the best students of the year! Many hours went into doing research
papers, working my presentations, and it means so much to me that the work that I am so passionate about
also resonates with others.

I would like to thank my family for their love and support throughout this academic year and many other
adventures. Thank you also to Mrs Dung for the inspiration that made my dream possible. Last, but not
least, thank you to Hoa Sen University for offering recognition to university students like me.

Before this academic year, I never thought that I would become a person who can stand in front of people
to persuade them to stop using plastic bags, or even conduct research for academic purposes. Looking
back, I can see a huge improvement from my previous self. That is all thanks to Hoa Sen, the professors,
and my beloved friends. There were times that I just wanted to give up studying and jump into the world
to find a job and earn as much money as possible. However, when I looked at my friends, some of them
are sitting in this room, trying their best everyday, I was motivated by them and kept on going and here I
am today with this precious reward.

However, I believe that the friends that motivated me also deserve to receive this award too. I can see
them working hard day by day alongside me. Being rewarded, I feel like it was just a mere luck and I
want to share this with all of my friends. Even if I did not receive this, I would also be proud of myself for
accomplishing such things this year. So please do not just give up during hard times, things will get better
eventually and it will get the best out of you.
Speech 5(full script):

Hello, I would also like to chime in to express my gratitude. I am flattered to receive the honorable title
"Best Student of The Year" among our university's most brilliant and talented.

Standing here around my fellow peers, who I know are qualified and fantastic in many different ways, I
realized how lucky I am to have this opportunity as a reflection and perhaps a heart-to-heart with those
out there always striving to succeed in this competitive environment.

Talking from my own experience, I struggled a lot when transitioning from a goody-two-shoes high-
school graduate to a sophomore who juggles studying, working, family gatherings, meeting up for leisure
or deadline, earning extra credits, and participating in academic events. It may sound overwhelming, but it
is the essential spice to make life productive and flavourful. Not only did I get to meet seasoned experts,
but I also learned a thing or two to sharpen my skillset. Each encounter, each story, and each experience is
so worthwhile and valuable that I could not be more grateful. Honestly, I think it is all thanks to those I
interact with at the university. If I had not gotten involved in the university's community, I would have
been clueless about all the better versions I could be. Looking at the students with top grades with
multiple contributions from social to academic events, I am partly in awe of their massive achievement,
yet partly eager to be able to do that someday. Then that day arrives hence the fact I am giving my speech
in front of everyone.

Never have I ever thought of myself saying this to a crowd but do not hesitate to reach the unthinkable.
We live in an era of opportunities, so a miscalculation can still benefit you rather than doing nothing. I
once heard this from a movie, and I have been looking up to this motto for years: A setback is a setup for
future accomplishment. That is why I always tell my friends that they never know until they try it.

In conclusion, I want to use this as a reminder to all students of Hoa Sen University that we can be many
things, from a dreamer to a doer, as long as we live up to our beliefs, and life will guide us on this
unexpecting yet thrilling journey. Thank you once again, and have a good day.

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